PESAst koorunud - bEST from the nEST

Page 14


Üleriided moekunstniku käekirjaga Clothes in a fashion designer’s unique style

KÜLLIKE TUVIKENE asutaja / owner Kes otsib vabrikumantlist midagi enamat, selle jaoks on olemas moebränd KYLLIKE. Iga rõivaese on seal kordumatu juba seetõttu, et brändi looja Küllike Tuvikene valmistab kanga ise, miksides tekstiilitootmisest üle jäänud pitsi ja siidi pehme meriinovillaga. Küllike Tuvikene on diplomiga moekunstnik, kel ärikogemus kunstigalerii pidamisest olemas. Seega otsis ta PESA programmist eelkõige teadmisi, kuidas oma disainitud mudelitega turule minna. Kuidas vormida rõivamudeli prototüübist toode? Kuidas langetada hinda nii palju, et see muutuks konkurentsivõimeliseks? PESA unikaalsus seisnebki Küllikese jaoks usaldusväärses õhkkonnas, kus kõik osalejad julgesid rääkida oma tegelikest probleemidest. Ainult kuula ja mõtle kaasa! Usaldust suurendas seegi, et grupis ei olnud kedagi, kes oleks omavahel konkurendid. Kursuse jooksul saidki autoritöödest tootemudelid. Nüüdseks on hangitud ka väiketootmiseks sobilikud masinad. 260 nõelaga viltimismasina pärale jõudmine Ameerikast tähendab, et nüüd suudetakse olla disainipoodidele heaks koostööpartneriks nii siin- kui sealpool piiri. See ongi järgmine suur eesmärk.

For those looking for something more exclusive than massproduced coats, the fashion brand KYLLIKE is the right choice. Each garment is unique, as the creator of the brand Küllike Tuvikene also creates the fabric by mixing the lace and silk offcuts with soft merino wool. Küllike Tuvikene is a qualified fashion designer whose prior experience in entrepreneurship comes from art gallery management. She initially joined the PESA programme primarily to attain knowledge about launching her own designs. How can you turn a prototype of a garment into a product? How can you lower the price to make it competitive? Kyllike considers PESA a unique experience, as the participants could freely talk about their real problems in a safe and reliable atmosphere. One only needed to listen and think! Mutual trust was further enhanced by the fact that there were no competitors in the group. In the course of the programme, her unique designs became product models. She has now also acquired suitable equipment for small production. The arrival of the felting machine with 260 needles from the US means that they can be a reliable partner for design shops in both Estonia and abroad. And that is the next major goal.

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