2 minute read

We did it to ourselves



Within the last few months, President Bush has been pushing for the reform of social security. As part of this reform, Bush has said that he would like to create private accounts that young people could use to invest money for their retirement.

Since these reforms were introduced, many young people have been left scratching their heads at the thought of what it all means. Not only that, but some have been left asking the burning question of “What has caused the president to want to reform social security in the first place?”

To me, this answer is simple. You see, the reason that has caused the president to want to do so is that over the past twenty years, the United States has become more and more dependent on foreign countries. This in turn has resulted in the United States not having as many jobs for its workers and in turn has resulted in them being unable to contribute as much money to social security.

This is also not to mention that the off shoring of jobs and the moving of corporations oversees hasn’t contributed to this problem as well.

By off shoring jobs and moving corporations oversees, the United States is only hurting itself further.

By doing so, American corporations are taking jobs from Americans that many would be happy to have as well as jobs that could be used to help contribute to social security and help further boost the economy.

By corporations only thinking about how much they can make over the next quarter rather than how they are hurting the United States and social security over the next quarter century, these practices are only going to cause social security to suffer even further until it eventually ends up going bankrupt.

Therefore, we can see that it is because of America’s capitalist thirst for cash, that our own democratic nation is causing itself to run out of what it seeks and worships so very much.


This past Friday, as I was getting all dressed up for the formal, I realized how fun it is to be a girl. As I was getting ready, all of the excitement I had when I was in high school was all coming back. I began to remember the slumber parties, games of truth or dare and the girl gossip.

Most girls feel like princesses when they are getting all dolled up for similar events. It’s always fun to put on the beautiful dress- es, get the hair styled and wear the beautiful jewelry. As the night went on, all of my girlfriends and I were having a blast and dancing the night away There is nothing more fun than dancing and spending quality time with the girls.

There is nothing like the memories of staying up all night with your girlfriends talking about that “special boy” and reciting all the weird facts you know about him. There are also the memories of staying up all night and pigging out on ice cream, potato chips and the unlimited supply of junk food while watching chick flicks. I also remember having a “girl’s night out,” where we would go out to the mall and movies, which were always the best weekend rituals.

The most important quality of a girl is knowing you have your girls to fall back on.

Even through the hard times and fights, you know you have that group of girls to give that emotional support. They are especially good medicine when it comes to wondering why guys can be so confusing or healing any emotional pain.

Girls know how to have fun, and that is all we want to do in life. Girls really do just want to have fun.