Thunder Lake Lodge Resort

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2185662378-www. Thunder LakeLodge. com www. Facebook. com/Thunder LakeLodgeMN

TheThunderLakeLodgeVacat i onExper i ence Thes unwar msours hal l ow,har dbot t om s wi mmi ngar e af r om s unr i s et ol at e e v e ni ngs ot hate v e ni ne ar l ys umme r ,t hewat e ri swar m andi nv i t i ng.Take adv ant ageofourkayaks ,c anoe sandpaddl e boat s ,f r e eofc har ge !Goi ngout50 yar dsors oi nours wi mmi ngar e a,t hewat e ri snomor et hanwai s t de e ppr ov i di nge xc e l l e ntoppor t uni t i e sf orl i t t l eone st opl ayands pl as h.Ki dse nj oybui l di ng s andc as t l e sandpar e nt sr e l axonl oungec hai r sonours unni ngde c ks .Te e ns gat he ront hes wi mr af twhi c hi si n2030f e e tofwat e r ,de pe ndi ngont hedi r e c t i onoft hewi nd.Af t e rt hedayi sov e randt hes undi s appe ar sov e rt hehor i z on, mos tofourgue s t se nj oyani c ef i r eatt he i rownpe r s onalf i r e pi t .



www. Facebook. com/Thunder LakeLodgeMN

Cot t ages ,Condos& RVSi t esonThunderLake Al lofournor t he r nMi nne s ot ac abi nr e nt al sandc ondosc omef ul l ye qui ppe d f oryourhous e ke e pi ngc omf or tande nj oyme nt .Al lhav ede c ksorpat i osand gr e atv i e wsofbe aut i f ulThunde rLake !Enj oyac ampf i r eatyourc ot t ageor c ondo' sown i ndi v i dualf i r e pi t . As k aboutour s e as onalRV s i t e sand our of f pe aks e as on mont hl yr at e sonc ot t age sandc ondos . Al lac c ommodat i onsar es e tami ds tt al lpi ne sandhav egr e atv i e wsofbe aut i f ul ,c r ys t alc l e ar ,Thunde rLake .Thehar dbot t om s ands wi mmi ngar e aand be ac har egr e atf oryoungandol dal i ke .The r ei spl e nt yofr oom f ore v e r yone . Fi s hf r om t hedoc ksorf i ndt hathots potont hel ake . 3 pr i v at e ,s e l e c t ,s e c l ude d RV s i t e sav ai l abl e . Se as onalr at e sbas e d on 4 pe r s ons . Nope t spl e as e .Ope n MayOc t obe r( we at he rpe r mi t t i ng) . Rat e s i nc l udee l e c t r i c al ,wat e rands e pt i cus e .

www. Thunder LakeLodge. com Vacat i on@Thunder LakeLodge. com


Fi shi ngThunderLake ThunderLakei sacl ear ,deepl akewi t h30mi l esofshor el i neandl ot sofst r uct ur e f ort heser i ousf i sher mant owor k.I n1992a33poundnor t her nwast akenf r om t hel ake!Wecan' tguar ant eeoneoft hosebutyouwi l lf i ndexcel l entpopul at i ons ofwal l eye,cr appi e,l ar gemout hbass, bl uegi l l , per chand t r ophysmal l mout h bassandnor t her npi kej ustwai t i ngf oryout ochal l enget hem.Whi l et hebi t ef or al lspeci esi spr et t ygoodal lsummerl ong,t hespr i ngbi t ei nJuneandf al lbi t ei n Oct oberar eespeci al l yt hebestf ort r yi ngt ogetsomewal l eyes:

Resor tAct i vi t i

.SwimmingBeach .Playground .BoatRentals .SwimmingRaft .PrivateFirePits .VolleyBall .Tennis .GameRoom .Basketball .Shuffleboard



www. Facebook. com/Thunder LakeLodgeMN

Resor t& Ar eaAct i vi t i es ThunderLake Lodge i sl ocat ed i n Nor t h Cent r alMi nnesot a,adj acentt o Chi ppewaNat i onalFor est ,andi nt hehear tofMi nnesot a' sbal deagl ecount r y ( t her ear esever alnest sont hel ake) .Cl oset oshoppi nganddi ni ng,wear est i l l 35mi l esf r om t henear estst opl i ght !


.GameRoom .VideoGames .Canoes .Kayaks .PaddleBoats .Fishing .OpenYearRound .KidsFishingContest .PingPong .PoolTable

Ar eaAct i vi t i es

.RiceLake .ForestHistoryCenter .LeechLake .DeepPortageReserve .CanoeBoyRiver .MooseRiverTrail .Golf .MoonDanceRanch .GuidedMuskyFishing .LongvilleSummerfest

.Antiques .PaperMillTour .CroftMinePark .ItascaStatePark .TurtleRaces .Shopping .WinterActivities .SnowmobileTrails .CrossCountrySki .IceFishing


Enj oyAl lFourSeasons Spr i ng Spr i ngatThunderLakeLodgebr i ngssome oft hebestnor t her nf i shi ngi nt hest at e.Our pr i vat el aunchsi t eonBi gRi ceLakegi ves youaccesst oar ealdayofexci t ementand l i mi t sof56l bnor t her nsar enotuncommon. Fi shi ng f orwal l eye,bass and panf i sh on ThunderLakewi l lal sor ewar dyouref f or t s.

Summer Our beaut i f ul , gr oomed s andy beac h and s wi mmi ngar eai spopul arwi t hourgues t s .The hous ek eepi ng c ot t ages ,c ondosand Mi nnes ot ac abi nr ent al spr ov i deani deals et t i ngf or y our f ami l yv ac at i on.The i ndi v i dualf i r epi t out s i dey ourc ot t ageorc ondoi sper f ec t f ors t or y t el l i ngorj us tunwi ndi ngatt heendoft heday .

Fal l J oi nusf orwat er f owl , gr ous e, bowhunt i ngort he deerhunt i ng opener .The f al lwal l ey ef i s hi ng bi t ei sf ant as t i candy ouhav et hewhol el ak et o y our s el f .Col or sbegi ni nmi dSept emberand c ont i nue unt i lmi dOc t ober ,peak i ng ar ound Oc t ober1.Theday sar ewar m,t heev eni ngs c ool ,andt heai rasf r es handc l eanasi tget s !

Wi nt er Wi nt eri sbeaut i f ulandpeacef ulatThunder LakeLodge.Enj oyt hecomf or tandwar mt hof ourul t r amoder nCondosandcozyupt ot he gasf i r epl ace.Cal landaskusaboutdet ai l s andr at esf ori cef i shi ng,snowmobi l i ng,cr oss count r yski i ng,scr apbooki ngorj usthangi ng outf oraweekendatt hel ake.



www. Facebook. com/Thunder LakeLodgeMN

Fami l yFunForAl l Gr oups Gr oups/ Fami l y Reuni ons” descr i pt i on: Ki ds, f ami l i es,l ar ge gr oups and r euni ons ar e our ‘ br eadandbut t er ’speci al t y .Thesamef ami l i es andl ar gegr oupscont i nuet oj oi nusever yyear f ort hesamedat esandsameuni t sbecauseof t hei rl ove oft r adi t i on andThunderLake.Af t er ear ni ngt hei ni t i aloppor t uni t yt ohostyourgr oup andf ami l y ,i ti sourgoalt ocont i nuet ogetyout o comebackever yyear .Wehopeyouwi l l t akeus upont heof f er . Theaddi t i onoft hebr andnew 12bedr oom Reuni onCabi ni nJ uneof2018i sahugeas s et addedt ooural r eadyex pans i v eandec l ec t i cl odgi ngof f er i ngsf orl ar gergr oupsandf ami l i es .

Test i moni al s " Wecantt hankyouandyourf ami l yenoughf or t hehospi t al i t y ,super i orser vi ceandaccommodat i onsyou' vepr ovi dedovert heyear s,al ongwi t h somewonder f ul f ami l ymemor i esnevert obef or got t en. " -Gr egg&Jul i eL TLLi saf ant ast i c,f ami l yf r i endl yr esor tr unbyt wover yki ndandaccommodat i ngpeopl e! Wel ovedt hecozy" makeyour sel fathome"f eel i ng.Thel akei scl earandbeaut i f uland gr eatf orboat i ng,f i shi ng,andswi mmi ng.Ouronl yr egr etaf t er3ni ght si snotst ayi ng LONGER! ! !Wewi l ldef i ni t el ybeback! ” -Ashl eyK.–FacebookRevi ew ht t ps: / / www. f acebook. com/ pg/ Thunder LakeLodgeMN/ r evi ews/

Pontoon& BoatRental s Pont oonandf i shi ngboat savai l abl ef orr entona f ul l daymi ni mum basi s.14f ootf i shi ngboat swi t h 15hpmot or savai l abl easwel lasone16f oot f i shi ngboatwi t h25hpmot or .Pont oonuni t svar y byage,l engt handhor sepower .Nonr ef undabl e 50% deposi tr equi r edf ormar i nef l eetr eser vat i ons.Checkoutr at esi nser tand/ orourwebsi t e f ordet ai l sonr at es.

www. Thunder LakeLodge. com Vacat i on@Thunder LakeLodge. com


AFr ame#1 3Bedr oom,1Bat h+Lof t Modi f i ed and r emodel ed AFr ame wi t h3bedr oomspl usal ar gel of t .1 queen,3doubl ebeds&1si ngl epl us hi deabed.Pi ct ur ewi ndowover l ooki ng l ake. Wood & beam i nt er i or . Shower .Bestvi ew anddeckont he r esor t !Rat ebasedon8,maxoccupancy10.

AFr ame#2 2Bedr oom,1Bat h+Lof t 2 bedr ooms pl us a l ar ge l of t .1 queen,2doubl ebeds&1si ngl epl us hi deabed.Pi ct ur e wi ndow & deck over l ooki ng l ake. Wood & beam i nt er i or .Shower .Rat e based on 6, maxoccupancy8.

Al lofournor t her nMi nnesot acabi nr ent al sandcondoscomef ul l yequi ppedf or yourhousekeepi ngcomf or tandenj oyment .Al lhavedecksorpat i osandgr eat vi ewsofbeaut i f ul ThunderLake!Enj oyacampf i r eatyourcot t ageorcondo' sown i ndi vi dualf i r epi t .AskaboutourseasonalRVsi t es. 7

Cot t age#3 2Bedr oom,1Bat h Lar ge2bedr oom cabi n.1queen,1 doubl e,1t wi npl us2f ut ons.Di shwasher . Gr eat vi ew. Spaci ous! Lar gedeckover l ooki ngl ake.Tub& shower . Rat e based on 4, max occupancy7.

Cot t ageDel uxe 4Bedr oom,2Bat h 1400 s q. f t .4 bedr oom c abi n wi t h2 bat hr ooms ;1s hower ,1s howerw/ t ub. Onequeen,2doubl es ,bunk s ,1s i ngl e pl us2hi deabeds .St onef i r epl ac ei n hugel i v i ngr oom.Meet i ngsupt o20. Gr eatf orf ami l yr euni ons .Di s hwas her . Hugewr apar ounddec kwi t hl ak ev i ew. Rat ebas edon8, maxoc c upanc y12.

Al laccommodat i onsar esetami dstt al lpi nesandhavegr eatvi ewsofbeaut i f ul , cr yst al cl ear ,ThunderLake.Thehar dbot t om sandswi mmi ngar eaandbeachar e gr eatf oryoungandol dal i ke.Ther ei spl ent yofr oom f orever yone.Fi shf r om t he docksorf i ndt hathotspotont hel ake. 8

4Pl exReuni onCabi n

Mai nLevel


Reuni onCabi n 12Bedr ooms ,6Bat hs Twol evel 4, 700squar ef oot12bedr oom/ 6bat hr oom “ 4pl ex�canber ent edasone l ar gef ami l yr euni oncabi n,orcanbebr okenouti nt oi ndi vi dualuni t sconsi st i ngof : 4bedr oom/ 2bat h( baser at edf or8,maxoccupancy14) 4bedr oom/ 2bat h( baser at edf or8,maxoccupancy14) 2bedr oom/ 1bat h( baser at edf or4,maxoccupancy7) 2bedr oom/ 1bat h( baser at edf or4,maxoccupancy7) Al l4uni t shavedecksandscr eenpor ches,di shwasher s,cent r alai rcondi t i oni ng andf i r epl aces.

Avai l abl eI nJuneof2018

McCl ear yCabi n 4Bedr oom,2Bat h Handi c appedAc c es s i bl e,4Bedr ooms ,2 bat hs .Hi s t or i cl ogc abi n" Gr eatRoom" wi t hs t onewoodbur ni ngf i r epl ac e. Br and new 4bedr oom wi ngr emodel ed.Di s hwas her . Lar gedec kwi t hs wi ng. 2queens , 2doubl es ,2t wi nsand2f ut ons .Rat e bas edon8, maxoc c upanc y12.

Al laccommodat i onsar esetami dstt al lpi nesandhavegr eatvi ewsofbeaut i f ul , cr yst al cl ear ,ThunderLake.Thehar dbot t om sandswi mmi ngar eaandbeachar e gr eatf oryoungandol dal i ke.Ther ei spl ent yofr oom f orever yone.Fi shf r om t he docksorf i ndt hathotspotont hel ake. 10

Cot t age#7 2Bedr oom,1Bat h Lar ge2bedr oom,1queen,1doubl e, 1t wi n pl us 2 f ut ons.Handi capped accessi bl e.Di shwasher .Gr eatvi ew. Spaci ous!Lar ge deck over l ooki ng l ake. Tub&shower .Rat ebasedon4, maxoccupancy7.

Cot t age#8 2Bedr oom,1Bat h Lar ge 2 bedr oom beach cabi n,1 queen,1doubl e,1t wi npl us2f ut ons. Di shwasher . Gr eatvi ew.Spaci ous! Lar gedeckover l ooki ngbeach.Tub& shower .Rat ebasedon4,maxoccupancy7.

Al lofournor t her nMi nnesot acabi nr ent al sandcondoscomef ul l yequi ppedf or yourhousekeepi ngcomf or tandenj oyment .Al lhavedecksorpat i osandgr eat vi ewsofbeaut i f ul ThunderLake!Enj oyacampf i r eatyourcot t ageorcondo' sown i ndi vi dualf i r epi t .AskaboutourseasonalRVsi t es. 11

Cot t age#9 3Bedr oom,1Bat h Handi cappedAccessi bl e.3bedr oom cabi nwi t h1queen,2doubl ebeds, si ngl ebedpl ushi deabed.Ful l vi ew l i vi ng ar ea.Lar ge deckover l ooki ng l ake. Tub&shower .Rat ebasedon6, maxoccupancy9.

Cot t age#10 3Bedr oom,2Bat h Thr eebedr oom cabi nr ent al swi t h1 queen,1doubl ebed,3t wi nspl us1 hi deabed. Lar ge bedr ooms and deck. Two bat hs; 1 wi t ht ub & shower ,1 wi t h shower .Spaci ous! Rat ebasedon6,maxoccupancy10.

Al laccommodat i onsar esetami dstt al lpi nesandhavegr eatvi ewsofbeaut i f ul , cr yst al cl ear ,ThunderLake.Thehar dbot t om sandswi mmi ngar eaandbeachar e gr eatf oryoungandol dal i ke.Ther ei spl ent yofr oom f orever yone.Fi shf r om t he docksorf i ndt hathotspotont hel ake. 12

Cot t age#11 3Bedr oom,2Bat h Handi capped Accessi bl e. Thr ee bedr oom l ake cabi n wi t h 2 bat hr ooms.Twodoubl ebeds,bunkbeds, si ngl e bed pl us hi deabed.Huge wr apar ounddeckover l ooki ngl ake. Onebat hwi t ht ub& shower ;1wi t h shower .Rat ebasedon6,maxoccupancy10.

Cot t age#12( New) 2Bedr oom,1Bat h Rust i ct wo bedr oom wi t h 1 queen bed,1doubl ebunkbed,1si ngl ebed, pl ushi deabed.Onebat hr oom wi t h shower and t ub. Ful l vi ew l i vi ng ar ea.Aged pi ne panel i ng i nt er i or . Lar ge deck over l ooki ng l ake.Rat e based on 4, max occupancy 8. Awesomevi ew!

Al lofournor t her nMi nnesot acabi nr ent al sandcondoscomef ul l yequi ppedf or yourhousekeepi ngcomf or tandenj oyment .Al lhavedecksorpat i osandgr eat vi ewsofbeaut i f ul ThunderLake!Enj oyacampf i r eatyourcot t ageorcondo' sown i ndi vi dualf i r epi t .AskaboutourseasonalRVsi t es. 13

Condo#1 3Bedr oom,2Bat h OPENALLYEAR.Ai r c ondi t i oni ngand gasf i r epl ac e.Handi c appedac c es s i bl e. Superdel ux e,ov er s i z ed 3 bedr oom uni t .2queens ,2doubl es ,pl usqueen s i z ehi deabed.Sat el l i t eTV.2bat hsonewi t ht ub&s hower , onewi t hs hower . Lot s ofr oom!Lak es i de pat i o.Rat e bas edon6, maxoc c upanc y9.

Condo#3 2Bedr oom,1. 5Bat h OPEN ALL YEAR. Handi capped accessi bl e.Lar ge2bedr oom condo uni t-2queenspl ussof abed.Lar ge ki t chen& l i vi ngr oom wi t hgasf i r epl ace.Ai rcondi t i oned,sat el l i t e TV. Tub & shower pl us hal f bat h. Lakesi de pat i o.Rat e based on 4, maxoccupancy6.

Al laccommodat i onsar esetami dstt al lpi nesandhavegr eatvi ewsofbeaut i f ul , cr yst al cl ear ,ThunderLake.Thehar dbot t om sandswi mmi ngar eaandbeachar e gr eatf oryoungandol dal i ke.Ther ei spl ent yofr oom f orever yone.Fi shf r om t he docksorf i ndt hathotspotont hel ake. 14

Condo#4 2Bedr oom,1Bat h OPENALLYEAR.Lar ge,ul t r amoder n2bedr oom uni t .2queenspl us sof abed.Lar geki t chen&l i vi ngr oom wi t hwoodst ovef i r epl ace.Ai rcondi t i oned,sat el l i t e TV.Tub & shower . Pr i vat edeckof fki t chenpl usl akesi de obser vat i ondeck.Rat ebasedon4, maxoccupancy6.

Condo#6 2Bedr oom,1Bat h OPENALLYEAR.Lar ge,ul t r amoder n c ondor ent alwi t ht wobedr ooms .Two queens , onet wi npl ushi deabed. Lar ge k i t c henandl i v i ngr oom wi t hgasf i r epl ac e.Di s hwas her .Ai rc ondi t i oned,s at el l i t eTV. 1bat hwi t ht ub&s hower . Lar ge dec k of fk i t c hen wi t hl ak ev i ew pl us l ak es i deobs er v at i ondec k .Rat ebas ed on4, maxoc c upanc y7.

Al lofournor t her nMi nnesot acabi nr ent al sandcondoscomef ul l yequi ppedf or yourhousekeepi ngcomf or tandenj oyment .Al lhavedecksorpat i osandgr eat vi ewsofbeaut i f ul ThunderLake!Enj oyacampf i r eatyourcot t ageorcondo' sown i ndi vi dualf i r epi t .AskaboutourseasonalRVsi t es. 15

t i

RVSi t es#1#2#3 Wat er ,El ect r i c,Sept i c& Fi r epi t 3pr i vat e,sel ect ,secl udedRV si t es avai l abl e. Seasonalr at es.Nopet s pl ease.OpenMayOct ober( weat her per mi t t i ng) .Rat esi ncl udeel ect r i cal , wat erandsept i cuse.Seasonal dock spaceavai l abl ef orr ent .

Al lcot t age/ condor at esi ncl udet hef ol l owi ng: •Agr eatl ak ev i ew! •Agr eatbeac h! •Fr es hl yc l eaned&c omf or t abl yf ur ni s hedv ac at i onuni t swi t hr ef r i ger at or ,r ange,s i nk , andc abi net s .Ki t c heni sequi ppedwi t hdi s hes ,gl as s es ,t oas t er ,c ook i ngut ens i l s , c of f eepot , mi c r owav e, andpl ent yof hot &c ol dwat er . Al l bedl i nens , pi l l ows , andex t r a bl ank et sar ef ur ni s hed. Pl eas ebr i ngy ourownt owel sandwas hc l ot hs . •Webergr i l l , dec kc hai r s , pi c ni ct abl e, andf i r epi t at y ourdoor( nof i r epi t f orCondos4or6) . •As t ar t ers uppl yoff i r ewoodaty ourc ot t age. •Dec k sorpat i osonal l uni t s . •Fr eeus eofc anoes ,t enni sc our t ,v ol l ey bal l ( l and&wat er ) ,bas k et bal l ,hor s es hoes , pl ay gr ound,s huf f l eboar d,pi ngpong,l i f ej ac k et s ,andpaddl eboat s . •Week l yk i dsf i s hi ngc ont es tandmar s hmal l ows oc i al f r om mi dJ unet omi dAugus t . •Fi r epl ac esi nCondos1, 3, 4, and6, Reuni onCabi n, Cot t ageDel ux eandMc Cl ear y Cabi n. •The' LoonyBi n' hasc oi noper at edl aundr ymac hi nes . Ther ear eal s ov i deogames , pi ngpongandapool t abl ei nt heLodge. •Ai rc ondi t i oni ngi nal l c ondosandc ent r al ai ri nTheReuni onCabi n. ” Al laccommodat i onsar esetami dstt al lpi nesandhavegr eatvi ewsofbeaut i f ul , cr yst al cl ear ,ThunderLake.Thehar dbot t om sandswi mmi ngar eaandbeachar e gr eatf oryoungandol dal i ke.Ther ei spl ent yofr oom f orever yone.Fi shf r om t he docksorf i ndt hathotspotont hel ake. 16

Fr equent l yAskedQuest i ons Q:CanIbr i ngmypet ? A:Pet sofanyki ndar enotal l owedatThunderLakeLodge,r egar dl essofsi z e.Fort hoseof youwhowantt obeabl et oboar dandvi si tyourdogdur i ngyourst aywi t hus,wedohave onenear bywi t hi n15mi nut eswhi chsomeofourguest susef r om t i met ot i medur i ngt hei r st aywi t husf oronl y$20. 00/day.Ourf r i endsatPi nePi dgehaveaver yni ce,new f aci l i t y. Q:Doyousel lf i shi ngl i censesatt hel odge? A:Wedonotsel lf i shi ngl i censesatt hel odgeandweencour ageever yonet opur chaset hem pr i ort oyourar r i val .Bot hRemerandLongvi l l ehavest or esandgasst at i onswher et heycan bepur chased. You can al so pur chaset hem onl i nef r om t heMi nnesot aDNR websi t eat homeandpr i ntt hem of faheadoft i me. Q:Doyouhaveanyor gani zedki dsact i vi t i es? A:Onceaweekwehaveourver ypopul arki dsf i shi ngcont estont hedocksf or30mi nut es. Cer t i f i cat esandawar dsar egi venatt heawar dcer emony.Don' tf or gett hatonWednesdays Longvi l l ehost st hever ypopul arweekl yt ur t l er aces. Q:Whatdoyoupr ovi dei nt hecabi ns? A:Ourf r eshl ycl eaned& comf or t abl yf ur ni shedvacat i onuni t scomeequi ppedwi t hr ef r i ger at or ,r ange,si nk,andcabi net s.Ki t cheni sequi ppedwi t hbasi cdi shes,gl asses,si l ver war e, t oast er ,cooki ngut ensi l s,cof f eepot ,andmi cr owave.I ft her ear especi f i ccooki ngut ensi l s, pot sorpanst hatyouneedorwant ,wesuggestbr i ngi ngt hem.Al lbedl i nens,pi l l ows,and ext r abl anket sar ef ur ni shed. Q:DoIneedt obr i ngmyownt owel s? A:Yes,pl easebr i ngyourownt owel sf orbat h,ki t chenandbeach.Al sor emembert obr i ng papert owel si fneeded. Q:CanIbr i ngmyownf i r ewoodt oyourr esor t ? A: Be c aus eoft het hr e atoft r ans por t i ngi nv as i v es pe c i e si nf i r e wood,weas kt hatyoupl e as e doNOTt r ans por tf i r e woodhe r et ot her e s or t .Tr ans por t at i onoff i r e woodi sl e gal l ype r mi t t e d wi t hi nMi nne s ot as t at eboundar yl i ne s ,asl ongasi ti snotc omi ngf r om aquar ant i ne dc ount y orar e a,oranyadj ac e ntc ount yt oaquar ant i ne dar e a.Fort hemos tr e c e ntquar ant i nemap ofMi nne s ot a,v i s i tt he Mi nne s ot aDe par t me ntofAgr i c ul t ur e .The s eme as ur e sar ene c e s s ar y t ohe l ppr e v e ntt hes pr e adofi nv as i v epe s t ss uc h ast he Eme r al dAs h Bor e r . Wedos e l l f i r e woodhe r eatt her e s or t . Weal s opr ov i deac ompl i me nt ar y“ s t ar t e rpi l e �off i r e woodf or e v e r yr e nt aluni t . Q:CanIbr i ngf i r ewor kst oTLL? A:Nof i r ewor ksofanyki ndar eal l owedatThunderLakeLodge.Notevensmokebombsor spar kl er s.I t ' sf orever yone' ssaf et y. Q:DoIneedt obr i ngt oi l etpaper ? A:Wepr ovi det hesept i cf r i endl yt oi l etpaper . Q:I st her eachar gef ordayvi si t or s? A:Fort hesaf et yofourguest s,wer equi r eal ldayvi si t or st of i r str egi st eratt hel odge.The dayvi si t orf eei s$15/per son/day.



www. Facebook. com/Thunder LakeLodgeMN

Fr equent l yAskedQuest i ons

Q:Whatt i mei schecki nandcheckout ? A:Forwe e kl ys umme rr e nt al s ,ourc he c ki nt i meonSat ur daysi s4pm f i r m.Ourc he c koutt i me i s9am ont hedayofde par t ur e .Thee nt i r edayi sne e de dt opr e pyourc ot t ageorc ondopr ope r l y f ort hewe e k.Weas kt hatyoupl e as er e s pe c tourr e que s t sont hi sandnotar r i v ee ar l y.Ear l yand l at ec he c ki ni sav ai l abl euponr e que s tdur i ngof fpe akdat e s .Ear l yandl at ec he c ki nsar eav ai l abl euponr e que s tdur i ngof f pe aks e as ons . Q:Doesever ycabi nhaveaf i r epi t ? A:Ye s ,e v e r yc abi nuni tandRVs i t ehasi t sowni ndi v i dualf i r e pi t ,aswe l las2oft hec ondouni t s . Q:Dot hecabi nsandcondoshavegr i l l s ? A:Eac huni thasi t ' sownWe be rgr i l l .Pl e as epr ov i deyourownc har c oalandl i ght e rf l ui d. Q:Whati st hedepos i tpol i cy? A: 50% oft hebas el odgi ngt ot ali sr e qui r e ddown t oof f i c i al l yr e s e r v eauni t . Ther e mai ni ng bal anc ei sdueuponc he c ki n.The r ei sal s oanonr e f undabl e50% de pos i tr e qui r e df orpont oon andde l uxef i s hi ngboatr e nt al suponbooki ng. Q:Whati st hecancel l at i onpol i cy? A:Whe nac anc e l l at i oni smade ,t her e nt aluni ti sputbac koutont hemar ke tf ort hege ne r al publ i ct or e nt .I ft her e s e r v at i oni sf i l l e d,wer e f undt hede pos i tmi nusa$200. 00r e booki ngf e e . I ft her e s e r v at i oni snotf i l l e d,t hede pos i twoul dbenonr e f undabl e . Q:DoyouhaveWi f iI nt er netSer vi ce? A:Ye s ,wehav eaWi f iAnt e nnal oc at e datt hel odget hate xt e ndss i gnalt omos tofourc ot t age s andc ondos .Atmi ni mum,e v e r yonehasac c e s st oi tatt hel odge .The r ei snoc har gef ort hat s e r v i c e . Q:Wi l lmycel lphonegets er vi ceatyourr es or t ? A:Mos tc e l lphones e r v i c epr ov i de r shav ede c e ntr e c e pt i onhe r eatt her e s or t . Q:Doyouhavel aundr yf aci l i t i es ? A:Ye s ,wehav e2c oi nope r at e dwas he r sanddr ye r si nt he" Loone yBi n" . Q:Doyous el lbai tatt her es or t ? A:Ye s ,wes e l lni ght c r awl e r s ,l e e c he sandwaxwor ms .Wedonots e l lmi nnows ,butt he yc anbe pur c has e dne ar by.

www. Thunder LakeLodge. com Vacat i on@Thunder LakeLodge. com


CR7 Sout hThunderLake LodgeDr i veNE

Ci s co Lane


THUNDER LAKE LODGE Yourhost s,Cr ai g,Jami e,Becket t , Bayl or& Qui nnRi endeau 5316Ci scoLaneNE Remer ,MN56672

2185662378 vacat i on@t hunder l akel odge. com www. t hunder l akel odge. com

www. Facebook. com/Thunder LakeLodgeMN

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