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Popular couple awarded citation for church service

Eastbourne residents, Fran and Peter Baldock, were honoured by the presentation of Bishop’s Citations at a St Alban’s church service at Wellesley College last weekend. These citations, given by Bishop Justin, Anglican Bishop of Wellington, are awarded to people who, over a long period of time, have demonstrated service and commitment to the church.

Joy Baird, the People’s Warden at St. Alban's, says that in Fran and Peter’s case, their commitment to the community has also been significant. The couple have shown a strong Christian commitment and worked as a team over many years. Their involvement has always been characterised by ‘no fuss action’ – seeing what needs to be done, then quietly and quickly getting on with it.


“Peter has served several terms on St Alban’s Vestry,” Joy says, “and with his valuable knowledge of the church, as its Verger. With the move to Wellesley College, he’s the “go to guy” who knows where everything required for a service can be found. He’s the person who unlocks the gate and sets up the flag on a Sunday morning, as well as managing the hall set-up and audio-visual gear. Peter shares in providing music, earlier at St Alban’s church and more recently at Wellesley.”

Fran has also been a Vestry member and for many years worked with the children at St Alban’s Sunday School. Fran and Peter both currently help in bringing older parishioners to and from the Thursday morning communion service and serving morning tea.

In the Eastbourne community, Fran and Peter have had a strong association with the Butterfly Creek Theatre Troupe since its inception in 1987. They’ve contributed in every possible way to professional productions over the years.

Together they have directed, produced, acted, plus designing sets and costumes. For many years, they’ve had important roles with the Eastbourne Memorial Returned and Services Association, Peter as secretary and Fran as welfare officer, roles they carry out with competence and diplomacy.

Joy says that their friends at St Alban’s were proud to recommend they received Citations and delighted Bishop Justin supported the application.

"It came as a complete surprise - a wonderful surprise,” Peter said, “and really only for being part of our communitybe it St Alban's, or Eastbourne, or the School, or the local Clubs - and doing it to acknowledge and honour those who have helped to make 'community' before us. But for the 'church'it'ss more special isn't it. It is the foundation.”

Meanwhile, the 1910 St Alban's Church building in Ngaio Street remains empty, since the congregation had to leave the church in 2016 due to earthquake concerns. Following public consultation, the church presented a proposal to the Anglican Diocese of Wellington, a requirement to allow it to proceed with more detailed planning. This was turned down due to a perceived lack of clear vision for the future use of the church and hall and insufficient unity of purpose within the parish.

The Eastbourne Herald understands the parish members are not in agreement over whether the church should be brought up to code, or a new structure should be built in its place.

Mrs Baird says while they were "very disappointed", ‘"we’re confident we’re on track now".

The new Vestry has now established two teams. One is reviewing and updating the building redevelopment proposal, the other refocusing on ministry efforts. Both teams recognise the importance of reflecting the needs of people and buildings in the 21st century and beyond.

‘We’re really disappointed our redevelopment is taking so long and understand why some people are frustrated and dismayed’ said Joy. However, the parish will now be taking time to agree on a comprehensive vision for the future. We’re hoping to have a sound proposal to bring to the Diocese in the first half of 2021.

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