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The Law Of Attractin Marketing for Internet

8. ATTRACT-ING EMAILS In this age of technology, there is plenty of opportunity to inundate people with information they didn‘t ask for and don‘t want. For example, you can broadcast emails as far and as wide as you want to as many people as you want. Do you know what happens to most of them? They get sent to that little trash can icon in one of two ways. The first way is the person receiving the email doesn‘t recognize the sender and so throws it away. The second way is the email gets sent right to spam. Despite what you may have learned about email marketing in the past, you do not want to build a contact list with any and all email contacts. You want your list to be built with prequalified leads and people who have given you permission in some way to contact them through email. If you inundate someone with emails they don‘t really want to read then you are going to soon be on their list of annoying people to avoid. If you are thinking that is okay because you don‘t get your feelings hurt easily, then think again. In Law of Attraction marketing you want to only do those activities that create positive responses. When you bring a negative image on yourself then the whole business suffers. Remember the discussion on branding? When you are marketing, everything you do impacts your brand. Negative reactions to emails will project into a poor opinion of your whole business. Even if someone was interested in something you have for sale the potential customer just might refuse to make an order just because he or she doesn‘t like your methods. You would think this would be obvious and yet every day email inboxes are filled with spam. In Law of Attraction marketing your goal is to build aa spam-free email marketing system. How do you build an email list that attracts new customers while not scaring away the existing ones and also promotes sales? 

Don‘t use the blind CC line because spam filters recognize this trick and will block your emails

Use opt-in boxes on your website and ask viewers to provide an email address

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