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A Firm Foundation

Like many others, I have been associated with the Loss Prevention Foundation since its inception. I have seen the growth of the Foundation, the development of the course work, the hard work that the staff and board of directors have completed, but most of all the success of so many in the industry who have obtained either LPQ or LPC certification.

There are many significant accomplishments, but rather than my going through them here, please take five minutes to visit losspreventionfoundation.org and read just the home page. It’s pretty impressive.

In the beginning I wondered if I would go through the LPC coursework and take the exam. I finally came to the conclusion that I should. I was blown away by the quality of the information, the many things that I had forgotten, and the many that I had managed to miss learning. It was all a good read.

Upon completion, the only thing I thought was missing were some fun questions on the quizzes. So believing that every day you can laugh is a good day, here are some questions I would add to the coursework, just for the fun of it.

As a store detective or investigator the best way to get promoted is?

Catch a lot of shoplifters

Kiss up to the store manager

Tell your boss about all the theft you have prevented

As a district LP manager, the most important person in reducing shrink in your district is?


Your store managers

Not a person, but your EAS system

As a regional LP manager, you spend the most time on?

Traveling from store to store

Trying to fill LP openings

Looking for jobs with other companies

As a director or VP of LP, your blood pressure rises dangerously when?

The annual shrinkage results are about to be announced

Your cell phone rings at midnight on Saturday

The CEO of your company wants to see you first thing Monday morning.

You have had a great day when you have a message from?

A recruiter saying he has something very confidential to discuss with you

Your spouse gets a big promotion and is making enough money for you to quit

Legal saying your bad-stop law suit has been settled with a gift certificate

Jim Lee, LPC Executive Editor

As a professional LP executive, I can contribute the most to the bottom line by?

Getting vendors to pay for my dinner

Buying low-grade gasoline for the company car

Helping customers find more merchandise to purchase

In order to maximize your attendance at a conference or convention you must?

Dance, eat, and be merry

Be able to check your email and text during sessions that are boring

Talk to as many colleagues as you can about yourself

What are the tell-tale signs that you are getting the “business” from a vendor?

They have their fingers, arms, and legs crossed when speaking to you

They tell you the perfect solution for your company is in research and development

They want to hire you

If you are unhappy and thinking about looking for a job, where do you turn?

Only those people who can keep a secret and help you

Those who can’t keep a secret and the word will get back to your boss that you are unhappy

The only person who can help you is in the mirror

If you want to get ahead, what additional training or education will help?

On-line newsletters, print offerings, and non-LP training programs

Certifications of any type

Any kind of higher level learning

Okay, so these questions are not likely ever to appear on any certification exam, but after you spend hours and hours going through content and preparing yourself for a professional exam, it is a good thing to step back, relax, and poke a little fun with the work. Good luck to anyone and everyone who makes the commitment to better themselves through education.

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