Look on the Fields: November 2023

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Look on the Fields November 2023

ITEMS FOR PRAYER AND PRAISE With Daily Scripture Readings

‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel’ Mark 16:15

Brazil Day: 1 South Africa Day: 2, 12 Panama Day: 3 N Ireland Day: 4, 11 Zambia Day: 5, 19 Botswana Day: 6, 18 Angola Day: 7 Australia Day: 8, 13 Scotland Day: 9 Sri Lanka Day: 10 Venezuela Day: 14, 17, 26 New Zealand Day: 15 Ireland Day: 16 Cyprus Day: 20 Albania Day: 21 Poland Day: 22 Italy Day: 23 Tanzania Day: 24 Mexico Day: 25 Romania Day: 27 Moldova Day: 28 England Day: 29 Uruguay Day: 30



Wednesday 1st BRAZIL

John 3-4

Rio Grande Do Sul

All will know of the loss that we have sustained in the work here with the homecall of our esteemed brother Mr Harry Wilson, who went to be with Christ on 13 August. Harry was 94 years of age and had given 71 years of faithful service to the work here since he arrived in the country in 1952, as a young man of 22. Although he became increasingly weak over recent times, he was able to be out at meetings until quite recently. At his request Roberto Ploia and I had the responsibility of speaking at his large funeral in Porto Alegre. His wife, Beth (92), has managed remarkably well in all the circumstances but will need your continued prayers in coming days. Now that we are without Harry, and also our esteemed brother Tom Matthews, we are more conscious than ever of the need to see faithful young couples raised up by God to give their whole lives to the work here. Just over a month ago I finished 7 weeks of Gospel meetings in the hall in Est ncia Velha with a local brother, Leonardo. Although there is no Assembly in Est ncia Velha, the hall is well located for believers from the 4 assemblies in the Vale dos Sinos area to attend. We were really encouraged with excellent numbers, with up to 15 unsaved present some nights and good support from each of the 4 local assemblies. Over the course of the meetings, I counted more than 40 different unsaved people, some of whom were hearing the Gospel for the first time. Because of the interest shown, local brethren have

decided to continue with a meeting each Thursday night. We trust that we will soon hear news of blessing in the salvation of precious souls. I then had a few meetings in a town called Lages which is in our neighbouring state of Santa Catarina, about 5 hours from home. Our brother Claudio, one of the national workers, has been having meetings there 1 or 2 nights per week over recent months and he asked me to help him a little in this exercise. We had 3 nights of meetings each week, from Wednesday to Friday, for 3 weeks with up to 12 unsaved present, which was really encouraging in a place where there is no established work. We would really appreciate your prayers for the Lord's blessing as our brother Claudio continues to work in this town. For the past 4 Monday nights I have been with the assembly in Os rio for ministry meetings. It has been good to see the interest shown by the believers and we have had good numbers in spite of unusually wet weather. In the will of the Lord, I hope to commence Gospel meetings in Os rio on 15 October. Please pray for the Lord's blessing. C. 1998



John 5-6

Thursday 2nd SOUTH AFRICA

It has been good this week to be out preaching and distributing literature. Residential areas have been visited and it is always good to have an audience of adults and children and to give them something to read. While in one residential area I visited a man whom I have preached to at various times. I used the opportunity to preach to him again. He has a clear understanding of the Gospel but very sadly is letting something in his life hinder him from coming to Christ. He displays Bible verses in Afrikaans and English in his living room which we gave him many months ago and he took more literature from me this week.

Cape Town

There is an ongoing opportunity to preach on Cape Pulpit radio station. Today I was in the recording studio of the station and recorded four messages. We are thankful for these messages going into many homes over a wide area. I give my email address at the end of each message. We look to God to give the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6). C. 2001



Friday 3rd

John 7-8


In March of this year, we finalized the purchase of a new building for the assembly to meet in. Since then we have been occupied with renovations and after meeting in a garage of a small house for sixteen years, we broke bread for the first time on September 3, 2023, in the new building. It was lovely to have the tranquility of the new area allowing us to enjoy a quiet Lord’s Day. Our New Hall focus now turns to the second floor where there is much work to be done to renovate a couple of bedrooms, bathrooms for visiting help, as well as a couple of storage rooms. On October 1, we were encouraged by receiving a sister into the assembly. She was baptised in May and has shown spiritual growth and sincere convictions in relation to the local assembly. Her husband is in fellowship and it’s so nice to see them both enjoying assembly fellowship together. Being in a new area brings new opportunities for the Gospel. On Lord's Day past a neighbour lady, who had been invited during the week, came along to the Gospel meeting. Afterwards we had a chance Concrete to speak with her and she said that when she reads the Bible, she doesn’t understand anything, but during the Gospel meeting that night she had understood a few things. What a contrast to those who usually show up, tell us what we are doing wrong, condemn us for not having a “Pastor”, then disappear. This dear lady was sincere in her words, and we gave her some simple Bible studies about the Gospel and plan to visit her soon. There are two couples (Lelia and Max, Digna and Claudio), daughters with their husbands of a dear sister called Olegaria who passed away last year, who continue to attend regularly. Max and Lelia would profess to be saved and keen to learn about the local assembly. They haven’t attended a “church” for years as they were put off by the hypocrisy that they witnessed in the places they previously attended. They are encouraged with what they are hearing and seeing, and we trust that the Spirit continues to guide them into all truth.

Another young couple Edward and Mitzela, saved and baptised, are faithful in their attendance and have a keen interest in learning more of the scriptures and assembly truth. One Sunday while still meeting in the garage, it was very hot, humid, and uncomfortable Edward said, “this place sure isn’t comfortable but I really like what I’m hearing”. We are thankful for their attitude and desire to grow spiritually.

Sunday Ministry

Denis, the father of Mitzela and Milbia (his girlfriend) attend most meetings and though we’re not sure about their spiritual position, they appreciate the scriptures and the preaching of the gospel. We value your labouring with us in prayer. 'And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.' Acts 2:47 C. 2006



Saturday 4th

John 9-10



Back in June, I was glad to join brother Dan Gillies and the assembly at Kirkconnel for two weeks of gospel in Dan’s tent. The assembly keep faithfully at the gospel over the summer months in the open air and so the tent is an additional witness to their work in Kelloholm and Kirkconnel, providing an opportunity for door-to-door visitation. Brother Craig Munro on behalf of the assembly arranged for an invitation distribution beforehand via the Postal Service in the village and over a wide area. Numbers, however, were not large, but we’re thankful for all who came along, for any opportunities to speak with people and for the saints that supported from other parts. As always, we sow the seed in hope. Last weekend we held a weekend for Bible teaching here in Magherafelt with brethren David McAlister and Raymond Kirkpatrick. Having looked forward to it for some months and never having done this before, we were truly encouraged with the numbers and interest. The ministry was on the theme of ‘Family Relationships’ both in the spiritual and physical family, with a Bible reading conducted by brother David on the Saturday afternoon on 1 John chapter 2. We thank God for His mercies to us. To borrow from the words of the Psalmist ‘a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand’ (Psa 84:10). A sincere thanks to all who attended. Presently I’m preparing for ministry on the Levitical Offerings with the assembly that meet in Central Hall Bangor. We look to the Lord for His help and blessing. C. 2003



Sunday 5th

John 11-12



Chitokoloki Mission Hospital’s airplane has just finished its annual recertification process, for which we are very thankful. The process is fairly involved and full of red tape, so it is a relief to have the job finished for another year. We plan to switch Aircraft Maintenance Organizations in the coming year. Flying Mission Zambia has agreed to take us on. They are a Christian group, very much aligned with Chitokoloki in promoting

Junior Boys' Camp the Gospel through practical means. We have had a good relationship with them, and they have helped us greatly during the last few years. Kids’ camps are finished for the year, and we were happy with the way things went. Alison spoke at Intermediate Girls, and I took Junior boys. Mr Simawu, a believer from a nearby assembly took Senior Boys and a local sister from a different local assembly took the Senior Girls. Both presented the way of salvation in clear terms and there was no doubt that the campers heard and were made aware of the responsibility of having heard the Gospel. One girl who got saved in Sunday School was present at camp and paid keen attention. We were much encouraged by this as it does not happen all the time. Her name is Janet and we would be grateful if you would keep her in your prayers. The picture above is from Junior Boys Camp. Our Thursday school program has started for the term. This school is called Kanyanzi and is a bit further than any of the previous schools, about a 45-minute drive away on a sand road. The teachers were very welcoming and appreciative of our coming and we were encouraged by a group of close to 100 kids. There are many opportunities for work with kids in Zambia. We would appreciate your prayers for this as well. C2013/17



Monday 6th

John 13-14



Yesterday evening these young Sunday School children came to say their Bible verses. When they were practising last week, they were not quite ready to complete them all so they asked to re-try. This group is an English-speaking group as some of my neighbours are from other countries within Africa. I tell them the page number and we read aloud together. The prize for the verses is a framed Bible verse picture. The pictures were supplied by a kind young woman from Northern Ireland who visited many years ago, took the photos and sent out a massive supply of A4 pictures. I thought we had used them all up but to my delight I found some in a corner of a cupboard. Please pray for the Sunday School children.

I have been encouraged with a married couple who live two doors away who have started the Bible course that comes from Serowe. The lady has been very touched by her own mother’s Christian testimony during a very trying period. I do value prayer for them that the Lord will speak to their hearts. The lady has for years come to all the gospel meetings I have here at home. She asked if Clark (Logan) would do a Bible study with them both as she knows him well. It was so lovely. The lady met my niece during her recent visit and was very interested to know other members of my family were also Christians and not just me. When Hannah gave her a Bible she was speechless. I was more than surprised to be stopped on Sunday by a policeman in uniform. He was parked in a police car off the road and had the window down. As I walked past him, he spoke to me and said he knew me and remembered receiving a Bible from me and another young woman many years ago. We were way up north visiting some believers and this young lady from Scotland had had a burden to pass on gospel leaflets and Bibles in the villages we travelled through. He received a Bible that day as he was manning a check point on the main road that we were using. He was aglow with the joy of the Lord. It was quite amazing that he even recognised me but more than that, how encouraging to hear from him about the gift of the Bible. It is a great privilege to realise we are linked together in the work of the Lord. We so much value your prayer support and loving care and fellowship. Heaven will have many unfoldings of what your part has been. I think there will be a lot of joy. God bless and encourage you as He encourages us. C. 1990



Tuesday 7th ANGOLA

John 15-17


This month we have been remembering the Lord’s faithfulness to us over the past 30 years since we were commended to the grace of God by our home assembly. It is good to recall His mercies and how He has kept us and enabled us to stay on the field of service to which He called us. We rejoice in that we continue to see the Lord at work in the lives of many. Someone recently told us that the gospel has made a dramatic change in the village, times when women are screaming having been beaten by their husbands are less common, the cases of drunkenness has reduced, the drums of the diviner are seldom heard now. The light of the gospel of God’s grace is shining in a once dark village and Luanda book room lives are changing. 30 years ago, the village had many shrines to idols of wood, clay and stone, today none are seen as you walk through the village. We praise the Lord for His mighty work in the lives of many, and to see lives turned from idol worship to serve the Lord is thrilling. We would value prayer that we might continue to see His hand in salvation and spiritual growth and development. Our four weekly bible classes continue, and it’s been encouraging to see the believers locally reaching out in gospel testimony in neighbouring villages. The elders have been arranging visits for bible teaching in nearby assemblies too and we are so pleased that this is a local initiative by national believers who, having been taught, are seeking to teach others also. Monthly study days continue to be well received and are well attended, as we invite 17 local assemblies and others also join in. The teaching we trust encourages them to press on in their distant villages and equips them for the work locally. Recently an elderly brother from our assembly has been accused of witchcraft by his grandchildren who live in the town of Saurimo. A diviner has pronounced that he is guilty, and as a result he has been badly beaten, cruelly mistreated and has been told that he will be killed. So he lives day by day, expecting any moment for the grandchildren

Believers with literature purchased to come and take him away to kill him. A vivid reminder of the darkness of this culture and the acceptance that this is ‘normal’. Please pray for Sajita that he will remain strong. The Lord's words to Peter, “tend my lambs” is our daily challenge as we live and work amongst a desperately poor community, and our fellow brothers and sisters who are in deep need materially. We continue to do what we can when we can to help meet some of the needs but at times it feels as if we are overwhelmed. We are thankful that the school is continuing, our deputy head is excellent, and we have a good number of keen younger teachers now. We’d appreciate prayer as we try to encourage the head to be more dynamic and be an example. We are constantly being amazed at the hunger for the Scriptures in Angola. We are selling about 13,000 Portuguese bibles a year at the moment and still don’t have sufficient to meet the needs. We now have 7 locations where we are selling literature in Angola and the demand for Portuguese bibles is increasing. We are eagerly waiting to receive the reprint of 20,000 Chokwe bibles in Angola and look forward to being able to make these available again. We are so thankful for the prayers of the Lord’s people as we press on with the work He has given us to do. C. 1993



Wednesday 8th

John 18-19



After being overseas for almost five months, we returned to Australia on the 14th of August this year. Besides visiting our family in Colombia and Venezuela, we were busy helping

Gospel meeting in Cucuta, Colombia the assemblies where we grew up. It was a busy time, with meetings and conferences in different places, but it was very encouraging to witness the exercise of the assemblies regardless of all the problems in those countries. During that time, I also helped with a conference in Huaral (Peru) and visited some assemblies in New Jersey and Arkansas. After our return we have been busy again with the work among the Spanish-speaking community around Brisbane. The work with them involves much more than having meetings at the hall; we try to keep in contact with them regularly using WhatsApp messages, phone calls and meeting them for a meal or a cup of coffee. Each one of them have different spiritual needs, from the doubts of the unsaved ones to the need of encouragement of those who are saved. We have found that it is vital to be always clear about the importance of gathering unto the Name of the Lord alone, as many are confused by the different denominations around them. I have created some YouTube videos in Spanish to help them with doctrinal issues, and I have found that they are very useful. Last month (September) we had the privilege of attending three conferences here in Australia. At the beginning of the month, we had a conference in our local assembly (Conference Hall) where I gave a report of our labours during our overseas trip; then, the following weekend, we went to the Burleigh Head’s conference where it was my privilege to help with the ministry and the preaching of the gospel. There were several contacts from the Spanish work at the gospel meeting in the conference, so the elders allowed me to preach in both languages (English and Spanish). To do that, I said something in English first and then repeated it in Spanish, so everybody in the audience could understand the message. After that conference we travelled 2,000 kilometres by car to attend the South Australian conference; Bryan and Dawn Stewart, with the help of the

A group of young believers at the South Australian conference few local brethren, worked very hard to organise this conference, with an attendance of more than 200 people, which is very large for Australian standards. To God be the glory! We would appreciate your prayers for the ongoing work among the Spanish-speaking contacts, not only for salvation of souls but also for the spiritual growth of those who are in assembly fellowship. Also, I will be travelling for the first time to New Zealand this month (October) to help with two conferences and ministry meetings in some assemblies. We also need your prayers for the purpose of visiting Papua New Guinea before the end of the year, as we need to do several things before going there. Thank you for your prayers!! WILLIANS & KYLIE ALCALA


Thursday 9th

John 20-21


New Cumnock

Last night I concluded a series of Gospel meetings in fellowship with the assembly at Lanark. Over the course of the two weeks there were around a dozen visitors and the area around the hall was thoroughly visited. We are still trusting God for salvation. On Thursday evening I kept a longstanding commitment to the monthly gospel meeting at Ebenezer Hall, Lockerbie. I have been running this since the spring with pretty poor attendance, but last month we had people attending and on Thursday there were 15 people at the meeting. There was a mixture of people, with some support from assembly folks, some from the denominations and some who aren’t saved as far as we know. This, if numbers maintain or grow, is what we have been praying for and is another step toward something more regular, or even permanent, being established. On Friday of this week, I take delivery of the Origin Bible Exhibition from Northern Ireland. The brothers who are involved there have done a reprint and have kindly gifted this one to the work here. We hope to find plenty of uses for it in this area and perhaps further afield. We truly appreciate your prayerful support for all these efforts. C.2019



Friday 10th

Acts 1-3



During the month of September, Jack Hay (Perth) and Paul McCauley (Belfast) visited us in Sri Lanka. The brothers spoke at meetings that had been arranged in several districts of the country. They began their visit in Dematagoda where our assembly conducts weekly Dematagoda gospel meetings among children. During the last year, we have noticed the number of children steadily increasing. Now approximately 130 to 140 children are present every week. Most of the children are from Buddhist, Muslim and Hindu families. Several of these children have started to attend the weekly children’s meetings that are held in our assembly premises. The Dematagoda area is an area with the highest crime rate in our city. It is also the place where the most amount of drugs are distributed in our city. The children from this area are exposed to many different vices. Please remember this ministry in your prayers. Jack and Paul also visited several schools during their stay in Sri Lanka. Over the years, we have visited schools in many different areas of the country and presented the gospel. On this occasion, we visited schools in the Nuwara Eliya area of the country, and the gospel was presented to thousands of children. In some of the schools that we visit on a regular basis, the head

Village Group

teachers have allowed us to provide a full-time teacher to teach in the school. Several sisters in the assemblies have volunteered to serve in this ministry which has opened many doors for the local assemblies. Please remember the schools ministry in your prayers. Several assemblies organized both gospel and ministry meetings in villages all around the country during Jack and Paul’s visit to Sri Lanka. Many believers were strengthened in the faith and several hundreds of souls heard the gospel. We had the joy of being present at a baptism meeting and witnessing several new believers being baptized in the Indian Ocean off the village of Verugal Mukathuvaram in eastern Sri Lanka. It was wonderful to hear some of the testimonies of those that had recently Baptism East been saved. It was very encouraging to see that despite all the difficulties that the people in this area have experienced during the last year the Gospel is still going forth and souls are being saved and being added to the assemblies. In September, a conference was organized in Valaichchenai in eastern Sri Lanka. Over 400 believers attended the conference. Jack and Paul shared the ministry over 8 sessions. The local police had heard about this meeting and visited the Valaichchenai Gospel Hall premises twice. They visited once, the day before the conference and once on the day of the conference (but when they arrived in the evening the conference had finished). If they had seen foreign speakers and the large numbers gathered, they may have taken action and stopped the meetings. We thank God for arranging the timings of their visits in such a way that the conference was not disrupted. On Sunday 10th September three young brothers were baptized at Bethesda Gospel Hall. Chandu Attanayaka was one of those that was baptized. He testified how he had been immersed in Buddhism since he was a child. He told us how he was living a life full of sin wanting only to please himself. One day he heard the gospel, realized that he was a sinner and he decided to repent of his sin and put his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. He said that since that day his life had changed and now, he has a great thirst to know more about God. Please remember in your prayers Chandu and the others that were baptized. We would like to thank you for your prayers for the Lord’s work in Sri Lanka BETHESDA GOSPEL HALL, COLOMBO


Acts 4-6

Saturday 11th N. IRELAND


The month of September was focused on local work. I restarted a small Bible study. Door to door work around Ebenezer Gospel Hall (Belfast) in July had resulted in another local man wishing to study the Bible with us. Nick attended the Galatians Bible studies throughout September and began to attend the Gospel meeting too. He has just informed me yesterday that he has got saved. We are deeply thankful to the Lord for His gracious blessing and would ask you to pray for Nick’s spiritual progress and preservation. I was privileged to join with the Fernielea Assembly (from Aberdeen) at their annual Faskally weekend in September and teach from the book of 1 Timothy over four sessions. My theme was ‘Truth Matters’ and I enjoyed greatly the teaching/discussions and warm fellowship of the saints. Prayer would be Fernielea Faskally weekend valued for the long-term benefit of God’s truth in the lives of the many young people who attended. On 1st October, Paul McCauley and I commence a two-week Gospel series in Ahorey Gospel Hall and prayer would be appreciated for the Lord’s blessing on our door-to-door visitation and preaching. In October Paul McClarty and I intend to restart our monthly ‘Truth for Today’ ministry meetings in Kingsmoss Gospel Hall. Please pray for spiritual fruit from the exposition of God’s word. I have commenced a Monday morning prayer group specifically focused on prayer for revival for the work of the Gospel and among local assemblies in Belfast. May the Lord be pleased to move in mighty power in our city and restore to us times of much Gospel fruit. If anyone with a particular interest in praying for Belfast wishes to join with the prayer group on Zoom, you can email me on dwilliamson01@yahoo.com and I will let you know details. At the beginning of November I hope to return to Hildenborough Gospel Hall in Kent, England for a short series of Gospel meetings. I was with the assembly there earlier in the year as part of their year-long drive to evangelise their area. At that time we were encouraged by a few who attended the Gospel series. The assembly plan a further invitation drop of over 30,000 leaflets advertising the meetings in November. Prayer would be very much valued for the salvation of souls and encouragement of saints in this effort. DAVID & JENNIE WILLIAMSON


Sunday 12th

Acts 7-8



Please continue to pray for the children, mums and dads who are doing the Bible correspondence lessons, as we have a large get together of about 200 this Saturday. More mums and dads are asking to do the lessons. A young man, who also does the lessons, has asked Afrikaans Bible correspondence children's work to attend the Gospel meeting. He was head boy in a school here in George. Unfortunately, his home circumstances are very bad. Please pray that he may find the Lord Jesus soon. Another mum and daughter attended the Gospel meeting last week. The daughter has already made a profession of faith. Please pray for the mum. Please pray for Zelda and family who have been through very difficult circumstances. We previously asked for prayer for them as the brother has been on drugs. He has literally smashed everything in their home. We were able to take the family to see him. He has been arrested and is now in jail awaiting trial and waiting to be accepted for rehabilitation. He is terrified in the jail and says he needs to make peace with God.

Children's work Please pray for Shane Gilbert. He was one of our Sunday school children over 30 years ago. He has been a gangster and been in jail a few times. He recently had two heart

attacks and his sister phoned us to go see him. He is a very sick man, but only 51 years old. He was very open and confessed he needs to get right with God. He asked for a cottage meeting, which we had in his home. He asked us today for a Bible, as only his wife has one. He would like to mark the verses himself as he reads the Word. We have been having a lot of power ‘loadshedding’, often up to 10 hours a day. We do not have electricity for these hours. This is especially difficult for those who do not have gas and must make a fire to cook their food. We are thankful the meetings continue as usual, and we are able to use rechargeable lights. Please continue to pray for the TB hospital and all the patients. Please especially remember Jackie and Henry who are both in the hospital at present. Henry is quite ill. They have both attended cottage meetings and we have been able to share the Gospel and leave literature with them once again. Please continue to pray for us in difficult days. C.2000 (SA)



Monday 13th

Acts 9-10



We have had a busy time since leaving Iowa, USA last month, after labouring there for 2 months. Immediately following the Ankeny Conference, we were booked to fly home to Queensland. Our flight was cancelled, and the later flight meant we missed our connecting flight through to Australia and had to spend 24 hours in Dallas. But we are sure the Lord allowed this for a purpose, and we had the privilege of staying with believers in Dallas, John and Ruth Gross. It was a real blessing to meet them, and they were very kind to put us up for the night. We arrived home a day later, so instead of having two days at home, we only had one before flying south to Adelaide for a conference. The theme of the conference was the promises of God, and it was a joy to listen to quality ministry. Following the conference, we left immediately for home, but Sandy Higgins and Marius Minnaar continued in ministry for a few days. The following week we were called to Melbourne to take part in the funeral of a beloved brother who was called home to glory suddenly and unexpectedly. We stayed on a few days with the family to provide a little comfort in their sudden grief. The Lord gave great help for the difficult time, and we continue to pray for all involved. After a weekend back at our home assembly in Cooroy, we were invited to visit the Saints meeting in Bethany Hall. It was a lovely time around the Word of God and refreshing to see these believers again. Currently I am in New Zealand where I am visiting various assemblies, including attending the annual conference in the Rhode Street Assembly in Hamilton this weekend. Over the past 5 occasions of the annual conference Bible Reading, we have covered the book of James, and this year commence 1st Peter, so are looking forward to this. God willing, we are to be in Melbourne for the annual conference in the Dandenong Assembly later this month. It is always very special for me to visit this assembly, as it was there that I first heard the gospel and was saved! Then 14th November to 5th

December I am pencilled in to visit Uganda. It’s quite amazing how the door has opened to this land, and we can only feel that the Lord has been behind the scenes directing our path. A contact was made through our online gospel meetings during Covid in 2020, and from there it seemed the door of opportunity opened to visit. I contacted brother Stephen Baker (UK) who visits there and he was able to tell me that over the last few years a number of assemblies have been established near the area of our online contact. Through this, the believers there have encouraged me to visit and teach among these new companies of believers and they have specifically requested teaching from Acts on the “Apostles Doctrine.” We are thrilled to oblige and call upon the Lord for help by the Holy Spirit. Since then, we have found out that Ben Craig, who is now married with a family, is living in the capital city of Kampala. So having been in contact with him, he also desires that we visit him there. Josiah will be accompanying me there. May the Lord go before us and prosper our way. We truly value and need your prayers. CLIVE & RACHAEL BARBER


Tuesday 14th

Acts 11-13


San Carlos

One of the last things Mr. Walmsley told me last year before passing away was that God’s work takes its time. Sometimes we could despair and try to make things move a little faster, but we have to have patience and let God do His work in His own time.

We are in our fourth week of gospel meetings here in El Baul. The heat is terrible, but it’s a joy to help the young assembly here in their efforts to maintain testimony for God in the midst of so much false profession. A man in his sixties called Crijai, a brother of one of the brethren in fellowship, professed faith after attending only one week of meetings. God had been working in his heart for some time before coming to the meetings and he had been reading a New Testament which he had borrowed. Convicted of his sin, he wanted forgiveness, but thought some pastor had to put his hand on him, as is the Baptism night in El Baul

custom among the Pentecostals. When he learned that salvation was a very personal transaction between himself and God, he went into his room, closed the door and on his knees accepted God’s forgiveness. Cases like this man encourage us to depend upon the Lord to accomplish His work. Quite a few others have been attending for months and even years, and don’t seem to get any closer to salvation. Orlando, a middle-aged man who professed six months ago, has asked for baptism. His mother attended our meetings and professed to be saved before dying with cancer, and the family allowed us to preach the gospel several nights in the home. Impressed with the order of the meetings, Orlando later started to attend very consistently, until he felt he couldn’t continue any longer without Christ. We have also been able during the daytime to do a few more jobs towards the completion of the hall.

El Baul Assembly When we finish here in El Baul we plan, God willing, to have a series in El Pao where there are several new believers wanting to be baptized. Norbelys, a schoolteacher, got saved two years ago and has consistently given evidence of new life. José, the man she lived with and had a family with, attended almost all the meetings, but remained in his sins. He came to the San Carlos conference in August past and got saved in one of the Bible readings. Shortly after that they got married and both want to be baptized. Another young mother who has been attending told us recently that she got saved at 5 a.m. in her own home and is very happy. We appreciate indeed your interest and prayers for the Lord’s work in this land. C. 2000 (Ven)



Wednesday 15th

Acts 14-15



Since our last report in April we attended two conferences in the North Island of New Zealand: Victoria Avenue Assembly, Palmerston North (Mid-May), and Miramar Assembly, Wellington (the week following). Both of these conferences were very well attended, and much help was given. The first three weeks of June were spent labouring locally (Orewa, Auckland). However, we took advantage of very cheap flights advertised to visit the Miramar Assembly in Wellington (the capital) on three Wednesday nights in a row for a series of ministry meetings on the book of Nehemiah. During the last week of June, we travelled to the east coast, where there is a small assembly at Hastings (Karamu Gospel Hall). They have seen tremendous blessings over recent years, with some added to the assembly. The month of July was spent in the South Island of New Zealand where we visited 4 assemblies, mostly in the top half of the Island. On our way back to Auckland, we spent the last week in July in Palmerston North for a series of ministry meetings starting on the Wednesday night and continued over the weekend with 3 sessions on Saturday & one session on Sunday afternoon, followed by the Gospel meeting. These meetings were well-attended by the locals with a good number of visitors from assemblies as far away as Hawkes Bay and Wellington. During August, I commenced a series on the Tabernacle locally on Tuesday nights, to be continued from October to November. A fleeting visit was made to Waipapa, a very small assembly about 3 hours’ drive north of us in the far north region of New Zealand, where ministry was given during their mid-week meeting.

At the end of August, we travelled to Melbourne in Australia for a 2 week series of gospel meetings at the South Oakleigh assembly. I shared the gospel with different local brethren every night and it was a real joy to labour with them to the furtherance of the gospel. Please pray especially for: •

A young father, William, who showed a real interest and attended most of the meetings during the last week, and continued even after the special series finished.

An Egyptian couple, neighbours to one of the elders of the assembly. The wife is Coptic Orthodox, and her husband didn’t seem overly interested. However, although she never came to any of the meetings, he attended three evenings in a row, but then had to leave on an overseas trip. Please remember Marcos & Marianna.

Following the gospel series in Melbourne, we travelled to Adelaide (South Australia) for a 6-day conference. Due to increased numbers, the venue had to be changed and a marquee was hired for the Sunday meetings to accommodate everyone. The number of young people at this conference was very encouraging and they seemed to have a real hunger for the Word of God. After labouring at home for the last part of September and the start of October, we will be attending the inaugural Missionary Conference in Palmerston during the first weekend in October, and the annual conference of the Frankton Assembly in Hamilton the weekend following. We depend on the prayers of believers here and abroad, as we are very conscious of our weakness and the need to depend upon the Spirit of God for this great work we are involved in - what a tremendous privilege though! The verse that continues to motivate us in this difficult but noble work, is ‘Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die (Rev 3:2)’. MARIUS & YVETTE MINNAAR


Thursday 16th

Acts 16-18



We have had a busy summer and continue to be encouraged by what God is doing in our community. The main activities of the summer were: Newbliss Bible Club: This village is almost 100% Roman Catholic, and we were thankful to have around 30 children each day. We shared with them “Lessons from Young People in the Bible”. Postal Bible School Summer Camp: We were glad to be able to help Gareth and Margaret again with the annual PBS Camp. Almost 120 Campers and Leaders were present. Michael McKillen was our speaker and shared two talks each day on “The Call of God”. We were encouraged on the final evening when seven teenagers gave very honest testimonies, and the following week we learned of one 18-year-old who had trusted the Saviour. Drum Activity Week: We had over 90 children on the Roll. We shared with them stories from the key aspects of the work of the Saviour. We are thankful that so many families,

Drum Bible Activity Week who live close to our assembly in Drum, feel free to send their children along. Many of the parents came along as children in our early years in Drum. Recently we have been encouraged by one young lad, who trusted the Lord at camp a number of years ago, joining with us in Drum on Sunday morning. Since he has passed his driving test, he has been coming regularly. Also, in the last month we have been blessed to have a young couple, and their three boys with us at our assembly meetings. They are presently renovating a house not far outside Drum and have expressed a desire

to have fellowship with us. Please pray that we will be an encouragement to them. As we move into the autumn our regular activities are recommencing once again. We would value your prayers for: Monday evening Bible Club; Community Coffee Morning / Parent and Toddler’s Group on Wednesday morning; “The SHED” Teenager’s Outreach on the last Saturday of each month; and regular Bible Study Groups for both Men and Ladies. Please also pray for our Sunday Gospel Meetings (2nd and 4th Sunday each month). Regular visitation in the district has resulted in good attendance at our Sunday Gospel Meeting. We long to see some of those who have been attending coming to true faith in the Saviour. A lot of my time is spent in visitation work, and it is good to be welcomed in so many homes. We live in a sad world, and I often have to listen to the “problems of life” which people are facing. It is good to be able to share the Scriptures and pray with them. Liza continues to be involved in helping with the editing of Bibletime lessons. She is also glad to be able to help look after grandchildren to allow their parents (Gareth and Margaret in Cootehill, and Mark and Hazel in Armagh) to engage in God’s work in their different spheres of service for Him. C. 1992



Friday 17th

Acts 19-20


Los Altos

We are currently preaching in our State capital city of Cumaná. Our son-in-law Pedro Malave and others are sharing in this effort, as three of us preach each evening. This is the fourth week, and we usually have fourteen to eighteen unsaved in the meetings. Of those who are not believers, about 90% have never sat in gospel meetings before. They are listening with reverence, and we believe that they are understanding the message of the gospel. The meetings are held outside the home of a very hardworking man called Agustin Lemus. His partner Rosa Vallejo is a very exercised believer. They have been together for 23 years and have two daughters; the elder, Carola, got saved in 2019 when we had meetings in another town called El Campito. However, Rosita her younger sister did not, and then turned away and refused to go to meetings. Mercifully both Sr. Agustin and Rosita are attending each evening and listening very well. Likewise, many of the wider family who live nearby are coming also. Speaking to one of Agustin’s sisters, she told me she understands, and had decided to believe. A couple of nights later she confessed to having received Christ at home. On a more personal note, my health continues to improve, and Anne is also well, indeed better than me – and is kept busy looking after me! We are expecting our daughter Yuni and Jeff, with their three children for a few days. Then on Saturday William Turkington and his new wife Joelina with her two children. So now it is Mr and Mrs William Turkington with their five children. They are very happy and would value the prayers of God’s people. We thank you again for your prayers. C. 1977



Saturday 18th

Acts 21-23



Last weekend the Francistown Assembly convened the Boipuso (Independence) Conference. Believers from the 6 assemblies in Botswana gathered for the ministry of the Word by Levi Zulu (Lusaka, Zambia), David McKillen (UK), and also Evaristo Yamboto (Kazangula, Zambia). Brother Dan Nguluka (Maun, Botswana), preached the Gospel with brother David. On Sunday evening brother Levi gave a brief overview of the Lord’s work in Zambia. Some other believers from Zambia were also with us. Before lunch on Sunday, and after teaching on baptism, a young lady was baptized. We had the privilege of baptizing Lebang in cool water on a very hot day (almost 40C). Lebang’s baptism and testimony has encouraged the believers greatly. It was at Francistown Sunday School as a primary school student that she learned about salvation, then since 2021 / 2022 she started attending the Sunday meetings. We recently heard of her conversion and desire to be Lebang's baptism baptized, and so it was arranged. What is unique about Lebang’s story is that she is deaf and dumb; some believers write notes for her during the meetings. She is working in town and is so happy to be with the believers of the assembly again. We opened the bookroom at the conference, and it was encouraging to see some believers coming in and choosing books and Bibles. Some of the literature is taken to give to others, so the book room is in its own way a channel for literature for others. We trust God to bless this activity. Some adults are continuing with the Way of Righteousness Bible lessons. One gentleman from a builders’ merchants in town has, after a few years of study, finished all 100 lessons of the informal course. Some of his colleagues are also interested, but just read the lessons and have said how helpful the lessons are. We are looking forward to the arrival of the Sunday School container in the next week or two hopefully. The contents so generously and lovingly donated, really are a great help in the work here. We thank the Lord for this wonderful exercise in His name. Once the boxes have arrived at the hall, it will be then be preparation for the various Sunday School prizegiving services in November, God willing. As a family we are well. Rejoice has now started at the University of Botswana at Gaborone. She has settled and is enjoyed her first few weeks, also much appreciating the kindness and fellowship of the believers of the assembly. Thomas is concluding his first year of A levels, and James form 3. Thank you very much for your prayers for us and the work here. C. 1999



Sunday 19th ZAMBIA

Acts 24-26

Writing from Scotland

We are in contact with Mambilima daily, and although we cannot be there or visit, we continue to support the folks there. News, photos, even videos arrive regularly. The work of the hospital, primary school and high school, is in the hands of Zambian nationals, who see their work there as serving the Lord. Pray for Mr Evans, headteacher at the high school, Mr Dimas, headteacher at the primary school, and Mr Mbita, Administrator at the hospital. Many of the children, especially at the primary school, are physically disabled. The children are in boarding, giving them an opportunity of education they would not otherwise have; they love being in school! Many of the teachers are believers and have a care for the children. The children hear the Word of God every day, with prayer and Bible reading in the dormitory every night. They must attend the Gospel meeting and Sunday school each week. The high school gather round the flag every day, hymns are sung and after the Bible is read the day is committed to God in prayer. Mbita, at the hospital has a real interest in the youth and meets with them often and arranges conferences. It’s good to hear that the high school is doing well academically, being in the top 90% in the Luapula Province. Mbita, the hospital administrator, is doing a commendable job and taking the work forward. Mbita was married last week and there was great excitement. The wedding was in Livingstone, where the bride comes from. They will return to Mambilima to serve the Lord there. Over the years water supply has been a problem at the hospital. Recently a pump has been fitted to a bore hole specifically for the hospital, powered by solar panels and electricity. What a blessing! Praise the Lord. There is a daily service at the hospital, broadcast over the loudspeaker system. Most of the staff are believers and work well there. They deserve your prayers. There are ten evangelists who work in the Luapula Province in an area of around 110 kilometres from north to south. There are approximately 100 assemblies (big and small), where the Word of God is preached. It has been good to help many, building and rebuilding their meeting halls. There are three areas (Kashikishi, Kawama, and Mambilima), where they meet for four to six weeks of intensive Bible teaching three times a year. Over the years it has been good to see this work develop to the benefit of the assemblies. The assemblies love to come together in conference. Every second year they gather for a week of conference down at the river, reminding me of the feast

of tabernacles. Between 6,000 and 8,000 meet and start singing early in the morning. Bible teaching sessions then follow in the morning, afternoon and night! It is a suitable time of the year, as most of the people are farmers that have harvested, and can rejoice in God’s goodness. They would have a baptismal service on the Sunday morning, this followed by Breaking of Bread, with over 2,000 remembering the Lord Jesus; it’s good to participate in such a meeting! Please join with us in encouraging and praying for the servants of the Lord serving the Saviour at Mambilima in the Luapula Province of Zambia. C. 1996/74



Monday 20th

Acts 27-28



We appreciated being able to spend a few weeks back in Ireland with family over the summer. During this time Michael spoke at the Postal Bible School Camp in Co. Wicklow, and we are thankful for the blessing the Lord gave. It was also encouraging to visit the assembly in Gorey and to see so many going on well with the Lord and several new people who have been added to the assembly in the past year. Due to staff shortages in the Logos school, Shirley is now giving much more of her time than originally planned to volunteering as a Maths teacher. Whilst she enjoys this, it has led to extra pressures on time and the juggling of other responsibilities. Pray that the ongoing vacancies will soon be filled. Each week we are involved with several after-school clubs, one which is aimed at helping young Christians and others at building relationships with the two senior years and sharing the gospel with them. Pray particularly that the senior year groups would engage fully with these times and that much blessing would result. Please pray for the annual school retreat, which is planned for the beginning of November. About 40 pupils from the senior school, and teachers, will spend a weekend in the mountains under the sound of the Word of God. Outside of the school, Michael continues to meet on a regular basis with a couple of young men who are keen to grow in their faith. Alongside our colleagues, Graham & Caroline Webb, we are involved with a study on Saturdays with seven young couples who are seeking Biblical teaching on marriage. Please pray that this will have a major impact on them and that their homes would become beachheads for the gospel. In October we commenced our Parenting Course, on Friday nights. Pray that not only would this be a help to struggling families but that lives would be impacted by the reality of how the Lord is interested in every area of our lives. Off the back of this, we hope to make fresh contacts to enable us to run an evangelistic Bible study in January. C. 2003



Rom 1-3

Tuesday 21st ALBANIA


Every day the home is hilarious and full of joy. It is amazing to see how God is working in these children’s lives and has taken care and provided for every need.

Thirteen wonderful children have been living with us since March and the dynamics in the house are changing fairly frequently. We have children moving and others coming. After the adoption of Elidon, 3 siblings, coming from domestic violence situation, joined our home. At the beginning it was hard for them to trust us, as we were total strangers to them, but in a couple of weeks they started to feel comfortable, safe and ‘at home’. They are part of our big family and have made new friends. The children consider The Hiding Place as their home and us as their relatives, and this is amazing. Nada is one of the siblings that joined the home in March. After initial doubts at the beginning, she indicated just a few weeks ago that: “Even though I miss mum, I want to stay with you here till I grow up.” Hearing that made us have a mixture of feelings, yet we are blessed and thankful to be part of God’s plan for these children’s lives. Further, our little girl Izabela is still with us, looking forward to joining her new family and leaving, after living with us for almost 8 years. Also, our handsome boy, Miri, is in adoption process and Adelajda’s mother will start the legal process to take full custody over her daughter and take her back home. It is hard to see children leaving, but a family is the best place for them, no matter if it is biological or adoptive. As they are growing up, they have a lot of questions, especially on faith and Christianity. Our older children have continued their Bible study even during summer, and we are thankful that they all profess to be believers in the Lord Jesus. Miri was part of the teen leaders’ group, for the children’s daily summer camp organized by local believers. He takes things seriously and it was amazing and a real blessing to see him leading and sharing gospel stories with other children. Through two French couples who joined us for a time during the summer, we have started to share the Bible with the youngest children. We are thankful we can still share the gospel with them and sow the seed of God’s word in their hearts. God’s love is the only thing that can heal and save them. Each day at the Hiding Place is different and special and each one of these children make it beautiful. Update from THE HIDING PLACE


Wednesday 22nd POLAND

Rom 4-6

Writing from the USA

Over the past year and a half, Isaiah 41:10 has sustained us through very difficult times. “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” We whispered it softly in our daughter Moriah’s ear throughout her ordeal and we are thankful for the Lord’s sustaining grace that continues to comfort us. Moriah was thrown from a horse into a wall in March of 2022. While not yet 100%, she has made much improvement since the summer, allowing the journeys to Poland to resume. Mark was in Poland in the month of September, preaching in 14 places. Here are some highlights: The assembly in Boza Wola is situated outside Warsaw, the capital. The brethren were exercised to build an assembly hall to serve the needs of believers Boza Wola Gospel Hall and for use in reaching the community for Christ. It was encouraging to see the almost completed building, and the potential ways the believers plan to use it in service to the Lord. The assembly in Rydultowy, situated in south Poland has started their own monthly Bible program, a time of intensive teaching from the Word of God. Before the pandemic, I had organized several Bible Programs in various places in Poland. The pandemic brought those to a halt. How encouraging it was to see the believers exercised to do such a program by themselves. The assembly in Wroclaw, situated 2 hours from the German border, is experiencing physical and spiritual growth. On a Saturday evening I spoke two messages on the book of Ezekiel and then a gospel message on Sunday morning. Pray for Daniel, a man who after the meeting said he wanted to get right with the Lord. The assembly in Bielsko Biala, situated in South Poland, has an ongoing ministry to Ukrainians refugees. They have rented a house where some Ukrainians live. Among them is a young Ukrainian sister who conducts Bible studies and ministers to the women and children, some of whom are not saved. Literature The brethren continue to translate and publish the remaining Emmaus Correspondence

courses, all of which should be in circulation in 2024. These courses are being used both in gospel outreach and Bible conferences. The latest book to be published is on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. In addition, Henryk Turkanik, an aged brother in Poland continues to publish Bible commentaries. His latest commentary is on the gospel of Mark and has just come into circulation. Ukraine and Hungary In my final weekend in Europe, my co-worker, Marek Nalewajka, took a van full of supplies into the Ukraine to be delivered to a church in Karkiv, where fighting has taken place. The occasion allowed for Marek to meet a brother who is helping the assembly in Lviv, a city close to the Polish border. Marek brought funds to him and learned a bit about the work there. We hope to be of more encouragement to him in days ahead. Meanwhile, I went to Budapest to spend a weekend with Elliot, my son, who is studying there this semester. He is seeking to share the gospel with other students, and it was encouraging to see this in action. Please pray for him and his efforts in the gospel. Thank you again for your prayerful support. C.1998(NJ)



Thursday 23rd

Rom 7-8



Together with another family, we organised a family camp in August which went really well. We do thank the Lord for the blessed time that He gave us as we studied the life of Abraham, reflecting on the importance of living by faith in a hostile world. It was such a privilege to serve the Lord as a family. The highlight was during the last evening when Josiah proposed to Rossana during dinner! He plans to marry Rossana in September of 2024, while Joseph plans to marry his fiancée Adriana in June of the same year, so next year is going to be exciting for us to say the least! Joy started high school yesterday, so everybody is quite excited. She has chosen what is the equivalent to a science based grammar school, so we are praying that she might settle in well and get off to a good start.

Joseph is busy making preparations to move across to the eastern side of Italy, to the town of Foggia where his fiancè Adriana lives when the time comes to marry. We will miss him dearly, but thank the Lord for the years that he has given us together. He has been sharing his faith with a good school friend called Angelo who is coming along to the meetings and seems to be searching for the Lord. Please do pray for Angelo that the Lord might touch his life and speak powerfully into his heart. Patrizia is due to return to the prison ministry today, but Alessandra who was helping her hopes to do a course to become an ancillary nurse, so probably would not be available to help this year. Please pray that the Lord might bless the work in the prison and provide the right person to help Patrizia for this year. We had the joy of baptising two young men, Gaetano and Alfonso on Sunday the 3rd of September. They both grew up in the Sunday School and then drifted until the Lord spoke powerfully into their lives again. Many friends and relatives were present for the occasion, and some were visibly moved by what they saw and heard. Alfonso’s grandad was particularly moved and I hope to visit him this week. May the Lord continue to use His Word for the salvation of those who were present. Towards the end of August I had a huge surprise when my fellow elder Salvatore told me that he had decided to go back to the assembly that he left 12 years ago, which is now ageing and small. He hopes to help them rebuild the church. As our assembly has grown and many younger people are becoming increasingly involved, he sees it as a good time to leave. After the initial shock of the news, I can see how the Lord might use it for the blessing of his wider Kingdom. We have asked the regional council if we can make a slight adjustment to the original plans for our building project which will make construction easier as well as costing considerably less. As soon as we get news we can start to ask building companies for quotes to build the concrete structure and roof. C. 1995



Friday 24th

Rom 9-11



Watoto wa Thamani (WWT) continues to be such a joy as 50 disadvantaged children enjoy being educated and exposed to the things of God. Singing and reciting scripture at assembly time spills spontaneously over into playtime on the outside equipment. Their reading, writing and number skills are improving, and there’s a big push to ensure all the Class Two children are ready to enter Government Primary Schools in Jan 2024. We have noticed recently that some have been arriving in the mornings crying with hunger pains, so have sent millet flour home so their families can make them porridge at the start of each day. This coming week, registration of 25 new children will take place, with queues expected to form the day before as parents prepare to sleep out overnight to secure a place. What a privilege it is to impact little ones and their families for Christ.

With above average rainfall predicted, Baba Stevene and his team have been constructing river defences at the base of the WWT plot as, over the years, erosion has removed 1 metre of sand, exposing the foundations of the defensive walls. Many tonnes of materials have been barrowed down, and tonnes of concrete have been mixed by hand. Initial objections from a neighbour (seeking to bribe us into building defences for his plot!) were overcome with the help of local officials, and armed with a permit from them the work is now nearing completion. The assembly has continued to see many children and several adults attending. Some of these have asked for baptism which have been followed up. From conversations had, it seems a married couple are not saved but see baptism as a means of ‘doing the right thing’ to be accepted among the Christians and gain access to more help. Another, Mama Ivan, a young married mother with 2 children, who we have been helping with essential heart medication, seems more genuine but confused about the way to be saved. She said she had ‘accepted Jesus’ some time back and was now seeking baptism as a means of washing her sins away to be saved. This is not uncommon thinking. She also felt that she was not a sinner. The elders explained to her the way of salvation and trust that she becomes a genuine believer in the Lord Jesus soon. In early September, we made an unexpected 3-week visit to the UK to investigate a lump which had grown on Gill’s finger over the past 2½ years. Now the size of a large grape,

the general opinion in the UK and Tanzania was that it was a ganglion or ganglion cyst. Not being able to have it removed in Tanzania, the Lord opened the way for Gill to see a Christian Consultant at The Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, who after examining it, arranging an MRI and doing a biopsy, diagnosed it is a tenosynovial tumour, a benign giant cell tumour. While waiting for a GP referral to a specialist hand surgeon, we made our own enquiries and secured an appointment with a plastics hand surgeon in Oxford earlier this week, having to postpone our flights back to Tanzania by one day to attend it. We are thankful to the Lord that Gill now has a surgery date at a hospital in Reading in early December, assuming the rate of growth does not increase. It is brilliant to see how the Lord brought various folks together in His plan to help sort out this issue. While in the UK, we were delighted to attend the baptism of Harry, our grandson, at Bognor. The occasion was a great encouragement and time of witness and challenge, and we now pray for his growth in faith and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Saviour. We thank you for your interest and prayers. C. 2002

Saturday 25th MEXICO



Rom 12-14


Last month we visited the most southern state of Chiapas, located a 7hr drive from our home in Xalapa. In spite of its extreme poverty, we were reminded of the extremely warm and welcoming people who have a fear of God and a thirst for His word in the midst of material scarcity. We visited the little assembly in the large city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, capital of the state, for some ministry meetings and the Breaking of Bread meeting. They showed a real appreciation for the few crumbs we had gathered for the occasion, desiring us to return again soon. How good to be reminded that little is much in the Lord’s hands! We then ascended to the mountain top colonial city of San Cristóbal located at 2,200m above sea level. The temperature change between the two cities was 20c during a drive of 35mins! However, the welcome was just as warm as we pulled up to the home of a family where we had house meetings last year. During the Easter and summer holidays of last year we preached the Gospel in the home of a sister in Christ named Maria, who lives there with her parents and daughter. Due to seeing the Lord at work with us in a few professing faith in Christ, we were anxious to return this year. It’s a very unique setting, as a sister and two brothers of Maria, along with their families, live within five minutes from Maria’s home. It was a great encouragement to see them attending each night with one brother named Armando expressing his desire to be saved. Pray that the Seed recently sown will yet bring forth fruit in the salvation of these humble yet happy souls, hungering for the Bread of life (John 6v35). The little golden lamp stand here in Xalapa continues to shine amidst the everdarkening storm clouds of immorality and the ever increasing spiritual apathy. Lord’s Day attendances have brought much thankfulness to our hearts. Not only for the number that attend, but the evident desires to hear the word of God. Two professing

Christian couples who left behind draining denominationalism have been impressed by the Scriptural simplicity by which we gather together. Their spiritual thirst is revealed by the many questions which are asked, as the Spirit of God takes the word of God to convince them of the one true gathering centre, unto the valued name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for Emanuel & Pamela, and Beto & Joanna. We can trace the unseen hand of God working behind the scenes to bring them into contact with us and the truth their souls have been yearning for. We also have a burden for those that once gathered with us in assembly fellowship. May divine light dispel our doubts to remind us that the God of Jeremiah is our God, Who still says: “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32v27). God willing, this Saturday we’ll visit the large city of Puebla for a Gospel meeting in the home of Maria and family some 2 1/2hrs away. During our last visit back in July we were surprised to see a nice number present. Pray for this city with more than 3.2 million souls living in the metropolitan area needy of the glorious Gospel of Christ. C.2011



Sunday 26th

Rom 15-16


San Carlos

The work for the school has been progressing. The latest supervision finally came after a few cancellations, and they approved everything. They said we were ready to get started but in spite of this, they have still not given us our school code. This code is what we need to have so we can inscribe children formally in the school. We don’t know why this has been delayed so long, but we trust the Lord has a purpose in this. When they were taking the group of teachers and supervisors home after the last inspection, one of them expressed to the brother that was driving them: “I don’t know what it is about that place, but you can just breathe in an atmosphere of peace”. They promised to give us the code this week and gave us the go-ahead to start inscribing children. There will be 54 children in total. Lord willing, we plan to continue providing the children with both breakfast and dinner. A Bible class will also be taught at the start of each day. In July, the assembly held three weeks of gospel meetings. There was good attendance from the neighbours in our area, as well as some from around the hall. The series ended with an all-day ministry meeting for the 5 assemblies in the state of Barinas. There were baptisms after the last gospel meeting as well, with my youngest daughter, Rachel, among those obeying the Lord in baptism. Our third daughter, Hannah, got married in July. She married a brother from Colombia that has been very useful in administering medicine to Venezuelan Christians in need. The wedding was in Colombia and several family members from outside the country were able to make it. After their wedding, Hannah and Jhofrey went to visit the department in Colombia called Chocó where Gerardo Palacios and his wife have been living for several years. Allan and I wanted to go there on our visit to Colombia but they strongly advised us against it, as foreign visitors are not trusted nor treated well in the area. Gerardo Palacios is a very dear brother and powerful preacher, a humble and spiritual man. He used to come and preach with Allan every year for several months at a time.

He would approach a group of young men playing soccer, respectfully stop the game and ask them for ten minutes of their time for an important message he had for them. He would then put up his large two-way chart and give them a concise message in the gospel. His clear and straightforward preaching of the gospel has brought many to the feet of the Saviour. Several years ago, Palacios moved back to Colombia where he was originally from. The village his family is from is on the edge of the jungle of Darien. The area is very dangerous, and violence is rampant. The day Hannah arrived, while they were waiting at the entrance of town to be picked up, they witnessed a 14-year-old boy fatally shot. Palacios and his family are in a very difficult economic situation, but he has not stopped sharing the gospel in every way he can. He gathers groups of children in his home as well as the surrounding areas and down the river and gives them a Bible class. He also holds gospel meetings in the living room of his house. The nearest assembly is 8 hours away, but he cannot travel because the bus fare is too expensive. Please pray for the work being done in Chocó for the glory of God. The children are all doing very well. The majority of them were able to travel with us to the wedding in Colombia. They were very impressed with the visible difference in the economy. The oldest one went along to a supermarket trip and was very impressed with the quantity and variety of items in the store. Liam, our miracle baby, is doing very well. He is very happy and content. Pray for the continued protection of each of the children. We trust you will continue upholding us in your prayers. C. 1995 (Ven)

Monday 27th ROMANIA



1 Cor 1-4


The long Romanian summer is drawing to an end. We have had some very hot days with temperatures in the late 30’s, but now it is becoming rainier and cooler, especially in the evenings. We give thanks to the Lord for His continuing faithfulness to us in keeping us well and preserving us from danger. Our garden produced a good harvest, and we are well stocked for the winter months ahead. At the end of July, we received the building permissions to change the former dental surgery into two apartments and what they term as a ‘Summer Kitchen’. Nicu and two other brothers from the local gypsy assembly began working there from the beginning of August, stripping the wall tiles off and rewiring etc. New walls have been built and now they are plastering the walls and ceilings. Outside, the walls will be clad with insulation and a new decorative coat, new guttering and pipework etc. The plan is to finish the basic shell by the end of October, after which Tim and Nicu can fit out the apartments through the winter months. When finished, these will be either rented out long-term or sold to help cover future running costs for Casa Luca. The summer kitchen will provide an extra short stay apartment for patients if all the rooms in Casa Luca are full. Casa Luca Throughout the summer months Casa Luca has been full, with some patients staying 7 weeks or more. We have had many opportunities to show the love of our Lord Jesus to them, including taking some of them to the Assembly in Cluj and the local believers who meet in Gilau. We have witnessed two baptisms of former clients, Emanuela and Doina

and her daughter Dana. Another couple who stayed with us last year, Gabi and Liliana, were also baptised recently. Because Nicu is currently working on the apartments, his wife, Marta has stepped in to help with the driving duties he did. Marta also cleans and irons but has a very good relationship with our clients. This has helped free up some of our time to do the other projects we run. Ukraine We revisited the clinic and hospital in Ukraine last week and were pleased to see the ongoing renovations to the buildings, as well as new medical equipment being installed. With gifts we had received, we have been able to provide new steel tables for the clinic, together with a new blood centrifuge. We met with the local mayor, a young proactive man who has worked hard to improve the medical facilities of his town and county. We continue to pass on gifts to feed the displaced refugees who have lost their homes in the eastern cities. On our previous visit, Jenny noticed that the hospital had cracked and incomplete sets of crockery and cutlery, so it was great to see the joy on the faces of the hospital staff when they saw the new 60 sets of china plates, glass bowls, mugs and cutlery! C.2002



Tuesday 28th

1 Cor 5-8



During September, we were able to restart Bible Clubs in eleven village schools for the new school year. These are held each week and teams go to the school to conduct a program of about one hour where we share a Bible lesson, teach a Bible verse, and do some games and activities with the children. It is also a great opportunity to contact children who are doing the BibleTime lessons at home. We thank the Lord that the number of children doing the course continues to grow, with over 500 now enrolled and regularly studying God’s Word at home. At the beginning of October, we enjoyed a visit from several brothers from Northern Ireland. Roland Pickering conducted a series of Gospel meetings at the Zirnesti Christian Assembly, and it was wonderful to see unsaved coming in from the community to hear the Gospel. One elderly couple from Cahul (10 miles from Zirnesti) came to one of the Gospel outreach evenings and listened intently to the message. The next Sunday they made their own way to Zirnesti by public transport so that they could be at the meetings and have continued to come ever since. Please pray for their salvation. We would like to share some prayer points with you for the upcoming Christmas period. • Pray for the Step into The Bible presentation now being presented at the Bethesda Centre. This presentation of stories from the life of George Mueller recommenced on the 9th of October and a number of schools have already booked in to see this Gospel presentation. •

Pray for the preparation for the Christmas Festival which will commence outside the Bethesda Centre on the 30th of November and run throughout December. Last year about 9,500 people attended and we expect similar numbers this year. Once again,

the Gospel will be presented in three places throughout the Festival site, and there will also be a literature tent where people can get Bibles, Gospel Calendars and other Christian literature. •

Pray for the economic situation in both Ukraine and Moldova. The needs are great with many living in impoverished conditions. Things will become increasingly difficult during the coming winter months. Pray for godly wisdom as we seek to assist with the various needs that we encounter day by day. Pray for the aid being sent in to assist needy families and the elderly in war-torn areas of Ukraine. We thank the Lord for the 200,000 Gospels being printed by Revival Movement in Northern Ireland (100,000 Russian and 100,000 Romanian). Many of these Russian Gospels will be sent into Ukraine, while the Romanian Gospels will be distributed in Moldova over the Christmas period. Pray that God will richly bless His written Word as it is distributed in these two needy countries.

Meals being prepared in the CMIAID kitchen for distribution to the elderly in the community

Meals being delivered to the homes of the elderly

Pray for the outreach over Christmas among Moldovan firefighters. Gift bags with a fire-fighters Gospel calendar, a coffee mug (with Bible verse), a CPR mask and other gifts are being prepared for each of the 4,500 fire-fighters in Moldova. C.2004(AUST)



Wednesday 29th

1 Cor 9-11



Christian Care and Share Foodbank Work for the Lord has been different this summer and we are so thankful to God for the needed strength and help He has given. It was great to work together with the local Cleveleys assembly and know support from other saints, in a summer gospel outreach for two weeks in August. On a family front we have been experiencing some difficult days.

Our daughter Sarah experiences challenging health issues which were exacerbated by contracting flu from a child at work, which has led to very severe breathing difficulties for her. Please remember her much in prayer, especially as she is currently unable to work and limited in being able to get to the assembly meetings. To add to this Christine has struggled since a bad health crisis in January and had major complications right in the middle of our Gospel outreach, suffering a mini stroke and having heart problems, for which she is currently having various tests. Unfortunately, both Christine and Sarah ended up being admitted to hospital during the outreach, making things very challenging, however the support of the local saints and near family members was greatly appreciated. As well as the assembly activities at the time, we were also running the Christian Care and Share food bank from the hall. With Christine and Sarah out of action and Neal limited as needing to tend to their needs, it was a provision of the Lord that others stepped in; Neil and Elizabeth Harkness (Neal’s sister) took time to support and run the foodbank, ably aided by Dorotta from Cleveleys Assembly. We publicly extend our thanks to them all for the help given. We are rejoicing in the Lord for fruit seen from the summer outreach activities, and frequently see up to 8 lost souls at our weekly gospel meetings, 5 of which came to the drive-in gospel meetings. A family of 3 adults who are food bank clients, have started coming regularly to the gospel meeting, which we are pleased about, as this is our primary focus in the food bank work, to reach individuals with the gospel. Another real blessing from the outreach mentioned, is that a brother living in the locality is now attending the assembly meetings and showing interest in being received into fellowship. Pray about this please. Summary for prayer: • Assembly matters regarding follow up of contacts made recently, and interest shown by some. • For Sarah and Christine, for spiritual and physical well-being and restoration from illness. • For the food bank work, for witnessing opportunities and sufficient finance to sustain the work. Our thanks for your prayerful support which we really appreciate, and for many who encourage us along the way. C.2010



1 Cor 12-14

Thursday 30th URUGUAY


I was born in Lazcano (state of Rocha, Uruguay) on 1st December 1930, into a Roman Catholic family. But I came to know Christ as my Lord and Saviour at the age of 13, by means of a missionary, now with the Lord, William Goodson of New Zealand. Years later we moved to Montevideo, where I was commended to the work of the Lord as a full-time worker in October 1957 (in 1959 I married Florence Conaty). Along with a missionary from New Zealand, Donald Barris, we started a new work in the city of Tacuarembó, (where I live now). Years later we started a work in Paysandú, which is now in the hands of a full-time worker, Raul Kuropatwa. I am now a widower and suffer from Parkinson’s. But the Lord is marvellous every day in giving grace, (II Cor. 12:9) giving me strength to preach, write, visit, etc., despite my years (just turned 93!). To Him be the glory. The Christians in the local assembly help me a lot and in return, I try to help them as a spiritual father (I Cor. 4:15). I enjoy Tacuarembó Assembly and Sunday School children doing a telephone ministry, contacting the Christians in different parts of the country. Also, I write articles to help the Christians doctrinally. The work in any place has its ups and downs, but the final victory is the Lord’s, and not Raúl Kuropatwa and Family. Missionary who is currently in Satan’s. charge of the work in Paysandú (I Cor. 15:58.) I thank you for all your prayers. C.1957



C=Date of Commendation Published by: LORD’S WORK TRUST 42 Beansburn, Kilmarnock KA3 1RL Tel. 01563 521098 E.Mail: lwtrust@lwtrust.co.uk www.lordsworktrust-kilmarnock.co.uk Charity No. SC008740 Alistair Buchan (Aberdeen) David Grant (Kilmarnock) Andrew Grieve (Belfast) Kevin Oh (London)

Stephen Trimble (Ballykeel) Raymond McNair (Glengormley) Alastair Sinclair (Crosshouse) Gordon Stewart (Wallingford)

Secretary: Leonard Currie (Kinross) Total gifts received during September 2023.

Total: £437,995.00

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