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LORRINE SAMPAIO graphic design editorial design typography packaging branding interactive design

typographic posters graphic design, typography

A series of typographic posters for four familiar typefaces. The posters explore certain shapes that make it easier to recognize a typography. Playing with colors and creating new forms; these posters want you to look a little closer and find out which letter is in it.

minimalistic album covers graphic design

The following album covers are a reinterpretation of the current ones for the British/Irish band One Direction. The albums are Up All Night [2011], Take Me Home [2012] and Midnight Memories [2013].

POKI packaging

Poki is a packaging design project made in the second year of the Design course at Federal University of Cearรก, as a result of both Product Project and Graphic Project disciplines. Poki is a different liquid soap, where fun and practicality meets. They come in little sachets with just enough liquid soap for your bath. Due to its side, you can bring Poki with you anywhere. Poki means sachet/bag in icelandic and it also sounds like a short name for pocket, representing its portable nature.


magazine; editorial design Lorrine Sampaio, Marina Pires, Rafael Cavalcante

Diverso magazine is an editorial project made in the second year of the Design course at Federal University of Cearå This graphic project has the bold goal to be universal and cosmopolitan, so it can be possible for everyone to connect with the magazine, no matter where they’re from. Diverso wants to be unique and special, wants to impact the way you see a magazine. To achieve such thing, the grid is unconventional and dynamic to symbolize the intense information flow of the contemporary world in which we live in. Also, it can be seen, through all the pages of the magazine, thin lines that are actually from the magazine’s logo, giving a strong identity to the project.

DESIGNUFC catalogue; editorial design

Lorrine Sampaio, Rafael Cavalcante, Leticia Camboim, Anamim Ribeiro, Gabriela Delgado

This catalogue was made in the second year of the Design course at Federal University of Ceará. Its purpose is to present the course for other people, from students and teachers to family and friends. We wanted people to discover the course along with us, so the movement that is made to open the catalogue is quite unique and it feels like they’re opening a gift, as if each page is a surprise. The cover says DESIGN UFC and it has opposite colors, red and green, which can be largely found in the doors and general landscape of our Departament. The fonts, both with and without serif, represents the multidisciplinarity of the Design course. The diagonal line that cross the catalogue brings dynamism and interaction, allowing the person who’s reading it to play with it.

The catalogue is mainly made by photos and quotes. Those quotes are from students and teachers and they tell about their impressions about the course and what it’s like to be a part of it. To bring dynamism and life to our catalogue, we used typography as an appeal, to highlight something important. The catalogue has 3 parts. The first one is called Identities - students and teachers say why they recognize themselves in the course. Then, we have Skills, in which they tell us what’s the best thing they brought to the course and what they realized they liked the most about it. The final part is Possibilities, in which students talk about what they expect to be after they graduate and teachers talk about the impact they hope the Design course will leave. The photos that can be found inside the catalogue are all of places in our Department. They suggest the little details that make our stay in the University more pleasurable.

POP CULTURE posters; graphic design

The following works were made by me in the last two or three years as a hobby, where I can put together what I watch, listen to and like in the pop culture sphere with the experiments I make on Photoshop, mostly. I like to mix textures with pictures, work with typography and coloring photos.


wayfinding design Lorrine Sampaio, Marina Pires, Breno Colares

This project was made in second year of the Design course at Federal University of Cearå. It’s a wayfinding project design developed for the Department of Architecture and Urbanism (DAU), home of both the Architecture and the Design course. The graphic project is quite simple and graceful, the shapes are minimalist, giving more room for the colors and the font to show up. Each function at the Department has its own specific color. If a room has its function changed, the sign on the door can be easily replaced. The project is currently going through a selection process to be approved and established in the Department.


luminaire; product design Lorrine Sampaio, Isac Bernardo, Paulo Jonas Nobre, Lívia Perdigão

Alumiá Luminaire was an integrated project developed at the Bachelor of Design course at the Federal University of Ceará. Students had to design, in visual and product terms, with the local craftsmanship as the theme. The product developed was a lamp, based on the metal craftsmanship of Ceará. The group of designers noticed the greatest cultural heritage of this kind of craftsmanship was the resignfication of existing objects. The craftsman colected objects, perceived its shape and he integrated it to his art. The group took this cultural reference and the historical reference of Italian movement AntiDesign and studied shapes of regional objects to bring a new meaning to them. Thus, it was designed the lamp made of cheese grater. The lamp can be used, according to the consumer’s will. It can be a desk lamp, in a tube shape, or it can be dismembered and become a wall lamp or sconce.

O GRテグ poster; graphic design

T o make the movie poster, the students watched the movie with audio description only, without seeing the images. The final result is an interpretation of what we could hear of the movie. O Grテ」o is a film by Petrus Cariry. Other posters can be seen in the other page.

SKETCHES drawings

This session has all the sketches I’ve done in the past two years, some of them as a hobbie, others as college assignments.

semana 2 1/2 branding

With a minimalistic touch, focused on typography, this is the visual identity created for the reception week’s schedule in which the Design course of Federal University of Cearå welcomes the new students for a new semester.

CALLIGRAPHY calligraphy

The results of a mini workshop of calligraphy in which the students made their own pen and learned about the history of calligraphy to come up with their own writing style. Handmade; edited on Photoshop.

PJ NOBRE branding

This project was made for a Graphic Design assignment in which the students had to design a business card, an envelope and a letterhead based primarily on geometrical shapes, colors and typography. Following a minimalist touch, squares and rectangles were used, giving it a sober and classic look, despite the bright colors. The range of yellow to orange reveals a sliding sensation, making it seem like the shapes are overlapping each other. The color blue is meant to be an opposite for the warm colors.

CONTRATE UM DESIGNER poster; graphic design, advertising

A typographic poster for the Brazilian Association of Design (ABEDESIGN), as an assignment for a Graphic Design class.


poster; typography, graphic design Lorrine Sampaio, Rafael Cavalcante

This poster was made for a compilation of proverbs, in which we could only use typography to express the idea behind the common saying Think twice before you act.

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