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oJ© 19 mZr m~xL mJÄuJPhPvr fÀe KâaJr oM˜JKl\Mr ryoJj IKnPwT @xPrA Kmvõ PrTct TPrPZjÇ fJr Kmvõ PrTPcrs xMmJPi mJÄuJPhv ksgomJPrr nJrPfr KmÀP≠ KxKr\ \~ TPrÇ Imvq mMimJPrr Kfj oqJY ... kOÔJ 24

ISSUE 08/24, FRIDAY 26 June 2015

KmsPaPj FUPjJ 2.3 KoKu~j KvÊ hKrhs

Qx~h vJy PxKuo @yPoh: VefPπr xNKfTJVJr @r Có @P~r Phv KmsPaPj FUPjJ 2.3 KoKu~j KvÊ hJKrhsfJr oPiq mxmJx TrPZ- @\ FT fgq KmmrjLPf FA KlVJr KjKÁf TrJ yP~PZÇ KckJatoqJ≤ Im S~JTt F¥ Pkjvj Fr oPf 2011-2012 FmÄ 2013 S 2014 xJPu KvÊ hJKrhs xLoJr xÄUqJ IkKrmftLf @PZ IgtJ“ ksKf 6 \Pjr oPiq 1 \j KvÊ hJKrhsfJr oPiq @PZÇ xmtPvw fgq IjMpJ~L, 2013-2014 xJPu 15% ... kOÔJ 24

ACPTr jfMj AKoPVsvj @Aj :

Plrf PpPf yPm KmPhvL jJxtPhr u¥jmJÄuJ KrPkJat: PaJKr xrTJPrr jfMj AKoPVsvj @APjr TJrPe ACPTr yxKkaJu PxmJPT KmkJPT PluPf kJPr mPu xfTt TPrPZ ACKj~jÇ jfMj @Aj IjpJ~L Pmfj PTRaJ~ jj ACPrJKk~Jj S~JTtJrPhr @VJoL mZr PgPT krmftL 6 mZr I∂f 35 yJ\Jr kJC¥ @~ TrPf yPmÇ jJ yPu fJPhrPT 6 mZr kPr ACPT fqJV TrPf yPmÇ F @APjr lPu ACPTr yxKkaJu PxÖPr Tortf KmkMu xÄUqT jj ACPrJKk~Jj \MKj~r jJxtPT mJiq yP~ ACPT fqJV TrPf yPmÇ Fr lPu jJxt xÄTPar TJrPe yJxkJfJuèPuJPf Ppoj Kmví⁄uJ PhUJ PhPm FTA xPñ jJxt KjP~JPVr PãP© ... kOÔJ 24

mJotJ~ ßrJKyñJ oMxKuorJ VeyfqJr KvTJr u¥jmJÄuJ KrPkJat: mJotJ~ ßrJKyñJ oMxuoJjPhr KjKmtYJPr VeyfqJ YJuJPjJr IKnPpJV SPbPZÇ rJUJAj mM≠ iotJmu’L è¥JrJ huPmÅPi oMxuoJjPhr mJKz Wr S mqmxJ ksKfÔJj @èj KhP~ kMzJPòÇ \Lm∂ oMxuoJj jJrL-kMÀw S KvÊPhr @èPj kMKzP~ yfqJ TrPZÇ oMxKuo KvÊxy xmJAPT VuJPTPa yfqJ TrPZÇ mJotJr oJ~JjoJPrr ÀyJj vyPr vf vf oMxuoJjPhr uJPvr ˜ík kPz @PZÇ ßrJKyñJ oMxuoJjrJ k´JPjr nP~ ßhv ßZPz kJuJPòÇ mJotJr kJvõmftL jJl jhL IKfâo TPr mJÄuJPhPv FPx @v´~ KjPf kJrPZjJÇ \LmPjr KjrJkfJr \jq ßjRTJ S \JyJP\ KmKnjú xJVPr ßnPx ßmzJPòÇ xJVPr @aPT gJTJ ßrJKyñJrJ IjJyJPr IitJyJPr oJrJ pJPòÇ ßjRTJ cáPm xJVPrr kJKjPf cáPm oJrJ pJPòÇ yJ\Jr yJ\Jr PrJKyñJPT xJVr ßgPT

C≠Jr TPr oJuP~Kv~J, APªJPjKv~J S fárPÛ @v´~ ßh~J yP~PZÇ ßrJKyñJ oMxuoJjPhr @v´~ YJTárL ßh~Jr jJPo

Vf vKjmJr kNmt u¥Pjr FTKa yPu ßrJKyñJ ACKj~Pjr cJAPrÖr ß\jJPru c: S~JTJr CK¨j ... kOÔJ 24

KxrJ\Mr ryoJPjr ßuUJ \JKfr GKfyJKxT xŒh ∏vKlT ßryoJj

\j KmVPxr PTKmPja Vbj

u¥jmJÄuJ KrPkJat : KmKmKxUqJf xJÄmJKhT S TuJKoÓ orÉo KxrJ\Mr ryoJPjr ßuUJ \JKfr \jq IoNuq S GKfyJKxT xŒhÇ ... kOÔJ 24

u¥jmJÄuJ KrPkJat: Vf mMimJr lMu TJCK¿u KoKaÄP~r kr TJ\ ÊÀ TPrPZ u¥j mJrJ Im aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr jmKjmtJKYf Po~r \j KmVPxr PTKmPjaÇ ßo~r \j KmVx ZJzJ 9 xhxq KmKvÓ ßTKmPjPa 2hMA ßckMKa ßo~rxy ... kOÔJ 24

@S~JoLuLV @\ krVJZJ~ nPr PVPZ : xMufJj vrLl @»Mu TJKhr oMrJh” @S~JoLuLV @\ krVJZJ~ nPr PVPZ, ˝JiLjfJ KmPrJiL iotJºrJ hPu KnzPuS FPhr KmvõJx TrJ pJ~ jJÇ mJÄuJPhv @S~JoLuLPVr 66fo ksKfÔJ mJKwtTLPf pMÜrJ\q @S~JoLuLPVr FT @PuJYjJ xnJ~ xnJkKfr mÜPmq pMÜrJ\q @S~JoLuLPVr xnJkKf xMufJj oJyoMh vrLl FTgJ mPujÇ PxJomJr 23 \Mj kNmt u¥Pjr FTKa TKoCKjKa yPu h¬r xŒJhT vJy vJoLo @yoPhr kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÔf xnJ~ ksiJj

oJjmkJYJrTJrLrJ gJAuqJP¥r \ñPu KjP~ rJUPZÇ ßxUJPjS fJPhr VeTmPrr xºJj kJS~J ßVPZÇ

mÜJ KyPxPm CkK˙f KZPuj pMÜrJ\q @S~JoLuLPVr xJiJre xŒJhT Qx~h xJK\hMr ryoJj lJÀT, xyxnJkKf vJoxMK¨j oJˆJr, pMVìxJiJrexŒJhT oJÀl

@yoh PYRiMrL, xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT xJöJh Ko~JÅ, ksmJx TuqJj xŒJhT @jZJÀu yT, fgq S VPmweJ xŒJhTmqJKrˆJr @mMu TJuJo PYRiMrL, vso S ... kOÔJ 24

Aˆ u¥j oxK\Phr ßk´x KmsKlÄ S AlfJr oJyKlu

oxK\h xÄuVú KxjJVV âP~ TKoCKjKar xyPpJKVfJ TJojJ u¥j, 26 \Mj : Aˆ u¥j oxK\h S u¥j oMxKuo ßx≤JPrr xÄPpJV˙Pu ImK˙f A~JÉhL iotJmu’LPhr KxjJVVKa oxK\Phr \jq âP~r CPhqJV V´ye TrJ yP~PZÇ IKf xŒsKf KxjJVV TftOkã fJ KmâP~r \jq Aˆ u¥j oxK\hPT k´˜Jm KhPu oxK\h TKoKa fJ âP~ CPhqJVL yjÇ ... kOÔJ 24


LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

ATrJ A≤JrjqJvjJu Fr CPhqJPV AlfJr oJyKlPu mÜJrJ

ÈFA ro\JPj SPhr nMuPmjjJ' 1uJ \MuJA mMimJr YqJPju Fx F lJ¥ PrAK\Ä

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KmPuPfr \jKks~ Ck˙JkT FmÄ KaKn mqKÜfô rKyo \JÄ Fr xJmuLu Ck˙JkjJ FmÄ @PmhPj xJrJ KhP~ @Vf IKfKgrJ lJ¥PrAK\Ä F IÄv Pjj Ç @u KTmuJ asJPnux Fr ˝•JKiTJrL @PjJ~Jr @uL FmÄ KuP\¥x PksJkJrKax Fr ˝•JKiTJrL lJÀT @yPoh (P\Aj) yJxkJfJPu S~Jct KjotJPjr \jq ksPfqPT 10 yJ\r kJC¥ hJPjr ksKfvsKM f PhjÇ xmtPoJa ksJ~ 60 yJ\Jr kJC¥ hJPjr ksKfvsKM f TPrj @Vf IKfKgrJ Ç IjMÔJPj ATrJr PY~JroqJj @»Mu yT yJKmm mPuj 'ksKfmºL xoJ\ mJÄuJPhPvr Ijqfo CPkKU&Uf xoJ\Ç FA xoJP\r FTKa IÄPvr xMU hM”PUr IÄv yPf PkPr ATrJ VKmtf KxPuPa ATrJ ksKfmºL yJxkJfJu kKrhvtj TPr @xJ YqJPju FPxr Fo Kc \jJm fJ\ PYRiMrL mPuj '@Ko ATrJ yJxkJfJu PhPU IKnnNf Ç Pp PTJjKhj yJPaKj PxS FUj YuPf kJrPZÇ ksKfmºL KvÊr \LmPjr FA kKrmftj kMPrJ kKrmJPr FAKfmJYT ksnJm PluPZ Ç CkTíf yPò KxPuPa xy @PvkJPvr IPjT P\uJr oJjMwÇ' KmKxFr PksKxPc≤ kJvJ UªTJr mPuj 'ATrJ @\ @oJPhr TKoCKjKar Vmt Ç mJÄuJPhPvr Pp PxÖrKa KjP~ UMm To xÄVbj KY∂J TPr ATrJ PxA Kmw~Ka @oJPhr xJoPj fMPu FPjPZ Ç @r FPf CkTíf yPò PxAxm hMnJt VJ oJjMw pJrJ y~f PTJjKhjA xM˙ yS~Jr ˝kú PhUPf kJrfjJ Ç'

TôJrL @KmPhr TP£ kKm© PTJrJj PgPT PfuJS~JPfr oiq KhP~ ÊÀ yS~J IjMÔJPj pJTJf FmÄ AxuJPo ksKfmºL KvÊPhr ksKf @oJPhr Tftmq KjP~ mÜmq rJPUj FPxJKxP~vj Il oMxKuo ÛMux Fr PY~JroqJj c: @vlJT PYRiMrL Ç KfKj mPuj 'AxuJPor PUhoPf KjP~JK\f IPjT xJyJmJrJS ksKfmºL KZPuj, FmÄ jKmK\ (x) xmxo~ fJPhr IKiTJr xMrãJ TrPfjÇ xMfrJÄ @oPhr Tftmq yPò ksKfmºLPhr xMrãJ TrJ'Ç IjMÔJPj A~JÄ Pl∑¥x Il ATrJ Fr PuJPVJ CPjìJYj TrJ y~ Ç eEr nPuK≤~Jr fJKrTMu AxuJo KmPvõr KjkLKzf \jq fÀePhrA xmPYP~ PmKv FKVP~ @xJr @øJj TPrj Ç eEr F KmsKav mJÄuJPhvLrJS @PrJ xŒíÜ yPm mPu KfKj ksfqJvJ TPrj Ç IjMÔJPj @VJoL 1uJ \MuJA mMimJr YqJPju FPx YqJKrKa FKku xlu TrPf xmJr xyPpJKVfJ YJS~J y~ Ç IjMÔJPj @PrJ CkK˙f KZPuj mJÄuJPhv TqJaJrJxt FPxJKxP~vj Fr KxKj~r nJAx PksKxPc≤ IKu UJj KmsKav mJÄuJPhv PY’Jxt F¥ ToJxt Fr PY~JroqJj oJfJm PYRiMrL, KmsKav mJÄuJPhv TqJaJrJxt FPxJKxP~vj Fr KYl Pas\JrJr FuJAZ Ko~J oKfj, u¥j mJÄuJr FKcar PT Fo @mM fJPyr PYRiMrL roPlJPcrs KmKvÓ mqmxJ~L xMPuoJj @yoh xy TKoCKjKar xmt˜Prr Pjfímª í Ç

KxPua xhr FPxJKxP~vPjr AlfJr 29 \Mj kKm© Kx~Jo xJijJr oJx oJPy ro\Jj CkuPã pMÜrJ\q˙ KxPua xhr FPxJKxP~vPjr kã ßgPT FT AlfJr oJyKlu S ßhJ~Jr IJP~J\j TrJ yP~PZÇ IJVJoL 29 \Mj ßxJomJr xºqJ 7:30 KoKjPa oJAu F¥ ßrJc˙ k´JAc Im FKv~J ßrˆáPrP≤ IjMKÔf AlfJr

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Km˜xJrTJrL oJKTtj PTJŒJjL CmJPrr PmkPrJ~J oPjJnJm PaTJPf F PTJŒJjLPT mº TrPf kJrPZj jJ Po~r mKrxÇ pKhS KfKj mPuPZj, CmJr FqJPkr TJrPe u¥Pj GKfyJKxT TJPuJ mJ mäqJT TqJPmr mqmxJ FUj ksJ~ oífqMr oMPUÇ CPuäUq asJ¿PkJat lr u¥Pjr KoKjTqJm uJAPxK¿Ä TjxJuPavj mº yP~PZ ÊâmJrÇ YuKf mZPrr PvPwr KhPT u¥Pj KoKjTqJm uJAPx¿ jLKfr kMPrJ kKrT·jJ PWJweJ TrJ yPf kJPrÇ mftoJPj oJPx I∂f 12v KoKjTqJm csJAnJr mJzPZ u¥j jVrLPfÇ

nJPhvõr jJKZr CK¨j ÛMPur kNeKt oujL UJVyJaJ ßcPnJuJkPo≤ F¥ KjmºPjr Pvw fJKrU 31 \MuJA SP~uPl~Jr asJPÓr xnJ IjMKÔf

Vf 8A \Mj UJVyJaJ ßcPnJuJkPo≤ F¥ SP~uPl~Jr asJPÓr FT xnJ ßV´AP\r mäMoJjPVJ ßrÓá PrP≤ IjMK Ôf y~Ç yJ\L S~JKrZ @uLr xnJkKfPfô S yJ\L \KoÀu AxuJPor kKrYJujJ~

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CK¨j, T~JZ Ko~J k´oMUÇ xnJ~ KmkMu xÄUqT FuJTJmJxL CkK˙f KZPujÇ xnJ~ UJVyJaJ V´ JPor Cjú ~Pj KmKnjú èÀfôkNet Kx≠J∂ V´yj TrJ y~Ç

GKfyqmJyL nJPhvõr jJKZr CK¨j mÉoNUL Có KmhqJu~ S nJPhvõr xokptJP~r IjqJjq KvãJ ksKfÔJPjr ZJ©-ZJ©LPhr PhPvr mJKyPr ksgo mJPrr of kNetKoujL IjMÔJj @P~J\j TrPf pJPòÇ FKhPT kMetKoujL TKoKar xnJr Kx≠J∂ PoJfJPmT KjmºPjr fJKrU kMet KjitJrj TPr 31Pv \MuJA 2015 kpt∂ mKitf TrJ yP~PZÇ CÜ kNetKoujLPf IÄv VsyPj AòMT xTu ZJ©-ZJ©LPhr Kjú mKetf TKoKar xhxqPhr xJPg PpJVJPpJV TPr FT TKk ZKm xy jJo KjmºPjr \jq @ymJj \JjJPjJ y~Ç Vf 9\Mj kMetKoujL 4gt xnJ @ymJ~T xJPuy @yoh PYRiMrLr xnJkKfPfô S pMVì @ymJ~T @mMu oyKxj PYRiMrL S xJPuy @yoh Fr PpRg kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÔf xnJ~ xm xÿKfâPo CkPrJÜ Kx≠J∂ Vsyj TrJ y~Ç xnJ~ 4Ka Ck TKoKar kPã KmPrJat ksTJv TrJ y~Ç KrPkJPat xTPuA xP∂Jw ksTJv TPrjÇ xnJ~ Kx≠J∂ PoJfJPmmT kMetKoujL

IPÖJmPrr Pvw x¬JPy Kjirse TrJ y~Ç xnJ~ IjqJPjqr oPiq CkK˙f KZPuj pMVì @ymJ~T Qx~h oMK\mMu AxuJo @\M, IVtJjK\Ä CkTKoKar @ymJ~T vJyJ\Jj KxrJ\ hJrJ,APn≤ TKoKar @ymJ~T TMfMm CK¨j, kJmKuT KrPuvj Pksx F¥ xJmKâkvj TKoKar PoJ: fJ\Mu AxuJo, Igt CkTKoKar @ymJ~T PoJyJÿh oMrPvh @uo PYRiMrL rJyL, xhxq PoJTJK¨r PyJPxj oMKTf, @mMu yJjúJj, Fo F ojúJj, @K\\Mr ryoJj, UJPuh @yoh o†M, PoJ: xMufJj @yoh, TP~Z @yoh, oJyfJm PoJPoj, UJPuh @yoh o†M, PmJryJj CK¨j, xJyJm CK¨j xJmM, @yoh PyJPxj mJmMu, KxyJm @yoh, rJöJT

@yoh, PrJoJj @yoh PYRiMrL, PoJ: vJy\JyJj, fkM PvU, oKxCr ryoJj PYRiMrL Kk≤M, @uL @Tmr mJmM, \MPjh @yoh, @mMu yJKoh, vrLl CK¨j PYRiMrL mJmuJ, PxJPyu @yoh mhÀu, ÉoJP~Jj TKmr, Z~lMu AxuJo, \JKTr PyJPxj, Qx~h o†Mr PyJPxj, Qx~h @Kmh @yoh, jJKxr @yoh ksoMUÇ Kjmºj TrJr \jq IVtJjJK\Ä TKoKar @ymJ~T vJy\JyJj KxrJ\ hJrJ,07983115996, xhxq oJyfJm PoJPoj 075408772791, TP~Z @yoh 07445022795, fkM PvU 07985196647, xMufJj @yoh 07903810980 xJPg PpJVJPpJV TrJr \jqÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015


July 2015 on Monday 27 April



T Ko C Kj Ka x Ä mJ h

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

Po~r \j KmVx Fr xJPg xJãJ“ 1uJ \MuJA mMimJr YqJPju Fx-F lJ¥ PrAK\Ä TrPuj PxKuPmsaL Pvl aKo Ko~J ATrJ A≤JrjqJvjJu-Fr AlfJr

aJS~Jr yqJoPuax Fr KjmtJyL Po~r \j KmVx Fr xJPg KmsPaPjr PxKuPmsaL Pvl aKo Ko~J xJãJ“TrPuj oñumJrÇ xJãJ“ TJPu CnP~r oJP^ TMvu KmKjoP~ KjmtJyL Po~r aKo Ko~Jr rJjúJr nN~vL ksvÄxJ TPrj Ç Ikr KhPT Kmù FA

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ZJfT CkP\uJ KmFjKkr xJPmT xnJkKfr oOfáqPf KouJh oyKlu IjMKÔf

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

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KmsPaPj PhPvr AKfmJYT nJmoNKft fMPu irJr kJvJkJKv TKoCKjKar IVspJ©J~ u¥jKmKcKjC\ PaJP~K≤PlJr caTo IVsKe nMKoTJ kJuj TrPm mPu @vJ mqÜ TPrPZj KmKvÓ\PjrJÇ PxJomJr Aˆ u¥Pjr PoJ’JA PÛJ~JPr u¥jKmKcKjC\ PaJP~K≤PlJr caTo Fr AlfJr oJyKlPu CkK˙f yP~ mÜJrJ Fxm TgJ mPujÇ AlfJr kNmt @PuJYjJ xnJ~ IKfKg KyxJPm mÜmq rJPUj aJS~Jr yqJoPuax TJCK¿Pur jmKjmtJKYf KjmtJyL Po~r \j KmVxÇ mJrJr Cjú~Pj TKoCKjKar xmtóPrr oJjMwPT KjP~ TJ\ TrJr ksfq~ mqÜ TPrj KfKjÇ m˜MMKjÔ xÄmJh kKrPmvj TPr TKoCKjKa xÄmJh oJiqoèPuJ aJS~Jr yqJoPuax mJrJr Cjú~j TJP\ xyPpJKVfJ TrPm mPu KfKj @vJ ksTJv TPrj Ç u¥jKmKcKjC\ PaJP~K≤PlJr caTo Fr PY~JroqJj @»Mu mJKxf mJhvJr xnJkKfPfô S ksiJj xŒJhT TJoJu PoPyhL S xŒJhT \JKTr PyJPxj TP~Z Fr PpRg kKrYJujJ~ @PuJYjJ xnJ~ mÜmq rJPUj PckMKa Po~r TJCK¿ur KxrJ\Mu AxuJo, PckMKa Po~r TJCK¿ur rqJPYu xqJ¥Jxt, PVsaJr KxPua TJCK¿Pur Pkasj S KvãJKmh yJxjJf PyJPxj FoKmA, mJKTtÄ F¥ PcPVjyqJPor TJCK¿ur lJÀT PYRiMrL, KjCyqJPor TJCK¿ur @~vJ PYRiMrL, TJCK¿ur rKyoJ ryoJj, KmKmKxKx u¥j KrK\~Pjr PksKxPc≤ mKvr @yoh, KmKmKxKxr xJPmT PY~Jr vJyKVr mUf lJÀT, KmKmKxKxr cJAPrÖr oKjr @yoh, KmsKav mJÄuJPhvL TqJaJrJxt FPxJKxP~vPjr PxPâaJrL vJyjMr UJj, xJ¬JKyT \joPfr ksiJj xŒJhT Qx~h jJyJv kJvJ, oMxKuo ksPlvJu PlJrJPor PY~JroqJj mqJKrˆJr UJPuh jNr, FjKaKn ACPrJPkr YLl FKéKTCKan xJmKrjJ PyJxJAj, YqJPju Fx Fr KxKj~r KjC\ PksP\≤Jr cJÜJr \JKT PrP\J~JjJ @PjJ~Jr, PTPjKr~Jlt VsMPkr \JKTr UJj, pMÜrJ\q KmFjKkr xnJkKf Fo F oJPuT, ACPT @S~JoLuLPVr xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT FmÄ KmsTPuj oxK\Phr nJrksJ¬ PY~JroqJj xJöJh Ko~J, PVsaJr KxPua TJCK¿Pur xJPmT PY~JrkJxtj mqJKrˆJr @fJCr ryoJj, KmvõjJg ksmJxL FcMPTvj asJPÓr xnJkKf Ko\tJ @xyJm PmV, FKaFj mJÄuJr KxKj~r KrPkJatJr PoJóJT mJmMu, TKm KvyJmMöJoJj TJoJu, TKoCKjKa PjfJ PVJuJo KTmKr~J, hKãe xMjJoV† ksmJxL xÄxPhr PY~JroqJj vJy xJPjJ~Jr @yoh, KjrJkh xzT YJA KjxYJr pMÜrJ\q vJUJr PxPâaJrL @»Mu PyuJu PYRiMrL PxKuo, oMxKuo Pyuk Fr PY~JroqJj @»Mx PZJmyJj, u¥jKmKcKjC\ PaJP~K≤PlJr caTo

KaPor @»Mr rKyo r†M IjMÔJj PvPw PhJ~J kKrYJujJ TPrj oJSuJjJ jJKxr CK¨jÇ AlfJr oJyKlPu @PrJ CkK˙f KZPuj ksmLe TKoCKjKa PjfJ S xJ¬JKyT u¥j mJÄuJr xŒJhT PT Fo @mM fJPyr PYRiMrL, xJ¬JKyT mJÄuJPkJPÓr PY~JroqJj PvU oKl\Mr ryoJj, xJÄmJKhT j\Àu AxxuJo mJxj, u¥j mJÄuJ PksxTîJPmr nJAx PksKxPc≤ oJymMmMr ryoJj, PmfJr mJÄuJ KxAS jJK\o PYRiMrL, xJ¬JKyT mJÄuJPkJPÓr xŒJhT mqJKrÓJr fJPrT PYRiMrL, xJÄmJKhT xJBh PYRiMrL, xJ¬JKyT xMroJr xŒJhT @yPoh oP~\, mJftJ xŒJhT @»Mu TJA~Mo, aJS~Jr yqJoPuax PumJr kJKatr KoKc~J FcnJAxJr Qx~h ojxMr CK¨j, YqJPju Fx Fr YLk KrPkJatJr PoJyJÿh \MmJP~r, xJ¬JKyT Phv kK©TJr xŒJhT fJAKZr oJyoMh, xJ¬JKyT \joPfr KjmtJyL xŒJhT xJP~o PYRiMrL, dJTJ KrPkJatJrx ACKja Fr xJPmT PxPâaJrL S YqJPju Fx Fr FKéKTCKan FKcar xJPuy KvmuL, oJKxT hktj xŒJhT ryof @uL, xJ¬JKyT mJÄuJ aJAox Fr AorJj @yoh, ACPrJ mJÄuJ kK©TJr xJPmT xŒJhT @»Mu oMKjo \JPyhL TqJru, Kh oMxKuo CATKur PoJyJÿh xMmyJj, xJ¬JKyT mJÄuJ xÄuJPkr xŒJhT xŒJhT PoJvJKyh @uL, xJÄmJKhT oKfCr ryoJj PYRiMrL, oKf~Jr PYRiMrL, YqJPju FPxr Pyc Im PksJcJTvj lJryJj oJxMh UJj, mJÄuJ KaKnr KrPkJatJr @»Mu TJKhr oMrJh, xJÄmJKhT @Tmr PyJPxj, PxKuo ryoJj, xJPuy @yoh, xJÄmJKhT S PuUT @ x o oJxMo, ATrJ mJÄuJr Pyc Im PksJcJTvj yJxJj yJKl\Mr ryoJj kuT, ATrJ mJÄuJr YLl Im IkJPrvj oKjÀu AxuJo Kks¿, kJKãT KmsTPuj xŒJhT Cöôu hJx, kJKãT KmsTPuPjr mJftJ xŒJhT \MP~u hJx, \ÉÀu yT, vJy\JuJu KmvõKmhqJuP~r xJPmT KvãT S TuJKoÓ cÖr oMK\mMr ryoJj, kK¥f caTPor \MuKlTJr ryoJj, cÖr PrJ~Jm CK¨j, mJÄuJPhPvr xJPmT rJÓskKfr CkPhÓJ PoJUPuZMr ryoJj PYRiMrL, TJPuTKan Im mJÄuJPhv ÛMu Vners Fr PksKxPc≤ vJyjMr @yoh UJj, FPxJKxP~vj Im AxuJKoT KaYJxt FPxJKxP~vPjr PY~JroqJj PyuJu C¨Lj, QmvJUL PouJ TKoCKjKa asJPˆr PY~Jr KxrJ\ yT, KxrJ\Mu mJKZf PYRiMrL TJorJj, lJÀT Ko~J, mqJmxJ~L Fo F TJKhr, FTJC≤Pa≤ PrhC~Jj @yoh PxJPyu, oJhJjL SP~uPl~Jr asJPÓr xnJkKf yJ\L rAY @uL, KmvõjJg FAc Fr xnJkKf KoxmJy CK¨j, A≤JrjqJvjJu SP~uPl~Jr F¥ PxqJKxP~u asJPÓr PY~JroqJj @lZr Ko~J PZJa Ko~J, KjCyJo

SP~uPl~Jr asJPÓr xnJkKf uJKT Ko~J, hvWr ksVKf asJPÓr xJiJre xŒJhT oKjr @uL, mqmxJ~L @yoh @uL, TJCK¿ur rJ\Lm @yoh, TJCK¿ur @~JZ Ko~J, TJCK¿ur UJKuZ Ko~J, TJCK¿ur PyuJu CK¨j, TJCK¿ur vJy @uo, TJCK¿uJr oMlKf Ko~J, TJCK¿ur xJKmjJ @ÜJr, mqJKrÓJr Fo F xJuJo, rJ\jLKfKmh @»Mu yJKoh PYRiMrL, vKrlMöJoJj PYRiMrL fkj, KmvõjJg CkP\uJ kKrwPhr xJPmT nJAx PY~JroqJj PVRZ UJj, KxPua P\uJ KmFjKkr pMVì xŒJhT @uL @yoh, fJ\Mu AxuJo, @S~JoLuLV PjfJ vJP~T @yoh, PVJuJkV† PyuKkÄ Py¥x Fr xnJkKf PlrPhRx @uo, pMÜrJ\q pMmuLPVr pMVì xŒJhT \JoJu @yoh, KhrJA∏vJuäJ TJuYJrJu FPxJKxP~vPjr xnJkKf vJoZMu yT, xJPmT xJiJre xŒJhT FcPnJPTa fJKyr rJ~yJj PYRiMrL kJPnu, xKuKxar @»Mr rm oKuäT,KmvõjJg ACKj~j SP~uPl~Jr asJPÓr xJiJre xŒJhT \Kxo CK¨j PxKuo, KmFjKk PjfJ TJoJu CK¨j, \VjúJgkMr KmsKav mJÄuJ FcMPTvj asJPÓr PxPâaJrL oKuäT xJTMr, P˝òJPxmT hu @ymJ~T jJKxr @yoh vJyLj, KmsKav mJÄuJPhv KoKjTqJm csJAnJr FPxJKxP~vPjr PxPâaJrL @uJCr ryoJj UJj vJyLj, TKoCKjKa PjfJ @TuJTMr ryoJj, mqmxJ~L @»Mv vKyh, @Pmh rJ\J, PVsaJr KxPua TJCK¿u AÓ u¥j vJUJr xnJkKf @»Mu VlMr, xJiJre xŒJhT TMKa Ko~J, KmvõjJg FAc Fr xJPmT xnJkKf UJPuh UJj, ksYJr xŒJhT vJy PxJkj, yJKrZ @uL, u¥jKmKcKjC\ PaJP~K≤PlJr caTo KaPor Qx~h vJy PxKuo @yoh, @»Mu mJKZf rKl, @mMu yJxjJf, PVJuJ\Jr @yoh, @»Mu TJuJo, mUKf~Jr UJjÇ KmkMu xÄUqT TKoCKjKa Pjfímíª, xJÄmJKhT S xMnJjMiqJK~Phr CkK˙KfPf IjMKÔf @PuJYjJ xnJ~ mÜJrJ @PrJ mPuj TKoCKjKaPf WPa pJS~J Umr oMÉPfrs oPiq \JjPf u¥jKmKcKjC\ PaJP~K≤PlJr caTo èÀfôkNet nNKoTJ kJuj TPr pJPòÇ oJ© 5 oJPx FA IjuJAj PkJatJu KmsPaj ksmJxLxy KmPvõr mJÄuJnJwLPhr oPiq xJzJ \JKVP~PZÇ mÜJrJ xÄmJh ksYJPr u¥jKmKcKjC\ PaJP~K≤PlJr caTo hu oPfr CP±t CPb TKoCKjKar IVspJ©J~ IVsjL nNKoTJ kJuj TrPm mPu @vJmJh mqÜ TPrjÇ FKhPT ˝· xoP~r @ymJPj KmkMu xÄUqT TKoCKjKa Pjfímíª AlfJr oJyKlPu CkK˙f yS~J~ u¥jKmKcKjC\ PaJP~K≤PlJr caTo Fr kã PgPT TífùfJ ksTJv TrJ yP~PZÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015


KxPuPa k´KfmKº KvÊPhr \jq YJuMTíf S KjotJjJiLj ATôrJ FTJPcoL S ATôrJ k´KfmKº yJxkJfJPur xJyJpJPgt FKVP~ IJxMj Ç


LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

T Ko C Kj Ka x Ä mJ h


mJKotÄyJPo ßVJuJkV† ßyuKkÄ ßy¥x mJÄuJPhv \JfL~fJmJhL ßx≤sJu Fr ofKmKjo~ xnJ IjMKÔf u¥j vJUJr CPhqJPV xnJ IjMKÔf

Vf 16\Mj oñumJr mJKotÄyJPo ßVJuJkV† ßyuKkÄ ßy¥x Fr ßjfímOPªr xJPg mJKotÄyJPo mxmJxrf ßVJuJkV†mJxLr xJPg FT oKfKmKjo~ xnJ~ IjMKÔf y~Ç KmKvÓ oMKÜpM≠J AmsJKyo @uLr xnJkKfPfô S KmKvÓ TuJKoÓ S xJÄmJKhT ‰x~h jJKxr @yoPhr kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÔf xnJ~ k´iJj IKfKg KyPxPm mqÜmq rJPUj ßVJuJkV† ßyuKkÄ ßy¥x Fr xnJkKf ßlrPhRx @uoÇ xnJ~ k´iJj mÜJ KyPxPm mÜmq rJPUj xÄVbPjr xJiJre xŒJhT F FAY Fo jJKyjÇ xnJ~ KmPvw IKfKg KyPxPm mÜmq rJPUj xÄVbPjr CkPhÓJ vJoZáu yT, yJKl\Mr ryoJj, @jS~JÀu AxuJo \mJ, xy xnJkKf ßmuJu ßyJPxj, xy xJiJre xŒJhT TJoJu @yoh, xhxq xKYm @»Mu TJKhr, xJPmT xy xnJkKf yJ\L @mMu TJuJo, xJPmT xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT K\~JCu AxuJo vJoLo, xy

ßTJwJiqã \JKTr ßyJPxj, KjmtJyL xhxq vJy\JyJj ßYRiMrL, k´KfÔJTJuLj ßas\JrJr ßxKuo @yoh, Kr~J\ CK¨j, ‰x~h oMK\mMu yT @\M, ßrJoJj @yoh ßYRiMrL, @»Mu yJKuo fkMPvUÇ mJKotÄyJomJxLr kPã mÜmq rJPUj @mM yJ~hJr ßYRiMrL xMAa, xJAláu AxuJo Kuaá, oJSuJjJ fJ\Mu AxuJo, Kj\Jo CK¨j, fálJP~u @yoh ßYRiMrL, xJAláu AxuJo xMP\u, xJAláu yJxJj, @»Mu oKfj, hMuJu Ko~J, UJPuh @yoh, oJxMh @yoh, jMÀu ßyJPxj cJKuo, vJyLj @yoh ßYRiMrL, vKlTár ryoJj AZJT, vKlTár ryoJj ßYRiMrL, jMÀu AxuJo, @mM fJPyr ßyJPxj, @yoh Ku¡j, TKmr @yoh k´oMUÇ k´iJj IKfKg fJr mÜPmq ßVJuJkV† ßyuKkÄ ßy¥x Fr @hvt, CP¨vq S TotxNYL S IV´pJ©Jr Kj~ojLKf fáPu iPr mÜmq rJPUjÇ KfKj mPuj, ßVJuJkVP†r AKfyJx S GKfyqPT

@∂t\JKf kKro¥Pu fáPu irPf FA xÄVbj IV´Kj nëKoTJ kJuj TrPmÇ FA xÄVbjKa ßVJuJkVP†r xTPur oJjMPwr @˙J S KmvõJPxr xÄVbPj kKrjf yP~PZÇ k´mJPxr xTu ßVJuJV†mJxLPT FA xÄVbPjr kfJTJfPu xoPmf yS~Jr @myJj \JjJj KfKjÇ xJiJre xŒJhT xJÄVbKjT Cjú~j oNuT TJptâPor KY© xTPur TJPZ fáPu iPrjÇ CkK˙f xTPuA xÄ˙Jr TJptâo S kKrYJujJr jLKfoJuJ ÊPj xÄ˙Jr xhxq yP~ xyJ~fJ TrPmj mPu IñLTJr TPrjÇ xnJr xnJkKf oMKÜPpJ≠J AmsJKyo @uL xÄ˙Jr TJptâPor në~xL k´vÄxJ TPrjÇ KfKj xTuPT xÄ˙Jr asJKÓ yS~Jr @ymJj \JjJjÇ FKhPT xnJ~ @VJoL 29 \Mj ßxJomJr kNmt u¥Pjr S~JaJr KuKu yPu ßVJuJkV† ßyuKkÄ ßy¥x @P~JK\f AlfJr oJyKlu xlu TrPf xTPur xyPpJKVfJ TJojJ TrJ y~Ç

mJÄuJPhv \JfL~fJmJhL pMmhu ßx≤sJu u¥j vJUJ IJP~JK\f mJÄuJPhPvr k´go rJˆskKf, ˝JiLjfJr ßWJwT, vyLh K\~JCr ryoJPjr 34fo vJyJhJf mJKwtTL CkuPã ßhJ~J S IJPuJYjJ xnJ IjMKÔf y~Ç Vf 14 \Mj ßrJmmJr kMmtu¥Pjr mºMTJj ßrˆáPrP≤ pMmhu ßjfJ \JPmh ßyJPxj Fr xnJkKfPfô IjMKÔf xnJ kKrYJujJ TPrj F ßT Fo ßoJlJöu yJxJjÇ IJPuJYjJ xnJ~ CkK˙f KZPuj PhS~Jj oMTJP¨o ßYRiMrL Kj~J\, FohJh ßyJPxj KakM, TJoJu ßYRiMrL, rKyo CK¨j, xJKmmr IJyoh o~jJ, rJK\m IJyPoh, oJSuJjJ vJKoo IJyPoh, KoxmJy CK¨j, ßoJ˜JT IJyPoh, \JJKou IJyPoh, IJ»Mu oMKjo, SmJ~hMu yT ßYRiMrL FoJh, uJPpT ßoJ˜lJ, TKmr Ko~J, xJPhT IJyPoh, ßvU TJoJu fJPrT, xMoj IJyPoh, IJuTá, Ko~J, jJKZo ßYRiMrL, IJmMu UP~r, KTmKr~J

IJyPoh, uJyLj UJj, ZJKuT IJyPoh, AorΔx xJuJo ßYRiMrL xJoJh, IJuoVLr ßYRiMrL IJKmr, ßfJlJP~u ßyJPxj oOiJ, \Jlr ßyJPxj, ZJPuy IJyPoh, ßxKuo IJyPoh, IJvrJláu yJxJj ßjJoJj, oMKymMr ryoJj, IJKxT mé, ˝kj IJyPoh, Ko\JjMr ryoJj, l~xu IJyPoh, o~jMu AxuJo mJmM, IJxJh Ko~J, IJKmh IJyPoh, \JPmh

IJyPoh, UJPuhMr ryoJj, rJPxu Ko~J, yJxJj Kr~J\, oJoMj Ko~J, vJTár IJyPoh, jMr CK¨j k´oMUÇ kKm© ßTJrIJj ßgPT KfuJS~Jf TPrj oJymMm IJuL S ßhJ~J kKrYJujJ TPrj oJSuJjJ vJKoo IJyPohÇ

PoJVuJ mJ\Jr SP~uPl~Jr FPxJKxP~vj ACPTr xnJ IjMKÔf Vf rKmmJr kMmtu¥Pjr KmsTPuj˙ IJoJr VJS ßrˆáPrP≤ xlu mqmxJ~L S KmKvˆ xJoJ\PxmT IJuyJ\ô lJrΔT IJyoh Fr xÿJPj FT xÄmitjJ xnJr IJP~J\j TrJ y~Ç xÄVbPjr IJymJ~T ‰f~m IJuL xJ\Mr xnJkKfPfô S xÄVbPjr xhxq xKYm IJjZJr Ko~J kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÔf xnJ~ kKm© ßTJrIJj PgPT ßfuJS~Jf TPrj ßoRuJjJ FjJoMu yTÇ xnJ~ k´gPo ˝JVf mÜmq rJPUj TKoCKjKa mqKÜfô Fo F l~ZuÇ xÄmitjJ xnJ~ IJPrJ mÜmq rJPUj mqJKrˆJr IJ»Mx xJuJo, IJ»Mu oK\m, xJyJr CK¨j, jMrΔu AxuJo, IJvrJl IJuL ZJjJ, jJKZr CK¨j, ßxmMu AxuJo, IJ»Mu oKfj, ˝kj Ko~J, IJ»Mu oMKyf, vJoxMu AxuJo S yJKmmMr ryoJj rΔPmu k´oNUÇ xnJ~ láPur ßfJzJ KhP~ ÊPnóZJ \JjJj TîJPmr kã ßgPT xJiJrj xŒJhT xJoxMu AxuJo S ßas\JrJr ßoRuJjJ vJy FjJoMu yTÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015


T Ko C Kj Ka x Ä mJ h

PrJKyñJ oMxKuoPhr rãJ~ FKVP~ aJS~Jr yqJoPuax mJrJr KvÊPhr @xMj: u¥Pj c. S~JTJr C¨Lj ßUuJr ˙JjPT iMokJj oMÜ ßWJwjJ

mJotJr oMxuoJjPhr rãJ S Kmvõ \jof VPz ßfJuJr uãq KjP~ VKbf @rJTJj ßrJKyñJ ACKj~j Fr cJ~PrÖr ß\jJPru k´Plxr c. S~JTJr C¨LPjr CPhqJPV FT ßxKojJr vKjmJr kNmt u¥Pjr FuFoKx'r Km\Pjx CAÄP~ IjMKÔf y~Ç TKoCKjKa FKéKnÓ @»MuäJy lKuT Fr kKrYJujJ~ @PuJYjJ xnJ~ ˝JVf mÜmq rJPUj AÓ u¥j oxK\Phr UKfm vJ~U @»Mu TJA~MoÇ Fxo~ mJotJr oMxuoJPhr mftoJj KmPvõr xmPYP~ KjKkz IfqJYJKrf \JKf KyPxPm CPuäU TPr fJPhr rãJ~ KmvõPjfímOPªr ß\JzJPuJ CPhqJV V´yPjr @ymJj \JKjP~ mÜmq rJPUj oMxKuo FAc Fr KxAS mqJKrˆJr yJKoh ßyJPxj @\Jh, oMxKuo k´PlvjJu ßlJrJPor ßY~JroqJj mqJKrÓJr UJPuh jNr, KmKvÓ TKoCKjKa ßjfJ ßT Fo @mM

fJPyr, mqJKrÓJr jK\r @yoh, vJ~U oShMh yJxJjxy KmKvÓ mqKÜmVtÇ @PuJYjJ xnJ~ k´Plxr c. S~JTJr mPuj, @∂\tJKfT YJk gJTJ xP•ôS

mJKot\ xrTJr ßrJKyñJPhr CV´mJhL ßmJ≠Phr yJf ßgPT oMxuoJPhr rãJ~ FKVP~ @xPZjJ FojKT k´KfPmvL mJÄuJPhv xrTJrS xyPpJKVfJr yJf mJzJPòjJÇ lPu KhPj KhPj ßrJKyñJ oMxKuorJ oJ~JjoJr ZJzPf mJiq yPòÇ IPjPTA KjptJKff yP~ oJrJ pJPòÇ ßxUJjTJr kKrK˙Kf metjJ TrJ of j~Ç KfKj mPuj, @vJr TgJ yPò \JKfxÄW, @PoKrTJ, KmsKav xrTJr IPjT xyPpJKVfJ TrPZÇ xŒsKf ßxRKh xrTJrS mJKot\ oMxuoJjPhr xyPpJKVfJ~ FKVP~ @xPZÇ xnJ~ mÜJrJ ßrJKyñJ oMxuoJjPhr rãJ, fJPhr KjKkzPjr KY© KmvõmqJkL fáPu irJ FmÄ xyPpJKVfJr \jq FTKa xÄVbj k´KfÔJr @ymJj \JjJPjJ y~Ç

aJS~Jr yqJoPuax&& TJCK¿Pur mqm˙JkjJiLj KvÊPhr \jq KjitJKrf xm T'Ka ßkäV´JC¥PT iMokJj oMÜ FuJTJ~ „kJ∂r TrJ yP~PZÇ Vf 16 \Mj FA ÛLo YJuM TrJ y~Ç FA CPhqJPVr uãq yPò KvÊPhr @PvkJPv iMokJj TrJ ßgPT kJTt mqmyJrTJrLPhr Kmrf rJUPf CÆM≠ TrJÇ Fr lPu KvÊ KTPvJr ˝J˙q xMrKãf yPmÇ TJCK¿Pur TjxMqoJr F¥ Km\Pjx ßrèPuvjx&& xJKntPxr I∂Vtf ߲JT Kl∑ aLo KvÊPhr ßUuJr ˙JjPT iMokJjoMÜ TrJr FA @AKc~J KjP~ @Px FmÄ fJ mJ˜mJ~Pj CPhqJV ßj~Ç P˛JT Kl∑ KaPor IKlxJrrJ TJCK¿Pur kJTtx& F¥ kJmKuT ßyug xJKntPxr xJPg Ifq∂

WKjÓnJPm TJ\ TPr iMokJj KjPrJiT xJAj mJ xfTtLTre mJftJ ßkäV´JCP¥r CkpMÜ ˙JPj uJKVP~PZÇ Fr lPu KvÊPhr @Pv kJPv iMokJj

mJÄuJPhKv mÄPvJØëf rJ~yJPjr kJAua k´Kvãe mOK• uJn KmsPaPjr KmUqJf kJAua k´Kvãe k´KfÔJj ‘IjJPrmu ßTJŒJKj Im F~Jr kJAua’ Fr KVäKcÄ mOK• (ÛuJrKvk) uJn TPrPZ mJÄuJPhKv mÄPvJØëf KTPvJr rJ~yJj TJrLoÇ 16 mZr m~xL rJ~yJj kNmt u¥Pjr orPlg ÛáPur KvãJgtLÇ mftoJPj ßx F~Jr TqJPcPar FT\j KxKj~r TqJPcaÇ ‘IjJPrmu ßTJŒJKj Im F~Jr kJAua’ Fr ÛuJrKvPkr \jq YuKf mZr k´J~ hMA yJ\Jr IJPmhj \oJ kPzÇ Fr oPiq oJ© kÅJY\jPT ÛuJrKvk k´hJj TrJ y~Ç fJroPiq FToJ© mJÄuJPhKv mÄPvJØëf KyPxPm FA xÿJj\jT ÛuJrKvk K\Pf ßj~ rJ~yJj TJrLoÇ IJVJoL IJVˆ oJx ßgPT ßkJatxoJCPg fJr k´Kvãe ÊrΔ yPmÇ SA k´KvãPe VäJAcJr KmoJPjr yJu irPmj mJXJKu FA KTPvJrÇ rJ~yJPjr mJmJ oMlKf IJK\o CK¨j \Ko~Pf CuJoJP~ AxuJo ACPrJPkr fJlKxr Kmw~T xŒJhTÇ mJÄuJPhPv fJPhr mJKz Km~JjLmJ\Jr gJjJr oJKfCrJ ACKj~Pjr jJumyr V´JPoÇ ÊiM ÛuJrKvk kJS~J j~, kJAua yS~Jr ˝kú rJ~yJjPT IJPrJ ßrJoJûTr IKnùfJr xMPpJV TPr KhP~PZÇ xŒsKf KmsKav rJjL KÆfL~ FKu\JPmPgr \jìmJKwtTLPf mJKTÄyJo kqJPuPxr kqJPrPc IÄv KjPf cJT kPz rJ~yJPjrÇ 31 ßÛJ~Jrcj ßgPT oJ© YJr\j rJjLr \jìKhPjr kqJPrPc IÄv ßj~Ç FroPiq rJ~yJj KZPuJ FT\jÇ

TrJr mqJkJPr IKnnJmTrJ KjÀ“xJKyf yPmjÇ oJAu F¥ ßkä kJPTt Vf 16 \Mj jfáj ßjJ ߲JKTÄ xJAj @jMÔJKjTnJPm ˙Jkj TPrj TJCK¿Pur kJmKuT ßyug KcPrÖr cJ” ßxJPoj mqJjJK\tÇ F k´xPñ KfKj mPuj, pJrJ KvÊTJPu IjqPT iMokJj TrPf ßmKv ßmKv ßhPU, mz yP~ KjP\rJ iMokJPj @xÜ yP~ kzJr yJr fJPhr oPiq ßmKv mPu FT VPmwjJ~ ßhUJ ßVPZÇ KfKj mPuj, ßxPT¥-yqJ¥ P˛JKTÄ mJ kPrJã iMokJPjr yJf ßgPT mJóJPhr rãJ TrJr FmÄ iMokJjPT ˝JnJKmT V´yePpJV TJ\ KyPxPm ImPuJTj TrJ ßgPT fJPhr xKrP~ rJUJr ßãP© FKa FTKa èÀfôkNet khPãkÇ mJóJPhr xJoPj iMokJj TrJr TgJaJ hMAmJr nJmPf mJiq TrPm FA ßjJ ߲JKTÄ xJAjÇ

T Ko C Kj Ka x Ä mJ h


LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

KmKnjú xÄVbPjr AlfJr S ßhJ~J oJyKlu xMjJoV† P\uJ xKoKf ACPT

xMjJoV† P\uJ xKoKf ACPTr CPhqJPV AlfJrS PhJ~J oJyKlu xŒjú yP~PZÇ Vf 22 \Mj, PxJomJr kNm u¥Pjr oJAPâJ Km\Pjx Px≤JPr IjMKÔf AlfJr oJyKlPu pMÜrJP\q mxmJxrf xMjJoVP†r KmkMu xÄUqJT IKnmJxL IÄvVsye TPrjÇAlfJr kNm xoJPmPv xnJkKffô TPrj xÄVbPer xnJkKf @»Mu @Ku rClÇxJiJre xŒJhT mqJKrˆJr lUÀu @uo PYRiMrL vJoLPor kKrYJujJ~ xnJ~ ksiJj IKfKgr mÜífJ TPrj aJS~Jr yqJoPuax TJCK¿Pur Po~r \j KmVxÇKfKj mPuj, FA mJrJr xTu oJjMPwr Po~r KyPxPm \jVPer kJPv gJTPf YJA xmxo~Ç mJrJr oJjMPwr \LmjoJPjr Cjú~Pj @oJr ksPYÓJ gJTPm xmxo~ÇaJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr ksgfqTKa jJVKrT pJPf fJPhr Kj\ Kj\ xMPpJV xMKmiJ kJ~,PxKhPT @oJr PU~Ju gJTPmÇxnJ~ KmPvw IKfKgr mÜífJ

TPrj aJS~Jr yqJoPuax TJCK¿Pur ¸LTJr @»Mu oMKTf YMjM FoKmA, TJCK¿uJr UJKux CK¨j, xMjJoV† P\uJ xKoKf ACPTr CkPhÔJ TKoKar PY~JroqJj @uyJ\ô jMÀu yT uJuJ Ko~J, CkPhÓJ kKrwPhr xhxq yroM\ @Ku, \JoJu PyJPxj PYRiMrL,@KvT PYRiMrL, Fx Fo xM\j Ko~J, mJÄuJPhv SP~uPl~Jr FPxJKxP~vPjr xJiJre xŒJhT jMÀu AxuJo, KmsTPuAj \JPo oxK\Phr nJrksJ¬ PY~JroqJj xJöJh Ko~JÇFZJzJS IjqJPjqr oPiq mÜífJ TPrj xÄVbPer PTJwJiqã @KvTMu AxuJo @KvT, mqJKrˆJr yJKohMu yT @PlKª Kuaj, KmsTPuAPjr KmKvˆ mqmxJ~L @\ou PyJPxj, xJjM Ko~JÇ AlfJr oJPyKlPu IjqJPjqr oPiq CkK˙f KZPuj yJ\L o∂J\ @Ku, oKuäT vJTMr S~JhMh, ATmJu ÉxJAj, ACxMl TJoJuL, PoJ: \JyJj Ko~J, @»Mu TJyJr, AxuJo CK¨j,

yprf IJmM ßhRuf S vJy \JTJKr~J (r.) TqJPca oJhsJxJ

Vf 22 \Mj ßxJomJr kMmtu¥Pjr rP~u ßrP\¿L yPu yprf IJmM

ßhRuf F¥ vJy \JTJKr~J (rJ.) TqJPca oJhsxJr AlfJr oJyKlu S

oMK\mMu yT oKe, @\yJÀu AxuJo KvkJr, fJPyr TJoJuL, @vrJlMu AxuJo, @»Mu oJjúJj, xMKl Ko~J, ÀKm yT, fJKrl @yoh, oMK\mMr ryoJj, KxK\u Ko~J, Qx~h xJPhT @yoh, jNr mé, PoJ: vJoLo @yoh, xJPhT PYRiMrL, l\Àu yT FjJo, PyuJu Ko~J, xJAlMu @uo xMKl~Jj, vKlT Ko~J, @»Mx xJuJo, K\uäMr ryoJj K\uM, vKlCu @uo mJmM,yJKl\Mr ryoJj uJTM, Qx~h fJPrT @yoh, @mMu TJuJo PYRiMrL, @mM fJPum @u oJoMj PumM Ko~J, @PjJ~JÀu AxuJo, @»Mu @Kuo, FcPnJPTa fJPyr rJ~yJj kJPmu, @XMr @Ku, voPxr PTJPrvL, PoJ: TJoÀu AxuJo, Qx~h @vlJT, @mMu UJP~r, @»Mu @Ku, vJy PTJPrvL Kvkj, Qx~h @fJCr ryoJj, o\MohJr Ko~J, Qx~h lKrh @Ku, kJPmu PYRiMrL, oMK\mMr ryoJj, @»Mu TJKhr, j\oMu PyJPxj, Qx~h PmuJu, rAx CK¨j, @»Mu TJA~Mo KakM, PoJ: xJ\jM Ko~J, Qx~h xMoj, Kmkäm xrhJr, @mM uMhMr ryoJj, oJxMo @yoh, @uoVLr ÉPxj, FoF x•Jr, FcPnJPTa @Kmh @uL, vJoLo PYRiMrL, oJyoMh @Ku, lUÀu AxuJo, Qx~h \JKou, mhÀöJoJj, @Krl @ÜJr, TJoJu ÉPxj, PxKuo @yoh, @»Mv vyLh,PoJ:xJh Ko~J, \JKou @yoh rJPxu, vJP~T @yoh, Qx~h PVJuJm @Ku, @vrJl \JoJj, KxrJ\ Ko~J S oMKyKmMr ryoJj ksoNUÇ AlfJr oJyKlu PvPw PhJ~J kKrYJujJ TPrj oJSuJjJ TMfMm CK¨jÇ lJ¥ rJAK\Ä IjMKÓf y~Ç KmKvÓ TKoCKjKa ßjfJ Fo F xJuJo ß\Kkr xnJkKfPfô FmÄ xÄVbPjr ßxPâaJrL IJPmh ßYRiMrL S IJ»Mu TM¨Mx UJj Fr ßpRg kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÔf y~Ç xnJr TJptâPor ÊrΔPf kKm© ßTJrIJj ßgPT ßfuJS~Jf TPrj vJy UJ~rΔu yTÇ k´iJj IKfKg KyxJPm CkK˙f KZPuj KmKvÓ CuJoJP~ ßTôrJo ßvU IJ»Mr ryoJj oJhJjLÇ ˝Vf mÜmq rJPUj oJhsJxJr ACPT TKoKar Ijqfo xhxq ßoJ: FjJoMu yTÇ xnJ~ IJPrJ CkK˙f KZPuj TKoCKjKa mqKÜfô xhrΔöJoJj UJj, IJ»Mu mJrL, IJ»Mu yT IJmM, IJ»Mu \Kuu, IJ»Mu mJPfj, IJ»Mu yJKl\ l\uM, jMrΔu IJKoj, IJ»Mu IJuL, AKu~JZ IJuL S IJ»Mu TJPhr k´oNUÇ

rP~u cé FcáPTvj F¥ TJuYJrJu asJˆ Vf 24 \Mj oñumJr u¥Pjr KxumJr aJCj˙ rP~u cé FcáPTvj F¥ TJuxJrJu asJˆ Fr CPhqJPV Kj\˝ ßx≤JPr AlfJr oJyKlu S ßhJ~J IjMKÓf y~Ç CÜ AlfJr oJyKlPu CkK˙f xÄVbPjr ßY~JroqJj ‰x~h IJxlJT vJKyj, TKoCKjKa mqKÜfô jMrΔu yT uJuJ Ko~J, Tj\JrPmKan KucJr ‰x~h ßyJPxj IJyPoh, IJ\Jh Ko~J, ‰x~h fJ\M Ko~J, kJPmu ßYRiMrL, CxoJj ßyJPxj, oMK\mMr ryoJj, oMKym IJyPoh, \MPju IJyPoh, lryJh ßyJPxj, KoyJh ßyJPxj, AxyJT AxuJo S vJoxM ryoJj k´oNUÇ

@rKcFl Fr AlfJr oJyKlu rΔrJu ßcPnuJkPo≤ lJCP¥vj ßVäJmJu Fr CPhqJPV Vf 23\Mj ÊâmJr KrP\≤x ßuAT mqJïáAKaÄ yPu FT AlfJr oJyKlPur @P~J\j TrJ y~Ç @rKcFl Fr mJKwtT AlfJr oJyKlPu TKoCKjKa KucJr, KoKc~Jr hJK~fôvLu mqKÜmVt, YqJKrKa xÄVbPjr k´KfKjKiVe S vLwt ˙JjL~ @Puo CuJoJ IÄvV´ye TPrjÇ kKm© ro\Jj Fr ßrJ\Jr KhPj @rKcFl FA xMªr S \oTJPuJ @P~J\Pj ACPTr KmKnjú vyr ßgPT @rKcFl Fr k´KfKjKiVe IÄvVsye TPrjÇ @rKcFl Fr hJK~fôvLurJ \JjJj xMjJoVP†r \VjúJgkMPr @rKcFl oqJaJrKjKa KTîKjT Fr FA mqKfâoL S pMVJ∂TJrL CPhqJPV @kKj V´Jo mJÄuJr IxÄUq oJ ßmJj S jm\JfT KvÊPhr ßxmJr xMPpJV uJn TrPf kJPrjÇ \LmPjr TKbj oMyNPft KjrJkh ßcKunJrL ßxmJ KhP~ fJPhr TÓ uJVm TrPf kJPrjÇ FA TJrPe pMÜrJ\q S ACPrJk k´mJxLPhr xyPpJKVfJ ßYP~ 9 rJoJÆJj 26 \Mj ÊâmJr KmTJu 6aJ ßgPT PnJr 4aJ kpt∂ ATôrJ mJÄuJ KaKnPf (ÛJA 825) @rKcFl oqJaJrKjKa KTîKjPTr uJAn lJ¥ rJAK\Ä @KkuÇ FPf xTPur xJKmtT xyPpJKVfJ TJojJ TrJ y~Ç @rKcFl Fr AlfJr oJyKlu KmKvÓ AxuJoL KoKc~J mqÜfô oMlKf @mhMu oMjfJKTo Fr ßTJrJj ßfuJS~JPfr oJiqPo ÊrÊ y~ @PuJYjJ IjMÔJjÇ @rKcFl Fr ßY~JroqJj @uyJ\ô vJoZáöJoJj ßYRiMrLr xnJkKfPfô S @rKcFl Fr asJKˆ ‰x~h jJBo @yoPhr kKrYJujJ~ @PuJYjJ~ IÄvV´ye TPrj, xJ¬JKyT \jof kK©TJr ßY~JroqJj S @rKcFl Fr asJKˆ @KfT ßYRiMrL, kJauL ACKj~Pjr ßY~JroqJj KxrJ\Mu yT, @rKc&Fl Fr asJKˆ S xJ¬JKyT \joPfr FoKc @KorÊu AxuJo ßYRiMrL, KmKvÓ @Puo oJSuJjJ Ê~JAm @yoh, oMlKf @mhMu oMjfJKTo, u¥j mJÄuJ ßk´x TîJm Fr nJAx ßk´KxPc≤ oJymMmMr ryoJj, xJ¬JKyT \jof kK©TJr KjmtJyL xŒJhT ZJP~o ßYRiMrL, Aˆ u¥j KjC\ Fr KjmtJyL xŒJhT FohJh ryoJj FoKmA, kJauL SP~uPluJr asJPˆr ßxPâaJrL TJCK¿uJr ÉoJ~Mj TKmr,

ATrJ mJÄuJ KaKnr k´KfKjKi Fr \JPyhMu AxuJo vJyLj, @rKcFlFr ßxPâaJrL S xJ¬JKyT \jof kK©TJr cJAPrÖr \MPjh @yoh ßYRiMrL, @rKcFl Fr FcnJA\Jr TKm hKmrÊu AxuJo, oJˆJr ‰x~h lrrÊU @yoh, KmKvÓ mqmxJ~L ßoJlJöu ßyJPxj, xJ¬JKyT \joPfr cJAPrÖr \Kxo CK¨j, oJhJKj~J SP~uPl~~Jr asJPˆr ßxPâaJrL yJKlx ßyJxJAj @yoh KmvõjJgL, KyCoqJj KrKul Fr k´KfKjKi vJKyhMr ryoJj, @rKcFl Fr asJKˆ @mM fJPyr ßYRiMrL ßYRiMrL S \MmJP~r @yoh ßYRiMrL k´oMUÇ @KfT ßYRiMrL fJr mÜPmq mPuj FA oyfL TJP\ xTPur IÄv V´ye IfLm \rÊrL, KfKj mPuj mJÄuJPhPvr \VjúJgkMPrr FA oqJaJrKjKa KTîKjT YJuM yPu @oJPhr oJ S KvÊrJ Cjúf oJPjr ßxmJ kJPmj, KfKj mPuj, @rKcFl Fr xJPg @oJr @®Jr xŒTt, @kjJPhr xTPur xJKmtT xyPpJKVfJ KjP~ @orJ IKfhsÊf FA KTîKjPTr xJKntx ÊrÊ TrPf YJAÇ @KorÊu AxuJo ßYRiMrL mPuj @rKcFl oqJaJrKjKa KTîKjT FTKa ACKjT k´P\ˆÇ FT k´P\Ö mJ˜mJ~Pj FTKa mqKfâoL CPhqJV @orJ yJPf KjP~KZ, @r KcFl KTîKjT Fr FPTmJPr xÿMU kJPj KjKotf yPò oJhJrx Û~JrÇ ßxUJPj JTPm oJhJr S~Ju, FA k´P\PÖ oJ© 200 kJC¥ hJPjr oJiqPo @kKj oJ S KvÊPhr ßxmJr kJvJkJKv @kjJr Kk´~\Pjr jJo oJhJr S~JPu IÄKTf TrPf kJPrjÇ KfKj mPuj @Ko UMmA @vJmJhL FA xMªr S èrÊfôkNet k´P\Ö F @\PTr FA AlfJr oJyKlPu IÄvV´ye TrJr kr ImvqA @kjJrJ pJr pJr xJiq

IjMpJ~L xyPpJKVfJr yJf k´xJKrf TrPmjÇ kJauL ACKj~Pjr ßY~JroqJj KxrJ\Mu yT mPuj FA KTîKjT Fr xJPg @Ko k´go ßgPT xŒNÜ, Fr oJiqPo V´Jo mJÄuJr oJ ßmJPjrJ Cjúf oJPjr xJKntx kJPmj mPu KfKj @vJmJh mqÜ TPrj, TJCK¿uJr ÉoJ~Mj TKmr mPuj @Ko Ifq∂ @jKªf @rKcFl Fr TJ\ ßp nJPm FKVP~ pJPò, FaJ FTKa mqKfâoL CPhqJVÇ \MPjh @yoh ßYRiMrL mPuj mOy•r xMjJoVP† FA k´go FrTo FTKa oqJaJrKjKa KTîKjT YJuM yPòÇ @kjJrJ @oJPhr xJPg FA k´P\Ö mJ˜mJ~Pj kJPv gJTPu FA hLWt kg YuJ @oJPhr \jq xy\ xJiq yPmÇ xJÄmJKhT oJymMmMr ryoJj mPuj FaJ FTKa ACKjT k´P\Ö FA KTîKjT ßgPT iotmet KjKmtPvPw xmJAPT CjúfoJPjr ßxmJ k´hJj TrJ yPmÇ oJSuJjJ Ê~JAm @yoh mPuj @uyJ\ô vJoxMöJoJj ßYRiMrLr hLWtKhPjr ˝kú @\ mJ˜mJ~Pjr kPgÇ Fr oiqPo V´JomJÄuJr oJ-PmJjPhr KTZá TÓ hNr TrPf kJrPmJ mPu @oJr KmvõxJÇ xJÄmJKhT xJP~o ßYRiMrL fJÅr \Lmj WKeÓ KTZá IKnùfJr TgJ fáPu iPr mPuj FA k´P\Ö mJ˜mJ~j TrJ IfLm \rÊrLÇ Cjúf oJPjr oqJaJrKjKa xJKntx jJ gJTJ~ Tf oJ S KvÊr \Lmj @âJ∂Ç FA oJ S KvÊPhr oMPU yJKx láaJPf @rKcFl Fr FA k´P\ÖPT FKVP~ KjP~ pJS~J @oJPhr TftmqÇ oMlKf @mhMu oMjfJKTo fJÅr mÜPmq mPuj ro\Jj oJx yu xy oKotfJ S xoPmhjJr oJxÇ fJA FA oJPx @orJ @rKcFl FA oqJaJrKjKa KTîKjT k´P\PÖ xyPpJKVfJr oJiqPo mJÄuJPhPvr IxyJ~ oJ ßmJjPhr k´Kf xoPmhjJ k´TJv TrPf yPmÇ

KhrJA gJjJ ßcPnuJkPo≤ IVtJAP\vj ACPT Vf 23 \Mj oñumJr kMmtu¥Pjr FTKa ßrˆáPrP≤ KhrJA gJjJ ßcPnuJkPo≤ IVtJjJAP\vj ACPTr CPhqJPV ßhJ~J S AlfJr oJyKlPur IJP~J\j TrJ y~Ç xÄVbPjr xnJkKf KlPrJ\Mu yT KlPrJP\r xnJkKfPfô S xJiJrj xŒJhT FcPnJPTa IJmMu yJxjJPfr kKrYJujJ~ kKm© ßTJrIJj ßgPT ßfuJS~JPfr oJiqPo xnJr TJ\ ÊrΔ TrJ y~Ç AlfJr oyKlPu CkK˙f KZPuj aJS~Jr yqJoPuax Fr xJPmT ßo~r IJ»Mu IJK\\ xhtJr, xÄVbPjr xJPmT xnJkKf jJo\Mou TJPxo, cJ. ßrJ~Jm Ko~J, k´Plxr Sor lJrΔT, xÄVbPjr xJPmT xJiJrj xŒJhT yJrΔj KopJ, Kj~J\ ßYRiMrL, xKlTáu AxuJo, kJPmu ßYRiMrL, oJxMT xhtJr, j\rΔu AxuJo,

mqKrˆJr IjMTáu hJx cJæj, IJK\\Mr ryoJj, IJKfTár ryoJj, IJ»Mu VJl'lJr, lJrΔT Ko~J, ßYRiMrL oJoMj xhtJr, AlPfUJr IJyoh, \JPmh ßYRiMrL, IJÜJr

ßyJPxj, IJKvT Ko~J, UxrΔ Ko~J S ‰x~h K\~JC ryoJj k´oNUÇ oJyKlPr ßhJ~Jr oJiqPo oMxKuo \JyJPjr vJK∂ TJojJ TPr xnJr xoJK¬ TrJ y~Ç

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015


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mJKTÄyqJo ksJxJh ZJzPf YJTKr yJrJPjJr ÉoKTPf K©v yJ\Jr IKnmJxL jJxt yPm rJKj FKu\JPmgPT u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ, 25 \Mj 2015: Vf 63 mZPrr AKfyJPx FA ksgomJr Foj WajJ WaPf YPuPZÇ AÄuqJP¥r rJKj FKu\JPmgPT ZJzPf yPm mJKTÄyqJo ksJxJhÇ YoPT CbPmj jJÇ WajJ yPuJ, mJKTÄyqJo ksJxJPhr xÄÛJr y~ jJ mÉKhj yPuJÇ rJ\kKrmJr xNP© Umr, PvwmJr 1952 xJPu mJKTÄyqJo ksJxJPhr xÄÛJr yP~KZuÇ fJrkr Vf 63 mZPr @r WwJoJ\J kPzKj ksJxJPhr Ph~JPuÇ @r PxA TJrPeA rJKjPT KTZMKhPjr \jq ksJxJh fqJV TrPf yPm mPu \JjJ PVPZÇ rJ\kKrmJr xNP© Umr, ksJxJh

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u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ, 22 \Mj, 2015: IKnmJxj xÄâJ∂ jfMj @APjr lPu KmsPaPj Torsf k´J~ 30,000 IKnmJxL jJxt YJTKr PUJ~JPf mPxPZjÇ PhvKar jJxtPhr ACKj~Pjr PjfJrJ ÉÅKv~Jr TPr mPuPZj, jfMj IKnmJxj @APjr lPu pMÜrJP\q \MKj~r kPh Torsf yJ\Jr yJ\Jr KmPhKv jJxt fJPhr Kj\ PhPv KlPr PpPf mJiq yPmjÇ jfMj IKnmJxj jLKfPf muJ yP~PZ, pKh TJPrJ mJ“xKrT @~ 35 yJ\Jr kJCP¥r To y~ fJyPu @VJoL 6 mZPrr oPiq ACPrJkL~ jj Foj TotLPhr KmsPaj ZJzPf yPmÇ FA PWJweJr kr rP~u TPu\ Im jJKxtÄ (@rKxFj) \JKjP~PZ, Fr lPu pMÜrJP\qr \JfL~ ˝J˙qPxmJ UJPf Yro Kmví⁄uJ PhUJ KhPm FmÄ jfMj jJxt KjP~JV TrPf UrY mJzPmÇ @rKxFj oyJxKYm KkaJr TJatJr mPuj, xrTJPrr jfMj IKnmJxj jLKf ˝J˙q S IjqJjq PxmJ UJfPT ksnJKmf TrPmÇ IQmi IKnmJxj Kj~πPe xrTJKr PYÓJr IÄv KyPxPm FA khPãk Pj~J yP~PZÇ fPm jJxtPhr ACKj~j oPj TrPZ 2017 xJPur oPiq 3 yJ\JPrrS PmKv jJxt fJPhr YJTKr yJrJPmÇ KmsPaPjr FA UJPf 4 uJPUrS PmKv jJxt Torsf @PZj, pJPhr PmKvrnJV KmPhKvÇ TqJPorj xrTJr 5 mZPrr \jq mq~ xÄPTJYj jLKf Vsye TPrPZÇ FA jLKfr

AÄuqJP¥ FK≤ oMxKuo mJx! u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ, 24 \Mj, 2015: AÄuqJP¥ oMxKuo pJ©LPhr SbJPjJr \jq mJx jJ gJoJPjJr TJrPe xoJPuJYjJr oMPU kPzPZ @∂\tJKfT mJx PTJŒJKj Pˆ\PTJYÇ FT\j ksfqãhvtL FirPjr hMKa WajJr KmwP~ KuKUf IKnPpJV \JjJj Pˆ\PTJY mJx PTJŒJKj FmÄ AxuJo nLKf KmPrJiL VsMk Pau oJoJ PTÇ IKnPpJPV mPuj, FTA KhPj Pˆ\PTJY mJx PTJŒJKjr FTKa mJxPT oMxKuo pJ©LPhr jJ SbJPjJr WajJ KfKj ksfqã TPrjÇ fJr IKnPpJPV muJ y~, AÄuqJP¥r IéPlJPcrs TJCKu PrJPc Pˆ\PTJPYr mJx csJAnJr IPkãJrf oMxKuo FT hŒKfr \jq mJx jJ gJKoP~A YPu pJ~Ç Fr @PV FTA j’Prr mJPxr csJAnJr Ky\Jm kKrKyf FT\j jJrL gJTJr TJrPe FThu PuJTPT mJPx SbJPf I˝LTíKf \JjJ~Ç

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FKhPT Pˆ\PTJY mJx PTJŒJKj FA WajJ~ ãoJ ksJgtjJ TPrÇ Tftíkã \JjJ~, KxKxKaKn lMPaP\ fJrJ WajJ hMKa PhUPf PkP~PZÇ Pˆ\PTJY ksKfvsMKf Ph~, FA KmwP~ csJAnJPrr TJPZ mqJUqJ YJS~J yPm FmÄ fJr @Yre kptJPuJYjJ TPr PhUJ yPmÇ CPuäUq, xŒ´Kf Pau oJoJ 2014 PgPT 2015 kpt∂ oMxKuo KmPÆwL KmKnjú WajJr Umr ksTJv TPrÇ fJrJ \JjJ~, F kpt∂ oMxKuo KmPÆwL 548Ka WajJr Umr fJrJ \JjPf PkPrPZÇ xN© : AjKcPkjPc≤Ç



lPu xmPYP~ PmKv ãKfr xÿMULj yPmj xrTJKr YJTKr\LmLrJÇ xrTJPrr FA mq~ xÄPTJYj jLKfr ksKfmJPh vKjmJr PhvKar KmKnjú vyPr KmPãJn IjMKÔf y~Ç KmPãJPn jJxt, KvãT, @Aj\LmLxy KmKnjú PkvJr PuJT\j IÄv PjjÇ xN©: KmKmKx

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u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ, 23 \Mj, 2015 : KmsPaPjr xmPYP~ ßoJaJ oJjMwKa oJrJ ßVPZjÇ ßrJmmJr oJ© 33 mZr m~Px S\j\Kjf vJrLKrT xoxqJPfA TJut goxj oJrJ pJjÇ TJPutr S\j KZu k´J~ 413 ßTK\Ç Umr A≤JrjqJvjJu Km\Pjx aJAoPxrÇ oJ©JKfKrÜ S\Pjr TJrPe FT mZr iPr TJut mJAPr ßmr yS~J mJ yJÅaJYuJ TrPf kJrPfj jJÇ KjP\ ßVJxu TrJS Ix÷m KZu fJr \jqÇ F FT mZPrA TJPutr S\j 190 ßTK\ ßgPT ßmPz 413 ßTK\ y~Ç KYKT“xT TJPutr oOfMqr Kmw~Ka KjKÁf TrJr kr WPrr ^Mu mJrJªJ ßnPX orPhy ßmr TrJ y~Ç PZJaPmuJ ßgPTA UJmJPrr xPñ I˝JnJKmT ßk´o KZu TJPutrÇ FojKT rJPf xmJA WMKoP~ ßVPu YMKk YMKk Kls\ UMPu UJmJr ßmr TPr ßUPfj KfKjÇ xoP~r xPñ xPñ F k´mefJ @rS ßmPz pJ~Ç 2012 xJPu TqJ¿JPr oJP~r oOfMqr kr UJmJrPTA xJ∂ôjJ KyPxPm V´ye TPrj TJutÇ

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

PoPyhL nJA, pKh nMu y~ ãoJ TrPmj?

fJTôS~J I\tPjr uPãqA ßyJT xTu k´PYÓJ ryof, oJVPlrJf @r jJ\JPfr oyJj mJftJ KjP~ @mJPrJ FPxPZ oJPy rJoJÆJjÇ xmJAPT rJoJÆJj ßoJmJrTÇ rJoJÆJj TJrLoÇ Ifq∂ oKyoJKjõf S optJhJkNet FA oJxPT ˝JVf \JjJPf oMxKuo hMKj~Jr k´˜KM f FUj YëzJ∂Ç Kmvõ oMxKuo CÿJyr IÄv KyPxPm mOPaPjr oMxKuo TKoCKjKaPfS rJoJÆJjPT KjP~ rP~PZ mqJkT C“xJy S C¨LkjJÇ k´KfKa kKrmJPr FT Knjú rTo @Po\ KmrJ\ TrPZ FUjÇ ßZPuPoP~Phr TJPZ rJoJÆJj ßpPjJ FTKa kNf”kKm© @jPªr mJftJ KhP~ pJPòÇ TPm YJÅh ßhUJ pJPm F KjP~ IiLr @V´y @PZ xmUJPjÇ @uäJy rJæMu @uJoLPjr KjPhtv ßoPj pgJpg iotL~ ßYfjJ~ CÆM≠ yP~ xTPuA kMPrJ oJx Kx~Jo xJijJ TPr pJPmjÇ KjP\Phr xTu èjJyUJfJ oJPlr \Pjq @u¯Jyr hrmJPr xPk ßhPmj, fJÅr IkJr ryof TJojJ TrPmj FmÄ PhJ\PUr TKbj @\Jm ßgPT jJ\JPfr \Pjq TJ~oPjJmJPTq ßhJ@ TrPmjÇ KjP\Phr xTu AòJ, TJojJ mJxjJPT xoktj TPr ßhPmj @uäJyr AòJr TJPZÇ @orJ kKm© rJoJÆJjPT ˝JVf \JjJA FmÄ UJÅKa oMxuoJj KyPxPm VPz ßfJPu KmvõoJjmfJr TuqJPe TJ\ TPr pJmJr \Pjq @u¯JyfJ@uJr xJyJpq YJAÇ rJoJÆJj yPò FTKa ßasKjÄP~r oJxÇ F oJPxA KmvõoJjmfJr oMKÜ xjh kKm© PTJr@j jJK\u yP~KZPuJÇ FA ßTJr@Pjr oJiqPoA @oJPhr Kk´~ jmL oMyJÿJhMr rJxMuu N Jä y (xJ”) @rPmr FTKa mmtr \JKfPT hMKj~Jr ßv´Ô \JKfPf kKref TPrKZPujÇ @r @\ FA ßTJr@Pjr KvãJ jJ gJTJr TJrPeA oMxuoJjPhr FA Ii”kfjÇ KmhJ~ yPöôr nJwPe KfKj CkK˙f xTuPT @uäJyr TJuJo S fJÅr xMjJú Pfr TgJA ˛re TKrP~ KhP~KZPujÇ oMxKuo CÿJy AxuJPor oNu KvãJ ßgPT hMPr xPr pJmJr TJrPe hNPntJV ßkJyJPf yPòÇ fJA rJoJÆJj @oJPhr xmJr \Pjq FT Ilár∂ xMPpJV KjP~ FPxPZÇ @uäJyr TJuJoPT ßfuJS~Jf TrJr, Igt mM^Jr FmÄ @ou TrJrÇ xJPg xJPg hMKj~Jr KjkLKzf, hMhv t JV´˜, IfqJYJKrf oJjMPwr kJPv hJÅzJmJr ßk´reJ @PZ FUJPjÇ xJrJKhj CPkJx gJTPu náUJ oJjMPwr TÓ IjMnm TrJ pJ~Ç rJoJÆJj yPò TíòfJ xJiPjr oJxÇ pJmfL~ Ikmq~ ßgPT Kmrf PgPT mKûf oJjMPwr TuqJPe mq~ TrPu IPjT xS~Jm kJS~J pJPmÇ fJPhr oMPU yJKx ßhUPu KjP\rS nJPuJ uJVPmÇ @r kKrmJPrr xmJA FTK©f yP~ ßxyrL, AlfJr S jJoJ\ @hJ~ TrJr @jªPfJ @PZAÇ kKrmJr kKr\Pjr \Pjq k´P~J\jL~ UrY TrJS FTKa xS~JPmr TJ\Ç @uäJyfJ@uJ kKm© PTJr@Pj mPuPZj, ÍPfJoJPhr Ckr ßrJ\J lr\ TrJ yP~KZPuJ, ßpoj lr\ TrJ yP~KZPuJ ßfJoJPhr kNmmt ftLPhr CkrÇ pJPf ßfJorJ oM•JTL yPf kJPrJ" Ç xMfrJÄ fJTôS~J I\tjA yPò Fr CP¨vqÇ nJPuJ oMxuoJj oJPjA FT\j xMjJVKrTÇ @u¯Jyr n~ fJPT UJrJk TJ\ ßgPT Kmrf rJPUÇ jLKf ‰jKfTfJ~ ßx gJPT xoO≠Ç ßx TJPrJ Kf TrPf n~ kJ~Ç FT\j xMjJVKrT kKrmJr, TKoCKjKa, ßhv S \JKfr TuqJPe xmxo~A KjPmKhf gJPTÇ ßTJj irPer IVKytf, UJrJk FmÄ @u¯Jyr IkZPªr TJ\ ßgPT Kmrf gJTJr ßYÓJ TPrÇ @YJr@YrPe, YuJPlrJ~, mqmyJPr, ßujPhPj, hJK~fôkJuPj TUPjJ ImPyuJ TPrjJÇ kJvJkJKv xo~JjMmKftfJ, Kj~o vOÄUuJ m\J~ rJUJ QiptqvLu yS~J F xTu èeJmuL rJoJÆJPjr oJiqPo I\tj TrJ pJ~Ç @xMj @orJ xmJA pgJpgnJPm PrJ\J rJKUÇ xJoJPrr FA u’J KhPj @u¯Jyr ryoPf @orJ pJPf xy\nJPm AmJhJf mPªVLPf ovèu yPf kJKrÇ KfKj ßpPjJ @oJPhrPT ßx fJSKlT hJj TPrjÇ KfKj ßpPjJ @oJPhrPT v~fJPjr S~JxS~JxJ ßgPT ßylJ\f TPrjÇ \MuMo KjkLzPjr pJrJ KvTJr @uäJyfJ@uJ ßpPjJ fJPhrPT ßylJ\f TPrjÇ rJoJÆJjPT ßpPjJ @orJ kKrkNen t JPm TJP\ uJKVP~ @oJPhr @PUrJPf jJ\JPfr kgPT xMVo TrPf kJKr @uäJykJPTr TJPZ @orJ FA ßhJ~JA TKrÇ

● Chairman : Monchab Ali JP ● Editor : K M Abu Taher Choudhury ● Assistant Editor : Akbar Hussain ● Proof Reader : Abdul Hannan ● Birmingham Correspondent : Alais Miah ● Bangladesh Correspondent : Kamal Tayeb ● Special Correspondent : Mahboob Ali Khansur London Bangla News Montefiore Centre,Hanbury Street, London E1 5HZ Published by: Khobor Publication Limited Tel: 020 7247 3006 Email: Web: u¥j mJÄuJ FTKa TKoCKjKar oMUk©Ç Èu¥j mJÄuJ' mJÄuJPhPvr \JfL~ ‰hKjT AP•lJT, AjKTuJm, xÄV´Jo, pMVJ∂r, k´go @PuJ, oJjm \Koj, ‰hKjT IJoJr ßhv, ‰hKjT j~J KhV∂, ßcAuL ÓJr, xJ¬JKyT 2000, kNKetoJ, pJ~pJ~Khj, KmKmKx IjuJAj, ÛJA KjC\, r~aJxt xy CPuäUPpJVq TJV\ S KmKnjú KjC\ FP\K¿r xÄmJh KlYJr S TuJPor xyPpJKVfJ ßj~Jr \jq @orJ fJPhr k´Kf @∂KrTnJPm TífùÇ

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

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KvÊPT KjP~ ÈAjPTîJKxn ÛMu IqJ¥ TPu\' jJPo FTKa ksKfÔJj 2013 xJu PgPT YJuM yP~PZÇ PpUJPj TKŒCaJr uqJmS rP~PZÇ Vf mZPr KkFxKx S P\FxKx krLãJ~ IÄv KjP~ vfnJV C•Let yP~PZ F ÛMPur KvãJgtLrJÇ KfKj mPuj, hMA mZr Phz oJx xo~ KxPuPar P\uJ ksvJxT KyPxPm hJK~fô kJuj TPrKZÇ KxPuamJxLr xyPpJKVfJ PkP~KZÇ @kjJPhr TgJ KYrKhj ˛re gJTPmÇ mÜmq rJPUj P\uJ ksvJxPjr @AKx S KvãJ vJUJr xyTJrL TKovjJr PoJ. @fJCu VKe SxoJjLÇ F xo~ CkK˙f KZPuj IKfKrÜ P\uJ ksvJxT (KvãJ) KorJ\Mu AxuJo CKTu, IKfKrÜ P\uJ ksvJxT (rJ\˝) vKyhMu AxuJo, KxPua P\uJ fgq TotTftJ \MKu~J P\xKoj KoKu ksoMUÇ xJÄmJKhTPhr kPã mÜmq rJPUj KxPua P\uJ Pksx TîJPmr xnJkKf S KmKaKn'r ksKfKjKi @K\\ @yoh PxKuoÇ

25 \Mj 2015: xPuPar vJy\JuJu KmùJj S kspMKÜ KmvõKmhqJuP~r CkJYJpt @KojMu yT nNÅA~Jr khfqJPVr hJKmPf fífL~ KhPjr oPfJ fJÅr TJptJuP~ fJuJ ^MKuP~ Im˙Jj TotxNKY kJuj TPrPZj @PªJujTJrL KvãPTrJÇ mMimJr @PªJujTJrL KvãTPhr KmÀP≠ KmvõKmhqJu~ ÈIYPur wzpPπr' IKnPpJPV xJiJre KvãJgtLPhr mqJjJPr FT oJjmmºj IjMKÔf yP~PZÇ FA oJjmmºPj ZJ©uLPVr PjfJ-TotLrJS IÄv PjjÇ CkJYJpt TJptJuP~ ksPmPvr ksiJj laPT VfTJu fífL~ KhPjr oPfJ fJuJ KhP~ Im˙Jj TotxNKY kJuj TPrj xrTJrxogtT ÈoyJj oMKÜpMP≠r PYfjJ~ CÆM≠ KvãTmíª' jJPor PlJrJPor KvãPTrJÇ xTJu j~aJ PgPT PmuJ YJraJ kpt∂ fJÅrJ PxUJPj Im˙Jj TPrjÇ fJÅrJ PmuJ 11aJ~ KmvõKmhqJuP~r mftoJj kKrK˙Kf KjP~ KvãT xKoKfr FT \ÀKr xJiJre xnJS m\tj TPrjÇ

KvãT xKoKfr xnJ~ KmvõKmhqJuP~r 144 \j KvãT IÄv KjP~PZj mPu \JjJ PVPZÇ xnJ~ hJ¬KrT TJ\ xMÔMnJPm xŒjú TrJr \jq IKmuP’ ksvJxKjT nmPjr fJuJ UMPu KhPf @PªJujrf KvãTPhr ksKf @øJj \JjJPjJ y~Ç KvãJgtLPhr oJjmmºj: KmvõKmhqJuP~r PTªsL~ Vs∫JVJPrr xJoPj hMkMr 12aJr KhPT xJiJre KvãJgtLPhr mqJjJPr FT oJjmmºj IjMKÔf y~Ç FPf TP~T v KvãJgtL IÄv PjjÇ ÈTKfk~ ˝JgtJPjõwL KvãPTr @PªJuPjr jJPo KvãJ TJptâPo KmW&j xíKÓ S fJPhr Kj\˝ ˝Jgt yJKxPur CP¨Pvq KmvõKmhqJu~ IYu TrJr wzpPπr ksKfmJPh oJjmmºj' PuUJ mqJjJr KjP~ fJÅrJ ksJ~ PkRPj FT WμJ F TotxNKY kJuj TPrjÇ ?TJ\ ÊÀ TrPuj jfMj KjP~JVksJ¬rJ: CkJYJPprs KmÀP≠ @PªJuj ÊÀr kr KmvõKmhqJuP~r KmKnjú ksvJxKjT kh PgPT Vf 20 FKksu xPr hJÅKzP~KZPuj 35

KvãTÇ fJÅrJ xmJA xrTJr-xogtT ÈoyJj oMKÜpMP≠r PYfjJ~ CÆM≠ KvãTmíª' PlJrJPor xhxqÇ F Im˙J~ ksJ~ hMA oJPxr ZMKa PvPw Vf PxJomJr TJP\ PpJV KhP~ CkJYJpt jfMj ksÖKr~Ju mKc Vbj TPrjÇ KT∂á ksvJxKjT nmj fJuJm≠ gJTJ~ fUj PTJPjJ hJ¬KrT @Phv KhPf kJPrKj KmvõKmhqJu~ TftíkãÇ fPm VfTJu jfMj ksÖKr~Ju mKc KjP~JPVr Kmw~Ka hJ¬KrT @PhPvr oJiqPo \JjJPjJ yP~PZÇ jfMj KjP~JVksJ¬rJ xmJA xrTJr-xogtT ÈoyJj oMKÜpMP≠r PYfjJ S oMÜKY∂J YYtJ~ GTqm≠ KvãTmíª' PlJrJPor xhxqÇ FA PlJrJPor Ijqfo xhxq PoJ. rJPvh fJuMThJr \JjJj, jfMj KjP~JVksJ¬ xmJA VfTJu KmPTPu PpJV KhP~PZjÇ jfMj ksÖr KyPxPm mj S kKrPmv KmnJPVr KvãT PoJ. TJoÀöJoJj PYRiMrL FmÄ xyTJrL ksÖr KyPxPm PuJTksvJxj KmnJPVr KvãT xJKoCu AxuJo, A¥JKˆs~Ju IqJ¥ PksJcJTvj AK†Kj~JKrÄ KmnJPVr KvãT \JKyh yJxJj S VKef KmnJPVr KvãT Qx~h PoJ. Sor lJÀT KjP~JV kJjÇ

ßV´Pjc yJouJ oJouJ : @hJuPf xJPmT ßo~r TJorJjxy Kfj\Pjr xJãq k´hJj KxPua, 25 \Mj : jVrLr ßyJPau èuvJj YfôPr ßV´Pjc yJouJ oJouJ~ mMimJr @hJuPf xJãq KhP~PZj KxPua KxKa TrPkJPrvPjr xJPmT ßo~r S oyJjVr @S~JoL uLPVr xnJkKf mhr CK¨j @yoh TJorJjÇ IKfKrÜ oyJjVr hJ~rJ \\ @hJuPf TJorJj S fJr ßZPu cJ: KvkuM ZJzJS xJãq ßhj ßyJPaPur oqJPj\Jr k´fJk Yªs kJuÇ FKjP~ oJouJ~ ßoJa 12 \j xJãLr xJãq V´ye TrPuj @hJufÇ KmYJrT AlPfUJr Kmj @K\\ xJãq

V´ye ßvPw @VJoL 1 \MuJA oJouJr krmftL fJKrU iJpqt TPrjÇ 2004 xJPur 7 @Vˆ ßyJPau èuvJPj oyJjVr @S~JoL uLPVr xnJ ßvPw ßjfJTotLrJ ßmr yS~Jr kr kr ßV´Pjc yJouJ YJuJPjJ y~Ç yJouJ~ Kjyf yj oyJjVr @S~JoL uLPVr f“TJuLj k´YJr xokJhT ßoJ. AmsJKyoÇ @yf yP~PZj ßmv TP~T\j ßjfJTotLÇ KmP°JrPer KTZMãe @PV ßyJPau Yfôr fqJV TrJ~ ßmÅPY pJj oyJjVr xJPmT

ßo~r TJorJjÇ F WajJ~ KxPua ßTJPfJ~JuL gJjJr f“TJuLj Fx@A l\uMu yT mJKh yP~ gJjJ~ oJouJ hJP~r TPrjÇ mftoJPj SA oJouJ~ oMlKf yJjúJjxy TP~T\j \Kñ TJrJ∂rLe rP~PZjÇ oJouJr 40 \j xJãLr oPiq 12 \j xJãq k´hJj TPrPZjÇ xmtPvw mMimJr SA Kfj\j xJãq ßhjÇ



CALLING CARD IJkKj KT Calling card/Voip mqmxJ TrPf YJj? IJorJ IJkjJPT xyPpJKVfJ TrPf kJrmÇ Km˜JKrf \JjJr \jq ßlJj TrΔj

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KxPuPa ÈBhPTKªsT IkrJi' ÀUPf xKâ~ kMKuv 25 \Mj 2015: KxPuPa Bh mJ\JrPT KWPr âov mq˜fJ mJzPZ jVr\LmPjÇ PxA xMPpJV TJP\ uJVJPf xKâ~ yPò IkrJiLrJÇ kJvJkJKv vKkÄouPTKªsT mUJPakjJ mJ AnKaK\ÄP~ \KzP~ kzPZ FTPvseLr pMmTÇ Fxm Èro\Jj S BhPTKªsT IkrJiLPhr' irPf KmPvw kKrT·jJ KjP~PZ kMKuvÇ KxPua oyJjVr kMKuv (FxFoKk) xN© \JKjP~PZ, KjrJk•J P\JrhJPr kMKuPvr C“xm ZMKa mJKfu TrJ yP~PZÇ jVPr PoJfJP~j TrJ yP~PZ xJhJ PkJvJTiJrL KmkMuxÄUqT kMKuv xhxqÇ FxFoKk muPZ, AnKa\JrPhr kJTzJS TrPf oJPTtPa KTÄmJ \jJTLet ˙JPj gJTPm rqJm-kMKuPvr jJrL PVJP~ªJ xhxqÇ pJrJ AnKa\JrPhr PhUJ oJ© ^JkPa irPmÇ jJrL xhxqPhr xyPpJKVfJ~ gJTPmj xJhJ PkJvJTiJrL kMÀw PVJP~ªJrJÇ gJTPm mqJT@k kJKatSÇ PrJ\J S BPh xJoPj PrPU jVrmJxLr KjrJk•J~ F irPer kKrT·jJ yPf PjS~J yP~PZÇ hv ro\JPjr kr PgPT FA TotkKrT·jJ mJ˜mJ~j TrJ yPm \JjJPòj KxPua jVr @Aj-ví⁄uJ mJKyjLr xÄKväÓrJÇ fJrJ muPZj, BhPT xJoPj PrPU oJjMw Ppj PTjJTJaJ~ KjKmtPWú oJPTtPa S rJ˜JWJPa YuJYu TrPf kJPrPx\jq mqJkT CPhqJV PjS~J yP~PZÇ jVrLr oJPTta, èÀfôkNet kP~≤ ZJzJS rJ˜Jr PoJPz PoJPz KxKx TqJPorJ mxJPjJ yP~PZÇ KxKx

TqJPorJ ZJzJS kMKuv ksyrJ gJTPZ mqJÄT S mqJÄPTr mMgèPuJr xJoPjÇ FxPmr Kj~πeTã gJTPm KxPua oyJjVr kMKuv (FxFoKk) xhrhlfPrÇ xÄKväÓrJ muPZj, ksKfmZrA Bh FPu KZjfJATJrL, ^JkaJ kJKat, KxFjK\ IPaJKrTvJr CcTJaJ kJKat, IùJj kJKatxy KmKnjú jJPo IkrJiLrJ xKâ~ yP~ SPbÇ FPhr kJTzJS TrPuS IPjPT @hJuf PgPT \JKoPj PmKrP~ FPx Plr IkrJPi Ku¬ y~Ç FZJzJ, BPhr @PV vKkÄouèPuJPf fÀeLPhr KkZM KjP~ fJPhr PpRj y~rJKj TPr gJPT mUJParJÇ KnPzr oPiq AnKaK\ÄP~r WajJ WaJ~ kJr PkP~ pJ~ IkrJiLrJÇ fJA FmJr mUJPaPhr irPf xMªrL kMKuv TjPˆmuPhr Z∞PmPv oJPb jJoJPjJr kKrT·jJ KjP~PZ FxFoKkÇ BhPTKªsT KjrJk•J P\JrhJPrr KmwP~ rqJm-9 Fr KoKc~J CAÄP~r xyTJrL kKrYJuT oJBj CK¨j PYRiMrL mPuj, oJPy ro\JPj KxPuPa rqJPmr v'UJPjT xhxq KjrJk•J~ KjP~JK\f rP~PZÇ

Pn\Ju KWP~ x~uJm KxPuPar yJamJ\Jr \Mj 25, 2015: cJucJ @r kJo SP~Pur xPñ xJoJjq kKroJPe KW, PlînJr @r rÄ KoKvP~ QfKr yPò VJS~J KWÇ @r Fxm KW mJyJKr jJo KhP~ PTRaJ\Jf TrJ yPòÇ Frkr KmFxKa@Ar jTu Kxu mKxP~ ImJPi mJ\Jr\Jf TrJ yPò KxPua jVPrr KmKnjú yJamJ\JPrÇ?ro\Jj CkuPã KWP~r YJKyhJ PmPz pJS~J~ FT PvsKer IxJiM mqmxJ~Lr QfKr Fxm Pn\Ju KWP~ FUj x~uJm yP~ kPzPZ mJ\JrÇ?xPr\KoPj PhUJ PVPZ, jVPrr mªrmJ\Jr, oyJ\jkK¢, TJuLWJa, @’rUJjJxy KmKnjú FuJTJr IKiTJÄv PhJTJPj UMYrJ S kJATJKr hPr Pn\Ju KW KmKâ yPòÇ Pn\Ju KWP~r oPiq Kjotu PWJw KW, jNr\JyJj KW, \jjL KW, kJ∫ KW, vJKy P¸vJu VJS~J KWxy I∂f 20Ka nMÅAPlJz S IQmi PTJŒJKjr KW mJ\JPr ksTJPvq KmKâ yPòÇ?KW QfKrr xPñ pMÜ Foj Kfj TotYJrLr xPñ TgJ y~ ksgo @PuJr F ksKfKjKirÇ fJÅrJ \JjJj, jVPrr rJ~jVr, KvmmJKz, j~JmJ\Jr, uJuKhKWrkJr, lKePaJuJ, oKhjJ oJPTta FuJTJ~ I∂f 15Ka Pn\Ju KWP~r TJrUJjJ @PZÇ Fr mJAPrS vyrfKuPf mKóxy TP~TKa FuJTJ~ @rS 15 PgPT 20Ka TJrUJjJ @PZÇ Fxm TJrUJjJ PgPT C“kJKhf KW jVPrr kJvJkJKv

KxPuPar KmKnjú CkP\uJ S VsJoLe yJamJ\JPrS xrmrJy TrJ yPòÇ?Pn\Ju KW QfKr TPrj Foj FT\j TJKrVr mPuj, @Ajví⁄uJ rãJTJrL mJKyjLr PYJU lJÅKT KhP~ KmKnjú mJxJmJcK? nJc?J KjP~ PZJ¢ TJrJUJjJ mKxP~ Pn\Ju KW mJjJPjJ y~Ç xJiJref ksKfKa PTRaJ~ 900 VsJo KW gJPTÇ F kKroJe KW QfKrPf 600 VsJo kJo SP~u, 200 VsJo cJucJ S 100 VsJo UJÅKa KW PhS~J y~Ç F KovsPe xJoJjq kKroJPe rÄ mqmyJr TrJ y~Ç?KxPuPar KxKnu xJ\tj PoJ. @\yJÀu AxuJo mPuj, ÈPpPTJPjJ rÄ-A ˝JP˙qr \jq ãKfTrÇ UJhqhsPmq KovsPer UMm nJPuJ rÄ yPuS PxKa hMA oJPxr PmKv TJptTJKrfJ yJKrP~ KmwJÜ yP~ kPzÇ @r PpPyfM Pn\Ju KW QfKr yPò, fJA PxUJPj nJPuJ rÄ PovJPjJr ksvúA @Px jJÇ F-TJrPe Fxm KW PUP~ PkPar IxMU PgPT ÊÀ TPr pTíPfr jJjJ xoxqJ~ @âJ∂ yS~Jr @vïJ gJPTÇ'?jJo ksTJPv IKjòMT TJuLWJa FuJTJr FT KmPâfJ \JjJj, nJPuJ oJPjr ksKf PTK\ KWP~r hJo Phz yJ\Jr PgPT FT yJ\Jr 800 aJTJÇ fPm Pn\Ju KW PTK\ksKf 750-850 aJTJ~ KmKâ yPòÇ Fxm Pn\Ju KW kJATJKr hPr UMYrJ KmPâfJrJ 400500 aJTJ~ PTPjjÇ PmKv uJn

12 ro\JPjr kr PgPT FA xÄUqJ @rS mJzJPjJ yPmÇ @r Bh WKjP~ FPu KjrJk•J mqm˙J @rS TPbJr yPmÇ KfKj \JjJj, AnKa\JrPhr irPf jJrL xhxqPhr oJPb jJoJPjJ yP~PZÇ AnKaK\ÄP~r IKnPpJPV PTC @aT yPu fJPhr ÃJoqoJe @hJuPf j~, jJrL S KvÊ KjptJfPjr ksYKuf @APj oJouJr @xJKo TPr KmYJPrr oMPUJoMKU TrJ yPmÇ KxPua oyJjVr kMKuPvr IKfKrÜ CkTKovjJr (KoKc~J) ryof CuäJy mPuj, jVrLPf hMA yJ\Jr xhxqPT KjrJk•J~ PoJfJP~j rJUJ yPmÇ oJPTtPar xJoPj S jVrLr PoJPz PoJPz kMKuv PoJPfJP~j gJTPmÇ kJvJkJKv @khTJuLj kKrK˙Kf PoJTJPmuJ~ gJTPm ˆsJAKTÄ PlJxtÇ F\jq mqJaJKu~j kMKuv PgPT @rS v'UJPjT kMKuv PjS~J yPmÇ FZJzJ, jVrLr pJj\a KjrxPjr xPñ IkrJiLPhr vjJÜ TrPf PYRKT mKxP~ fuäJKv TrPm asJKlT kMKuvÇ KxPuPar IKfKrÜ kMKuv xMkJr (KoKc~J) xMùJj YJToJ mPuj, P\uJr KmKnjú CkP\uJ~ KjrJk•J~ KmPvw mqm˙J PjS~J yP~PZÇ ksKf CkP\uJ~ oJPTta S mJ\JrPTKªsT kKrK˙Kf KmPmYjJ TPr xyxsJKiT kMKuv PoJfJP~j TrJ yP~PZÇ @r CØNf kKrK˙Kf PoJTJPmuJ~ xmthJ Kr\Jnt PlJxt gJTPmÇ hvo ro\JPjr kr PgPT KjrJk•J kKrT·jJ~ @PrT hlJ kKrmftj @jJ yPm mPu \JjJj KfKjÇ

yS~J~ nJPuJ oJPjr KWP~r PYP~ UJrJk KW KmKâPfA PmKv C“xJy mqmxJ~LPhrÇ?mJ\JPr KmKâr \jq rJUJ KWP~r PTRaJ~ PhUJ PVPZ, ksKfKa PTRaJ~ È100 nJV UJÅKa KW' mJTqKa PuUJÇ xPñ KWP~r jJoxÄmKuf TJVP\ KmFxKa@AP~r jTu Kxu oMhse TPr rJUJ yP~PZÇ fPm Px TJVP\r PTJPjJ PTJPjJKaPf C“kJhj S Po~JPhJ•LPers fJKrU PuUJ PjAÇ YJr\j UMYrJ KmPâfJ \JjJj, kKm© ro\Jj CkuPã KmKnjú PyJPau-PrPóJrJÅ~ KUYMKz S @UKjxy jJjJ irPjr mJyJKr AlfJrxJoVsL QfKr yPòÇ Fxm QfKrPf IKiTJÄv PyJPauoJKuT Pn\Ju KW PTPjjÇ?mªrmJ\Jr FuJTJ~ TgJ y~ KW PâfJ yJKmmMr ryoJPjr xPñÇ KfKj mPuj, ÈxmA KmFxKa@AP~r Kxu oJrJ gJPTÇ PTJjaJ @xu @r PTJjaJ jTuófJ mM^oM PToPj? PhvaJA nJA Pn\JPu nArJ PVPZ!'?KmFxKa@A KxPuPar CkkKrYJuT Pr\JCu yT mPuj, ÈKTZM nMÅAPlJz IxJiM mqmxJ~L @zJPu PgPT Fxm KW QfKr TPr mJ\Jr\Jf TrPZÇ Fr @PV FTJKiTmJr Fxm mqmxJ~Lr KmÀP≠ IKnpJj kKrYJKuf yP~PZÇ TP~T\j mqmxJ~Lr \KroJjJ FmÄ P\uS yP~PZÇ'?P\uJ ksvJxT PoJ. vKyhMu AxuJo mPuj, ÈPn\Ju KW QfKr TrJr Kmw~Ka @oJPhr \JjJ PjAÇ fPm KvVKVr PUJÅ\ KjP~ Fxm Pn\Ju KW C“kJhjTJrL S Kmâ~TJrLPhr KmÀP≠ ÃJoqoJe @hJuPfr oJiqPo IKnpJj YJuJPjJ yPmÇ'

A≤JrPjPa u¥j mJÄuJ kòj

x Ä mJ h

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

KxPuPa @'uLPVr ksKfÔJmJKwtTL kJuj

23 \Mj, 2015: : KxPuPa @S~JoL uLPVr 66fo ksKfÔJmJKwtTL kJKuf

yP~PZÇ F CkuPã oñumJr hMkMPr KxPua P\uJ kKrwh nmj ksJñPe

˙JKkf \JKfr \jT mñmºM PvU oMK\mMr ryoJPjr ksKfTíKfPf vs≠J†Ku KjPmhj TrJ y~Ç KxPua P\uJ @S~JoL uLPVr xnJkKf @mhM\ \Kyr PYRiMrL xMKl~Jj, xJiJre xŒJhT vKlTMr ryoJj PYRiMrL, oyJjVr xnJkKf mhr CK¨j @yoh TJorJj S xJiJre xŒJhT @xJhCK¨j @yohxy KmKnjú Iñ S xyPpJVL xÄVbPjr PjfJTotLrJ vs≠J†Ku KjPmhj TPrjÇ kPr KxPua P\uJ kKrwh KoujJ~fPj FT @PuJYjJ xnJ IjMKÔf y~Ç IjMÔJPj ksiJj IKfKg KZPuj, P\uJ @S~JoL uLPVr xnJkKf @mhMM\ \Kyr PYRiMrL xMKl~JjÇ FPf xnJkKffô TPrj oyJjVr @S~JoL uLPVr xnJkKf mhr CK¨j @yoh TJorJjÇ xnJ kKrYJujJ TPrj P\uJ @S~JoL uLPVr xJiJre xŒJhT vKlTMr ryoJj PYRiMrLÇ

KxPuPa xKâ~ \JuPjJa Yâ 10 uJU aJTJr \Ju PjJaxy @aT 3 25 \Mj, 2015: Bh xJoPj PrPU KxPuPa xKâ~ \JuPjJa YâÇ \JuPjJa KjP~ oJPb PjPoPZ ksóMfTJrL, FP\≤ S xrmrJyTJrLrJÇ jJjJ PTRvPu fJrJ KxPuPar mJ\JPr ZKzP~ KhPò Fxm \JuPjJaÇ \JuPjJa kKrmyj S mJ\JPr ZJzPf fJrJ jJrLPhrS mqmyJr TrPZ mPu \JjJ PVPZÇ \JjJ pJ~, PrJ\J S BPh KxPuPar mJ\JPr PTjJTJaJ PmPz pJ~Ç F xMPpJPV \JuPjJa QfKr S

xrmrJyTJrL YâS f“kr yP~ SPbÇ mMimJr KxPua jVrL PgPT 10 uJU aJTJr \Ju PjJaxy Kfj\jPT @aT TPrPZ ptJmÇ mMimJr hMkMr PxJ~J 12aJr KhPT ptJm-9 Fr PVJP~ªJ hu hKãe xMroJr ÉoJ~Nj rvLh Yfôr FuJTJ PgPT IKnpJj YJKuP~ fJPhr @aT TPrÇ @aTífPhr oPiq FT\j jJrLS rP~PZjÇ ptJm - 9 xMP© \JjJ pJ~, @aTTífrJ yPujKxPuPar TJjJAWJa

CkP\uJr oKywkMr VsJPor o~jJ Ko~Jr PZPu jNr PyJPxj (45), FTA CkP\uJr KvmjVr VsJPor oíf CxoJj @uLr PZPu AohJh CuîJy (55) S dJuJAYr VsJPor r® oJuJTJPrr PZPu VLfJ rJeL oJuJTJr (45)Ç @aTTífPhr TJZ PgPT C≠JrTíf ksKfKa \Ju PjJa 1000 aJTJr mPu \JKjP~PZj ptJm-9 Fr xyTJrL kKrYJuT FFxKk oJBj CK¨jÇ

KxPuPa ZJ©uLV TotLPhr PkaJPuJ PoKcPTu TPuP\r VJctrJ 25 \Mj, 2015: ZJ©uLPVr hMA TotLPT KkKaP~ èÀfr @yf TPrPZ KxPua rJVLm rJPm~J PoKcTqJu TPuP\r KxKTCKrKa VJctrJJÇ fJPhr KxPua FoFK\ SxoJjL PoKcTqJu TPu\ yJxkJfJPu nKft TrJ yP~PZÇ mMimJr rJf xJPz 9aJ~ KhPT rJVLm rJPm~J PoKcTqJu TPu\ PVPa F WajJ WPaÇ @yfrJ yPuj- ZJ©uLV TotL PxRrn hJx S KukM @yohÇ PxRrn @UJKu~J jfMj mJ\Jr CöLmj 50 j’r mJxJr mJKxªJ KjKUu Yªs hJPxr PZPu S KxPua KxKa TrPkJPrvPjr xJPmT

TJCK¿ur \VhLv hJPxr nJKf\JÇ KukM @yoh(27) hKãe xMroJ CkP\uJr uJuJmJ\Jr lryJhkMr VsJPor mJKxªJ jK\r @yoPhr PZPuÇ \JjJ PVPZ, mMimJr rJPf PxRrn S KukMPT xJPg KjP~ oyJjVr ZJ©uLPVr xy-xJiJre xŒJhT Ko\Jj kJrPn\ FTKa KxFjK\IPaJKrTvJ KjP~ rJVLm rJKm~J PoKcTqJu TPuP\ PrJVL PhUPf pJjÇ fJrJ KxFjK\-IPaJKrTvJKa TPu\ PVPa rJPUjÇ F xo~ KukMPT KxFjK\-IPaJKrTvJKa xrJPjJr \jq

mPuj KxKTCKrKa VJctÇ KT∂á KukM fJPhr TgJ jJ ÊPjjKjÇ kPr fJPhr oPiq mJTKmf¥J y~Ç FT kptJP~ KxKTCKrKa VJcrsJ fJPhr Ckr yJouJr YJuJ~Ç ?FPf èÀfr @yf yj PxRrn S KukMÇ kPr fJPhrPT C≠Jr TPr KxPua FoFK\ SxoJjL PoKcTqJu TPu\ yJxkJfJPu nKft TrJ y~Ç @yfPhr oPiq PxRrPnr Im˙J @vÄTJ\jT mPu \JjJ PVPZÇ KxPua SxoJjL PoKcTqJu TPuP\r kMKuv TqJPŒr Fx@A lJÀT @yoh F WajJ xfqfJ KjKÁf TPrPZjÇ

KxPua ZJ©uLV PjfJr KmÀP≠ \MfJ S ^JzM KoKZu 25 \Mj 2015: jJjJ WajJ~ IKfÔ yP~ KxPua P\uJ ZJ©uLPVr xyxnJkKf @uL PyJPxPjr KmÀP≠ ^JzM S \MfJ KoKZu TPrPZ ZJ©uLPVr TotLrJÇ @uL PyJPxPjr KmÀP≠ YJÅhJmJK\, hJuJKu S xπJxL TotTJP§r IKnPpJV FPj VfTJu hMkMPr KxPua A≤JrjqJvjJu ACKjnJKxtKa S KmKnjú S~Jct ZJ©uLPVr CPhqJPV SxoJjL PoKcTqJu TPu\ PrJc FuJTJ~ F KoKZu S xoJPmv IjMKÔf y~Ç KxPua A≤JrjqJvjJu ACKjnJKxtKar PVa PgPT KoKZuKa ÊÀ yP~ SxoJjL PoKcTqJu PrJc WMPr KkKcKm kP~P≤ FPx xoJPmPv KoKuf y~Ç xoJPmPv

mÜJrJ mPuj, KxPua P\uJ ZJ©uLPVr xyxnJkKf @uL PyJPxPjr xπJxL TotTJP§ FuJTJr oJjMw IKfÔ yP~ CPbPZjÇ fJr YJÅhJmJK\, hJuJKu S IkTPotr TJrPe ZJ©uLPVr nJmoNKft jÓ yPòÇ TP~TKhj @PV FuJTJr PuJT\j fJr KmÀP≠ ksvJxPjr KmKnjú h¬Pr ˛JrTKuKkS KhP~PZjÇ @uLr KmÀP≠ xJÄVbKjT mqm˙J KjPf mÜJrJ PTªs S P\uJ-oyJjVr ZJ©uLV PjfJPhr y˜Pãk TJojJ TPrjÇ A≤JrjqJvjJu ACKjnJKxtKa ZJ©uLPVr ksóJKmf TKoKar xnJkKf khksJgtL PyJxJAj PoJ. xJVPrr

xnJkKfPfô mÜmq rJPUj 9jÄ S~Jct ZJ©uLPVr xyxnJkKf xKor PYRiMrL, xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT ^uT rJ~, 10jÄ S~Jct ZJ©uLV PjfJ vJoLo @yoh, 3jÄ S~Jct ZJ©uLV PjfJ @mhMr rKyo, KxPua @S~JoL @Aj ZJ© kKrwPhr xnJkKf rJPxu @yoh, xJiJre xŒJhT @C~Ju @yPoh PxJyJj ksoMUÇ xoJPmPv fJrJ mPuj, @uLr PjfíPfô KYK¤f xπJxLrJ vJoLoJmJh, PoKcTqJu FuJTJ~ ©Jx YJuJPòÇ fJrJ IxJoJK\T TJP\S \KzP~ kzPZÇ kMKuPvr Z©ZJ~J~ PmkPrJ~J yP~ CPbPZ @uLÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

mJ Ä uJ ßh v

rJöJPTr oMPU KjptJfPjr KY¤

ImPvPw PhPv KlrPuj rJöJT

25 \Mj, 2015: Ko~JjoJPrr xLoJ∂rãL mJKyjLr yJPf @a Khj @aT gJTJr kr PhPv KlPrPZj KmK\Kmr jJP~T @mhMr rJöJTÇ míy¸KfmJr xºqJ xJPz 6aJr KhPT KmK\Kmr ksKfKjKihPur xPñ mJÄuJPhPv PkRÅZJj KfKjÇ Fr @PV Ko~JjoJPrr oÄcMPf ksJ~ kJÅY WμJ kfJTJ QmbT PvPw rJöJTPT KmK\Km TotTftJPhr TJPZ yóJ∂r TPr mctJr VJct kMKuv (KmK\Kk)Ç TémJ\Jr KmK\Kmr Ck IKijJ~T \JjJj, KmTJu PxJ~J 4aJr KhPT yóJ∂Prr krkrA rJöJTPT krLãJ TPrj mJÄuJPhv ksKfKjKi hPur xPñ gJTJ PoKcPTu IKlxJr Po\r PoJ. vJy @uoÇ jJP~T rJöJT xM˙ @PZjÇ kPr fJrJ K¸c PmJPa TPr PhPvr kPg rSjJ yjÇ FKhPT PhPv KlPr míKÓr oPiq PmJa PgPT PjPo rJöJT kJP~ PyÅPa WJPa CPb @PxjÇ Fxo~ mJKyjLr PkJvJPTA KZPuj KfKjÇ oMPU KZu hJKz FmÄ PbJÅPa TJaJ hJVÇ KmK\Kk

KjptJfj TPrPZ KT jJ \JjPf YJAPu rJöJT YMk TPr gJPTjÇ PbJÅPar ãPfr KmwP~ ksvú TrPu KfKj xJÄmJKhTPhr mPuj, iPr KjP~ pJS~Jr xo~ PTPa PVPZÇ KmK\Km ksiJj mPuPZj, rJöJPTr jJPT jJxJTJ mJKyjLr FT xhxq TJoz KhP~KZuÇ Fr @PV fJPT iPr KjP~ pJS~Jr xo~ i˜JiK˜ y~Ç KmK\Kmr TémJ\Jr PxÖPrr IKfKrÜ kKrYJuT (IkJPrvj) PoJ. @KojMu AxuJo \JjJj, KmK\Kmr PaTjJl mqJaJKu~Pjr IKijJ~T PulPajqJ≤ TPjtu @mM\Jr @u \JKyPhr TJPZ rJöJTPT yóJ∂r TPrj 2 j’r KmK\Kkr IKijJ~T PulPajqJ≤ TPjtu Kg yJjÇ KkuUJjJ xhr hlfPrr \jxÄPpJV TotTftJ oyxLj @uL xJÄmJKhTPhr \JjJj, jJP~T rJöJTPT PyKuT¡JPr TPr FPj xÄmJh xPÿuj TrJ yPmÇ KmK\Kmr oyJkKrYJuT (KcK\) Po\r P\jJPru @K\\ @yPoh PxUJPj

CkK˙f gJTPmjÇ FKhPT rJöJPTr oMKÜr UmPr jJPaJPr fJr VsJPor mJKzPf ˝K˜ KlPr FPxPZÇ fJr ˘L @xoJ PmVo ˝JoLr PTJPu fJPhr fífL~ x∂JjPT fMPu PhS~Jr IPkãJ~ @PZjÇ rJöJT @aT yS~Jr YJr Khj kr mJmJ KhmPx fJr \jì y~Ç ksxñf, 17 \Mj PnJPr KmK\Kmr Z~ xhPxqr FTKa hu jJP~T @mhMr rJöJPTr PjfíPfô jJl jhLPf ayu KhKòuÇ fJrJ mJÄuJPhPvr \uxLoJ~ oJhT PYJrJYJuJj xPªPy hMKa PjRTJ~ fuäJKv YJuJ~Ç F xo~ Ko~JjoJPrr rAVqJhÄ TqJPŒr KmK\Kkr xhxqrJ FTKa asuJPr TPr mJÄuJPhPvr \uxLoJ~ ksPmv TPrÇ FTkptJP~ KmK\Kkr xhxqPhr myjTJrL asuJrKa KmK\Kmr ayu PjRpJPjr TJPZ FPx gJPoÇ KmK\Kkr asuJrKaPT mJÄuJPhPvr \uxLoJ PZPz PpPf muJ yPu fJrJ jJP~T rJöJTPT P\Jr TPr asuJPr fMPu Pj~Ç KmK\Kmr Ijq xhxqrJ FPf mJiJ KhPu hMA kPãr oPiq èKuKmKjo~ y~Ç FPf KxkJKy Kmkäm TMoJr èKuKm≠ yjÇ kPr KmK\Kkr asuJr rJöJTPT KjP~ Ko~JjoJPrr KhPT YPu pJ~Ç míy¸KfmJr xTJu xJPz 10aJ PgPT KmPTu PxJ~J 4aJ kpt∂ Ko~JjoJPrr oÄcMPf 2 j’r KmK\Kk msJPûr xPñ mJÄuJPhPvr ksKfKjKihPur kfJTJ QmbT y~Ç Fr @PV rJöJTPT KlKrP~ @jPf xTJPu xJf xhPxqr FTKa ksKfKjKihu oÄcM pJjÇ


\JoJ~JPfr AlfJPr UJPuhJ K\~J 26 \Mj 2015: \JoJ~Jf PjfJPhr xPñ AlfJr TrPuj KmFjKk PY~JrkJrxj S xJPmT ksiJjoπL UJPuhJ K\~JÇ míy¸KfmJr rJ\iJjLr PxJjJrVJÅS PyJPaPur muÀPo \JoJ~JPfr @P~J\Pj F AlfJPr PpJV Phj KmFjKk ksiJjÇ \JoJ~JPfr AxuJoLr jJP~Pm @Kor IiqJkT oK\mMr ryoJPjr xnJkKfPfô 20 huL~ P\JPar PjfJrJ AlfJr oJyKlPu PpJV PhjÇ P\Ja vKrTPhr oPiq KumJPru PcPoJPâKaT kJKars (FuKcKk) PY~JroqJj TPjtu IKu @yoh, AxuJoL GTq P\JPar PY~JroqJj oJSuJjJ @»Mu uKfl Pj\JoL, \JfL~ VefJKπT kJKars (\JVkJ) PY~JroqJj vKlCu @uo ksiJj, \JfL~ kJKat (\Jlr) PoJólJ \JoJu yJ~hJr, TuqJe kJKars PY~JroqJj Qx~h oMyJÿh AmsJyLo, PumJr kJKars PY~JroqJj PoJ˜JKl\Mr ryoJj ArJj, jqJk nJxJjLr @pyJÀu yT, FjKcKk PY~JroqJj UªJTJr PVJuJo oMft\J, PcPoJPâKaT uLPVr xJiJre xŒJhT xJAlMK¨j @yPoh oKj, xJoqmJhL hPur xJBh @oPÿh ksoMU CkK˙f KZPujÇ KmFjKkr PjfJPhr oPiq AlfJPr PpJV Phj- KmFjKkr ˙J~L TKoKar

xhxq Fo PT @PjJ~Jr, j\Àu AxuJo UJj, PY~JrkJrxPjr CkPhÓJ IqJcPnJPTa UªJTJr oJymMm PyJPxj, l\Pu FuJyL @Tmr, mqJKrˆJr yJ~hJr @uL, @∂\tJKfT Kmw~T xŒJhT c. @xJhMöJoj Krkj, pMmhu xnJkKf Qx~h PoJ~JPöo PyJPxj @uJu, iot Kmw~T xŒJhT oJxMh @oPoh fJuMThJr, VeKvãJ Kmw~T xŒJhT xJjJ CuäJy Ko~J S oKyuJ hPur xJiJre xŒJhT KvKrj xMufJjJ ksoMUÇ xJÄmJKhTPhr oPiq AlfJr oJyKlPu IÄv Pjj- QhKjT xÄVsJPor xŒJhT @mMu @xJh, TuJKoˆ xJPhT UJj, vSTf oJyoMh, Fo F @\L\, ÀÉu @Koj VJ\L, Qx~h @mhJu PyJPxj, @mhMu yJA KvThJr S

\JyJñLr @uo ksiJj ksoMUÇ \JoJ~Jf PjfJPhr oPiq KxKj~r jJP~Pm @Kor oJSuJjJ ACxMl, TotkKrwh xhxq oJSuJjJ F Fx Fo @»Mu yJuLo, oJSuJjJ oKfCr ryoJj @Tª, cJ. PrPhJ~Jj CuäJy xJPyhL, oJSuJjJ \~jMu @PmKhj CkK˙f KZPujÇ FZJzJ \JoJ~JPfr PxPâaJKr P\jJPru @uL @yxJj oM\JKyPhr PZPu @uL @yxJj fJyKTT, @uL @yxJj oJmÀr, oJSuJjJ PhuJS~Jr PyJPxj xJBhLr PZPu vJoLo Kmj xJBhLxy \JoJ~JPfr KmKnjú kptJP~r PjfJrJ PpJV PhjÇ AlfJPrr @PV Phv S \JKfr TuqJe TJojJ TPr PoJjJ\Jf TrJ y~Ç

PmVo K\~Jr TrJ @PmhPjr ÊjJKj Pvw, @Phv 29 \Mj 26 \Mj 2015: K\~J IrlJPj\ asJˆ hMjtLKf oJouJ~ mJhL S rJÓskPãr ksgo xJãLr xJãq mJKfu PYP~ PmVo K\~Jr TrJ @PmhPjr ÊjJKj PvwÇ @Phv Ph~J yPm @VJoL 29 \MjÇ

míy¸KfmJr xTJPu KmYJrkKf oAjMu AxuJo PYRiMrL S KmYJrkKf F Km Fo yJxJPjr xojõP~ VKbf yJAPTJPars QÆf Pmû Cn~ kPãr ÊjJKj PvPw @PhPvr FA Khj iJpt TPrjÇ



mJ Ä uJ ßh v

fJPrPTr kJxPkJat KjP~ k´vú yJAPTJPatr dJTJ, 24 \Mj : ßo~Jh ßvPwr @PVA fJPrT ryoJPjr kJxPkJat u¥j ßgPT TLnJPm jmJ~j TrJ yP~KZu FmÄ fJr jJPo TLnJPm YJrKa kJxPkJat yPuJ, fJr mqJUqJ ßYP~PZ yJAPTJatÇ FA mZPrr ÊÀPf FT @Aj\LmLr TrJ Kra @PmhPj yJAPTJat hMKa k´KfPmhj KhPf @Phv KhP~KZu krrJÓs xKYm S @AK\KkPTÇ SA hMKa k´KfPmhj yJPf kJS~Jr kr oñumJr KmYJrkKf TJ\L ßr\J-Cu yT S KmYJrkKf @mM fJPyr ßoJ. xJAlMr ryoJPjr ßmû jfMj TPr hMA KmwP~r mqJUqJ \JjPf ßYP~PZÇ Po~Jh ßvPwr @PVA fJPrT ryoJPjr kJxPkJat u¥j ßgPT TLnJPm jmJ~j TrJ yP~KZu FmÄ fJ @Aj IjMpJ~L yP~KZu KT jJ, fJ \JKjP~ krrJÓs xKYmPT 27 \MuJAP~r oPiq k´KfPmhj KhPf muJ yP~PZÇ @r TP~T mZPrr mqmiJPj FT mqKÜr jJPo FTJKiT kJxPkJat TLnJPm AxMq TrJ yP~PZ, kJxPkJat IKih¬Prr oyJkKrYJuTPT kMKuPvr oyJkKrhvtPTr oJiqPo @hJuPf FA KmwP~ k´KfPmhj KhPf yPmÇ UJPuhJ K\~Jr ßZPu KmFjKkr ß\qÔ pMVì oyJxKYm fJPrT TP~T c\j oJouJ oJgJ~ KjP~ xJf mZr iPr pMÜrJP\q rP~PZjÇ u¥j pJS~Jr kr fJPrT 2008 xJPur xmtPvw kJxPkJat jmJ~j TPrKZPuj mPu

IjMxºJPj \JjJ pJ~Ç fJr ßo~Jh 2013 xJPu ßvw yP~PZÇ KfKj FUj vreJgtL KyPxPm pMÜrJP\q Im˙Jj TrPZj mPu dJTJ S u¥Pjr xN©èPuJ KjKÁf TPrPZÇ PxjJ xoKgtf f•ôJmiJ~T xrTJr @oPu ßV´¬Jr yP~ mZr UJPjT TJrJmJPxr kr \JKoPj oMKÜ KjP~ KYKT“xJr \jq 2008 xJPur ßxP¡’Pr ˘L-x∂JjPhr KjP~ u¥j kJKz \oJj fJPrTÇ Frkr @r KfKj ßlPrjKjÇ u¥Pj Im˙Jj KjP~ mJÄuJPhPvr AKfyJx S mñmºMPT KjP~ KmfKTtf KmKnjú mÜPmqr ßk´ãJkPa fJr TgJ k´YJPr KjPwiJùJ ßYP~ YuKf mZPrr 7 \JjM~JKr @Aj\LmL jJxKrj KxK¨TL KujJ FTKa @Pmhj TPrjÇ k´JgKoT ÊjJKj KjP~ SA KhjA @hJuf fJPrT @APjr hOKÓPf ÈkuJfT' gJTJ kpt∂ fJr mÜmqKmmOKf k´YJr S k´TJPv KjPwiJùJ ßh~Ç kJvJkJKv fJPrPTr KmPhPv Im˙JPjr Im˙J \JjJPf muJ y~ krrJÓs xKYmPTÇ kMKuv oyJkKrhvtTPT fJPrPTr kJxPkJPatr ßo~Jh \JKjP~ k´KfPmhj KhPf muJ y~Ç fJr iJrJmJKyTfJ~ hMKa k´KfPmhj oñumJr @hJuPf hJKUu TPr rJÓskãÇ ßckMKa IqJaKjt ß\jJPru fJkx TáoJr KmvõJx fJ @hJuPf Ck˙Jkj TPrjÇ k´KfPmhPjr fgq C≠Of TPr fJkx

KmvõJx mPuj, 2008 xJPur 4 ßxP¡’r ßp kJxPkJat KjP~ fJPrT ryoJj u¥Pj KVP~KZPuj, fJr ßo~Jh KZu 2010 xJu kpt∂Ç fPm u¥Pj pJS~Jr kr 2008 xJPur KcPx’r @mJr kJPxPkJatr jmJ~j TrJ y~, pJr ßo~Jh ßxP¡’r 2013 kpt∂ KZuÇ 'FA ßp kJxPkJPatr ßo~Jh ßvw yS~Jr k´J~ ßhz mZr @PV u¥j ßgPT TLnJPm @mJr kJxPkJat jmJ~j TrJ yPuJ, fJ @Aj IjMpJ~L yP~PZ KT jJ, fJ krrJÓs xKYmPT \JKjP~ k´KfPmhj KhPf mPuPZj @hJufÇ' kMKuv k´KfPmhj C≠Of TPr FA ßckMKa IqJaKjt ß\jJPru mPuj, 2000 xJu ßgPT 2004 xJu kpt∂ fJPrT ryoJPjr jJPo YJrKa kJxPkJat AxMq yP~PZÇ 'TP~T mZPrr mqmiJPj FT mqKÜr jJPo FTJKiT kJxPkJat AxMq TrJ pJ~ KT jJ, ßx KmwP~ @AK\Kkr oJiqPo k´KfPmhj KhPf muJ yP~PZÇ' ßckMKa IqJaKjt ß\jJPru mPuj, 2013 xJPu fJPrT ryoJPjr kJxPkJPatr ßo~Jh ßvw yS~Jr kr @r jmJ~j y~KjÇ F Im˙J~A fJPrT ryoJj u¥Pj Im˙Jj TrPZjÇ oMhsJ kJYJPrr FTKa oJouJ~ UJuJx ßkPuS fJPrTPT kuJfT ßhKUP~ KmYJr YuPZ 21 @Vˆ ßV´Pjc yJouJr oJouJ~Ç @PrJ TP~TKa oJouJ~S KfKj IKnpMÜÇ fJr KmÀP≠ xJrJPhPv rP~PZ IPjTèPuJ oJjyJKjr oJouJÇ fPm KmFjKk mrJmrA mPu @xPZ, fJPrPTr KmÀP≠ oJouJèPuJ rJ\QjKfT CP¨vqk´PeJKhfÇ

KmFjKkr 33 ßjfJPT ßV´lfJPrr KjPhtv dJTJ, 23 \Mj : jJvTfJr oJouJ~ KmFjKkr ˙J~L TKoKar xhxq mqJKrˆJr rKlTMu AxuJo Ko~J S pMVìoyJxKYm @oJj CuäJy @oJjxy 33 ßjfJPT ßV´lfJPrr KjPhtv KhP~PZj @hJufÇ VfTJu ßxJomJr F oJouJ~ @xJoLrJ @hJuPf yJK\r jJ gJTJ~ fJPhrPT ßV´lfJPrr \jq kPrJ~JjJ \JKr TPrj dJTJr oyJjVr hJ~rJ \\ TJoÀu ßyJPxj ßoJuäJÇ oJouJ~ YJ\tKvanMÜ ßoJa 36 @xJoLr oPiq KmFjKkr pMVì-oyJxKYm ÀÉu TKmr Kr\nL S Kuaj mqJkJrL ß\uyJ\Pf @PZjÇ FZJzJ @PrT @xJoL ‰x~hJ @KxlJ @vrJKl kJKk~J F oJouJ~ \JKoPj gJTPuS rJ\iJjLr Ikr 9Ka oJouJ~ Vf 16 \Mj dJTJr KxFoFo @hJuPf @®xokte TrPu KmYJrTrJ fJPT ß\uyJ\Pf kJKbP~ ßhjÇ Vf 19 oJYt F oJouJ~ KmFKkr ˙J~L TKoKar xhxq mqJKrˆJr rKlTMu AxuJo Ko~J, pMVì-oyJxKYm ÀÉu TKmr Kr\nL S @oJj CuäJy @oJjxy 36 \Pjr KmÀP≠ YJ\tKva hJKUu TPrj KorkMr oPcu gJjJr kMKuPvr Fx@A rKlTMu AxuJoÇ SA YJ\tKvPa KmFKkr ˙J~L TKoKar xhxq mqJKrˆJr rKlTMu AxuJo Ko~J, pMVì-oyJxKYm @oJj CuäJy

@oJjxy 33 \jPT kuJfT CPuäU TrJ y~Ç ßV´lfJKr kPrJ~JjJnMÜ CPuäUPpJVqrJ yPuj- KmFjKkr ˙J~L TKoKar xhxq mqJKrˆJr rKlTMu AxuJo Ko~J, pMVìoyJxKYm @oJjCuäJy @oJj, ßY~JrkJrxPjr ßk´x xKYm oJÀl TJoJu UJj ßxJPyu, ßY~JrkJrxPjr KmPvw xyTJrL FcPnJPTa xJoZMr ryoJj KvoMu KmvõJx, ZJ©hPur xJPmT xnJkKf xMufJj xJuJCK¨j aMTM FmÄ xJiJre xŒJhT @K\\Mu mJrL ßyuJu, pMmhPur xJiJre xŒJhT xJAláu AxuJo jLrmÇ oJouJr IKnPpJPV \JjJ pJ~, 2015 xJPur 25 \JjM~JKr hMkMr ßkRPj 2aJr KhPT KorkMr oPcu gJjJ FuJTJr xKj KxPjoJ yPur xJoPjr rJ˜J~ KmFjKk ßjfOfôJiLj 20 huL~ ß\JPar yrfJu-ImPrJPi VJKzPf ßkPasJuPmJoJ ZMÅPz oJrJ y~Ç FZJzJ @xJoLPhr KmÀP≠ rJ˜J~ YuJYurf pJjmJyPj @èj uJVJPjJr ßYÓJ TrJr IKnPpJVS @jJ y~Ç FA WajJ~ KorkMr oPcu gJjJ~ SAKhjA oJouJKa hJP~r TPrj FFx@A UªTJr rJK\T @yÿhÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

oJjm kJYJPrr KmÀP≠ K\PrJ auJPr¿ jLKf 25 \Mj 2015: oJjm kJYJPrr KmÀP≠ K\PrJ auJPr¿jLKf Pj~J yP~PZ mPu \JKjP~PZj ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJÇ KfKj mPuj, IQminJPm oJjm kJYJPrr KmÀP≠ mJÄuJPhv vÜ Im˙Jj KjP~PZÇ xJŒ´KfTTJPu IQminJPm oJjm kJYJr @vïJ\jT yJPr PmPzPZÇ kJYJrTJrLPhr KmÀP≠ mqm˙J KjPf @Ajví⁄uJ mJKyjLPT KjPhtv Ph~J yP~PZÇ kJYJrTíf mJÄuJPhvL jJVKrTPhr hsΔf PhPv KlKrP~ @jJxy oJjm kJYJr PrJPi F IûPur PhvèPuJ pJPf xoKjõfnJPm TJ\ TrPf kJPr, Px\jqS @oJPhr xmtJ®T TNaQjKfT ksPYÓJ ImqJyf rP~PZÇ oñumJr xÄxPh KuKUf ksPvúJ•Pr KfKj FTgJ \JjJjÇ K¸TJr c. KvrLj vJrKoj PYRiMrLr xnJkKfPfô IKiPmvPj ksPvúJ•r kPmt KfKj @rS \JjJj, Vf mZPrr 5A \JjM~JKrr KjmtJYj-kNmtmftL xo~ FmÄ YuKf mZPrr 5A \JjM~JKr-krmftL xoP~ ImPrJi-yrfJPur jJPo KmFjKk-\JoJ~JPfr n~Ju jJvTfJ, xKyÄxfJ S oJjMw kMKzP~ yfqJr KmÀP≠ xrTJr TPbJr mqm˙J

KjP~PZÇ xrTJr Pp PTJj xKyÄxfJr WajJ ksKfPrJPi m≠kKrTrÇ \jVPer \Lmj S xŒPhr KjrJk•J KmiJj S xJKmtT @Ajví⁄uJ kKrK˙Kf m\J~ rJUPf xrTJr hí|ksKfùÇ PkasuPmJoJ~ oJjMw kMKzP~ oJrJxy jJjJ irPjr jJvTfJoNuT TotTJ§ pJrJ WKaP~PZ KTÄmJ pJrJ Fr ÉTMohJfJ, fJPhr xmJr KmÀP≠ pgJpg @AjJjMV mqm˙J Pj~J yP~PZÇ PvU yJKxjJ mPuj, oJjm kJYJr ksKfPrJPi P\uJCkP\uJ-ACKj~jkptJP~ TJC≤Jr asJKlKTÄ TKoKa Vbj TrJ yP~PZÇ oJjm kJYJr ksKfPrJi S hoPj 2012 xJPur 20Pv PlmsM~JKr ÈoJjm

kJYJr ksKfPrJi S hoj' @Aj TrJ yP~PZÇ @APj oJjm kJYJPrr \jq xPmtJó vJKó oífqMh§ S pJmöLmj xvso TJrJhP§r KmiJj rJUJ yP~PZÇ KfKj mPuj, oJjm kJYJr FTKa @∂\tJKfT xoxqJÇ oJjm kJYJrTJrLrJ @∂\tJKfT YPâr xPñ \KzfÇ F\jq @Ajví⁄uJ rãJ mJKyjLPT @rS Cjúffr S IfqJiMKjT ksKvãe kshJPj È\JfL~ kKrT·jJ 2012-14' kseLf S mJómJK~f yP~PZÇ oJjm kJYJr ksKfPrJPi È\JfL~ TotkKrT·jJ 2015-17'-Fr UxzJ kse~j TrJ yP~PZ, pJ KvVKVrA ksTJKvf yPmÇ F ZJzJ ˝rJÓs oπeJuP~ oJjm kJYJr ksKfPrJi-xÄâJ∂ TKoKar xnJ ksKf oJPx IjMKÔf y~Ç oJjm kJYJr KmPvw TPr jJrL S KvÊ kJYJrxÄâJ∂ KmYJrJiLj oJouJr IVsVKf oKjar TrJr Kmw~ TKoKaPf kptJPuJYjJ y~Ç ksiJjoπL mPuj, xoksKf mJÄuJPhv PgPT xoMhskPg IQminJPm oJjm kJYJr CPÆV\jT yJPr míK≠ kJS~J~ PTJˆVJPctr TJptâoS @rS Km˜íf yP~PZÇ PTJˆVJPctr ayu mJzJPjJ yP~PZÇ

nñMr rJPÓsr xNYPT fuJKjPf mJÄuJPhv dJTJ, 19 \Mj : KmPvõr ÈnñMr rJPÓsr' fJKuTJ~ 32fo ˙JPj Im˙Jj TrPZ mJÄuJPhvÇ fJKuTJ~ xmPYP~ UJrJk Im˙JPj hKãe xMhJj @r xmPYP~ nJPuJ Im˙JPj KljuqJ¥Ç pMÜrJÓsKnK•T IuJn\jT VPmweJ S KvãJk´KfÔJj lJ¥ lr KkPxr (FlFlKk) TftOT 178Ka ßhPvr Skr YJuJPjJ VPmweJ xoLãJ~ F KY© CPb FPxPZÇ ßhPv K˙KfvLufJr oJ©J, rJ\QjKfT Im˙J, jJjJ KmKi-KjPwi (YJk), xJoJK\T, rJ\QjKfT S IgtQjKfTxy k´J~ 100Ka Ck-xNYTPT KnK• iPr KmPvõr KmKnjú ßhPvr k´UqJf xJoJK\T KmùJj VPmwTrJ FT mZr iPr SA xoLãJ YJuJjÇ mMimJr SA xoLãJ k´KfPmhj k´KfÔJPjr Kj\˝ xJAPa k´TJv TrJ y~Ç hKãe FKv~Jr ßhvèPuJr oPiq nJrf 68fo ˙JPj gJTPuS kJKT˜JPjr Im˙Jj 13Ç FZJzJ nMaJj 74, ßjkJu 36 S v´LuÄTJ 34fo ˙JPj rP~PZÇ hKãe FKv~J~ xmPYP~ KjPY Im˙Jj TrJ @lVJKj˙JPjr Im˙Jj 8Ç xoLãJ~ KmPvõr vLwt ÈnñMr rJPÓsr' fJKuTJr k´go 10Ka

ßhPvr xJfKa @KlsTJ oyJPhPvrÇ ßhvèPuJ yu- hKãe xMhJj (k´go), ßxJoJKu~J (KÆfL~), oiq @KlsTJ k´\Jfπ (fOfL~), xMhJj (YfMgt), TPñJ (kûo), YJh (wÔ) S KVKj (hvo)Ç fJKuTJ~ IÓo ˙JPj rP~PZ @lVJKj˜JjÇ oiqk´JPYqr pM≠Km±˜ ßhv AP~PoPjr Im˙Jj x¬PoÇ @r KxKr~Jr Im˙Jj jmPoÇ ÈnñMr rJPÓsr' F fJKuTJ~ pMÜrJPÓsr Im˙Jj 158foÇ F fJKuTJ~ xmPYP~ nJPuJ Im˙JPj @PZ ÛqJK¥PjKn~Jj ßhvèPuJÇ fJKuTJ~ 178fo Im˙JPj @PZ KljuqJ¥Ç FZJzJ xMAPcj 177, jrSP~ 176, ßcjoJTt 175, uMP–omJVt 174, xMA\JruqJ¥ 173, KjCK\uqJ¥ 172, @AxuqJ¥ 171, IPˆsKu~J 170 S @~JruqJ¥ 169fo Im˙JPj rP~PZÇ SA xoLãJ xNYPT ÈnñMr ßhPvr' fJKuTJ~ mJP\ Im˙JPj @PZ oiqk´JPYqr ßhv ArJTÇ ßhvKa ÆJhv Im˙JPj @PZÇ 27fo Im˙JPj @PZ Ko~JjoJrÇ C•r ßTJKr~J 29 ßumJjj 40, ArJj 44 S KlKukJAPjr Im˙Jj 48foÇ hKãe FKv~Jr k´nJmvJuL ßhv YLPjr Im˙Jj 83foÇ APªJPjKv~J 88fo S ßxRKh @rPmr Im˙Jj 101foÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015




Registered Charity No: 1126808

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

mJ Ä uJ ßh v


PmTJ~hJ~ hMA oπL

25 \Mj 2015: PmTJ~hJ~ kPzPZj xrTJPrr ksnJmvJuL hMA oπLÇ oyJjVr @S~JoL uLPVr @PuJKYf F hMA PjfJr oKπxnJ PgPT mJh kzJr @vïJ TrPZj fJPhr WKjÔ\jrJÇ hMjtLKfr FTKa oJouJ~ 13 mZPrr xJ\J gJTJ~ ©JeoπL PoJlJöu PyJPxj PYRiMrL oJ~Jr oKπfô KjP~ xJÄKmiJKjT \KaufJr xíKÓ yP~PZÇ TJre KfKj 2008 xJPu ùJf @P~r mJAPr IQminJPm 6 PTJKar PmKv aJTJr xŒh I\tPjr oJouJ~ 13 mZPrr TJrJhP§ hK§f yjÇ 2010 xJPur IPÖJmPr yJAPTJPars FTKa Pmû ÊiMoJ© @AKj ksPvú SA rJ~ mJKfu TPrjÇ hMhT Fr KmÀP≠ @Kku TPrÇ 14A \Mj xMKkso PTJPars @Kku KmnJV yJAPTJPars rJ~ mJKfu TPr yJAPTJPat @KkPur kMj”ÊjJKjr KjPhtv PhjÇ lPu oJ~Jr KmÀP≠ dJTJr KmPvw @hJuPf Ph~J 13 mZPrr xJ\J myJu rP~PZÇ VfTJu F oJouJ~ xMKkso PTJPars @PhPvr TKk ksTJKvf yP~PZÇ pJPf muJ yP~PZ, F oJouJ~ yJAPTJat KmnJV \MKcKv~Ju oJA¥ ksP~JV TPrKjÇ @Aj KmPvwùrJ muPZj, mJÄuJPhv xÄKmiJPjr 66 IjMPòh IjMpJ~L 14A \Mj PgPT PoJlJöu PyJPxj PYRiMrL oJ~Jr oKπfô S xÄxh xhxq kh UJKr\ yP~ PVPZÇ F ZJzJ Vf mZr jJrJ~eVP† YJûuqTr xJf UMPjr WajJ~ fJr \JoJfJ ptJPmr TotTftJ Pu. TPjtu fJPrT xJBh PoJyJÿPhr \Kzf gJTJr WajJ~ oJ~J ksY§ xoJPuJYjJr oMPU kPzjÇ SA xo~ \JoJfJPT rãJ~ oπL oJ~Jr Phj-hrmJr xrTJPrr Có oyuPT ãM… TPrÇ FKhPT msJK\u PgPT @ohJKjTíf YJr v' PTJKa aJTJr kYJ Vo @ohJKj KjP~ Pmv xoxqJr oPiq rP~PZj UJhqoπL IqJcPnJPTa

TJoÀu AxuJoÇ UJhqoπLr TotTJP§r Kmmre FUj ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJr PaKmPu rP~PZÇ xJPmT FT oπL UJhq oπeJuP~r Vf Phz mZPrr IkTot ksiJjoπLPT KrPkJat @TJPr KhP~PZjÇ ksiJjoπLS kYJ Vo xŒPTt kMKuvxy KmKnjú @Ajví⁄uJ mJKyjLr TJZ PgPT xqJŒuxy IKnPpJV PkP~ UJhq xKYm oMvPlTJ ATlJ“PT KfrÛJr TPrPZjÇ KjmtJyL oqJK\PˆsaPhr oJiqPo msJK\u PgPT @ohJKjTíf VPor joMjJ xÄVsy TrJr KjPhtv KhP~PZjÇ xÄKväÓrJ oPj TrPZj, Fxm Vo PTjJ~ PTJKa PTJKa aJTJr hMjtLKf yP~PZÇ Ff KTZMr krS Vo PTPuïJKrr kPã xJlJA PVP~ YuPZj UJhqoπL TJoÀu AxuJoÇ ksJ~ ksKfKhjA KmKnjú ofKmKjo~ xnJ~ msJK\Pur Vo xŒPTt mÜmq KhPòjÇ muPZj jJjJ TgJÇ fPm ksiJjoπLr TJptJuP~r TJPZ Umr @PZ msJK\Pur kr l∑J¿ PgPTS kYJ Vo KTjPZj IqJcPnJPTa TJoÀuÇ UJhqoπLr Fxm TotTJ§ VnLrnJPm kptPmãe TrJ yPòÇ FKhPT xoksKf IjMKÔf KxKa TrPkJPrvj KjmtJYjPj hMPptJV mqm˙JkjJ oπL PoJlJöu PyJPxj PYRiMrL oJ~J S UJhqoπL IqJcPnJPTa TJoÀu AxuJo KZPuj ãofJxLj hPur TJPZ Pmv @PuJKYf jJoÇ F hMA \Pjr oPiq oπL oJ~J @S~JoL uLV xoKgtf hMA Po~r ksJgtLr xrJxKr KmPrJKifJ TPrjÇ F TJrPeS fJr Skr Ix∂áÓ PUJh ksiJjoπL S huÇ SA KmPrJKifJr xo~ UJhqoπL IqJcPnJPTa TJoÀu fJr xñL yj FojaJ muPZj PTC PTCÇ hPur oPiq @PuJYjJ rP~PZ, oJ~JTJoÀPur KmPrJKifJr TJrPeA KxKa TrPkJPrvj KjmtJYPj Km\~ KjKÁf TrPf @S~JoL uLVPT oKr~J yPf

yP~PZÇ Fxm TJrPe ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJ fJPhr Skr nLwe ãM… rP~PZj mPu \JjJ PVPZÇ FKhPT S~Jj-APuPnPjr nNKoTJr TJrPe hlJ~ hlJ~ kMrÛJr PkP~ kNet oπL yP~PZj IqJcPnJPTa TJoÀu AxuJoÇ 2009 xJPu dJTJ oyJjVr @S~JoL uLPVr pMVì xJiJre xŒJhT TJoÀu AxuJo FoKk ksJgtL KyPxPm hPur oPjJj~j FmÄ KjmtJKYf yP~A ksKfoπLr hJK~fô kJjÇ KÆfL~ Po~JPh kPhJjúKf PkP~ UJhq oπeJuP~r oPfJ èÀfôkNet oπL yjÇ KT∂á ÊÀ PgPTA Vo PTjJ, KjP~JV S mhKuxy jJjJ khPãPk fJr KmÀP≠ IKnPpJV CbPf ÊÀ TPrÇ PVu Phz mZPr UJhq IKih¬Prr oyJkKrYJuT kh PgPT Kfj IKfKrÜ xKYmPT mhKu TKrP~PZjÇ fJr xPñ mKjmjJ jJ yS~Jr TJrPeA fJPhr xKrP~ KhP~PZj Foj IKnPpJV TrPZj PTC PTCÇ CPuäUq, 2014 xJPur 5A \JjM~JKrr FTfrlJ KjmtJYPj \~L yP~ @S~JoL uLV 12A \JjM~JKr aJjJ KÆfL~ Po~JPh xrTJr Vbj TPrÇ SA Khj ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJr PjfíPfô 29 oπL, 17 ksKfoπL FmÄ 2 CkoπL vkg PjjÇ kPr @PrT hlJ 25Pv PlmsM~JKr FFAY oJyoMh @uL S j\Àu AxuJo pgJâPo oπL S ksKfoπL KyPxPm vkg PjjÇ Frkr oKπxnJ~ @r PTJj kKrmftj mJ I∂ntMKÜ WPaKjÇ fPm y\, iot S x\Lm S~JP\h \~PT KjP~ PmlJÅx o∂mq TPr oKπfô yJKrP~ P\uyJ\Pf fgJ Kks\j PxPu KYKT“xJiLj @PZj m˘ S kJaoπL @mhMu uKfl KxK¨TLÇ

mqm˙J KjPf @AK\Kkr KjPhtv

n~JjT IkrJPi \zJPò KTZM IxJiM kMKuv dJTJ, 25 \Mj : KZjfJA, YJÅhJmJK\, oJjmkJYJr S A~JmJ kJYJr ßgPT ÊÀ TPr iwtPer oPfJ n~JjT IkrJPi \KzP~ kzPZ KTZM IxJiM kMKuv xhxqÇ kMKuPv F irPjr IkrJiL xhxq KYK¤f TPr @APjr @SfJ~ @jJr KjPhtv KhP~PZj kMKuPvr A¿PkÖr ß\jJPru (@AK\Kk) F ßT Fo vyLhMu yTÇ F xÄâJ∂ FTKa KYKb VfTJu xm ACKja k´iJjPT kJbJPjJ yP~PZ mPu kMKuv xhr hlfr xNP© \JjJ ßVPZÇ kMKuPvr ßTJPjJ ßTJPjJ xhxq A~JmJ, oJjmkJYJrxy IjM„k IkrJPi \Kzf fJPhr KmÀP≠ mqm˙J KjPf Kx@AKcr Kc@AK\ xJAlMu yTPT k´iJj TPr FTKa TKoKa Vbj TrJ yP~PZÇ F ZJzJ 27 ßTJKa aJTJr A~JmJxy ßV´lfJr xJoK~T mrUJ˜Tíf FFx@A oJylM\Mr ryoJjxy fJr xm xyPpJVLr KmÀP≠ @AjVf mqm˙J KjPf muJ yP~PZ SA TKoKaPTÇ TKoKaPT 10 TJptKhmPxr oPiq k´KfPmhj \oJ KhPf muJ yP~PZÇ TKoKar Ijq xhxqrJ yPuj kMKuv ßycPTJ~JatJPxtr F@AK\ (Kk@AS) TJ\L K\~J CK¨j S KcKxKkäj FmÄ k´PlvjJu ˆqJ¥Jct vJUJr KxKj~r FFxKk @»Mx xJuJo FmÄ ßljL ß\uJr FFxKk ßycPTJ~JatJxtÇ xŒ´Kf rJ\iJjLr nJaJrJ~ kMKuv TotTftJ TftOT iwtPer KvTJr yP~PZj ßUJh FT jJrL kMKuv xhxqÇ Vf vKjmJr VnLr rJPf dJTJ-Y¢V´Jo oyJxzPTr ßljL ß\uJr uJuPkJu FuJTJ~ 27 ßTJKa aJTJr 6 uJU 80 yJ\Jr Kkx A~JmJxy kMKuPvr FFx@A oJylM\Mr ryoJjxy hMA mqKÜPT ßV´lfJr TPr rqJm-7 Fr xhxqrJÇ oJylM\Mr ryoJj dJTJr ߸vJu msJPûr (FxKm) ßaTKjTqJu ßxTvPj Totrf KZPujÇ F xo~ fJPhr TJZ ßgPT YJrKa ßoJmJAu ßlJjPxa, KmKnjú mqJÄPTr @aKa ßâKca TJct FmÄ KfjKa ßjJamMT \» TPrÇ F ZJzJ \» TrJ y~ A~JmJ kJYJPr mqmÂf FTKa FKuP~j k´JAPna TJrÇ rqJPmr k´JgKoT K\ùJxJmJPh ßV´lfJrTífrJ \JjJ~,

hv oJouJ~ uKfPlr \JKoj, KmYJr TJptâo ˙KVf dJTJ, 24 \Mj : kKm© y\ô KjP~ TaNKÜ TPr oMxuoJjPhr iotL~ IjMnNKfPf @WJf ßh~Jr IKnPpJPV hJP~rTíf @PrJ hvKa oJouJ~ xJPmT oπL @»Mu uKfl KxK¨TLPT \JKoj KhP~PZ yJAPTJatÇ FTAxPñ oJouJr KmYJr TJptâo Z~ oJPxr \jq ˙KVf TPrPZ @hJufÇ oJouJ mJKfPur @PmhPjr Skr k´JgKoT ÊjJKj KjP~ KmYJrkKf ßoJ. Kj\JoMu yT S KmYJrkKf

ßoJ. lKrh @yoh KvmuLr KcKnvj ßmû Vf oñumJr FA @Phv ßhjÇ FZJzJ Fxm oJouJ ßTj mJKfu ßWJweJ TrJ yPm jJ fJ \JjPf ßYP~ Àu \JKr TrJ yP~PZÇ ˙KVfJPhv ßh~J oJouJr oPiq Y¢V´JPo 7Ka, dJTJ, YJÅkJAjmJmV† S uçLkMr @hJuPf 1Ka TPr oJouJ rP~PZÇ @hJuPf uKfPlr kPã mqJKrˆJr ß\qJKfot~ mzM~J ÊjJKj TPrjÇ rJÓskPã KZPuj ßckMKa

A~JmJ mqmxJr xJPg kMKuv FmÄ @Aj\LmLPhr FTKa Yâ \Kzf gJTJr YJûuqTr fgq KhP~PZjÇ FFx@A oJylM\Mr ryoJj 2011 ßgPT 2013 xJu kpt∂ TmJ\Jr ß\uJr ßaTjJl gJjJ~ Totrf KZPujÇ SA xo~ fJr xJPg KmKnjú A~JmJ mqmxJ~Lr xUq VPz SPbÇ fJr TJZ ßgPT C≠Jr A~JmJ YJuJPjr KmwP~ KfKj \JjJj, mftoJj TmJ\Jr ß\uJr KcKm kMKuPvr FFx@A ßoJ: ßmuJu FmÄ Y¢V´Jo ß\uJ kMKuPvr TáKorJ kMKuv lJÅKzr AjYJ\t Fx@A ßoJ: @KvT fJPT A~JmJèPuJ dJTJ~ ßkRÅPZ ßh~Jr \jq mPujÇ dJTJ~ fJr TJZ ßgPT A~JmJèPuJ yJAPTJPatr oMÉKr ßoJfJPum, IqJcPnJPTa \JKTr, FxKmr TjPˆmu vJyLj, TJPvo S KV~JPxr mMP^ ßj~Jr TgJ KZuÇ F ZJzJ fJr ßjJamMPT 14 \Pjr xJPg KmKnjú xo~ A~JmJ ßujPhPjr 28 ßTJKa 44 uJU 13 yJ\Jr aJTJr KyxJm kJS~J ßVPZ mPu \JjJ~ rqJmÇ 11 \Mj Y¢V´JPo \qJPTa ZJzJ IKnpJj S YJÅhJmJK\r IKnPpJPV ßVJP~ªJ kMKuPvr kJÅY xhxqPT xJoK~T mrUJ˜ TrJ y~Ç fJrJ yPuj, ßVJP~ªJ kMKuPvr Fx@A @KoÀu AxuJo, FFx@A \Kyr CK¨j, TjPˆmu vJy @uo, ßVJuJo xJohJKj S ßxJPyu SorÇ Y¢V´Jo ßoKcTqJu TPu\xÄuVú FTKa IKlPx fJrJ IKnpJPjr jJPo YJÅhJmJK\ TrPf KVP~KZPujÇ 12 \Mj rJ\iJjLr KUuVJÅS gJjJ kMKuPvr FFx@A TKuoMr ryoJj fMrJV gJjJr FT oKyuJ kMKuv TjPˆmuPT iwte TPrÇ 14 \Mj ßoJyJÿhkMr gJjJr FFx@A ßoJvJrl ßyJPxPjr KmÀP≠ iwtPer IKnPpJV TPrPZj FT jJrLÇ @AK\Kk F ßT Fo vyLhMu yT mPuj, xffJ mJ IxffJ oJjMPwr Kj\˝ èe mJ ßhJwÇ ßTJPjJ IkrJPir hJ~nJr FTJ∂ xÄKväÓ mqKÜr KjP\rÇ kMKuv KmnJV ßTJPjJ IkrJiLPT k´v´~ ßh~ jJÇ @orJ FaJ mrhJv&f TKr jJ, mrÄ KjP\r ACKjPar ßTC IkrJPi \zJPu fJPT IkrJiL KyPxPmA Veq TKrÇ F ßãP© @orJ xm xo~A ÈK\PrJ auJPr¿' jLKf IjMxre TKrÇ ßTJPjJ xhPxqr IkrJPir TJrPe kMPrJ mJKyjLr nJmoNKftPT \zJPjJr ßYÓJS xoLYLj j~Ç pJrJ A~JmJxy IjM„k IkrJPi \KzP~PZ fJPhrPT IKmuP’ ßV´lfJPrr KjPhtv KhP~PZj KfKjÇ F KhPT oJjmkJYJr, oJhT FmÄ IjqJjq YJûuqTr WajJ fh∂ FmÄ TreL~ KjitJrPe ߸vJu msJPûr IqJKcvjJu Kc@AK\ ßfRKlT oJymMm ßYRiMrLPT k´iJj TPr Ikr FTKa TKoKa Vbj TrJ yP~PZÇ TKoKar Ijq xhxqrJ yPuj Kx@AKcr KmPvw kMKuv xMkJr ßr\JCu yJ~hJr FmÄ kMKuv ßycPTJ~JatJPxtr IqJaKjt ß\jJPru ßvU F ßT Fo KcKxKkäj FmÄ k´PlvjJu ˆqJ¥Jct vJUJr oKjÀöJoJj TKmrÇ IKfKrÜ kMKuv xMkJr Ko\JjMr ryoJjÇ oKjÀöJoJj TKmr mPuj, F TKoKa ßTJPjJ kMKuv xhxq ßkvJVf oJj kpt∂ 17Ka oJouJ~ uKfl ßgPT KmYMqf yPò KT jJ mJ Ijq ßTJPjJ KxK¨TL \JKoj ßkPujÇ fPm IkrJPi \KzP~ kzPZ KT jJ∏ F xÄâJP∂ @rS kJÅYKa oJouJ gJTJ~ KfKj xJKmtT ßVJP~ªJ fgq xÄV´y TrPmÇ @kJff oMKÜ kJPòj jJÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

mJ Ä uJ ßh v

xMAx mqJÄPT mJÄuJPhvLPhr aJTJ mJzPZ dJTJ, 19 \Mj : xMA\JruqJP¥r KmKnjú mqJÄPT (xMAx mqJÄT) mJÄuJPhvL jJVKrTPhr \oJ aJTJr kKroJe ßmPzA YPuPZÇ mJÄuJPhv ßgPT xMA\JruqJP¥r mqJÄTèPuJPf aJTJ kJYJr, KmPhPv Totrf IPjT mJÄuJPhvL jJVKrT xMA\JruqJP¥r mqJÄTèPuJPf aJTJ \oJ rJPUj mPu ßxUJPj mJÄuJPhvLPhr \oJ aJTJr kKroJe ßmPzA pJPòÇ FT mZPr mJÄuJPhvLPhr \oJ IPgtr kKroJe ßmPzPZ 40 hvKoT 72 vfJÄvÇ xMAx mqJÄPT 2014 xJPu mJÄuJPhvLPhr \oJr kKroJe ßmPz hJÅKzP~PZ 50 ßTJKa 60 uJU xMAx lsqJÄTÇ ˙JjL~ oMhsJ~ Fr kKroJe 4 yJ\Jr 554 ßTJKa aJTJ (k´Kf xMAx lsqJÄT 90 aJTJ KyxJPm)Ç @PVr mZr IgtJ“ 2013 xJPu fJ KZu 3 yJ\Jr 236 ßTJKa aJTJÇ F KyxJPm FT mZPr ßmPzPZ 1 yJ\Jr 318 ßTJKa aJTJÇ FPãP© hKãe FKv~Jr ßhvèPuJr oPiq nJrf FmÄ kJKT˜JPjr krA rP~PZ mJÄuJPhPvr Im˙JjÇ mOy¸KfmJr xMA\JruqJP¥r ßTªsL~ mqJÄT xMAx jqJvjJu mqJÄPTr k´TJKvf FT k´KfPmhj ßgPT Fxm fgq kJS~J ßVPZÇ k´KfPmhPj muJ y~, ßTJPjJ mJÄuJPhvL fJr jJVKrTfô ßVJkj TPr aJTJ \oJ rJUPu ßxxm fgq FA k´KfPmhPj ßjAÇ IgtjLKfKmhrJ mPuPZj, ßhPv KmKjP~JV jJ yS~J~ kMÅK\ kJYJr yPòÇ kJYJr TrJ aJTJr FTKa IÄv xMAx mqJÄTèPuJPf \oJ yPòÇ ßTªsL~ mqJÄPTr CKYf F KmwP~ fh∂ TPr ßhUJÇ

k´KfPmhj ßgPT kJS~J fPgq ßhUJ pJ~, @PuJYq xoP~ KmPvõr IjqJjq ßhPvr @oJjfS ßmPzPZÇ 2014 xJPu ßoJa @oJjPfr kKroJe hJÅKzP~PZ 1 uJU 38 yJ\Jr ßTJKa lsqJÄTÇ @PVr mZr pJ KZu 1 uJU 23 yJ\Jr ßTJKa lsJÄTÇ @oJjf rJUJr ßãP© F mZrS k´go Im˙JPj rP~PZ pMÜrJ\qÇ F k´xPñ mJÄuJPhv mqJÄPTr KjmtJyL kKrYJuT oJylM\Mr ryoJj mPuj, IKlKx~JKu mJÄuJPhv ßgPT KmPhPv aJTJ ßj~Jr ßTJPjJ xMPpJV ßjAÇ xMA\ mqJÄPT ßpxm aJTJ \oJ yP~PZ ßxèPuJ k´mJxLPhr aJTJÇ KfKj mPuj, mJÄuJPhv ßgPT KmPhPv aJTJ pJS~J ßfJ hNPrr TgJ, CPæJ KmPhv ßgPT mJÄuJPhPv ßrKoPa¿ mJmh k´YMr ‰mPhKvT oMhsJ @xPZÇ KfKj @rS \JjJj, Kmw~Ka mJÄuJPhv mqJÄT UKfP~ ßhUPmÇ mJÄuJPhvLPhr @oJjf : Vf 12 mZPrr oPiq 2014 xJPuA mJÄuJPhvLrJ xmPYP~ ßmKv @oJjf ßrPUPZ xMAx mqJÄPTÇ @PuJYq xoP~ xMAx mqJÄTèPuJPf mJÄuJPhvLPhr @oJjPfr kKroJe ßmPz 50 ßTJKa 60 uJU lsqJÄT yP~PZÇ ˙JjL~ oMhsJ~ Fr kKroJe 4 yJ\Jr 554 ßTJKa aJTJÇ 2013 xJPu KZu 37 ßTJKa 20 uJU lsqJÄTÇ ˙JjL~ oMhsJ~ pJr kKroJe 3 yJ\Jr 236 ßTJKa aJTJÇ 2012 xJPu KZu 22 ßTJKa 90 uJU lsqJÄTÇ 2011 xJPu KZu 15 ßTJKa 20 lsqJÄTÇ FèPuJ ÊiM jVh IPgtr KyxJmÇ mqJÄPTr nPæ ˝etJuÄTJr,

Kv·Tot mJ IjqJjq oNuqmJj K\Kjxk© \oJ rJUPu fJr @KgtT oNuq @oJjPfr FA KyxJPmr xPñ ßpJV y~KjÇ ßxèPuJr KyxJm rP~PZ @uJhJÇ 10 mZPr mJÄuJPhvLPhr @oJjf : xMAx mqJÄTèPuJPf mJÄuJPhvLPhr @oJjf 2002 xJPu KZu 3 ßTJKa 10 uJU lsqJÄT, 2004 xJPu fJ ßmPz hJÅzJ~ 4 ßTJKa 10 uJU lsqJÄPTÇ 2005 xJPu Fr kKroJe KÆèPer ßmKvS ßmPz hJÅzJ~ 9 ßTJKa 70 uJU lsqJÄPTÇ 2006 xJPu Fr kKroJe ßmPz hJÅzJ~ 12 ßTJKa 40 uJU lsqJÄTÇ 2007 xJPu ßxjJ xoKgtf f•ôJmiJ~T xrTJPrr @oPu Fr kKroJe @PVr mZPrr ßYP~ KÆèe ßmPz hJÅzJ~ 24 ßTJKa 30 uJU lsqJÄPTÇ SA xoP~ xrTJr KmPhPv kJYJr TrJ aJTJ ßlrf @jJr k´Kâ~J ÊÀ TrPu 2008 xJPu Fr kKroJe jJaTL~nJPm TPo hJÅzJ~ 10 ßTJKa 70 uJU lsqJÄTÇ 2009 xJPu oyJP\Ja xrTJr ãofJ~ FPu xMAx mqJÄTPT mJÄuJPhvLPhr \oJr kKroJe @mJr ßmPz 14 ßTJKa 90 uJU FmÄ 2010 xJPu fJ @rS ßmPz 23 ßTJKa 60 uJU lsqJÄPT hJÅzJ~Ç vLwt ßhv : xMAx mqJÄPT KmPhvLPhr oPiq Igt \oJ rJUJr KhT ßgPT 2013 xJPur oPfJ 2014 xJPuS vLPwt rP~PZ pMÜrJ\qÇ ßhvKar jJVKrTPhr ßoJa \oJr kKroJe 32 yJ\Jr 155 ßTJKa lsqJÄTÇ

PmñJuMÀr PnJaJr fJKuTJ~ PvU yJKxjJr jJo, fhP∂r KjPhtv 25 \Mj, 2015: nJrPfr PmñJuMÀr PnJaJr fJKuTJ~ nMu TPr mJÄuJPhPvr ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJr jJo I∂ntMÜ TrJ ksxPñ FTKa ksKfPmhj ksTJv TPrPZ nJrPfr AK¥~J aMPc kK©TJÇ SA ksKfPmhPj muJ yP~PZ, KmvõJx TÀj @r jJ-A TÀj, nJrPfr PmñJuMÀr @xjú PkRr KjmtJYPjr PnJaJr fJKuTJ~ rP~PZ ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJr jJoÇ TetJaPT ksJ¬ FTKa PnJaJr @AKc TJPcrs fgq IjMpJ~L PvU yJKxjJ PmñJuMÀr gJKjxJªsJ FuJTJr mJKxªJÇ SA kKrY~ kP© PvU yJKxjJ S fJr ˝JoL orÉo S~JP\h Ko~Jr jJo FmÄ fJr ZKm kKrÏJrnJPm Ph~J @PZÇ PTmuoJ© KouPZ jJ \jìfJKrUÇ kKrY~ kP© CPuäU rP~PZ, SA PvU yJKxjJr \jì 1992 xJPu! KjmtJYj TKovPjr nMPur Kmw~Ka CPuäU TPr TetJaPTr ˝rJÓsoπL PTP\ \\t mPuj, @Ko oPj TKr jJ Pp, FKa @xu kKrY~ k©Ç F Kmw~Ka fhP∂r \jq @Ko KjPhtv PhmÇ PmñJuMÀr PkRr KjmtJYPjr fJKrU UMm KvVKVrA

PWJweJ TrJ yPm mPu iJreJ TrJ yPòÇ FrA oJP^ Foj èÀfr nMPur Kmw~Ka xJoPj FuÇ nJrPfr KjmtJYj TKovPjr AxqM TrJ mÉ nM~J kKrY~ kP©r oPiq FKa FTKaÇ

YuKf mZr 5 uJU TotL ßjPm oJuP~Kv~J dJTJ, 25 \Mj : mJÄuJPhv ßgPT xrTJKrnJPm ßjS~Jr kJvJkJKv ßmxrTJKrnJPmS TotL ßjPm oJuP~Kv~JÇ YuKf mZPrr oPiq \jvKÜ rlfJKjTJrL KrâMKaÄ FP\K¿èPuJr oJiqPo k´JKfÔJKjT kptJP~ mJÄuJPhv ßgPT kJÅY uJU TotL ßjPm ßhvKaÇ xrTJKrnJPm (K\aMK\) TotL kJbJPjJr \jq APfJoPiq @V´yLPhr ßp fgqnJ§Jr ‰fKr TrJ yP~PZ, ßxUJj ßgPTA kJÅY uJU TotLPT mJZJA TrJ yPmÇ k´mJxL TuqJe S ‰mPhKvT TotxÄ˙Jj oπeJuP~r FT xÄmJh KmùK¬Pf

FA fgq \JjJPjJ y~Ç oπeJuP~r F KmùK¬Pf muJ yP~PZ, VfTJu oJuP~Kv~Jr rJ\iJjL Tá~JuJuJokMPr k´mJxL TuqJe S ‰mPhKvT TotxÄ˙Jj oπL UªTJr ßoJvJrrl ßyJPxPjr xPñ FT ‰mbPT oJuP~vL~ ˝rJÓsoπL @yoJh \JKyh yJKoKh TotL ßjS~Jr Kmw~Ka \JjJjÇ Fr @PV oJuP~Kv~J~ \jvKÜ kJbJPjJr KmwP~ @PuJYjJ FKVP~ KjPf xJf xhPxqr k´KfKjKi hu KjP~ Vf oñumJr Tá~JuJuJokMPr ßkRÅZJj ‰mPhKvT TotxÄ˙Jj oπLÇ oJuP~Kv~Jr

k´iJjoπL jJK\m rJ\JPTr xPñS fJr xJãJPfr xNKY rP~PZÇ mJÄuJPhPvr \jvKÜ rlfJKjr mz mJ\Jr oJuP~Kv~JÇ mftoJPj k´J~ Z~ uJU mJÄuJPhKv ßxUJPj KmKnjú ßkvJ~ TJ\ TrPZjÇ fPm 2009 xJPu mJÄuJPhv ßgPT TotL ßjS~J mº TPr ßh~ oJuP~Kv~JÇ hLWt TëaQjKfT ßpJVJPpJPVr kr 2012 xJPur 26 jPn’r hMA ßhPvr oPiq xrTJKrnJPm TotL ßjS~Jr YMKÜ y~Ç Frkr oJuP~Kv~J pJS~Jr \jq mJÄuJPhPvr 14 uJU 50 yJ\Jr ßuJT Kjmºj TPrjÇ KT∂á Vf Kfj mZPr oJ© xJPz xJf yJ\Jr TotL KjP~PZ ßhvKaÇ xŒ´Kf gJAuqJ¥ S oJuP~Kv~J~ VeTmr @KmÏJr FmÄ F KjP~ yAYA ÊÀr kr @mJr ßmxrTJKrnJPm TotL ßjS~Jr CPhqJV Kju oJuP~Kv~JÇ


@S~JoL uLPVr 66fo k´KfÔJmJKwtTL kJuj dJTJ, 24 \Mj : ˝JiLjfJ KmPrJiL IkvKÜr xTu wzpπ-YâJ∂ jxqJ“ TPr oMKÜpMP≠r ßYfjJ~ ßhvPT FKVP~ KjP~ 2041 xJPur oPiq Cjúf-xoO≠ mñmºMr ˝Pkúr ßxJjJr mJÄuJPhv VzJr hO| k´fqP~ C“xmoMUr kKrPmPv Vf oñumJr rJ\iJjL dJTJxy xJrJPhPv kJKuf yP~PZ ßhPvr k´JYLj S GKfyqmJyL rJ\QjKfT hu @S~JoL uLPVr 66fo k´KfÔJmJKwtTLÇ huKar \jìKhPjr k´KfKa IjMÔJPjA xJŒ´hJK~TfJ-\ñLmJhoMÜ IxJŒ´hJK~T xoO≠vJuL mJÄuJPhv VPz ßfJuJr IñLTJr mqÜ TPrPZj huKar ßjfJ-TotLrJÇ ‰mrL @myJS~J S oMwuiJPr mOKÓ CPkãJ TPrA huKar xmt˜Prr ßjfJ-TotLrJ v´≠J~ lMPu lMPu nKrP~ ßhj iJjoK¥r 32 j’r mñmºM nmj k´JñPe rKãf \JKfr KkfJr k´KfTíKfÇ F xo~ KmKnjú xÄVbPjr mqJjJPr CkK˙f xmJr TP£ CóJKrf yP~PZ- ÈÊn Ên Ên Khj, @S~JoL uLPVr \jìKhj', È\~ mJÄuJ, \~ mñmºM', È\JoJ~Jf KvKmr rJ\JTJr, FA oMyNPft mJÄuJ ZJz', ÈpM≠JkrJiLPhr lJÅKx YJA, KhPf yPm', ÈoMK\Pmr mJÄuJ~ UMKjPhr bJÅA jJA' AfqJKh jJjJ ßväJVJjÇ xTJu xJPz 9aJ~ @S~JoL uLV xnJPj©L S k´iJjoπL ßvU yJKxjJ mñmºM nmPjr xJoPj \JKfr KkfJ mñmºM ßvU oMK\mMr ryoJPjr k´KfTíKfPf kMÀ˜mT Ikte TPr fJr ˛OKfr k´Kf VnLr v´≠J KjPmhj TPrjÇ F xo~ ßvU yJKxjJ mñmºMr k´KfTíKfr xJoPj KTZM xo~ jLrPm hJÅKzP~ gJPTjÇ oKπxnJr xhxqmOª FmÄ huL~ xÄxh xhxqmOª F xo~ fJr xPñ KZPujÇ kPr k´iJjoπL huL~ ßjfOmOªPT xPñ KjP~ @S~JoL uLPVr kPã mñmºMr k´KfTíKfPf kMÀ˜mT Ikte TPrjÇ kMÀ˜mT IktPer xoP~ k´iJjoπLr xPñ KZPuj @S~JoL uLV CkPhÓJo§uLr xhxq @Kor ßyJPxj @oM, ßfJlJP~u @yPoh, c. oKyCK¨j UJj @uoVLr, ßk´KxKc~Jo xhxq ßmVo oKf~J ßYRiMrL, SmJ~hMu TJPhr,

AK†Kj~Jr ßoJvJrl ßyJPxj, xJyJrJ UJfMj, xfLv Yªs rJ~, xJiJre xŒJhT ‰x~h @vrJlMu AxuJo, pMVì xJiJre xŒJhT oJymMm-Cu-@uo yJKjl k´oMUÇ kPr xTJu 9aJ 45 KoKjPa k´iJjoπL huL~ ßjfJTotLPhr KjP~ \JfL~ S huL~ kfJTJ CP•Juj TPr kJ~rJ S ßmuMj CKzP~ mJÄuJPhv @S~JoL uLPVr 66fo k´KfÔJmJKwtTLr TotxNKY CPÆJij TPrjÇ F xo~ \JfL~ xÄVLf kKrPmvj TrJ y~Ç k´iJjoπL mñmºM nmj FuJTJ fqJV TrJr kr KmKnjú rJ\QjKfT, xJoJK\T, xJÄÛOKfT S ßkvJ\LmL xÄVbPjr ßjfJTotLxy xmt˜Prr oJjMw \JKfr KkfJr k´KfTíKfPf kMÀ˜mT IktPer oJiqPo fJr k´Kf VnLr v´≠J KjPmhj TPrjÇ oyJjVr @S~JoL uLV, pMmuLV, \JfL~ v´KoT uLV, ZJ©uLV, TíwT uLV, ß˝òJPxmT uLV, pMm oKyuJ uLV mñmºMr k´KfTíKfPf kMÀoJuq Ikte TPrÇ FZJzJ oKyuJ @S~JoL uLV, pMmuLV dJTJ oyJjVr C•r S hKãe, ß˝òJPxTT uLV oyJjVr C•r S hKãe, ZJ©uLV oyJjVr C•r S hKãe, dJTJ KmvõKmhqJu~ vJUJ ZJ©uLV, dJTJ TPu\ vJUJ ZJ©uLV, KffMoLr TPu\ vJUJ ZJ©uLV, APcj TPu\ vJUJ ZJ©uLV, mñmºM xJÄÛOKfT ß\Jaxy KmKnjú xÄVbPjr ßjfOmOª S TotLrJ mñmºMr k´KfTíKfPf kMÀoJuq Ikte TPr v´≠J KjPmhj TPrjÇ

2014 xJPu KmPhvL KmKjP~JV TPoPZ dJTJ, 25 \Mj : KmhJ~L 2014 xJPu ßhPv xrJxKr KmPhvL KmKjP~JV (FlKc@A) TPoPZ 7 ßTJKa 24 uJU cuJrÇ ˙JjL~ oMhsJ~ Fr kKroJe k´J~ 580 ßTJKa aJTJÇ @PuJYq xoP~ ßhPv FlKc@A FPxPZ 152 ßTJKa 67 uJU cuJrÇ @PVr mZr IgtJ“ 2013 xJPu pJ KZu 159 ßTJKa 91 uJU cuJrÇ FZJzJ 2014 xJPu mJÄuJPhvL CPhqJÜJPhr KmPhPv KmKjP~JV ßmPzPZ 1 ßTJKa 40 uJU cuJrÇ xJKmtTnJPm KmPvõ FlKc@A ToPuS Cjú~jvLu ßhvèPuJPf ßmPzPZÇ F ZJzJS KmKjP~JV ßmPzPZ hKãe FKv~J~SÇ \JKfxÄPWr mJKe\q S Cjú~jKmw~T xÄ˙J @ÄTaJPcr k´KfPmhPj F fgq fMPu irJ yP~PZÇ mMimJr KmKjP~JV ßmJPctr xPÿuj TPã F k´KfPmhj k´TJv TrJ yP~PZÇ k´KfPmhPj KmKjP~JPVr ßãP© 3Ka YqJPuP†r TgJ CPuäU TrJ yP~PZÇ k´iJjoπLr \ôJuJKjKmw~T CkPhÓJ c. ßfRKlTA AuJyL IjMÔJPj CkK˙f KZPujÇ F xo~ KrPkJPatr xoJPuJYjJ TPr KfKj mPuj, KmKjP~JPVr kKrxÄUqJj IPjT xo~ KmÃJK∂ xOKÓ TPrÇ F KrPkJatPT ßmhmJTq KyPxPm KmPmYjJ TrPu YuPm jJÇ KmKjP~JV ßmJPctr ßY~JroqJj c. FxF xJoJPhr xnJkKfPfô IjMÔJPj @rS CkK˙f KZPuj kJmKuT IqJTJ≤x xÄâJ∂ xÄxhL~ TKoKar ßY~JroqJj c. oyLC¨Lj UJj @uoVLrÇ oNu KrPkJat fMPu iPrj \JyJñLrjVr KmvõKmhqJuP~r IiqJkT c. Fo AxoJAu ßyJPxjÇ IjMÔJPj \JjJPjJ y~, \JKfxÄPWr xhxqnMÜ xmèPuJ ßhv ßgPT FTPpJPV F k´KfPmhj k´TJv TrJ yP~PZÇ

mJÄuJPhPvr KmKjP~JV kKrK˙Kf : k´KfPmhPj ßoJa KmKjP~JVPT KfjKa ˜Pr nJV TrJ y~Ç Fr oPiq rP~PZ jfMj KmKjP~JV, ßTJŒJKjr @~ kMjrJ~ KmKjP~JV FmÄ ßTJŒJKjèPuJr oPiq Kj\˝ EeÇ k´KfPmhj IjMxJPr @PVr mZPrr 159 ßTJKa 91 uJU cuJPrr KmkrLPf 2014 xJPu ßoJa FlKc@A FPxPZ 152 ßTJKa 67 uJU cuJrÇ Fr oPiq jfMj KmKjP~JV yP~PZ oJ© 28 ßTJKa 3 uJU cuJr, kMjrJ~ KmKjP~JV 98 ßTJKa 87 uJU cuJr FmÄ ßTJŒJKjr Inq∂rLe Ee 25 ßTJKa 76 uJU cuJrÇ UJfKnK•T KmPmYjJ~ KmhMq“, VqJx FmÄ \ôJuJKj UJPf KmKjP~JV yP~PZ 4 ßTJKa 98 uJU cuJr, C“kJhjUJPf 72 ßTJKa 28 uJU cuJr, KjotJe 79 uJU cuJr, mJKe\q 36 ßTJKa 67 uJU cuJr, asJ¿PkJat S ßaKuTo UJPf 23 ßTJKa 50 uJU cuJr, ßxmJ UJPf 6 ßTJKa 4 uJU cuJr FmÄ TíKw S o“xq UJPf 3 ßTJKa 15 uJU cuJrÇ 5 mZPrr KmKjP~JV : k´KfPmhPj CPuäU TrJ y~, 2010 xJPu ßhPv FlKc@Ar kKroJe KZu kKroJe KZu 91 ßTJKa 33 uJU cuJrÇ 2011 xJPu @rS 24 hvKoT 42 vfJÄv ßmPz fJ ßmPz 113 ßTJKa cuJPr CjúLf y~Ç 2012 xJPu 13 hvKoT 75 vfJÄv ßmPz 129 ßTJKa 25 uJU cuJPr CjúLf y~Ç 2013 xJPu 23 hvKoT 72 vfJÄv ßmPz 159 hvKoT 91 uJU cuJPr CjúLf y~Ç @r 2014 xJPu 4 hvKoT 74 vfJÄv TPo 152 ßTJKa 67 uJU cuJPr ßjPo @PxÇ \ôJuJKj UJPf KmKjP~JV TPoPZ :

\ôJuJKj UJPf ImqJyfnJPm KmKjP~JV ToPZÇ 2011 xJPu F UJPf KmKjP~JPVr kKroJe KZu 23 ßTJKa 82 uJU cuJrÇ 2012 xJPu k´J~ IPitT TPo 12 ßTJKa 66 uJU cuJPr ßjPo @PxÇ 2013 xJPu fJ @rS TPo 9 ßTJKa 88 uJU cuJPr ßjPo FPxKZuÇ xmPYP~ ßmKv Kmkpt~ yP~PZ 2014 xJPuÇ F xo~ KmKjP~JV FPTmJPr TPo oJ© 4 ßTJKa 98 uJU cuJPr ßjPo FPxPZÇ Ppxm ßhv mJÄuJPhPv ßmKv KmKjP~JV TPrPZ : k´KfPmhj IjMxJPr @PuJYq mZPr mJÄuJPhPv ßmKv KmKjP~JV TPrPZ pMÜrJ\qÇ F xo~ ßhvKar ßoJa KmKjP~JV 18 ßTJKa 9 uJU cuJrÇ FrkrA rP~PZ hKãe ßTJKr~JÇ ßhvKar KmKjP~JV 13 ßTJKa 47 uJU cuJrÇ fOfL~ Im˙JPj gJTJ kJKT˜JPjr KmKjP~JV 13 ßTJKa 7 uJU cuJrÇ Frkr KxñJkMr 11 ßTJKa 71 uJU cuJr, yÄTÄ 11 ßTJKa 41 uJU, jrSP~ 10 ßTJKa 35 uJU, \JkJj 9 ßTJKa 57 uJU, ßjhJruqJ¥x 7 ßTJKa 87 uJU, nJrf 6 ßTJKa 78 uJU, v´LuÄTJ 6 ßTJKa 13 uJU FmÄ IjqJjq ßhv 44 ßTJKa 45 uJU cuJr KmKjP~JV TPrPZÇ mJÄuJPhvL CPhqJÜJPhr KmPhPv KmKjP~JV : xÄ˙JKar KrPkJat IjMxJPr 2014 xJPu mJÄuJPhvL CPhqJÜJrJ KmKnjú ßhPv 4 ßTJKa 80 uJU cuJr KmKjP~JV TPrPZÇ k´Kf cuJr 80 aJTJ KyxJPm ˙JjL~ ohsJ~ Fr kKroJe 384 ßTJKa aJTJÇ 2013 xJPu Fr kKroJe KZu 3 ßTJKa 40 uJU cuJrÇ F KyPxPm @PuJYq mZPr KmKjP~JV ßmPzPZ 1 ßTJKa 40 uJU cuJrÇ


25 \Mj, 2015: jqJPaJ @r rJKv~Jr oPiq âoJVf míK≠ kJS~J KmPÆw S kr¸Prr ksKf xJoKrT vKÜ kshvtj @PrJ FTKa ˚J~MpMP≠r AKñf KhPòÇ KmKmKxr FT ksKfPmhPj Foj @vïJr TgJ \JKjP~PZj xÄmJhhJfJ P\JjJgj PmuÇ P\JjJgj Pmu mPuPZj, jqJPaJ @r rJKv~Jr oPiq PpnJPm KmPÆw mJzPZ @r kr¸Prr ksKf xJoKrT vKÜ kshvtj TPr YPuPZ, fJPf IPjPTA @PrTKa ˚J~MpMP≠r @vïJ TrPZjÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

IJ ∂ \tJ Kf T


rJKv~Jr ÉoKT PoJTJPmuJ~ TreL~ KbT TrPf msJPxuPxr \ÀKr QmbPT mxPf pJPòj jqJPaJr ksKfrãJoπLrJÇ oJKTtj ksKfrãJoπL IqJv TJatJr ACPrJPk pJS~Jr kPg mPuPZj, KfKj jfMj TPr @PrTKa ˚J~MpM≠ YJj jJÇ Vf x¬JPyA rJKv~Jr PksKxPc≤ n&uJKhKor kMKfj PWJweJ KhP~PZj, kJroJeKmT KoxJAu myPr KfKj @PrJ 40Ka hNrkJuäJr mqJPuKˆT

KoxJAu PpJV TrPf pJPòjÇ G PWJweJPT xJoKrT ÉoKT mPu metjJ TPrPZ jqJPaJÇ P\JaKar oyJxKYm P\jx PˆJuPajmJVt mPuPZj, fJrJ uãq TPrPZj Pp, rJKv~J fJPhr xJoKrT UJPf mrJ¨ mJKzP~A YPuPZ, KmPvw TPr kJroJeKmT vKÜ míK≠ TrPZÇ F TJrPeA jqJPaJ vKÜS mJzJPjJ yPòÇ Imvq Fr @PVA kNmt ACPrJPk KjP\Phr CkK˙Kf mJzJPjJr PWJweJ KhP~KZu pMÜrJÓsÇ ACPâPjr xKyÄxfJ~ rJKv~Jr nNKoTJr kr PgPTA jqJPaJ @r rJKv~Jr oPiq CP•\jJ YuPZÇ PkJuqJP¥ ksgomJPrr oPfJ hsΔf PoJfJP~Pj xão jqJPaJ aJÛPlJPxrs FTKa krLãJS YJKuP~PZ xÄ˙JKaÇ Pru, xzT @r PjRkPg YJuJPjJ G oyzJr oPiq oPÛJPT kKrÏJr ÉÅKv~JKr Ph~J yP~PZ mPu KmPväwTrJ oPj TPrjÇ oPÛJ PgPT KmKmKxr xÄmJhhJfJ \JjJPòj, xŒ´Kf rJKv~J ksKfrãJ UJPf KmkMu mrJ¨ mJKzP~PZÇ PTJj kãA Imvq xrJxKr FPT IkrPT hJ~L TrPZ jJÇ FUPjJ @PuJYjJr rJóJ PUJuJ rJUPZ Cn~kãAÇ fJA FUKj PTC FPT ˚J~MpM≠ muPf rJK\ jjÇ KT∂á kKrK˙Kf IPjTaJ PxrToA yP~ hJÅzJPòÇ xN©: KmKmKxÇ

lrJKx PVJP~ªJrJS @KzkJfJr ãofJ Pku

Kfj lrJKx PksKxPcP≤r Skr j\rhJKr TPrPZ pMÜrJÓs : CAKTKuTx u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ : 25 \Mj, 2015: lsJP¿r Kfj \j ßk´KxPcP≤r Skr ßVJP~ªJ j\rhJKr YJKuP~ oJKTtj ßVJP~ªJ xÄ˙J jqJvjJu KxKTCKrKa FP\K¿ ( FjFxF)Ç CAKTKuTPxr lJÅx TrJ jfMj jKgPf F fgq kJS~J ßVPZÇ F WajJ~ ßhvKaPf KjpMÜ oJKTtj rJÓshNfPT fum TPrPZ xrTJrÇ Vf mMimJr Kmvõ VeoJiqPo UmrKa èÀfô xyTJPr k´TJKvf y~Ç lsJP¿r ßk´KxPc≤ lsJÅPxJ~J SuJh F WajJ~ fLms k´KfKâ~J k´TJv TPrPZjÇ KfKj mPuPZj, fJPhr Skr pMÜrJPÓsr j\rhJKr xyq TrJ yPm jJÇ KfKj mPuPZj, Foj j\rhJKr ßhvKar KjrJk•J KmKWúf TrPZ FmÄ FaJ ßTJPjJnJPmA V´yePpJVq j~Ç ßk´KxPc≤ TJptJu~ ßgPT k´TJKvf FT KmmOKfPf muJ y~, lrJKx ßjfJPhr Skr ßTJPjJ è¬YrmOK• YJuJPjJ yPm jJ Foj k´Kfv´ΔKfr k´Kf pMÜrJPÓsr xÿJj gJTJ CKYfÇ CAKTKuTPxr lJÅx TrJ jKgPf ßhUJ

oJKTtj 'PxrJ jJrL xÄmJh ZJVu xMªrL ksKfPpJKVfJ ksPpJ\T' mJÄuJPhKv fJxKoj

23 \Mj, 2015: @PoKrTJ~ jJrL xJÄmJKhTfJ~ KmPvw TíKffô kshvtPjr \Pjq ÈVsqJKx\ FS~Jct' PkPuj mJÄuJPhKv mÄPvJØNf fJxKoj oJylM\Ç @PoKrTJ~ jJrL xJÄmJKhTfJ~ FKa yPò vLwt˙JjL~ FTKa FS~JctÇ PxJomJr KjCA~Tt KxKar Kyæj PyJPaPu ÈFuJP~¿ lr CAPoj Aj KoKc~J'r CPhqJPV IjJz’r FT IjMÔJPj F FS~Jct yóJ∂r TrJ y~Ç FKmKx PlJr ACaJy'r mqMPrJ YLl KyPxPm fJxKoj oJylM\PT KmkMu TrfJKur oPiq F FS~Jct kshJj TPrj ksUqJf KaKn xJÄmJKhT S ksPpJ\T aqJoPrJj yuÇ CPuäUq, 1975 xJu PgPT F FS~Jct ksmftj TrJ yP~PZ xÄmJhk©, PrKcS FmÄ PaKuKnvPj @PoKrTJr PxrJ jJrL xJÄmJKhTPhr \PjqÇ Y¢VsJPor x∂Jj @mMu S~JKyh oJylM\ 32 mZPrr IKiT xo~ pJmf PlîJKrcJr SP~ˆ kJoKmPY xkKrmJPr mxmJx TrPZjÇ fJrA FToJ© TjqJ fJxKoj oJylM\Ç fJxKoj \K\t~Jr For~ ACKjnJKxtKa PgPT VsqJ\MP~vj TPrPZj @∂\tJKfT xŒTt KmwP~Ç Frkr oJˆJxt TPrPZj KuPVu ˆJKcP\Ç FKmKx YqJPju PlJr-F PpJVhJPjr @PV KfKj FTKa A≤JrjqJvjJu PjaS~JPTrs KaKn KrPkJatJr KyPxPm TJ\ TPrjÇ FS~Jct VsyPer kr KjP\r IjMnNKf mqÜTJPu fJxKoj mPuj, oNuiJrJr KoKc~J~ KjP\PT mJÄuJPhKvPhr

ksKfKjKi KyPxPm hJÅz TrJPf PkPr pJrkr jJA @jª S PVRrmPmJi TrKZÇ Px PVRrm @\ @rS oKyoJKjõf yPuJ ÈFuJP~¿ lr CAPoj Aj KoKc~J'r F FS~Jct VsyPer oiq KhP~Ç FKa Ifq∂ xÿJj\jT FmÄ PkvJVfnJPm optJhJr F FS~Jct PkP~ @Ko oNuf ksmJxL mJÄuJPhKvPhr ksKf VnLr TífùfJ \JjJKòÇ TJre PxA PZJ¢PmuJ PgPTA @Ko oJ-mJmJr xÄÛíKfr oPiq rP~KZÇ ToqMKjKar xTu IjMÔJPj IÄv KjP~KZÇ KoKc~Jr ksKf @oJr @Twte PmPzPZ oJ-mJmJr C“xJPyÇ hKãe FKv~Jr PTJj jJrL xJÄmJKhT F FS~Jct PkP~PZ KTjJ \JjPf YJAPu fJxKoj mPuj, @Ko pfhNr \JKj, @r PTC kJjKjÇ ÊiM fJA j~, oJKTtj oNuiJrJr KaKn xJÄmJKhTfJ~ èKaTfT jJrL rP~PZj, pJrJ mJÄuJPhKv mÄPvJØNfÇ fPm @KoA ksgo mJÄuJPhKv mÄPvJØNf jJrL KpKj Foj optJhJTr FS~Jct PkuJoÇ kro TÀeJoP~r ksKf VnLr TífùfJ \JKjP~ fJxKoj mPuj, @Ko oJKTtj iJrJ~ mJÄuJPhPvr oMU Cöôu TrPf m≠ kKrTr FmÄ PxKaA @oJr mz TJojJÇ TJre, @Ko KÆfL~ P\jJPrvPjr mJÄuJPhKv KyPxPm @oJr PYP~ To m~xLPhr kg xMVo TrPf YJAÇ @Ko pKh nJPuJ TrPf kJKr fJyPu IPjqrJS C“xJy kJPmÇ oNuiJrJr KoKc~J~ mJÄuJPhKv ks\jì xŒPTt Cöôu FTKa iJreJ QfKr TrPf YJAÇ FS~Jct Vsye IjMÔJPj KZPuj fJxKoPjr oJ jJ\oMj oJylM\Ç KfKj mPuj, @Ko IPjT UMvLÇ IPjT fqJV S TPbJr kKrvsPor oiq KhP~ Px F FS~Jct PkPuJÇ @Ko YJA Px Ppj @PrJ mÉhNr FèPf kJPrÇ FTAxPñ oJKTtj xÄmJhk©, PrKcS FmÄ PaKuKnvPjr @rS TP~TKa TqJaJVKrPf PxrJ jJrL xJÄmJKhTPhr FS~Jct kshJj TrJ y~ C“xmoMUr kKrPmPvÇ

25 \Mj 2015: KugM~JKj~J~ yP~ PVu mqKfâoL FT ksKfPpJKVfJÇ fJ yPuJ ZJVu xMªrL ksKfPpJKVfJÇ F ksKfPpJKVfJ IjMKÔf y~ rJKoVJuJ VsJPoÇ ksKf mZrA F VsJPo @P~J\j TrJ y~ Foj ksKfPpJKVfJÇ FmJrS fJr mqfq~ y~ KjÇ F Umr KhP~PZ u¥Pjr kK©TJ hq PaKuVsJlÇ FPf muJ yP~PZ, PwJzv vfJ»L PgPT SA VsJPo F ksKfPpJKVfJ @P~J\j TrJ yPòÇ ksKf mZr 20Pv \Mj F ksKfPpJKVfJ~ IÄv Pj~ TP~T vf ZJVuÇ Fr oJKuTrJ ZJVuèPuJPT xMªr TPr xJK\P~ yJK\r TPrÇ ZJVuPhr KhP~ kqJPrPcr @P~J\j TrJ y~Ç ImPvPw KmYJrTPhr rJP~ ZJVu xMªrL KjmtJKYf y~ oJxt jJPor FTKa rJo ZJVuÇ fJPT Km\P~r oMTMa krJPjJr UMm PYÓJ TrJ yPuJÇ KT∂á PTJj CkJP~A fJ krJPjJ PVu jJÇ IVfqJ @r KT TrJÇ oMTMaKa fJr oKjPmr oJgJ~ fMPu Ph~J yPuJÇ FPf fJr oKjm Pm\J~ UMKvÇ fJr ZJVu PxrJ xMªrL KjmtJKYf yP~PZ- F @jª FToJ© KfKjA \JPjjÇ ksKfPpJKVfJr @P~J\T uPraJ TMKmKuCKjPj mPuj, FPT muJ y~ PVJa kqJPrcÇ FPf xmYJAPf xMªr ZJVuKaPT PmPZ KjP~ oMTMa kKrP~ KhA @orJÇ PxA oiqpMV PgPTA rJKoVJuJ VsJPor ksfLT ZJVuÇ fJA ksJeLKa Ppj VJP~rA FT xhxqÇ

ßVPZ, oJKTtj j\rhJKrr yJf ßgPT lsJP¿r ßk´KxPc≤rJ rãJ kJjKjÇ 2006-2012 xJu kpt∂ lsJP¿r ßk´KxPc≤Phr Skr j\rhJKr YJuJ~ FjFxFÇ ßhvKar ßk´KxPc≤ lsJÅPxJ~J SuJª, kNmtxNKr KjPTJrJ xJrPTJK\ FmÄ \qJT KvrJPTr Skr ßVJkj j\rhJKr YJKuP~PZ pMÜrJÓsÇ FjFxF Imvq F KmwP~ ßTJPjJ o∂mq TPrKjÇ fgq lJÅPxr krA FA AxMqPf lsJÅPxJ~J SuJª k´KfrãJ kKrwPhr ‰mbT ßcPTPZjÇ FojKT FKuKx k´JxJPhr kJutJPo≤ xhxqPhrS ßcPT kJKbP~PZj KfKjÇ UmrKa k´go k´TJKvf y~ lrJKx ‰hKjT ÈKumJPrvPjÇ' Frkr ßxKa k´TJKvf y~ SP~mxJAPaÇ lrJKx PVJP~ªJPhr @KzkJfJr ãofJ Khu l∑J¿ kJutJPo≤ lrJKx PjfJPhr Ckr pMÜrJPÓsr PVJP~ªJrJ j\rhJKr YJKuP~PZ Foj IKnPpJPVr kr l∑J¿ KjP\A FUj fJr PhPvr PVJP~ªJPhr @KzkJfJr ãofJ KhP~ FTKa @Aj kJv TPrPZÇ Pmv TP~TmZr iPr pMÜrJPÓsr PVJP~ªJrJ lrJKx Kfj\j PksKxPcP≤r PlJPj @KzkJfJxy jJjJ irPjr j\rhJKr YJKuP~PZ Foj IKnPpJV SbJr FTKhPjr oJgJ~ FA @Aj kJv Tru l∑JP¿r kJutJPo≤Ç jfMj FA KmfKTtf @APj lrJKx PVJP~ªJPhr PhPvr PnfPrA xPªynJ\j mqKÜPhr Ckr

j\rhJKrr ãofJ Ph~J yP~PZ FmÄ fJrJ fJ TrPf kJrPmj KmYJr KmnJPVr PTJPjJ irPjr kNmt IjMoKf ZJzJAÇUmr KmKmKx mJÄuJ IjuJAPjrÇ PVJP~ªJrJ j\rhJKr YJuJPf mJKzPf @Kz kJfJr pπ mxJPf kJrPmjÇ xPªynJ\j mqKÜPhr VKfKmKi \JjPf fJPhr VJKzPf asqJKTÄ KcnJAxS ˙Jkj TrPf kJrPmjÇ FA @APjr mPu KmKnjú mqKÜr A≤JrPja mJftJ S IjqJjq PVJkj fgq PVJP~ªJPhr PrTct TrPf KhPf mJiq yPm PaKuPlJj S A≤JrPja PTJŒJKjèPuJÇ oJ© VfTJuA ÉAPxuPmäJ~Jr CAKTKuTPxr lJÅx TrJ KTZM jKgkP© PhUJ PVPZ 2006 xJu PgPT 2012 kpt∂ mftoJj lrJKx PksKxPc≤ l∑JÅPxJ~J SÅuJh S xJPmT hMA PksKxPcP≤r xm irPjr PpJVJPpJPVr Ckr @Kz PkPfPZ oJKTtj PVJP~ªJ xÄ˙J FjFxFÇ FA IKnPpJPVr kr l∑JP¿r PksKxPc≤ l∑JÅPxJ~J SÅuJh mPuPZj, l∑JP¿r Skr pMÜrJPÓsr PTJPjJ irPjr j\rhJKr xyq TrJ yPmjJÇ ãM… l∑J¿ PxUJPj KjpMÜ oJKTtj rJÓshNfPTS fum TPrPZÇ IjqKhPT oJKTtj PksKxPc≤ mJrJT SmJoJ mPuPZj, pMÜrJÓs l∑JP¿r Ckr PTJPjJ irPjr PVJP~ªJ ff&krfJ @r YJuJPò jJÇ

oñuV´Py KkrJKoPcr xºJj ßkP~PZ KTCKrSKxKa!

xJrjJP~Pnr @jMÔJKjT oífqMh§

u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ : 25 \Mj, 2015: pMÜrJPÓsr PmJˆPj PmJoJ yJouJ~ Kfj\j Kjyf S 264 \j @yPfr WajJ~ P\JUJr xJrjJP~nPT (21) @jMÔJKjTnJPm oífqMh§ PhS~J yP~PZÇ PhvKar FTKa P\uJ

@hJuf mMimJr SA rJ~ Ph~Ç rJP~r @PV SA yfJyPfr WajJr \jq hM”UksTJv TPrj xJrjJP~nÇ F xo~ Kj\ kPãr @Aj\LmLPhrS ijqmJh \JKjP~PZj KfKjÇ 2013 xJPu PmJˆPj FTKa oqJrJgj PhRz ksKfPpJKVfJ~ PmJoJ yJouJr WajJ WaJj xJrjJP~n S fJr nJAÇ SA WajJr kr fJPhr hMA nJAPT irPf KVP~ FT kMKuv TotTftJ Kjyf yjÇ WajJr Ikr IKnpMÜ xJrjJP~Pnr mz nJA oJrJ PVPZÇ SA WajJ~ Vf oJPx xJrjJP~nPT oífqMh§ PhS~J y~Ç Vf mMimJr @jMÔJKjTnJPm F rJ~ PWJweJ TrJ yPuJÇ

u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ :23 \Mj : oyJTJv VPmweJ~ y~PfJ @PrT iJk FKVP~ ßVu KmvõÇ KmPvw TPr oñu V´y KjP~ YuJ VPmweJ~ mz irPjr CjúKfr TgJ \JKjP~PZ oJKTtj oyJTJv VPmweJ xÄ˙J jJxJÇ Vf ßxJomJr nJrPfr k´nJmvJuL VeoJiqo FjKcKaKn'r IjuJAj k´KfPmhPj Ffgq \JjJPjJ yP~PZÇ FA uJu V´Py jJxJr kJbJPjJ ßrJmapJj KTCKrSKxKa ßrJnJr KkrJKoc @TíKfr ImTJbJPoJ ßhUPf ßkP~PZ FmÄ fJr ZKm KmùJjLPhr yJPf FPx ßkRÅPZPZÇ ryxq\jTnJPm FA KkrJKoPcr xPñ KoxPrr KkrJKoPcr @TíKfr Kou @PZÇ Vf 7 ßo oñPur mMPT kJ rJPU KTCKrSKxKaÇ KkrJKoPcr @TJr FTKa ßZJ¢ VJKzr xoJj yPf kJPrÇ FojS yPf kJPr, oñuV´Pyr mJKur oPiq mz KkrJKoc @PZÇ ˆJrkäJx caTo \JKjP~PZ, FA KkrJKoPcr ZKm ßhPU ß\qJKfKmùJjLrJ oPj TrPZj, oñu V´Py mMK≠oJj k´JeL KaPT gJTPf kJPr mJ FTxo~ KZuÇ

TîJKxlJAc KmùJkj

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015



\rΔrL KnK•Pf KkKxS csJAnJr IJmvqT

680 u¥Pjr yuSP~ PoAj PrJPcr kJPv Zias jJPo mz FTKa vk nJzJ ßhS~J yPmÇ IJV´yLrJ IKf x•ôr ßpJVJPpJV TrΔj : 07507839112 07984078913

aJS~Jr yqJoPuax Fr kMrJfj KoKj TqJm IKlx

KxPua vyPr \J~VJ KmKâ KxPua vyPrr xMKmh mJ\Jr FuJTJ~ ACPrJ KTcx ÛáPur IKf KjTPa, xMjJoV† ßrJPc ImK˙f 20 ßcKxPou \J~VJ KmKâ TrJ yPmÇ oNuq IJPuJYjJ xJPkãÇ

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Q oar IPl¿ Q TqJKmÄ IPl¿ / aJCKaÄ Q KâKojJu ßcPo\ Q oJrJoJKr Q kMKuv ߈vj ßoaJr F¥ oJP\P≤sa ßTJat

KcPnJxt cPoKˆT nJP~JPu¿ KYuPcsj T≤sJT SctJr \MKcKv~Ju ßxkJPrvj



AKoPV´vj F¥ FxJAuJo IJKku \MKcKv~Ju KrKnC FK≤s KTî~JPr¿ KxKaP\jvLk FxJAuJo ßmAu FKkäPTvj KcPajvj jJo kKrmftj KyCPoj rJAax kJS~Jr Im FaKjt ¸¿rvLk KcTîJPrvj

Km\Pjx uL\ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q

mJAK~Ä FmÄ PxKuÄ Km\Pjx uL\ mJ asJ¿lJr ß\jJPru FKV´Po≤ ßaPjK¿ FKV´Po≤ yJCK\Ä mqJÄT âJK≈ ßxJxqJu KxKTCKrKar IJKku kJatjJrvLk Kcc

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LB07/50- 6 Month Sumo

PZJa mz xTu k´TJr TJPktKaÄ TJ\ TrJ y~

FZJzJ S~JKvÄ ßoKvj, lîJx, Pak, PrKcS~JaJr KrKk~JKrÄ TPr gJKT

yJKxo KmøJxt

Unit 1, 1-13 Adler Street (Near Altab Ali Park) Whitechapel, London E1 1EG 5280 07/28PD

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oJSuJjJ TôJrL vJoZMu yT (ZJfTL) (xJPmT) AoJo S UfLm- uJAo yJAx \JPo oxK\h, u¥j PY~JroqJj- ohLjJfáu CuNo SP~uPl~Jr asJÓ ACPT k´KfÔJfJ Kk´K¿kJu- \JPo~J AxuJKo~J ohLjJfáu CuNo oKyuJ oJhsJxJ j~J u’JyJKa- TZrUJKu, ZJfT, xMjJoV†

Reliance tuition Centre 108 Greatorex Business Centre 02073776161, 07723049645


ohLjJfáu CuNo SP~uPl~Jr asJÓ ACPT'r YqJKrKar kã ßgPT u¥Pjr \jxJiJrPjr xMKmiJPgt oMxuLo oqJKr\ xJKatKlPTa FmÄ KcPnJxt xJKatKlPTa Fr mqm˙J TrJ yP~PZÇ

We Teach: Year 7 to GCSE • Maths & Science AS Level: • Maths & Biology (Last year our 15 Students have got A to A* in GCSE, If you want to see the Proof please visit us) • Small group max 4 people • 90 minutes tuition of maths & Science fr £10 • GCSE A to A* Pass Guarantee(T&Cs Apply) • More than 10 yrs experience of teaching in the UK

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❑ PkAK≤Ä F¥ ßcPTJPrKaÄ ❑ käJˆJKrÄ F¥ aJAKuÄ ❑ Cc ßlîJKrÄ F¥ ßcJr ❑ käJKÍÄ ❑ PcJr uKTÄ ❑ VJPctKjÄ F¥ csJAnSP~ ❑ KTPYj F¥ mJg KlKaÄx

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i ot KY ∂J

fJrJKm : ßp AmJhPfr èÀfô IkKrxLo yJxjJAj yJKl\ fJrJKm FTKa èÀfôkNet AmJhfÇ kKm© ro\JPjr ßrJ\J @hJP~r kJvJkJKv fJrJKm jJoJ\ kzPf y~Ç FvJr lr\ S xMjúf jJoJP\r kr F jJoJ\ kzJ y~Ç Kmv rJTJf jJoJ\ YKuävKa Kx\hJr oJiqPo xoJ¬ TrJ xMjúPf oM~JÑJhJÇ kMPrJ ro\JPj FTmJr xŒNet ßTJr@j Ufo TrJS xMjúfÇ fJrJKm jJoJP\ IKiTJÄv oxK\PhA kKm© ßTJr@Pjr Ufo y~Ç IjqJjq oJPxr fMujJ~ F oJPx IKfKrÜ Kmv rJTJf fJrJKmr jJoJ\ @hJP~r \jq FTaM TÓ IjMnNf yS~JA ˝JnJKmTÇ oxK\Ph fJrJKmr jJoJP\ ro\JPjr ksgo Khj IPkãJ krmftL KhjèPuJPf kptJ~âPo oMxKuä ToPf gJPTÇ ksgo KTÄmJ KÆfL~ KhPjr fMujJ~ ro\JPjr oJ^JoJK^ xoP~ FT-fífL~JÄv oMxKuä mftoJj gJPTÇ fJrJKm ßUJhJK~ ‰jTaq I\tPjr FT IfMujL~ AmJhfÇ F AmJhPfr oJiqPo oJjMw @uäJy fJ~JuJr IKiT ‰jTaq I\tPjr ßxRnJVq uJn TPrÇ xJrJKhj Kx~Jo xJijJr kr rJPf fJrJKmr Kmv rJTJf jJoJ\ @hJ~ TPrÇ F ßp FTaM ßmKvA TPÓr, fJ ro\JPjr ksgo KhPjr fMujJ~ ßvPwr KhPT oxK\Ph KVP~

IjJ~JPxA CkuK… TrJ pJ~Ç F\jq F AmJhfKa @uäJyr TJPZ Kks~ FTKa AmJhfÇ Fr ksKfKa Kx\hJA @uäJy fJ~JuJr ‰jTaq I\tPjr ßvsÔfo FTKa ˜rÇ Fr ßYP~ ßvsÔfo ˜r @r yPf kJPr jJÇ oJjMw pUj @uäJy fJ~JuJr xJoPj Kx\hJ~ kPz pJ~, KjP\r optJhJo~ TkJu oJKaPf bMPT ßh~, oMPU fJr \JKr gJPT È@uäJÉ @TmJr'∏ fUj FA Im˙JKa @uäJyr ‰jTPaqr ßvsÔfo ˜r KyPxPm KmPmKYf y~Ç ‰jTPaqr F ˜rKaA rJxMPu @TrJo (xJ.) KorJP\r r\jLPf CÿPfr \jq KjP~ FPxKZPujÇ F\jq Fr ksKfKa Kx\hJA oMKoj oMxuoJjPhr KorJ\ KyPxPm xJmq˜ yPmÇ ArvJh yPò, ÈjJoJ\ oMKoPjr \jq KorJ\˝„kÇ' Fr Igt yPuJ∏ pUj ßTJPjJ oMKoj mJªJ KjP\r TkJu oyJj @uäJy fJ~JuJr hrmJPr oJKaPf bMPT ßhPm, fUjA fJr KorJ\ IK\tf yP~ pJPmÇ fJrJKmS ßxA KorJP\rA IÄvÇ xMfrJÄ fJrJKmPT yJuTJ TPr ßhUJr xMPpJV ßjAÇ ro\JPj fJrJKmr kJvJkJKv fJyJöMh jJoJP\rS ßmv èÀfô rP~PZÇ rJxMuMuäJy (xJ.) ro\JPjr rJf \JVrPer ksKf C“xJy kshJj

\JTJf UJKuh ßmV IjMmJh : IiqJkT @mM \Jlr Igt-xŒh xŒPTt AxuJPor mÜmq AKfmJYT; AxuJo xŒPhr oNuqPT ˝LTJr TPrÇ @u TMr@Pj muJ yP~PZ, È@uäJykJT ßp xŒh ßfJoJPhrPT hJj TPrPZj, ßxaJ ßfJoJPhr kJKgtm \LmPjr \jq xyJ~T' (xNrJ KjxJ-@: 5)Ç KT∂á F ßãP© xŒPhr ‰Æf-ksTíKf xŒPTtS xJmiJj TPr ßh~J yP~PZÇ TJre xŒh @vLmtJh yPf kJPr, @mJr yPf kJPr IKnvJkÇ @vLmtJh fUjA, pUj fJ C“TíÓ kPg mqmÂf y~Ç oyJjmL oMyJÿh xJ: mPuj, Foj mqKÜ KyÄxJr kJ©„Pk Veq yPf kJPr, pJr pPgÓ xŒh @PZ FmÄ ßx fJ KhmJrJK© x“nJPm xPfqr kPg mq~ TPrÇ IjqgJ~ FA xŒh FTKa IKnvJkÇ Imvq pJrJ FA KjMKuKUf @~Jf kJb TPrKj, fJrJ F KmwP~ IjqnJPmS nJmPf kJPr : ÈpJrJ ßxJjJ-ÀkJ kM†LnNf TPr rJPU FmÄ fJ @uäJyr kPg mq~ TPr jJ, @kKj fJPhrPT TKbj kLzJhJ~T @\JPmr xÄmJh KhjÇ FTKhj @xPm, ßpKhj kM†LnNf ßxJjJ-ÀkJPT \JyJjúJPor @èPj C•¬ TrJ yPm; muJ yPm, FA yPò ßfJoJPhr ßxA xŒh, pJ ßfJorJ KjP\Phr \jq \oJ TPr ßrPUKZPu; IfFm pJ KTZM \oJ TPr ßrPUKZPu (@\) fJr ˝Jh Vsye TPrJ' (xNrJ fJSmJy- @: 34-35)Ç ksxñf CPuäUq, FA FTA KmwP~ hM'Ka KY© FmÄ YKr©A FTA xJPg FTKa yJKhPx Ifq∂ xMªrnJPm kJvJkJKv ˙Jkj TrJ yP~PZ : ÈhJjvLu FmÄ TíkPer mqJkJraJ ßxA hMA mqKÜr oPfJ, pJPhr mMT ßgPT VuJ kpt∂ mot KhP~ dJTJÇ h~JuM mqKÜ xmthJ hJj-U~rJf TPr FmÄ fJr mot ksxJKrf yP~ @XMPur IVsnJV ßgPT kJP~r jU kpt∂ @míf TPr ßlPuÇ Ijq KhPT Tíke KTZM hJj TrJr AòJ TPr mPa, KT∂á fJr mot Foj TKbjnJPm xïMKYf yP~ kPz ßp, mPotr @ÄaJèPuJ fJr ßhPyr oPiq dMPT pJ~Ç ßx fJr mºj KvKgu TrJr ßYÓJ TPr, KT∂á kJPr jJ' (PmJUJKr-yJKhx : 13 52)Ç oPj rJUJ @mvqT, ksJèÜ yJKhPx h~JuM mqKÜ muPf fJPT ßmJ^JPjJ yP~PZ, ßp mqKÜ @uäJykJPTr rJ˜J~ xmthJ mq~ TPrÇ @r Tíke yPuJ ßxA mqKÜ, pJr IPgtr ßoJy Ff ksmu ßp, ßx @uäJyr kPg Igtmq~ ßgPT Kmrf gJPT, pKhS IjqJjq ßãP© kptJ¬ Ikmq~ TrPf ßx TMK£f y~ jJÇ FA ßp IgtksLKf, FaJ @xPu FTKa oJjKxT mqJKiÇ AxuJo FA mqJKir KjrJo~TP· hJjvLufJPT ksgo ksKfPwiT KyPxPm Vsye TPrPZÇ @r F \jqA @u TMr@j rJxNu xJ:-PT uãq TPr mPu : È@kKj fJPhr ijxŒh ßgPT hJjxhTJ Vsye TÀjÇ FA xhTJ fJPhrPT kKrÏJr-kKròjú S kKrPvJKif TPr ßhPm' (xNrJ fJSmJy-@: 103)Ç pJ-A ßyJT, hJj-xhTJr ksPvú \JTJfA (kKrÊK≠Tre, YÅ“rnrki:rzy) xmtJKiT èÀfôkNet S mJiqfJoNuTÇ FmÄ F TJrPe \JTJf FfaJA lr\ mJ mJiqfJoNuT ßp, xoJP\ ßTJPjJ InJmL oJjMw jJ gJTPuS \JTJf @hJ~ TrPfA yPmÇ Kj:xPªPy \JTJPfr ßp KmiJj S mqm˙J, fJr oNu uãq yPuJ hKrhs-InJmL oJjMwPT xJyJpq TrJÇ FmÄ FaJ BoJjhJrPhr ßãP© FTKa Ifq∂ CÅYMoJPjr TJK–ãf ‰mKvÓq, ßp TJrPe Ijq xm iotTot, AmJhf-mPªKVr xJPg \JTJfS fJPhr TJPZ FTKa IfLm èÀfôkNet Tftmq Tot; FmÄ ßp mqJkJPr fJrJ UMmA xPYfjÇ TMr@Pjr FA KjPhtv xŒPTt fJrJ nJPuJnJPmA S~JKTmyJu ßp, ÈfJPhr Igt xŒPh KnãJ\LmL S mKûfPhr jqJpq IKiTJr rP~PZ' (xNrJ @\-

TrPfjÇ muPfj, ÈPp mqKÜ BoJPjr xPñ FmÄ xS~JPmr @TJ–ãJ KjP~ ro\Jj oJPx rJf \JVre TrPm, fJr kNmtmftL xm èjJy @uäJykJT ãoJ TPr ßhPmjÇ' F yJKhx ßgPT ßTC fJrJKm, ßTC fJyJöMh, @mJr ßTC Cn~KaPT mMK^P~PZjÇ Fr ÆJrJ fJrJKm S fJyJöMh jJoJP\r èÀfô ksKfKÔf yP~PZÇ @orJ fJrJKmaJ kzPuS fJyJöMhaJ kzJ y~ jJÇ mZPrr FVJPrJ oJx ßvw rJPf ß\PV fJyJöMh kzJ TÓTr mqJkJr yP~ hJÅzJ~Ç ro\Jj oJPx ßpPyfM ßvw rJPf xJyKr UJS~Jr \jq \JVPf y~, fUj fJyJöMh jJoJ\ @hJ~ TrJr FTaJ xMmet xMPpJV YPu @PxÇ F xMPpJV TJP\ uJVJPjJr KmT· ßjAÇ y\rf jmL TKrPor (xJ.) SlJf kpt∂ fJrJKm C“xJy kshJPjr kptJP~ KZuÇ y\rf SoPrr (rJ.) ßUuJlfTJPu kJgKoT Im˙J~ ßuJPTrJ KmKòjúnJPm ro\JPjr rJPf jJoJ\ @hJ~ TrPfjÇ If”kr y\rf Sor (rJ.) KmKvÓ xJyJKmPhr krJovtâPo fJrJKmr mftoJj k≠Kf YJuM TPrjÇ @mM xJuJoJ AmPj @mhMr ryoJj (rJ.) metjJ TPrj, @oJr KkfJ @oJPT mPuPZj,

rJxMuMuäJy (xJ.) FThJ @oJPhr xJoPj ro\Jj xŒPTt @PuJYjJ ksxPñ muPuj, F oJPx @uäJykJT ßfJoJPhr Skr ßrJ\J lr\ TPrPZj FmÄ @Ko ßfJoJPhr \jq Fr rJf \JVrPer KmiJj \JKr TruJoÇ ßp mqKÜ kNet BoJj FmÄ kMeqksJK¬r @vJ KjP~ F oJxKa ßrJ\J rJUPm FmÄ rJf \JVre TrPm, ßx xmrTo èjJyUJfJ ßgPT FojnJPm oMÜ yP~ pJPm, ßpoj xhqksxNf KvÊ xm irPjr èjJy ßgPT oMÜ gJPTÇ KTZMxÄUqT ßuJT fJrJKm jJoJ\ @a rJTJf mPu hJKm TPrjÇ fJrJ fJPhr xkPã hKuu KyPxPm y\rf @P~vJr (rJ.) FA yJKhx CPuäU TPrj∏ Èy\rf @P~vJ (rJ.) mPuj, y\rf jmL TKro (xJ.) ro\Jj FmÄ ro\JPjr mJAPr @a rJTJPfr ßmKv KT~Jo TrPfj jJÇ' yJKhPxr mqJUqJTJrrJ FA metjJr mqJUqJ~ KuPUPZj ßp, FA KT~Jo muPf fJyJöMh ßmJ^JPjJ yP~PZ, fJrJKm j~Ç jmL TKro (xJ.) FA @a rJTJf xmxo~ ßvw rJPf @hJ~ TrPfjÇ FUjS ro\JPj ßxA @a rJTJf ÈKT~JoMu uJAu' jJPo ksYKuf rP~PZ FmÄ @uäJyS~JuJPhr IPjPTA ro\JPj ÈKT~JoMu uJAu' \JoJPfr xPñ @hJ~ TPr gJPTjÇ fJrJKm ßgPT TÓ-xKyÌMkrJ~efJr KvãJ kJAÇ ÃJfífô, xJoq, xJhJ oPjr oJjMw ‰fKrPf KmPvw nNKoTJ kJuj TPrÇ IPjTJÄPv KoujPouJ~ kKref y~Ç pKh oJxmqJkL ksgo KhPjr @Po\ iPr rJUJ ßpf, fPm TfA nJPuJ yPfJ!

\JKr~Jf-@: 19)Ç m˜MfkPã, \JTJf pJrJ kshJj TPr, fJPhr Ijq ßTJPjJ CP¨vq ßjA; fJPhr FToJ© uãq fJPhr ksnMr x∂áKÓÇ ÈFmÄ fJrJ ÊiM @uäJyr nJPuJmJxJ~ CÆM≠ yP~A lKTr KoxKTj, FKfo S TP~KhPhr UJmJr ßh~Ç fJrJ mPu, @orJ ÊiM @uäJyfJ~JuJr \jqA ßfJoJPhrPT UJmJr KhKòÇ @orJ ßfJoJPhr TJZ ßgPT ßTJPjJ„Pk ksKfhJj YJA jJ, ßTJPjJ„k TífùfJ ksTJv TPrJ, ßxaJS YJA jJ' (xNrJ @h& hJyr@:-8, 9) xm oJjmxoJP\A hJjvLufJ FTKa hLWtuJKuf kMeqTotÇ FaJ FojKT kMÅK\mJhL xoJP\S KmhqoJjÇ KT∂á FTKa Kmw~ UMmA kKrÏJr FmÄ fJ yPuJ, @uäJy S @KUrJPfr ksKf VnLr KmvõJx mqfLf ßTJPjJ hJjA mqKÜVf-ksmíK• UqJKf S \JVKfT kMrÛJr KuÊxJr DP±t CbPf kJPr jJÇ oJjMw xffA ßTJPjJ jJ ßTJPjJ„k kMrÛJr uJPnr @TJ–ãJ ÆJrJ YJKufÇ F \jq ÊiM ßxA xm TJ\A ksTífkPã Kj:˝Jgt yP~ SPb, pUj fJ xJKif S xŒJKhf y~ ÊiM @uäJyr TJZ ßgPT kMrÛíf yS~Jr @vJ~, oJjMPwr TJZ ßgPT j~Ç FmÄ FUJPjA AxuJo oJjMPwr híKÓnKñPf Foj FTaJ kKrmftj xíKÓ TPr, pJ UMmA fJ“kptkNet S ‰mKvÓqoK§fÇ FThJ rJxNu xJ:-Fr VíPy FTKa mTKr \Pmy TrJr kr ßVJvf Kmfre TrJ yPuJÇ kPr rJxNu xJ: @P~vJ rJ:-PT K\ùJxJ TrPuj, mTKrr KTZM ßVJvf KT rJUJ @PZ? \mJPm @P~vJ rJ: muPuj, ÈrJPjr KTZM IÄv ZJzJ KTZMA @r ImKvÓ ßjAÇ' rJxNu xJ: muPuj, ÈrJj ZJzJ xmA ßfJ rP~PZÇ' IgtJ“ pJ hJj TrJ yP~PZ, @xPu ßxaJA ßfJ krTJPur xû~Ç AxuJPor ßp \JTJf mqm˙J fJr @PrJ KTZM xM¸Ó ‰mKvÓq rP~PZÇ \JTJPfr Igt ßTJgJ~ KTnJPm mqmyJr TrPf yPm, ßx xŒPTt TMr@j xMKjKhtÓnJPm \JKjP~ KhPò : ÈxJhJTJ fgJ \JTJPfr Igt lKTr-KoxKTjPhr \jq, \JTJf-@hJP~r KjpMÜ TotYJrLPhr \jq, pJPhr I∂rPT ÆLPjr KhPT @TíÓ TrJ ksP~J\j fJPhr \jq, ßVJuJo @\Jh TrJr \jq, EeVs˜ mqKÜPhr EeoMKÜr \jq, pJrJ @uäJyr kPg xPYÓ rP~PZ FmÄ oMxJKlrPhr \jq' (xNrJ fJSmJy-@: 60)Ç FA KjPhtv UMmA xÄKã¬, KT∂á UMmA xMKjKhtÓÇ @r pJrJ AxuJoL kK§f S KY∂JKmh, fJrJ xmJA xmtxÿfnJPm FA of ßkJwe TPrj ßp, È@uäJyr kPg xPYÓ' FA TgJr Igt yPuJ K\yJhÇ IjqKhPT \JTJPfr Igt oxK\Phr TJP\ mJ AxuJoL KY∂JKmhPhr kíÔPkJwTfJr \jq mqmÂf yPf kJPr jJÇ xrTJPrr ˝JnJKmT TJptâPoS FA IPgtr mqmyJr KjKw≠Ç \JTJf kshJPjr ßp KjKhtÓ yJr, ßp C“x FmÄ ßp mqmyJrKmKi, ßxaJ ßTC kKrmftj TrPf kJPr jJ; fJ xmA TMr@j S xMjúJy ÆJrJ YNzJ∂nJPm KjitJKrfÇ FmÄ F xmA \JTJfPT Foj ˝Jf∂sqoK§f TPrPZ, pJ \JTJfPT Tr IgmJ aqJé j~, rLKfoPfJ AmJhPf kKref TPrPZÇ @r F TJrPeA F ßãP© ßTJPjJ„k ßTJPjJ hMjtLKf ksvs~ ßkPf kJPr jJ FojKT pUj ßTJPjJ oMxKuo ßhPv ImJi hMjtLKf oyJoJrLr oPfJ ZKzP~ kPz fUPjJ I∂f \JTJPfr kKm©fJ KmjÓ y~ jJÇ Imvq FaJ FTaJ CPuäUPpJVq xoxqJ ßp, KmkMu oJjMw, pJPhr Skr \JTJf lr\, fJrJ FA IkKryJpt hJK~fô xŒPTt IfLm ChJxLjÇ ImvqA CPuäUPpJVq, \JTJf ZJzJS FT\j oMxuoJPjr @PrJ IPjT @KgtT Tftmq @PZÇ híÓJ∂˝„k, oxK\h, oJhsJxJ S jJjJ irPjr xJoJK\T ksKfÔJj AfqJKh ßãP© ksP~J\j IjMpJ~L @KgtT kíÔPkJwTfJr ksPvúS FT\j oMxuoJjPT ksxjú oPj xJzJ KhPf y~Ç KT∂á \JTJf mJiqfJoNuT; FmÄ FA \JTJf KjP\A Foj FTaJ TJptTr KxPˆo, pJ oMxKuo CÿJyr IgtQjKfT xoxqJKhr ßãP© CPuäUPpJVq nNKoTJ rJUPf xãoÇ kMPrJ oMxKuo CÿJyr

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

oJVKlrJPfr 10 Khj TreL~

xÄpo kJuPjr oJiqPo Ê≠fJ I\tPjr oJx ro\JPjr @\ 9 fJKrUÇ @r oJ© FTKhj kr ßvw yP~ pJPm ro\Jj oJPxr ryoPfr IiqJ~, ÊrΔ yPm oJVKlrJPfr IiqJ~Ç yJKhx vKrPl FPxPZ ro\Jj oJPxr KÆfL~ hvT yPuJ oJVKlrJfÇ xJiJrenJPm muJ yP~ gJPT F 10 Khj @uäJy fJ~JuJ fJÅr mJªJPhr ãoJ TrPf gJTPmjÇ ksvú yPuJ, @uäJy pKh ãoJ TrPf YJj, fJ pfxÄUqT oJjMPwr \jqA PyJT jJ PTj FmÄ Pp kKroJPeA PyJT jJ PTj; fJ PfJ FT oMyNPftA TrPf kJPrj, FPf 10 Khj xo~ PTj uJVPm? @xPu @uäJy YJj fJÅr mJªJ fJÅr èeJmKu I\tj TPr Px èPe èeJKjõf PyJTÇ PTJr@j oK\Ph xNrJ mJTJrJ~ 138 j’r @~JPf rP~PZ, '@uäJyr rX! @r @uäJyr rX IPkãJ Yo“TJr @r PTJPjJ rX yPf kJPr?' yJKhx vKrPl rJxNuMuäJy (xJ.) mPuj, PfJorJ @uäJyr èPe èeJKjõf ySÇ @uäJyr rX mJ èe TL? fJ yPuJ, @uäJy fJ~JuJr 99Ka èemJYT jJoÇ F ksxPñ yJKhx vKrPl FPxPZ, 'KjÁ~ @uäJy fJ~JuJr 99Ka jJo rP~PZ, pJrJ FèPuJ

@®˙ TrPm; fJrJ \JjúJPf ksPmv TrPmÇ' (oMxKuo S KfrKoK\)Ç oyJj @uäJyr jJoJmKu @®˙ TrJr mJ iJre TrJr Igt yPuJ PxèPuJr nJm S èe I\tj TrJ FmÄ Pxxm èeJmKu S QmKvÓq KjP\r TJP\TPot, @YrPe ksTJv TrJ fgJ KjP\PT Pxxm èPer @iJr mJ IKiTJrL KyPxPm VPz PfJuJÇ fJA ro\Jj oJPxr oiq hvT PpPyfM oJVPlrJf mJ ãoJr, xMfrJÄ F 10 Khj @oJPhr TreL~ yPm, @uäJykJPTr ãoJxÄâJ∂ jJoèPuJr ùJj Âh~ño TPr Fr nJm-ksnJm S QmKvÓq I\tj S IKiTJr TPr KjP\r oPiq @®˙ TrJr PYÓJ TrJÇ @uäJy fJ~JuJr ãoJxMun jJoèPuJ yPuJ, @u VKlr (ãoJvLu), @u VlMr (ãoJo~), @u VllJr (xmtJKiT ãoJTJrL), @u @lMC (oJ\tjJTJrL), @u UKlhM (Kmj~ kZªTJrL), @v vJTMr (Tíù), @u mJrr (xhJYJrL), @u yJKuoM (xKyÌM), @x xmMr (QiptvLu), @f fJS~JmM (fSmJ TmMuTJrL) AfqJKhÇ yJKhx vKrPl @PZ, IkrJi ˝LTJrTJrL KjrkrJi mqKÜr oPfJÇ (PmJUJKr, oMxKuo S KfrKoK\)Ç

ijmJj mqKÜPhr xû~ ßgPT @zJA vfJÄv Igt pKh hKrhs oJjMPwr oPiq ksKfmZr xûJKuf y~, fJyPu oJjMPwr ßoRKuT YJKyhJèPuJ xyP\A kNre yPf kJPrÇ m˜Mf AxuJPo jJoJ\ S \JTJPfr oPiq kJgtTq TrJr ßTJPjJ ImTJv ßjAÇ hMKa AmJhf ImvqA kJujL~ lr\Ç pJr oPiq ZJz ßhS~Jr ßTJPjJ xMPpJV ßjAÇ y\rf @mhMuäJy AmPj \JK~h (rJ.) mPuj, 'jJoJ\ S \JTJf Cn~A lr\ FA hMKar oPiq ßTJPjJ kJgtTq TrJ y~KjÇ' \JTJf @hJP~r kMrÛJr S \JTJf jJ ßhS~Jr \jq TPbJr mJeL CóJre TPrPZj rJxMu (xJ.)Ç KfKj mPuj, 'PTC pKh @uäJyr kMrÛJPrr @vJ~ \JTJf ßh~, fJyPu ßx @uäJy fJ~JuJr TJPZ C•o S xÿJj\jT kMrÛJr kJPmÇ KT∂á ßp \JTJf @hJP~ I˝LTJr TrPm, fJr TJZ ßgPT vKÜ ksP~JV TPr \JTJf @hJ~ TrJ yPm FmÄ @uäJyr n~Jmy vJK˜ ßfJ @PZAÇ' (PmJUJKr, oMxKuo S mJ~yJKT)Ç m˜MfkPãA, \JTJf pKh pgJKj~Po xÄVíyLf S mqmÂf y~, fJyPu @∂\tJKfT oMhsJ fyKmu (@AFoFl) ÈKmvõmqJÄT' FmÄ IjqJjq xm vJAuT irPjr ksKfÔJj, pJrJ oMxKuo KmPvõ hJKrhsqKmPoJYPjr ZujJ~ @xPu KjP\PhrPTA kMÓ S °Lf TPr fMuPZ, KjP\PhrPTA âoJVf ijJdq TPr fMuPZ, ßxA vJAuTL TJptâo KjÁ~A ksKfÀ≠ yPmÇ IfFm muJA mJÉuq, @oJPhr IgtQjKfT xoxqJr ßãP©S AxuJoA FToJ© xoJiJj; Imvq, @orJ pKh AxuJoPT ßxA xMPpJV hJj TKrÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015


@uäJy&r Kks~ yS~Jr xMPpJV xMoyJj jJ\JPfr oJx FPuJ oJPy ro\Jj PhUPf PhUPf oJPy ro\JPjr @aKa PrJ\J IgtJ“ ryoPfr ksgo hvT @orJ kJr TrKZÇ KT∂á FA kKm© oJx ÊÀ yS~Jr kNPmt @oJPhr IPjPTr nJmjJ KZu hLWt 18/ 19 WPμr PrJ\J KT nJPm rJUJ pJPmÇ KT∂á mJ˜mfJr @PuJPT PhUJPVu, oyJj @uäu JykJT fJÅr PjT oMK oj mJªJPhr \jq FA hLWt KhPjr PrJ\J FyxJj TPr KhPujÇ @myJS~Jr KhT KhP~ PhUJ pJ~ ro\Jj ÊÀ yS~Jr kr FUj @myJS~J~ jJKfvLPfJÌ nJm FmÄ KT xMªr KhjÇ @orJ \JKj kKm© oJPy ro\Jj oJxPT Kfj nJPV nJV TrJ yP~PZÇ pJr ksgo hv Khj ryoPfrÇ KÆfL~ hv Khj mJªJr \jq èjJy oJPlr FmÄ fífL~ hv Khj yPò \JyJjúJo PgPT oMKÜ uJPnr \jqÇ oJPy ro\Jj oJx ÊÀ yS~Jr xJPg xJPg @uäJy&r PjT mJªJrJ fJÅr xíKÓ TftJr ÉTMo kJuPj FmÄ fJÅr AmJhf mPªVL TrJr \jq hí| KYP• ks˜MKf Vsye TPrjÇ FoJPx @uäJy&r PrJ\JhJr PjT mJªJrJ fJÅr ksnMr x∂áKÓ I\tPjr \jq fJTS~J KnK•T \Lmj VzPf FmÄ xm irPer kJk kKïufJ PgPT PmÅPY gJTJr vkg Vsy e TPrj FmÄ PxmqJkJPr fJÅrJ pfúmJj yjÇ fJÅPhr \LmPjr Tíf TPort \jq IjMf¬ yP~ @uäJykJPTr hrmJPr ãoJ ksJgtL yjÇ PxA xJPg fJÅrJ Ifq∂ pfúxyTJPr oJPy ro\JPjr xL~Jo xJijJ kJuj TPrjÇ @r FA irPer PrJ\JhJr mJªJPhr ksKf ro\Jj

FKfo, hM˙, IxyJ~ oJjMPwr hM”U, TPÓr TgJ oPot oPot CkuK… TrJ pJ~Ç fJZJzJ PrJ\J kJuPjr oNu CP¨vq yPò oJjMPwr oPj @uäJy nLKf S fJTS~J xíKÓ TrJÇ AxuJPor kKrnJwJ~ fJT~Jr Igt yPò, xm irPer \MuMo, IjqJ~, èjJPyr TJ\ FmÄ kJkJYJr PgPT oMÜ PgPT FToJ© oyJj @uäJykJPTr x∂áKÓ I\tPj xTu nJu FmÄ

CÿMÜ TPr PhjÇ @r pJrJ @uäJy&r ksTíf PjT mJªJ fJÅrJ PxA xMPpJV TJP\ uJKVP~ @uäJy&r AmJhf mPªVLPf o• gJPTj FmÄ nJu TJP\ xo~ IKfmJKyf TPrjÇ PTjjJ PrJ\Jr TJrPjA F oJPxr èÀfô PmPzPZÇ @r FA oJPxA oJjmfJr oMKÜr kg kshvtT oyJVs∫ @u PTJr@j jJK\u yP~PZÇ FoJPxA oMxuoJjPhr GKfyJKxT

oJPy ro\JPjr ksgo hv Khj IKfmJKyf yS~Jr kr mJªJr \jq Ph~J PxA ryoPfr ÆJr mº yP~ pJ~Ç Frkr mJªJr \jq xMPpJV @Px @uäJykJPTr TJZ PgPT èjJy oJPlr FmÄ \JyJjúJo PgPT oMKÜ uJPnr xMPpJVÇ @xPu oJPy ro\Jj oJPxr xL~Jo xJijJr oJiqPo FT\j oJjMw fJÅr @fúJr kKrÊK≠ FmÄ kJT kKm©fJ I\tj TrPf kJPrjÇ

KvyJmMöJoJj TJoJu

oJPxr ksgo hvPT @uäJykJPTr IVKef ryof, mrTf jJK\u y~Ç lPu FA xo˜ @ou FmÄ AmJhf mPªVL TrJr lPu PxA xo˜ PrJ\JhJr mJªJPhr \LmPj mqJkT kKrmftj KjP~ @PxÇ fJÅ Phr @ou @UuJT xMªr, kMf-kKm© y~Ç fJÅPhr TgJ mJftJ~, Puu Phj, YJu YuPj, CbJ, mxJ~ kKrmftj @PxÇ fJÅPhr oJP^ oMKoj

ksKfKa lrp AmJPhr KmKjoP~ 70Ka lrp AmJhPfr xS~Jm Ph~J y~Ç (6) FoJPxr FTKa KmPvw rJPfr AmJhf yJ\Jr rJPfr AmJhPfr PYP~S C•o TrJ yP~PZÇ (7) FoJPx @uäJy&r FT\j PlPrvfJ oJjMwPT oª TJ\ PgPT Kmrf gJTJ FmÄ nJu TJP\ Ku¬ gJTJr @ymJj \JjJjÇ mJªJr \jq Fxo Pj~Jof èPuJ @uäuäJykJT kKm© ro\Jj oJPxr mPhRuPfA KhP~PZjÇ oJPy ro\JPjr FA xoó KmKvÓ èPuJ @oJPhr \LmPj @ou FmÄ fJr pgJpg ksKfluPjr oJiqPo @oJPhr CKYf yPuJ oJPy ro\JPjr FA xL~Jo xJijJr oJiqPo fJr IK\tf ksTíf KvãJ èPuJ @oJPhr mqKÜ, kKrmJr S xoJ\ \LmPj mJóPm ksKfluPjr oJiqPo FTKa xMªr, xMUL FmÄ @hvt kKrmJr S xoJ\ VbPj ksP~J\jL~

xMun @Yre, x“ èeJmuL FmÄ oMKoKj nJm ks°MKaf y~Ç oJPy ro\JPjr ksgo hv Khj IKfmJKyf yS~Jr kr mJªJr \jq Ph~J PxA ryoPfr ÆJr mº yP~ pJ~Ç Frkr mJªJr \jq xMPpJV @Px @uäJykJPTr TJZ PgPT èjJy oJPlr FmÄ \JyJjúJo PgPT oMKÜ uJPnr xMPpJVÇ @xPu oJPy ro\Jj oJPxr xL~Jo xJijJr oJiqPo FT\j oJjMw fJÅr @fúJr kKrÊK≠ FmÄ kJT kKm©fJ I\tj TrPf kJPrjÇ PrJ\J kJuPjr oJiqPo mJªJ ãMiJ, fíÌJr \ôJuJ FmÄ VrLm,

TuqJeTr TJ\ TrJr jJoA yPò fJTS~JÇ @r FA kKm© S KmPvw mrTfS PoJmJrTS~JuJ oJPx, fJTS~J mJ @uäJy nLKf I\tPjr oJiqPo FT\j mJªJ UJÅKa oMKoj yP~ @uäJy&r KjTamftL yP~ fJÅr Kks~ S PjT mJªJ~ kKref yf kJPrÇ oJPy ro\Jj oJx Foj FTKa kKm© oJx, Pp oJPx @uäJy&r mJªJrJ fJÅr ksnMr yJ\Jr Pj~JoPfr oPiq cMPm gJPT&jÇ kJKkfJKk xTu mJªJr \jq fJÅr ryof, TÀeJr ÆJr

KxuKa nJAxJmr KZKa-116 @»Mu TJKhr oMrJh

yPm ˆsJaJr mJPh PoAj PTJxt uPV Kc\Jat! KZKar k~uJ Phv VsJor ksmJKx yÑur ksKf @Ko Iho KxuKa nJAxJmr PvsjLof xJuJo @hJm S Vsyj TrmJÇ @vJ TKr oyJj @uäJy rJæMu @uJKoPjr IPvw ryo @r TrPo @ljJrJ ksmJxr oJKaf Aöf ÉroPf nJuJC @ZAjÇ @orJS @kjJrJr PjT PhJ~J @r mJmJ vJy\JuJu S vJykrJj FmÄ 360 @CKu~Jr @vLmtJPhr mPhRuPf jJjJj KTKxor \Ma pπeJr @r PkPrvJKjr K\PªVLr oJP^Kh~JS Kj\Pr TMPjJ rTo @Uu mMK¨ UrY TKr~J PoJaJoMKa TÓr KnfPr xKyxJuJoPf mJÅKY~J @KZÇ lr xoJYJr IAu IC Pp, @orJr oJjxPr @kPj PTJroJ PkJuJS UJS~JA~JS UMvL TrfJ lJrfJjJ~ @r jJ~ PhUmJ xJoJjqr oJP^ ÉaKTr frTJrLr uPV PfJzJ jJVJ orYr VsJj ÉÄVJA~J \JjPr FPTmJPr UMvL TKruJAfJ lJrmJÇTMPjJ TMPjJ oJjxr oMTr oJP^ SuJ uöf oJfr oJP^ VJuL VJuJ\ @r UKoKª gJUPuS PTC oPjJ TM∂J PjAjúJ, @rmJr PTC K\ @kPj TKr oMUr oJP^ PoR @r KYKj KovJA~J oJfPuS PTC xApq

PTJrfJ lJrAjúJÇ Kmx~aJ IAPuJ @hm UJxuf @r Pu~J\ fKo\r oJ^r oMrhÇ PpuJ @oJr cJT jJo IAPuJ oMrJh @r @oJr @ou, UJxuf @r mqmyJrr oJP^ pMKh TMPjJ oMrh jJ gJPT fJAPu A-jJor xJgtTgJ rAPuJ TA? \JASCT,TgJ IAu P\A∂JAj xJÄmJKhT, Kj\r UJA~J PuUAj FKhT PxKhTÇ jJA TJor TJo, Kj\Pr fA~J Ijqr mJzJAj jJoÇ PTCrr TgJ PuKU~J fM&urJ @xoJjS @r mMrJr mMrJUJj fMKu~J VJf lJuJA~J rJKUPhAjÇ KmPvw TKr PjfJ TJgJ fJ∂Jjr kro mºMÇ PjfJ yTuPpuJ TMPjJ \JVJf nJwe aJwj jf Uf KhPh IAPu xJÄmJKhT @PV UPr kmjr WM`Lr uJUJj kf kf TKr kro @®L~- ˝\j IA~J uPV mPV gJTJ uJPVÇ @r SuJ TM∂J oV\r oJP^ PuUJr uJKV PkJTr oPfJ KTu Kmu TrPu TJgJ CKz~J Tuo VxJKj uJPVÇ @r uJKV hMASfJC fJ∂JSr mºMÇ @r pJKjjJ A-xo~ KTmJvJy @»Mu TKro xJmr VJjS VJAj, @oJr mºMPr TA kJm xKUPVJ, xKU @oJPr mujJ? IAPu PjfJ TJgJ

PxA mhr pM≠ yP~PZÇ PxA xJPg AxuJPor GKfyJKxT KmKnjú WajJxoNy FA kKm© oJPxA xÄWKaf yP~KZuÇ fJA oJPy ro\Jj oJPxr Pj~Jof, mrTf, lK\uf FmÄ yKTTPfr KhT KhP~S FA kKm© oJPxr IjqJjq QmKvÓ èPuJ yPò Ppoj” (1) ro\Jj oJPxr YJÅh Ch~ yS~Jr xJPg xJPg v~fJjPT mªL TrJ y~Ç (2) FoJPx PmPyvPfr xm hr\J UMPu Ph~J y~Ç (3) FoJPx PhJpPUr hr\J mº TPr Ph~J y~Ç (4) TmPrr @\Jm TKoP~ Ph~J y~Ç (5)

khPãk Vsye TrJÇ PxA xJPg @oJPhr AyTJuLj TuqJe FmÄ krTJKuj jJ\JPfr oJiqPo oyJj @uäJykJPTr x∂áKÓ yJKZu TrJÇ ro\JPjr FA kKm© oJPx @r\, @uäJykJT Ppj @oJPhr xmJAPT ãoJ TPrPhjÇ u¥j” 25\Mj 2015AÄ PuUT TKm S TuJKoˆÇ

k~uJ ˆsJaJr mJPh PoAj PTJxt uPV Kc\Jat UJS~JA~J UMvLmJxL TrAjSuJ PuUT, xJÄmJKhT PaKuKnvjr oJKuT Pr\J @yoh xMP~m PYRiMKr l~Zu nJAr PxRKh @rmr Vror uJUJj fUfUJ @r mJÄuJPhvr PYRfÅ oJA~J lJaJlJKa Vro FTaJ PuUJ PhKU~J K\TJAuJo mz Vro PTPj? xKU yTPu Ckr hr\Jr PjfJ rJ\JA fMvT @r xKU yTu kJAPu AfJ oJ¿rmJ~ @r KlKr~JC ZJAjúJÇ @rjJ~ hJS~Jf K\~JPlJf Kh~J mJKzr CªJu yJrJA~J UJS~JAjÇ k~uJ ˆsJaJr mJPh PoAj PTJxt uPV Kc\Jat UJS~JA~J UMvLmJxL TrAjSuJPuUT, xJÄmJKhT PaKuKnvjr oJKuT Pr\J @yoh xMP~m PYRiMKr l~Zu nJAr PxRKh @rmr Vror uJUJj fUfUJ @r mJÄuJPhvr PYRfÅ oJA~J lJaJlJKa Vro FTaJ PuUJ PhKU~J K\TJAuJo mz Vro PTPj? Fxo~ fJAj TAuJ Vror KTfJ PhUuJ~ yPm ˆsJaJr KhuJo @mS PoAj PTJxt mJTL @r uJaPuaJ Kc\Jat jJ~ @AÑJ@uJ mJÅv mCf hMrAÇ yTufJr mJPh, @mJPrJ yTur ksKf xJuJo @r @hJm \JjJA~J IC TgJC oMur TgJ UJuL Kj\r xJgt P\muJ aJj kPz A-xo~ Pu-Pu-Pu jJPhUJA~J ojr KmP© gJKT I∂Prr I∂r˙Pu oJ~Jr nJ§JrS PoRYJTr oiMr oPfJ nJumJxJ rJUfJo, KlKr~J YJAfJo IC @vJ ks•qJvJ rJKU~J yÑur TJZ gJKT IjC @A\TMr oPfJ k~Jr Zª

Kh~J KmhJ~ KjuJoÇ yPm ˆsJaJr mJPh PoAj PTJxt uPV PfJzJ Kc\Jat, uJAzr fu gJKT UJuL IA \JAPmJ \JAmKV UJaÇ yTu \JVJf Kkb UJC\JAPuS TrAjúJ oJhJr VJPZJ, UrAjúJ @fJ@Kf hJrVJ, xJÄmJKhT Phr kJPZJÇ PnzJ oJPZ kPuJ nJPñ pKh TKr fJPr mz FuJoL, xMPpJPV mqJPX PbÄ PoPu mJªL PmKaPr PhA xJuJoLÇ PksormqJgJ mz mqJgJ UJAPu mM^mJ~InJKVrPZU, Tuor TMZJrS pPfJ \ôJuJ PUCrPr jJ TAmJ~ PhUÇ PbuJr jJo mJmJK\ PbuJ UJAPu mJrAPmJ PlrJ Pfu, @ATJ mJÅv lJKr~J pJ~UJAPu PpuJ YJzr cJ¢J PmuÇ @A\ @r IjC gJUCT,

AKf-@ljJrJr KxuKa nJAxJmÇ @»Mu TJKhr oMrJh ÇÇ fJKrU; 26 /06/2015 AÄ Ç


1o kJfJr kr mJotJ~ ßrJKyñJ oMxKuorJ VeyfqJr KvTJr

ßrJKyñJ oMxuoJjPhr VeyfqJr KY© fáPu iPrjÇ KfKj \JKfxÄPWr oJjmJKiTJr Kmw~T TKoKaPf ßrJKyñJ kKrK˙Kf fáPu irJr \jq KVP~KZPujÇ ßxUJj ßgPT u¥Pj FPx FT xMiL xoJPmPv KfKj mÜmq rJPUjÇ AÓ u¥j oxK\Phr AoJo vJP~U @»Mu TJA~MPor xnJkKfPfô IjMKÔf xnJ~ KmkMu xÄUqT TKoCKjKa ßjfímª O CkK˙f KZPujÇ c: S~JTJr CK¨j fJÅr mÜífJ~ mPuj, ßp 2012 xJu PgPT mJotJ~ VeyfqJ ÊÀ yP~PZÇ ßrJKyñJ oMxKuorJ jmo vfJK» ßgPT ßx ßhPv mxmJx TrPZÇ @rJTJj rJP\q rΔyJj FuJTJ~ fJrJ TP~T yJ\Jr mZr iPr mxmJx TPr @xPZÇ KT∂á mJKot\ xrTJr fJPhr jJVKrTfô jJ KhP~ fJPhr mJÄuJPhPv ßuJT mPu KogqJ hJmL TrPZÇ kMKuPvr xJoPj rJUJAj ßmR≠rJ oMxuoJjPhr xoNPu KjmÄv TrJr \jq VeyfqJ YJuJPòÇ IKyÄxJ kro iot mPu hJmLhJr ßmR≠rJ ßrJKyñJPhr jOvÄxnJPm yfqJ TrPZÇ fJPhr F yfqJr KmÀP≠ KmvõmJxLPT FKVP~ @xPf yPmÇ IjMÔJPj @»MuJä y oJoMjPT @ymJ~T S Fo F jMrPT xhxq xKYm TPr ßl∑¥x Im ßrJKyñJ ACPT jJPo FTKa TqJPŒAj TKoKa Vbj TrJ y~Ç FKhPT ßrJKyñJ oMxuoJjPhr Ckr VeyfqJ YJuJPjJ yPò mPu 7\j ßjJPmu Km\~L KmmOKf KhP~PZjÇ KmmOKfhJfJPhr oPiq rP~PZj jhtJj @~JruqJP¥r oJAKrc ßoVJPr, @PoKrTJr \Kc CAKu~Jox AP~oPjr fJS~JÑáu TJroJj, ArJPjr KvKrj AmJhL, uJAPmKr~Jr KuoJy, @P\K≤jJr @cuPlJ ßkPr\Ç oJ~JjoJPr xÄUqJuWM oMxuoJjPr F yfqJTJ¥ KjP~ SxPuJPf hMAKhj mqJkL xPÿuj IjMKÔf yP~PZÇ xPÿuPj xJCg @Kl∑TJr ßjfJ ßcxo¥ aáaá ßrJKyñJPhr yfqJ mPºr @ymJj \JKjP~PZjÇ FTKa xN© \JjJ~ 2012 xJu ßgPT uãJKiT oMxuoJjPT mJotJ~ yfqJ TrJ yP~PZÇ 2uJU ßrJKyñJ VOyyJrJ yP~PZjÇ uJU uJU oMxuoJj kJKuP~ mJÄuJPhv, ßxRKhxy KmKnjú ßhPv @v´~ KjP~PZjÇ

oM˜JKlP\r Kmvõ PrTct KxKrP\r Pvw oqJPY jJ yJrPu mJÄuJPhPvr KâPTa AKfyJPx KfjKa @PrJ Cöôu yf oM˜JKl\Mr ryoJPjrÇ fJrkrS KâPTa KmPvõ jfMj ksKfnJr @VPj KâPTa PksoLrJ @jKªfÇ KmPvw TPr KmPvõr KmKnjú PhPv ZKzP~ gJTJ mJÄuJPhvLPhr oPiq mJzKf @jª FPj KhP~PZj FA fÀe KâPTaJrÇ xTPuA fJr nKmwq xJlu TJojJ TPrPZjÇ FKhPT IKnPwPTr ksKfKa oqJPYA KjP\PT jfMj CófJ~ fMPu KjP~PZj oM˜JKl\Mr ryoJjÇ IKnPwPT oqJPY 5 @r KÆfL~ oqJPY 6 CAPTa KjP~ VPzKZPuj ksgo 2 oqJPY xmPYP~ PmKv CAPTPar PrTctÇ fífL~ S~JjPcr ÊÀPfA PrJKyf votJPT @Ca TPr YPu PVPuj jfMj CófJ~; TqJKr~JPrr ksgo Kfj S~JjPcPf xPmtJó CAPTa! TqJKr~JPrr ksgo 3 oqJPY 11 CAPTPar PrTct KZu YJr\j PmJuJPrrÇ nJrPfr KmkPã fífL~ S~JjPcPf PrJKyf votJr CAPTa KjP~A oMóJKl\ ZJKzP~ PVPZj xmJAPTÇ kPr @rS FTKa CAPTa KjP~ PrTctKa PkJÜ TPrPZj oMóJKl\Ç KjP\r Pvw SnJPr PmJ� TPrPZj xMPrv rJ~jJPTÇ @r FA CAPTa oMóJKl\PT FPj KhP~PZ @PrTKa KmvõPrTct, 3 oqJPYr KxKrP\ xPmtJó CAPTa! FA KxKrP\ 3 oqJPY 13 CAPTa KjPuj oMóJKl\Ç @PVr PrTctKa KZu mJÄuJPhPvr KmkPãA! 2002 xJPu mJÄuJPhPvr KmkPã 3 oqJPYr KxKrP\r ksKfKaPfA 4 CAPTa KjP~KZPuj TqJKrKm~Jj PkxJr nqJxmJat PcsTx, PoJa CAPTa KZu 12KaÇ FT KxKrP\r 3 oqJPY 13 CAPTa PkP~KZPuj IPˆsKu~Jj PkxJr rJ~Jj yqJKrxSÇ fPm PxKa KZu kJÅY oqJPYr KxKr\Ç 3 oqJY KxKrP\r KmvõPrTct fJA oM˜JKlP\rAÇ mJÄuJPhPvr yP~ 3 oqJY KxKrP\ @PVr PxrJ KZu oJvrJKl Kmj oMf\ t Jr 12 CAPTa, 2006 xJPu PTKj~Jr KmkPãÇ

KmsPaPj FUPjJ 2.3 KoKu~j KvÊ IgtJ“ ksJ~ 9.6 KoKu~j PuJT Kjoú @P~r kKrmJr F PhPv @PZjÇ 1998 -99 xJPur xJPg fMujJ TrPu FA xÄUqJ 11.2 KoKu~j PgPT PjPo Vf mZr hJKzP~PZ 100,000 Fr oPiq Pp kKrmJrèPuJ Fr oPiq ksKfKjKifô TrPZjÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015 FTKa kKrmJr hJKrhs xLoJr oPiq gJTJ oJPj fJr @~ 272 kJC¥ x¬JPy FA uJAPjr oPiq gJTPu irJ y~, 2013-2014 xJPu kKrmJr ksKf @~ 453 kJCP¥r oPiq @aPT @PZÇ KmsPaPjr FT\j KvÊ hJKrhs xLoJr oPiq @PZ KTjJ fJ KjitJrj TrJ y~, pKh PhUJ pJ~ PxA kKrmJPrr @~ 60% Fr jqNjfo @P~r jLPY fJPhr @~Ç Pkjxj PxPâaJKr A~Jj cJjTJj ˛Lg muPZj, 1980 xJPur kr KmsPaPj xmtKjoú KvÊ hJKrhsfJ KmrJ\ TrPZÇ kãJ∂Pr vqJPcJ YqJP¿ur Kâx PuxKu mPuPZj, FA KlVJr KjKÁf TPr, mftoJj xrTJr KvÊ hJKrhsfJ PrJPi S PoJTJPmuJ~ kMPrJkMKr mqgtÇ Imvq cJjTJj ˛Lg mPuPZj Fr ksTf í oNu TJre IjMxºJPj xrTJr TJ\ TrPZ FmÄ ksKf KhjA @oJPhr TJP\r lPu PuJT\j TJP\ PpJV KhPòj , fJr oPf 2010 xJu PgPT hMA KoKu~PjrS IKiT PuJT TJ\ PkP~PZjÇ YqJKrKa xÄ˙Jr KmPväwPTrJ muPZj, xrTJr Pp nJPm @PrJ PmKjKla Tftj jLKf Vsye TPrPZ, FojKT YJA� aqJé PâKca Pp nJPm Tftj TrJr jLKfPf FKVP~ pJPò, fJPf FA KlVJr FUjA KjPhtv TrPZ KvÊ hJKrhsfJ @PrJ PmPz pJPm, pKh jJ xrTJr F Kmw~KaPT èÀfô xyTJPr PoJTJPmuJ jJ TPrÇ KYuPcs¿ PxJxJAKar YLl FKéKTCKan oqJKgC Krc mPuPZj, 200,000 Fr CkPr KvÊPhr VnLr hJKrhsfr oPiq PbPu Ph~J yPòÇ KccKmäCKk mPuPZ, 100,000 Fr CkPr IKiT PkjvjJr hJKrhsfJr oPiq @PZj- xmtPvw fgq oPf, pJ AK¥PkP¥≤ FP\r YLl FKéKTCKan \qJPja oKrxj mPuPZj FA xoxqJ @PrJ míK≠ kJPm mPu KfKj oPj TrPZjÇ

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FT\j UJÅKa ßhv ßk´KoTÇ oMKÜpMP≠ fJÅr ImhJj KZu IkKrxLoÇ fJÅr mqmyJr KZu Ifq∂ IoJK~TÇ SKuCuäJy ßjJoJj mPuj, KxrJ\Mr ryoJPjr k´TJKvf mA mJÄuJPhvPT \JjJr \jq FT IoNuq xŒhÇ Ik´TJKvf ßuUJèPuI mA @TJPr k´TJv TrPf yPmÇ VJK\Cu yJxJj UJj mPuj, CkoyJPhPvr FUj ßTJj KmKvÓ mqKÜ KZPuj jJ pJr xJãJ“TJr KfKj ßjj jJAÇ mJÄuJPhPvr oMKÜpM≠PT FKVP~ KjP~ pJS~Jr \jq KfKj IxJoJjq TJ\ TPrPZjÇ vJoxMu @uo ßYRiMrL mPuj, KxrJ\ nJA Fr ßo\J\ S YKr© K\PukLr oPfJ KoKÓ KZuÇ @orJ @\ ˝JiLjfJ S xJÄÛíKf yJrJPf mPxKZÇ c: yJxjJf Fo ßyJPxj mPuj, KxrJ\Mr ryoJj KZPuj \JfL~ xŒhÇ oOfqá r @V kpt∂ ßhPvr TgJ mPuPZjÇ xJBh ßYRiMrL mPuj, \JKf KyPxPm KxrJ\Mr ryoJPjr ßTJj optJhJ KhPf kJruJo jJÇ xnJ~ orÉPor @®Jr oJVKlrJf TJojJ TPr ßhJ~J TPrj oJSuJjJ vJoLo @yohÇ

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oxK\h xÄuVú KxjJVV âP~ TKoCKjKar xyPpJKVfJ TJojJ ßhz KoKu~j kJC¥ mqP~ KxjJVVKa â~ TrJ yPu Fr KjYfuJ TKoCKjKar mÉoMUL xMPpJV-xMKmiJr \jq mqmÂf yPmÇ fJZJzJ CkrfuJ~ oxK\Phr hLWtPo~JhL @P~r \jq KmKnjú khPãk V´ye TrJ yPmÇ F mqJkJPr TKoCKjKar xmt˜Prr oJjMPwr xyPpJKVfJ TJojJ TPrPZj oxK\Phr oqJPj\Po≤ TKoKaÇ Vf 23 \Mj oñumJr KmPTPu u¥j oMxKuo ßx≤JPrr PxKojJr yPu @P~JK\f AlfJrkNmt ßk´x KmsKlÄP~ F ßWJweJ ßh~J y~Ç ßk´x KmsKlÄP~ KuKUf mÜmq kJb TPrj Aˆ u¥j oxK\h S u¥j oMxKuo ßx≤JPrr ßxPâaJKr @A~Nm UJjÇ F xo~ CkK˙f KZPuj KjmtJyL kKrYJuT ßhuS~Jr ßyJPxAj UJj, AoJo S UfLm vJ~U @mhMu TJA~No S Pas\JrJr oMyJÿh @»Mu oJKuTÇ ßoJjJ\Jf kKrYJujJ TPrj AoJo @mMu ßyJPxAjÇ KuKUf mÜPmq @PrJ muJ y~, KxjJVPVr xJPg oxK\Phr xŒsLKf S ßxJyJhqkMet xŒTt hLWtKhPjrÇ lPu xŒsKf fJrJ KxjJVVKa Kmâ~ TPr KhPf YJAPu oxK\Phr xJPg ßpJVJPpJV TPrjÇ ßpPyfá FKa Aˆ u¥j oxK\h S u¥j oMxKuo ßx≤JPrr xÄPpJV˙Pu ImK˙f fJA oqJPj\Po≤ TKoKa fJ KTjPf CPhqJVL yjÇ TJre FKa jJ KTjPu Ijq ßp ßTC KTPj ßjPmÇ FPf TPr krmftLPf oKx\Phr \jq xoxqJS yPf kJPrÇ Fr oNuq mJmh @VJoL 15 \MuJAr oPiq 1.5 KoKu~j kJC¥ kKrPvJi TrPf yPmÇ oJKr~Jo ßx≤JrPT EeoMÜ TrPf FUjS 2.9 KoKu~j kJC¥ k´P~J\j rP~PZÇ Ckr∂á IPjTaJ mJiq yP~A KxjJVVKa KTjPf yPò FmÄ APfJoPiq hMkPãr oPiq KuKUf YáKÜ xŒJhj yP~ ßVPZÇ

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PoRunLmJ\Jr kuäL KmhMq“ xKoKfr xnJkKf ZJKhT @yoh FUj pMÜrJP\q xJ¬JKyT \j k´fqJvJr xŒJhT, mJÄuJPhv xÄmJh xÄ˙J ßoRunL mJ\Jr P\uJ k´KfKjKi, PoRunLmJ\Jr kuäL KmhMq“ xKoKfr xnJkKf k´nJwT cJ: ZJKhT @yoh FUj xÄK㬠xlPr pMÜrJP\q FPxPZjÇ KfKj @VJoL 11 \MuJA ßhPv KlrPmjÇ KfKj xTPur ßhJ~J k´JgtLÇ fJr xJPg ßpJVJPpJV jJ’Jr 07405661451Ç

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

ro\JPj xM˙ gJTJr UJhqJnJx UJmJr TKoP~ KhjÇ

ro\JPj xJrJKhj PrJ\J rJUJr kr KkÅ~J\M KTÄmJ Yk jJ yPu Ppj AlfJPr kNetfJA @Px jJÇ Fxo~ FTaM PmKv nJ\JPkJzJ UJS~J yP~ gJPTAÇ PUPf nJPuJ uJVPuS KT∂á FèPuJ vrLPrr \jq IPjT ãKfTrÇ fUj ˝J˙q KjP~ jJjJ \KaufJ~ kzPf y~Ç fJA ro\Jj FPu @oJPhr UJhqJnJPx KTZMaJ kKrmftj @jPf y~Ç kMKÓ KmPvwùrJ mPuj, ro\JPj kMKÓTr S ˝J˙qTr UJmJr UJS~J CKYfÇ TJP\A xM˙ gJTPf @oJPhr ˝JnJKmT UJmJrPT PmKv ksJiJjq PhS~J CKYfÇ TJP\A P\Pj Kjj ro\JPj xM˙ gJTJr UJhqJnJx xŒPTtkJKj S lPur \Mx ro\JPj nJ\J S lqJa\JfL~ UJmJr FTmJPrA UJPmj jJÇ TJre F irPjr UJmJr kKrkJTfPπr ˝JnJKmT TJ\PT mqJyf TPrÇ AlfJr S rJPf WMoJPjJr @V kpt∂ kJKj S lPur \Mx UJS~Jr PYÓJ TÀjÇ FPf vrLPrr kJKjr WJaKf kNre yPmÇ TJPmtJyJAPcsa\JfL~ UJmJr rJPfr UJmJPr KTÄmJ PxyKrPf TJPmtJyJAPcsa\JfL~ UJmJr Ppoj-

nJf, ÀKa AfqJKh UJjÇ FèPuJ @kjJPT xJrJKhj Totão rJUPf xJyJpq TrPmÇ @Åv\JfL~ UJmJr kKrkJTfπPT xYu rJUPf @Åv\JfL~ UJmJr Ppoj- cJÅaJ frTJKr, TYMruKf AfqJKh UJS~Jr KmT· PjAÇ PmKv PmKv TPr FA UJmJrèPuJ PUPu xM˙ gJTJ xy\ y~Ç oJZ S oJÄx kaJKv~Jo S oqJVPjKv~Jo \JfL~ UJmJr oJZ PUPf kJPrjÇ YJAPu oJÄxS PUPf kJPrjÇ fPm UJmJPrr xo~ FaJ uãq rJUPmj Ppj @kjJr vrLPrr YJKyhJ PgPT UJmJrKa PmKv yP~ jJ pJ~Ç TuJ TuJ~ ksYMr kKroJPe TJPmtJyJAPcsa, kaJKv~Jo S oqJVPjKv~Jo rP~PZÇ FèPuJ vrLr xM˙ rJUPf xJyJpq TPrÇ fJA ksKfKhPjr AlfJKrPf FTKa TuJ rJUMjÇ TqJPlAj\JfL~ UJmJr TKoP~ Khj YJ KTÄmJ TqJPlAj\JfL~ UJmJr PmKv PUPu PrJ\J gJTJTJuLj oJgJmqgJ, hMmtu FmÄ K^oMKj nJm @xPf kJPrÇ fJA PrJ\Jr @PV PgPTA pfaJ x÷m TqJPlAj\JfL~

AlfJKrPf TL UJPmj AlfJKrPf k´KfKhj kMKÓ S TqJuKr pMÜ UJmJr rJUPmjÇ nJ\JPkJzJ \JfL~ UJmJr pfaJ x÷m TKoP~ KhPmjÇ 1. AlfJKrPf ßZJuJ-oMKz rJUMjÇ FPf @Kow S UKj\ @PZ FmÄ @ÅvpMÜ yS~J~ ßTJÔTJKbjq hNr TrPmÇ 2. ßU\Mr rJUMjÇ ßU\MPr Có oJ©J~ VäMPTJ\ S l∑MTPaJ\ gJTPuS @ÅvpMÜ yS~J~ FA vTtrJ vrLPrr rPÜ iLPr iLPr KoPv FmÄ xJrJ Khj vKÜ ß\JVJPf xJyJpq TPrÇ ßU\MPr CóoJ©J~ vTtrJ gJTJ~ KhPj hMA-YJrKar ßmKv ßU\Mr UJS~J KbT j~Ç 3. yJKuo rJUMjÇ yJKuPo mqmÂf cJu, Vo S ßVJvPf @Kow, vTtrJ, kaJKv~Jo FmÄ IjqJjq UKj\ gJPT FmÄ @ÅvpMÜ yS~J~ ßTJÔTJKbjq y~ jJÇ 4. hAKYÅzJ rJUMjÇ FaJ AlfJKrr @hvt UJmJrÇ FPf vTtrJ S @KoPwr xMwo Kov´e gJPTÇ KYÅzJ~ rP~PZ @ÅvpMÜ \Kau vTtrJ, pJ rPÜ vTtrJr kKroJe ßfoj FTaJ mJzJ~ jJÇ hA @Kow S TqJuKx~JPor YJKyhJ ßoaJ~Ç hA-KYÅzJ y\Po xyJ~TÇ PxyKrPf UJPmj jJ Ppxm UJmJr PxyKrPf KTZM UJmJr UJS~J FPTmJPrA KbT j~Ç Fr oPiq ksgPoA rP~PZ KcoÇ FZJzJ Pp PTJPjJ ksTJr cJu, KUYMKz, IKfKrÜ PfupMÜ UJmJr, PkJuJS, KmKr~JjL, PfyJKr, PumM, PTJou kJjL~ FmÄ lJˆlMc UJS~J FPTmJPrA FKzP~ YuMjÇ fJyPu ro\JPj xM˙ gJTJ @kjJr \jq xy\ yPmÇ ÊiM KjP\r \jq j~, kKrmJPrr xM˙fJ KjKÁf TrPf YJAPu Fxm UJmJr PxyKrPf FKzP~ YuMjÇ PxyKrPf ˝J˙qxÿf FmÄ kMKÓTr UJmJr UJjÇ xM˙ gJTMjÇ

Kj~Kof ßoxS~JT TÀj ro\Jj oJPx oMU S hJÅPfr ˝JP˙qr \jq xo~oPfJ ßoxS~JT TÀjÇ ßxyKrr kr FmÄ k´PfqTmJr S\M TrJr xo~ ßoxS~JT TrPf kJPrjÇ ßoxS~JPTr CkTJKrfJ FUj mÉ VPmweJr oJiqPo ‰mùJKjTnJPm k´oJKefÇ KbToPfJ ßoxS~JT TrPu FaJ IxJiJre FK≤oJAPâJmJ~Ju aMgmsJPvr TJ\ TPrÇ hJÅPfr ˝J˙q rãJr kJvJkJKv FaJ AjPlTvJj xJKrP~ ßfJPu, hJÅPfr kJgr \oJ mJ ã~ ßrJi TPrÇ xMªr xJhJ hJÅf @r hMVtº Kj”võJx ßgPT oMKÜr Kmw~ ßfJ @PZAÇ FaJ FUj

‰mùJKjTnJPmA k´KfKÔf ßp ßoxS~JPTr èeJèe ßTJPjJ aMgPkPˆ kJS~J x÷m j~Ç PoxS~JPTr @PrJ ßpxm CkTJPrr TgJ KmKnjú ‰mùJKjT krLãJ~ \JjJ ßVPZ, ßxèPuJ yPuJ, FaJ ˛revKÜ mJzJ~, oMPU xMVº FPj ßh~, oJKz vÜ TPr, hJÅPfr ã~PrJi TPr, oJgJmqgJ TKoP~ ßh~, hJÅPfr mqgJr Ckvo TPr, hJÅPfr yuPh nJm hNr TPr, hOKÓvKÜ mJzJ~, y\Po xyJ~fJ TPr, T£˝r kKrÏJr TPr, mMK≠o•J S mJKVìfJ mJzJPf xyJ~fJ TPrÇ


PrJ\J~ cJ~JPmKax PrJVLPhr \jq KTZM Kakx ftoJPj xoP~ ksJ~ ksKfKa WPrA PTC jJ PTC cJ~JPmKaPx @âJ∂Ç FKa Foj FTKa PrJV pJ Kj~πPe rJUPf jJ kJrPu oJrJ®T @TJr iJre TrPf kJPrÇ fJA cJ~JPmKaPxr PrJVLPhr xm xo~ FTaM PmKv xfTt yP~ YuPf y~Ç Px TJrPe IjqJjq oJPxr jqJ~ ro\Jj oJPxr FA xo~aJPfS Kj~Por mqKfâo TrJ CKYf j~Ç fJA pJrJ PrJ\J rJPUj ^MÅKT FzJPf fJPhr \jq KTZM xfTtfJ PoPj YuJ CKYfÇ 1) Pp xm cJAPmKax PrJVLrJ PrJ\J rJPUj fJrJ ksP~J\Pj ksPfqTKhj rPÜr xMVJPrr oJ©J krLãJ TÀjÇ 2) PxyKr mJ AlfJr PTJPjJ xoP~ FT xPñ IPjT UJmJr UJPmj jJÇ 3) AlfJPrr xo~ xTPu To-PmKo vrmf kJj TPrjÇ KT∂á cJ~JPmKax PrJVLrJ AlfJPrr xo~ FPTmJPrA KYKj ZJzJ FmÄ TqJPlAj ZJzJ kJjL~ kJj TrPmjÇ fPm kJjL~ kJj TÀj PhPyr kJKjvNjqfJ hNr TrPfÇ

4) KYKj xoí≠ UJmJr FmÄ KoKÓ \JfL~ pJmfL~ UJmJr S luoNPur mqJkJPr xftT gJTMjÇ PU\Mr PUPu xoxqJ PjA, fPm PxaJ Ppj PmKv jJ y~Ç 5) WMoJPf pJS~Jr I∂f 2 WμJ @PV rJPfr UJmJr UJjÇ FmÄ ImvqA èÀkJT UJmJr PgPT hNPr

AlfJPr KxPuPar GKfyq jro KUYMKz

PaKmPu xJ\JPjJ yPrT kPhr UJmJrÇ mPx @PZj kKrmJPrr xm xhxqÇ IPkãJ oJVKrPmr @\JPjrÇ oxK\h PgPT oM~JKöPjr TP£ @\Jj PnPx @xPuA AlfJr TrPmj xmJAÇ kKrmJPrr xm xhxq FT PaKmPu mPx AlfJr TrJr PrS~J\ KxPuPar GKfPyqr FTKa IÄvÇ FA GKfPyqr @PrTKa IÄv yPò AlfJPr Èjro KUYMKz' gJTJÇ AlfJPr pf mJyJKr kh gJTMT jJ

j J Æ J rJoJmJrT Po

PTj Èjro KUYMKz' jJ gJTPu KxPuamJxLr AlfJrA Ppj PgPT pJ~ IxŒNetÇ vf vf mZr iPr KxPuPar oJjMw FA khKa KhP~ fJPhr AlfJr TrPZjÇ KxPua KmnJV ZJzJ PhPvr Ijq PTJgJS FrTo KUYMKz KhP~ AlfJr TrJr ksYuj UMm FTaJ PjAÇ xJrJ Khj PrJ\J gJTJr kr jro KUYMKz KhP~ AlfJr TrJ ˝JP˙qr \jq CkTJrL mPu \JKjP~PZj KYKT“xTrJÇ

gJTPmj rJPfÇ 6) PxyKrr xo~ Kj~o PoPj xKbT UJmJr Vsye TÀjÇ kKrKof UJmJrA UJjÇ FPfA xM˙ gJTPf kJrPmjÇ 7) cMPmJ PfPu nJ\J UJmJr FPTmJPrA UJPmj jJ cJ~JPmKaPxr PrJVLrJÇ xM˙ gJTPf YJAPu ˝J˙qTr UJmJPrr KhPT j\r KhjÇ ro\JPj KxPuPa ksKfKa WPr AlfJr KyPxPm rJjúJ TrJ y~ jro KUYMKzÇ xMVKº KYTj YJPur xPñ VJS~J KW, TJKuK\rJ S PoKgxy jJjJ\JPfr oxuJ KhP~ rJjúJ TrJ y~ F KUYMKzÇ IPjPT ˝JPh KnjúfJ @jJr \jq KUYMKzPf vJT S xmK\ KhP~ gJPTjÇ PTC PTC AlfJPr ÊiM KUYMKz PUP~ gJPTjÇ @mJr PTC PTC KUYMKzr xPñ oJÄx, fJrTJKr S PZJuJ KoKvP~ UJjÇfPm PpnJPmA UJS~J PyJT jJ PTj AlfJPrr xo~ KxPuaLPhr kJPf jro KUYMKz YJA-A YJAÇ mJxJ-mJKz ZJzJS oxK\h, oJhsJxJxy mz mz AlfJr oJyKlPuS rJjúJ TrJ y~ FrTo KUYMKzÇTJK\aMuJr mJKxªJ wJPaJ±t jNrCK¨j @yoh mPuj, Èvf vf mZr iPr jro KUYMKz KxPuPar AlfJr GKfPyqr xPñ KoPv @PZÇ PZJaPmuJ PgPT AlfJPrr xPñ jro KUYMKz PUP~ @xKZÇ @oJPhr mJkhJhJr @oPuS AlfJPrr xo~ FrTo KUYMKz UJS~Jr ksYuj KZuÇ AlfJPrr xo~ mJyJKr pf kh gJTMT jJ PTj jro KUYMKz KhP~A KxPuaLrJ AlfJr ÊÀ TPrjÇ' cJ. PrhS~Jj @lPrJ\ \JjJj, ro\JPj xJrJ Khj InMÜ gJTJr kr KUYMKzr oPfJ jro UJmJr UJS~J ˝JP˙qr \jq UMmA CkTJrLÇ FPf mMT \ôJuJPkJzJ, IqJKxKcKa S y\Por xoxqJ yS~Jr @vïJ gJPT jJÇ


PU uJ r x Ä mJ h

mJÄuJS~Jv yPuJ jJ fmMS Ijqfo ßxrJ KxKr\ mJÄuJPhPvr

25 \Mj 2015: nJrPfr KmkPã S~JjPc IKnPwT yS~J oM˜JKl\Mr ryoJj ksgo oqJPY kJÅY CAPTa, kPrr oqJPY Z~ FmÄ KxKrP\r fífL~ S Pvw oqJPY hMA CAPTaxy PoJa 13 CAPTa fMPu KjP~ FTKhPjr @∂\tJKfT oqJPY FT KxKrP\ xPmtJó CAPTa kJS~Jr PrTct VPzPZjÇ nJrPfr KmkPã fífL~ S~JjPcPf PrJKyf votJ FmÄ xMPrv rJ~jJPT @Ca TPr AKfyJPxr kJfJ~ jJo PuUJPuj oM˜JKl\Ç Fr @PV FT KxKrP\ xPmtJó CAPTa PjS~Jr PrTct KZPuJ TqJKrKm~Jj PkxJr nqJxmJat PcsTPxrÇ 2002 xJPu mJÄuJPhPvr KmkPãA ksKf oqJPY YJr CAPTa TPr xmtPoJa 12 CAPTa KjP~KZPujÇ FZJzJS FTA KxKrP\ 13 CAPTa PkP~KZPuj IPˆsKu~Jj PkxJr rJ~Jj yqJKrxÇ fPm PxKa KZPuJ kJÅY oqJY KxKr\Ç Kfj oqJPYr

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

oM˜JKlP\r KmvõPrTct

KxKr\ KyPxPm fJA oM˜JKl\ KmvõPrTPctr IKiTJrLÇ Fr @PV mJÄuJPhPvr kPã Kfj oqJY S~JjPc KxKrP\r xPmtJó

CAPTa KvTJrL KZPuj oJvrJKl Kmj oMft\JÇ KfKj 2006 xJPu PTKj~Jr KmkPã Kfj oqJPY KjP~KZPuj xmtPoJa 12 Ka CAPTaÇ

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ISSUE 08/24, FRIDAY 26 JUNE 2015

Independent Councillors puzzled as “Two Jobs John” keeps all top jobs for Labour pals


Tower Hamlets Independent Councillors were stunned on Wednesday night as John “Two Jobs” Biggs moved quickly to cordon off his rule as mayor of Tower Hamlets from independent scrutiny.

Every Council in the country has an Overview and Scrutiny Committee (O&S) to keep an eye on the executive body. Under Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s Administration, the Chair of Tower Hamlets O&S was always a Labour Councillor. Now the Labour Mayor John Biggs has given the Chair of O&S to his Labour pal Cllr John Pierce. The two Johns both sit in the Labour Group of Councillors – so John Biggs’s policies will be scrutinised by one of the men who sat in the same Group making up the policies in the first place.

Cllr Oli Rahman, Leader of Independent Group, said: “During the campaign, John Biggs talked about transparency, openness, accountability and a fresh start in local politics… The part-time Labour mayor of Tower Hamlets, John Biggs, is now refusing to be scrutinised in the Council… What is John Biggs, the Labour Party and their chums in local the Tory Party, afraid of?” Cllr Rabina Khan, Independent candidate who came a close second to John Biggs in the mayoral election, said: “We will continue to fight for the people of Tower Hamlets, and we will do that by holding John Biggs and his Labour cabinet to account. We are a local grassroots political movement and our focus is very much on the welfare of the community, not on building our careers in Westminster politics. “Despite operating under the full brunt of Tory cuts, we will be leaving behind a legacy of services, the fate of which, lies in the hands of John Biggs and his Labour cabinet.”


John “Two Jobs” Biggs found his luck was in last Monday when he opened the Healthy Schools and Healthy Early Years Celebration Event – held, like his own Tower Hamlets mayoral election count, at the Excel Centre in Newham.

For once, John Biggs found his two jobs overlapped: the Awards result from a scheme run by London Mayor Boris Johnson MP; but the largest number of bronze, silver and gold awards have been won by schools in Tower Hamlets. Biggs was therefore able to combine his role on the Greater London Assembly with his second job as executive mayor of Tower Hamlets in the same outing.

The Healthy Schools London Awards celebrate the work being done to improve the health and wellbeing of school pupils. They are awarded to schools that have demonstrated a clear commitment to health and wellbeing for their students. John Biggs entered into the spirit of the ceremony by using his opening speech to confirm that he will keep Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s school meals policy. Biggs said: “I pledged to continue to deliver free school meals to all primary school children, going above and beyond the government’s nationwide scheme.”


Shopkeepers: think before you put “legal highs” up for sale

New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) – the formal name for substances more usually referred to as “legal highs” – are chemicals which have been designed to mimic the effects of illegal drugs. Although, like illegal drugs, they can give people who consume them a temporary “high” (ranging from relief from everyday problems through to feelings of elation), they can also have other more harmful effects. A number of people have suffered paranoia, psychosis, seizures, and other unpleasant symptoms which often require hospital treatment and may even be fatal. The council Consumer and Business Regulations team has received reports that adults and children in the borough are purchasing these products from local retailers. Although the name “legal high” sounds as if retailers can happily sell the substances, in fact selling these products may be illegal in some circumstances. The council is having a drive to remind traders of their legal responsibilities should they be approached by any NPS distributors. lThe Intoxicating Substances (Supply) Act 1985 prohibits the sale of substances to those under the age of 18 which the seller has

reason to believe may be inhaled for the purposes of intoxication. The law was designed to prevent minors buying glue and similar intoxicating substances – but it also applies to NPS that are inhaled. lNPS products are often thought to contain ingredients that are not controlled under The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, in the way that drugs such as heroin, cocaine and marijuana are. However, 19% of NPS tested by the Home Office in 2013/14 were found to contain substances that are controlled under that act. It would therefore be illegal to possess, supply or offer to supply those substances – and illegal for the consumer to possess them. lRetailers need to ensure all products they sell to consumers are safe. Should someone suffer ill effects or death as a result of ingesting chemicals you have sold them, you can be held accountable. For products that are not covered by a specific piece of safety legislation, The General Product Safety Regulations 2005 will apply. NPS that are not controlled can fall under this. lThe Government recently introduced the Psychoactive Substances Bill, which will make it an offence to produce, supply, offer to supply, possess with intent to supply, import or export

psychoactive substances; that is, any substance intended for human consumption that is capable of producing a psychoactive effect. The maximum sentence will be 7 years’ imprisonment. It is currently at the House of Lords Committee stage. No formal comment from John Biggs or any of his three deputy mayors was provided on this issue. lFor more information on what products are considered to be NPS you can look at: lIf you suspect someone of illegally trading NPS products in the borough, contact 020-7364 5008 or email: lThe Tower Hamlets Community Drug Team provides support for adults suffering from substance abuse. They are available on 020 7790 1344 or visit 71 Johnson Street, E1 0AQ. lLifeline Renew separately provides support to young people who want help regarding legal highs and also provides training and awareness about substance misuse including legal highs to professionals. Contact Lifeline via:


Community News


Biggs pledges to keep a key mayor Lutfur Rahman policy

Virginia Primry School, from left to right: Anishah Haider, student; Clive Davies, Deputy Headteacher; Kate Gooding, Headteacher; Shuhel Hoque, student.

This is an extremely welcome concession by John Biggs: most Labour Councils do not dish out free meals to all pupils, so Biggs’s departure from Labour practice in order to keep Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s policy in place will be welcomed by the borough’s children and their parents. As he opened the Awards Ceremony at the start of his second formal week in office, Biggs said, “It’s great to see our schools leading the charge across London.” The schools had been helped to lead the charge by Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s Administration over four and a half years – but John Biggs appears to have forgotten to pay tribute to his predecessor’s role during what he had to say. Boris Johnson MP, Mayor of London, (a man also juggling two full-time jobs) was also present. He said: “Congratulations to Tower Hamlets’ schools for their commitment to supporting the health and wellbeing of pupils.” Again, just like John Biggs, he failed to mention the enormous contribution Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s Administration had played in the achievement.

Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s trailblazing Ap is updated

A new and improved version of the Council’s unique Find it, Fix it, Love it (FiFiLi) app – developed under Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s Administration – is now available to download from the App Store and Google Play. The Council is inviting members of the public to send photographs of what they love about the borough – anything from a special place or a landmark to a quirky shop, beautiful scenery or an activity you like doing. The best images of the borough will be selected for the Council’s Instagram page every Thursday as part of the Council’s #loveitTHursday. The FiFiLi app also allows people to submit concerns directly from their smart phones to the council. Residents and visitors can instantly tell the council about any issues that need addressing. This includes things such as anti-social behaviour (ASB), crime, rough sleeping, graffiti, fly-tipping, broken play equipment or streetlights, pot holes, overflowing bins or anything else worth mentioning. If you take a picture of a problem, the app will pinpoint the location of the issue and send the details directly to the correct department, ensuring problems are dealt with swiftly. lDownload the free Find it, Fix it, Love it app now from Apple’s App Store or via Google Play.

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

John Biggs praises Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s excellent Parents and Carers Council

Parents and carers took part in a conference at the Professional Development Centre in Bethnal Green earlier this month (13th June) to share knowledge and positive experiences of bringing up children. The morning session provided mums, dads and carers with a platform to discuss challenges parents face and workshops on support for parenting and raising awareness of E-Safety. Seven year old Laura and her mother Jolanta attended Saturday’s session where they both had the chance to meet other families. Jolanta, said: “The session was very helpful and I was very excited about attending. I learnt so much from the trainers who delivered the session and the video clips we watched showed us real life examples that I can really relate to. We all had the chance to speak to other parents and it was nice to see that we are not alone. The session answered a lot of my questions and I will definitely be enrolling onto future courses to find out more.” The Parent and Carer Council meets three times a year to discuss issues and services that may have an impact on local families. The latest event was held just 48 hours after John Biggs became mayor of Tower Hamlets, so he had not been involved in organising it in any way – or, for that matter, setting up and running the Parent and Carer Council. Nonetheless, John Biggs was fulsome in his praise for the Council and its event – which is being taken as a compliment to Mayor Rahman’s Administration. John Biggs, said: “The Parent and Carer Council is a great way for parents and carers from across the borough to come together and talk about the challenges they face. The staff available during the sessions have a lot of experience offering advice and guidance and I am pleased last weekend’s session was a huge success.” Last weekend, 20th June, the Parental Engagement Team held another of their Dads’ Network Play Day events to help dads and male carers strengthen their relationships with their children through positive parenting. The Team will be offering a number of drop-in advice sessions for parents during July and August. These sessions are for any

Mum Jolanta with daughter Laura and Parent Support Practitioner Nicola Mutale parent who may be finding the school holidays long or stressful. The team will be available to offer positive parenting tips and advice on keeping children and young people safe and happy, along with lots of suggestions for things to do and places to go with the family over the long summer break. To find out more about the Parent and Carer Council, Dads’ Network or drop-in sessions for parents over the summer break, email or call the Family Information Service on 020-7364 6495.

l“Fast track” planning powers could leave locals with no say lPublic money will build houses for sale in high cost area lLocals may be charged up to £272 per week rent for social homes

Biggs welcomes Housing Investment Zone in Labour Heartland

John Biggs has set out his vision for a key part of Poplar as the Greater London Authority (GLA) has declared the area around Chrisp Street, north Leamouth and Aberfeldy (which planners call “Poplar Riverside”) to be a “Housing Zone”. The new designation will see winners and losers in the south of the Borough. l£2 billion is to be invested in the area, but to date only £51 million is coming as a cash “injection” from the GLA. The Council may have to borrow the rest, which would be at preferential public sector rates – but which could take tenants and Council Tax payers years to pay back. lThere will be an estimated 3,034 new homes in the area, but only 448 are “affordable”. That’s enough “affordable” homes to accommodate around 2% of the borough’s waiting list. The Council has not clarified which definition of “affordable” applies to this development, but the GLA usually uses the government definition of “rents at 80% of market rents” – which could see locals being expected to pay around £272 per week for a three bedroomed property. It has not yet been clarified whether the “affordable” homes will be family homes or not. lHousing Zones are designed to deliver homes quickly, which means that planning processes are “fast tracked”, giving local people much less say. Tower Hamlets has already lived under fast tracking planning policies – when the London Docklands Development Corporation regenerated Docklands. The fast tracking led to chaos and waste of public money. With the announcement coming in what was only his second week in office, John Biggs spoke highly of the work done by Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s Administration on the funding bid for the

development. “Receiving such a large amount of funding from the GLA to build much-needed housing in Tower Hamlets is a real achievement for the borough,” he said – obviously congratulating those who, under Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s Administration, had done this high quality work.

Mayor Lutfur Rahman built highest number of affordable homes in country – official!

Figures from the Department of Communities and Local Government show Tower Hamlets has delivered the highest number of affordable homes in the country. Between 2010/11 and 2014/15 – the period of Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s Administration – Tower Hamlets has seen 5,590 affordable homes delivered. Earlier this year, the council secured £24.8 million from the Government’s New Homes Bonus in recognition of the work the council has been undertaking to build housing stock in the borough. There are also a number of other regeneration projects planned by Mayor Lutfur Rahman which are underway or about to start and which will deliver affordable housing, including Blackwall Reach, the Whitechapel Vision and London Dock. John Biggs acknowledged how good the figures were, saying, “These figures show that the council has been working hard to deliver affordable homes to our residents.” He omitted to give any credit to Mayor Lutfur Rahman or to his Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration, Cllr Rabina Khan.

Community news

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015


And then there were TEN...

Oh, brothers!

An Indian adaption of the hugely popular hit, Warrior (starring Tom Hardy), BROTHERS is the hard-hitting action-drama surrounding a broken family forced to face up to one another mentally and physically, all within the world of mixed martial arts and underground street fighting. The film stars one of India’s greatest actors Akshay Kumar, and emerging star Siddharth Malhotra. The film is a co-production between Endemol India and one of India’s leading production companies, Dharma Productions. David (Akshay Kumar) is forced to confront his underlying problems when he finds himself reunited with his estranged family; his father (Jackie Shroff) returns after serving a ten-year prison sentence, and Monty (Sidharth Malhotra) the struggling alcoholic who is active in the world of street fighting, yearns for acceptance and love from his family. Brought together by the arrival of India’s biggest international event in mixed martial arts history, “Right to Fight”, the family must face each other, and their demons, to win the ultimate battle, and find redemption. lBrothers will be released in cinemas nationwide on 14th August 2015. In the meantime, a trailer is available on:

Nobel takes five as Scintilla trounce Redbridge Emdad Rahman

Ashfaqur Rahman Nobel (pictured) took five wickets as Scintilla CC bounced back from their previous loss to beat Redbridge CC by seven wickets at the Peter May Stadium. Redbridge won the toss and chose to bat first. They were bowled out within 23 overs for 118. The outstanding Nobel took 5/16 in five overs and was supported by Abul Hasib 1/37 (five overs), Zahed Mamun 1/13 (five overs), new vice captain Sajal Rahman, 1/11 (two overs) and Hassan Rony, 1/6 (two overs). Scintilla then made light work of their opponents to reach 122/3 from sixteen overs, with Ahmad Norharif Hamidon scoring 37. Man of the match Ashfaqur Rahaman said: “It’s a tremendous feeling to make such an impact in the game. Our loss to Tennyson last week was hard to take, and I’m glad that we have learnt lessons and come back stronger.” Scintilla captain Ayaz Karim said: “The boys have bounced back and our win today was resounding. The manner in which we lost last week was difficult to stomach and we had to hold an inquest in order to move forward. Well done to the team for the win today. We still need to work on our consistency if we are to achieve anything this season. In any sport winning is the only solution to everything.” lThe Scintilla second XI played their latest league game against Redbridge Park CC at the Parmiters Sports Ground. Redbridge won the toss and decided to bat first. They were bowled out for 134. Scintilla scored 138 to win by 8 wickets. Man of the match Yasin Arafat was top scorer with 55 from 60 balls. Moin Arefin struck 40 from 37 balls and Mohammed Khizir added 6 from 9 balls. Captain Shaha Riadh said: “We have returned from a break in our fixtures and it’s nice to see the team have been focussed. I’m very pleased with everybody’s performances today.”

John Biggs revealed his Cabinet at this week’s reconvened AGM of Tower Hamlets Council. It’s a Cabinet drawn exclusively from among Labour Councillors – nine of the 21-strong Labour Group will be collecting Special Responsibility Allowances for taking on a Cabinet portfolio. The criteria on which the Cabinet was selected remain secret. It is thought that the members were actually appointed by the Tower Hamlets Labour Group, which met on Monday to decide who should get the top jobs – in a case of the Labour Councillors giving themselves the paid positions. John Biggs will be relying heavily on his Cabinet members as he tries to juggle his two full-time posts. As well as having executive responsibility for running the whole of Tower Hamlets, he will retain his position on the Greater London Authority – where he is Chair of the committee which scrutinises London Mayor Boris Johnson’s budget for the whole of London and has to deal with all the issues that come up in his huge City & East constituency. The Cabinet is something of a mixed bunch. A majority of members did not grow up in the borough but came here as university graduates. In the main, then, they have not had to spend time homeless and/or on the local housing waiting list or experience, first hand, a need for so many of the services on which the bulk of the population relies and which they will now oversee. The Cabinet members will not personally administer the services (which is what the paid staff do), but they will be responsible for giving them overall political direction. This makes it hard to assess how well the Cabinet will do, as the members have seldom revealed their political visions in the Council Chamber. We are unlikely to see significant change come fast. John Biggs’s manifesto contained few criticisms of the way that most services were run in Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s Administration. Coming in part-way through the financial year, he has a budget in place, a budget with which Labour had few disagreements. John Biggs’s main pledge was, basically, not to be Lutfur Rahman – a pledge he will have little difficulty in keeping. The other main plank of his manifesto was that he would dismantle the trappings of the mayoral office, so we await announcements in this regard. However, by the summer next year’s budget-making will start. As John Biggs grapples with the massive funding cuts coming


Instead of having just one deputy, John Biggs will have three. Statutory Deputy Mayor Sirajul Islam: Housing Management & Performance Additional Deputy Mayor Rachael Saunders: Education, Childrens Services and the Third Sector Additional Deputy Mayor Shiria Khatun: Community Safety Veteran councillor David Edgar will take the key position of Resources & Finance, with newcomer Cllr Rachel Blake having to grapple with Strategic Development. Other posts are: Cllr Ayas Miah: Environment Cllr Joshua Peck: Work & Economic Growth Cllr Amy Whitelock: Health & Adult Services Cllr Asma Begum: Culture from the new Tory Government, he will be under pressure to draw back from the many commitments Mayor Lutfur Rahman put in place to protect the poorest in the Borough. No one would suggest that John Biggs wants to plunge his constituents into poverty and misery, but Labour has a good track record in “taking difficult decisions” – and John Biggs has given no indication of any different political vision. As the budgets go by, it will be interesting to see how the pressure of taking difficult decisions centrally affects the Cabinet Members who will have grown to love their portfolios.

RDF Global maternity projects highlighted at Ramadan event

Emdad Rahman

The Rural Development Foundation (RDF) Global held an Iftar (fast breaking) event at Regents Lake to discuss the maternity support projects being undertaken by the charity’s volunteers and officers. The programme was hosted by Hafiz Naeem. Speakers included TV presenter Mufti Abdul Muntaqim, Molana Shoaib, Sayem Choudhury, Shirazul Hoque, Mahbub Rahman, Khoyrul Shaheed and Muhammad Rahman. Councillor Humayun Kabir said: “I am best pleased to see the progress being made by RDF. It is a noble cause and I request fellow guests to support this team in helping and looking after the welfare of the vulnerable and needy.” RDF Secretary Junad Ahmed Choudhury added: “Our clinic is the very first maternity clinic in Sunamgonj. We have taken leaps and bounds but there is a great deal of work ahead and we hope you will walk this long path with us.” The Managing Director of the weekly Janomot newspaper spoke of his experience of RDF: “When I came to this country I was five years old. We came in search of a better life. My parents travelled back and forth and I regret that I was never able to spend as much time with my mother as I would have liked to. I hope that we can go away from here tonight inspired and committed to offering a little support to this amazing team.” RDF came about as the vision of Alhaj Shamsuz Zaman Choudhury who donated family land in Bangladesh to start the maternity support project. He told London Bangla: “Our aim is to help reduce childbirth related complications and death through education and training. Our maternity services will cover antenatal and postnatal care, family planning services and midwifery education. We request everyone’s prayers, support and goodwill.”

Khoyrul Shaheed from Human Relief Foundation attended as a special guest. “Charity and community activism is all about sharing wealth, resources and manpower to achieve a collective aim. I am impressed with what RDF is doing and I wish them continued success,” he said. RDF Global is a not-for-profit charitable foundation established in 2006 with the aim of developing maternity and women’s healthcare for under privileged people living in rural areas of Bangladesh. The mission is to provide high quality education and life saving healthcare for women and newborn babies, while maintaining utmost respect and the highest regard for their dignity, irrespective of their background. Plans include researching and acquiring information about gaps in current maternity services and factors contributing to maternal mortality rates in Bangladesh. Talha Choudhury from RDF concluded: “Our current project aims to establish a maternity clinic in the rural region of Sunamgonj, which has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in Bangladesh. A few years ago we were a simple pipe dream. The progress has been immense and we are very proud of how friends, family and even complete strangers have joined ranks with us. This gives us the greatest confidence to keep striving.” RDF is carrying out a live appeal on Iqra TV Sky 825 on Friday, 26th June 2015. The donation hotline is 020-7096 0405.


LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015


Charity: do we know what we are giving?

Bangladeshi Muslims living in the United Kingdom and Europe are very kind and generous when it comes to donating money to charity. They have proved their generosity and visibly shown their kindness in the last decade or so by donating millions of pounds through charity collection programmes shown on Bangla TV Channels. Charity has a special status in the religion of Islam. Paying zakat (almsgiving) by those Muslims who are in a financial position to do so and by rich Muslims is one of the five pillars in Islam. Apart from its obligatory nature, general giving to charity is an option highly encouraged and recommended in Islam, for those who do so are very highly regarded in the hereafter. It is mainly this religious spirit and teaching that have made Bangladeshi Muslims become so generous and kind. Individual Bangladeshi Muslims have donated for decade after decade in the past. Most of their individual donations used to be given to their poor and needy relatives. This was, no doubt, a positive approach. However, individual donations had some barriers and limitations. Modern technology and organised collection facilities have made the collection and distribution of charitable donations much easier. Reputable and credible charities with charitable donations to spend can now reach and distribute in places where it would be impossible for an individual to do so. But at the same time, the poor and needy relatives of respective donors appear to be deprived of their shares because of the way in which organisations are collecting donations through electronic media. Donors should therefore conduct a balancing exercise: donating to credible charity organisations so that their donation can reach people and places they cannot reach individually, and at the same time they should not deprive their own close relatives who have rights upon them. It is commonly known that the fee – or charge or service charge – (whatever name it is given) levied by those collecting the donations is one of the important and main sources of the community based TV Channels’ income and funding. There are five Bangla TV Stations in London. In the recent past, there were six. All the Bangla TV Channels are usually seen to be extremely busy with charity activities and collecting donations in the holy month of Ramadhan. Few of them appear to be eagerly waiting throughout the year for the month of Ramadhan to come! During other months of the year, charity collections are arranged only occasionally. On the occasion of special days (e.g., Ashura, Eide-Miladunnabi, Sob-e-Barat, Eidul Azha, Meraj, etc.), the charity collection programmes are routinely arranged as well. Two things are fundamental for viewers in general and for donors in particular, which they ought to know and consider while donating. lFirst is the money the TV Channels make through their charges. The TV Channels do not disclose how much they normally

charge, and nor do the charities concerned with collecting donations reveal how much they are required to pay to the respective Channels. Even the callers themselves, when they ask over the phone, are not told. The donors may not know that the whole amount they have donated, or at least a significant portion of it, may not reach the actual beneficiaries at all, for the amounts collected by some charity organisations are often almost the same or only a little more than the charges those charities had to pay to the TV Channels for facilitating their charity collection programmes. lSecond is the question of the transparency and accountability of the charity organisations that collect donations. This is the most important factor. Although there are some nationally and internationally reputable charities which collect donations, whose credibility and transparency are beyond any doubt or question, there are some charity organisations whose credibility, transparency and accountability are very doubtful and questionable. There are some dubious charity organisations which have seen allegations made against the individuals who are behind them. They do not have clean hands, and nor do they have a clean past. Are thousands, often millions, of pounds safe and secured at their hands and at the charities they run and operate? It is worth remembering that putting money into the hands of the wrong persons and wrong organisations does not only deprive legitimate beneficiaries, but these moneys can also be used in wrong ways, for destructive purposes and activities. There are no proper mechanisms for ensuring the full transparency and accountability of most of the charitable organisations which make appeals at this time. Do the funds reach their destination? Have the beneficiaries – the desperate, needy and destitute for whom these very funds were collected – received those funds? Have the funds been spent on the purposes for which they were collected? Money for thousands of cows for qurbani, for example, may have been collected – but how many cows have actually been bought and given qurbani? There is no way to confirm or verify this with absolute certainty. The regulatory bodies, such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Charity Commission, can do little when the funds have gone abroad. There are no uniform or standard criteria among the Bangla TV Channels for vetting the organisations which collect charitable donations. The approach the TV Channels take to selecting organisations, and the methods they use, vary from one to another. One or two Bangla TV channels appear to be relatively strict in checking the records and credibility of the organisations before giving them the opportunity and facilities to collect donations from the public, while other TV Channels do not appear to be following the same suit. This is why some organisations have

Emdad takes a leap of faith

Emdad Rahman has completed an abseil off the roof of the Royal London Hospital to raise money for London’s Air Ambulance Service – including for a planned second helicopter for the capital. Emdad joined an array of abseilers including celebrity Larry Lamb to take the plunge off the helipad situated on the roof of the East End hospital. Emdad said: “I grew up in the shadow of the Royal London Hospital and the whirring helicopter has been and still is a vital everyday feature of my life and the lives of many Londoners. It’s a smashing charity. The helicopter is based on top of the Royal London Hospital and this building itself holds poignant memories for me. My brothers and sisters were born there, and

also my nephews, nieces and my three sons.” London’s Air Ambulance delivers an advanced trauma team to critically injured people in London, serving the 10 million people who live, work and commute within the M25. A second chopper is now thought to be essential. The total cost of acquiring and sustaining a second helicopter, and extending daylight flying hours, over five years is £6 million. lThe charity hopes to be in a position to have a second helicopter operational by the end of this summer. To sponsor Emdad go to:

Barrister Nazir Ahmed looks at the pros and cons of charity collections on Bangla TV Channels Barrister Nazir Ahmed is a UK based legal expert, analyst, writer and columnist. He can be contacted via e-mail: been seen collecting donations on TV when they were not even registered with the Charity Commission. A few of them have appeared to be using different names, those of registered charities, to collect their donations! Some internationally reputable charity organisations have separate, designated funds set aside to cover their administrative, promotional and campaign costs. They can easily bear the costs of the TV Channels’ service charges, but many charity organisations often struggle to pay the TV Channels’ charges. If that is so, how can they send any net profit from the money collected to putative beneficiaries abroad? For example, a new or unknown charity has collected money at the rate of £500 for a hafiz course. The total money they have collected for 25 huffaz is £12,500. Now, if they are required to pay £5,000-£8,000 to the respective TV Channels by way of the costs or service charges, how will those charities send accurate money for 25 huffaz to Bangladesh? This is very important, since each and every donor has given a fixed amount of money with a specific purpose and intention. This is one example, and many such examples can be given along such lines, such as collections for an Alim course, schemes to sponsor orphans, and so on. Those points ought to be considered by all concerned. I am not against collecting charitable donations at all, be it by electronic media or via other platforms. Being a practising Muslim, I am a profound supporter of charity for two reasons. First, this is because of the religious significance or charitable giving which I have mentioned at the beginning of this article. Second: the homeland, or motherland – or at least the country of origin – of most of the nearly half a million UK Bangladeshi Muslims is Bangladesh, which is relatively a poor and developing country. More than 50% of the people there are destitute and live well below the poverty line. Bangladeshi Muslims living in the UK and Europe are financially better off than their peers who live in Bangladesh. Thus, they have a great role to play. They can contribute a great deal in alleviating poverty and changing the lives of millions. My only concern is the lack of proper transparency and accountability of the various players involved in collecting the charitable donations. lAll those involved, directly or indirectly, with charity collection and distribution must come forward to maintain and ensure the utmost transparency and accountability. It is the public’s money and beneficiaries’ rights they are dealing with. lThe donors must be careful where they are donating. They should be made aware of the various charges, either by the organisations concerned or by the respective TV Channels, through free and frank disclosure. lThe donors should collectively demand that the organisations handling their donations are accountable and that they feed information back to the donors on how the donations have truly been spent. lThe TV Channels should strive to form a uniform procedure for selecting organisations which may collect charitable donations, which is based on robust and vigorous checks and assessment. lThe regulatory bodies should be more proactive to promote and ensure full transparency and accountability of all those involved.

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 26 June 2015

Arts ‘n’ Ents & Out ‘n’ About


Unsigned but not unsighted

Broadgate’s going LIVE this summer – for free!

Broadgate is a 30 acre site around Liverpool Street station, which now counts itself as part of the City of London. Recent development has seen the area brought together and managed so that the open spaces and facilities can be used by the working population for leisure and relaxation in their work breaks. The site is home to various events this summer, as well as parts of the City of London Festival. Most of the events are free and taking place in public areas – offering additional entertainment to the nearby East London community. The series of event – held under the common name of “Summer Live” – will include big screen broadcasts of sports events (such as Wimbledon and the Rugby World Cup) and sporty things you can do – including, for example, the world’s only pop-up Street Velodrome. There will also be films and theatre – with London Contemporary Theatre performing open air productions of the Wind in the Willows and Twelfth Night. Music, acrobatics, dance and circus performances will also be included. The Broadgate area may not have been your first choice for a good night out, but with its restaurants, cafés, bars and street food from across the globe it could offer you everything you need for an evening off. lSummer Live Highlights The big outdoor screen in Exchange Square (free to watch) Wimbledon 2015, 29th June-10th July Tour De France, 14-24th July Cricket, Ashes series 2015, 29th July-10th August Rugby World Cup, 18th September-30th October Films will be shown in between the sports broadcasts

If you’ve been going round London’s festivals over the last couple of years, you might have noticed an Unsigned London stage tucked away in a corner. Now Unsigned has come of age and is striking out on her own – with a brand new, stand-alone, two-day event in Shoreditch Park at the start of July. Unsigned London is about all things live, unknown and unsigned – yet full of potential, and the new event aims to showcase the best of London’s emerging live music talent. Over 150 of the city’s brightest talents in indie, rock, jazz, folk, R&B, reggae, classical and electronic music will strut their stuff on one of the four stages. Their performances will be accompanied by a selection of specially produced music programmes curated by some of the top names in the business. Prolific venue Glasswerk will work alongside promoters and artists such as Urban Development, Dead or Alive, Hotvox, Slug Couture, Chaos Theory, Secret Society, Unite PR, All Night Long, Plug In To Perform, Lyrically Challenged, Folk Law and Before the Gold Rush to elevate their chosen acts, resulting in the most authentic live music experience of the year. YouTube music channels Garage Door and Get Lifted TV are also on board to add another dimension. Along with the extensive music line-up, the event will feature TogetherTheyCome fashion market programmers packed full of edgy and creative new designer brands, alongside some of London’s finest food traders, creating a buzzing bazaar-like experience. A record fair will also be central to the festival, selling

THAMES: all that’s current this summer

Tower Hamlets Arts and Music Education Service (THAMES) is hosting a fabulous summer of free music events. Borough Beats returns for a seventh year on Friday, 26th June, at Hackney Round Chapel from 6-7.30pm. Students from Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Barking & Dagenham will perform a free concert of percussion and drumming from all around the world. Previous concerts have seen more than 300 students playing together. Music styles including dhol, percussion, samba and Afro Cuban will be performed on steel pans, African drums and dance. The Celebration Concert will be held at York Hall in Old Ford Road from 6-8pm on Wednesday, 1st July. It will feature guitars, strings and woodwind instruments and there will be a joint finale performance from Tower Hamlets Youth Orchestra and the THAMES Awards Orchestra. All of the students in the Youth Orchestra have rehearsed with guest conductor Phillip Scott. Parents and families are welcome to attend the Celebration Concert for free. On Saturday, 11th July the THAMES Saturday Music Centre will perform their summer concert. Students meet every Saturday morning to form music ensembles such as orchestras and choirs.

Once I promised an island that now is sinking in the singing water, crowded with chorus. Poems of epic.

lCity of London festival, Broadgate Circle and Finsbury Avenue Square, 22nd June-3rd July

lRock the Boat Street Guitars, until 10th July

lOpen air theatre, Broadgate Circle, 1st and 15th August

lKeep an eye on for more information on these events and for additional announcements.

The concert will showcase a huge range of styles from 10.30am12.30pm at St Paul's Way Trust School. lFor more information about THAMES, go to: Poems of Epicby Dr Amanullah Ashru

lPopup StreetVelodrome, Exchange Square, 12-13th August

lFinsbury Avenue Square Aerial acrobatics and energetic street theatre performances at various times. Anyday (A Catalan acrobat brings techniques from theatre and dance to a trampoline), 29th June, 12:30pm Full Stop (In a bus shelter an anarchic show portrays a hilarious action packed 24 hours in 24 minutes), 30th June, 12.30pm and 2pm Bar Story (Fast-paced dance and drama), 3rd July, 12.30pm and 1:45pm

a mix of musical genres by the coolest national and international dealers of quality vinyl, CDs and music memorabilia. To top it all off, a funfair will be onsite keeping all the family entertained. London has long been a mecca for music fans of all kinds, yet in recent years a combination of venue closures and extortionately priced gigs and festivals have made it all too difficult to stumble into a free gig and discover an amazing new band. Inspired by these challenges, Unsigned London aims to revitalise London’s undiscovered music scene for an exciting weekend of eclectic performances. Join us: you could be among the first music lovers to hear the Next Big Thing – before they were famous! Unsigned London 4th & 5th July 2015 Shoreditch Park, New North Road, N1 6TA Saturday: 12 noon-9pm Sunday: 12 noon-7pm For more information, go to: Register for tickets:

It field good!

The organisers of Field Day 2015 – a mighty weekend pop festival in Victoria Park (photo, above, by Carolina Faruolo) – are thanking everyone who attended for making the event truly special. True to form, their last act before taking a well earned rest was to point out that Super Early-Bird Tickets for Field Day 2016 are already available! Next year’s event will be held on 11th and 12th June. Tickets (Saturday - £45, Sunday - £35, Weekend - £70) are available from: Some of the artists who played at Field Day 2015 – Django Django, Ghost Culture, Jane Weaver and Outfit – have shows of their own coming up in the autumn. For more information, to go:

I grow to search, see my own growth, island outgrowth in my body, crowded with metaphysical values Poems of epic.

I see myself as a city, a lover’s empire, flowers image, relationship definite, crowded with degenerations. Poems of epic.

I bridge the network of hopes, hopes of growing and strengthening life, impact that is only adventitious, crowded will redemptious. Poems of epic.











human appeal

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Shine a light this Ramadan Save a life at 0161 225 0225 light

London Bangla published by Khobor Publication Limited, Montefiore Centre, Hanbury Street, London E1 5HZ. Tel: 020 7247 3006. Email: Web:

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