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Editor's letter

Here we are in January 2023: a new year, and fittingly, the start of a new era for London Runway

From next issue onwards, you’re going to be seeing a lot of changes We’ll start with a brand new front cover, which is so exciting The last time we made a change to our cover layout was for Issue 30 – more than fifty issues ago! It almost seems like London Runway has always looked like this, although of course that’s not the case And with a new era for us, it feels right to embrace a brand new look as well

Going forward, our content will change as well – but hopefully in such a way that you can still see our signature through everything We’re cutting back some of our written content and focusing on including more amazing fashion shows and editorials, showcasing the work of super-talented individuals from around the world

Among other things, this will give us the space to consider showcasing shows that take place outside of the UK, something we’ve never really had room for beyond a page or two a year

And some of your favourite features are staying put! Look forward to more interviews with models in New Faces, more business spotlights in New Business, plenty of shopping choices with our Style (Conscious) Guide, and the shows you’ve loved to see over the years! We’re so excited to bring you an issue this month with a dedicated preview for House of iKons, a show which you will of course see as part of our London Fashion Week coverage We can’t wait for that in the next issue!

Along with all of the changes comes a lot of change to our staff, too We’re saying goodbye to some of our beloved team and also shutting down our longrunning internships programmes, at least for now While we hope to return to these initiative which have brought us so much pride and joy in the future, for now, I want to thank everyone who has been a part of bringing London Runway to this point. From the very first intern back in late 2017 to today, Slack’s statistics tell me that we’ve had a grand total of 105 staff members and interns over the years Every single person has contributed something to developing the publication you see before you

I’ll leave it there before I get emotional; but suffice to say I am certainly looking forward to the new era and all the challenges and excitement it might bring, and I hope you, dear reader, will love it as well