ITEMS FOR PRAYER AND PRAISE With Daily Scripture Readings April 2024
Look on the Fields
Venezuela Day: 1
Brazil Day: 2
Scotland Day: 3, 5, 7, 12
South Africa Day: 4, 23, 30
Australia Day: 6, 22
Poland Day: 8
N. Ireland Day: 9, 17
Denmark Day: 10
England Day: 11, 18, 29
Ireland Day: 13
New Zealand Day: 14
USA Day: 15
India Day: 16
Norway Day: 19
El Salvador Day: 20
Italy Day: 21
Zambia Day: 24
Albania Day: 25, 27
Mexico Day: 26
Romania Day: 28
‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel’ Mark 16:15
Monday 1st
Pray for the children’s class started in El Pao. A little bit of history: when we were commended to full-time service in the year 2000, we began working in this town where there wasn’t anything for God. For seven years we preached the gospel in a portable
hall which we built, and there was usually good attendance. A Bible class for children, averaging around 100, was also held weekly. But no permanent fruit was seen in those years, and when a door opened in El Baul, we began labouring there. Thirteen years later, after seeing an assembly formed in El Baul, we returned to El Pao and began preaching again in the same portable hall. This time there was more to encourage, as we began to see a few souls saved. The effort made previously was not in vain, as several of the new believers had first heard the gospel in those years. We are reminded of the Scripture: “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days”. At the end of last year, we had five weeks of special meetings finishing with the baptism of a young couple, bringing the number of baptized believers to five.
We tried to take into account the children who attended the gospel meetings, teaching them a verse and choruses. But at the beginning of this year, we decided to start a class specially for them, and last Monday there were over fifty present, even
Children's class El Pao
Sam 28-31
Andrew & Elena Turkington with newly baptized couple
though we just had a small car to pick them up. This number is sure to grow once we get the van working again. Several believers from the nearest assembly in Tinaco help us with this work, but it’s encouraging to see the interest of the newly baptized believers bringing children to the class. After the children’s class we have a Bible reading to help the little group of Christians.
When working in a new area, we try to contact any relatives of the Christians in other places. One brother from San Carlos, who has quite a number of relatives in El Pao, took an interest in visiting them and managed to get a couple of children and two women out to the meeting. But they are very catholic and seem to have come only to please him, as we haven’t been able to get them out since he returned. Another brother told us of a cousin he had in the town, and when we invited him, he attended several meetings and was impressed by the order. But he took very ill and wasn’t able to return. A week ago, he sent to say that he needed to talk to us, and when we visited him he professed faith in Christ. Pray that the Lord will grant Manuel a new lease of life to give testimony of his faith. We hope to have a meeting in his house soon. C. 2000 (Ven) ANDREW & ELENA TURKINGTON 7/3/24
Tuesday 2nd
BRAZIL Writing from Wales
Due to advancing years and health issues it is no longer possible to visit the country of our calling, Brazil. If we did, we would probably be more of a liability than an asset. However, the Lord has graciously given us two ways by which we can still be very much involved in His work in that land.
• Written ministry and translation work, and
• Continuing to encourage Brazilian fulltime workers.
Written ministry
The written ministry is mainly in the form of regular articles for magazine “O Caminho”. Most of our time is taken up with translation work. We have been able to help, along with others, in the translation of the John Ritchie Commentaries into Portuguese. We are currently working on the commentary on Ezekial. The wonderful thing regarding literature work is that it could continue to be useful to God´s people long after we have gone to glory! We should mention that the unsung hero of this work is our sister Janeta Watterson, who carefully checks the Portuguese of all the translations and articles before they go to the press.
We have also been asked by the Angolan Literature Fund to undertake a number of translation projects for Angola, where Portuguese is the official language. The latest of these is Alan Summers’ ‘Bible Study Notes’. Eight booklets have now been translated, but we understand there will be ten altogether. We have never visited Angola but what a privilege it is to be able to help in this way.
Our main prayer request for this work would be for patience and perseverance.
2 Sam 1-3
Encouraging and helping others
Modern means of communication make it easy to keep in touch with busy servants of the Lord. Our advice is often sought when problems arise in the work and in the assemblies, and now we can often make some attempt to give a Scriptural response almost as soon as it is requested.
There are some excellent evangelists among the assemblies in Brazil, and also a number who are gifted in ministry. We have seen some of them develop during the 39 years that we have been associated with the Lord’s work there. We request prayer for them in their labours and that others may be raised up and sent forth into that vast harvest field. Also, for ourselves, for the wisdom needed to give Scriptural counsel when it is requested.
Wednesday 3rd SCOTLAND Aberdeenshire
Since my last report, in August 2023, I am very pleased to report that many local Primary Schools have, once again, taken up the offer of classroom lessons for their P5 and P6 Pupils in the 2023/24 academic year. The Explore the Essentials course that I deliver is
designed to cover the Christianity section of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence over 24 separate lessons. The premise is that every child will receive 12 lessons during one year and then 12 different lessons the following year.
2 Sam 4-7
There have been some praiseworthy events in this academic year. One highlight occurred after my last article was published in this magazine. A headteacher, from a school 45 miles away, upon reading the report contacted me and enquired if I could deliver lessons in their school. As a result of her initiative and our conversation I am now teaching four classes in that school every Monday. Praise the Lord.
We are also thankful that the Lord has opened the door of opportunity at another local school. After a few recent barren years, I wrote to them in August with low expectations (O ye of little faith). My prayers were abundantly answered in that, for the first time ever, I am now teaching the full programme to 4 classes in this school.
Another local school who, one year ago, had firmly declined a teaching offer responded very differently after my recent communication. On the same day as I repeated my offer of 12 months ago the school responded positively, stating that they wanted to commence my programme in September 2024. Please pray that this door will remain open.
Two local schools that declined my offer of teaching in the classroom have allowed me to start lunchtime Bible Clubs, one of them has 14 regular attendees (the maximum allowed) with a short waiting list whilst the other has 11 children attending. Although the time with them is a lot less that a classroom lesson there is still opportunity to proclaim the Gospel and build relationships with the schools.
I have also been able to go into a few Secondary Schools, as a representative of GNfE (formerly Gideons) and present Bibles to whole year groups. It is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain access for this Schools ministry so please pray that the offer to gift a Bible to all Secondary Year 1 pupils will be responded to positively.
The Lord has opened doors in many Aberdeen schools for the truth to be taught and I would ask you to pray that this would continue.
Although behaviour in classrooms is usually acceptable and sometimes exemplary there are great challenges in some cases where behaviour is appalling. I have great sympathy for teachers, many feel that they are unable to discipline effectively and are concerned about their pupils, if they continue on the path they are currently on. Thankfully we know that the Gospel can transform, so we need to pray for all youngsters, and teachers, in our school system.
The Bible is extremely precious and of eternal value: Among other things, the Scriptures bring:
• Conversion : 2 Tim 3v15 ‘able to make you wise unto salvation’
• Control : Ps 119v11 ‘Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee’
• Comfort : Rom 15v4 ‘and comfort of the scriptures might have hope’
• Challenge : Heb 4v12 ‘Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any….sword’
• CHRIST : John 5v39 ‘Search the scriptures….they are they that testify of me’
Thursday 4th
It is a great privilege to take the Gospel of Christ onto the streets. Recently I have been going out with the Belhar Assembly. We preach over a loudspeaker, hand out literature, and speak with people personally as we get opportunity. One brother who preaches with us was brought up in the area and previously was living a rough life on drugs. He is well known locally. I watched people listening at an open-air meeting and at the end I asked them if they knew him. They said that they did, and they mentioned the big change in his life. At another area where I was preaching, I met a young man afterwards who recognized me. I also recognized him but was not sure where he was from. He said that he used to come to the weekly Bible club that we held in a local primary school. At the same spot I had a good chat with a car mechanic who was working on a car and listening while I was preaching. He did not seem to have a clear understanding of the Gospel, so I explained it to him and gave him literature. He invited me back. It was also good to speak to some young people who were sitting around, and I gave them something to read.
At present I am doing a series of lessons with the children at the Bellville Assembly Hall. Most of their parents are in fellowship. We are going through some of the early characters in the book of Genesis and bringing the Gospel from each character. So far, we have had two lessons on Adam and Eve and two lessons on Cain and Abel. The children listen well and answer questions correctly at the end of each lesson.
Recordings continue at Cape Pulpit radio station. So far this year eight messages have been recorded and are being broadcast on Sunday mornings.
Please pray for a good response. Renewed Contact
2 Sam 8-11
Open Air Preaching Belhar
Yesterday I had an encouraging time at the Centre of Hope. It seemed that the people were listening well and understanding. One man was nodding his head in agreement as I was speaking. We look to the Lord for blessing as His Word is presented to the poor.
Joy has ongoing contact with a neighbour who has converted to a false religion. Her and her teenage daughter have come quite often to Gospel meetings at Bellville. Joy has had good conversations with her. Please pray that she and her daughter will be saved.
C. 2001 RODNEY & JOY BROWN 6/3/24
Friday 5th
Prayer would be much valued for recent as well as for future labours. Following on from our most encouraging spell in the gospel in the Town Hall, Axbridge, Somerset, last September, our son-in-law, Paul Thomas, has commenced a monthly gospel meeting in the Town Hall, and there has been some interest, with unsaved attending. We purpose, in the will of the Lord, to have a further series this coming September.
During November/December, we were in Shetland, where we spent two weeks distributing calendars and tracts around the West of the island in support of the small assembly at Selivoe. We rejoice, that in the goodness of God, we were able to distribute His word around almost 500 homes, mainly isolated crofts, visiting each morning and afternoon. Gwen and I have been doing this for a number of years and have got to know some of the local people, so, we were invited into some homes and had opportunity to present the gospel. We broke bread with the saints at Selivoe on the Lord’s Days and I preached the gospel and ministered at Scalloway, Sound and Brae assemblies over the two weeks. We covered over 800 miles during our time there and thank God for His preserving hand upon us as we were visiting in sub-zero conditions. The ferry journey, there and back, was horrendous with gale force winds. However, we managed to keep our dinner down “and wished for the day (Acts 27:29)”. We rejoice in the Lord’s goodness. Only the coming of the Lord will fully reveal all that has been accomplished for His eternal glory.
The Innerleven New Year Conference went well, and it was a pleasure to share in the ministry with our brethren Jack Hay and Alasdair Baijal. During the second week of January, I was with the Limavady assembly, NI, for a week of ministry. Despite the snow and wintry conditions, a nice number gathered nightly, and the Lord gave much needed help. This was followed by a few nights’ ministry with the assembly at Mintlaw. Surrounding assemblies supported the meetings extremely well and the little company was much encouraged. It was a pleasure to spend a Lord’s Day with the assembly at Fraserburgh, as well as the assembly at Holburn, Aberdeen, both in ministry and the gospel. It has been good to help in the assembly here at Luthermuir where I have gone through the book of James in recent months.
God willing, we leave for Botswana on 25th March for a four-week visit, commencing with the Easter conference meetings at Serowe. This will be followed with two weeks of gospel meetings with the assembly at Palapye, also, seven ministry meetings on
2 Sam 12-14
prophecy. This will be our 8th visit since 2003 and we look to God for help and blessing, as in past years. On 5th May I commence in the gospel at Glenluce (Dumfries and Galloway) for two weeks. This will be my 4th series with them during the past two years. The two couples that they saw added last year are going on well, which is a great encouragement to the saints. Through the door-to-door visitation during past series, I have got to know a few of the local people. Hopefully we will see them attending the meetings.
C. 1972
Saturday 6th
With some believers in Tasmania
We normally travel together as a family in January to visit other assemblies, taking advantage of the school holidays. So, at the beginning of the year we visited the believers in Cooroy (approximately one hour and a half from home) and the following week we went to Bethany Hall. In this assembly I helped with the meetings for the Lord’s Day and on Tuesday I gave a report on our last trip to Papua New Guinea (PNG) last November. The work in that country has many challenges but we are grateful for an open door to preach the gospel and teach the word of the Lord to the small assemblies that we have seen started over the last eleven years. During the last two weeks of January, we visited assemblies in Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales. This visit included helping with two conferences (Myalla in Tasmania and Lidcombe in NSW).
After those conferences, I started a series of lessons on 1st Thessalonians in the assembly Bible Class for eight consecutive Sundays. Because of this commitment, I have spent more time at home, helping in our local assembly and giving more time to the work among the Spanish speaking community. We have had several new contacts recently, including a couple from Spain and a young man from Venezuela whose parents live in Spain. His mother is a professing Christian who two years ago found us on the internet and asked me to share the gospel with her son. I met him once, but he didn’t show any interest in the gospel, until last week he texted me asking if I could meet him to talk about some problems he has. I did meet him and now the door is open to keep sharing the gospel to him.
2 Sam 15-17
Prayer points:
• Please pray for the young believers attending the Bible class, that the studies in 1 Thessalonians will encourage them to live closer to the Lord as we wait for Him, and that they will go deeper into the Word with their personal study.
Meeting in Mugmap Papua New Guinea
• Keep praying for the work among the Spanish contacts. A lady called Mariela recently returned to Colombia after being one year in Australia. She came to many meetings but is not saved yet. Also, for the new contacts we have met recently.
• Finally, remember the work in PNG. Please pray for Alf who will be travelling alone over there for three weeks. Pray that other brethren may get involved in this work, and for our planned visit there in June.
Sunday 7th SCOTLAND Perth
Children’s meetings
2 Sam18-20
Kid’s Bible Clubs were held in Kilmarnock, Kinross, Liverpool and also our own assembly in Perth. The children listened so well and almost all could recite the scripture verse. Apparently, some parents have started reading the Bible as a result of their children’s interest. In Huyton, Liverpool many of the children and parents were from a Muslim background and all listened intently. We look to the Lord to bring forth fruit in these families.
In Ahoghill, Northern Ireland over one hundred children come along each evening and around fifty parents came on the final night. A husband and wife called C and F brought their little girl and stayed each evening. The family has historical paramilitary involvement but it is evident that God is at work in their lives through various incidents that have happened. Please pray we will hear of them coming to the Lord.
Bible Experience Exhibition
I took my Bible Experience to the Holburn assembly in Aberdeen where hundreds of school children came through the day and each left with a John’s gospel. It was also open to the public in the evenings and good conversations were had. I had a long conversation with J in his 40/50’s who is a neighbour of a brother in fellowship. He came back again twice and has since met with his neighbour to further discuss the gospel.
In November Ebeneezer Hall Wishaw hosted the exhibition where they had fifteen
sessions with thirteen different schools, equating to almost five hundred children. Each child was presented with a book and the teachers received a New Testament.
Australia Visit
The first week in Australia was spent with the Salisbury assembly in Brisbane where we had children’s meetings in the mornings. The saints had done a tremendous amount of preparation prior to my arrival and over the course of the week one hundred and fifty-two children attended the meetings plus around thirty parents each day. This was such an encouragement to the assembly who will endeavour to keep up with all the new contacts.
The following week was spent with the assembly in Cooroy. We had children’s meetings in the Hall at Cooroy and also some gospel meetings at an ongoing outreach in the next town of Pomona. The Lord was good in exceeding expectations with around fifty children attending daily and a good number of unbelievers attending the gospel meetings including some families of the children who came to the children’s work. It seems the Lord is at work in this place and the assembly has seen some blessing. Sadly, where there is blessing there is also satanic attack, and much prayer is need to preserve this work from false doctrine which has influenced some.
After that I flew down to Melbourne for a series of ministry meetings and a couple of conferences with the assemblies in Pakenham and Dandenong. The saints seemed to appreciate the challenge and encouragement of the scriptures and we look to the Lord to bless His word to the building up of His people.
Coming up
God willing during March I will be taking my exhibition to New Stevenston in Lanarkshire and Skelmanthorpe, Yorkshire. Then in the will of the Lord towards the end of March and into April I will be in Vancouver for their Easter conference followed by a week of ministry with the assembly in West Richmond. Immediately after I return will be the Easter Super Club week in Cullen.
Salisbury Assembly Brisbane Super Club
Cooroy Assembly Kids Club
Monday 8th
POLAND Writing from the USA
I travelled to Poland from January 25 to February 13 visiting 14 assemblies, speaking 16 times. The first stop was a small assembly (Rydultowy). A month ago, they suddenly lost the main family that was taking care of the building, organizing the meetings and preaching. The Lord impressed on me the letter to Philippians not 5 minutes before speaking and that was the message they said they needed to hear.
In several places there were unsaved attending. Please pray for Jakub (Jacob) who is 17 years old. He attends the assembly in Boza Wola (near Warsaw) with his siblings and parents. They travel an hour to get to the meeting. I spoke with Jakub for quite some time. He told me that he knows that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that He saves people from their sins. But Jakub is not saved. He admits he is heading to hell, and he told me he is very much afraid. He wants to be saved but something is blocking him from coming to Christ. Would you pray for him?
There is a small assembly in Tarnow which has recently seen growth. When I went to visit the believers, to my surprise, there were 35 people at the assembly meeting. The room where they meet is so small that they all could not fit in the room. Apparently, some are now coming from far distances…some from an hour south and others from an hour east. These people told me that they are looking to meet with believers where they can be fed the Word of God, and this is why they are attending. About 40 minutes away there is a gospel effort happening in the village of Krosno. Bible studies are happening, and the group is growing in size.
We have appreciated prayers for our daughter, Moriah. She is now 14. As a result of the horse accident two years ago, she has a Functional Neurological Disorder which causes her at times to lose her ability to walk and talk for an hour or two. Not many doctors have an understanding of this disorder. We are all learning to navigate through this and are thankful that the Lord knows all about it. We are mindful that family is very much a responsibility given by the Lord and we are thankful that all our children have an active interest in living for Christ.
Another trip to Poland is planned for the second half of April. At that time, a gospel meeting with a group of Ukrainians is planned (April 28). This will be translated, streamed and recorded and put online. Prayers are appreciated for that effort.
C. 1998 (USA) MARK & TAMI SWAIM 29/2/24
2 Sam 21-22
Boza Wola Assembly
Tuesday 9th
David Williamson and I have just finished a most encouraging series of Gospel meetings with the assembly at Kingsmoss. A good number of locals attended. This is largely a result of the assembly’s weekly coffee morning. We were delighted when one of these ladies told us she had trusted Christ as Saviour in the first week of the meetings. Please pray for the salvation of her husband. There were a few others who attended who expressed definite interest in salvation. We would love to hear of them coming to Christ and would value prayer to that end.
David and I continue with the door-to-door work in the Catholic areas of West Belfast. At present we are working in the Falls Road area. We have had some good opportunities to present the Gospel. One or two have invited us in to talk to them and have told us we are welcome to call with them again.
We were thankful to have heard recently about the salvation of a woman whose door we knocked in another area of West Belfast. She was a seeking soul and invited us in to explain the Gospel to her. Sometime after that, she got saved, and then she started meeting with another group of believers and has been baptized.
The plans for the next few months are as follows, Lord willing: After Easter, David and I will be involved in a series of Gospel meetings with six assemblies in East Belfast. Please pray that this combined effort will prove fruitful in the salvation of souls, and the upbuilding of assembly testimony in this part of the city.
In the latter half of May we intend being with the Bethesda assembly in Bangor in the Gospel, and then in June I will joining with Jonathan Black for Gospel meetings in Wick. David and I intend being back in Bangor in the first two weeks of July for the open-air meetings held by the assembly at Central Gospel Hall. We are thankful that this work continues year after year. We need prayer for suitable weather to hold the meetings, and we also would appreciate prayer that the Lord will direct burdened sinners to the sea front in Bangor to hear the Gospel.
We are keenly aware of our need for the Lord’s help in all these efforts, and appeal to all, “brethren, pray for us” (2 Thess. 3:1)
2008 PAUL & KAREN McCAULEY 6/3/24
Sam 23-24
Falls Road area, Belfast
Denmark, like the other Scandinavian countries, is often portrayed in the international media as a kind of socialist utopia, populated by the world’s happiest people! Admittedly it is indeed prosperous, clean, efficient, well infra-structured and with excellent standards of education, health care and a social ‘safety net’, all financed by high taxation of course.
Material prosperity however can often lead to a sense of self sufficiency and false security and God therefore gets shunted into a siding, so to speak, as being unnecessary or irrelevant to these modern, scientific times.
Utopia, however, is a misnomer and by definition, imaginary. The social and moral problems that afflict most other countries and societies are also a feature of life here.
Alcohol consumption by Danish youth for example, is, according to some surveys, the highest in Europe, and a recent study revealed that every 4th school child is from a broken home. Such conditions and attitudes can make spiritual work and progress an exceedingly uphill task.
Most growth is achieved therefore through personal contact, requiring a consistent Christian life to give credibility to the claims of the gospel, not least in these present times when the very concept of truth itself has become subjective and under fire.
Last week for example, a young man of Russian-Greek parentage turned up at our men’s bible study. He was referred by a young Russian girl who in turn comes to the ladies bible study, herself having been contacted through the friendship of a young sister who meets with us and who befriended her in 6th form college.
We appreciate your prayers for the young people among us therefore. It takes courage to stand as a believer among contemporaries in Denmark which has a culture of strong group pressure to conform, often fuelled nowadays by social media, to accept as normal the prevalent values of current society.
We continue to wait on the Lord in relation to the fate of our meeting place. Last year a property developer came with a proposal and a generous financial offer to the owners of the small business complex in which our assembly premises are located. They want to demolish the complex, which is on a commercially attractive site, and build a supermarket, a more lucrative venture. We have been meeting here for the past 25 years and the location and facilities are much more important for us than any financial gain. A majority of owners have already accepted their offer leaving us no choice but to vacate if the developer continues with the plan. Finding alternative, suitable accommodation will not be easy.
Meanwhile we continue with our weekly meetings and activities, endeavoring to help, encourage and strengthen each other in our lives and witness for the Lord.
Wednesday 10th
1 Kings 1-2
Present meeting room
Thursday 11th
ENGLAND Birmingham
Over the past year, we have known much of the Lord’s blessing. Today I was rejoicing in the words of Psalm 68, in particular verse 19: ‘Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.’
Since I last wrote, we have had the joy of five baptisms, four of whom have since come into fellowship. The other is our ten-year-old son. It has been a delight to see the Lord’s hand in the lives of each of these, seeing their desire and growth in the grace of God. Jason, Scott, Kristof and Diane all love the fellowship of the Lord’s people, are putting their shoulders to the plough, and have a concern for the lost. Prayer is valued for family members not yet saved. Diane’s story may be especially encouraging to some readers who have unsaved children. Her mother is in fellowship at a neighbouring assembly, and Diane made a profession as a girl. However, after her grandfather’s death, she became angry with God and turned away. Many decades passed, and many prayers ascended, until late last year the Lord began to work. She began to watch preaching on YouTube, then a brother in our assembly, Paul, felt exercised to invite her into the Gospel meeting. He persisted and eventually she began to attend, some weeks later confessing faith in Christ. Diane’s baptism was a joy for us all, but a particular joy for a mother who had long prayed for her family.
Around the same time, a good brother in fellowship elsewhere, ‘happened’ to meet a young man called David on the bus. The Lord opened a door of utterance, and it came
Gospel conversations taking place, highlighted in yellow
to light that David was recovering from a gang-related knife attack in which he almost died. This brother, Graham, was able to share the Gospel with him and minister to him practically with the help of Scott (mentioned above). David has since been coming regularly to the Gospel meetings and we meet up with him every so often through the week as well. He shows good interest but is not yet saved. Prayers needed.
Donna still comes and we pray for her salvation. There are others who profess faith in Christ, desire baptism, but who come from challenging backgrounds that leaves its mark in a variety of ways. Much wisdom is needed as we seek to disciple them. Do keep Dean & Lita, Lewis and Louis in your prayers.
1 Kings 3-5
Friday 12th SCOTLAND Ayrshire
Hope by the Roadside, we are humbled to say, continues to grow. The Lord has been incredibly faithful and now there are billboards or trailers in Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Canada, St Lucia, Australia, South Africa and just within the past couple of weeks we now have a presence in Michigan and France. Most of these billboards are the traditional static billboards that we hire or buy and remain indefinitely, but over the past year we have been gradually increasing our presence on the more modern electronic billboards also.
Each day it is estimated that in excess of 5.6million people pass our billboards worldwide!
At the beginning of December, we signed a contract with Kilmarnock football club for a large pitch side board until the end of season in spring 2025. This team are in the SPFL (the highest division in Scotland) meaning some matches are televised and already the board has been on TV multiple times. We are excited that many football fans will be put into direct contact with God's word in such an unlikely location.
Two weeks ago, we fitted a new banner to the billboard on the M77. This billboard is very exposed, and the recent storms had taken its toll. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved” is now displayed to everyone travelling southbound on the M77.
Last week we travelled up to the north of Scotland, just a few miles south of Inverness, and fitted new banners to the trailer beside the A9 as it had become very faded, but it now boldly displays God's word.
For almost 3 years we have had 3 billboards in Yorkshire but recently signed up to a fourth. The new billboard is beside the existing billboard on the M62 and therefore we took the decision to replace the existing billboard at the same time as putting up the new one. The first one now says “Christ died for our sins” and the new one “he was buried, he was raised on the third day”. We thank God we travelled safely down last Thursday evening and on Friday installed the new banners and washed the existing banners. In the past 4 days we have travelled 1000 miles around the UK erecting Bible verses.
Please pray that the display of God’s word will speak to the hearts of all who see it. We are glad to report each week we receive Bible requests via the website and are delighted to be mailing between 10-25 Bible packs per week within the UK.
In January I had a 10-day trip to Uganda. The first 3 days of my trip were spent in Kampala where I was able to organise new billboards and the renewal of some existing billboards. After this we collected Stephen Baker from the airport and travelled to Mbale in the
1 Kings 6-7
East where we spent time teaching with the numerous small assemblies there. The assemblies are small and young but do have a desire for the truth. I must make mention of Stephen’s steadfast commitment in teaching the saints in Mbale regularly online. Please join us in praying that some of our teaching will have been received and that the Lord may be glorified in this.
Whilst in Mbale I had discussions with the assembly regarding their outreach and plans were made and preparations started for a food programme for the local children. The assembly is in a very poor area and malnutrition is a huge problem. The assembly are now cooking and providing breakfast twice a week and dinner twice a week for 20-40 children. The breakfast consisting of porridge with bread and the dinner of rice, meat, sauce and veg is providing good all-round nutritious meals. The cost to provide 30 children breakfast and dinner is less than a takeaway for 4 people over here. Please pray for wisdom for the assembly as they begin this new outreach to show Christ’s love and care to those around them.
My next series of weekly contributions on BBC Radio 2 “Pause for thought” begins on March 19th for 4 weeks. As I am sure you will appreciate, the work requires delicate handling with quite a few restrictions placed on what can and cannot be said, but it is our desire to simply share a verse from God’s Word each week. I would greatly value your prayers for this work, that many souls will hear and understand the word of God, and that this door will continue to remain open.
Last year we began a monthly gospel meeting on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in our local village of Symington. We have had 2 or 3 local people attend each of these meetings and have decided to continue this throughout 2024. We would appreciate your prayer for this work.
Last Saturday I met with Kilmarnock Rugby club who have agreed to the use of their training pitch for a summer tent campaign. The desire is to hire a large 300-seater tent and hold a 2-week Gospel campaign starting on the 27th July. This will require a large amount of preparation, including a leaflet drop to somewhere in the region of 37,000 homes. We would so appreciate your prayers for wisdom and the Lord’s guidance as we seek to plan for an outreach of this scale.
We are incredibly grateful for the continued interest and care and are comforted in the knowledge of your prayers as we seek to serve our Lord and Saviour.
Saturday 13th
IRELAND Cootehill
The beginning of 2024 has been a packed couple of months. We began the year with preparation for 29 prizegiving visits across most of the country. At the beginning of the year this entails reviewing all the scores up until December, stocking up on prizes and rearranging our office facilities for packing boxes and loading the van. At the tail end of 2023 we had already booked the majority of venues, so we were ready to begin our travels on the 26th of January.
Just one weekend prior to that we hosted our first STEP (Sharing Truth: Encouraging Practice) Bible study event of the year at Castledaly Manor in Athlone. We had about 80 in attendance to study the book of 1st John and it was encouraging to see so many interested in and applied to the study of God’s Word.
Although a little hindered by colds and flus when the 26th of January came, we managed to keep the programme on track. The early occurrence of Easter meant that the schedule was more condensed than usual. This meant that days were pretty much filled with travelling and repacking with little time for routine work, or administration. The prizegivings have been an encouraging time and we are glad that there is still good interest in using the Bibletime lessons to share God’s word in some schools. We are not unaware of the fact that this type of opportunity in education is being squeezed out in many places and so we pray earnestly that the doors that are open remain so. We also look to the Lord for new and strategic opportunities, especially in relation to the use of digital lessons which we are working hard on delivering for the new school year.
Having now visited 24 of the venues and met in excess for 2,000 students and their families, we look forward to just one more week of travelling, with 5 visits in the southeast of the country. When we have completed our travels, we hope to catch up on some of the routine duties before taking a few days away with the girls over Easter. Immediately after Easter the demands will switch to running a successful digital lesson trial in schools in the month of May and planning our summer events.
We have greatly missed any additional help in the office over the prizegiving season. Ruth did return from Austria for her half-term week to help with our busiest week, and for this we were very glad. The need for help to adequately prepare for the summer activities will be even more pronounced. We do look to the Lord for his provision of help, or indeed the wisdom to scale back our plans so as to be able to do the things that we do well and for His glory.
We greatly appreciate all those who continue to bear this work up before the Lord.
C. 2018 GARETH & MARGARET McMEEKIN 8/3/24 1 Kings 8-9
Sunday 14th
Over the last 2 weeks in December 2023 and the 1st week of January 2024, we have spent 3 weeks in South Africa, visiting my aging parents, ministering the Word and preaching the gospel of God in 5 assemblies in and around Cape Town, as well as participating in the New Year’s Conference in Port Elizabeth.
On our way back to New Zealand, we had some meetings in two assemblies in Malaysia: Kota Kemuning and Puchong. We thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with the saints and it was indeed a tremendous privilege and joy to open the Scriptures and serve both the Lord and His people.
We look to the Lord for His blessing, encouraged that He has promised that His Word shall not return to Him void, but it shall accomplish that which He pleases, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto He sent it.
From mid-January this year, we laboured locally in our home assembly in Orewa, Auckland, followed by a visit to the northern-most assembly in the North Island at Waipapa, where we had 5 meetings with help from Simeon Dudley, a brother from Auckland.
Late last year, on my way to Waipapa, I stopped in the city Whangarei for a haircut. The Lord gave me an opening to share the gospel with the barber, who initially showed no interest, but in the end acknowledged that he was “taken to church” by his grandmother as a young boy, and the need to think about and reconsider his lifestyle, considering his young family.
On another occasion, I dropped by to give him some gospel literature, which he gladly accepted. He actually requested that I call every time I travel through Whangarei. Please pray for Reuben.
Kota Kemuning Assembly Malaysia
Orewa Assembly NZ
1 Kings 10-12
From the start of February, I started with a series of ministry at a city assembly in the suburb of Takapuna (Auckland), preaching through the book of Esther (8 sessions) every Wednesday night. We are currently in Hawkes Bay, a region on the eastern coast of NZ, to encourage the saints in the small assembly at Karamu Street, and give ministry from Sunday until Friday, DV.
Your prayer for these meetings will be greatly appreciated.
Monday 15th
1 Kings 13-15
The soon coming day of Christ will be a wonderful event when we meet and see the Lord Himself. I can only praise God for His faithfulness to me over the past 13 years since the Lord took my dear husband, Tommy, home to glory, after many years labouring with him in Alaska.
The Pennsauken assembly, where I am in fellowship, plans once again to hold tent meetings the month of June, Lord willing. The Barrington assembly, which is nearby, had two weeks of gospel meetings in February with Paul Barnhardt and two local brothers. A teenage girl professed to be saved after hearing the preacher give his testimony and she seems so happy. There are so many of the Christians' children who are not yet saved and for whom we are praying for their salvation. Last summer one young boy of 12 professed faith in Christ. It is also so encouraging to see the spiritual growth in our young men. In our Wednesday night Bible Reading, the brethren are studying the first assemblies in Acts: Who they were, where they gathered, what they believed and how they grew. It is a most enjoyable study.
I thank God for the blessings I have in Christ and for the physical abilities to still live alone in an apartment and care for myself at almost 88 years of age. "The joy of the Lord is my strength (Neh 8:10)".
Stellenbosch Assembly South Africa
Tuesday 16th
Kindly pray for George Muller Home for the HIV children. There are 24 children at present. Being a government referral centre, we pray that more children will be added. Please pray for a 14-yearold boy called Bharat, who has been very ill with severe depression and has no parents; Bethesda is his home. The warden Naga Lakshmi, doctors, senior staff, nurses all cared for him and showed special affection and sincerely prayed for his recovery. By God’s grace he is much better. Please continue to pray for his ongoing recovery.
Also, there are 88 children, 44 girls and 44 boys in Dr. Edward Short’s hostels. The elder children who are doing medical courses will be writing their final exams next month. Kindly pray.
The Executive Board met today and have decided to concentrate on outreach clinics, promoting the ministry in our assemblies and also want to initiate income generating projects, like the ‘milk project’. Kindly pray for God’s wisdom. A new nurse by name Elsey Susheela has joined today. She is a good believer.
As a part of the outreach ministry, our chairman Mr. K Satyanarayana, along with a team, visited Thurputhallu, a village near the sea-shore on 28th January; it was a real blessing.
There is a young patient by name Ravi Kumar suffering with throat cancer and fighting with his disease. Kindly pray for his recovery.
Please rejoice with us as two sisters named Mounika and Chinni who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, were baptised yesterday in the river flowing near Bethesda. Many people and vehicles stopped and witnessed the event.
Bujji a little girl from a leprosy background who is in our Dr. Edward Short hostel is very ill with psychological problems. Kindly pray for healing.
A team from Bethesda, including myself and Mr. K
1 Kings 16-18
Satyanarayana, hope to go to a remote tribal village called Chinageddada on 10th March 2024. It is around 150 km from here. Brother Jayaprakash, a faithful servant of God, has been ministering in this place for over 40 years. Kindly pray as we share God's Word and love to the believers there. All the believers there are tribal.
Wednesday 17th N. IRELAND
1 Kings 19-20
I was in Canada before Christmas with brother Jim Frazier from Wisconsin, we had meetings in the Oil Springs Gospel Hall, the Lord graciously worked, and a number of souls were saved. We had some nights of ministry in the hall at that time to ground them in their new-found faith.
I was invited to return on the 14th of February to witness some of those who were saved obeying the Lord in Baptism. It was a real joy to see the hall full and new believers going into the water and going under the water and coming out of the water as a testimony to their faith and their link with the risen Lord and His Death and Burial and Resurrection.
Each one had written out how they had been saved and so as one by one they came forward to be baptised their testimony was read out by one of the elders. It worked very well, and I thought it was good for the unsaved who were present to witness the baptisms and hear the testimonies.
We stayed and shared more ministry with brother Frank Sona, to try to be a help to them and trust that they all will go on to live for the Glory of God.
I returned last Saturday and spoke at two meetings on Lord’s Day, then on Tuesday I had a ministry meeting in Co, Cavan. On Wednesday I was back in Cavan for the funeral of a man whom I would have visited regularly. In fact, a week before going to Canada I spoke to him about his soul. He told me at that time, that he was not saved. He passed away on Monday morning. Only the Lord knows if he got it or not. It reminded me that we never know when we are speaking to a soul for the last time. We need, with the help of God, to be as faithful to people as we possibly can.
We are labourers together and trust God will be honoured in all we try to do for Him.
C. 1991 TERRY & CHERYL TOPLEY 1/3/24
Thursday 18th
In 1973 Jean and I were commended by an assembly in the Bolton area to go to my home county of Dorset. I left teaching and Jean came with a wide experience of Sunday school work. We always had in our minds the work amongst children and young people and followed the words of the Lord; “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me.” (Matthew 19:14)
Over the years we spent much time in children's missions, holiday Bible clubs, tent missions and in early days with others we started a camp work. The camp work became a major part of our work for nearly 40 years. Each year we held three weeks of camp for different age groups. Thousands of children came to camp and spent a week under the sound of the Gospel. Many came to know the Lord at camp and are now serving Him at home and abroad. In semi-retirement we are no longer able to be involved in the activities that we had formerly been so busy with. However, our focus is still to a large extent on children and young people.
As a former teacher I have made many visits to schools for school assemblies. This has taken up a considerable amount of my time, and over the years I’ve visited a large number of primary schools across Dorset on a regular basis. I now keep in regular contact with 12 local primary schools and visit once or twice each term. It’s a tremendous privilege to speak to hundreds of children and bring Bible stories and when appropriate the message of Easter and Christmas to children who hear very little spiritually in school or at home. We’re very conscious that this is sowing the seed, but we can only pray that the seed will fall on good ground and bring forth much fruit.
In our early days we commenced a Postal Bible School, initially writing our own lessons but then beginning to work with Bert and Wendy Gray who were publishing lessons in southern Ireland. When we commenced, we only had a few students but over the years the Dorset Postal Bible School has increased in number and we now have regular contact with 300 children all over the country who receive lessons each month. It is quite a time-consuming process, but we are regularly encouraged by the numbers of
School 1 Kings
children that are being influenced by Bibletime lessons, some of whom have told us that this led to their conversion to the Lord.
There’s no doubt that the children of our nation need much prayer as they grow up in a godless, dark society. We are thankful for the liberty that enables a large number of people across the country to bring the gospel into schools and also through the many Postal Bible Schools as they reach out to hundreds of children. We are conscious of the important words of Scripture: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22: 6)
Friday 19th
2 Kings 1-3
Just a short update on Jennifer’s present spine and brain cancer situation. It was apparent some time ago that Jenny’s memory was not as good as it used to be! Tests were taken, concluding that the radiation on her brain over the years to reduce cancer had a side effect of possibly destroying some healthy cells also. Jennifer has been officially diagnosed with dementia.
An MRI scan along with blood tests were arranged a few weeks ago and last week we were given the findings by the cancer consultant. Unfortunately, after 5 years of treatment it has been decided all treatment for cancer ceases this month, not to be continued in the future, but being replaced by a form of palliative care from our flat by nurses, GP, cancer coordinator, physiotherapist and myself.
Your prayers will be appreciated as we journey onward with the Lord, the Alpha and Omega. The Lord is in the boat with us, and in Jenny’s own words, “good to be at peace knowing the Saviour is in the boat!”
C. 1973
Saturday 20th
2024 has brought with it a new set of trials and challenges. However, we know that the Lord is faithful (2 Thes. 3:3) In the past couple of months the gospel work in Santa Tecla, El Salvador has focused mainly on a Thursday night youth group ages 13-18, and a very enthusiastic Sunday school class, ages 2-15.
San Salvador
On Thursday nights we have been encouraged by an ever-growing group of teenagers who attend our weekly meeting. Most of these kids come from broken homes, with at least one family member in prison due to gang/extorsion ties. They have very little Bible knowledge and none of them profess to be saved. This has led us to begin a Bible study through the Old Testament, noting main events and characters and always finding a way to point the listener to Christ. As 2 Timothy 3:16 assures us “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable … instruction in righteousness” It has been an encouragement to see these teens learn Bible history and the love of Jesus Christ for them. We are reminded of Paul’s words to the Romans, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Please pray for the salvation of souls.
The second week of February we initiated our Sunday School program. Like the teen class, many of these kids come from low-income households. However, their enthusiasm for singing and memorizing Bible verses is contagious. This year we have divided the
2 Kings 4-5
Mizata Sunday School
approximately 35 kids into three classes. The smallest group up to age 6, 7-11, and 12+. We pray that this small group will continue to grow in number, and that souls will be saved.
The week leading up to Easter Sunday is a holiday for a lot of people therefore it’s also a busy time for conferences throughout the country. We are thankful that these meetings are back to normal, there will be 6 different conferences from east to west. Some of the bigger assemblies hold their own while others join together so that the 21 assemblies will have the opportunity to meet to hear God’s word and enjoy the fellowship with other believers; something that we have missed over the past few years.
Patty and I spend most of our time helping in the Santa Tecla assembly and visiting a few of the assemblies in the western part of the country. Mizata (we try to visit every other week) is an assembly on the pacific coast that was established in the early 70’s and has maintained a good testimony over the years. They are small in numbers but regardless of what meetings it is, they are all there. They are faithful in presenting the gospel to young and old. They recently initiated their Sunday school for the year.
Prayer request:
• Salvation for those attending weekly gospel meetings and children’s meetings.
• That men with strong convictions and a desire to lead God's people would be raised up.
• For safe travels over the Easter weekend and God’s blessing upon His word.
Sunday 21st
2 Kings 6-8
ITALY Bacoli
Debbie and I are due to drive over to a university town called Chieti Scalo near Pescara on the east coast, to be with the assembly there, where I am due to speak on the Sunday, take a couple of studies on what it means to live as part of a local church, and what the objectives of the church are. I am also due to speak with the elders there on assisting assemblies in training up the next generation.
To this purpose on Easter weekend, we have planned a conference dealing with this very topic, inviting assemblies across Italy. Please do pray for us as we plan for this, that the Lord would move those who could most benefit, to be present, and give us wisdom as we seek to administer the resources we have to maximum effect, for His glory.
Back home here in Bacoli, we are fully involved in the assembly activities, and I am also involved in spending time with leaders from three different assemblies in the area, to help them develop in the ministries that the Lord has given them. I would appreciate your prayer regarding this.
C. 1987/88 ROD& DEBBIE JONES 29/2/24
2 Kings 9-11
Monday 22nd AUSTRALIA Queensland
The Australian Bible Van was built in 1927 and gifted to a Gospel Hall preacher. In its working life, it’s been from Tasmania to North Queensland; these two areas would be over 2000 miles apart, driving via dusty roads back then. Three Assembly preachers used the Bible Van extensively, in many and varied locations, before it was retired. It was restored just over 30 years ago to honour outback missionaries and registered once again to drive on the road. The Bible Van still has the original scriptures on 3 sides. John 3:16 is one of those verses, another is “The coming of the Lord draweth nigh - be ye therefore ready”.
In 2017, our prayerful exercise began to unfold to take the Bible Van to rural shows,
markets & towns with free Bibles, handmade scripture wall plaques and many other items. Our desire is to seek to reach people in this way with the Gospel, encourage believers, and see assemblies strengthened in these last days. The verse that was laid upon our hearts was 2 Cor 10 v 16 - “to preach the Gospel in the regions beyond you”. The Lord has opened many doors with around 18 one, two and three-day rural shows and events annually – plus our local Eumundi Markets each Wednesday from 6am to 2pm. The Eumundi Markets are very well known – therefore we meet people from all around the globe – tourists, backpackers & interstate visitors alike. We are encouraged by the many conversations, and requests for Bibles particularly from younger people.
God is at work in the hearts of mankind, and we thank the Lord for this. All glory to God – we simply sow seeds, water it with prayer, and God giveth the increase.
The opportunities are endless in this country of Australia. Sometimes we’re asked to take the Bible Van in a Rural Show grand parade or a street procession – this is another way that the Word of God can be displayed and read by hundreds or perhaps thousands of onlookers. Those watching can be heard reading the verses aloud. The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword.
Late last year, several events were booked over 3 consecutive weeks. The first being Lismore’s 3-day Show. It was an encouraging time spent serving alongside the dear believers from the Lismore Gospel Hall. The next Saturday was a Market at Warwick, where there’s a small Assembly of faithful believers. The following week was Grafton Jacaranda Festival, where Noel & Jenny Kerslake from Gosford NSW worked with us at the Thursday Market. Around 700 scripture wall plaques were given out over these 3 events, also 200+ laminated scripture pictures going mainly to school children. These events were all 3 to 5 hours’ drive from home, towing the Bible Van on a trailer behind our small truck.
We had a 5 day Bible Exhibition in Warwick Town Hall. The Exhibition & Gospel meetings at night were very well attended. Another Exhibition has just taken place in February in a small town called Biggenden, Qld. This area was well evangelised in the early days, and a good number of those in Assembly fellowship today in various areas, have roots in the Dallarnil/Biggenden locality. 3 brethren shared in the Gospel at night - Len Walker & Paul Delley (Bundaberg) were there to help also in this. Over 30 children came from the local small School as a school excursion. Dallarnil has a small Assembly and the believers helped tirelessly. Please pray for a good response. We appreciate the prayers of the Lord’s people and look to Him for guidance in future opportunities.
Tuesday 23rd SOUTH AFRICA
Please continue to remember the work of the Lord here in George, South Africa.
Please continue to remember the Bible correspondence lessons
There was a turnout of 170 children, including adults, at the end of 2023. This is for our get together, twice a year. The children come from 6 areas in George; Blanco, Conville, Parkdene, Marais camp, Borcherds and Pacaltsdorp. We transport the children by bus to the hall in Pacaltsdorp. We are thankful for 10 more adults and 30 more children who have also joined this year to do the Bible lessons. We are thankful that from the outreach, Christiano and other young folk have been attending the Gospel meetings, also Christiano’s stepmum, Wendy Classen, who is also doing the lessons. Another young man has promised to come to the meetings, who has been very ill with suspected HIV.
Please continue to pray for the patients at the TB hospital and the literature distributed, that it may fall on good ground. Recently we again were asked to help with a project. This always gives the opportunity to share the Gospel with these patients and leave literature with them.
We are so grateful for Bernice and Adriaan, who asked to be married at the end of last year. They are both unsaved, but their lovely daughter Ianthe, and both their “mums” are in fellowship This is the first step, and we trust we will see them both soon come to the Saviour. We are thankful that Adriaan has been at every Gospel meeting since. Please pray for this young couple, who also have a little boy of 2-years-old.
Please pray for the young folk. Sadly, one young sister was recently read out of fellowship. 2 Timothy 4:10 “For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world”. We trust she may repent and return to her first love.
The cottage meetings have recommenced in the new year. Firstly, we had a cottage meeting in the area of Rosedale. A “car watch”, John, suffered 2 strokes and the family asked us to come and have a meeting. He is physically able to walk again and made mention of wanting to make right with His Creator. We trust he will understand God’s mercy and help and in sparing his life and that he will come to salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We were in another home in New Dawn Park, Pacaltsdorp. Please pray for this family.
Bible correspondence
Bible correspondence 2 Kings
The wife is in happy fellowship, the husband’s life has been spared on a few occasions as he has been very sickly with liver problems. He once walked with His Saviour but has had little interest in the things of the Lord more recently. We were so joyous when he decided to attend the meeting the other night. Please pray for Sammy.
Another meeting was arranged on request of a mum, Chloe, who 'wanted to dedicate her child to the Lord'. It was a wonderful opportunity again to bring the Gospel to another home, where three generations of her family were present, with a wonderful turn out from the assembly. This mum and baby have also been attending the meetings. Please pray for each home as the Gospel is preached.
C.2000 (SA) ROBIN & MARY ROSSOUW 6/3/24
Wednesday 24th
2 Kings 15-17
ZAMBIA Chitokoloki
It is rainy season in Zambia, but in name only. Things are very dry, and the prospects are not good for the local people here who rely on maize farming to support themselves. People who have employment will be able to buy maize to feed themselves and their dependants, but I don’t know what the many unemployed people living in our area of Northwestern Province will do. Apparently, the government steps in when the situation is very bad. Please pray for folks out here, especially the believers. Please pray for those of us who may be able to help, that wisdom will be given and that the best way to help will become evident. Charity and relief work is actually quite complicated and prone to corruption and abuse, and it is difficult to know who needs help and who does not.
The hospital extension project is moving right along. The Canadian teams are leaving Chitokoloki after a month’s hard work! There were about a dozen people out, helping with everything from the piped oxygen installation to electrical work. Their help was very much appreciated. There are still a few months left of work to do with a lot of finishing to go yet, so we would appreciate prayer, that things would go smoothly. This hospital extension should help address the problem of overcrowding in the hospital, which is especially bad just after the various surgery marathons. There are around eight per year, for paediatrics, plastic and orthopaedic surgery.
The Thursday school bible program is up and running for the term. We are at a different school, a place called Kakolokoku, about a 40-minute drive from Chitokoloki down a sand road. After we have finished the program at this school, we will have done pretty much all the schools within a reasonable driving distance from Chitokoloki. What we might do is go to all the same schools again, but with a different program; maybe a twelve-week program on the life of Christ. It is a good thing that the Bible is a big book and that there is lots of material to choose from! The kids at the school where we are currently are largely unfamiliar with stories like creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel. So, there is lots of work to do. Would appreciate your prayers for this work. Please pray as well for the local believers who take part with us in the outreach, for their encouragement. The fields certainly are white to harvest.
C. 2013/17 CHRIS & ALISON BRUNDAGE 1/3/24
Thursday 25th
Looking back to last year we can just continue to praise and rejoice in the Lord. Throughout the year the children have enjoyed good health. The second week of September they have started school after a very hot summer. Their daily routine changed, with less free time and more focus on school and studying. Ambra, Samuel, Paulina and Dion have started to follow the development therapy sessions. The children from 8 to 15 years, have continued their daily Bible reading and prayer time. Also, they returned to the children’s meetings for the new season and twice a month, Petrit, an elder, is organizing discussion time with them. We are praying that the seeds God is planting in their heart will give fruit in His time and they will never forget that all the things they have at the Hiding Place are because of God’s love for them.
Let us share with you some stories and prayer points for our Children:
This is Izabela. She lost her mother 2 weeks after she was born, and her father passed away during the first wave of COVID. She was the only biological orphan staying with us. We started the adoption process for her 3 years ago when she was just 5 years old. Because of her intellectual and slight motor disabilities no-one was willing to adopt her until a year ago, then an American couple decided to be her adoptive family. It was a long journey for them, due to the long procedures but at the end the second week of November she joined her adoptive family. We are thankful not just for the adoption but because the family is Christian and for the last 3 years, they have been involved in mission trips to support Albanian churches. We are amazed by the ways God opens doors and has answered our prayers! God is good all the time and His ways are unknown. Continue to pray for her and her family, that God will lead them and will give them strength and wisdom to support their children.
Kings 18-19
Emanuela and Samoel have been doing well and they have enjoyed good health. Ela is following the 4th grade at the elementary school, and she is doing well at school. She is helping with small works at home. Samo is struggling a bit with school but has started to improve. The mother and her relatives are in continual contact with the children and they have good relationship with each other. But now one of the parties is suitable to take care of the children. They are feeling at home at the Hiding Place. Keep praying for them.
Xhediola has started the first grade at the elementary school. She loves going to school and she is doing very well. Her parent’s situation has not changed, and she misses her siblings. Ambra is continuing the kindergarten, and Paulina and Dion have joined her. Her father will soon come out of prison, and he has been saying he wants to take his daughter with him, when he is out and finds a job.
Ambra and Ajla are growing up so fast. We went for Ajla’s routine heart checkup and the cardiac paediatrician said that the hole is still there but as she is growing healthy, the doctor took the decision to stop the medical treatment for her and have her under observation for 3 months.
The three siblings Benrada, Paulina and Dion are settled and feeling at home at the Hiding Place. Paulina (Ina) is the more active and disobedient and makes things difficult for herself and the ladies. Coming from a neglected and violent situation makes it difficult for her to keep to the rules of the home. She and her little brother Dion who follows her deeds are attending the kindergarten together with Ambra. Benrada, is following the 4th grade and is classmates with Ela. She is doing good and like all the older children is helping with small things at home. They continue to have regular communication with their mother.
Prayer points
• God’s protection over this ministry.
• God may protect and give strength to our children as they grow up.
• May God revive in their hearts the desire to know and follow Him.
• May God give strength, wisdom, patience and every skill and virtue needed to give to these children the best support.
• May God guide us in knowing Him more and growing in the knowledge of His word and let Him lead our lives according to His plan. May our heart beat for His love and the desire to serve Him.
Update from DORJOLA at THE HIDING PLACE 27/2/24
Friday 26th
On December 10th the assembly in Juarez had their annual Sunday School program, where the children recited a verse they had learned from the Bible. It was encouraging to have the participation of 32 children and young people. The attendance was more than expected and included several parents who had never come out to a meeting before. Miguel gave a short Gospel message at the end of the evening.
2 Kings 20-22
On December 24th we traveled to Cancun, Quintana Roo, to join a group of more than 80 believers to distribute texts of 1 Corinthians 15:3 in that city. The fellowship with other believers, the messages from the Word of God and the singing made the week memorable. The week was followed by a series of Gospel meetings, and Miguel helped for 10 days. The attendance was most encouraging, and several professed to be saved during the series. May the Lord continue to bless the work in Cancun.
Sunday School has been a great encouragement for us. We have 40 children on average each Sunday, most of them from the community. The youth class has also grown during the past year, and now we have around 15 to 20 young people each Sunday. Some of them have professed to be saved, but the majority are not saved. Some have shown interest in salvation, though. Robert, 14, asked: “How can I know if I am saved?” This is the kind of question that we want to hear from them. Robert is still not saved, but he has come to the Gospel meetings and listens intently. Please pray for Robert’s salvation. Karla, a 15-year-old girl who in the past has suffered physically and emotionally, never
Believers in assembly fellowship in Juarez and their children
Annual Sunday School Program
misses a Sunday School class. Her mother told us that Karla wakes up on Sundays getting everything ready for Sunday School and waits until we pick her up. She has found true friendship and support from the teachers. May the Lord work in her heart for her salvation, and the salvation of her family. During February, we had the visit of Eleonor Mosquera, from Hermosillo, and she helped with the girls’ Sunday School class, giving three lessons about the Divine Plan for Woman, with an emphasis on the Gospel. Several women from the community joined the girls’ class and found the topic most interesting. We are planning to have a series of Gospel meetings starting on March 25th. We pray that the Lord may work in the salvation of souls during these meetings.
Saturday 27th
2 Kings 23-25
The week prior to Christmas we hired a venue for outreach on the student campus in Tirana and displayed a portion of the Bible Exhibition. Each day was spent distributing invitations along with other Christian leaflets on campus while in the evenings we had Gospel meetings. The numbers were small but almost every evening we had a few unsaved in and after the meeting we had prolonged yet interesting Q&A sessions. A couple of the young folk showed great interest and we trust that we will yet hear news of salvation.
The Christmas special with the children and their parents was really encouraging with many new faces in attendance and around 50 shoeboxes given out as presents to the children. The numbers have grown this year with a couple of new families coming regularly. They are mostly from traditional Muslim backgrounds.
In January two new believers joined the online Bible training program bringing the number of young adults studying online to 14. As they are scattered throughout the country it is the most practical and efficient way to have consistent consecutive study with them and to facilitate regular discussion.
Beside the regular activities, Enris is working on proofreading a book about the three pre-reformers of 14th century Wycliffe, Tyndale and Huss. It is challenging to read how much of their life was dedicated to the Lord in the preaching of the Gospel.
In April Sylvia will have a medical team visit at the clinic. It will be the first team back since Covid halted visits early 2020. As the itinerary is finalised we are praying that the visit will be encouraging to local Christian medics, that visions will be renewed and spirits revived to continue sharing Christ through healthcare despite the many setbacks and broken systems. C.
One of the evangelical denominations in Botoșani has begun building a care home for the elderly and while this is great news that others are seeing the need to make provision for this neglected group in the demographics of the country, it could raise issues in retaining staff in Casa Simeon. Many employers engage their employees on the “Dark Economy”. The employer tells the government that the staff are receiving a certain level of salary which affects how much tax they will pay to the government, then give the employee a further cash sum in their hand. The employee sees this as beneficial as they don’t pay as much tax as they should and therefore have more spending money in their pocket. Sadly, this practice is widespread and is also adopted by businesses owned by believers. There is a real possibility that when this home starts recruiting, that some of Casa Simeon staff will be enticed away. Alina (the manager) has often been criticized for not adopting this policy and put under pressure from employees who would like to be paid under the dark economy. Please pray for Alina and Titi as they deal with these pressures and seek to maintain a faithful stewardship in Casa Simeon.
Acceptable unto the Lord (Eph 5:10)
How we thank God for those who before the Lord make their giving as unto the Lord. Malachi reminded the people of God in his day that to do otherwise is to rob God (Mal 3:8). Such giving is seen in the donation made by a brother from Suceava (Romania) who donated 7000 kg of pellets for the boilers. These are particularly useful for use at weekends and overnight as they feed the boiler from a hopper, whereas Titi burns logs during the day which are much less expensive. This example is among a growing number of saints and assemblies in Romania that are truly supportive of the work and are a real encouragement to Alina and Titi as well as to ourselves.
Sunday 28th
ROMANIA Writing from England
1 Chron 1-2
The home is full, and we thank God that it is recognised now that the care offered in Casa Simeon is second to none. Indeed, Alina has had applications from places as far away as Bucharest, the capital of Romania, which is some 270 miles from Botoșani, but still there are many dear saints who are unwilling to leave their village homes for the benefits of Casa Simeon and struggle on in their poverty.
The most recent resident is a sister called Lazăr Ortenzia. She is 89 years old and suffers from Alzheimer’s but has settled well into her new accommodation.
In June this year the home will have been open 9 years and the number of dear saints who have benefited from this provision of the Lord has been encouraging. However, like the residents, the building is suffering from wear and tear as the winter weather takes its toll. Just before the end of 2023 the steps to the entrance of the building had to be replaced as the tiles were cracking and allowing water to seep under them.
As the water freezes it lifts the tiles and some were loose and dangerous so the whole area has been re-tiled with a better-quality tile than was originally used. Titi – officially the ‘maintenance and boiler man’ keeps a good eye on all aspects of the building and grounds, and most repairs are done by him.
As we view the years that are past and look to His coming again, we thank the Lord that we can say with Jeremiah “. . . the LORD’S mercies . . . . They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness”. (Lam 3:22-23).
Think on these things (Phil 4:8)
Give thanks for:
• The help given to many dear saints over the years.
• The Lord graciously maintaining the prayerful and practical support from home and abroad.
• The witness that the home is to the many inspectors who visit and comment on the high standard maintained.
Pray for:
• Alina and Titi in the pressures they face.
• Wisdom for ourselves and the trustees regarding the future of OBL (Operation Brotherly Love) work in Romania.
Sister Lazar
Monday 29th
Over past months it has been a privilege to take our literature table onto Tottenham High Road, locating it in front of the Gospel Hall. We have been greatly encouraged by the large number of Bibles, New Testaments and gospels that have been requested, both in English and other languages, along with hundreds of tracts and other pieces of literature that have been distributed amongst adults and children. There have been many conversations with those who have been willing to stop and speak. Several people have recognised John from their days attending Sunday School or children’s meetings, in some cases thirty, forty or more years ago! We have been able to renew contact with some who came to the ‘Drop-In and Free Breakfast’, pre-pandemic days, and some have attended again the ‘All Age’ service in the Gospel Hall.
Over the Christmas period we were able to distribute several hundred John 3:16 bags containing gospel calendars, a Christmas tract and invitation, a packet of biscuits etc. These were very well received, and it has been encouraging to see people using the bags for their shopping, and at the same time displaying the scriptures! As a result of this distribution a number of new people came along to the Christmas services, and three have continued to come faithfully to the ‘All Age’ service since then. We did something similar over the New Year period, distributing packs containing a gospel calendar, Seed Sower text, a tract and invitation etc. Again, these too were very well received. We have been mindful of the words of the psalmist, “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding to the simple” (Ps 119:130).
Items for praise and prayer
• Praise God for the many who have received the scriptures in recent months. Pray that it will lead to the salvation and blessing of many.
• Praise God for those who continue to attend the All Age Service as a result of the John 3:16 bags. Pray for a deepening understanding of the things of God.
• Pray for Bible studies being held in our home for saved and unsaved alike.
• Pray for ‘Mrs G’, an elderly lady contacted through the literature table, who together with her adult granddaughter, is caring for her adult son who has suffered a severe stroke. We have an open invitation to go into their home to pray and read the scriptures with them.
• Pray for ‘S’ a believer contacted through the literature table who is keen to meet up with Janice for fellowship and Bible study.
1 Chron 3-5
• Pray for the ‘Friends and Neighbours Coffee Morning’ held in our home as a means of outreach. Although it closed because of the pandemic, it has now recommenced. Praise God for those who attend and pray for their salvation.
• Pray for John as he has undergone emergency surgery, followed by further surgery during the past 8 months. He continues to make steady progress and we are thankful to the Lord for the added grace and strength we have both experienced over these challenging months.
Tuesday 30th
For many years, the Sunday School at the assembly had around 100 children attending. This, of course, all came to an end with the pandemic. Last year the assembly started a small Sunday School with half a dozen children. This has grown until there are now almost 20 children attending. It is held at the same time as our Gospel meeting and now there are several African ladies who bring their children for the Sunday School and stay for the Gospel. They listen well to the messages each week and we look to the Lord to bless His Word in the salvation of precious souls.
Many of the children who used to attend, came from the Senior Primary School in Port Shepstone. Following Covid, the children still could not come due to government regulations. However, the headmaster of the school approached the assembly, requesting that the children come again to the assembly, as government regulations had been relaxed. For several weeks now, we have had this second Sunday School running early on Lord’s Day morning before our other meetings. We praise the Lord for this. One of the interesting things about this is that an uncle of the headmaster is the Roman Catholic cardinal responsible for the whole of South Africa! The Sunday School is headed up by a young Indian brother, saved from a Hindu background. Recently he has given us much joy as we see him taking increasing part in the meetings and doing so most acceptably. Do pray for him (his name is Prabhu), that he might be preserved from the attacks of the evil one.
This weekend our daughter, Judith, is celebrating her 50th birthday, so she and her husband are coming to spend a couple of days with us, God willing. How faithful God has been to them and to us! We plan on taking them to a game lodge about one hour away. It is perched on the edge of Oribi Gorge (technically a canyon), with a drop of 1,000 feet to a small river. It will be nice to see some game also; there are vultures, wildebeest, zebra and various types of antelope all around, so we trust it will be a relaxing and pleasant time together.
Your interest in the Lord’s work here in South Africa and your prayers are a great encouragement to us. Please keep praying—”The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” Jas. 5:16.
C. 1968 PAUL & DOROTHY GRIEVE 1/3/24 1 Chron 6
C=Date of Commendation
Published by:
42 Beansburn, Kilmarnock KA3 1RL
Tel. 01563 521098 E.Mail:
Charity No. SC008740
Alistair Buchan (Aberdeen)
David Grant (Kilmarnock)
Andrew Grieve (Belfast)
Kevin Oh (London)
Stephen Trimble (Ballykeel)
Raymond McNair (Glengormley)
Alastair Sinclair (Crosshouse)
Gordon Stewart (Wallingford)
Secretary: Leonard Currie (Kinross)
Total gifts received during February 2024.
Total: £584,465.00