1 minute read


Name of company: prettyspookydesigns

Type of business: Jewellery, accesories and homeware

Location: Norfolk, UK

How long has the company been running?

I have been running my business for almost 2 years now

Where did the idea come from?

I have always been super artistic and I love trying new materials to work with I was made redundant at the end of lockdown and with limited jobs available in my area I decided to take a plunge and dabble in polymer clay I had so much fun playing with it, I made some earrings for my first ‘drop’

From there I’ve massively improved my techniques and designs, added lots of different items to my shop and I’m having the best time doing it!

Currently, how many people work for the business?

I am a “one man band”. I make all of my designs by hand, photograph each piece and do all of the marketing for it myself

What are your company values?

My main value is inclusion, I make fun accessories for people to express themselves, my pieces can be worn by any age, race or gender I want people to be able to feel powerful and confident!

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start a business?

Two words, do it!

Definitely research everything beforehand, book keeping and the admin side can be daunting so make sure you know what you’re dealing with Don’t listen to opinions, if it’s what you want to do and it’s something you’re passionate about then definitely give it a go, put your heart into it and make something you’re proud of

Where do you hope the company will be in 5 years time?

I’d like to continue growing, to be financially stable running my business, so that I can earn a full time wage doing what I love!

I have a few product ideas I’d like to pursue in the future, one of them being pottery/ceramics