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Perkins loan to possibly be cut

LOANS, page 1

16 semesters versus the lifetime use it has now.


The proposed Pell Grant increase “doesn’t begin to compensate for what is being cut in other programs,” said Colahan. Additionally, just because a student receives the Pell Grant one year, doesn’t mean they will be receiving it the next. It is a grant whose student eligibility is considered every year.

Due to such high “opposition from college lobbyists, student advocates, and loan-industry officials, it is unclear whether Mr. Bush will be able to push his Pell Grant proposal through Congress. If not acted upon soon, “lawmakers would have a difficult time meeting the president’s objective to increase the maximum grant by $100 in the 2006 fiscal year, which begins October 1.”

Domitrz believes in giving one’s partner a choice in each decision that arises. He later shared with the group of his own sister’s experience with rape. Domitrz then said that he realized through that situation that he learned three things: that his sister is amazing and is an incredible person; that all victims are amazing; and that “some are sitting with us this evening, but they think we don’t care.” "CAB ~IN

Both the House Budget Committee and the Republicans in charge of the Senate Budget Committee drifted from the president’s proposal. According to the Chronicle, the Senate Budget Committee’s resolution was to use “most of the savings from the loan programs to pay off the Pell Grant shortfall ad to create a $5.5 billion reserve fund that lawmakers could use to increase spending on student aid if they renew the Higher Education Act this year.” The House Budget Committee “called for devoting an unspecified portion of savings to reducing the $400-billion federal budget deficit. College lobbyists were in favor of the Senates plan.

Colahan said the Financial Aid Office is here to help. “[The Office] wants to meet [students] halfway, it’s more hands-on and awards are given on an individual basis. [We] look and approach it as ‘what we can do to help ease the financial situation?’”

“Although they wouldn’t be getting the most current information in the textbooks, they can get, for example, an engineering book for $75 in India when it sells for $150 in the United States,” Mesing said. However, students looking to save some money have figured out ways of getting these books shipped back into the United

“Generally the margin on a textbook is 20 to 25 percent,” Kennedy said. “On our part, it’s operation costs, salaries, benefits…you know, the daily work of the store like shipping books out, getting books in.”

According to the National Association of College Stores (NACS), about 22.4 cents of every dollar goes toward bookstores in general. Within this percentage, 11.3 cents go to store personnel, 6.6 cents to store operations and 4.5 cents for store income.

According to NACS, 32.3 cents go to the publisher ’s expense such as printing and paper, 15.4 cents go toward publisher’s marketing expenses, 10 cents go to publishing operations and 7.1 cents go towards the publisher’s income. While 1.2 cents go towards payment for the freight company, 11.6 cents are for the author ’s income, which is paid by the publisher. This comes to a total of 77.6 percent of every dollar for the publishers, after performing developmental research, binding, covering and things alike.

Regardless of who’s making the big bucks here, when fall semester rolls around students may be happy they kept their summer job because of the cash they have to fork out on books.

Tuesday,April 5th 3 to 5 p.m. Dixon