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Internet Guru Training Camp AN EXTENDED EDITION Some people rush out their first product as they are so excited about it and they just want to see what the reactions of others might be. There‟s nothing wrong with this approach. However, if you‟re feeling like you left out a lot of ideas from this first product, your follow up might be an extended edition which can fill in the gaps you feel you left. Or you can update your book to include new figures and ideas which have changed since the last time you worked on your product. With the clear marketing that the follow up product is basically the first book with some additions, you can help to create a new and energized product without having to reinvent the product altogether. Adding just a few pages will enhance the value of the product and allow you to increase your profits. Here are some ways in which you can extend your book or product or service: 

Add more details The more ideas and pages your book can have, the better it will seem to a new buyer or to an old customer who has the original book. For example, if you talked about email in your last book, you might want to talk more about social media or micro-blogging in this book. And if you talked about those platforms, you might want to talk about the modern trends in advertising and marketing. Update everything to add value.

Update all statistics, facts, and figures Since the numbers change often, updating the numbers in your product or service or book will allow a person to have the more accurate information possible. They will be able to use this information to make decisions which will allow them to succeed in whatever they are trying to do.


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