Mount Shasta Experience 2014 Programme

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Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014




Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

........................................................................................... 3 Geographical Background ................................................................................................... 5 Spiritual Background ............................................................................................................ 6 Panther Meadows ................................................................................................................ 7 Castle Lake .......................................................................................................................... 8 Heart Lake ........................................................................................................................... 8

........................................................................................................................... 11 .............................................................................................................. 19 .................................................................................................................................... 19 ............................................................................................... 20 Visa/Entry into the US ........................................................................................................ 20 Currency & Notifying your Bank ......................................................................................... 20 Electricity............................................................................................................................ 20 Travel Adapter ................................................................................................................... 21 Time Zone .......................................................................................................................... 21 Climate ............................................................................................................................... 21 Clothes to bring .................................................................................................................. 21 48 hours before your Flight ................................................................................................ 21 Home Messages ................................................................................................................ 21 Identification ....................................................................................................................... 22 The region .......................................................................................................................... 22 Road Maps of Mount Shasta, & surrounding region .................................................................................. 22 ..................................................................................................................... 25


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

Welcome to the Mount Shasta Experience 2014! What a gift you have given to yourself, to take yourself to a mystical vortex, one of the most sacred and powerful energy spots on the planet. A place beyond understanding or comprehension. A place where the veils thin to the point where you, as infinite beings of light here on a journey of discovery, can remember who you are. And tap into the realms of consciousness and experience that exist in multidimensional reality. __________________________________________________ Shasta is calling you, and you have answered! Already you have begun to rekindle a deep communion with the mountain. You have always had this connection and have no doubt had many past experiences with this beautiful mountain. Why is she calling you? Why is she calling all to her bosom during these times? Each being comes away with a unique experience of this magical gateway. Remember that you are an energetic being, resonating out a unique vibration to the ends of the Universe. Everything you encounter changes its state due to its interaction with your resonance. And vice versa with the vibrations you also encounter and are irrevocably interconnected with. Gaia also has her unique energetic streams around the planet. Every location has its own unique rhythm, just as each individual soul has. Whenever you enter a new area, your energy synchronises and vibrationally interlocks with the vibration of the area you are physically located within. You may notice this with strange sleep patterns/dreams the first night you sleep somewhere different. It is a beautiful exchange of energies between yourself and the Earth. On another level, it is an exchange of codes. __________________________________________________ Shasta is a stargate that opens us up to multidimensional experiences. A home to many, a place of wonder. An energetic storehouse of information. Surrender yourselves to the magic and mystery of life, and allow yourself to experience & enjoy whatever is necessary and purposeful for your path! 3

Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014 There are hundreds of billions of stars in this galaxy, billions of galaxies in this universe and no doubt many universes and realms beyond what we know. This gives us a dual perspective. On one level we are deeply humbled by the beauty of eternity, we are a part of a Grand Scheme of Existence that is playing out on a level totally beyond our comprehension. Feel the awesomeness of your surroundings for a moment. Breathe it in and surrender to the magnificence. On another level, we are part of this Grand Scheme of Existence! You are All That Is – you are All of This. This Greater Consciousness is with your every breath, your every action, nothing goes unnoticed by All That is. We bless you on your journey, Namaste, Shasta Facilitators


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

Mount Shasta There is a saying, when you are ready the mountain will call you. And many do heed the call of Mount Shasta, with pilgrims visiting every year. Shasta is known as one of the seven major energy vortices of the planet.

Geographical Background Snowcapped Mt. Shasta is located in the upper regions of northern California in the Shasta Trinity National Forest. It is a is a massive dominant stratum white giant standing 14,162 foot volcano situated in the largest zone of volcanoes in the world called the Pacific Ring of Fire. Mount Shasta is in a section of this ring called the Cascade Range, which begins where the Sierra Nevadas end and extends about 700 miles from northern California through Oregon and Washington into southern British Columbia. These volcanoes range in elevations from 9,500 feet to a towering height of more than 14,000 feet. Mount Shasta is the second tallest volcano in this range. Towering above the Cascade foothills, Shasta is surrounded by five glaciers that hold it in place. This sacred mountain emits such a strong energy pattern that satellite photos show an atmospheric hole over its peak similar to Sedona, Arizona. Because of the strong geophysical forces within the mountain, there are steam vents, hot and cold springs, purification sites, electrical centers and caverns that have been used as power spots by the indigenous natives for hundreds of years. There are many types of phenomena that occur on and near Mt Shasta as this mountain exhibits strong frequencies that create light shows.


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

Spiritual Background Mount Shasta can be considered as one of the most sacred places on this planet. The mountain is a mystic power source for this planet. It is known as an incarnation of the Great Central Sun of this universe. It is a focus for angels, spirit-­‐guides, intergalactic ships, masters from the Light Realm, and the home of the survivors of Ancient Lemuria, which sank under the waves of the Pacific Ocean a little over 12,000 years ago. Mount Shasta is said to be embraced in a gigantic, etheric purple pyramid whose capstone reaches far beyond this planet into space, and connects us intergalactically to the Confederation of Planets for this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy. This pyramid is also created as an inverted version of itself, reaching far down to the very core of the Earth. You can call Mount Shasta the entry point of the Light-­‐Grids of this planet, where most of the energy comes first from the galactic and universal core before it is disseminated to other mountains and into the grids. Most mountaintops, especially tall mountains, are Beacons of Light, feeding the light-­‐grids of this planet. Strange lights and sounds are often seen or heard on the mountain. Lenticular clouds, shadows and outstanding sunsets add to the mystical aura of the mountain. Over the last seventy years numerous travelers have reported encounters with Higher Dimension beings who live beneath and around the holy mountain of Mt. Shasta California. UFO sightings have also become so commonplace there that there are books published with numerous photographs of craft so large they even dwarf the mountain itself. Vision quests, ceremonies and camping expeditions have all seen, heard and felt the powerful vortex that is Mt. Shasta. Native Americans: Mt. Shasta is a boundary for four Native peoples – , the Shasta, Modoc, Ajumawi/Atsuwegi, and Wintu. The Shasta believe that the Great Spirit first created the mountain, by pushing down ice and snow through a hole from heaven, then using the mountain to step onto the earth. The Modoc teach that the Great Spirit lived on Mt. Shasta after creation. His daughter fell from the mountain and was raised by grizzly bears and married one of their clan. Today, the tribes honor the mountain with rituals and sweat lodges and are actively involved with protecting the sacred springs on the Mountain. In conversation with Shasta residents, you will find that Mt. Shasta is often believed to be a cosmic vortex and one of the Seven Sacred Mountains of the World, a UFO landing spot, the entry point into a fifth dimension. It is fascinating to hear the many stories of close encounters with metaphysical beings, angels and extra terrestrials as well as personal transformation stories and miracles attributed to the sacred power of the mountain. The Ascended Master St. Germain, Archangel Michael, and others are reportedly seen on the slopes of Mt. Shasta. Ascended Masters and Angels are spiritually advanced beings who radiate the “luminous essence of divine love” and assist human evolution. Digital cameras now show, invisible to most human eyes, mysterious pictures of “orbs”, incandescent globes moving in the air and converging at sacred ceremonies as well as mysterious luminous angels or ghost figures. 6

Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014 Mt Shasta has a spectacular wilderness. Geologically speaking, it is a strato volcano, with four cones buried atop one another. Shastina is the most evident of these cones and forms a second peak. It is believed that Mt Shasta embodies the head of a huge geographical dove etheric energy grid anchoring the keys for the center of the Earth's Merk-­‐a-­‐bah that connects with a universal grid of incoming energetics. This sacred mountain has given many people centuries of access to its energy centers. The pristine meadows, graceful slopes and isolated beauty of the mountain continues to provide a haven for those who seek sanctuary from the world that lies at its feet.

Panther Meadows, Castle Lake, Heart Lake Panther Meadows

Panther Meadows is a sacred site that all the Native Indians revered for its power, medicine and tranquility. Native Americans consider the springs that run throughout upper and lower Panther Meadows to be sacred power points. At an elevation of 7600 feet on Mt Shasta, Panther meadows is a magical place revered as an ancient destination point for spiritual seekers. Panther Meadows is inside a special vortex within the larger vortex of Mt Shasta itself. It is considered a doorway between dimensions. The indigenous Wintu & Karuk Natives used this place for reflection, vision quests and meditation. Ascended Masters, including St. Germain with his panther, as well as angelic beings have been seen 7

Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014 here. Many have experienced the elemental energies of the elves, fairies, gnomes, nature spirits as well as seeing “Pan,” who rules the nature kingdom. There is a sacred power point spring called Upper Panthers Meadows Spring with ancient rock formations consisting of rock altars and medicine circles surrounding the meadow. The springs's headwaters originate in Upper Panther Meadows and are called the "Mouth of God" by the natives. These springs are the beginning of the McCloud River. Panther Meadows is one of the most ancient outdoor temple sites on Mount Shasta. Some people have had extraordinary experiences and meetings with the tall people inside the mountain on this meadow. While others have had experiences with elementals, and a great deal of UFO activity. Because of the delicate ecosystem and the sacredness of this land, all are advised to keep to the path and honour the temple when walking into this place.

Castle Lake Castle Lake is nestled in a High Sierra-­‐like setting and is one of the oldest true alpine lakes of the area. Local Legend states that in the 1960's saucer landings were common on top of its western cliffs. People were able to see the burned out spot and hole where one of the many saucers had landed. The granite wall that forms the back of the lake is connected to the energy of Castle Crags. At one time the lake was a camp for local Native Indians. To this day, many people hear the laughter of the children and see the tribes' lodges in ethereal visions around the lake. Castle Lake is a power point or holds a "spirit of place" for transmuting world aggression through prayer and meditation while gazing into the Castle Lake area.

Heart Lake Castle Lake is the gateway to Heart Lake. This beautiful small lake is only be reached by foot. The hiking trail carries a stong imprinted energy from the ancestors. The hike begins on the eastern trail at Castle Lake and quickly ascends up a ruged path. Heart Lake is a special place for meditation and for receiving loving energies. This is a sacred site for increasing the capacity for a deep connection with Mother Earth. It carries a vibration that enables one to ground your intentions regarding all that you love.


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

Stewart Mineral Springs

It is believed, that the mineral waters flowing into the river at Stewart Mineral Springs in Mount Shasta are the most powerful healing waters on mother earth. Mental well-­‐being, restoration of physical balance, and deep relaxation are not uncommon descriptions our staff hears every day. You begin your personal experience with the waters in the Bathhouse. An attendant draws a bath to your temperature specifications in a private room leaving a sheet and towel for your use. Immerse yourself in the heated waters from the creek and feel the natural, purifying effects throughout your body. When you are ready, we recommend visiting the aromatic wood fed sauna adjacent to the rooms. This continues the purifying process with a sweat in the hot, dry air. A plunge in the rock lined 'creek-­‐pool' is invigorating before heading back to your bath. We welcome you to relax in the simple beauty each of these amenities brings. In 2009, the eminent Dr. Masaru Emoto visited Stewart Springs with a small group of colleagues. “We were deeply honored to say the least. We learned that one of his senior Hado students was aware of the power of the waters and suggested a visit. It was a very hot day in July when the entourage arrived. Some chose to take the waters, while others relaxed in the shade. One of the Hado teachers took a sample of the water directly from the creek near the Source House. That particular location is especially unusual as it is where the red springs (female), white springs (male) and fresh water flow together. The springs in Glastonbury, UK have similar properties. Those who are especially sensitive say they feel the higher vibration of the water in that area. The water sample was taken back to Japan where it was crystallized and photographed” >


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

Sacramento Headwaters: Sacred Waters of Shasta The Sacramento headwaters emerges from the heart of the mountain untouched by human vibrations and energies. Drinking from these living waters is a great way to purify, cleanse and align yourself before beginning your journey in the Mount Shasta area. The spring contains a special alchemy, the beginning make up of gold – called liquid ormus. Absorbing this liquid light into each cell can be an enlightening experience. You may find the super conductivity of this water activating on all levels. It holds the blueprint for the original life force that gave birth to life on Mother Earth. Calibrate your elemental body into wholeness, so that you can take in the higher vibrations and resonate at the rate of this sacred living temple of Mount Shasta. When you come into contact with the water, it records your vibration. Just by being in your joy or singing a song, it absorbs your love and flows down through California blessing all.1

Lake Siskiyou Accomodation Lake Siskiyou is a beautiful camp resort in Mount Shasta, settled in picturesque scenery in the forests by the magical Lake overlooking the majestic mountain itself. There are several shared cabins available, with private rooms, bunks, sofa beds and lofts! All nestled within gorgeous scenery to wake up to and enjoy. For more information on the Lakes please visit our site:

1 Sources to all information: ;­‐mt-­‐shasta/ ; ; Personal Experiences


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

Below is a brief outline of our Itinerary, there will be plenty more in between and due to the synchronistic flow of how we work, experiences may be moved to different days according to the energies. Our entire experience is designed to awaken Joy, Peace, Love within us all – a journey of wonder, exploration, enjoyment whilst anchoring our spirituality and radiating this throughout our life.


Pick up from Redding Airport Arrive in Lake Siskiyou or your local Accommodation

OPENING CEREMONY: LAKE SISKIYOU Prayer to Mount Shasta. Opening our group and circle to one another as we meet each other and get to know each other in an informal, fun and sacred way. SHASTA ALIGNMENT: ALIGNING OUR ENERGY FIELDS TO MOUNT SHASTA’S ENERGY We will be opening our fields, cleansing and ceremoniously connecting to this sacred land. Allowing Shasta’s energy to wash out our denser energies and preparing us for a week of high energy EXPLORING LAKE SISKIYOU The numerous trails, the lakes, arriving into Shasta with ease and flow as we connect to the outstanding beauty of the surroundings. MOUNT SHASTA LIGHT CITY TRANSMISSION Connecting to the etheric Light City and pyramid that exists on higher dimensions in and above the mountain. Downloading Codes, frequencies from the Heaven's Gateway above Shasta, pouring into the planet, directly into our Light Body, awakening our Crystalline Energetic Fields. Mount Shasta is a galactic portal bringing in the purest energies for all, we will work with the Ascended Masters and Beings of this realm to anchor these energies deep within our being.


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

MORNING WARM UP/CEREMONY/MEDITATION/SWIMMING IN LAKE SISKIYOU Each morning we will wake up to the beautiful summer sun in Shasta – as we each choose how to connect in the morning – through silence on our own, swimming in the lakes, walking the trails, meditating, physical warm up on offer, toning, or mingling with others. We will begin each day with our prayer to the sacred land of Shasta. PANTHER MEADOWS Panther Meadows is 7,000 feet high up on the mountain and is a sacred space where many see the violet flame of St.Germain. It also is an arena where one can immediately enter theta wave transmission as the area takes one’s energy directly into this higher state of consciousness. Many have direct experiences here, and feel an incredible feeling of inner love, communion with guides, angels, source and are downloaded with wisdoms, information. ATTUNEMENT: ADAMA AND THE LEMURIAN CODES The Lemurian Light City of Telos exists within Mount Shasta and we will be connecting to these magnificent beings remembering our times past. During this experience Light Codes and Frequencies of Light will be transmitted activating the long forgotten abilities once held in the ancient civilisation of Lemuria. We are all assisting towards Ascension and the Lemurians share their Love and Light with us unconditionally creating a space of great acceptance, love and learning. Panther Meadows beauty and serenity will be our dimensional portal for this transmission. 1 -­‐ 2 hours of Silence, as we integrate into the mountain’s energy in this beautiful land and hear the voice of your Spirit, so clear beyond the veil in these lands

SOUND CELEBRATION WITH KATHY ZAVADA Kathy, who lives in Mount Shasta, is a nationally acclaimed performing/recording artist and producer of sacred music. Kathy will be leading us into a ceremony of her beautiful music exclusively with our group, for healing awakening, inspiring and connecting to the magical mountain Kathy will also be leading a morning prayer/chanting healing session with us all the following day. “Music is a very sacred way of transmitting something that takes us beyond the mind, into an ocean of love, a deep experience of peace, well-­‐being, and pure presence. Consciousness is clearly transmitted through music, and when it is refined, it has a way of going straight to the heart and melting anything that makes us feel separate from Love.” 12

Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

WARM UP / MEDITATION / VISITING THE HEADWATERS / SWIMMING IN LAKE SISKIYOU MORNING CEREMONY VISITING THE HEADWATERS Visiting the Sacred Headwaters of the Sacramento River. At Mount Shasta, these waters flow directly from inside the mountain and are said to be one of the most sacred pure waters on the planet. Locals all fill up their daily intake from here and we will visit to drink and tone by the waters in honour of the great mountain. MORNING CHANTING / SOUND HEALING WITH KATHY ZAVADA This morning we will greet Shasta through the most enchanted way, through group chanting and toning led by international singer/facilitator Kathy Zavada! Kathy has a deep reverence for the land, and will allow us to connect in an incredibly pure way. Group chanting also massively allows us to open up within, as we open our Throat Chakras for full expression releasing our Spirit into the Oneness energy and simultaensouly allowing that energy deep within, nourishing our Soul. GROUP QUANTUM VORTEX ACTIVATIONS WITH MEG BENEDICTE Group Quantum Vortex™ Activations with Meg Benedicte. Meg, who lives in Mount Shasta, will be working our group with these powerful spiritually advanced techniques to accelerate our connection to Source. By utilizing geometric relationships to wave interaction, she developed the powerful Quantum Vortex™ Activations that are coded to bend space, access the 5th Dimension and open the Crown Chakra portal to the Higher Self. "We are here on Gaia at this particular time to seed change, to transform a dying era, to plant and harvest the new 5D Earth for all Souls to experience. All life on the planet is receiving an intense infusion of divine Crystal Light Codes streaming from the Galactic Center (Great Central Sun). The photon light is changing our genetic codes, altering our consciousness and elevating our perspective into the higher 5D hologram."


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

STEWART MINERAL SPRINGS – GROUP 1 It is believed that the mineral waters flowing into the river are the most powerful healing waters on mother earth. You begin your personal experience with the waters in the Bathhouse. Immerse yourself in the heated waters from the creek and feel the natural, purifying effects throughout your body. When you are ready, visit the aromatic wood fed sauna adjacent to the rooms. This continues the purifying process with a sweat in the hot, dry air. A plunge in the rock lined cold 'creek-­‐pool' is invigorating before heading back to your bath. Opportunity for others to visit the Springs too, which has ample land, gushing waters, meditation areas to tune into. EXPLORING MOUNT SHASTA TOWN Exploring the local town, filled with spiritual stores and extra-­‐ordinary concepts. From crystal bowl shops to Native American shamanic material. This is also a day to integrate the energies and enjoy the beauty and wonder of Mount Shasta. This is a free afternoon day, where it is advised to explore as much as possible and take time to settle in.


WARM UP / MEDITATION / VISITING THE HEADWATERS / SWIMMING IN LAKE SISKIYOU MORNING CEREMONY STEWART MINERAL SPRINGS – GROUP 2 It is believed that the mineral waters flowing into the river are the most powerful healing waters on mother earth. You begin your personal experience with the waters in the Bathhouse. Immerse yourself in the heated waters from the creek and feel the natural, purifying effects throughout your body. When you are ready, visit the aromatic wood fed sauna adjacent to the rooms. This continues the purifying process with a sweat in the hot, dry air. A plunge in the rock lined cold 'creek-­‐pool' is invigorating before heading back to your bath. Opportunity for others to visit the Springs too, which has ample land, gushing waters, meditation areas to tune into. CRYSTAL LAKE Visiting the Gorgeous deeply still Crystal Lake 10,000 feet up on the surrounding mountains and journeying our way up to the even higher Heart Lake, for a magical life remembering experience. Enjoying the profound stillness of the lake at this altitude and connecting to our Spirit via the activation.


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014 ACTIVATION: DIVINE I AM PRESENCE – AWAKENING OF JOY Beginning with a deep journey to meet our Divine I AM Presence, we will then experience a sound and energy healing at Crystal Lake. An experience to connect to our inner eternal vessel of love, joy and peace on all levels – emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. An experience to feel our Inner Spirit and encode it with Shasta’s energies to take into our lives. An experience of moving Joy. HEART LAKE Moving on, for those who wish to take the hike, we will venture up the hike to Heart Lake, a magnificent heart shaped lake in the mountains next to Shasta (please read our description for more information on both these wonderful places). MUSIC/CAMPFIRE

WARM UP / MEDITATION / VISITING THE HEADWATERS / SWIMMING IN LAKE SISKIYOU MORNING CEREMONY ACTIVATION ATTUNEMENT: STAR GUIDE & GALACTIC HERITAGE ACTIVATION: OPENING TO OUR STARBROTHERS AND SISTERS MALE / FEMALE HARMONISATION Shasta offers a high vibration connection to our galactic and multi-­‐ dimensional selves. Today we call forth our star families and work inter-­‐dimensionally to re-­‐member our greater cosmic soul. Meditation & connection with our greater cosmic Soul, Light language activations, light body harmonization and anchoring. In this workshop, learn how to open to the song of your heart and through your own true sound, experience ‘essential meeting’ with lightbeings, mother earth, guides and teachers. Connection to download your Galactic Heritage history opening to connecting all beings within your lineage. Downloading an activation from our star family into your Galactic and Stellar Gateway chakras, initiating the awakening of ancient knowledge, remembrance and a deep Unconditional Love, Keys for your Planetary Mission. To join us we call forth lightbeings in interplanetary union. We open our hearts to the collect song of the universe. We invite the wisdom of the lyrians, lemurians, plaedians, 12 dimension sirians, arcturus, andromedans and many more beings of light. 15

Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

MOUNTAIN HEART AWAKENING – CELEBRATING THE AUTUMN EQUINOX A powerful celebration of Unconditional Love on top of the mountain. From Shamanic celebration of creating a fire to anchoring in the new frequencies. We will be 10,000 ft up on the mountain on the plateau and create a magical experience for all Beautiful Solar Light Beings! You have been called to this magnificent gathering through the love of ALL THAT IS. There is great wisdom within you to be shared. It is a time of love, transformation, joy and celebration through your voice and your being. You have travelled across time and space, bridging consciousness, awakening minds. Together we are gathered on this day for the purpose of co-­‐creating new beginnings, new pathways of light. The old paradigm is shedding away and the new is being inspired by changes. This beautiful transition has always been a constant flow in this universe. Today we will gather with one mind, one heart, through the Eyes of Source – A perfect alignment will take place in the skies ~ the wind will come, the prayers will be amplified. Songs of Creation will be sung, dances will spiral; our thoughts will reach the depths of all hearts awakening the souls of all who seeks and asks. The journey of LIFE inspired by love and passion, carried forth by the ancients, strengthened by the new generations! Feel the Heart, Feel the Call, Feel the Power within and may your voice, your light ignite the flame of all and together we shall enter into the New Paradigm Shift!


VISITING THE HEADWATERS Visiting the Sacred Headwaters of the Sacramento River. At Mount Shasta, these waters flow directly from inside the mountain and are said to be one of the most sacred pure waters on the planet. Locals all fill up their daily intake from here and we will visit to drink and tone by the waters in honour of the great mountain. 16

Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

A day to integrate and truly enjoy this energy of Shasta. We will offer many opportunities for us all to enjoy, experience. This includes a revisit to Stewart Mineral Springs (at cost of participant), revisiting Panther Meadows, energy work and much more CLOSING CEREMONY



Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

When to Arrive

If you are travelling alone (see below) please arrive by 6pm to Lake Siskiyou Camp Resprt

Flights Please see our website for more details:

Travel from Airport / Within Shasta

The nearest airport is Redding airport. San Francisco airport is further away but more international. Both would require transport to and from.

Car Travel

If you are travelling alone or with another and would like to carpool with others, once in Shasta, please let us know and we can arrange to group you up with others.

Arriving by Train Alternatively, from Oakland (a train ride from San Francisco), the overnight Amtrak train can be taken to Dunsmuir, which is a 15 min ride from Shasta. You can arrange with us to be picked up if arrived on certain days. San Francisco has an amazing train system called the BART •

Take the BART train system from San Francisco International Airport to Lake Merritt (Oakland)

Take taxi from Lake Merritt BART station (800 Madison Street , Oakland , CA 94607) to Oakland Jack London Square (OKJ) Amtrak Station (245 Second Street, Oakland, CA 94607) Alternatively you can walk (20 minutes) Directions: Click here for Google Map

Amtrak Oakland -­‐ Dunsmuir (overnight train) It leaves in the evening, if you have an earlier flight, enjoy SAN FRANCISCO! It is a beautiful, amazing city and easily accessible to move around and access by the public BART system Please note the Amtrak trains are renowned for being an hour or so late, somehow they manage to pick up on the time, we will also be monitoring the times from our end to know when you are arriving.


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014 •

It usually arrives at 5.15am every morning in Dunsmuir: We will pick you up from the station and take you to your hotel

Return The Return Amtrak train usually leaves at 12.35am!!! We can give those of you who need it, lifts to Dunsmuir on the 17th if you are leaving then. It arrives at 8.40am in the morning

We will be there to meet and greet you, and we will organise the connections with your beautiful soul family that you have yet to re-­‐connect with on this sacred journey! Relax into the knowing that all who come to Shasta are looked after, by the mountain and the beautiful people who live there. Shasta will support you! And so will we. Look forward to seeing you there!!

The week is based fully in, on and around Mount Shasta! There are many amazing energetic spots around the mountain, not least Panther meadows, the headwaters and Stewart Mineral Springs. We are integrating our journey with these magical spots and will be staying on location at Mount Shasta for the duration. Depending on weather & specific events, we may also be running events at indoor locations in the town of Shasta.

Lake Siskiyou is located approximately a 15 min drive from the town centre. In other words, once in the Lakes there wont be any means of travelling anywhere except from using vehicles. This is part of our retreat experience to fully be immersed in nature during this time, apart from our excursions.

We are providing a Daily Healthy Packed Lunch for the duration of the experience, beginning on the 13th September. These are delicious and handmade in Shasta and will be picked up each morning. All lunches are Vegetarian, including Vegan and Gluten free options (please state on booking form when emailed by our team). Shopping: For Lake Siskiyou self catering cabins (and for anyone else) we will be visiting the local supermarket on our first day of arrival (12th September), where you can shop for your week or for a few days. Please note there are also wonderful restaurants, cafes, shops (as well as fast food joints!) in Shasta where you may wish to purchase from. You are welcome to eat non-­‐vegetarian food, however we are only supplying vegetarian lunches to help align all participants with the energies of Shasta.


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

Visa/Entry into the US To enter the US there are two ways: 1. Visa Waiver Programme -­‐ Click here to see if you are on this (applicable to UK and some European countries) 2. Applying for a Visa -­‐ Click here for more information If you are on the Visa Waiver Programme you will need to still fill out an easy electronic ESTA form: • Please visit: -­‐ There is now a $14 charge to use this service. It lasts for 2 years. • You will need your Country of residence • Destination address in the US for the first night's stay: Lake Siskiyou Camp Resort address is: 4239 W. A. Barr Rd Mt Shasta City, 96067 • • For everyone • * Please ensure your Passport is uptodate and won’t expire whilst you are out there! * Please ensure your Passport is uptodate and won’t expire whilst you are out there!

Currency & Notifying your Bank • • • •

The currency in the US is US Dollars $ Please ensure that your bank is notified prior to arriving in the US that you plan on using your card! Most banks will automatically block cards prior to usage in overseas countries. There are ATM’s in Mount Shasta, and we advise to bring some cash as well. Nearly all shops take card for purchases If you would like to use a card out there, there is a facility called Caxton which allows you to top uop a given debit card with money, have a great exchange rate and use for free for cash withdrawals in overseas ATMs, in shops. A great way in not having to bring cash along or be charged when using your UK debit/credit cards. More information here:­‐cards/

Electricity •

The voltage in the United States is 110 volts. If you are bringing appliances that use high current, such as hairdryers, and some shavers, please bring a step down transformer. For example:­‐US-­‐STEP-­‐DOWN-­‐ TRANSFORMER-­‐240-­‐110-­‐VOLT-­‐45-­‐WATT-­‐ /190546632744?pt=UK_TravelTickets_Accessories_RL&hash =item2c5d76e028


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014 This is not necessary for usual equipment such as phone chargers, laptops. Here you will simply need a travel adapter

Travel Adapter You will also require a travel adapter (in addition to a step down transformer)

Time Zone • • •

The United States is split into several time zones. Mount Shasta is in the state of California. This state adheres to Pacific Time Zone, which is 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (UK time).

Climate • •

September 2012: Mean temperature 20.5°C (min 10°C; Max 31°C) September 2013: Mean temperature 19.5°C (min 8°C; Max 31°C)

The weather in Mount Shasta picks up in July quite considerably, moving into August and September with pleasant sunny weather

Clothes to bring • • • •

A waterproof/windproof jacket for any showers, rain that may occur T shirts Long sleeved tops, thermals Woolley hat, the evenings may get cold, scarves, gloves

48 hours before your Flight • • •

Online Check-­‐in Check Departure Terminal Please do not overpack (Weigh your luggage)

Home Messages • • • • •

It can be costly to constantly call back, let your family members know where you will be so they can rest their mind and heart. It maybe good to have a quick ring or text when you arrive and let them know you have arrived safely and will be having LOTS OF FUN! If you have Travel Insurance, print them out and keep a set with your family members. Give them a set of your Itinerary, Contact List. If you have pets, start easing them with loving thoughts that you will be away for a short time, reducing their stress and anxiety. Invite them if they are willing to join you in vibrations. 21

Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

Identification •

Please bring your Drivers Licence if you have one. This is what is most accepted in the US as a form of proof of Identification for purchases which require this. This is applicable to cigarettes and driving.

Smoking, Alcohol •

Please note this retreat has strictly a no alcohol policy. This is a space for health, wellbeing for mind, body and spirit and keeping the group energy held. Smoking is allowed in designated areas, please smoke with others in mind, never indoors, never around others and never during or just before energy experiences.

The region • •

Mount Shasta is located in the state of California, north of San Francisco, south of Medford, Oregon Mount Shasta is a city in Siskiyou County, California, located at around 3,600 ft (1,100 m) on the flanks of Mount Shasta, a prominent northern California landmark. The city is less than 9 miles (14 km) southwest of the summit of its namesake volcano. As of the 2010 Census the city had a population of 3,394, down from 3,624 at the 2000 census.

Road Maps of Mount Shasta, & surrounding region Hotels are located within the area. Please see accommodation for more information


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014

• Vaz Sriharan works as an Intuitive Channel, focusing on the Heart and working with higher energies for soul awakening and peace consciousness. Vaz has been open to spirit since a child and is passionate about pioneering spiritual concepts and bringing people together. Vaz has visited Mount Shasta for the past 12 years, seeing the mountain as a living temple, bridging the higher dimensions with the earth. • Aang Aakha is an Intuitive Energy Healer, Angelic Reiki Master, working with Star System energies. Certified Theta Practitioner and facilitating Workshops, offering Meditations, Attunements, Healings and Energy Work. Aang is primarily focused on discovering the nature of his reality and assisting others to live in their heart. • Lidija Ablamska is an Intuitive, Healer, Facilitator working to empower and heal through the Angelic realms and Gaia. Trained in Angelic & Pranic Healing and as Psychic, she is passionate about helping people see their Light, uncover their inner potential and live their passion. Lidija combines her earthiness with her ability to channel very high energies, providing many grounded practical tools for being human on this planet. • Kathy Zavada is a nationally acclaimed performing/recording artist and producer of sacred music. She is also an ordained Interfaith minister, inspirational speaker and long-time retreat and workshop facilitator. Kathy’s musical expression is deeply informed from a place of resting in silence and the infinite loving presence of pure being. Kathy’s music has been heralded in the top-ten best world cd’s on • Meg Benedicte is the owner of the Mt Shasta Quantum Healing Center. In 1994, Meg experienced a profound awakening that activated her inherent template for utilizing the Quantum Vortex™ as a powerful tool for transformation. Through extensive research in Bio-Energetics and Quantum Healing, Meg Benedicte discovered the magnitude of change possible when tapping into the Zero Point Field of vortex energy.


Programme -­‐ Mount Shasta Experience 2014


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