1 minute read


I don't know why signs have been erected along the Promenade telling owners who don't leash their dogs that they will be fined $300. What has prompted this?

There is a community of dog walkers who often stop to chat while their dogs mill around freely and cause no trouble.


The Promenade is shared by walkers of varying speeds; cyclists of varying speeds so why not unleashed dogs of varying speeds? Some dogs enjoy running along the wall itself. Is that also out of bounds?

I've lived and owned dogs in Eastbourne for 26 years and can't understand why there is suddenly a problem when none previously existed.

Lindsay Mitchell Eastbourne

The Point Howard Community Garden is bursting with life and is going from strength to strength! There has already been a crop of tasty radishes and spinach. The gardeners are doing an awesome job building compost bins, pea frames, wind breaks etc, not to mention creating a rainwater collection system. If you want to get on their mailing list for updates on working bee dates or further details on how you can participate, please email pointhowardgarden@gmail.com or visit their facebook page Point Howard Community Garden.

The Port Road Drags will be held on Sunday, 29 November 2020 7am to 6pm. Noise complaints, reports of dangerous driving or any other illegal activities outside of the 7am - 6pm road closure time need to be reported to the Police on 111 (emergency) or 105 (non-emergency). Noise complaints during the event need to be reported to HCC on 04 570 6666 and the team on duty will contact the Port Road Drags representative.

The PHA would like to thank the 95 households who have become members of the association this year. We really appreciate your support!!
