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AP\ ßk mTM Ax Pl j hr JP ~PZ m IJo KhP ∂t .co kp ßpJV gla F T n a kJb b





ISSUE 08/18, FRIDAY 15 May 2015

11 \Mj ßT yPòj aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr jfáj ßo~r? u¥jmJÄuJKrPkJat: @VJoL 11A \Mj 2015AÄ aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr jfáj KjmtJyL Po~r KjmtJYjÇ 2014 xJPur 22Po 37 yJ\Jr ßnJPa KjmtJKYf KjmtJyL ßo~r uM“lár ryoJjPT KjmtJYjL @hJuf TfítT IkxJrPjr kr jfáj TPr F KjmtJYj IjMKÔf yPòÇ F KjmtJYjPT KWPr \·jJ T·jJr ßvw ßjAÇ @hJuPfr rJP~r kr IkxJKrf uM“lár ryoJPjr kPã kNmt u¥Pjr S~JaJr KuKuPf \JfL~ S ˙JjL~ ßjfímOPªr CkK˙KfPf yJ\Jr yJ\Jr ßuJPTr xoJPmv yP~PZÇ \JjJPVPZ, KjmtJKYf ßo~rPT IkxJrPjr kr TJCK¿Pur KmKnjú ... kOÔJ 24

KxPua xhr FPxJKxP~vPjr KÆ-mJKwtT xPÿuj xŒjú

u¥jmJÄuJKrPkJat: Ifq∂ @jªWj kKrPmPv KmkMu C“xJy C¨LkjJr oiq KhP~ Vf 3rJ Po ... kOÔJ 02

Po~r k´JgtL rJKmjJ UJj

KjP\r ßpJVqfJ S uMfláPrr Cjú~j TotxNYL pJr oNu vKÜ o∂mq k´KfPmhj: rJKmjJ UJjÇ FA oMÉPft aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPx IJPuJKYf jJoÇ TJCK¿uJr mJ yJCK\Ä TqJKmPja xhxq KyPxPm xMjJo gJTPuS TKoCKjKaPf FPfJ ßmvL kKrKYf KZPuj jJÇ mJ˜Pm KfKj KTZáaJ Kjrm TotLÇ 2010 xJPu PumJr TJCK¿uJr KyPxPm ÊrΔ TPr kPr f“TJKuj ßo~r uMflár ryoJPjr KaPo

ßpJVhJPjr oJiqPo xKâ~ yj rJKmjJÇ fPm fJr FTKa IJuJhJ Im˙Jj IJPZ IJPV ßgPTAÇ KfKj k´J~ 20 mZr pJmf fJr KâP~Kan TJ\ FmÄ xoJ\ xÄKväÓ YJTárLr oJiqPo TKoCKjKar Inq∂Pr KZPuj FTJ∂ nJPmÇ xJoKV´T nJPm fPfJaJ kKrKYf jJ yPuS pJrJ fJr xJPg TJ\ TPrPZj, fJr ßxmJ ... kOÔJ 24

KmsPaPj oMxKuo FoKkr xÄUqJ mOK≠ KvuÄP~ xJuJyC¨Lj

Ikyre jJ @®PVJkj? u¥jmJÄuJKrPkJat: Vf 10 oJYt dJTJr C•rJ ßgPT KjPUJÅ\ yS~J KmFjKkr pMVì oyJxKYm xJuJy C¨Lj @yPoh Fr xºqJj kJS~J ßVPZ oñumJr nJrPfr KvuÄP~Ç ßxUJPj fJPT ßYJU mJÅiJ Im˙J~ PT mJ TJrJ ßlPu PrPU pJ~Ç ˙JjL~ FTKa yJxkJfJu ßgPT ˘LPT ßlJPj KfKj ßmÅPY @PZj \JjJPu UmrKa KoKc~Jr oJiqPo ßhv KmPhPvr oJjMw \JjPf kJPrÇ Fr kr ßgPTA xrTJr S KmFjKkr ßjfJPhr oPiq YuPZ PhJwJÀPkr ßUuJÇ ˝rJÓsoπL ... kOÔJ 24

u¥jmJÄuJKrPkJat: KmsPaPjr rJ\jLKfPf KmKnjú rJ\QjKfT hPur yP~ oMxKuo rJ\jLKfKmhVe èÀfôkeN t ... kOÔJ 24

PˆkjL S~JPct TJCK¿uJr kPh KjmtJYjL k´YJrjJ \o\oJa u¥jmJÄuJ KrPkJat: @VJoL 11A \Mj IjMKÓfmq CkKjmtJYPj aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr ߈kjL S~JPct TJCK¿uJr kPh KjmtJYjL k´YJrjJ \o\oJa yP~ CPbPZÇ Vf TJu 14A ßo jKoPjvj \oJ ßh~Jr ßvw fJKrU KZuÇ KT∂á x÷Jmq k´JgtLrJ @V ßgPT KjmtJYjL oJPb ^JÅKkP~ kPzPZjÇ xJPmT KjmtJyL ßo~r uM“lár ryoJPjr KaPor xogtj KjP~ TJCK¿uJr kPh hJÅKzP~PZj pMmPjfJ S KmKvÓ xoJ\TotL ... kOÔJ 24

uMflMrPT xogtj TrJ~ PumJr PgPT KâKˆj PvJâla xJoK~T mrUJ˜

u¥jmJÄuJKrPkJat: aJS~Jr yqJoPuax TJCK¿Pur xJPmT Po~r uMflMr ryoJjPT xogtj TrJ~ PumJr PgPT xJoK~T mrUJ˜ yP~PZj KâKˆj PvJâla Ç KfKj PumJr kJKatr ... kOÔJ 24

Km\P~r kr IJjPª CuäKxf KaCKuk 8 Po 2015 F k´TJKvf TqJoPcj KjC \JjtJu Fr k´óZh



LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

xlJf CuqJy Có KmhqJuP~r k´JÜj ZJ© ZJ©LPhr kMjtKouLjL IjMKÔf

xM jJoV† ß\uJr \VjúJgkMr gJjJr GKfyqmJyLÛá u xlJf CuqJy Có KmhqJu~Ç FA Ûá P ur pMÜrJ\q k´m JxL k´ J Üj ZJ© ZJ©LPhr kM j t K oujL S xJÄÛí K fT IjM Ô Jj Vf 28 FKk´ u oñumJr kM mt u ¥Pjr S~JaJruLuLPf IjM K Ôf y~Ç l\uM u TKrPor xnJkKfPfô IjM K Ôf xnJ~ ßoJ: @TfJÀöJoJj, lUÀu @K’~J, ßxrj Ko~J, xJAlá u AxuJo S \JyJñLr @uo kJPmu Fr ßpRg kKrYJujJ~ IjM K Ôf y~Ç xnJr ÊÀPf kKm© ßTJr@j ßfuJS~Jf TPrj @Kor ßyJPxjÇ pM Ü rJ\q mxmJxrf k´ J Üj ZJ©

ZJ©LPhr oPiq CkK˙f PgPT mÜmq rJPUj yJKmm @uo, ßTJPrvL, lJÀT

Ko~J, @mM ßuAY, Kyrj Ko~J, oJymMmMu @K’~J, xJoZáu yT ßYRiMrL,

@mM @yoh, ATmJu @yoh, vJyJm CK¨j, vJKoo @yoh, @mM xMKl~Jj

fJuM T hJr, @jZJr @uo Tá P rvL, oyKxj CK¨j, @KojM r ryoJj, ßyJPxj rJæJjL k´oNU Ç xnJr KÆfL~ kPmt KZPuJ oPjJù xÄÛíKfT IjMÔJjÇ pMÜrJ\q˙q KmKvÓ xñLf Kv·L xŒJ ßhS~Jj, jMr\JyJj Kv·L, \JTL T·jJ, ßxJPyu, xJöJh, ÀPmu, oKyCK¨j K\uM, @»Mx xJ•Jr Aoj, xy ˙JjL~ Kv·LmO ª VJj kKrPmvj TPrjÇ FZJzJS @m M x M K l~Jj fJuM T hJr Fr V\u S oJKjTá r ryoJj VKjr pJhM @Vf IKfKgPhr oM≠ TPr ßfJPuJÇ KmùK¬

KxPua xhr FPxJKxP~vPjr KÆ-mJKwtT xPÿuj xŒjú

rKmmJr KxPua xhr FPxJKxP~vPjr KÆmJKwt T xPjìuj kNmt u¥Pjr oK≤KlCrL Px≤JPr IjMKÓf y~Ç xÄVbPjr xnJkKf @K\\ PYRiMrL xnJkKfPfô S xJiJrj xŒJhT PkKrZ @yÿh FmÄ xy xŒJhT jJ\oMu AxuJPor PpRg kKrYJujJ~ xnJr ÊÀPf kKm© PTJr@j PgPT PfuJS~Jf oJiqPo mJKwtT KrPktJa Pkv TPrj PkKrZ @yÿh, PVJuJo PoRuJ S

@KgtT KrPkJa Pkv TPrj @mM TJuJoÇ xnJ~ IjqJjqPhr oPiq mÜmq rJPUj PVJuJo KTmrL~J (KyrJ Ko~J), xJPmT Po~r PxKuo CuäJy, KmKvÓ mqJmxJ~L xJoZMu PyJPxj, PyJxPj @rJ oKfj,

PckMKa ¸LTJr TJCK¿uJr UJKuZ CK¨j, KmKvÓ xÄVbT PoJyJÿh jJKxr CK¨j, pMmPjfJ @KTTMr ryoJj @KTT, xJKyj @yÿh (\P~h), rJ\jLKfKmh @uo PyJPxj, pMm xÄVbT xJmMu xJoZMöJoJj, KmKvÓ mqJmxJ~L S xÄVbT jMÀu AxuJo mJmMu, xJÄmJKhT S xJKyKfqT PVJuJo oJSuJ lJÀT, FcPnJPTa xKhT @yoh, oKyCK¨j @uoVLr, oM K yh, vJKyj @yÿh @ZTr, @mM u yJ~Jf jMÀöJoJj(FTJCP≤c) PuJToJj @yÿh, @o\Jh VJ\L, PxKuo @yÿh, ATmJu uKfl, @jZJr @yÿh, vJy AorJj @yÿh ksoMUÇ xnJ~ mÜJrJ KxPuPar jJjJ xoxqJ xoJiJPj ksmJxLPhr FKVP~ @xJr @yæJj \JjJjJÇ FZJzJ vyPrr Cjú~Pjr iJrJ ImqJyf rJUJr hJmL \JKjP~ KvãJ, rJ˜J WJa, KmoJj mªr ksmJxLPhr xTu xoxqJ xoJiJPj KmKnjú ks˜Jm Pkv TrJ y~Ç 2~ kPmt KjmtJYj TKovjJr TP~Z PYRiMrL S l~\Mu AxuJo uÛPrr PjfíPfô CkK˙f xTPur ofJoPfr KnK•Pf FTT kqJPjPur KmkMu TrfJKu S xogtPj TKovjJrmíª @VJoL 2015-2017 xJPur \jq 49 xhxq KmKvÓ TKoKa PWJwjJ TrJ y~Ç


LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015



on Monday 27 18 April May 2015

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3 KmsKav mJXJuL KjmJtKYf yS~J~ @jª xnJ

KmsKav kJutJPoP≤ KjmtJYPj mJÄuJPhvL mÄPvJØáf Kfj mJXJuL jJrL ÀvjJrJ @uL, ÀkJ yT S KaCKuk KxK¨TL KjmtJKYf yS~J~ IKnjªj \JKjP~PZj TKoCKjKar KmKvÓ mqKÜmVtÇ Vf 8 ßo ÊâmJr mJh

\MÿJ pMÜrJ\q ksmJxL mJXJuL TKoCKjKar CPhqJPV KmsTPuAj \JPo oxK\Ph ßhJ~J oJyKlu S kPr kNmt u¥Pjr oJAPâJ Km\Pjx ßx≤JPr @jª xnJ S KoKÓ Kmfrj TrJ y~Ç Fxo~ KmkMu xÄUqT TKoCKjKa

ßjfímOª CkK˙f KZPujÇ KmsTPuAj oxK\Phr nJrk´J¬ PY~JroqJj @uyJ\ô xJöJhMr ryoJPjr xnJkKfPfô S TKoCKjKa ßjfJ @»Mu IhMh xJPTJr kKrYJujJ~ xnJ~ mÜífJ TPrj pMÜrJ\q @S~JoLuLPVr xnJkKf xMufJj oJyoMh vrLl, KxPua KxKa TrPkJPrvPjr xJPmT Po~r mhr C¨j TorJj, KxPua P\uJ @S~JoL uLPVr xJiJrj xŒJhT KxPua 2 @xPjr xJPmT xJÄxh vKlTMr ryoJj PYRiMrL, pMÜrJ\q @S~JoLuLPVr pMVì xŒJhT oJÀl @yoh PYRiMrL, h¬r xŒJhT vJy vJoLo @yPoh, pMm S âLzJ xŒJhT fJKrl @yoh, oJjmJKiTJr xŒJhT xJrm @uL, u¥u oyJjVr @S~JoLuLPVr xnJkKf jMÀu yT uJuJ Ko~J, FcPnJPTa vJy lJÀT @yoh, @»Mu IhMh oTMu, AKu~Jx Ko~J, vJP~T @yoh, xJrS~Jr TKmr, @»Mu @uL rCl, @KojMu yT K\uM, fÀj uLPVr xnJkKf \MmJP~r @yohÇ xnJ~ PhJ~J kKrYJujJ TPrj oJSuJjJ vKlTMr ryoJj KmkämLÇ

pMÜrJ\q \JxJx'r \rΔrL ‰mbPT èrΔfôkNet Kx≠J∂ VOyLf mJÄuJPhv \JfL~fJmJhL xJoJK\T-xJÄÛíKfT xÄ˙J(\JxJx) pMÜrJ\q vJUJr TJptKjmtJyL TKoKar FT \rΔrL xnJ Vf 7A ßo Aˆ u¥Pjr mäM oMj ßx≤JPr IjMKÔf y~Ç pMÜrJ\q \JxJx'r xnJkKf Fo F xJuJo'r xnJkKfPfô S KxKj~r pMVì xJiJre xŒJhT fJ\mLr ßYRiMrL KvoMu kKrYJujJ~ CÜ xnJ~ CkK˙f KZPuj pMÜrJ\q \JxJx'r TJptkKrwh ßjfímOª, KmKnjú ß\JjJu TKoKar hJK~fôk´J¬ ßjfímOªÇ xnJ~ pMÜrJ\q vJUJr mftoJj xJiJrj xŒJhT ATmJu ßyJxJAPjr KmrΔP≠ IxJÄVbKjT TJptTuJk, xÄVbPjr oPiq humJ\L-PTJªu S KmÃJK∂ xOKÓ FmÄ hPur YuoJj xrTJr KmPrJiL IJPªJuPj KjKÙ~fJr IKnPpJV FPj ACPT \JxJx xnJkKfr TJPZ IjJ˙J k´˜Jm C™Jkj TrJ y~Ç xnJ~ KmKnjú ß\JjJu TKoKar ßjfímOªS IjJ˙J k´˜Jm IJPjjÇ Frkr xnJr xÿKfâPo pMÜrJ\q \JxJx'r ßxPâaJrLPT ImqyKf k´hJPjr Kx≠J∂ IJoPu ßj~J y~Ç fJr \J~VJ~ xÄVbPjr TJptâoPT VKfvLu rJUJr uPãq ACPT \JxJx'r KxKj~r pMVì xJiJre xŒJhT KmVf xoP~r kKrv´oL xlu nJrk´J¬ xJiJre xŒJhT fJ\mLr ßYRiMrL KvoMuPT kMjrJ~ kNPmtr hJK~Pfô myJPur Kx≠J∂ VOyLf TrJr \jq ß\Jr hJmL

\JjJjÇ xnJ~ xÄVbPjr TJptâo IJPrJ VKfvLu TrJr uPãq KmVf IJPªJuj-xÄV´JPo TKfk~ fqJVL ßjfOmOªPT ßTJ-I¡ TrJr Kx≠J∂ VOyLf y~Ç CÜ \rΔrL xnJ~ CkK˙f KZPuj ACPT \JxJx xnJkKf Fo F xJuJo, xyxnJkKf pgJâPo Ko\JjMr ryoJj, xJoxMu AxuJo vJKyj, Kj\Jo Fo ryoJj, Ko\Jj mé, vKrláu AxuJo, FmJhMr ryoJj, \JxJx ßTªsL~ xhxq oMyJÿh IJKxl AxuJoÇ pMVì xŒJhT pgJâPo fJ\mLr ßYRiMrL KvoMu, TJoJu IJyoh, rJPxu ßYRiMrL(h¬r xŒJhT), xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT IJmMu ßyJPxj IJuo, I†jJ IJuoÇ u¥j oyJjVr xnJkKf mhrΔu AxuJo, ßxPâaJrL ßfRKlT ßYRiMrL, xyxnJkKf pgJâPo c. rΔÉu IJKoj, c. \Jlr AoJo, oLr IJ»Mr ryoJj, jJ\oMu AxuJo, xJKhT IJyohÇ KjCyJo xnJkKf IJmMu ßyJPxj, ßxPâaJrL IJKrl KmuäJy, Aˆ u¥j \JxJx IJymJ~T ßoJfJyJr ßyJPxj Kuaj, pMVì IJymJ~T ßrJTj IJyoh, FPxé \JxJx xnJkKf \JuJu C¨Lj, ßxPâaJrL FcPnJPTa IJPjJ~Jr IJyohÇ oKyuJ \JxJx ßjfímOPªr oPiq CkK˙f KZPuj ZJ~J IJÜJr ßrUJ, ßryJjJ xMKo, ßxJKj~J fJxKuo, rJPm~J IJÜJr k´oMUÇ

KhrJA gJjJ SP~uPl~Jr FPxJKPxP~vj xJPxé Fr IKnPwT IjMÔJj xŒjú oJjmfJr TuqJPj KjP\Phr @PrJ ßmKv TPr FKVP~ @xJr @ymJj \JKjP~ k´mJxLPhr FTK©f yP~ TJ\ TrJr @ymJj \JKjP~PZj KhrJA gJjJ SP~uPl~Jr FPxJKPxP~vj xJPxé Fr IKnPwT IjMÔJPj mÜJrJÇ 10Po rKmmJr xJPxé Fr KTÄ @uPl∑c ßuA\Jr ßx≤JPr @P~JK\f F \ÅJT\oT kNjt IjMÔJPjr xnJkKffô TPrj xÄVbPjr xnJkKf Fo F TJA~MoÇ IjMÔJjKa ßpRgnJPm kKrYJujJ TPrj xJiJrj xŒJhT KoKuT Ko~J ßYRiMrL, oKjÀöJoJj rP~u S KakM ßYRiMrLÇ k´iJj IKfKg KZPuj aJS~Jr yqJoPuax Fr xJPmT ßo~r @»Mu @K\\ xrhJrÇ IjMÔJPj k´iJj IKfKg fJr mÜífJ~ mPuj, jfáj k´\jì yu ßhPvr nKmwqfÇ fJPhrPT xKbT KvãJ I\tPjr oJiqPo k´mJPx TKoCKjKar xMjJo I\tPjr kJvJkJKv ßhPvr Cjú~Pj FKVP~ @xPf yPmÇ IjMÔJPj KmPvw IKfKg KZPuj @uyJ\ô rKlT Ko~J, ‰x~h @mMu

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

T Ko C Kj Ka x Ä mJ h

TJPxo, ATmJu ßyJPxj, @KoÀu AxuJo, \MPjh @yPoh, KxK¨T Ko~J, oJfJm Ko~J, @»Mu ojJl, jJ\oMu ßyJPxj YJj Ko~J, vKlT Ko~J, oJxMh xrhJr, cÖr PrJ~Jm CK¨j, mqJKrÓJr vKyhMu yTÇ FZJzJ u¥Pj mxmJxrf KhrJA mJxLrJS IjMÔJPj ßpJV ßhjÇ IjMÔJPj mÜJrJ jfáj xÄVbPjr nKmwqf xlufJ TJojJ TPr ßp PTJj irPjr xJyJpq xyPpJVLfJr @võJx k´hJj TPrjÇ

FPf @PrJ CkK˙f KZPuj, fJKyr rJy~Jj PYRiMrL kJPnu, oJKyr ßyJPxj, flöu ßyJPxj, vJyjMr ßYRiMrL, ßoJPvth Ko~J k´oMUÇ IjMÔJPj ßvPw u¥Pjr UqfjJoJ Kv·L jMr\JyJj Kv·L, vJyjJ\ xMoL, ˙JjL~ Kv·L ß\JPmr @ÜJr xMPyu S vJoxMu AxuJo ÀPmu VJj kKrPmve TPrjÇ @TwtjL~ rqJlu csP~r oJiqPo IjMÔJPjr xoJK¬ WPaÇ

KxPua xhr FPxJKxP~vj Fr KÆmJKwtT xPÿuj IjMKÔf

Ifq∂ @jªWj kKrPmPv KmkMu C“xJy C¨LkjJ xJPg Vf 3rJ ßo, rKmmJr KxPua xhr FPxJKxP~vj Fr CP¨PVq Fr KÆmJKwtT xPÿuj kNmt u¥Pjr oK≤KlCrL ßx≤JPr IjMKÓf y~Ç \jJm @K\\ ßYRiMrL xnJkKfPfô xJiJrj xŒJhT ßkKrZ @yÿh S xy xŒJhT jJ\oMu AxuJPor xJmuLu iJrJKmrjLPf mJKwtT KrPkJta ßkv TPrj \jJm ßkKrZ @yÿh, PVJuJo ßoRuJ S @KgtT KrPkJa @mM TJuJo ßkv TPrjÇ xnJ~ IjqJjqPhr oPiq mÜmq rJPUj xmt\jJm ßVJuJo KTmrL~J (KyrJ Ko~J), xJPmT ßo~r ßxKuo CuäJy KmKvÓ mqJmxJ~L xJoZáu ßyJPxj, ßyJxPj @rJ oKfj, PckMKa ¸LTJr TJCK¿uJr UJKuZ CK¨j, KmKvÓ xÄVbT ßoJyJÿh jJKxr CK¨j, pMmPjfJ @KTTár ryoJj @KTT, xJKyj @yÿh (\P~h) rJ\jLKfKmh @uo ßyJPxj pMm xÄVbT xJmMu, xJoZáöJoJj, KmKvÓ mqJmxJ~L S xÄVbT jMÀu AxuJo mJmMu, xJÄmJKhT S xJKyKfqT ßVJuJo oJSuJ lJÀT,

FcPnJPTa xKhT @yoh, oKyCK¨j @uoVLr, oMKyh, vJKyj @yÿh @ZTr, @mMu yJ~Jf jMÀöJoJj, ßuJToJj @yÿh, @o\Jh VJ\L, PxKuo @yÿh, ATmJu uKfl, @jZJr @yÿh, vJy AorJj @yÿh k´oMUÇ xnJ~ mÜJrJ KxPuPar jJjJj xoxqJ xoJiJPj FKVP~ @xJr @yæJj \JjJjÇ vyPrr Cjú~Pjr iJrJ ImqJyf rJUJr hJmL \JKjP~ KvãJ, rJ˜J WJa, KmoJj mªr k´mJxLPhr xTu xoxqJ xoJiJPj KmKnjú k´˜Jm ßkv TrJ y~Ç 2~ kPmt KjmtJYj TKovjJr TP~Z ßYRiMrL S l~\Mu AxuJo uÛPrr ßjfíPfô CkK˜f xTPur ofJoPfr KnK•Pf FTT kqJPjPur KmkMu TrfJKu S xogtPj TKovjJrmOª @VJoL 2015-2017 xJPur \jq 49 xhxq KmKvÓ TKoKa ßWJwjJ TrJ y~Ç

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015




T Ko C Kj Ka x Ä mJ h

mJÄuJPhPvr IVpJ©J PTC gJoJPf kJrPm jJ : vKlTár ryoJj ßYRiMrL

KxPua ß\uJ IJS~JoL uLPVr xJiJre xŒJhT, xJPmT xÄxh xhxq vKlTár ryoJj ßYRiMrL mPuPZj, mJÄuJPhPvr IV´pJ©JPT ßTC gJoJPf kJrPm jJÇ \jPj©L ßvU yJKxjJr ßjfíPfô mJÄuJPhPvr Cjú~j IJr IV´VKf Kmvõ hrmJPr k´vÄKxfÇ ãáiJ, hJKrhsqoMÜ FTKa IxJŒshJK~T KcK\aJu mJÄuJPhv KmKjotJPer IñLTJr mftoJj xrTJPrrÇ mJÄuJPhPvr k´PfqTKa ACKj~j, CkP\uJ, ß\uJ, KmnJVL~ vyPr TJbJPoJVf Cjú~j yPòÇ ßhPvr Kfj ßTJKa oJjMw A≤JPja ßxmJ V´ye TrPZ, 7 ßTJKa oJjMw ßoJmAu ßlJj mqmyJr TrPZ FxmA ßvU yJKxjJr xrTJPrr xJluqÇ PhPvr Kr\Jnt lJ¥ ßmPzPZ, oJjMPwr IJ~ ßmPzPZÇ KvãJ,Tí K w,IJAKa,Kv·PãP©S xrTJPrr xJluq mqJkTÇ Vf oñumJr, 12 ßo kNmt u¥Pjr

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

@ufJm @uL KhmPxr xoJPmPv mÜJrJ

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2014

KhrJA Có KmhqJuP~r vfmwt kNKft ChpJkPjr uPãq ofKmKjo~ xnJ pMÜrJP\q mxmJxrf k´JÜj ZJ©-ZJ©L S KvãTPhr KjP~ KhrJA CkP\uJr GKfyqmJyL KhrJA Có KmhqJuP~r vfmwtkNKft IjMÔJj ChpJkPjr CPhqJV V´yj TrJ yP~PZÇ CÜ kNjtKoujL IjMÔJj xlPur uPã FT ofKmKjo~ xnJr IJP~J\j TrJ yP~PZÇ

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24Pv ßo 2015 ßrJ\ rKmmJr hMkMr 1.30 WKaTJ Venue:

The Atrium

124-126 Cheshire Street London E2 6ET

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FZJzJS TKoCKjKar KmKvÓ mqKÜmVt IKfKg KyPxPm CkK˙f gJTPmj IJymJPj

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

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● Chairman : Monchab Ali JP ● Editor : K M Abu Taher Choudhury ● Assistant Editor : Akbar Hussain ● Proof Reader : Abdul Hannan ● Birmingham Correspondent : Alais Miah ● Bangladesh Correspondent : Kamal Tayeb ● Special Correspondent : Mahboob Ali Khansur London Bangla News Montefiore Centre,Hanbury Street, London E1 5HZ Published by: Khobor Publication Limited Tel: 020 7247 3006 Email: Web: u¥j mJÄuJ FTKa TKoCKjKar oMUk©Ç Èu¥j mJÄuJ' mJÄuJPhPvr \JfL~ ‰hKjT AP•lJT, AjKTuJm, xÄV´Jo, pMVJ∂r, k´go @PuJ, oJjm \Koj, ‰hKjT IJoJr ßhv, ‰hKjT j~J KhV∂, ßcAuL ÓJr, xJ¬JKyT 2000, kNKetoJ, pJ~pJ~Khj, KmKmKx IjuJAj, ÛJA KjC\, r~aJxt xy CPuäUPpJVq TJV\ S KmKnjú KjC\ FP\K¿r xÄmJh KlYJr S TuJPor xyPpJKVfJ ßj~Jr \jq @orJ fJPhr k´Kf @∂KrTnJPm TífùÇ

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

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mäVJr Ij∂ yfqJTJ§ : ßTC @aT y~Kj nMrKT VsJPo @jPªr mjqJ KxPua, 14 ßo : ßuUT S mäVJr Ij∂ Km\~ hJxPT (32) UMPjr WajJ~ \Kzf ßTC FUPjJ @aT y~KjÇ F mqJkJPr Kjyf IjP∂r mz nJA rPfúvõr hJx mJhL yP~ Vf oñumJr rJPf KxPua KmoJjmªr gJjJ~ oJouJ TPrPZjÇ oJouJ~ IùJf YJr \jPT @xJKo TrJ yP~PZÇ mMimJr KmTJPu KmoJjmªr gJjJr SKx ßVRxMu ßyJPxj \JjJj, YJûuqTr F yfqJTJP§r TîM ChWJaj S yfqJTJrLPhr hsΔf ßV´lfJPr fJrJ xPmtJó ßYÓJ YJKuP~ pJPòjÇ KmùJjojÏ, pMKÜmJhL ßuUJPuKUr TJrPe iotJº ßTJj ßVJÔL F jOvÄx yfqJTJ§ WaJPf kJPr mPu iJreJ TrPZ kMKuvÇ AKfkNPmt ßp TP~T\j mäVJr UMj yj, ßxxm WajJr xPñ Ij∂ yfqJr Kou ßkP~PZ kMKuvÇ FZJzJS kJKrmJKrT, mqKÜVf mJ Ijq ßTJj TJrPe Ij∂ UMj yP~PZj KT-jJ fJS UKfP~ ßhUPZ kMKuvÇ IjP∂r kKrmJPrr kã ßgPT hJP~r TrJ oJouJ~S muJ yP~PZ, ÈPuUJPuKUr TJrPeA iotJº ßTJj \KñPVJÔL Ij∂PT UMj TPr gJTPf kJPrÇ' KxPua oyJjVr kMKuPvr IKfKrÜ CkTKovjJr KoKc~J ryof CuäJy mPuj, ÈSA YJr\Pjr oPiq FT\j KxPuKa nJwJ~ TgJ mPuPZ mPu @orJ xJãLr oJiqPo \JjPf ßkPrKZÇ FUj fJPT UMÅP\ ßmr TrJaJA k´go TJ\Ç @orJ ßxKhPT FPVJKòÇ' kMKuv \JKjP~PZ, yfqJTJP§r hJ~ ˝LTJr TPr aMAaJPr @jxJr mJÄuJ-8 jJPor xÄVbj ßp mJftJ KhP~PZ fJ-S fhP∂r ßãP© èÀfô kJPòÇ F KmwP~ KxPua oyJjVr kMKuPvr TKovjJr TJoÀu @yxJj mPuj, ÈKmw~Ka KmKnjú xÄmJhoJiqPo FPxPZÇ ßxUJj ßgPTA @Ko Kmw~Ka \JjPf ßkPrKZÇ @orJ FaJPT CKzP~ KhKò jJÇ Ijq xm KmwP~r xPñ FaJPTS èÀfô KhP~ fh∂ TrJ yPòÇ' Ij∂ yfqJr k´KfmJPh S UMjLPhr IKmuP’ ßV´lfJPrr hJKmPf Ve\JVre oûxy KmKnjú k´VKfvLu xÄVbPjr @ymJPj VfTJu KxPua oyJjVrLPf @iJPmuJ yrfJu kJKuf yP~PZÇ vJK∂kNet yrfJu kJujPvPw Ve\JVre oû @VJoLTJu ÊâmJr KxPua ßTªsL~ vyLh KojJPr xÄyKf xoJPmv kJuPjr TotxNKY ßWJweJ TPrPZÇ Ij∂ yfqJr k´KfmJPh fJr k´KfPmvLrJ VfTJu jVrLr xMKmhmJ\JPr oJjmmºj TPrPZjÇ vJy\JuJu KmùJj S k´pMKÜ KmvõKmhqJuP~S yP~PZ oJjmmºj S k´KfmJh xoJPmvÇ vJy\JuJu KmvõKmhqJuP~r k´JÜj ZJ©, KmùJj xJoK~TL ÈpMKÜ'r xŒJhT Ij∂ Km\~ hJx yfqJr KmYJr hJKmPf @P~JK\f FA TotxNKYPf CkK˙f yP~KZPuj \jKk´~ ßuUT, IiqJkT \Jlr ATmJu, IiqJkT A~JxKoj yTxy KmvõKmhqJuP~r ZJ©-KvãTrJÇ Fxo~ IiqJkT \Jlr ATmJu mPuj, Ij∂ yfqJTJP§

@oJPhrPT n~ ßkPu YuPm jJÇ @oJPhr KjrJk•J @oJPhr KjP\PhrPTA KjKÁf TrPf yPmÇ Fxm yfqJTJ§ mPº xrTJPrr mqgtfJrS fLms xoJPuJYjJ TPrj KfKjÇ \Jlr ATmJu mPuj, pJrJ xfq TgJ mPu, fJrJ ßpPTJj xo~ UMj yPf kJPrÇ fJA mPu xfq TgJ CóJre TrJ mº TrJ pJPm jJÇ KmKmKx \JjJ~, mJÄuJPhPvr mäVJr S ßuUT Ij∂ hJPvr xJŒ´KfT KnxJr @Pmhj k´fqJUqJj TrJr TgJ ˝LTJr TPrPZ xMAPcjÇ mäVJr Ij∂ Km\~ hJPvr yfqJr kr xMAPcj xrTJr FTKa KmmOKfPf mPuPZ fJrJ KnxJr @Pmhj k´fqJUqJj TPrKZu, KT∂á KfKj KjrJk•Jr TJrPe xMAPcPj @v´~ ßYP~ ßTJPjJ @Pmhj \JjJjKjÇ KmmOKfPf xMAPcPjr xrTJr mPuPZ fJr yfqJr WajJ UMmA ootJK∂TÇ xMAKcv xrTJr FA KmmOKfPf mPuPZ, Ij∂ @v´P~r @Pmhj \JjJPu fJrJ fJ oNuqJ~j TPr ßhUPfjÇ Ve\JVre oPûr oMUkJ© cJ. AorJj FAY xrTJr mPuPZj, xrTJr S rJPÓsr kOÔPkJwTfJPfA Ij∂ Km\~ UMj yP~PZÇ rJ\iJjLr vJymJPV \JfL~ \JhMWPrr xJoPj VfTJu KmTJPu Ij∂ Km\~PT yfqJr k´KfmJPh @P~JK\f xoJPmPv AorJj @PrJ mPuj, FTKhPT mäVJrPhr UMKjrJ ßV´¬Jr yPò jJ, IjqKhPT rJPÓsr kOÔPkJwTfJ~ rJK\m yfqJr UMKjPhr rJPfr @ÅiJPr \JKoj KhP~ KmPhPv kJbJPjJ yPòÇ KxPuPa oMÜojJr mäVJr Ij∂ Km\~ hJx yfqJr WajJPT kJvKmT yfqJTJ§ mPu CPuäU TPr Fr KjªJ \JKjP~PZj dJTJ~ KjpMÜ míKav yJATKovjJr rmJat KVmxjÇ oñumJr hMkMPr FT aMAa mJftJr KfKj F KjªJ \JjJjÇ FTA xPñ mJÄuJPhPvr oJjMPwr \jq mJT ˝JiLjJr \J~VJ gJTJ hrTJr mPu KfKj aMAa mJftJ~ CPuäU TPrjÇ k´xñf, oñumJr xTJPu xMKmhmJ\Jr FuJTJ~ mjTuJkJzJ kMTáPrr kJPv YJr oMPUJviJrL Ij∂PT YJkJKf KhP~ TáKkP~ yfqJ TPrÇ KfKj oMÜojJmäV, xJoPyJ~JrAjmäV S ßlxmMPT KuUPfjÇ KxPuPa Ve\JVre oPûr Ijqfo CPhqJÜJ Ij∂ KmùJj S KmùJjojÛ ßZJa TJV\ ÈpMKÜ'r xŒJhT KZPujÇ oJjmfJ S pMKÜmJh k´KfÔJ~ Ijjq ImhJPjr ˝LTíKf˝„k 2006 xJPu ßkP~KZPuj oMÜojJ rqJvjJKuˆ IqJS~JctÇ KmùJj KmwP~ fJÅr YJrKa V´∫ rP~PZÇ Ij∂ kNmJuL mqJÄPTr xMjJoV† \JC~JmJ\Jr vJUJ~ IqJKx≤qJ≤ ßcPnukPo≤ IKlxJr KyPxPm Totrf KZPujÇ

Job Advert

1) Job ID: Head Imam (Minister of Religion), Job type: Full time Salary: 12,000.00 - 15,000.00 per year, Hours of Work: 35 hours per week Job reference code: BHIS 001 2) Job ID: Assistant Imam (Minister of Religion), Job type: Full time Salary: 10,000.00 - 15,000.00 per year, Hours of Work: 35 hours per week Job reference code: BHIS 002 3) Job ID: General Worker/Fundraiser (Minister of Religion), Job type: Full time Salary: 10,000.00 - 15,000.00 per year, Hours of Work: 35 hours per week Job reference code: BHIS 003 Company: Becontree heath Islamic Society (DCM) Ltd Location: Barking & Dagenham Industries: Non-profit charitable organisations Application methods: Email:

The Becontree Heath Islamic Society (DCM) Ltd exists to facilitate the religious obligation of the five daily prayers which Muslim are required to perform, this being one of the most important tenets of the Islamic faith. It aims to do this by providing a safe and spacious environment for worshippers during the requisite prayer times. It also provides learning facilities for young Muslims and children by instilling values in them which will enable them to contribute to the already rich and diverse society of Great Britain.

The position is required in Dagenham Central Masjid. Closing date for applications is the 31st May 2015. Job Description To provide Islamic religious guidance, practices, and leadership to the local Muslim community in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Sunna of Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him); lead prayers; establish and promote educational and extracurricular programs for adults and youth; lead the establishment of a unified Muslim community welcoming to all Muslims from different backgrounds and cultures; engage with the larger community to promote friendship and understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims in the community. Skills Required Head Imam – qualified and experienced. Experience is required for the Head Imam and it is preferred but not essential for the Assistant Imam and the General worker. A qualification of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Islamic Studies or related field from an accredited higher education institution is required for the post of Head Imam. Candidates must have good communication skills, be flexible, confident and have a positive attitude, Initiative and self-manage capability. Ability to solve problems quickly and effectively, knowledge and understanding of Islamic faith as a whole, curious personality, eager to learn and grow, takes initiative and always goes the 'extra mile.

Please submit your interest in writing, ensuring you submit your resume / CV to: Chief Executive Director Dagenham Central Masjid 798 Green Lane, Dagenham, Essex RM8 1YT Reg. Charity No. 1131215.

9 Po 2015: aJjJ KÆfL~mJPrr oPfJ míPaj kJutJPo≤ KjmtJYPj FoKk KjmtJKYf yP~PZj KmvõjJPgr PoP~ PrJvjJrJ @uLÇ míPaPjr PumJr kJKat PgPT oPjJj~j PkP~ KxPuPar PoP~ PrJvjJrJ @uL xíKÓ TPrj F AKfyJxÇ Foj xÄmJPh ÊâmJr hMkMPr @jPª CòôKxf KZu KmvõjJPgr xmt©Ç KoKÓ KmfrePTJuJTMKur oJiqPo FA @jª ksTJv TPrj CkP\uJmJxLÇ FKhPT Km\~L yPf kPr ˙JjL~ VeoJiqPo KxPuaxy PhvmJxLr ksKf TífùfJ ksTJv TPrPZj PrJvjJrJ @uLÇ F xo~ KfKj nKmwq“ xJlPuqr \jq xTPur TJPZ PhJ~J TJojJ TPrjÇ míPaPjr kJutJPo≤ KjmtJYPjr AKfyJPx KÆfL~mJPrr oPfJ mJXJKu KyPxPm PrJvjJrJ @uL FoKk KjmtJKYf yS~J~ fJr KkfínNKo KmvõjJPgr oPfJ Kj\VsJo CkP\uJr uJoJTJ\L ACKj~Pjr nMrKT VsJPoS KZu @jPªr mjqJÇ ÀvjJrJ @uL KxPuPar KmvõjJg CkP\uJr uJoJTJ\L ACKj~Pjr nMrKT VsJPor ksmJxL @lfJm @uL S rJjM PmVo hŒKfr 2~ TjqJÇ 1975 xJPur 14 oJYt \jìVsye TPrj ÀvjJrJ @uLÇ fJr cJT jJo ˝kúJÇ oJ© 7 mZr m~Px ÈnMrKT xrTJKr ksJgKoT KmhqJuP~r' ZJ©L PrJvjJrJ @uL KkfJ-oJfJr xPñ kJKz \oJj pMÜrJP\qÇ PxUJPj

pJS~Jr kr KfKj u¥Pjr oJuPmKr ÛMPu kzJPvJjJ TPrjÇ Frkr KfKj IéPlJct KmvõKmhqJu~ PgPT rJ\jLKf, IgtjLKf S hvtPj KcKVs I\tj TPrjÇ ÀvjJrJ @uL TJ\ TPrPZj kJutJPoP≤, lPrj IKlx, PyJo IKlx S @AKkKk@r-FÇ FZJzJ KfKj FT\j hã xÄVbT S PuUTÇ \JjJ PVPZ, ÀvjJrJ @uLr Km\P~ nMrKT VsJPor xJiJre oJjMPwr oJP^ uãq TrJ pJ~ IjqrTo FT @jPªr ZJkÇ KvÊ PgPT mí≠ xm m~Pxr oJjMPwr oPj KZu mJÅinJXJ CòôJxÇ VsJPor 70 D±t mí≠ fJPhr ksKfKâ~JPf mPuj, \Lm¨vJ~ F rTo @jPªr xÄmJh TUjS kJjKjÇ @vJ TKr PrJvjJrJ Kmvõ hrmJPrS nMrKT fgJ KmvõjJg FmÄ mJÄuJPhPvr jJoKaPT @rS Cöôu TrPmÇ CkP\uJr FTKa IP\JkJzJ VsJo nMrKTÇ TíKwPf ˝~ÄxŒNet gJTPuS nMrKT VsJoKa FUjS jJjJj xoxqJ~ \\tKrf rP~PZÇ fPm PrJvjJrJ @uL míPaPjr KÆfL~mJPrr oPfJ mJXJKu FoKk KjmtJKYf yS~J~ fJr \jìnNKo nMrKT VsJoS YPu FPxPZ @PuJYjJ~Ç KjP\r jJPor Igt KhP~A Ppj PrJvjJrJ @uL @PuJKYf TPrPZj Kj\ VsJo nMrKT fgJ mJÄuJPhvPTÇ fJA fJPT KjP~ CkP\uJmJxLr VPmtr I∂ PjAÇ



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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

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KxPuPa KZjfJA @fï : ZJ©-xÄVbPjr ßjfJTotL KxPuPa mqmxJ~LPT VuJ ßTPa yfqJ : S KxFjK\ YJuTPhr xÄKväÓfJr IKnPpJV KxKx TqJPorJ~ vjJÜ ÈUMKjrJ' ZJ©uLPVr KxPua, 11 ßo : k´mJxL IiMqKwf KxPua jVrLPf xŒ´Kf KZjfJAP~r WajJ ßmPz ßVPZÇ FPf jVrmJxL @fKïf yP~ kPzPZjÇ IKiTJÄv ßãP© KZjfJATJrLPhr k´iJj aJPVta yPòj kptaT, ßasj mJ mJPxr pJ©L, k´mJxL, mqmxJ~L, KmvõKmhqJuP~r KvãT-KvãJgtL S yJxkJfJPu @xJ ßrJVLr ˝\jrJÇ mJ\JPr mJ cJÜJr ßhUJPf @xJ FTaM m~Û ßuJPTrJS KZjfJAP~r KvTJr yPòj k´J~AÇ jJjJ ^JPouJr TJrPe nMÜPnJVLrJ F mqJkJPr gJjJ~ IKnPpJV TrPZj jJÇ jVrLPf Fxm KZjfJAP~r xPñ ZJ© xÄVbPjr ßTJj ßTJj ßjfJTotL S KxFjK\ IPaJKrJ YJuTrJ \Kzf rP~PZ mPu IKnPpJV rP~PZÇ fPm kMKuv TotTftJrJ muPZj, KZjfJATJrLPhr ßTJj rJ\QjKfT kKrY~ gJTPf kJPr jJÇ KZjfJATJrLPhr irPf fJKuTJ yPò mPu fJrJ \JjJjÇ xÄKväÓ FTKa xN© \JjJ~, jVrLr KxFjK\ IPaJKrJ ˆqJ¥ S KmKnjú VKur kJPvA gJPT KZjfJATJrL YâÇ mªr mJ\Jr ßkkJr kP~P≤r KjTa k´J~A xJiJre oJjMPwr aJTJ-k~xJ S ßoJmJAu yJKfP~ ßj~Jr WajJ WaPZÇ ßoJar xJAPTu KhP~ KrJ @aKTP~ jJrLPhr ˝Petr ßYAj, yJPfr mJuJ, ßoJmJAu KZKjP~ ßj~Jr WajJS WaPZÇ IPjT xo~ KvTJrPT IPaJKrJPf FT rTo ß\Jr TPr fMPu ßj~J yPòÇ fJrkr KjKrKmKu ˙JPj KVP~ xm KTZM ßTPz KjP~ ßjPo kzPZ KZjfJATJrLrJÇ TP~TKhj @PV FrTo FTJKiT WajJ WPaPZ ß\uJ ßrJc FuJTJ~Ç ßTJj ßTJj xo~ KZjfJATJrLrJ irJ kzPu KoaoJa TPr ßhj IPaJKrJ ˆqJP¥r xJPg xŒOÜrJÇ IKnPpJV rP~PZ, ßTJj ßTJj ˆqJP¥ KZjfJATJrL YPâr xJPg fJPhr WKjÓ xŒTt rP~PZÇ @mJr ZJ© xÄVbPjr xJPgS KZfJATJrLrJ

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KxPua ßrP†r 8 kMKuv TotTftJPT kMrÛJr k´hJj KxPua, 13 ßo : kMKuPvr KxPua ßrP†r KmKnjú ß\uJr IKlxJrPhr xJlPuqr ˝LTíKf ˝„k xjhk© S kMrÛJr k´hJj TrJ yP~PZÇ Vf oñumJr hMkMPr Kc@AK\r TJptJuP~ FA kMrÛJr ßh~J y~Ç kMrÛJrk´J¬Phr yJPf xjhk© fMPu ßhj kMKuPvr KxPua ßrP†r Kc@AK\ ßoJ”

Ko\JjMr ryoJj KkKkFoÇ Vf FKk´u oJPxr TJptâo kptJPuJYjJ TPr KxPua ßrP† Totrf IKlxJrPhr nJPuJ TJP\r ˝LTíKf ˝„k xjhk© S @KgtT kMrÛJr k´hJj TrJ y~Ç

KxPua, 12 ßo : KxPuPa mqmxJ~L ßoJ. @ÜJr ßyJPxj SrPl rJÉuPT VuJ ßTPa yfqJ TPr uJv ßcsPj ßlPu ßhS~Jr jOvÄx WajJ~ \Kzf mqKÜrJ ÈZJ©uLPVr xπJxL'Ç ßTîJ\c xJKTta TqJPorJr (KxKx) hOvq ßhPU fJÅPhr vjJÜ TPrPZ kMKuvÇ FKhPT yfqJTJP§r k´J~ FT oJx kr Vf ßrJmmJr rJPf kMKuv IKnpJj YJKuP~ xPªynJ\j hMA UMKjPT ßV´¬Jr TPrPZÇ ßV´¬Jr FT\Pjr TJZ ßgPT C≠Jr TrJ yP~PZ FTKa Kk˜uÇ yfqJTJP§ @rS kJÅY\j \Kzf mPu kMKuv \JjJ~Ç kMKuPvr nJwq, irJ kzJ hM\jA ZJ©uLPVr TqJcJr (I˘iJrL xπJxL)Ç KxPua ohj ßoJyj TPu\ vJUJ ZJ©uLPVr @Kikfq Km˜Jr KjP~ f“kr xÄVbPjr FTKa kPãr TqJcJr F hM\j yPuj IKnK\“ hJx S KkÄTM Yªs hJxÇ fJÅrJ ohj ßoJyj TPuP\r k´JÜj ZJ©Ç k´JÜj ZJ© yPuS TPu\PTKªsT ZJ©uLPVr FTKa kPã FUPjJ xKâ~ fJÅrJÇ kMKuv \JjJ~, Vf ßxJomJr hMkMPr IKnK\“PT xJf KhPjr KroJP¥ ßjS~Jr @Pmhj ßYP~ @hJuPfr oJiqPo ß\uyJ\Pf kJbJPjJ yP~PZÇ KkÄTMr TJZ ßgPT Kk˜u C≠Jr yS~J~ IP˘r C“x xŒPTt \JjPf fJÅPT FrA oPiq K\ùJxJmJh YuPZÇ xMjJoVP†r \~jVPrr xrhJrkMr FuJTJr FTKa mJKz ßgPT ßrJmmJr rJPf IKnK\“PT ßV´¬Jr TrJ y~Ç fJÅr mJKz \JoJuVP†r @oKz~J V´JPoÇ fJÅr mJmJ S oJ ßkvJ~ ÛMuKvãTÇ IKnK\Pfr ßhS~J fPgqr KnK•Pf KxPua jVPrr nJfJKu~J FuJTJ ßgPT KkÄTMPT ßV´¬Jr TrJ y~Ç F mqJkJPr KxPua oyJjVr kMKuPvr IKfKrÜ CkTKovjJr (VeoJiqo) ßoJ. ryof CuäJy mPuj, Èk´pMKÜr xyJ~fJ~ IkrJiL vjJÜ TPr oMPbJPlJj asqJKTÄP~r oJiqPo Im˙Jj \JjJr kr hM\jPT ßV´¬Jr TrJ yP~PZÇ kMKuPvr FA IKnpJj kMPrJaJA k´pMKÜKjntrÇ FUJPj ßTJPjJ k´vú ßfJuJr ImTJv ßjAÇ' fh∂xÄKväÓ kMKuv xNP©r nJwq, lMakJPf @Kikfq Km˜Jr KjP~ KrTJKmmJ\JPrr kJPv ohj ßoJyj TPu\ ZJ©uLPVr TP~T\j TqJcJPrr xPñ mYxJ yP~KZu mqmxJ~L rJÉPurÇ Fr xN© iPrA yfqJTJ§ WaPf kJPrÇ ¸a KZu KrTJKmmJ\JPrr oJhJr ßT~Jr jJPor FTKa KTîKjPTr k´JñeÇ ßxUJPj KxKx TqJPorJ KZuÇ SA TqJPorJ~ iJre TrJ hOvq IjMpJ~L, WajJr xo~aJ KZu 4 FKk´u rJf @aaJ ßgPT j~aJÇ fUj mOKÓ yKòuÇ IKnK\“ yfqJTJP§ ßjfOfô ßhjÇ xPñ KZPuj @rS Z~\jÇ rJÉPur VuJ~ FT\j ZMKr YJKuP~ ßhjÇ Frkr

hM\j WajJ˙u ßgPT ZMPa kJuJPf gJPTjÇ kPr uJv irJiKr TPr WajJ˙u ßgPT Ijq© xKrP~ ßjS~Jr ZKmS KxKx TqJPorJ~ xÄrKãf rP~PZÇ PV´¬Jr hM\Pjr huL~ xŒOÜfJr KmwP~ KxPua oyJjVr ZJ©uLPVr xJiJre xŒJhT FoÀu yJxJj mPuj, ÈFrJ FUj @r ZJ© j~, fJA ZJ©uLV FPhr hJ~ ßjPm ßTj?' F ZJzJ PxJomJr hMkMPr KkÄTMPT ßTJPfJ~JKu gJjJ~ xJÄmJKhTPhr xJoPj yJK\r TrJ yPu KfKj fJÅr xñL ZJ©uLPVr Ikr FT\j TotLr jJo CPuäU TPr hJKm TPrj, I˘Ka ßxA rJUPf KhP~KZuÇ KfKj (KkÄTM) WajJr xPñ \Kzf jjÇ IKnK\“S yfqJTJP§ fJÅPT ÈlJÅxJPjJ yP~PZ' mPu hJKm TPrjÇ fPm ßT lJÅKxP~PZ, F mqJkJPr Km˜JKrf KTZM mPujKjÇ Vf 5 FKk´u SA KTîKjPTr kJPvr ßcsj ßgPT C≠Jr TrJ yP~KZu rJÉPur (36) uJvÇ KfKj lMakJPf aÄ ßhJTJj nJzJr mqmxJ TrPfjÇ rJÉPur V´JPor mJKz kaM~JUJuLr oKyuJ @jxJr TqJŒ ßrJPcÇ KxPua jVPrr ßoKcPTu TPuJKj ßrJPc ˘L ÀK\jJ ßmVoPT KjP~ mxmJx TrPfj KfKjÇ ÀK\jJr hJKm, mqmxJxÄâJ∂ TJrPe fJÅr ˝JoLPT kKrTK·fnJPm yfqJ TrJ yP~PZÇ uJv C≠JPrr kr KfKj IùJfjJoJ mqKÜPhr @xJKo TPr KxPua ßTJPfJ~JKu gJjJ~ yfqJ oJouJ TPrKZPujÇ

hvtPTr nNKoTJ~ kKrPmv IKihlfr

KxPuPa KauJ PTPa oJKa KmKâ ^MÅKTPf mxKf

08 Po, 2015: KxPua vyrfuLr KauJPWrJ FuJTJ \JyJñLrjVrÇ KauJr lJÅPT lJÅPT mJxJmJKzÇ mwtJr ÊÀ PgPTA FA FuJTJ~ IKnjm PTRvPu YuPZ KauJ TJaJÇ ˙JjL~ FTKa Yâ rJPfr PmuJ vsKoT uJKVP~ TJaPZ KauJÇ míKÓPf KauJr mJuM-oJKa KVP~ kzPZ kJPvr ZzJèPuJPfÇ kPr ZzJ PgPT mJuM S oJKa CP•Juj TPr KmKâ TrJ yPòÇ ImJPi KauJ TJaJr lPu ÉoKTPf kPzPZ SA FuJTJr \jmxKfÇ aJjJ mwte mJ nNKoTPŒ nNKoiPxr vïJ~ rP~PZ KauJr @vkJPvr

mxmJxTJrLrJÇ KxPuPa KauJ TJaJr C“xm YuPuS \jmu xÄTPar PhJyJA KhP~ jLrm hvtPTr nNKoTJ kJuj TrPZ kKrPmv IKihlfrÇ KxPua xhr CkP\uJr aMPTrmJ\Jr ACKj~Pjr 7 j’r S~JPcrs è~JmJKz \JyJñLrjVr FuJTJ~ KVP~ PhUJ pJ~- Pmv TP~TKa KauJ PTPa oJKa xKrP~ PjS~J yP~PZÇ ZzJ KhP~ PjPo @xJ KauJr mJuM-oJKa CP•Juj TPr óNk TPr rJUJ yP~PZ rJóJr kJPv TP~TKa ˙JPjÇ ˙JjL~ PuJT\Pjr xPñ @uJk TPr \JjJ pJ~- rJPfr PmuJ SA FuJTJ~

vsKoT uJKVP~ KauJ TJaJ y~Ç míKÓ yPu KauJr mJuM-oJKa ZzJ~ KVP~ kPzÇ kPr ZzJ PgPT mJuM-oJKa CP•Juj TPr asJT KhP~ KmKâ TrJ y~Ç IKnjm FA PTRvPu KauJ TJaJr xPñ ˙JjL~ ACKk xhxq vKlT @yoh, rJöJT UJj, l\uM Ko~J S x\Lm UJj \Kzf rP~PZj mPu \JjJj fJrJÇ xPr\Koj PhUJ pJ~, KauJ TJaJr lPu Pmv TP~TKa mxfmJKz ÉoKTr oMPU rP~PZÇ KauJr oJKuT xMKmhJmJ\Jr u¥jL PrJPcr mJKxªJ KhuS~Jr UJj \JjJj, Vf TP~TKhj @PV ˙JjL~ KTZM PuJT KauJ PTPaKZuÇ ˙JjL~ pMmT x\Lm UJj KjP\PT mJuM mqmxJ~L hJKm TPr mPuj, KauJ TJaJr xPñ fJr PTJPjJ xŒíÜfJ PjAÇ KauJ TJaJr TgJ I˝LTJr TPrj aMPTrmJ\Jr ACKj~j kKrwPhr 7 j’r S~JPcrs xhxqÇ KxPua kKrPmv IKihlfPrr kKrYJuT PoJ. ZJuJy CK¨j PYRiMrL mJÄuJPhv ksKfKhjPT mPuj, \jmu xÄTPar TJrPe KauJ TJaJ PbTJPjJ pJPò jJÇ fJrkrS Umr PkPuA PuJT kJbJPjJ yPòÇ \JyJñLrjVPr KauJ TJaJ kKrhvtPj PuJT kJbJPjJ yPmÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015


WMPr FuJo mJÄuJPhv-ßhPU FuJo pJ KjP~ FuJo KT? KoZmJy \JoJu

hKãPe (KmFjKk) @r Y¢V´JPo yJ`J-yJK` uzJAP~ @S~JoLuLV K\fPm xKfqA muPf @oJrS kMPrJ iJreJ KZPuJ fJA, KT∂á @oJr lîJAa KZPuJ 26 FKk´u rJPf FA IjMoJj KjP~ u¥Pjr kPg rS~JjJS yA KT∂á 27ßv FKk´u u¥Pj ßkRKZ FA Khj rJf ßvPw WMo ßgPT ßnJPr CPbPfJ ßhKU IPjTaJA KmkrLfÇ dJTJ-C•Prr @Ko FT\j mJKxªJ hLWt k´J~ 15 mZr yPf YuPZÇ fJZJzJ muJmJÉuq jm KjmJtKYf dJTJ-C•Prr ßo~r @KjxMu yT xJPyPmr xJPg @oJr kKrY~• rP~PZÇ @Ko mJÄuJ KoKc~J KmPvw TPr @oJr ßrKcSr mJÄuJ ßk´JV´JPor TJrPj @oJ~ Ên TJojJ gJTPuJ, KT∂á kKrPvPw FAaáTá muPf YJA, KjP~ FuJo KT ? yfJvJ? @fÄT? oj ßmhjJ? mM^uJo FAaáTá FT\j k´mJxL KyPxPm

@oJr kNmmfLt KuUJ ÈWMPr FuJo mJÄuJPhv' CKuäKUf KZu ßp 2012 xJu ßgPT mZPr 2 ßgPT 3 mJr ßhPv pJS~J @xJr Ijqfo TJre KZu pJ jqJvjJu yJat lJCP¥vj KxPuPar ßmv KTZá TJptâPo IÄvV´ye ßpoj 2013 xJPur 17 ßxP¡’r k´iJjoπL ßvU yJKxjJ TftOT yxKkaJPur @jMÔJKjT CPÆJijL IjMÔJPj IÄvV´ye, 2013/14 xJPu jqJvjJu yJat lJCP¥vPjr FK\ Fo F ßpJVhJj, 2014 xJPur ßlmsΔ~JrLPf ˙JjL~ xrTJPrr IiLPj CkP\uJ KjmJtYj PkvJVf hJK~Pfô kptPmãe, 2014 xJPur @VPˆ @oJr SoJjL ßm~JAÆP~r mºá 4 \j SoJjL mqmxJK~T YqJPju @A ßaKuKnvPj aTPvJPf IÄvV´ye, Kv·TuJ FTJPcoLPf VJPjr ßouJPf ßpJVhJj, KvK· \JyJñLr xJBh/\jKk´~ T£Kv·L vKlT fáKyj S KoZmJy \JoJu S jJKyhJ KoZmJy, xo~ ßaKuKnvPj KxPua mMqPrJ k´iJj KmKvÓ xJÄmJKhT ATrJoMu TKmPrr xJãJ“TJPr oNu Kmw~m˜M KZPuJ k´mJxLPhr ßTj ßrKoaqJ¿ TPoPZ? F k´\Pjìr ßZPuPoP~Phr mJÄuJPhv ÃoPj kMPrJkMKr KjÀ“xJKyf yS~J ßTj? xm KTZá KoKuP~ KZPuJ FmJPrr ÍWMPr FuJo mJÄuJPhv"Ç 28ßv FKk´u KZPuJ dJTJ-C•r, dJTJ-hKãe S Y¢V´Jo KxKa TPkJtPrvj KjmJtYjÇ KjmJtYjL yJS~J kMPrJ oJx mqJkL kKruKãf yP~PZÇ KjmJtYjL @uJk-@PuJYjJr oPiq KZPuJ dJTJ-C•r (@S~JoLuLV K\fPm), dJTJkJatjJrPhr kKrhvtj xy SoJj Ãoe fJr krmfLtPf FmJr FKk´Pu AÓJPrr ZáKaPf ÍWMPr FuJoJ mJÄuJPhv" k´J~ k´KfmJrA mJÄuJPhPv ßVPu rJ\QjKfT/xJoJK\T xJÄÛíKfT IñPjr KmKvÓ mqKÜPhr xJãJ“TJr V´ye, ßrKcS KTÄmJ kK©TJr \jq KjiJtKrf TotxNKYPf gJPT FmJrS fJr ßTJj mqKfâo WPaKjÇ ßpoj YqJPju @A, xo~ ßaKuKnvj, mJÄuJPhv ßaKuKnvPjr C±tfj mqKÜPhr xJãJ“TJr V´ye KZPuJ @oJr TotxNKYr oPiqÇ KjPYr ZKmèPuJ @oJr ßhPv KmKnjú TotxNKYr k´KflujÇ k´go TotxNKY @ftoJjmfJr ßxmJ~ @oJr kKrmJPrr xTPur xyPpJKVfJ S KmPvw TPr KoZmJy lJCP¥vPjr Fr CkPhÔJ KmKvÓ rJ\jLKfKmh ßVJuJkV† CkP\uJr xJPmT nJAx ßY~JroqJj (@oJr mz nJA) ÉoJ~Mj AxuJo TJoJu S yJat lJCP¥vj KxPuPar kJmKuKx ßxPâaJrL @mM fJPum oMrJPhr KmPvw xyPpJKVfJ~ Kl∑ KYKT“xJ ßxmJ S ßoKcKxj KmfreÇ

ßhvPk´o @PZ ßhvPk´o TrPf gJTáj, xoJ\ ßxmJ TrPmj? xoJ\PxmJ TrPfA gJTáj KT∂á rJ\jLKf TrPmj? jJ TJrj yfJvJ~ nMVPmj, @fÄPT gJTPmj @r Kj\ oJfínNKor Kk´~ oJjMwPhr IKk´~ yPmj @orJ k´mJxLrJ KTZá ßkPf j~, KTZá KhPf ßhPv pJAÇ @Ko @kjJPT muKZ FT\j k´mJxL xJÄmJKhT KyPxPm Kj\ ßhPv pJj @ftoJjmfJr ßxmJ~ TJ\ TÀj @®fíK¬ kJPmjÇ kOKgmLPf S krTJPuS vJK∂ kJPmjÇ fJAPfJ @\PT kKrPvPw FaáTá @Ko xmJr TJPZ ßhJ~J YJA FA mPu @oJr S ßZPu, ßoP~Phr FTJ∂ AòJ @oJPhr KoZmJy lJCP¥vj KhP~ @ftoJjmfJr ßxmJ TPr ßpPf YJA fJr \jq xmPYP~ mz k´P~J\j @kjJPhr xmJr ßhJ~J S nJuJmJxJÇ (YuPm)

Pl∑¥x& Im jqJvjJu yJat lJCP¥vPjr ACPT xnJ~ mÜJrJ yJxkJfJuPT ACPrJk-@PoKrTJr of Cjúf TrPf xmJAPT FKVP~ @xPf yPm

Pl∑¥x Im jqJvjJu yJat lJCP¥vj KxPua ACPTr CPhqJPV @P~JK\f ofKmKjo~ xnJ~ mÜJrJ mPuPZj, jqJvjJu yJat lJCP¥vj yJxkJfJu KxPuPa k´KfÔJ FTKhj ÊiM ˝kúA KZPuJÇ KT∂á KmsPaj k´mJxL xMÂh~mJjrJ ßxA ˝kúPT ÊiM mJ˜mJ~jA TPrjKj, fJrJ ˝Pkúr yJat lJCP¥vj yJxkJfJuPT ACPrJk@PoKrTJr of CjúfoJPjr FTKa yJxkJfJu KyPxPm „k KhP~PZjÇ mÜJrJ jqJvjJu yJat lJCP¥vj yJxkJfJPur nKmwqf TJptâoPT VKfvLu rJUJ FmÄ yJxkJfJPur k´P~J\jL~ pπkJKf, KmKøÄ Fr IxoJ¬ TJ\ xoJ¬ TrPf k´mJxLPhr ChJr yP˜ xyPpJKVfJr @øJj \JjJjÇ Vf 11ßo ßxJomJr xºqJ~ kNmu t ¥Pjr @oJjJ ßx≤JPr @P~JK\f IjMÔJPj ßl∑¥x& Im jqJvjJu yJat lJCP¥vj KxPua ACPTr ßjfímª O yJxkJfJPur ACPT TKoKar Pjfímª O , hJfJ, KmKvÓ mqmxJ~L, xoJ\PxmL, ßkvJ\LmL, Kv·L, xJÄmJKhT xy KmKnjú ßvseL S ßkvJr KmKvÓ mqKÜmVt CkK˙f KZPujÇ Pl∑¥x Im jqJvjJu yJat lJCP¥vj KxPua ACPTr KxKj~r nJAx ßY~JroqJj KmKvÓ mqmxJ~L m\uMr rvLh FoKmA'r xnJkKfPfô, ßxPâaJrL KmKvˆ xJÄmJKhT KoxmJy \JoJu S xhxq oMK\mMr ryoJj \MjrM k´Jem∂ Ck˙JkjJ~ IjMÔJPj mÜmq rJPUj A≤JrjqJvjJu KrPuv¿ ßxPâaJrL Fo @A @\Jh @uL, TKoCKjKa ßjfJ @uyJ\ô oJKjT Ko~J, KmKxF ßjfJ SKu UJj, oBhMu AxuJo,

Fo vJox& CK¨j, vJoxMu ßyJPxAj ßYRiMrL, ßvU lJÀT @yoh, TJoJu Ko~J, lJÀT @yoh, ßfJlJöu ßyJPxj, cJ” @uJ CK¨j @yoh, rKlTáu AxuJo, oMxPuÉöJoJj, \JoJu CK¨j @yoh, ßyuJu ßYRiMrL, lJÀT Ko~J, @ñMr @uL, fJPyr TJoJuL, cJ” yJKuoJ ßmVo, @uL ZJPhT KvkM, F yJKuo, V~JZ Ko~J, AZmJy CK¨j, ßfJlJP~u @yoh, ZJuoJ @yPoh, jJKyhJ KoZmJyÇ yJKl\ @»Mu yJKTo Fr ßfuJS~JPfr oJiqPo ÊÀ yS~J IjMÔJPj ˝JVf mÜmq rJPUj vJoLo @yohÇ IjMÔJPj TKmfJ @mOK• TPrj TKm oMK\mMu yT oKj S ÀmL yTÇ xÄVLf kKrPmvj TPrj YqJPju @A'r YLl-PTJ-IKctPjar (A≤JrjqJvjJu APn≤) \jKk´~ T£Kv·L \JyJñLr xJBh, cJ” yJKuoJ ßmVo, xJBhJ ßYRiMrL, @P~vJ ßmVo S @lrLj yTÇ IjMÔJPj Kv·L \JyJñLr xJBh S fJr xyiKotKj oLo xJBhPT yJat lJCP¥vPjr kã ßgPT xÿJjjJ k´hJj TrJ y~Ç IjMÔJPj jqJvjJu yJat lJCP¥vPjr KxPua Fr ACPTr hJfJPhr jJPo fJKuTJ YNzJ∂ S KxPuPa ßmJct ˙JkPjr Kx≠J∂ IjMPoJhj TrJ y~Ç IjMÔJPj @Vf IKfKgPhr oiq ßgPT ßoRunLmJ\JPr jqJvjJu yJat lJCP¥vPjr hJK~fôvLuVe jLKfVfnJPm FTof ßkJwe TPrj FmÄ F\jq FTKa TKoKa VbPjr mqJkJPr Kx≠J∂ V´ye TPrjÇ


mJ Ä uJ ßh v

PYJU PmÅPi KvuÄ Pj~J y~ xJuJy CK¨jPT

xJuJyCK¨j : ßpnJPm KjPUJÅ\ ßpnJPm kJS~J ßVu dJTJ, 13 ßo : 10A oJYt VnLr rJfÇ C•rJr FTKa mJKz ßgPT fMPu KjP~ pJS~J y~ KmFjKkr pMVì oyJxKYm xJuJyCK¨j @yPohPTÇ fJr kKrmJPrr xhxqrJ Ff Khj hJKm TPr @xKZPuj, @AjvO⁄uJ rãJTJrL mJKyjLr xhxqrJA fJPT iPr KjP~ ßVPZjÇ SA mJKzr KjrJk•JrãLrJS FTA fgq \JjJjÇ fPm @AjvO⁄uJ rãJTJrL mJKyjL mrJmrA F IKnPpJV I˝LTJr TPr @xKZuÇ 12A ßo xTJuÇ ßoWJu~ AjKˆKaCa Im ßo≤Ju ßyug IqJ¥ KjCPrJ xJP~P¿x yJxkJfJu ßgPT FTKa ßlJj @Px yJKxjJ @yPoPhr TJPZÇ fJPT muJ y~, fJr ˝JoL xJuJyCK¨j @yPoh fJr xPñ TgJ muPmjÇ hMA oJx iPr KjPUJÅ\ ˝JoLr T£ ÊjPf ßkPr @jPª CPÆu yJKxjJ @yPoh ZMPa pJj KmFjKk ßY~JrkJrxj ßmVo UJPuhJ K\~Jr mJxJ~Ç huL~k´iJjPT xJuJyCK¨j @yPoPhr ßUJÅ\ kJS~Jr TgJ \JKjP~ SA mJxJ ßgPT ßmKrP~ @PxjÇ xJÄmJKhTPhrS mPuj, ˝JoLPT KlPr kJS~Jr TgJÇ oMyNPftr oPiq F xÄmJh ZKzP~ kPz xJrJ ßhPvÇ ‰fKr y~ YJûuqÇ k´vú ßhUJ ßh~, Ff Khj ßTJgJ~ KZPuj KfKjÇ KTnJPmAmJ ßVPuj ßoWJuP~Ç IKofJn n¢vJuLr k´KfPmhPj KmKmKx mJÄuJ \JjJ~, xLoJ∂ kJKz KhP~ KfKj KTnJPm ßoWJuP~ KVP~ ßkRÅZJPuj ßxA Kmw~Ka FUjS kKrÏJr j~Ç nJrPfr kMKuv muPZ, Ko. @yPohPT KvuÄ vyPrr mJKxªJrJ ChÃJP∂r oPfJ WMrPf ßhUJr kr fJrJ Kmw~Ka kMKuvPT ImKyf TPrjÇ TotTftJrJ muPZj, k´gPo fJPT ßxUJjTJr ßkJPuJ V´JC¥ Vul KuÄT FuJTJ~ ßhUJ pJ~Ç kPr fJr oJjKxT Im˙Jr TgJ KmPmYjJ TPr fJPT FTKa xrTJKr oJjKxT yJxkJfJPu kJKbP~ ßh~J yP~PZÇ KvuÄ vyPrr kMKuv xMkJKrjPajPc≤ KmPmT Kx~Jo mPuj, FT mqKÜ ChÃJP∂r oPfJ WMrPZj- F Umr ßkP~A fJPT gJjJ~ KjP~ @xJ y~Ç KmKnjú k´Pvúr C•rS KfKj èKZP~ KhPf kJrKZPuj jJÇ fJA fJPT FTKa oJjKxT yJxkJfJPu ßj~J y~Ç kMKuPvr SA TotTftJ KmKmKxPT mPuPZj, fJr nJrPf @xJr ßTJj ‰mi TJV\k© ßjAÇ FUJPj KfKj KT CP¨Pvq FPxPZj, ßxaJ fJPT ß\rJ TrJr kPrA ßmJ^J pJPmÇ FUj KfKj IxM˙ mPu ß\rJ TrPf kJKrKjÇ FKhPT, IjuJAj xÄmJhoJiqo mJÄuJ KasKmCj, fJPhr KhKuä k´KfKjKi r†j mxMr mrJPf k´TJKvf k´KfPmhPj muPZ, @xPu ßxJomJr ßnJr ßgPTA F FT IPYjJ mqKÜ KvuÄP~r kMKuvPT ßpnJPm jJP\yJu TPr ßrPUPZj, ßfoj IKnùfJ fJPhr @PV y~Kj muPuA YPuÇ pUj Vul TîJPmr xJoPj IPYjJ ßuJTPT ßhPU ˙JjL~rJ kMKuvPT Umr ßhj, fUj ßxUJj KhP~A pJKòu kMKuv ßkasPur FTKa K\kÇ ayuhJr mJKyjL ßuJTKaPT iPr KjP~ TJPZA KvuÄP~r kqJxKaSr Kma yJCx gJjJPf KjP~ pJS~Jr kPrA jJaPTr ÊÀ! jJaT, TJre SA nhsPuJT gJjJ~ KVP~A muPf ÊÀ TPrj, ÈPhUMj @Ko KT∂á mJÄuJPhPvr FT\j Kn@AKkÇ @Ko ßx ßhPv TqJKmPja KoKjˆJrS KZuJo!' FKhPT nhsPuJPTr kPTPa FTaJ TJV\ kpt∂ ßjAÇ ßTJj aJTJk~xJ hNPr gJT, kPTPa FTaJ oJKjmqJVS ßjA, lPu pgJrLKf KvuÄP~r kMKuv k´gPo fJr TgJ FPTmJPrA KmvõJx TPrKj, kJVPur k´uJk mPuA CKzP~ KhP~KZuÇ È@òJ mM^uJo @kKj mJÄuJPhPv oπL KZPujÇ KT∂á mctJr ßkKrP~ @kKj KvuÄ ImKi FPuj KT TPr?' kMKuPvr F k´Pvúr \mJPm nhsPuJT @mJr lqJulqJu TPr fJPhr KhPT fJKTP~ gJPTj, oMPU ßTJj TgJ ß\JVJ~ jJÇ SjJr Im˙J ßhPU gJjJPfA Kx≠J∂ y~ AKj KjÁ~ oJjKxT nJrxJoqyLj @r fJr krA kMKuv fJPT KvuÄP~r ßoWJu~ AjKˆKaCa Im ßo≤Ju IqJ¥ KjCPrJuK\TqJu xJP~P¿Px nKft TrJPjJr mqm˙J TPrÇ KooyqJjx KvuÄP~ oJjKxT k´KfmºLr yJxkJfJu mPuA kKrKYfÇ xJuJyCK¨j @yPoPhr VKf y~ ßxUJPjAÇ ÈfPm FTaJ TgJ KT, nhsPuJT mJÄuJPhvL KT-jJ KTÄmJ xJuJyCK¨j @yPoh KTjJ ßxaJ KT∂á @orJ FUjS KjKÁfnJPm muPf kJrKZ jJÇ SjJr TJPZ ßTJj TJV\k© ßjAÇ Sr ßTJj @®L~-kKr\j FPx SPT FUjS KYK� fS TPrjKjÇ lPu @kJff SjJPT FT\j KmPhvL jJVKrT mPu KYK� f TPr IQminJPm nJrPf k´Pmv TrJr \jq lPrjJxt IqJPÖ @orJ rLKfoJKlT oJouJ À\M TPrKZ', \JjJKòPuj kMKuvk´iJj Fo UJrâJÄÇ fJyPu KTnJPm \JjJ ßVu xJuJyCK¨j @yPoh KvuÄP~r yJxkJfJPu nKft @PZj? @xPu KooyqJjPx cJÜJrPhr KYKT“xJ~ VfTJu rJf ßgPTA I· I· TPr ˝JnJKmT Im˙J~ ßlrJr uãe ßhUJPf ÊÀ TPrj KfKjÇ fJrkr VfTJu xTJPu KfKj KooyqJjPxr cJÜJrPhr \JjJj, dJTJ~ gJTJ ˘Lr ßaKuPlJj j’r fJr oPj kPzPZ,

ßxUJPj KfKj ßlJj TPr TgJ muPf YJjÇ Fr krA KfKj dJTJ~ ˘L yJKxjJ @yPohPT ßlJj TPr \JjJj, KfKj nJu @PZj, ßoWJuP~r FTKa yJxkJfJPu fJr KYKT“xJ YuPZÇ PxJomJr xTJu xJPz xJfaJ jJVJh pUj KvuÄ Vul TîJPmr xJoPj ßgPT kMKuv fJPT C≠Jr TPr, fUj KfKj TkhtTvNjq Im˙J~ gJTPuS fJr vrLPr ßTJj @WJPfr KY� KZu jJÇ fPm KooyqJjPxr KYKT“xTrJ FKhj fJPT krLãJ TPr ßhPUPZj fJr ÂhpPπ KTZM hMmtufJr uãe @PZÇ lPu oJjKxT yJxkJfJu ßgPT xKrP~ KjP~ FKhj KmTJPu fJPT KvuÄ KxKnu yJxkJfJPu nKft TrJPjJ yP~PZÇ KT∂á xJuJyCK¨j @yPohPT C≠JPrr ryxqaJ ßp FUjS ßiJÅ~JvJ~ ßWrJ, fJ yPuJ KfKj KvuÄP~ Ch~ yPuj KTnJPm? kMKuv xMkJr @oJr TJPZ ˝LTJr TPrPZj, mqJkJraJ fJPhrS iPª ßrPUPZÇ @xPu KvuÄP~r xmPYP~ TJPZ mJÄuJPhv xLoJP∂r cJCTL ßxaJS k´J~ YKuäv-Km~JKuäv oJAu hNPrÇ k´JgKoTnJPm ßoWJu~ kMKuv IjMoJj TrPZ, ßrJmmJr rJPf ßxA cJCTLr TJPZ xLoJ∂ ßkKrP~A nJrPf ßdJPTj xJuJyCK¨j @yPoh KTÄmJ fJPT dMKTP~ ßh~J y~! fJrkr ßxUJj ßgPT ßTJj mJx mJ nJzJr ßaPŒJ~ ßYPk KfKj ßxJomJr ßnJPr KvuÄP~ ßkRÅZJj FmÄ KTZMãe kr kMKuPvr TJPZ irJ kPzjÇ KT∂á F xo~aJS KfKj @PhR ˝JnJKmT mJ k´TíKf˙ Im˙J~ KZPuj jJÇ UMm ß\JrJPuJ APuTKasT vT ßUPu mJ Ijq ßTJj vT ßgrJKkr oJjMPwr ßpoj xJoK~T oK˜Ï ‰mTuq y~, fJr oPiqS ßx rToA uãe ßhUJ KVP~KZuÇ KooyqJjPxr FT\j KYKT“xT jJo k´TJv jJ-TrJr vPft mJÄuJ KasKmCjPT mPuKZPuj, SA ßrJVLPT xok´Kf APuTKasT vT ßh~J yP~PZ mPuA fJrJ IjMoJj TrPZjÇ FUj xJuJyCK¨j @yPoPhr mqJkJrKa KjP~ ßoWJuP~r kMKuv D±tfj TftOkPãr xPñ ßpJVJPpJV TrPZjÇ KTnJPm oJouJ FPVJPm FmÄ fJPT KjP~ KT TrJ yPm ßoWJu~ xrTJr Kmw~Ka KjP~ nJrPfr krrJÓs oπeJuP~r xPñS TgJmJftJ muPZjÇ fJr kKrY~ x’Pº kMPrJkMKr KjKÁf yPuA ßpJVJPpJV TrJ yPm mJÄuJPhv hNfJmJPxr xPñSÇ UMm xyP\ ßp F oJouJr \a UMuPm jJ fJ ßmJ^JA pJPòÇ PYJU PmÅPi KvuÄ Pj~J y~ xJuJy CK¨jPT KmFjKk PjfJ xJuJy CK¨j @yPoh fJr xPñ PhUJ TrPf pJS~J hMA\j @®L~PT \JKjP~PZj, fJPT PYJU mJÅiJ Im˙J~ TP~TmJr VJKz mhu TPr KvuÄ KjP~ pJS~J yP~KZuÇ KvuÄ Fr kPuJVsJCP¥ fJPT PYJU mJÅiJ Im˙JPfA VJKz PgPT jJKoP~ Ph~J y~Ç PYJPUr mJÅij PUJuJr krS KfKj mM^Pf kJrKZPuj jJ PTJgJ~ @PZjÇ ˙JjL~Phr K\ùJxJ TPr \JjPf kJPrj Pp, KfKj KvuÄP~ @PZjÇ míy¸KfmJr KmPTPu xJuJy CK¨j @yPoPhr FA hMA\j @®L~ ksgomJPrr oPfJ fJr xPñ KvuÄ Fr KxKnu yJxkJfJPu PhUJ TrPf xão yjÇ xJãJ“ PvPw PmKrP~ FPx fJrJ KmKmKx mJÄuJPT FA fgq \JjJjÇ FPhr FT\j @A~MMm @uL \JjJj, KfKj TuTJfJr mJKxªJ FmÄ xJuJy CK¨j @yPoPhr hNr xŒPTtr nJAÇ FA hMA\j @rS \JKjP~PZj, xJuJy CK¨j @yPoh KjP\A Frkr KvuÄ-Fr kMKuPvr TJPZ KVP~ KjP\r kKrY~ PhjÇ Fr @PV Vf hMAKhj iPr KvuÄ Fr kMKuPvr frl PgPT hJKm TrJ yKòu, ˙JjL~ PuJT\j xJuJy CK¨j @yPohPT ChÃJP∂r oPfJ WMrPf PhPU gJjJ~ Umr Ph~Ç Frkr kMKuv fJPT PxUJj PgPT C≠Jr TPr oJjKxT yJxkJfJPu KjP~ pJ~Ç

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

KvVKVrA ßlrJ yPò jJ xJuJyCK¨Pjr dJTJ, 14 ßo : KjPUJÅ\ yS~Jr 63 Khj kr nJrPf xºJj KouPuS oJouJr \JPu @aTJ kPz xyxJA ßhPv ßlrJ yPò jJ KmFjKk ßjfJ xJuJyCK¨j @yPoPhrÇ nJrPfr ßoWJuP~ ßhvKar kMKuPvr TrJ oJouJ KmFjKk ßjfJr ßhPv ßlrJr kPg k´iJj mJiJ yP~ hJÅKzP~PZÇ F Im˙J~ SA oJouJr KmYJr IgmJ hM'PhPvr xrTJr kptJP~ @PuJYjJ FmÄ xoP^JfJr SkrA Kjntr TrPZ xJuJyCK¨Pjr ßhPv ßlrJr Kmw~KaÇ FKhPT APfJoPiq fJPT ßhPv KlKrP~ @jPf @võJx KhP~PZj ˝rJÓs k´KfoπLÇ KlKrP~ @jPf A≤JrPkJPur xyJ~fJ ßjS~Jr TgJ \JKjP~PZ kMKuvÇ xN©oPf, 63 Khj KjPUJÅ\ gJTJr kr nJrPfr ßoWJuP~ xºJj ßouJr kr Vf oñumJr IQmi IjMk´PmPvr IKnPpJPV oJouJ TrJ y~ xJuJyCK¨Pjr KmÀP≠Ç mftoJPj nJrPfr ßoWJuP~ ß\jJPru yJxkJfJPu mKª KyPxPm KYKT“xJiLj rP~PZj KfKjÇ FTKhPT kKrmJPrr xhxqrJ fJPT KlPr ßkPf oKr~J @mJr IjqKhPT kMKuv fJPT KlPr ßkPf YJPò kuJfT @xJKo KyPxPm ßV´lfJr TrPfÇ fPm mJ˜mfJ yPò,

oJouJr k´Kâ~J ßvw jJ yPu ßhPv ßlrJr @kJff ßTJPjJ x÷JmjJ ßjA F KmFjKk ßjfJrÇ TJre, IQmi IjMk´PmPvr hJP~ nJrPf KmYJr yPu Kfj oJPxr TJrJh§ IgmJ \KroJjJ IgmJ Cn~ h§A yPf kJPr xJuJyCK¨j @yPoPhrÇ 1950 xJPur nJrfL~ kJxPkJat @Aj IjMpJ~L, SA vJK˜ KjitJKrf @PZÇ fJr kMvmqJPTr x÷JmjJS To mPu oPj TrPZj @Aj KmPvwùrJÇ fJPhr oPf, kMvmqJT nJrPfr mqJkJrÇ KT∂á xJuJyCK¨Pjr ßãP© kMvmqJPTr x÷JmjJ ToÇ ßpPyfM fJPT nJrPfr IPjT ßnfPr irJ yP~PZ fJA fJPT nJrfL~ @APj KmYJr TPr fJrkr ßlrf kJbJPjJ yPf kJPr mPu oPj TrPZj IPjPTÇ jJo k´TJv jJ TrJr vPft xrTJPrr Cókh˙ FT TotTftJ mPuj, jJrJ~eVP† xJf UMPjr oJouJr k´iJj @xJKo jNr ßyJPxPjr KmÀP≠S IQmi IjMk´PmPvr IKnPpJPV oJouJ y~Ç ßp TJrPe FT mZPrrS ßmKv xo~ kJr yPuS ßhPv ßlrf @jJ pJ~Kj jNr ßyJPxjPTÇ KfKj mPuj, mKªKmKjo~ YMKÜr @SfJ~ xJuJyCK¨j @yohPT dJTJ~ @jJ

pJPmÇ fPm ßxPhPvr @AKj k´Kâ~J ßvw yPf yPmÇ F\jq xo~ uJVPmÇ F k´xPñ kMKuPvr @AK\ FPTFo vyLhMu yT xJÄmJKhTPhr mPuj, xJuJyCK¨jPT ßhPv KlKrP~ @jJr kr KTÄmJ fJr xPñ TgJ muPuA TLnJPm KfKj xLoJ∂ kJKz KhPuj ßx ryxq ChWJaj yPmÇ FUj @AjvO⁄uJ mJKyjLr k´iJj TJ\ fJPT ßhPv KlKrP~ @jJÇ TJre kMKuPvr fJKuTJ~ KfKj ßlrJKr @xJKoÇ xJuJyCK¨j TLnJPm nJrPf ßVPuj ßx Kmw~Ka fJrJS UKfP~ ßhUPf YJj mPu \JjJj kMKuv k´iJjÇ fJPT KlKrP~ @jPf A≤JrPkJPur xyJ~fJ ßjS~J yPm mPuS \JjJj vKyhMu yTÇ Kmw~KaPf ˝rJÓs k´KfoπL @xJhMöJoJj UJj TJoJu mPuPZj, nJrPf xJuJyCK¨Pjr KmÀP≠ oJouJ kptPmãPer kJvJkJKv hMA ßhPvr xrTJr kptJP~ F KjP~ @PuJYjJ YuPmÇ FKhPT xJuJyCK¨j @yPoPhr TJPZ ßpPf nJrfL~ hNfJmJPx KnxJr \jq @Pmhj TPrPZj fJr ˘L yJKxjJ @yPoh, KmFjKk ßY~JrkJrxPjr CkPhÓJ xJKmyCK¨j @yPoh S yJKxjJ @yPoPhr ßZJa ßmJj \JoJAÇ

kroJeM k´T· mJ˜mJ~Pj k´Kâ~J ß\JrhJr TÀj : rJKv~Jr k´Kf k´iJjoπL dJTJ, 14 ßo : k´iJjoπL ßvU yJKxjJ hLWt k´fLKãf „kkMr kJroJeKmT kJS~Jr käJ≤ k´P\Ö mJ˜mJ~j k´Kâ~J ß\JrhJr TrPf rJKv~J xrTJPrr k´Kf @øJj \JKjP~PZjÇ mMimJr xTJPu k´iJjoπLr xPñ fJr TJptJuP~ mJÄuJPhPv KjpMÜ rJKv~Jr rJÓshNf @Pu\J¥Jr F KjPTJuJn ßxR\jq xJãJ“TJPu KfKj F IjMPrJi \JjJjÇ k´iJjoπLr TJptJu~ xN© \JjJ~, ßmbPT rJKv~Jr rJÓshNf k´iJjoπL ßvU yJKxjJPT ßh~J fJr ßhPvr k´iJjoπL KhKoK© ßohPnPhPnr FTKa k© y˜J∂r TPrjÇ kP© rJKv~Jr k´iJjoπL mPuj, @Ko oPj TKr, mJÄuJPhv S rJKv~Jr oiqTJr GKfyqVf mºMfôkNet xŒPTtr VKfvLu Cjú~j xŒ´Kf FT jfMj

oJ©J~ ßkRÅPZPZÇ kP© @PrJ muJ y~, hMA ßhPvr oiqTJr xKâ~ xyPpJKVfJ~ mJÄuJPhPv k´JTíKfT VqJx CP•Juj S xrmrJy, TíKw FmÄ kroJeM KmhMq“ k´TP·r oPfJ mz k´T· mJ˜mJ~j yPòÇ ßvU yJKxjJ

hNPfr oJiqPo rJKv~Jr ßk´KxPc≤ n&uJKhKor kMKfj FmÄ k´iJjoπL KhKoK© ßohPnPhnPT ÊPnòJ \JjJjÇ KjPTJuJn mPuj, k´iJjoπL ßvU yJKxjJr mKuÔ ßjfOPfô Vf 6 mZPr mJÄuJPhv @gt-xJoJK\T ßãP© mqJkT xJluq I\tj TPrPZÇ mJÄuJPhv Fr @PV ßhPvr C•rkKÁoJûPu kroJeM KmhMq“ ßTªs KjotJPe rJKv~Jr rJÓs oJKuTJjJiLj kroJeM ßTJŒJKj ßrJxJaPor xPñ YMKÜ ˝Jãr TPrÇ rJKv~J FA YMKÜr IiLPj käJ≤ ˙JkPj xm irPjr xyJ~fJ ßhPmÇ käJP≤r hMAKa ACKja ˙JkPj 262 FTr \Ko IKiV´ye TrJ yP~PZÇ FPf 2000 ßoVJS~Ja KmhMq“ C“kJKhf yPmÇ k´KfKa ACKja KjotJPe mq~ yPm 1 hvKoT 5 ßgPT 2 KmKu~j oJKTtj cuJrÇ


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KaCKuPkr Km\P~ @jKªf oJ-UJuJ dJTJ, 10 ßo : mñmºMr jJfKj S mJÄuJPhPvr ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJr nJKVú KaCKuk KxK¨T KmsKav kJutJPoP≤r FoKk KjmtJKYf yS~J~ fJr oJ PvU PryJjJ S UJuJ ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJ Ifq∂ VKmtf S @jKªfÇ Kfj KxKa KjmtJYPj Po~r KyPxPm huL~ ksJgtLPhr Km\P~r kr, ksKfPmvL nJrPfr xPñ ˙u xLoJ∂ xoxqJr xMrJyJ FmÄ nJKVú KaCKuPkr Km\~ ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJr \jq hJÀe @jPªr mJftJ mPu \JKjP~PZ ksiJjoπLr TJptJu~ xN©Ç KmsPaPjr KjmtJYPj oJxmqJkL ksYJrJKnpJj, míy¸KfmJPrr KjmtJYj S lu PWJweJr xo~ KaCKuPkr oJ PvU PryJjJ FmÄ ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJr TjqJ IKa\o KmPvwù xJ~oJ S~JP\h kMfMuxy kKrmJPrr xhxqPhr TífL TjqJ KaCKuPkr kJPv PhUJ PVPZÇ KmsKav kJutJPoP≤r FoKk KjmtJKYf yS~Jr kr xJÄmJKhTPhr xJoPj KaCKuk KxK¨T fJr UJuJ mJÄuJPhPvr ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJr ksKf TífùfJ \JKjP~ fJr TJPZ ÈrJ\jLKf PvUJr' TgJ ˝LTJr TPrjÇ lu PWJweJr kr PTPªs CkK˙f mJÄuJnJwL xJÄmJKhTPhr KaCKuk mPuj, È@\PT xmPYP~ oPj kzPZ @oJr UJuJPTÇ TJre, CKj @oJPT xmPYP~ PmKv KvKUP~PZjÇ ÈrJ\jLKf KjP~ CjJr TJZ PgPTA xm KvUuJoÇ PxJvqJu \JKˆxaJ KvUuJoÇ KvUuJo TLnJPm TqJPŒAj TrPf y~Ç oJjMPwr TJPZ PpPf y~Ç UJuJPTA xmPYP~ PmKv oPj kzPZÇ PlJj TPrKZ, UJuJPT mPuKZ UMKvr UmraJÇ

KaCKuk fJr oJ PvU PryJjJxy kKrmJPrr xhxqPhr FmÄ ˝JoL Kâx kJKxtr ksKfS TífùfJ ksTJv TPrj FmÄ mPuj, È@oJPT FA xo~ @oJr oJ-mJmJ IPjT xJPkJat KhP~PZjÇ kKrmJr @r yJ\PmP¥r xJPkJat ZJzJ KT∂á uzJ pJ~ jJÇ' KaCKuPkr Km\P~r kr PvU PryJjJ xJÄmJKhTPhr mPuj, Fr oiqKhP~ hMA PhPvr kJutJPoP≤ FTA kKrmJPrr xhxq gJTJr jK\r QfKr yPuJÇ CPuäUq, PumJr kJKat PgPT KjmtJKYf KaCKuk KmsKav kJutJPoP≤ u¥Pjr yqJŒPˆc IqJ¥ KTumJjt @xPjr ksKfKjKifô TrPmjÇ míy¸KfmJr PnJa PvPw 1 yJ\Jr 138 PnJPar mqmiJPj ãofJxLj Tj\JrPnKan kJKatr ksJgtLPT krJK\f TPrj KaCKukÇ \P~r kr PnJa VejJ PTPªs PvU PryJjJ fJ“ãKeT ksKfKâ~J~ mPuj, È@oJr mJmJ xÄxPh KZPuj, @oJr PmJj @PZj, FUj @oJr PoP~S yPuJÇ

Fr PgPT Vmt @r KT yPf kJPrÇ' KaCKuPkr oJ kKrYP~ jfMj TPr ÈVKmtf' yP~PZj CPuäU TPr PvU PryJjJ mPuj, È@Ko VKmtf KkfJr x∂Jj, VKmtf PmJPjr PZJaPmJj, @r FUj VKmtf @Ko KaCKuPkr oJÇ' KaCKuk PpUJPjA gJTMT, pJPhr xPñA gJTMT, mñmºMr @hvt IjMpJ~L xmJr \jq TJ\ TPr pJPm mPu KfKj @vJ ksTJv TPrjÇ PryJjJ @rS mPuj, È@Ko rJ\jLKfr xPñ PjAÇ KT∂á rÜ TgJ mPuÇ Ijq PhPvr FTKa kJutJPoP≤r xhxq yS~J YJK¢UJKj TgJ j~Ç' KaCKuPkr mz nJA PrhS~Jj oMK\m mPuj, F PnJa pMÜrJP\q yPuS mJÄuJPhPvr KmFjKk-\JoJ~Jf xogtTrJ KogqJ IkksYJr YJKuP~ KaCKuPkr \~ PbTJPf PYP~KZuÇ KfKj KogqJ ksYJPr ksnJKmf jJ yS~J~ xmJAPT ijqmJh \JjJjÇ

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

ÀkJ yT FoKk KjmtJKYf yS~J~ kJmjJ~ @jPªr mjqJ dJTJ, 10 ßo : KmsPaPjr kJutJPo≤ KjmtJYPj PumJr kJKat PgPT mJÄuJPhKv mÄPvJnNf c. ÀkJ yT Km\~L yS~J~ fJÅr kJmjJ vyPrr mJKzPf @®L~˝\j FmÄ FuJTJmJxLr oJP^ FUj @jPªr mjqJÇ KmPhPv ÀkJr FA Km\~ xJluq I\tPjr UmPr @PmVJkäMf fJÅr @®L~-kKr\jrJÇ kJmjJmJxLr TJPZ FaJ ÊiM P\uJ j~ PhPvr PVRrm KyPxPm KmPmKYf yPòÇ xmJA FPf @jKªf yP~PZjÇ ÀkJ yPTr hJhJ-jJjLr mJKzPf oJjMw\Pjr KnzÇ xmJA @jJª-CuäJx FmÄ @®L~kKr\jPhr nJVJnJKV TrPZjÇ FuJTJ~ KoKÓ Kmfre TrJ yP~PZÇ ÀkJr hJhJ kJmjJ xhPrr PoJTPZhkMr FuJTJr orÉo @K\\Mu yT S jJjJ vyPrr TMKbkJzJ FuJTJr orÉo oMxJ KmvõJxÇ FuJTJr oJjMw\j KmsPaPj kJutJPo≤ KjmtJYPj c. ÀkJ yPTr Km\P~r Umr P\Pj @PmPV CPÆKuf S CuäKxfÇ pMÜrJP\q mxmJxTJrL FmÄ mJÄuJPhKv mÄPvJØNf Kfj FoKk c. ÀkJ yT, KaCKuk KxK¨TL FmÄ ÀvjJrJ @uL FT xJPg KoPu

PxUJPj Im˙Jjrf mJÄuJPhKv IKnmJxLPhr \jq PxA xJPg Kj\ PhPvr oJjMPwr xMKmiJ-IxMKmiJ, hM”U-hMhtvJ uJWPm TJ\ TPr pJPmj FA ksfqJvJ xTPurÇ ˙JjL~ xNP© \JjJ pJ~, ÀkJ yPTr KkfJ ojPZr @uL S oJ hMuJuL yT 1970 xJPu YPu pJj KmsPaPjÇ PxUJPjA 1972 xJPu \jì y~ ÀkJrÇ kJmjJr FA ÀkJ yT KmsPaPjr kJutJPo≤ KjmtJYPj Km\~L yPmj PT \JjPfJÇ

UMKvr F Umr P\Pj @jPª @PmVJkäMf yP~ kPzj fJr KjTa @®L~˝\j FmÄ FuJTJmJxLÇ ksKfKâ~J~ TMKbkJzJ FuJTJr mJKxªJ ÀkJr mz oJoJ @mMu mJPZh KmvõJx S PZJa oJoJ xmM\ KmvõJx mPuj, @oJPhr nJKVú KmsPaPjr KjmtJPYj \~L yS~J~ xmJA UMm UMKv yP~KZÇ È@orJ TUPjJ nJmPfA kJKrKj Px (ÀkJ) Ffmz Im˙JPj PpPf kJrPmÇ' F Km\~ ÊiM @oJPhr @®L~˝\jPhr, kJmjJmJxLr \jq j~; FA Km\~ mJÄuJPhPvr \jq PVRrPmrÇ u¥Pjr Ijqfo @PuJKYf AKuÄ Px≤sJu IqJ¥ IqJTaj @xPj PumJr kJKatr ksJgtL c. ÀkJ yT 22 yJ\Jr hMA PnJa PkP~ Km\~L yjÇ fJÅr KjTafo ksKfÆj&ÆL Tj\JrPnKan kJKars ksJgtL FK† Pms PkP~PZj 21 yJ\Jr 728 PnJaÇ ÀkJ yT KTĈj ACKjnJKxtKar xoJ\ KmùJj KmnJPVr P\qÔ ksnJwT KyPxPm Totrf @PZjÇ c. ÀkJ yT KmFjKk PY~JrkJxtPjr KmPvw xyTJrL IqJc. vJoxMr ryoJj KvoMu KmvõJPxr lMkJPfJ PmJjÇ

k´PfqT mJKzr oJKuTPT @~Tr KhPf yPm dJTJ, 10 ßo : @VJoL IgtmZr ßgPT k´KfKa mJKzr oJKuTPT @~Tr KhPf yPmÇ FA Tr ßh~JPT mJiqfJoNuT TrJ yPòÇ ÊiM fJA j~, xm xão oJjMwPTA @~Tr KhPf yPmÇ ßmxrTJKr VPmweJ k´KfÔJj kKuKx KrxJYt AjKˆKaCa (Kk@rA) @P~JK\f Èx¬o kûmJKwtTL kKrT·jJr @PuJPT 2015-16 IgtmZPrr mJP\a' vLwtT @PuJYjJ xnJ~ IgtoπL F TgJ \JjJjÇ mJKzS~JuJPhr k´Kf ßãJn KjP~ IgtoπL @mMu oJu @mhMu oMKyf mPuj, k´PfqT mJKzr oJKuTPT Tr ßh~J mJiqfJoNuT TrJ yPmÇ FTA xJPg CkJ\tj xo xm mqKÜPT TPrr @SfJ~ KjP~ @xJ yPmÇ



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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

vLwt oJjmkJYJrTJrL \LKmTJr ßUJÅP\ \LmjmJK\ : 3 oJPx 25 yJ\Jr mJÄuJPhvL kJYJr PrKm oqJcJo @®PVJkPj

dJTJ, 10 ßo : mJÄuJPhv ßgPT xoMhskPg gJAuqJP¥ oJjmkJYJr ImqJyf rP~PZÇ gJAuqJP¥r kMKuv ßhvKar xÄUuJ k´PhPvr VnLr \ñu ßgPT ÊâmJr @PrJ 117 \j IQmi IKnmJxLPT C≠Jr TPrPZ, pJPhr oPiq 91 \jA mJÄuJPhvLÇ mJKTrJ ßrJKyñJ oMxKuoÇ kJYJrTJrLrJ Fxm ßuJTPT \ñPu ßrPU kJKuP~ pJ~Ç FKhPT \JKfx–W mPuPZ, mPñJkxJVr mqmyJr TPr \LmPjr ^MÅKT KjP~ mJÄuJPhv ßgPT mqJkT yJPr mOK≠ ßkP~PZ oJjmkJYJrÇ YuKf mZPrr k´go Kfj oJPx mJÄuJPhv ßgPT 25 yJ\Jr ßuJTPT gJAuqJ¥ S oJuP~Kv~J~ kJYJr TrJ yP~PZÇ \JKfxP–Wr vreJgtLKmw~T xÄ˙J ACFjFAYKx@r k´TJKvf Kj~Kof FT k´KfPmhPj F fgq CPb FPxPZÇ mJÄuJPhv ßgPT oJjmkJYJPrr F WajJ~ \JKfx–W VnLr CPÆV k´TJv TPrPZÇ 91 mJÄuJPhvLxy 117 \j C≠Jr gJAuqJP¥r \ñPu @PrJ ßp 117 \jPT ßhvKar kMKuv C≠Jr TPrPZ fJPhr oPiq 91 \jA mJÄuJPhvLÇ mJKT 26 \j Ko~JjoJPrr ßrJKyñJ oMxuoJjÇ ÊâmJr ßhvKar xÄUuJ k´PhPvr rJ•JlJo ß\uJr oJuP~Kv~J xLoJ∂mftL \ñu ßgPT fJPhr C≠Jr TrJ y~Ç xPªynJ\j oJjmkJYJrTJrL FTKa YPâr xhxqrJ fJPhr gJAuqJP¥ KjP~ pJ~Ç gJA TftOk vKjmJr Fxm ßuJTPT K\ùJxJmJh TPr fJPhr \JfL~fJ KjKÁf yP~PZÇ xÄUuJ k´PhPvr CkVnjtr FTJrJf KxPxj mJftJ xÄ˙J r~aJxtPT mPuj, È117 \jPT C≠Jr TrJ yP~PZÇ Fr oPiq 26 \j ßrJKyñJÇ mJKTrJ mJÄuJPhPvr jJVKrTÇ' mJÄuJPhPvr 13 mZr m~Û KTPvJr mMxKr xJuJo mPuPZ, fJr nJA oJuP~Kv~J gJPTjÇ fJr TJPZ pJS~Jr \jq hJuJPur oJiqPo ßx IjqPhr xPñ ßjRTJ~ TPr gJAuqJP¥ ßkRÅPZÇ fJrJ hMA x¬Jy iPr ßhvKar \ñPu rP~PZÇ ˙JjL~ kMKuv \JKjP~PZ, 117 IKnmJxLPT \ñPu ßlPu ßrPU kJKuP~ pJ~ kJYJrTJrL YPâr xhxqrJÇ kMKuPvr ßulPajqJ≤ TPjtu ßxJoKT~Jf S˜JlMj \JjJj, FTKa kJyJPzr Skr ßgPT SA IKnmJxLPhr C≠Jr TrJ y~Ç F ZJzJS IKnpJPj VKyj \ñPu oJjmkJYJrTJrL YPâr @PrJ YJrKa TqJPŒr xºJj ßkP~PZ kMKuvÇ @PrJ KvKmr gJTPf kJPr xPªPy SA FuJTJr \ñuèPuJPf IKnpJj ImqJyf rJUJ yP~PZÇ Fr @PV xÄUuJ k´PhPv kJYJrTJrLPhr FTKa KvKmPr VeTmPrr xºJj kJ~ @AjvO⁄uJ mJKyjLr xhxqrJÇ SA VeTmr ßgPT 30 \Pjr oOfPhy C≠Jr TrJ y~Ç mJÄuJPhv S Ko~JjoJr ßgPT fJPhr gJAuqJP¥ kJYJr TrJ yP~KZu mPu @PVA FT KmmOKfPf \JjJPjJ y~Ç F KhPT oJjmkJYJPrr xPñ \Kzf gJTJr IKnPpJPV gJAuqJP¥r ßkhJÄ ßmxJr vyPrr ßo~r mJj\Ä kÄluPT ßV´lfJr TPrPZ ßhvKar kMKuvÇ gJAuqJP¥r kMKuvk´iJj ßxJoA~Jf kMokJj ÊâmJr VeoJiqoPT F fPgqr xfqfJ KjKÁf TPrjÇ gJAuqJP¥r k´iJjoπL k´J~Mg YqJj-SYJ @ûKuT oJjmkJYJr xïa xoJiJPj k´KfPmvL rJÓs oJuP~Kv~J S Ko~JjoJPrr xPñ FTKa K©kL~ ‰mbPTr @øJj \JKjP~PZjÇ F KhPT KmKnjú KoKc~Jr UmPr muJ yP~PZ ßp, oJuP~Kv~Jr xLoJP∂r \ñPu oJjmkJYJrTJrLPhr @PrJ ßmKv KvKmr mJ TqJŒ gJTPf kJPr mPu xPªy TrJ yPòÇ

oJjmkJYJr KjP~ \JKfxP–Wr CPÆV KjC A~Tt ßgPT Fj@rKm KjC\ \JjJ~, YuKf mZPrr k´go Kfj oJPx kJYJrTJrLPhr ßjRTJ~ TPr kJKz KhP~PZ @jMoJKjT 25 yJ\Jr ßrJKyñJ S mJÄuJPhvLÇ FPhr ßkRÅPZ ßh~Jr TgJ oJuP~Kv~J S gJAuqJ¥Ç 2014 xJPu FTA xoP~r fMujJ~ F xÄUqJ k´J~ KÆèeÇ \JKfxP–Wr vreJgtLKmw~T xÄ˙J ACFjFAYKx@r ßgPT k´TJKvf Kj~Kof FT k´KfPmhPj F fgq CPb FPxPZÇ VfTJu ÈAPrèuJr ßoKraJAo oMnPo≤x' \JjM~JKr-oJYt 2015 k´TJv TPr xÄ˙JKaÇ FPf muJ y~, hKãe-kNmt FKv~J~ IKj~Kof xoMhskg pJfJ~JPfr k´iJj ÀaKa ImqJyfnJPm ÊÀ yPò mPñJkxJVr ßgPTÇ mJÄuJPhv S Ko~JjoJr ßgPT oJuP~Kv~J ßkRÅZJPjJr @vJ~ ^MÅKTkNet xoMhskPg pJ©J TrPZj yJ\JPrJ oJjMwÇ F mZPrr k´go Kfj oJPx mPñJkxJVr ßgPT IKj~Kof xoMhskPg pJ©J TPrPZ @jMoJKjT 25 yJ\Jr oJjMwÇ @PVr hMA mZPrr fMujJ~ pJ k´J~ KÆèeÇ IQmikPg pJ©J TPr gJAuqJ¥ S oJuP~Kv~J ßkRÅZPf xo yS~J mqKÜPhr xJãJ“TJr KjP~ ACFjFAYKx@r \JjPf ßkPrPZ ßp, ^MÅKTkNet Fxm pJ©J~ ToPk 300 mqKÜ oJrJ ßVPZjÇ 2014 xJPur IPÖJmr ßgPT oJrJ ßVPZj ßoJa 620 \jÇ ãáiJ-fOÌJ~ TJfr yP~ FPhr IPjPTr oOfMq yP~PZÇ IPjPT oJrJ ßVPZj ßjRTJr âMPhr yJPf oJriPrr KvTJr yP~Ç kMPrJ ßjRTJ cMPm pJS~Jr WajJS WPaPZÇ xJãJ“TJPr k´J¬ Fxm fgq FmÄ yfJyPfr k´Tíf xÄUqJ pJYJA TrJr ßTJPjJ CkJ~ ßjA mPu KrPkJPat CPuäU TrJ y~Ç F ZJzJ IPjPT iwte S ßpRj KjkLzPjr TgJ mPuPZjÇ CPb FPxPZ èo TPr kJYJr FmÄ jJrLPhr IùJfxJPr nLj ßhPv fJPhr KmP~ KbT TrJr oPfJ n~Jmy jJjJ YYtJr TgJÇ ACFjFAYKx@Prr k´TJKvf SA KrPkJat KjP~ 8 ßo ÊâmJr KjC A~PTt \JKfx–W xhr hlfPrr ßk´x KmsKlÄP~ oyJxKYPmr oMUkJ© KˆPlj cM\JKrT Fxm fgq Ck˙JkjTJPu VnLr CPÆV k´TJv TPrjÇ KˆPlj CPuäU TPrj, F x¬JPy gJAuqJP¥r ACFjFAYKx@r TJptJu~ TftOk FmÄ VeoJiqo k´KfPmhj ßgPT oJuP~Kv~J xLoJ∂mftL gJAuqJP¥r xÄUuJ k´PhPv kJYJrTJrLPhr TqJPŒ VeTmr UMÅP\ kJS~Jr Kmw~Ka \JjPf ßkPrPZÇ FPf 30 \Pjr oOfPhy kJS~J pJ~Ç muJ y~, FrJ FPxKZu mJÄuJPhv S Ko~JjoJr ßgPTÇ IxM˙fJ mJ KjptJfPj fJrJ oJrJ ßVPZ mPu iJreJ TrJ yPòÇ gJA kMKuv F WajJr fh∂ TrPZÇ FTAxPñ xÄ˙JKa @vJ k´TJv TPrPZ ßp, ßhJwLPhr vjJÜ TPr KmYJPrr @SfJ~ @jJ yPmÇ xÄ˙JKa @PrJ CPÆV \JKjP~ mPuPZ, mPñJkxJVr ßgPT gJAuqJ¥ S oJuP~Kv~J kpt∂ Km˜Of xoMhskPgr kJYJr ßjaS~JTt kJYJrTJrLPhr \jq âPoA ßuJnjL~ yP~ CbPZÇ FTAxPñ ßxèPuJ kJYJPrr KvTJr yS~J oJjMwPhr \jq âomitoJjnJPm ^MÅKTkNet yP~ CbPZÇ KmköjT yS~J xP•ôS Fxm Àa mqmyJr TrJ oJjMPwr xÄUqJ mJzPZÇ kJYJrTJrLPhr TqJPŒr kKrK˙KfS KmnLKwTJo~Ç @aT mqKÜPhr kKr\j oMKÜke kKrPvJi TrJr @V kpt∂ fJPhr KjptJfj TrJ y~Ç IPÖJmr ßgPT F kpt∂ ACFjFAYKx@rPT ßh~J xJãJ“TJPr IPitPTr ßmKv mqKÜ \JKjP~PZj, fJPhr TqJPŒ ßTC jJ ßTC @aT Im˙J~ oJrJ ßVPZjÇ Fxm TqJPŒ oJrir UMmA xJiJre Kmw~Ç iwteS yP~ gJPTÇ pJrJ kJuJPjJr ßYÓJ TPrj, fJPhr ^MÅKT gJPT èKu UJS~JrÇ ßjRkPg ^MÅKTkNet ÃoPer âomitoJj YYtJ KmPmYjJ~ ACFjFAYKx@r F IûPur ßhvèPuJPT oJjm kJYJr k´Kfyf TrPf @PrJ KjKmznJPm FTxPñ TJ\ TrJr @øJj \JKjP~PZÇ KjKw≠ F mJKeP\qr Skr IKnpJj YJuJPjJr khPãk V´ye k´P~J\jÇ @r F ßãP© @∂\tJKfT @Aj ßYJrJYJuJjTJrL @r oJjmkJYJrTJrLPhr oPiq èÀfôkNet kJgtTq KjPhtv TPrPZÇ FTA xPñ ßYJrJYJuJj @r kJYJPrr KvTJr mqKÜPhr oPiqS kJgtTq CKuäKUf rP~PZ @∂\tJKfT @APjÇ xÄ˙JKa mPuPZ, IKnmJxL @r vreJgtLPhr ßpj kJYJrTJrLPhr IKnoMUL jJ yPf y~ ßxaJ KjKÁf TrJr k´PYÓJr kJvJkJKv @Aj k´P~JPVr khPãkS V´ye TrPf yPmÇ Fxm ^MÅKTkNet pJ©J~ IÄv KjPf oJjMw ßTj k´mO• yPò fJr oNu TJre UMÅP\ ßmr TPr fJr xoJiJj TrPf yPmÇ FTA xPñ fJPhr @v´~ S xMrJ ßh~Jr \jq KjrJkh KmT· k´hJj TrPf yPmÇ

14 ßo : TémJ\Jr: P\uJr vLwt oJjmkJYJrTJrL PrKm oqJcJo @®PVJkPj rP~PZ mPu \JjJ PVPZÇ xŒ´Kf ksvJxPjr xJÅzJKv IKnpJPjr kJvJkJKv j\Pr rP~PZ CKUJr PxJjJr kJzJr \QjT jMÀu TKmPrr ˘L PrKmr ksKfÇ fJr KmÀP≠ c\jUJPjT oJjmkJYJPrr oJouJ rP~PZÇ xN© \JjJ~, 21 \JjM~JKr PrKm oqJcJoPT oJjmkJYJPrr IKnPpJPV PVslfJr TPr PVJP~ªJ kMKuvÇ 2014 xJPu 23 jPn’r vyr PgPT oJjmkJYJPrr FT PTJKa 20 uJU aJTJr PYTxy @hJuf kJzJ~ PVJP~ªJ kMKuv PrKmPT yJPf-jJPf @aT TPrÇ KT∂á mJrmJr @APjr lJÅT-PlJTr KhP~ PmKrP~ oJjmkJYJPr \KzP~ kPz F ksnJmvJuL oKyuJÇ fJPT irJr \jq kMKuPvr kã PgPT kMrÛJr PWJweJS TrJ yP~KZuÇ xŒ´Kf kMKuPvr xPñ TKgf

mªMTpMP≠ ˝rJÓs oπeJuP~r fJKuTJnMÜ KTZM oJjmkJYJrTJrL Kjyf yS~Jr WajJ~ VJ dJTJ KhP~PZ PrKmxy CKU~Jr KYK� f oJjmkJYJrTJrL YâÇ CKU~J gJjJr SKx \KyÀu AxuJo UJj \JjJj, IKnpMÜPhr KmÀP≠ kMKuKv IKnpJj YuPmÇ kJvJkJKv CkTNuL~ FuJTJ KhP~ pJPf @r oJjm kJYJr TrJ jJ pJ~ Px\jq TKoCKjKa kMKuv kJyJrJ~ gJTPmÇ

\Lmj mJÅYJPf KjP\r oN© kJj TrPZj IKnmJxLrJ 14 Po, 2015: @ªJoJj xJVPr FT x¬Jy iPr FTKa PjRTJ~ Im˙Jj TrPZj oJ~JjoJPrr vf vf IKnmJxL PrJKyñJÇ UJhq S kJKjr xÄTPa ksJe mJÅYJPf fJrJ mJiq yP~ KjP\Phr oN© kJj TrPZjÇ míy¸KfmJr Foj fgqA \JKjP~PZ KmKmKxÇ ksKfPmhPj muJ yP~PZ, oJZ irJr G PjRTJ~ @PrJ 350 \Pjr oPfJ PrJKyñJ xŒ´hJP~r xhxq rP~PZÇ fJrJ gJAuqJP¥ ksPmv TrPf YJAPu PxUJj PgPT KlKrP~ Ph~J y~Ç oJuP~Kv~J pJS~Jr CP¨Pvq fJrJ ksJ~ hMA oJx @PV AK†jYJKuf PjRTJ~ YPz Ko~JjoJr fqJV TPrÇ fJr kr PgPTA xJVPr nJxoJj Im˙J~ oJjPmfr \LmjpJkj TrPZj Fxm nJVq KmzK’frJÇ PjRTJ~ gJTJ IKnmJxLrJ KmKmKxPT \JKjP~PZj, PjRTJr jJKmTrJ fJPhr PlPu PrPU YPu PVPZjÇ PjRTJr AK†jS KmTu TPr KhP~PZ fJrJÇ Fr oPiqA 10 \j oJrJ PVPZÇ fJPhr xJVPr PlPu Ph~J yP~PZÇ Cjúf \Lmj iJrPer @vJ~ kJKz Ph~J IKnmJxLPhr KlKrP~ KhPò APªJPjKv~J, oJuP~Kv~J S gJAuqJ¥Ç iJreJ TrJ yPò Pmv TP~T yJ\Jr IKnmJxL oJuP~Kv~J S gJAuqJP¥r CkTNPu PjRTJ~ @aTJ kPzPZjÇ gJAuqJP¥r hKãeJûuL~ CkTNu PgPT KmKmKxr xÄmJhhJfJ \JKjP~PZj, FA Im˙J metjJfLfÇ PjRTJ~ gJTJ IKnmJxLrJ @oJPhr TJPZ UJhq S kJKj YJPòÇ PxUJPj IPjT jJrL S KvÊS rP~PZÇ kMPrJ PjRTJ oJjMPw bJxJÇ KfKj @PrJ \JjJj, @oJr PhPUKZ PjRTJ~ gJTJ IKnmJxLrJ PmJfPu nPr KjP\r oN© kJj TrPZÇ @orJ fJPhr kJKj PmJfu ZMPz KhP~KZÇ FZJzJS @oJPhr TJPZ pJ KZu xm KhP~KZÇ KmKmKxr xÄmJhhJfJ \JjJj, PrJPhr yJf PgPT mJÅYPf fJrJ T’u PmÅPi ZJ~J QfKr PYÓJ TrPZÇ PxUJj fJkoJ©J xPmtJó 34 KcKVs PxuKx~JxÇ oJuP~Kv~J pJS~Jr @vJ~ Vf hMA oJx PgPT xJVPr nJxPZj Fxm IKnmJxLÇ PjRTJr jJKmT fJPhr fqJV TrJr kr PgPT AK†j KmTu gJTJ PjRTJKar pJ©LPhr Im˙J ÊiM UJrJPkr KhPTA PVPZÇ FUj fJrJ gJAuqJP¥r PjRmJKyjLr ÆJrJ C≠Jr yS~Jr IPkãJ~ Khj èePZjÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

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jJrL uJüjJr k´KfmJh KoKZPu kMKuKv KmFjKkr kMjVtbPj yJf KhP~PZj UJPuhJ K\~J uJüjJ : kMKuPvr KmÀP≠ TL mqm˙J, \JjPf ßYP~PZj yJAPTJat

dJTJ, 13 ßo : kPyuJ ‰mvJU jJrL uJüjJTJrLPhr ßV´lfJPrr hJKmPf ZJ© ACKj~Pjr KcFoKk TJptJu~ ßWrJS TotxNKYPf TotLPhr Skr kMKuPvr mmtr yJouJ S oJriPrr WajJ~ Àu \JKr TPrPZj yJAPTJatÇ SA WajJ~ \Kzf kMKuv xhxqPhr KmÀP≠ TL mqm˙J ßjS~J yP~PZ, fJ \JjPf ßYP~PZj yJAPTJatÇ @VJoL 14 \MPjr oPiq kMKuPvr oyJkKrhvtTPT k´KfPmhj hJKUPur oJiqPo fJ \JjJPf muJ yP~PZÇ SA KhPjr uJKüf TrJr WajJ ßTj IQmi yPm jJ FmÄ \KzPfr KmÀP≠ ßTj vJK˜oNuT mqm˙J ßjS~J yPm jJ, fJ-S \JjPf YJS~J y~Ç @VJoL YJr x¬JPyr oPiq ˝rJÓs xKYm, kMKuPvr @AK\, KcFoKk TKovjJr, vJymJV S rojJ gJjJr SKxxy KmmJhLPhr F ÀPur \mJm KhPf muJ

y~Ç ßxJomJr hJP~r TrJ FTKa Kra @PmhPjr kKrPk´KãPf KmYJrkKf TJ\L ßr\J-Cu yT S KmYJrkKf @mM fJPyr ßoJyJÿh xJAlMr ryoJPjr xojõP~ VKbf yJAPTJat ßmû VfTJu oñumJr F Àu \JKr TPrjÇ @hJuPf Kra @PmhjKa hJP~r FmÄ ÊjJKj TPrj c. ACjMx @uL @TªÇ @hJuPf F xo~ CkK˙f KZPuj ßckMKa IqJaKjt ß\jJPru fJkx TMoJr KmvõJxÇ PrJmmJr ZJ© ACKj~Pjr KcFoKk TJptJu~ ßWrJS TotxNKYPf jJrL TotLPhr Skr uJKbPkaJ S oJriPrr WajJ WPaÇ ßxKhj ZJ© ACKj~Pjr FT jJrL TotLr YMu iPr fJPT aJjJr ZKm VeoJiqPo k´TJKvf y~Ç yJouJTJrL kMKuv xhxqPhr vJK˜r hJKmPf VfTJu oñumJr ßhvmqJkL KvãJ k´KfÔJjèPuJPf ZJ© iotWPar

cJT ßh~ ZJ© ACKj~jÇ ZJ© ACKj~Pjr xJiJre xŒJhT uJTL @ÜJr KmmOKfPf mPuj, vJK∂kNet Im˙JPj kMKuPvr F fJ§m k´oJe TPr fJrJ ßhJwLPhr @zJu TrPf YJ~Ç rJPÓsr Foj lqJKxmJhL @Yre ÀPU KhPf ßhvmqJkL hMmtJr @PªJuj VPz ßfJuJr @øJj \JjJj KfKjÇ KfKj mPuj, kMKuv mJrmJr @oJPhr Skr yJouJ TrPZÇ vJK∂kNet TotxNKYPf fJrJ mJrmJr @oJPhr oJAT mº TPr ßh~Ç Frkr ybJ“ TPrA uJKbYJ\t ÊÀ TPrÇ ÈKfj-YJraJ ßZPu hMÓJKo TrfJPZ mJKTrJ fJTJ~J ßhUu' kMKuPvr oyJ-kKrhvtT (@AK\Kk) F ßT Fo vyLhMu yT mPuPZj, ÈKfj-YJraJ ßZPu hMÓJKo TrfJPZ, ßoP~Phr väLufJyJKj TrPZ, ßTC @VJ~J @xu jJ, mJKT ßuJT fJKTP~ ßhUuÇ FTaJ ßuJTS ßfJ muu jJ, FA ßuJTaJPT fJrJ ßYPjÇ fJrJ fJPhr mJKzr kJPvrÇ' mwtmrPer KhPj jJrLPhr uJüjJr WajJ~ kMKuPvr ßjS~J mqm˙Jr KmwP~ FnJPmA o∂mq TrPuj F ßT Fo vyLhMu yTÇ Vf oñumJr hMkMPr kMKuv xhr h¬Pr TP~T\j xJÄmJKhTPT KfKj Fxm TgJ mPujÇ @AK\Kk mPuj, ÈdJTJ KmvõKmhqJuP~r KaFxKxr xJoPj yJ\Jr yJ\Jr oJjMPwr oPiq YJrkJÅYKa ßZPu hMA-KfjaJ ßoP~PT väLufJyJKj TruÇ pJPhr xJoPj FA WajJ WaJu, ßxA kJmKuTrJ fJPhr ßTj iru jJÇ kJmKuTA ßfJ fJPhr vJP~˜J TrPf kJrfÇ

dJTJ, 14 ßo : KmFjKkPT TPbJr @PªJuj CkPpJVL FmÄ xMxÄVKbf TrJr uPãq ßdPu xJ\JPjJr k´Kâ~J ÊÀ TPrPZj ßmVo UJPuhJ K\~JÇ ßTªs ßgPT fOeoNu ImKi yPm FA kMjVtbj TJ\Ç AKfoPiq @PªJuPj ÈIxlufJr' TJreèPuJ KYK� f TPrPZj KfKjÇ hPur xJÄVbKjT TKoKaèPuJPT kMjKmtjqJx FmÄ hMmtu TKoKaèPuJPT ßnPX KhP~ È@PªJuj TKoKa' TrJr TJP\ yJf KhP~PZjÇ Vf Kfj oJPxr @PªJuPj pJrJ vf k´KfTëufJr ßnfrS xJyxL nNKoTJ kJuj TPrPZj fJPhrPT kMPrJnJPV @jJ yPmÇ oNuf ßjfOPfô @xPZj È@PªJuPj xJyxL' fÀerJÇ AKfoPiq ßmVo K\~J fJr èuvJj TJptJuP~ Totrf ßjfJPhr rhmhu TPrPZjÇ hlfPrr TJP\r hJK~Pfô kMjKmtjqJx TPrPZjÇ hPur nJrk´J¬ oyJxKYm Ko\tJ lUÀu AxuJo @uoVLrPT kNetJñ oyJxKYm TrJr Kx≠J∂ ßj~J yP~PZ mPu \JKjP~PZj hPur ˙J~L TKoKar xhxq ßu.P\jJPru Im.oJymMmMr ryoJjÇ lUÀu TJrJoMÜ yPuA FA Kx≠J∂ TJptTr yPf kJPrÇ hPur FTKa xN© \JjJ~, Ko\tJ lUÀuPT hPur FTKa IÄv kZª jJ TrPuS ßmVo K\~J fJPT oyJxKYm KyxJPm kZª TPrjÇ KfKj oPj TPrj lUÀu krLKãfÇ Ko\tJ lUÀu Vf 5 \JjM~JKr xrTJr KmPrJiL @PªJuj ImPrJi ImqJyf rJUJr ßWJweJ KhP~ xÄmJh xPÿuPjr TP~T KoKja kPrA \JfL~ ßk´xTîJm ßgPT ßV´¬Jr yP~ TJrJVJPr pJjÇ FA Im˙J~ fJr k´Kf huL~ yJAToJP¥r xoPmhjJ rP~PZÇ 2011 xJPu 16 oJYt oyJxKYm ßUJªTJr ßhPuJ~Jr ßyJPxPjr oOfMqr kr ßgPT Ko\tJ lUÀu nJrk´J¬ oyJxKYm KyPxPm hJK~fô kJuj TrPZjÇ FKhPT dJTJ oyJjVr KmFjKkr TJbJPoJ nJñJ yPòÇ dJTJ oyJjVr TKoKa yPm hMAnJPV KmnÜÇ C•r S hKãeÇ jfMj k´\jìPT ßjfOPfô FPj È@PªJuj TKoKa' yPmÇ ßmVo UJPuhJ K\~J Vf TP~TKhj hPur ßkvJ\LmL FmÄ @Aj\LmLPhr xPñ FTJKiT ofKmKjoP~r xo~ mPuj, ÈIPjT Khj yP~ ßVu mftoJj ßTªsL~ TKoKarÇ FUj @oJPhr kMjVtbPjr KhPTA ßpPf yPmÇ @Ko F k´Kâ~Jr KTZM KTZM TJ\ ÊÀ TPrKZÇ pJrJ nJu TJ\ TrPmj, pJPhr fqJV @PZ, fJPhr hPur oPiq Im˙Jj ‰fKr TPr ßh~J yPmÇ

ßu. ß\jJPru Im. oJymMmMr ryoJj mPuj, xJoPjr KhjèPuJPf IPjT YqJPu† ßoJTJPmuJ TrPf yPm KmFjKkPTÇ hPu kKrmftj @jJ UMmA k´P~J\jÇ Ko\tJ lUÀu AxuJo @uoVLr, Kr\nLxy hPur vLwt ßjfJrJ oMKÜ kJS~Jr kr KfKj xŒNetnJPm TJ\ TrPmjÇ KfKj mPuj, ßjfOfô KjmtJYPjr \jq \JfL~ TJCK¿u yPmÇ hLWtKhj iPr TJCK¿u yPò jJÇ Ko\tJ lUÀu AxuJo @uoVLrxy hPur vLwt ßjfJrJ oMKÜ kJS~Jr kr YNzJ∂ TJCK¿u yPmÇ ˙J~L TKoKar xhxq @ x o yJjúJj vJy mPuj, @PªJuPjr xlufJ-mqgtfJr oNuqJ~j ßkP~KZ @orJÇ hu pf vKÜvJuL FmÄ xMxÄVKbf gJTPm ffA @PªJuPjr oJPb xJluq @xPmÇ j~Jk� Pj ßTªsL~ TJptJu~ xJoJu KhPf hPur pMVìoyJxKYm ÀÉu TKmr Kr\nL @yPoPhr kPr CkpMÜ @r TJCPT kJS~J jJ pJS~Jr ßk´KãPf xy-h¬r xŒJhT TíKwKmh vJoLoMr ryoJj vJoLoPT èuvJj TJptJu~ ßgPT ßTªsL~ TJptJuP~ TJ\ TrPf muJ yP~PZÇ hPur xyk´YJr xŒJhT ‰x~h AorJj xJPuy Kk´¿PT èÀfôkNet TJP\ hJK~fô ßh~J yPf kJPrÇ KmFjKk ßY~JrkJrxj ßmVo UJPuhJ K\~J VfTJu FT KmmOKfPf rJ\QjKfT xyJm˙Jj S xM˙ ˝JnJKmT k´KfPpJKVfJr kKrPmv IKmuP’ KlKrP~ @jJr @øJj \JKjP~PZjÇ KfKj mPuj, nJrk´sJ¬ oyJxKYm Ko\tJ lUÀu AxuJo @uoVLr, \JfL~ ˙J~L TKoKa xhxq c. UªTJr ßoJvJrrl ßyJPxj S VP~võr Yªs rJ~, xy-xnJkKf voPxr ßoJKmj ßYRiMrL, mLr Kmâo, pMVì-oyJxKYm ÀÉu TmLr Kr\nL @yPoh, @oJr CkPhÓJ IiqJkT Fo F oJjúJj, vJoxMöJoJj hMhM S ßoJxJP¨T @uL, KmFjKk ßjfJ uM“láöJoJj mJmr, @xuJo ßYRiMrL, @mhMx xJuJo Kk≤M S @Krláu yT ßYRiMrLxy KmFjKk S IjqJjq KmPrJiL hPur mÉ ßjfJ-TotL hLWtKhj iPr TJrJVJPr rP~PZjÇ FrJ IPjPTA \JfL~ kptJP~r KmKvÓ rJ\jLKfT, xJPmT oπL FmÄ Kj\ Kj\ IñPj UqJKfoJj mqKÜÇ rJ\QjKfT k´KfKyÄxJmvf KmPrJiLhuPT hoPjr yLj CP¨Pvq KmKnjú KogqJ ßlR\hJrL oJouJ~ KmjJKmYJPr mªL TPr rJUJ yP~PZÇ


IJ ∂ \tJ Kf T

pMÜrJ\q, @~JruqJ¥ S PcjoJTt PTJaJ kKrT·jJ PgPT oMÜ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

uJPhj xÄâJ∂ ksKfPmhj KogqJ : PyJ~JAa yJCP\r ksKfKâ~J

IKnmJxL xÄTa KjrxPj 20 yJ\Jr ÈKjyf yjKj uJPhj, 2001 xJPu vreJgtLPT @vs~ PhPm ACPrJkL~ ACKj~j @lVJKj˜JPj fJr ˝JnJKmT oífqM y~'

u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ :14 Po, 2015: IKnmJxj xÄTa KjP~ FTKa jfMj kKrT·jJ ksTJv Tru ACPrJkL~Jj TKovjÇ Fr @SfJ~ \JKfVf PTJaJr KnK•Pf 20 yJ\Jr vreJgtLPT ACPrJPk @vs~ PhS~J yPm mPu \JKjP~PZ TKovjÇ Umr KmKmKxrÇ PTJaJr KnK•Pf vreJgtL @vsP~r KmwP~ Pmv KTZM Khj iPr KmfTt YPu @xKZuÇ ACPrJkL~ ACKj~Pjr (AAC) uãq yPuJ kKrT·jJr IÄv KyPxPm @VJoL hMA mZPr 20 yJ\Jr vreJgtLPT @vs~ PhPmÇ @r F \jq UrY kzPm 50 KoKu~j ACPrJÇ TKovj AAC xhxq rJÓsèPuJPT F xm vreJgtLPT rJ\QjKfT @vs~ Ph~Jr @øJj \JKjP~ @xPZÇ AfJKu S KVsx FrA oPiq mqJkTnJPm IQmi IKnmJxLPhr @vs~ KhP~ KyoKvo UJPòÇ F KhPT AAC @APj pMÜrJ\q, @~JruqJ¥ S PcjoJTt PTJaJ kKrT·jJ PgPT oMÜ rP~PZÇ C•r @Kl∑TJ, KmPvw TPr KuKm~J PgPT @Vf kJYJrTíf IKnmJxLPhr PjRpJjèPuJ nNoiqxJVPr @aT

TrPf PjRmJKyjLr y˜PãPkr Kmw~Ka KmPmYjJ TPr PhUPZ AACÇ xÄ˙JKar krrJÓsjLKf Kmw~T ksiJj PlPcKrTJ oWJKrKj mPuPZj, AAC krrJÓs S ksKfrãJ oπLrJ PxJomJr xJoKrT khPãPkr KmwP~ Kx≠J∂ PjPmjÇ fPm oJjm kJYJrTJrLPhr KmÀP≠ PpPTJPjJ xJoKrT IKnpJj YJuJPjJr @PV KjrJk•J kKrwPhr IjMoKfr ksP~J\j rP~PZ mPu AAC \JKjP~PZÇ F mZr nNoiqxJVr kJKz KhP~ AfJKu @xJr PYÓJ~ F kpt∂ 18 vr PmKv oJjMw ksJe yJKrP~PZÇ ACPrJPk oJjm kJYJr mZPr 700 ßTJKa cuJPrr mJKe\q @Kl∑TJ S oiqk´JPYqr hJKrhsq S pM≠kLKzf FuJTJèPuJr ßuJT\j k´JPe mJÅYPf ACPrJkoMUL yPòÇ KjhJÀe TPÓ gJTJ Fxm oJjMwPT ACPrJPk ßkRÅPZ ßhS~Jr ßuJn ßhKUP~ fJPhr TJZ ßgPT k´KfmZr k´J~ 700 ßTJKa oJKTtj cuJr uMPl KjPò oJKl~J ßVJÔLèPuJÇ \JKfxÄPWr oJhT S IkrJiKmw~T h¬Prr xJŒ´KfT FT k´KfPmhPj

muJ yP~PZ, È@∂xLoJ∂ kJYJPrr WajJèPuJ... ßmKvr nJV xo~A xÄWm≠ IkrJPir xPñ xŒOÜÇ kJYJPrr \Kau WajJèPuJ mOy“ S xMxÄVKbf IkrJiL ßVJÔLèPuJr ÆJrJ xyP\A kKrYJKuf y~Ç' l∑JP¿r kqJKrxKnK•T @ufJA V´ΔPkr TotTftJ @KrP\JoJuJTMKf oPj TPrj, IKiTfr ßpJVJPpJVxŒjú yS~J~ FmÄ ÈrJWm-PmJ~Ju' YâèPuJ hJK~fô ßjS~J~ FUj FojKT kJYJPrr irPjS kKrmftj FPxPZÇ @∂\tJKfT IKnmJxL xÄ˙Jr (@ASFo) CkPhÓJ V´ΔkKar SA TotTftJ mPuj, È2013 xJPu IKnmJxLrJ @oJPhr mPuKZu, fJrJ iJPk iJPk Ãoe TPrPZÇ k´KfKa iJPk fJrJ FTKa kJYJrTJrL V´Δk ßgPT @PrT V´ΔPkr TJPZ yJfmhu yP~PZÇ k´KfKa V´ΔkPTA jfMj TPr Igt KhPf yP~PZÇ oJP^oPiq fJPhr KmKnjú ˙JPj ßgPo TJ\ TPr Igt TJKoP~, ßxA Igt KhP~A fJPhr krmftL iJPk ßpPf yP~PZÇ KT∂á 2014 xJPu @orJ âomitoJjnJPm ßhUPf ßkuJo, IKnmJxLrJ Kj\ ßhv ßgPT xrJxKr V∂Pmq pJS~Jr \jq Igt KhP~PZÇ FaJ FUj IPjT ßmKv ßmKv WaPZÇ' Vf mZr ToPmKv 1 uJU 70 yJ\Jr IKnmJxL nNoiqxJVr yP~ AfJKuPf ßkRÅPZPZÇ Fxm ßuJTPT ßkRÅPZ KhPf mqmÂf k´KfKa ßjRpJjA yJ\Jr yJ\Jr cuJr FPj KhP~PZ kJYJrTJrLPhrÇ IKnmJxLrJ pfaJ Igt KhPf AòMT, fJr KnK•Pf KmKnjú ÈKmT·' S ÈkqJPT\' rJUJ y~Ç ßmKv Igt èjPf kJrPu, KjrJkh ÃoPer mqm˙J gJPTÇ

KlKuK˜jPT rJÓs KyPxPm nqJKaTJPjr ˝LTíKf u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ : 14 Po, 2015: KlKuK˜j rJÓsPT @jMÔJKjTnJPm ˝LTíKf KhP~PZ TqJgKuT KUsÓJjPhr kKm© nNKo mPu kKrKYf nqJKaTJjÇ mMimJr FT jfMj YMKÜPf fJrJ F ˝LTíKf Ph~ mPu \JjJ PVPZÇ F WajJ~ PãJn ksTJv TPrPZ AxrJP~uÇ YMKÜPf ÈkqJPuKˆKj~Jj KumJPrvj IrVJjJAP\vj (KkFuS)' Fr kKrmPft ÈPˆa Im KlKuK˜j' CPuäU

TrJ yP~PZÇ pKhS KkFuS CPuäU TPrA YMKÜ xŒJhPjr ksKâ~J ÊÀ yP~KZuÇ YMKÜKa kJx yPf FUj @jMÔJKjTfJ mJKTÇ nqJKaTJPjr oMUkJ© PlPcKrPTJ u’JrKc FPr xfqfJ ˝LTJr TPrPZjÇ KfKj mPuj, ÈyqJÅ, FKa ˝LTíKf Pp, FA rJPÓsr IK˜fô @PZÇ' ksxñf, 2012 xJPu \JKfxÄW xJiJre kKrwPh KlKuK˜KjPT kptPmãT rJPÓsr optJhJ Ph~J y~Ç

Fr oPiq KhP~ rJPÓsr ˝LTíKf KouPuS FA ksgo hJKuKuT PTJPjJ rJÓsL~ jKgPf KlKuK˜j rJPÓsr ˝LTíKf KouPuJÇ

AxrJAuPT ImvqA \mJmKhKy TrPf yPm ∏xJPmT ACPrJkL~ ßjfOmOª u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ : 14 ßo : ACPrJPkr CókptJP~r xJPmT rJ\QjKfT ßjfJ S TëajLKfTPhr FTKa hu KlKuK˜Kj rJÓs k´KfÔJr k´Pvú ACPrJkL~ ACKj~Pjr jLKfr \ÀKr kMjotNuqJ~Pjr hJKm \JKjP~PZ FmÄ IKiTíf FuJTJ~ TotTJP§r \jq AxrJAuPT ImvqA \mJmKhKyfJr @SfJ~ @jPf yPmÇ ÈACPrJPkr k´UqJf mqKÜPhr hu' jJPo kKrKYf FA xÄVbjKa ACPrJkL~ ACKj~Pjr ‰mPhKvT jLKfKmw~T k´iJj ßlPcKrTJ

oPWKrKjr TJPZ ßuUJ FT KYKbPf KlKuK˜j S AxrJAPur oiqTJr @PuJYjJ~ oJKTtj pMÜrJPÓsr ßjfOfô ßh~Jr ãofJr mqJkJPrS k´vú fMPuPZÇ ACPrJkL~ ACKj~Pjr jLKfr TzJ xoJPuJYjJ TPr KYKbPf muJ y~, ÈhUuTíf FuJTJ~ AxrJAPur TotTJP§r \jq fJPhr \mJmKhKyfJr @SfJ~ @jPf TJptTrL CkJ~ UMÅP\ ßmr TrPf ACPrJkPT FUPjJ IPjT KTZM TrPf yPmÇ @∂\tJKfT @APjr u–Wj, ImqJyf jOvÄxfJ S k´KfKÔf

IKiTJr k´hJPjr I˝LTíKfPT ACPrJPkr \jof KTnJPm V´ye TrPZ, fJ Cn~kãPT \JjJPf yPmÇ' KYKbPf ˝JãrTJrLPhr oPiq @PZj l∑JP¿r xJPmT krrJÓsoπL ÉmJat ßnhKrj S ßrJjJ� hMoJx, ßjhJruqJ¥Pxr xJPmT k´iJjoπL @jPhsx nJj IqJ\a, @~JruqJP¥r xJPmT k´iJjoπL \j msΔaj, l∑JP¿r xJPmT k´iJjoπL oJAPTu ßrJTJct, xJPmT jqJPaJ oyJxKYm yqJKnP~r ßxJuJjJ S \JKfxP–W pMÜrJP\qr xJPmT hNf xqJr ß\PrKo KV´jˆTÇ

u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ : 14 Po, 2015: @u-TJP~hJr xJPmT PjfJ SxJoJ Kmj-uJPhj 2011 xJPu kJKT˜JPj Kjyf yjKj mrÄ 2001 xJPu fJr ˝JnJKmT oífqM yP~PZÇ fJPT FTKa IùJf TmPr AxuJKo IjMvJxj IjMpJ~L hJlj TrJ yP~PZÇ Pksx KaKnPT Ph~J xJãJ“TJPr F hJKm TPrPZj PuUT, xJÄmJKhT FmÄ CAjTjKxPjr PoKcxj KmvõKmhqJuP~r xJPmT IiqJkT P\ox PyjKr Kla\JrÇ PrJmmJr u¥j KrKnC Im mMTPx ksTJKvf @PoKrTJr UqJfjJoJ IjMxºJjL xJÄmJKhT S PuUT PxAPoJr yJvt'Fr Kjmº ksxPñ F TgJ mPuj KfKjÇ PnaJjtx asMg PjaS~JPTtr xPñ xÄKväÓ P\ox Kla\Jr @PrJ hJKm TPrj, Kmj-uJPhPjr oífqM xŒPTt 'Iit xfq' mPuPZj yJvtÇ Fr TJre fMPu irPf KVP~ KfKj mPuj, xKfqTJr kKrK˙Kf VnLrnJPm PVJuPoPu yS~J~ FaJ Km˛~Tr Pp, kMPrJ WajJmuL mM^Pf kJrJ yJPvtr kPãS x÷m yP~ SPb KjÇ 2001 xJPu 15 KcPx’r Kmj-uJPhj @lVJKj˜JPj oJrJ PVPZj FmÄ fJPT PxUJPj FTKa IùJf TmPr hJlj TrJ yP~PZ mPu hJKm TPrj P\ox PyjKr Kla\JrÇ 2001 xJPur 26 KcPx’r lé KjC\ ÈSxJoJ Kmj-uJPhPjr oífqM Kmw~T' FTKa KmùK¬ ksTJv TPr CPuäU TPr KfKj @PrJ mPuj, IjuJAPj FKa FUPjJ kJS~J pJ~Ç yJvt fJr KjmPº mPuPZj, xJPmT @u-TJP~hJ PjfJ SxJoJ KmjuJPhjPT yfqJr IKnpJPjr KmwP~ cJyJ KogqJ mPuPZj oJKTtj PksKxPc≤ mJrJT SmJoJÇ KjP\r nNKoTJPT mz TPr PhUJPjJ FmÄ Kmj uJPhj KmPrJiL IKnpJPjr TíKffô Pj~Jr \jq FPãP© kJKTóJPjr KmPvw mJKyjLr nNKoTJr TgJ iJoJYJkJ KhP~PZj KfKjÇ ksJ~ FTA rTo o∂mq TPrPZj Kla\JrÇ KfKj mPuj, 2011 xJPu Kmj-uJPhPjr KÆfL~ hlJ oífqMr Umr ksYJr TPrPZ xÄmJh oJiqoÇ oJKTtj xrTJr PhvKar \jVPer TJPZ KogqJ S mJPjJ~Ja TJKyjL fMPu

IjMxºJjL xJÄmJKhT S PuUT PxAPoJr yJvt

iPrPZÇ FKhPT, PxAPoJr yJvt KuPUPZj, IqJPmJaJmJPhr mJKzPf mÉ mZr iPrA Kmj uJPhjPT @aPT PrPUKZu kJKT˜JPjr PxjJ PVJP~ªJ xÄ˙J @AFx@AÇ 2010 xJPu kJKT˜JPjr FT\j kh˙ PVJP~ªJ TotTftJr TJZ PgPT ksgo Kmj uJPhPjr Im˙Jj xŒPTt \JjPf kJPr oJKTtj PTªsL~ PVJP~ªJ xÄ˙JÇ S~JKvÄaj SxJoJ Kmj-uJPhPjr o˜PTr oNuq PWJweJ TPrKZu hMA PTJKa 50 uJU cuJrÇ F IPgtr PuJPnA SxJoJr Im˙Jj xŒKTtf fgq lJÅx TPr Phj SA kJKT˜JKj TotTftJÇ yJvt @PrJ KuPUPZj, oJKTtj PxjJ IKnpJPjr mÉ @PV PgPT Kmj uJPhPjr xPñ @u-TJP~hJ YPâr PpJVJPpJV KmKòjú yP~ KVP~KZuÇ hLWtKhj iPr F PpJVJPpJV KmKZjú KZu mPuS \JjJj yJvtÇ F ZJzJ, Kmj-uJPhj KmPrJiL IKnpJj YJuJPjJr xo~ oJKTtj PjR ToJP¥J Kxu'Fr xhxqPhr xPñ PTJPjJ èKu KmKjoP~r WajJ WPaKj mPuS yJvt \JKjP~PZjÇ KfKj mPuPZj, PTmuoJ© 'IxyJ~, hMmtu FmÄ Kjr˘' Kmj-uJPhjPT yfqJr \PjqA FTfrlJ èKu YJuJPjJ yP~PZÇ F ZJzJ, Kmj-uJPhPjr uJv xJVPr PlPu Ph~J y~ Kj mrÄ fJPT @lVJKj˜JPj Tmr Ph~J yP~PZÇ yJvt mPuj, @PoKrTJr TKgf xπJx KmPrJiL IKnpJPj KogqJ fgq Ph~J

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TîJKxlJAc KmùJkj

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015



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oKyuJ ÆJrJ ßZJ¢ mJóYJ, KTPvJr KTPvJrL S oKyuJPhr xyLy S Ê≠nJPm mJxJ~ KVP~ ßTJrIJj, yJKhx S ßhJ~J ßvUJPjJ y~Ç

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Km\Pjx uL\


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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

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kKm© vPm KorJ\ S @oJPhr Tftmq oJSuJjJ vJy @mhMx xJ•Jr KorJ\ @rKm v»Ç @rKm ÈCÀ\' v» ßgPT Fr C“kK• FmÄ Fr Igt C™JjÇ @KniJKjT IPgt D±tJPuJPT @PrJye KTÄmJ oyJKoujÇ @r lJrKx v» Èvm' Igt rJfÇ r\m YJÅPhr 26 fJKrU KhmJVf rJPf jmM~Pfr ÆJhv mZPr oyJjmL y\rf rJxMPu oTmMu (xJ.)-Fr F kKm© vPm KorJ\ xÄWKaf y~Ç F xŒPTt @uäJy kJT ßTJr@jMu TJKrPo ArvJh TPrPZj- kKm© ßxA oyJj vKÜoJj xsÓJ, KpKj Kj\ Kks~ mJªJPT TJmJ Wr ßgPT mJ~fMu ßoJTJ¨Jx kpt∂ ‰jvÃoe TKrP~KZPujÇ' oyJj rJæMu @uJKoPjr CP¨vq KZu fJÅr Kks~ mºMPT xíKÓ\V“ fgJ @rPvr KTZM Kjhvtj ßhUJPjJ FmÄ fJÅr xJKjúiq uJn TrJPjJÇ kKm© KorJP\r xfqfJ FmÄ WajJ xŒPTt IPjPTA Knjúof ßkJwe TPrjÇ KT∂á kKm© ßTJr@j-yJKhPx Fr xM¸Ó ksoJe rP~PZÇ Foj xfq WajJPT CkuK… mJ Âh~ño TrJ ksPfqT oMKoj oMxuoJPjr TftmqÇ y\rf @mM mTr (rJ.) xmtksgo vPm KorJP\r mJ˜m WajJr xJãq KhP~KZPujÇ @r F \jq KfKj ßkP~KZPuj ÈKxK¨PT @Tmr' ßUfJm IgtJ“ oyJxfqmJhLÇ TJP\A @orJ y\rf jmL TKro (xJ.)-Fr KorJ\ xÄWKaf WajJPT @oJPhrS CKYf ÈKxK¨PT @TmPrr jqJ~ KorJP\r WajJmKu Kj”xPªPy KmvõJx ˙Jkj TPr KjP\Phr xJPhKTjPhr (xfqmJhLPhr) I∂ntMÜ TPr ßjS~JÇ mftoJj KmPvõ ‰mùJKjT C“TPwtr xPñ vPm KorJP\r WajJr fMujJoNuT pMKÜ kshvtPj jJ KVP~ kKm© ßTJr@j yJKhxxy KjntrPpJVq fgqoNuT Vs∫èPuJr @PuJPT FUJPj @Ko vPm KorJP\r xJrxÄPãk fMPu irKZÇ r\m YJÅPhr 26 fJKrU KhmJVf rJfÇ oyJjmL y\rf rJxMPu oTmMu (xJ.) FvJr jJoJ\ xŒjú TPr CPÿyJKjr WPr WMKoP~KZPujÇ ßx xo~ y\rf K\msJAu (@.) ßxUJPj CkK˙f yP~ ÊnmJftJ \JjJj, ßy

oyJj @uäJyr ßk~JrJ jmL, @kKj \JVsf ßyJj FmÄ CPb kzMjÇ @uäJy kJPTr kã ßgPT @kjJr \jq hsΔfVJoL mJyj KmhMqPfr ßYP~ IKiT vKÜxŒjú ßmJrJT KjP~ FPxKZÇ @kjJr InqgtjJr \jq xm ßlPrvfJ S jmL-k~V’r IiLr @VsPy IPkãJ TrPZjÇ y\rf K\msJAu (@.)-Fr Foj xMoiMr cJT ÊPj oyJjmL (xJ.) ß\PV SPbj FmÄ yJSP\ TJSxJPrr kJKj KhP~ I\M TPr hMA rJTJf jlu jJoJ\ @hJ~ TPr @uäJykJPTr KjPhtv ßoJfJPmT kKm© ßmJrJPT @PrJye TPrj FmÄ yJ\Jr yJ\Jr ˝VtL~ ßlPrvfJr kKrPmÓPj ÈPmJrJT' D±tJPuJPT ZMPa YuuÇ FmJr @uäJyr ßk~JrJ jmL oMyJÿh (xJ.) ßmJrJPT CPbA ßTÅPh SPbj FmÄ hMyJf fMPu lKr~Jh TPrj, ßy @uäJy h~Jo~, @\ @kKj @oJPT kro InqgtjJ~ ßmJrJT TPr @kjJr hrmJPr KjP~ pJPòjÇ KT∂á ßrJ\ yJvPr @oJr Kks~ CÿPfr Im˙J TL yPm? ArvJh yPuJ, ßy jmL CÿPf oMyJÿhL ßrJ\ yJvPr FoKjnJPm xÿJj kJPmÇ @uäJy rJæMu @uJKoPjr mJeL ÊPj y\rf rJxMu TKro (xJ.) ÊTKr~J \JjJPuj FmÄ mJ~fMu ßoJTJ¨Jx FPx kNmtmftL jmL rJxMuPhr CkK˙KfPf hMA rJTJf jJoJP\r AoJoKf TPrjÇ Frkr @uäJyr ßk~JrJ yJmLm y\rf oMyJÿh (xJ.) ßmJrJPT @PrJye TPr KmvõxsÓJr jPnJo§Pur Ik„k hívq ßhPU KmPoJKyf yjÇ ksgo @xoJPj y\rf @ho (@.)-Fr xJãJ“ y~ FmÄ y\rf @ho (@.) @uäJyr Kks~ mºM oMyJÿh (xJ.)-PT xJhr InqgtjJ \JjJjÇ F xo~ ßVJaJ jPnJo§u ßgPT ±Kj SPb oJryJmJ, oJryJmJÇ Frkr KfKj kptJ~âPo KÆfL~ @xoJPj y\rf BxJ (@.) S y\rf A~JKy~J FmÄ fífL~ @xoJPj y\rf ACxMl (@.), YfMgt @xoJPj y\rf AKhsx (@.), kûo @xoJPj y\rf yJÀj (@.), wÔ @xoJPj y\rf oMxJ (@.) FmÄ

x¬o @xoJPj y\rf AmsJKyo (@.)-Fr xJãJ“ WPaÇ kPr mJ~fMu oJ'oMr jJoT @xoJKj kKm© TJmJVíPy ßlPrvfJPhr KjP~ @mJr hMA rJTJf jJoJ\ @hJ~ TPr ÈKxhrJfMu oMjfJyJ' jJoT ˙JPj KVP~ Imfre TPrjÇ FUJPj FPxA ÈPmJrJT' ßgPo KVP~KZuÇ KxhrJfMu oMjfJyJr InNfkNmt ˝VtL~ @nJ ßhPU KfKj KmPoJKyf yjÇ y\rf K\msJAu (@.) \JjJj, ßy @uäJyr jmL FA kpt∂ @oJr xLoJjJÇ Fr kPr @r @oJr IVsxr yS~Jr xJiq ßjAÇ If”kr FUJj ßgPT oyJjmL y\rf rJxMPu TKro (xJ.)-PT Èrl rl' jJoT @PrTKa TMhrKf mJyPj @uäJy kJPTr @rPv ßoJ~JuäJ~ KjP~ pJS~J y~Ç ßxUJPj y\rf jmL TKro (xJ.) CkK˙f yP~ mPuj, ßy h~Jo~, @oJr FmÄ @oJr CÿPfr AmJhf @kjJr hrmJPr CkyJr˝„k mP~ FPjKZÇ ßy @uäJy kJT krS~JrKhVJr, @kKj @oJPT ÈrJyoJfMKuäu @uJKoj KyPxPm xJrJ hMKj~J~ kJKbP~PZjÇ fJA @KoS @oJr xm CÿPfr vJK∂ S KjrJk•Jr lKr~Jh \JjJKòÇ' @uäJy oyJj y\rf rJxMPu kJT (xJ.)-Fr lKr~Jh TmMu TPr ArvJh TPrj, xJuJo @kjJr Skr FmÄ @oJr ßjT mJªJPhr ksKfÇ F xo~ @uäJykJT krS~JrKhVJr y\rf jmL TKro (xJ.)-PT \JKjP~ KhPuj, @Ko hMKj~Jr oJjMPwr \jq ksKfKhj 50 (kûJv) S~JÜ jJoJ\ @hJP~r ÉTMo KhuJoÇ @uäJykJPTr Foj mJeL ÊPj y\rf rJxMPu oTmMu (xJ.) nLwe KYK∂f yj FmÄ @uäJy rJæMu @uJKoPjr hrmJPr Kks~ jmL CÿfPhr \jq oJ© kJÅY S~JÜ jJoJ\ @hJ~ TrJr xMkJKrv TPrjÇ y\rf rJxMPu kJT (xJ.)-Fr F xMkJKrv @uäJykJT krS~JrKhVJr TmMu TPr ßjj FmÄ @PrJ KTZM ÆLjAxuJPor ßoRu ÉTMo-@yTJo @uäJykJPTr kã ßgPT ksJ¬ yj FmÄ Kx\hJ~ KVP~ @uäJyr ÊTKr~J @hJ~ TPrjÇ Frkr @oJPhr jmL

oMyJÿh (xJ.) ßmPyvPfr xMPvJKnf oPjJro hívq ßhPU KmPoJKyf S @®yJrJ yP~ kPzjÇ If”kr ßhJ\PUr hívq ßhPU YoPT SPbjÇ ßhJ\PUr IKVúKvUJ hJChJC TPr \ôuPZÇ @uäJy kJT fJÅr Kks~ mºMPT \JjJj, FA ßxA ˙Jj ßpUJPj IKmvõJxLrJ mJx TrPmÇ @r @oJr KmvõJxL Kks~ mJªJ pJrJ fJrJ ßmPyvPfr xMPvJKnf oPjJro @mJPx mJx TrPmÇ Frkr @PrJ IPjT KTZM ImPuJTj TPr @uäJyr ßk~JrJ jmL (xJ.) fJÅr Kks~ CÿPfr \jq oñu TJojJ TPrjÇ @uäJy rJæMu @uJKoj pMPV pMPV F hMKj~J~ uãJKiT jmL-k~V’r kJKbP~KZPujÇ KT∂á @oJPhr Kks~ jmL oMyJÿh (xJ.)-A ßTmu TMuoJUuMTJPfr oPiq xvrLPr @uäJyr hrmJPr yJK\r yP~KZPujÇ F \jq KfKj rJyoJfMKuäu @uJKoj vJKlCu oM\jJmLj KyPxPm nNKwf yP~PZjÇ vPm KorJ\ ßTJPjJ @Ápt S IPuRKTT WajJ j~Ç KorJ\ @oJPhr \jq KmùJPjr ßãP© FT Cöôu mJ˜m híÓJ∂Ç oyJjmL y\rf rJxMPu kJT (xJ.)-Fr xPñ @uäJy rJæMu @uJKoPjr xJãJf uJn, kNmtmftL jmL-rJxMu, ßlPrvfJPhr xPñ ßoJuJTJf, ßmPyvf S ßhJ\U ˝YPã hvtj, mJ~fMu ßoJTJ¨Jx S mJ~fMu oJ'oMPr jJoJ\ @hJ~, CÿPfr \jq xMkJKrv S lKr~Jh TrJr TJrPe F vPm KorJP\r rJfKa IfLm fJ“kptmy S oKyoJKjõfÇ F kKm© rJPf jlu jJoJ\ @hJ~ TrJ, ßrJ\J kJuj, rJfmqJkL AmJhfmPªKVxy kKm© ßTJr@j ßfuJS~Jf, KouJh S oMjJ\JPfr oiq KhP~ IKfmJKyf TrJ Ifq∂ xS~JPmr TJ\Ç @uäJy kJT @kjJr @oJr FA KorJ\ r\jLr AmJhf-mPªKV TmMu TPr KjjÇ PuUT : xnJkKf mJÄuJPhv xLrJf Kovj, dJTJ, mJÄuJPhv

r\m oJPxr lK\uf oJSuJjJ @mMu ßyJxJAj kJaS~JrL KjÁ~ @uäJy fJ~JuJr KjTa VejJr oJx 12KaÇ FPf To-PmKv TrJr ãofJ TJPrJ ßjAÇ FA oJxèPuJr iJrJmJKyTfJ KjitJKrf TrJ yP~PZ @TJv S \Koj xíKÓ TrJr krÇ (@u TMr@j : xMrJ fSmJ)Ç oJPy r\m @rmL mPwtr 7o oJxÇ mJ~yJTL vrLPl @jJx AmPj oJPuT (rJ.) ßgPT mKetf, KfKj mPuj, rxNu (x.) pUj oJPy r\Pmr jm Yªs ßhUPfj, fUj KfKj muPfj-@uäJÉÿJ mJKrT uJjJ lL r\JmJ S~JvJmJjJ S~J mJuKuVjJ vJyKr rJoJ\JjÇ' Igt yPò, ßy @uäJy @oJPhr ksKf r\m S vJmJj oJxPT mrTf˝„k hJj TÀj FmÄ ro\Jj kpt∂ ßkRÅPZ KhjÇ yJhLPx kJPT oJPy r\Pmr mÉ lK\uf S @oPur TgJ mKetf @PZÇ fJr oPiq FUJPj KTZM mJeL fMPu irJ yuÇ yprf @mM xJBh UMhrL (rJ.) mPuj, rxNu (x.) mPuPZj, oJPy r\m @uäJy fJ~JuJr Kks~ oJxÇ ßp mqKÜ oJPy r\mPT xÿJj kshvtj TrPm, @uäJy fJ~JuJ fJPT hMKj~J S @KUrJPf xÿJKjf TrPmjÇ rxMu (x.) mPuPZj, ßy @oJr xJgLVe! K\msJAu (@.) @oJPT oJPy r\Pmr lK\uf S @ou xŒPTt mPuPZj, r\Pmr AmJhf oMKoj mqKÜ mqfLf ßTJj oMvKrPTr nJPVq y~ jJÇ rxNu (x.) mPuPZj, oJPy r\m @uäJyr oJxÇ oJPy vJmJj @oJr oJxÇ @r oJPy ro\Jj @oJr S @oJr CÿPfr oJxÇ FThJ oyJjmL (x.) ßTJj FT TmPrr kJv KhP~ pJS~Jr xo~ KfKj oPj TrPuj TmrmJxLPT @pJm ßh~J

yPòÇ oyJjmL (x.) muPuj, ßx pKh r\m oJPx FTKa ßrJpJS rJUPfJ, fJyPu fJPT Ff TÓ ßh~J yPfJ jJÇ oJPy r\Pmr 26 fJKrU KhmJVf rJf FTKa IKiT kMeqo~ rJfÇ FA rJfKaPT @rmLPf uJAuJfMu ßorJ\ muJ y~Ç F rJPfr èÀfô, fJ“kpt, lK\uf S mrTf IPjT ßmKvÇ @u ßTJr@Pjr 15 kJrJ xMrJ mjL AxrJBPu F rJPfr ßp GKfyJKxT WajJ fMPu irJ yP~PZ fJ oyJjmL yprf oMyJÿh (x.)-Fr ßorJ\ jJPo Kmvõ AKfyJPx xMkKrKYfÇ FA rJPf Kks~ jmL (x.) @uäJy fJ~JuJr @PhvâPo oÑJ vrLl ßgPT mJAfMu ßoJTJ¨JxD±tJTJPv, @PrJye TPr @uäJy fJ~JuJr IiqJPhv ksJ¬ yjÇ AmPj oJxCh (rJ.) mPuj, ßorJP\r rJPf @uäJy fJ~JuJ oyJjmL (x.) ßT oyJPj~Jof hJj TPrjÇ 1Ç CÿPfr \jq ßorJ\˝„k 5 S~JÜ jJoJ\Ç @r xMrJ meL AxrJAPu 14Ka IiqJPhvJmuLÇ oNuf r\m oJx yPuJ ro\JPjr ks˜MKfr oJxÇ FA oJx yPfA rxNu (x.) ro\JPjr ks˜MKf Vsye TrPfjÇ pJr lPu AmJhf S mPªVLS ßmKv TrPfjÇ ßx\jq fJÅr Cÿf KyPxPm @oJPhrS CKYf FUj ßgPT yNh~ TªPr kKm© ro\JjMu ßoJmJrPTr FTKa @my ‰fKr TrJ FmÄ @uäJyr Kks~ mJªJ yS~Jr \jq AmJhf mPªVLS ßmKv ßmKv TrJÇ @uäJy xMmyJjJÉ S~JfJ~JuJ @oJPhrPT ßxA fJSlLT hJj TÀj, @oLjÇ

KorJ\ : FTKa ‰mùJKjT xoLãJ PoJvJPrl ßyJPxj kJaS~JrL KmvõoJjmfJr oMKÜr KhvJKr oyJjmL y\rf oMyJÿh ßoJ˜lJ (xJ.)-Fr \LmPjr FTKa mJ˜m S @PuJzj xíKÓTJrL Cöôu WajJ KorJ\Ç rJxMu (xJ.)-Fr ÈPmJrJT'PpJPV oxK\hMu yJrJo mJAfMuäJy ßgPT ß\À\JPuPor oxK\hMu @TxJ Ãoe FmÄ ßxUJj ßgPT D±t ßgPT C±tPuJPT Èrlrl'PpJPV kKrÃoPer oJiqPo xíKÓr Ij∂ ryxq ImPuJTj, @uäJykJPTr kro xJKjúiq I\tj FmÄ Cn~ mºMr mJTqJuJkPT AxuJPor kKrnJwJ~ KorJ\ muJ y~Ç rJxMu (xJ.)-Fr jmMS~Pfr hvo mPwt 50 mZr m~xTJPu r\m oJPxr ßvPwr KhPT KorJP\r WajJ xÄWKaf y~Ç kKm© TMr@Pjr xNrJ mKj AxrJAPur 1jÄ @~JPf oxK\hMu yJrJo ßgPT mJ~fMu ßoJTJ¨Jx Ãoe (AxrJ mJ rJPfr Ãoe) FmÄ xNrJ jJ\Po 13 ßgPT 18jÄ @~JPf FmÄ FTA xNrJr 8 ßgPT 10jÄ @~JPf jmL\Lr D±tJTJv ÃoPer TgJ CPuäU rP~PZÇ KorJ\ xŒPTt yJKhx vrLPlS FTK©v \j xJyJKm ßgPT Kmvh Kmmre xÄmKuf mK©vKa metjJ FPxPZÇ PTJr@Pjr ITJaq fgq FT\j oMxuoJj oJjPf mJiqÇ kKm© ßTJr@Pj T·jJr

ßTJPjJ ˙Jj ßjAÇ ßTJr@j S yJKhPx Foj @rS mJ˜m WajJr ksoJe rP~PZÇ ßpoj y\rf oMxJ (@.)-Fr humuxy ßyÅPa jLujh kJr yS~JÇ y\rf AmrJKyo (@.)Fr joÀPhr KmvJu IKVúTM§ ßgPT rãJ kJS~J y\rf BxJ (@.)-Fr @TJPv @PrJye FmÄ fJÅr kMjrJ~ hMKj~JPf @Voj yS~Jr TgJÇ KmKm oKr~Por ˝JoL mqfLf kM©x∂Jj uJnÇ y\rf oMxJ (@.)-Fr CÿPfr \jq @TJv ßgPT VJP~Km UJhq oJjúJ S xJuS~J jJKoP~ ßh~J, y\rf BxJ (@.)Fr CÿPfr \jq UJhqnKft UJûJ ÈoJ-K~hJy' @TJv ßgPT jJKoP~ ßh~JÇ y\rf xMuJAoJj (@.)-Fr KjPhtPv KmPvw KlfJPrr ùJjL FT mqKÜ ÈxJmJ' rJPÓsr rJjL KmuKTPxr KxÄyJxjPT ßYJPUr kuPT A~Joj ßgPT CKbP~ @jJ (xNrJ jJou, @~Jf-40)Ç ßlPrvfJrJ ksKfKhj @TJPv SbJjJoJ TrJ FmÄ kíKgmLr xm \J~VJ~ WMPr ßmzJPjJ ßTJjKaPTA I˝LTJr TrJr CkJ~ ßjAÇ @r ßlPrvfJPhr @TJPv SbJjJoJr vKÜhJjTJrL @uäJy fJÅr FT KmPvw mJªJPT ãKePTr oPiq @TJPv SbJjJoJr mqm˙J TrJ Tf jJ xy\! oyJTJv KmùJjLPhr oyJTJv IKnpJj ÊÀ

y~ 1957 xJPuÇ F IKnpJPj ksgo xlufJ @Px 1969 xJPur 21 \MuJAÇ 2 uJU 52 yJ\Jr oJAu Ãoe ßvPw (IqJPkJPuJ 11 jPnJpJPj) jLu @otˆsÄ YJÅPhr mMPT ksgo kJ rJPUjÇ KT∂á fJrS 1400 mZr @PV rJxMu (xJ.) @uäJyr @rv kpt∂ 5 yJ\Jr mZPrr kg oMyNPftr oPiq Ãoe TPr KlPr @Pxj, pJ \VPfr KY∂JvLu S KmùJjLPhr oPjr hM~Jr UMPu KhP~PZÇ @\ oñuVsPyS mxmJPxr KY∂J TrPZ oJjMwÇ pJr hNrfô kíKgmL ßgPT xJPz 3 ßTJKa oJAuÇ pJrJ KmùJjo~ ßTJr@j, khJgt KmùJj, oyJ\JVKfT KmùJj, @PuJT KmùJj VKf S xoP~r xmtPvw VPmweJu… WajJèPuJ iJrJmJKyTnJPm ùJPj rJPUj, fJPhr TJPZ KorJP\r xŒNet Kmw~Kar xfqfJ KhPjr oPfJ CöôuÇ ßYJPUr kuPT uJU ßTJKa oJAu kg IKfâo TrJr ãofJ @uäJykJT ÈPmJrJT'PT KhP~PZjÇ ÈPmJrJPTr Kj~πeTJrL ˝~Ä @uäJy, fJA Yªs IKnpJPj IqJPkJPuJ16 Fr jqJ~ fJ KmTu yS~Jr j~Ç ÈPmJrJT' @rKm ÈmJrTMj' v» ßgPT CØNf, pJr Igt yPuJ KmhMq“ Ç FaJ jNPrr ‰fKr \JjúJKf mJyjÇ @PuJr VKfPmV IPkãJ IPjT ßmKv IgtJ“ Fr VKf IT·jL~ hsΔfÇ KmhMq“ mJ @PuJr

VKf ksKf ßxPTP¥ 1 uJU 86 yJ\Jr oJAuÇ ÈPmJrJT'-Fr VKf Fr ßYP~S hsΔf yS~Jr TJrPeA IKf I· xoP~r mqmiJPj rJxMu (xJ.)-Fr x¬JTJv Ãoe x÷m yP~PZÇ @r Èrlrl' yPuJ ßmJrJPTr ßYP~S vKÜvJuL, pJ oJjMw T·jJS TrPf kJrPm jJÇ Èrlrl'-Fr @KniJKjT Igt jro fMufMPu, xmM\ KmZJjJÇ xNptrKvìr ßYP~S Kãks fJr VKfPmVÇ jmL\Lr KorJ\ xvrLPr yP~KZu mPuA ÈPmJrJT' S Èrlrl'-Fr oPfJ mJyj mqmÂf yP~KZuÇ ÈPmJrJT' S Èrlrl' KgSxKl vJP˘r ÈAgJKuT ßhy' oJjxPhy IPkãJ IKiTfr xNç, vKÜvJuL, kspMKÜo~, pJ ˙Jj-TJPur oJP^ ßTJj xLoJ-kKrxLoJ ZJzJA xxLPo KoPv ßpPf kJPrÇ KmùJjLrJ ksoJe TPrPZj, WμJ~ 25 yJ\Jr oJAu ßmPV D±tPuJPT ZMaPf kJrPu kíKgmLr oJiqJTwte vKÜ ßgPT oMKÜ uJn TrJ pJ~Ç FaJPT oMKÜVKf mPuÇ jmL\Lr ÈPmJrJT'Fr VKf @PuJ mJ KmhMqPfr ßYP~ ßmKv KZu mPuA fJÅr kPã kíKgmLr oJiqJTwte vKÜ ßnh TrJ xŒNet x÷m KZuÇ ksTíKfr ksTíf xo~ oJjMPwr \JjJ x÷m j~Ç kíKgmLr WKz Ijq VsPy IYuÇ VKfr fJrfPoq xoP~r fJrfoq WPaÇ @iMKjT

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015


jfMj ks\jì KjP~ nJmPf yPm KmkhVJKofJ PgPT ÀUPf yPm KvyJmMöJoJj TJoJu @oJPhr x∂Jj @oJPhr nKmwqfÇ @VJoL KhPjr @vJr @PuJÇ PuUJ kzJ KvPU fJrJ oJjMw yP~ Cöôu TrPm @oJPhr oMUÇ @\PTr KvÊrJA yPm @oJPhr kKrmJr, xoJ\ FmÄ rJPÓsr @VJoL KhPjr TetiJrÇ fJÅPhr KWPr @oJPhr pf ˝kú xJijJÇ @orJ pJrJ krmJKxÇ oMÜ @KñjJ~ FmÄ FPhPvr @PuJ mJfJPx @oJPhr x∂JPjrJ mz yPòÇfJPhr m~x pUj Kfj mJ xJPz Kfj mZr y~Ç fUj FPhPvr Kj~oJjMxJPr fJPhrPT jJxtJKrPf nKft TrJ y~Ç FUJj PgPT fJPhr ksJgKoT KvãJ \Lmj ÊÀ y~Ç Frkr FèPf gJPT xJoPjr KhPTÇ oJjMw VzJr TJrUJjJr TJKrVrPhr yJPf xPk PhA @oJPhr @hPrr x∂JjPhrPTÇ fJrJ ksgKoT KvãJ Pvw TPr PxPT¥JKrPf kJ rJPUÇ KvãJ \LmPj xlufJ I\tPj PxUJPj fJPhr PuUJ kzJr YJk mJzPf gJPTÇ ÛMu \LmPj x¬JPy kJÅYKhjPZPu PoP~rJ ksKfKhj 6/7 WμJ ÛMPu TJKaP~ mJxJ~ KlPrÇ hLWt xo~ ÛMPu gJTJr kr mJxJ~ KlPr IPjPT KaKn PxPar kJPv mPx fJPhr kZPªr IjMÔJj oJuJ PhPUÇ PTCmJ QmTJKuT mJÄuJ KTÄmJ @rKm TîJPx ZMPa pJ~Ç PTCmJ fJPhr ÛMPur PyJo S~JTt KjP~ mPxÇ fJZJzJ IPjT xo~ @mJr Foj PhUJ pJ~, ÛMu ZMKar kPrS IPjT PZPu PoP~rJ mJxJ~ PhrLPf KlPrÇ PhKr yS~Jr TJre K\P\x TrPu

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015 FcáTqJvj ßxÖPr TJ\ TPrjÇ KfKj FT xoP~r xMkKrKYKf ßmgjJKuKV´j KxKa YqJPuj\ k´P\Ö-F SAPoj FmÄ KmFoA TKoCKjKar A~Mg ßhr FokJS~JKrÄ k´P\PÖr oqJPj\oqJP≤ pMÜ KZPujÇ rJKmjJ 2010 xJPu k´gPo ßumJr kJKat ßgPT TJCK¿uJr KjmtJKYf yj, kPr kJKat uMflár ryoJjPT oPjJKjf yS~Jr krS ßo~r kPh KcKxPuÖ TrJ~ KfKj fJr xJPg kJKat fqJV TPrjÇ rJKmjJ UJj 2010 xJPu uMflár ryoJj ßo~r KjmtJKYf yS~J kr ßgPT FUPjJ aJS~Jr yqJPouPxr yJCK\Ä TqJKmPja xhxq KyPxPm TJ\ TrPZjÇ mOPaPj 1o PTJPjJ oMxKuo mJ FKv~Jj jJrL Foj èrΔfôkNjt kPh rP~PZjÇ kr kr hM mZr xJrJ mOPaPj PxJxqJu yJC\ KjotJPj ßxrJ kMrÛJr KyPxPm k´J~ 50 KoKu~j kJC¥ kMrÛJr kJ~ TJCK¿u,pJr xrJxKr ßjfíPfô KZPuj rJKmjJÇ Vf aJPot YJr yJ\JPrr ßmvL ßxJxqJu yJC\ KjotJj TrJ y~Ç 2010 xJPu S 2014 xJPu \jWKjÓ TqJPŒAPj rJKmjJ UJPjr xKâ~fJ KZPuJÇ mJKmjJ UJj mPuj, IJoJPhr xoJ\PT KmnÜ ßhUJPf FmÄ ßTJPjJ ßTJPjJ ßãP© KmnÜ TrPf FTPv´jLr oJjMw xKâ~, IJr TKbj xoP~ IJKo nëKoTJ rJUPf ks˜áfÇ KfKj mPuj, IJorJ AKfoPiq k´oJj KhP~KZGTqmº yPu IJorJ TL nJPm IJPrJ ßmvL xlu yPf kJKrÇ FS~Jctx: rJKmjJ UJPjr xJŒsKfT xlufJ yPYZ- ACPrJKk~Jj cJAnJrKxKa FS~Jct 2104 uJnÇ KyPrJ Im hq A~JrTqJaJVKrPf Km\~L rJKmjJ YázJ∂ nJPm xatKuPˆc IJa \Pjr xJPg k´KfPpJKVfJ TPrj,pJr oPiq KZPuj IJAKaKn (IJAKaFj) Fr oqJPjK\Ä FKcar S ßyc Im cJAnJrKxKa rKmj FKux FmÄ IKnPj©L lJK¿xTJ oJKatj\Ç fJr xŒPTt \J\ kqJPju mPuj, KfKj Foj FT\j IjMTrjL~ jJrL,pJr \Lmj kKrkNjt S GTqm≠ xoJP\r \jq KjPmKhfÇ KmPvw TPr KkKZP~ gJTJ jJrLPhr ßoAjKˆsPo pMÜ TrPf fJr nëKoTJ IjjqÇ rJKmjJ UJPjr ßjfíPfô TJCK¿Pur PxJxqJu yJCK\Ä (SPvj FPˆa) xJjPc aJAox ßmˆ FS~Jct uJn TPrÇ CPuäUq rJKmjJ UJj ACPrJKk~Jj A¿PlîJP~¿ Im oMxKuo CAoqJj FS~JPctr \jq 2010 xJPu xatKuPˆc yjÇ Fr k´˜JmTJrL KZPuj KmKmKx-r FT\j FKcarÇ KâP~Kan F¥ TJuYJr: CPuäUq rJKmjJ UJj IJ~xJx ßrAjPmJ jJPo FTKa CkjqJPxr ßuKUTJÇ FZJzJS KfKj lPrj IKlPxr FTKa cTáoqJ≤JrLr KÙ¡ FcnJAxJr (2006), KmKmKx FmÄ IJAKaKn-r Kl∑ uqJ¿ KâP~Kan TjxJuaqJ≤ KyPxPm TJ\ TPrPZjÇ TJ\ TPrPZj YqJPju ßlJr ( KaFj oqJVJK\j) FmÄ IJat TJCK¿Pur xJPgÇ KfKj èc S~JAl xy hMKa xat Kluì KjotJj TPrPZjÇ pJr ¸jxr KZPuJ KxéKaj KluìÇ 2009 xJPu KfKj lPrj IKlPxr k´KfKjKi hPur xJPg rJKmjJ mJÄuJPhv xlr TPrjÇ FKa KZPuJ CV´k∫J KmPrJiL TotxNYLr FTKa IÄvÇ KfKj 2012 xJPu rP~u ßxJxJAKa Im IJatx-F KmKmKx ßrKcS ßlJr Fr \jq oJuKa TJuJYJrJKu\Por Skr mÜífJ TPrjÇ

11 \Mj ßT yPòj aJS~Jr TJptâo ˙Kmr yP~ kPzPZÇ uM“lár ryoJj ßp xm Cjú~j k´T· V´yj TPrKZPuj fJr nKmwq“ IKjKÁfÇ KmPvw TPr aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr \jVPjr hLWtKhPjr ßp hJmL KZu FTKa Tmr˙Jj ksKfÔJr fJS IKjKÁf yP~ kPzPZÇ uM“lár ryoJj fJÅr S~JhJoPfJ msoKuPf FTKa oJKæPlAg Tmr˙Jj k´KfÔJ TPr fJ CPÆJij TPrjÇ F Tmr˙JPjr TJpt â oS ˙KVf TrJ yP~PZÇ ßyJ~JAaYqJPkPu 9KoKu~j kJC¥ mqP~ kM r Jfj yJxkJfJu â~ TPr fJPf jfáj aJCj yu KjotJPjr S ßyJ~JAaYqJPku Knvj k´P\PÖr nKmwq“S ˙KVf TrJ yP~PZÇ m~ÛPhr KmKnjú uJû TîJPmr lJK¥Ä mº TrJ yP~PZÇ FTKa xN© \JjJ~ aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr ßTKmPja ßo’Jr, TJCK¿urrJ fJPhr hJK~fô xKbTnJPm kJuj TrPf kJrPZjjJÇ xrTJr KjpMÜ TKovjJrrJ IKlxJrPhr KjP~ TJCK¿u YJuJPòÇ @VJoL 11A \MPjr KjmtJYPjr kr TJCK¿Pur F ˙KmrfJ ßTPa pJPmÇ KjmtJyL ßo~r KjmtJYPj ßumJr kJKatr oPjJjLf k´JgtL yP~PZj 2014 xJPu krJK\f ßo~r k´JgtL \jKmVxÇ xJPmT ßo~r uM“lár ryoJPjr xogtj KjP~ ßo~r kPh hJÅKzP~PZj yJCK\Ä KmnJPVr ßTKmPja ßo’Jr TJCK¿uJr rJKmjJ TJjÇ Vf 14A ßo FT xJÄmJKhT xPÿuPjr oJiqPo Tj\JrPnKam kJKa ßgPT ßo~r kPh k´KfÆKºfJ TrJr ßWJwjJ KhP~PZj TJCK¿uJr KkaJrx ßVJøÇ

uM“lár ryoJPjr KmÀP≠ oJouJ hJP~rTJrL Ijqfo KkKavjJr FK¥ FruJoÇ FZJzJ ACKTk S ˝fπ k´JgtLxy ßoJa 10\j KjmtJYjL oJPb ßnJa pMP≠ IÄv KjPmj mPu \JjJPVPZÇ AKfoPiq KjmtJYjL k´YJrjJ ÊÀ yP~PZÇ TJCK¿uJr rJKmjJ UJj S \jKmVPxr KjmJYjL k´YJrjJ YJKuP~ pJPòjÇ xmJA IPkãJ~ @PZj @VJoL 11A \Mj ßT yPòj jfáj KjmtJyL ßo~rÇ

Ikyre jJ @®PVJkj @xJhM öJoJj UJj mPuPZj, xJuJyC¨Lj KjP\A @®PVJkPj KZPujÇ fJPT @AjL k´Kâ~J IjMxre KlKrP~ @jJ yPmÇ KmFjKk muPZ xrTJrA KmPvw mJKyjLr KhP~ Ikyrj TPr nJrPf kJKbP~PZÇ FKhPT xJuJyC¨LPjr ˘L yJKxjJ @yoh fJr ˝JoLPT KlKrP~ @jPf xrTJPrr xyPpJVLfJ ßYP~PZjÇ KfKj hsΔf nJrf KVP~ ˝JoLr xJPg xJãJ“ TrPf KnxJ k´PxKxÄxy k´˜MKf KjPòj mPu \JKjP~PZjÇ IkrKhPT KmFjKk PjfJ xJuJyC¨Lj @yPoh fJr xJPg PhUJ TrPf pJS~J hM\j @®L~PT \JKjP~PZj, fJPT PYJU mJÅiJ Im˙J~ TP~TmJr VJzL mhu TPr KvuÄ KjP~ pJS~J yP~KZuÇ KvuÄ Fr kPuJVsJCP¥ fJPT PYJU mJÅiJ Im˙JPfA VJzL PgPT jJKoP~ Ph~J y~Ç PYJPUr mJÅij PUJuJr krS KfKj mM^Pf kJrKZPuj jJ KfKj PTJgJ~ @PZjÇ ˙JjL~Phr K\ùJxJ TPr KfKj \JjPf kJPrj Pp, KfKj KvuÄ F @PZjÇ míy¸KfmJr KmKmKxr FT ksKfPmhPj F fgq \JjJPjJ y~Ç ksKfPmhPj muJ y~, míy¸KfmJr KmPTPu xJuJyC¨Lj @yPoPhr FA hM\j @®L~ ksgomJPrr oPfJ fJr xJPg KvuÄP~r KxKnu yJxkJfJPu PhUJ TrPf xão yjÇ xJãJ“ PvPw PmKrP~ FPx fJrJ KmKmKx mJÄuJr IKofJn n¢vJuLPT FA fgq \JjJjÇ FPhr FT\j @A~Mm @uL \JjJj, KfKj TuTJfJr mJKxªJ FmÄ xJuJC¨Lj @yPoPhr hNr xŒPTrs nJAÇ

KmsPaPj oMxKuo FoKkr ImhJj ßrPU pJPòjÇ ˙JjL~ TJCK¿u Kjmt J YPj k´KfÆKºfJ TPr AKfoPiq vf vf oMxKuo TJCK¿uJr KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ ˙JjL~ KjmtJYjxy yJC\ Im To¿ S yJC\ Im uctPx rP~PZj oMxKuo k´KfKjKiÇ FrA iJrJmJKyTfJ~ Vf 7A ßo mOy¸KfmJr IjMKÔf mOKav kJutJPo≤ KjmtJYPj oMxKuo FoKkr xÄUqJ mOK≠ ßkP~PZÇ KmKnjú hPur yP~ KjmtJKYf oMxKuo FoKkr xÄUqJ mOK≠ ßkP~ 13 \Pj hJÅKzP~PZÇ 2010 xJPur KjmtJYPj FA xÄUqJ KZu @aÇ FmJPrr KjmtJKYf 13 \j FoKkr oPiq 8\jA oKyuJ FmÄ fJPhr Kfj\j mJÄuJPhvL mÄPvJØMfÇ PumJr PgPT 9 \j, Tj\JPntKan PgPT 3 \j FmÄ FxFjKk PgPT FT\j TPr FoKk KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ oMxKuo FoKkVj yPòj FxFjKk ßgPT fJxKuoJ @yPoh PvU, Tj\JPntKam ßgPT jMxrJf WJKj, xJK\h \JKnh, PryoJj KYvfL, PumJr kJKat ßgPT ÀvjJrJ @uL, ÀkJ yT, KaCKuk Kr\S~JjJ KxK¨T, jJ\ vJy, AorJj PyJPxAj, UJKuh oJyoMh, vJmJjJ oJyoMh, A~JxKoj TMPrvL, xJKhT UJjÇ FPhr oPiq PumJr hPur oPiq 5\j FoKk @mJPrJ KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ KmsPaPj jJrL FoKkr xÄUqJ mOK≠ KmsPaPjr AKfyJPx FmJrA PrTct xÄUqT jJrL xJÄxh KjmtJKYf yP~ yJCx Im To¿ \~ TPrPZjÇ pKhS KmPvõr IjqJjq PhPvr fMujJ~ jJrLPhr FA xÄUqJ fMujJoMuTnJPm FUPjJ IPjT To mJ KmsPaj KkKZP~ rP~PZÇ FmJPrr 7A Por KjmtJYPj 650 @xPjr oPiq 191 \j oKyuJ ksJgtL Km\~L yP~PZjÇ kJPxtP≤\ KyPxPm 29.4, pJ 2010 xJPu KZPuJ 22.6 kJPxt≤Ç FPhr oPiq @PZj mJÄuJPhvL mÄPvJØNf PrJvjJrJ @uL, KaCKuk KxK¨TL, c” „kJ yTÇ FA TJfJPr @PZj xLoJ kJPauS KpKj FmJr PaJKr hPur oπL xnJ~ FokäoqJ≤ oπLr hJK~fôS PkP~PZjÇ huVfnJPm rJ\QjKfT huèPuJr KhPT pKh fJTJA fJyPu PhKU, PumJr huA oKyuJ xÄxh ksJgtL Ph~Jr PãP© KjrPkã S xoJjJKiTJr jLKf Imu’j TPrPZ, IgtJ“ PumJr hu 42.7 kJPxt≤ oKyuJ xÄxh xhxq kPh ksJgtL KhP~KZPuJÇ fMujJoNuTnJPm FxFjKk 75 kJPxt≤ kMÀw xJÄxh, Tj\JrPnKan 80% xJÄxh kMÀw ksJiJjqÇ KumPco xmYJAPf @j-ATM~Ju oJ© K\PrJ kJPxt≤Ç fJrkPrS huèPuJr huL~ Im˙JPjr KhPT fJTJPu PhUJ pJ~, kMrMw @KiTq, pKhS PumJr FPãP© FKVP~, fJrkPrS fJrJ KT∂á @rmJj @xjèPuJPfA jJrL xJÄxh ksJgtL KhP~KZPuJÇ

\JKf xÄW 2014 xJPu jJrL xJÄxhPhr Pp cJaJ ksTJv TPr fJPf PhUJ pJ~, TJ\JKU˜Jj, fMPTtKo¿fJj, PmuJÀv, \JotJKj, P¸j, l∑JP¿r YJAPf F PãP© KkKZP~ @PZ KmsPajÇ fPm 7A Por KjmtJYPj Pvw kpt∂ KmsPaj ACFPxr YJAPf fMujJoMuTnJ Pm FKVP~, muPf kJPr \JKf xÄW cJaJ of&? jJrL xJÄxh yJCx Im ToP¿ @jMkJKfTyJPr kJKbP~ FKVP~ FmÄ IjqJjqPhv xoNPyr xJPg KTZMaJ yPuS xoTãfJ uJn TPrPZÇ fPm xmYJAPf o\Jr mqJkJr yPuJ, \JKf xÄPWr @∂\tJKfT rJÓsxoNPyr xoJjMkJKfT fgq-CkJ• pJA yCT jJ PTj, FmJrTJr KmsPaPjr huL~ PjfíPfôr (KucJrvLPkr) PãP© jJrLrJ FKVP~Ç PumJr hPur I∂mtfLTJuLj PjfJ jJrL, FxFjKkr PjfJ jJrL, FcMPTvj KoKjˆJr jJrL, käqJAc KToM, KumJPru, KVsj, ACKTk kJKars(xM\JjJ AnJ¿ mftoJPj) PjfJ jJrLÇ PTmuoJ© Tj\JrPnKaPnr PjfJ kMÀwÇ mqKfâo FT Kmru híÔJ∂ muPfA y~Ç

PˆkjL S~JPct TJCK¿uJr kPh @mM fJuyJ ßYRiMrLÇ ßumJr kJKat ßgPT oPjJj~j ßkP~ k´YJrjJ YJuJPòj 2014 xJPur KjmtJYPj krJK\f k´JgtL ChqoL fÀjL xJKmjJ @ÜJrÇ Tj\JrPnKan kJKat ßgPT oJPb k´YJrjJ YJuJPòj ßmgjJuV´Lj Tj\JrPnKam FPxJKxP~vPjr ßckMKa ßY~JroqJj @po xJKlCuÇ FKhPT ˝fπ k´JgtL KyPxPm rJ\jLKfKmh S mqmxJ~L @lxr UJj xJPhTS KjmtJYjL k´YJrjJ YJuJPòjÇ KumJPru, ACKTkxy IjqJjq huS k´JgtL KhPf kJPrÇ Im˙J hOPÓ oPj yPò ߈kjL S~JPct uM“lár ryoj xoKgtf ˝fπ k´JgtL @mM fJuyJ ßYRiMrL S ßumJr oPjJjLf xJKmjJ @ÜJPrr oPiq ß\Jr k´KfÆKºfJ yPmÇ kptPmãT yPur oPf F CkKjmtJYPj uM“lár ryoJPjr k´Kf xJiJre oJjMPwr xyJjMnáKf gJTJ~ FmÄ @mM fJuyJ ßYRiMrLr KvãJ, IKnùfJ S hãfJ gJTJr TJrPj ß\fJr x÷JmjJ ßmKvÇ fPm xJKmjJ @ÜJr Vf mZr KjmtJYPj k´KfÆKºfJ TrJ~ fJrS IPjT kKrKYKf rP~PZÇ PˆkjL S~JPct ßnJaJr xÄUqJ k´J~ 8yJ\JrÇ Fr oPiq mJXJuL ßnJaJr yPò k´J~ 4yJ\JrÇ FUJPj CPuäUq ߈kjL S~JPctr TJCK¿uJr @Kumr ßYRiMrLPT ßTJPatr oJiqPo IkxJrPjr kr FUJPj TJCK¿uJPrr kh Êjq y~Ç fJA F @xPj CkKjmtJYj yPòÇ

uMflMrPT xogtj TrJ~ PumJr jqJvjJu FKéKTCKan TKoKar xhxqÇ Vf 15 mZr iPr KfKj F kPh @PZjÇ aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr xJPmT TJCK¿ur KZPuj KâKˆjÇ KZPuj aJS~Jr yqJoPuax PumJr kJKart KucJrÇ aJS~Jr aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr xJPmT Po~r uM“lMr ryoJPjr kPã TgJ mPuKZPuj KâKˆj PvJâlaÇ F TJrPj kJKat PgPT xJoK~T mrUJ˜ TrJ yP~PZ mPu \JjJ PVPZÇ mMimJr hPur FjAKx KoKaÄP~ fJr mqJkJPr lJAjJu Kx≠J∂ Pj~J yPm \JjJ PVPZÇ Vf mZPrr 31 oJYt KmKmKxPf kqJjJPrJoJ ksYJPrr kr ksJAx S~JaJr yJCx TMkJx aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr VsJ≤x, kJmKuKxKa FmÄ PksJkJa KmKâxy 3 PxÖPr fh∂ TPrÇ Frkr F KfjKa UJPf fhJrKTr \jq hM'\j TKovjJr KjP~JPVr PWJwjJ Phj f“TJKuj TKoCKjKa PxPâaJKr FKrT KkTuxÇ KjmtJKYf FT\j Po~r gJTJr kPrS TKovjJr kJbJPjJr ksKfmJPh Vf mZPrr 12 jPn’r aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr S~JaJr KuKuPf uM“lMr xogTt @P~JK\f xnJ~ mÜmq rJPUj KâKˆj PvJâlaÇ SA xnJPf xJPmT u¥j Po~r PTj KxKnÄPˆJj CkK˙f KZPujÇ Frkr aJS~Jr yqJoPuax KkKavj oJouJ~ Vf 23 Pv FKksu Po~r uMflMrPT 7Ka IKnPpJPV PhJKw xJmq˙ TPr oJouJr rJ~ PWJweJr FT x¬Jy kr S~JaJr KuKuPf uM“lMr xogPjt IjMKÔf xnJPfS mÜmq rJPUj KâKˆjÇ F xnJ~ xJPmT Po~r uMflMrPT @AjL mq~ PoaJPf xyPpJKVfJr \jq Igt txÄVsPyr uPãq FTKa FTJC≤ PUJPu fJPf IgthJPjr @øJj \JjJPjJ y~Ç PumJr FjAKx Po’Jr KâKˆj PvJâla KjP\ PxA FTJC≤ kKrYJujJ TrPmj mPuS xnJ~ PWJweJ PhjÇ PTJPatr rP&oJouJ YuJr xoP~S KâKˆj uM“lMr ryoJjPT xyPpJKVfJ TPrj mPu hJmL TrJ yP~PZÇ ÊiM KâKˆj j~, kJaKrt PnfPr PgPT pJrJ xJPmT Po~r uMflMrPT xyPpJKVfJ TPrPZj fJPhr xmJr KmÀP≠A xJÄVKjTnJPm mqm˙J Pj~J yPm mPu \JKjP~PZ FTKa xM©Ç fPm mqKfâo PgPT PVPuj xJPmT u¥j Po~r PTj KxKnÄPˆJjÇ KâKˆj PvJâlPar KmÀP≠ huL~ Kx≠JP∂r xoJPuJYjJS TPrj PTjÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

Km ßjJ h j


\oTJPuJ @P~J\Pj ÊÀ yPuJ xJuoJj UJPjr h§JPhv ˙KVf 68fo TJj YuKó© C“xm

14 Po 2015: \oTJPuJ @P~J\Pj hKãe l∑JP¿r TJj vyPr VfTJu rJPf ÊÀ yP~PZ Kmvõ YuKóP©r xmPYP~ optJhJTr TJj YuKó© C“xm 2015Ç FKa TJPjr 68fo @xrÇ 12 KhjmqJkL KmPvõr jJoLhJKo fJrTJPhr IÄvVsyPe oMUKrf yPò F C“xm ksJñeÇ FmJPrr @P~J\jKa ÊÀ yP~PZ APojMP~u mJrTa kKrYJKuf ȈqJK¥Ä yu' ZKmKa kshvtPjr oPiq KhP~Ç ksgo Khj FTKa ZKmA kshKvtf y~Ç F ksKfPpJKVfJr PksKxPc≤ P\JP~u S FgJj TMP~j PWJweJ TPrj FmJPrr TJj C“xPmr CPÆJijÇ @r Ck˙JkjJ TPrj IKnPjfJ uqJomJat CAuxjÇ 68fo F TJj C“xPm kshKvtf yPm PoJa 87Ka ZKmÇ Fr oPiq ksKfPpJKVfJ KmnJPV 19Ka, @jxJrPaAj KrVJct KmnJPV 20Ka, @Ca Im TKŒKavj KmnJPV 6Ka, KocjJAa KmnJPV 3Ka, KxPjlJCP¥vj KmnJPV 18Ka, vat

Kluì KmnJPV 9Ka, P¸vJu KÙKjÄ KmnJPV 7Ka FmÄ TîJKxTqJu KmnJPV 5Ka ZKm kshKvtf yPmÇ TJj C“xPmr ksKfPpJKVfJ KmnJPV oJKTtj KjotJfJ, KY©jJaqTJr S ksPpJ\T P\JP~u S FgJj PTJP~Pjr PjfíPfô KmYJrT KyPxPm ˝et kJo \~L ZKm KjmtJYPj KmYJrT KyPxPm hJK~fô kJuj TrPmj PoJa 9 \jÇ fJrJ yPuj- lrJKx IKnPj©L PxJKl oJPxtJ, míKav IKnPj©L KxP~jJ KouJr, ¸qJKjv IKnPj©L rKx Kc kJuoJ, oJKTtj IKnPjfJ \qJT KVPujyJu, PoKéTJj KjotJfJ, KY©jJaqTJr S ksPpJ\T èAuJrPoJ Phu PfJPrJ, TJjJKc~Jj KjotJfJ, KY©jJaqTJr, ksPpJ\T S IKnPjfJ yJKn~Jr PhJuJj FmÄ oJKur xMrTJr, VJ~T S VLKfTJr rKT~J asJSrÇ yKuCPcr KxKj~r S YuKf ks\Pjìr PmKvr nJV fJrTJ FmJPrr @P~J\Pj IÄv PjPmj mPu TJj TftíkãPT \JKjP~PZjÇ F ZJzJ Vf

TP~TmJPrr oPfJ FmJrS TJj C“xPm gJTPZ mKuCPcr @KikfqÇ nJrfL~ FTKa mMgS gJTPZ TJj C“xPmÇ mKuCc fJrTJPhr oPiq FmJr TJPjr uJu VJKuYJ~ yJÅaPmj Gvõpt rJA mój, PxJjo TJkMr, TJaKrjJ TJAl, remLr TJkMr ksoMUÇ remLr IKnjLf jfMj ZKm ÈPmJP’ PmuPna' FUJPj kshKvtf yPmÇ FUJPj kshKvtf yS~Jr TgJ rP~PZ FTKa mJÄuJPhvL ˝·QhWqt YuKó©SÇ KUK\r yJ~Jf kKrYJKuf È@A lr IqJj @A' jJPor F ZKmKa vat Kluì TjtJPr kshKvtf yPm mPu \JKjP~PZj KfKjÇ VfmJr TJj C“xPm PpJV KhP~KZPuj mJÄuJPhPvr IKnPj©L \~J @yxJjÇ fPm FmJPrr C“xPm KfKj PpJV KhPòj jJ mPu \JjJ PVPZÇ Fr mJAPr mJÄuJPhv PgPT FrA oPiq TJj C“xPm PpJV KhPf PVPZj kKrYJuT ˝kj @yPohÇ

8 Po 2015: ÈKya-IqJ¥-rJj' oJouJ~ xJ\JksJ¬ mKuCc fJrTJ xJuoJj UJPjr 5 mZPrr h§JPhv ˙KVf TPrPZ oM’JA Có @hJufÇ Vf ÊâmJr Có @hJuf FA ˙KVfJPhv PhjÇ @VJoL \Mj oJPx xJuoJPjr @KkPur ÊjJKj yPmÇ F xoP~r oPiq xJuoJj IPjTaJ KjntJr yP~ fJr KmKnjú ZKmr TJ\ TrPf kJrPmjÇ fPm IjMoKf ZJzJ Phv PZPz jzPf kJrPmj jJ xJuoJj UJjÇ Fr@PV Vf mMimJr xJuoJjPT kJÅY mZPrr TJrJh§ KhP~KZu oM’JA hJ~rJ @hJufÇ 2002 xJPu uJAPx¿ ZJzJ PmkPrJ~J VJKz YJKuP~ FT\jPT yfqJr IKnPpJV KZu fJr KmÀP≠Ç 304-Fr 2 iJrJ~ (IKjòJTíf UMj) PhJwL xJmq˜ y~ xJuoJjÇ FA xJ\J~ PnPX kcP?KZu xJuoJj IjMrJVLrJÇ IjqKhPT xJoJK\T PpJVJPpJV oJiqo aMAaJPr xoPmhjJr ^z SbJ~ mKuCc, aJKuCPcr KmKnjú fJrTJ FmÄ fJr nÜrJÇ fJr xJPg PhUJ TrPfS nLz TPrj xm fJrTJrJÇ xN©: aJAox Im AK¥~J, FjKcKaKn

YuKóP© PoJvJrrl TKrPor xPñ jSKvj

8 Po 2015: rJKTmMu @uo rJKTm kKrYJKuf ÈojkJKU' ZKmPf TJ\

TrPf pJPòj PZJakhtJr \jKks~ oMU jSKvj S PoJvJrrl TKroÇ F ZJzJ

KmP~r Umr I˝LTJr remLPrr! ImPvPw TJPjr Prc TJPktPa TqJaKrjJ!

13 Po, 2015: xŒ´Kf FT xJãJf&TJPr mKuCc IKnPjfJ remLr TJkMr mPuKZPuj KfKj jJKT @VJoL mZrTqJaKrjJPT KmP~ TrPmjÇ KT∂á FmJr fJ I˝LTJr TrPuj KfKjÇ oñumJr FjKcKaKnr ksKfPmhPj \JjJPjJ yP~PZ, @VJoL mZPrr

PvPwr KhPT TqJaKrjJPT KmP~r Kmw~Ka jJPTJY TPrPZj remLrÇ ZKmr TJ\ KjP~ mqó gJTJ~ FrTo PTJPjJ Kx≠J∂ PjjKj KfKjÇ PmJP’ PnuPnPar ksYJreJr xo~ remLr TJkMr xJÄmJKhTPhr mPuPZj, yqJÅ FaJ KbT @Ko Pkso TrKZÇ fPm @Ko FUPjJ @oJr KmP~r PTJPjJ

kKrT·jJ PjAKjÇ @oJr KmP~r KmwP~ IPjT è\m ZKzP~PbÇ FojKT IPjT oJjMw @oJPT C≠íf TPr mPuPZ, @Ko jJKT @VJoL mZr KmP~ TrKZÇ KT∂á FrTo PTJPjJ kKrT·jJ PjAÇ KTZMKhj @PVA È@jªmJ\Jr kK©TJ' \JKjP~PZ remLr TJkMr mPuPZj, ÈFUj @orJ hM\jA UMm mq˜Ç KmP~ TrJr xo~ PjAÇ fJA KbT TPrKZ @VJoL mZPrr PvPwr KhPTA @orJ KmP~ TrmÇ F KmwP~ hM\jA @orJ rJK\Ç' FKhPT TqJaKrjJS FT KmmíKfPf remLPrr xJPg @xjú KmP~r Kmw~Ka jJPTJY TPr KhP~PZjÇ IjMrJV TJvqPkr kKrYJujJ~ ÈPmJP’ PnuPna' ZKmPf xŒ´Kf IKnj~ Pvw TPrPZj remLrÇ FUj ZKmr ksYJreJ~ mq˜ xo~ kJr TrPZj KfKjÇ ZKmPf \Kj mJurJ\ jJPor FT Kˆsa lJAaJPrr YKrP© IKnj~ TPrPZj remLrÇ

12 Po 2015: If”kr vf IKjÁ~fJ oJKzP~ ksgomJPrr oPfJ @∂\tJKfT TJj YuKó© C“xPmr Prc TJPktPa PhUJ KouPuJ mKuCPcr @Pmhjo~L IKnPj©L TqJaKrjJ TJAlÇ PuJKrP~Puj msqJ¥ IqJ’JxJcPrr yP~ ksgomJPrr oPfJ TJPjr Prc TJPktPa xMPpJV PkPuj KfKjÇ xÿJj\jT FA YuKó© C“xPm PpJV KhPf ZMPa PVPZj @PVA, FmJr CPÆJijLr ksgo KhPjA TJj YuKó© C“xPmr uJu VJKuYJ~ yJÅaPuj KfKjÇ \JjJ PVPZ, CPÆJijL KhPjr ksgo xºqJ~A KfKj @TJKX&ãf TJPjr Prc TJPktPa yJÅaPujÇ F xo~ fJr krPe KZPuJ VK\t~Jx TJPuJ rPXr xÀ PuAx VJCjÇ F xo~ fJPT UMm @®KmvõJxL PhUJ~, FmÄ KmKnjú dPX PkJ\ KhPfS PhUJ pJ~Ç SA xºqJ~ fJr xJPg KZPuJ yKuCc IKnPj©L \MKu~Jj PoJrÇ fJr xJPg TqJaPT PxuKlPfS IÄv KjPf PhUJ pJ~Ç IgY TqJaKrjJ PuJKrP~Puj msqJ¥ IqJ’JPxcPrr yP~ yJÅaPmj KTjJ fJ KjP~ xÄv~ PhUJ KVP~KZPuJÇ

@rS IKnj~ TrPmj rJKmjJ míKÓ, ÀoJA PjJKn~J S KxK¨TÇ KnjúirPjr F ZKmPf jJrLr ImoNuqJ~j S VrLPmr ksKf KjVsyfJr KY© fMPu irJ yPm mPu \JjJj kKrYJuTÇ PoJvJrrl TKro S jSKvPjr xMPUr xÄxJPr ^JPouJ yP~ ksPmv TrPm rJKmjJ míKÓÇ Px nJPuJmJxPm PoJvJrrl TKroPTÇ IkrKhPT KY©jJK~TJ YKrP© PhUJ pJPm ÀoJA PjJKn~JPTÇ Pp kKrYJuT KxK¨PTr PksPo kzPmÇ PoJvJrrl TKrPor hJKrhsfJr ksKf oJjMPwr ImPyuJ S KY©jJK~TJ ÀoJA PjJKn~JPT ImoNuqJ~jxy jJjJ Kmw~ fMPu irJ yPm ZKmKaPfÇ @VJoL BhMu KlfPrr kr ZKmKar TJ\ ÊÀ TrPmj mPu \JKjP~PZj kKrYJuTÇ


PU uJ r x Ä mJ h

Kr~Ju ZJzPZj ßrJjJPøJ! u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ, 13 Po 2015: FmJPrr ßoRxMPo ¸qJKjv TîJm Kr~Ju oJKhsPhr k´J~ xm KvPrJkJA yJfZJzJ yS~Jr kPgÇ ßTJkJ ßhu ßr ßgPT KZaPT kzJ huKar YqJKŒ~¿ uLV S uJ uLVJ~ YuPZ mJP\ lotÇ FrA oPiq VqJuJKaPTJxPhr xJPmT ßVJuKTkJr IVJKˆj rKhsPV\ \JjJPuj, hPur oNu fJrTJ KâKÁ~JPjJ ßrJjJPøJ S ßVJurãT ATJr TqJKx~Jx ÈKjKÁf' Kr~Ju ZJzPmjÇ Kr~JPu mJP\ lot pJPò TqJKx~JPxrÇ ßxA xPñ è†j CPbPZ, @VJoL ßoRxMPo Kr~JPu ßhUJ ßpPf kJPr oqJjPYˆJr ACjJAPaPcr ßVJuKTkJr ßcKnc Kc KV~JPTÇ FKhPT Vf TP~T x¬Jy yfJvJr oPiq ßTPaPZ ßrJjJP� JrÇ ßVJu jJ kJS~Jr xPñ ßpJV yP~PZ ßkjJKæ KoxÇ F KjP~ VeoJiqoèPuJPf xoJPuJYjJS yP~PZ fJrÇ IVJKˆj \JjJj, Kr~Ju xogtTrJ @vJ TrPZj F ßoRxMo ßvPw xJK∂~JPVJ mJjtJmMq ZJzPmj FA hMA fJrTJÇ pKhS hPur xPñ fJPhr FUjS YMKÜ ßvw y~KjÇ ßrKcS oJPTtJPT ßh~J FT xJãJ“TJPr IVJKˆj mPuj, È@Ko oPj TKr, ATJr TqJKx~Jx ImvqA YPu pJPòÇ @Ko KjKÁf, ßrJjJPøJS TîJm ZJzPZjÇ' Kr~JPur yP~ 10 mZr ßUuJ IVJKˆj mPuj, È@orJ y~PfJ mMimJrA UmPrr TJVP\ FA xÄmJhKa ßhUmÇ' ACPrJKk~Jj YqJKŒ~jrJ @\ \MPn≤JPxr KmkPã YqJKŒ~¿ uLV ßxKolJAjJPur KÆfL~ ßuPV oMPUJoMKU yPmÇ k´go ßuPV fMKrPj 2-1 ßVJPu ßyPrKZu Kr~JuÇ

mJÄuJPhv-kJKT˜Jj KxKr\

IPjT k´JK¬r kr yfJvJ~ xoJK¬

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015


More homes built – but not in London!

The first quarter of 2015 saw 40,000 new homes being registered in the UK, according to figures collected by the NHBC. Unfortunately, only 5,622 of these were in London and, across the whole of the UK, only 9,735 were public sector homes. Tower Hamlets alone has around 20,000 households on its waiting list: the new homes are therefore welcome, but clearly nowhere near enough to meet demand. The numbers show an increase of 18% when compared with the same quarter in 2014. However, the increase is accounted for by more private homes having been built: there was actually a small decrease in the number of public sector homes being built. With house-building at such a low level, prices will continue to remain high for years to come. This will leave the new Conservative Government with a dilemma: they need house prices to remain high to avoid another economic collapse; but prices are now spiralling upwards so quickly that a huge number of people who are homeless or living in overcrowded conditions cannot afford to accommodate themselves. Prices are rising so quickly that housing in the UK has become very attractive to get-rich-quick merchants, many of whom live overseas (and don’t pay any tax in the UK). These people buy up houses and don’t even bother to let them out – so that in a year, or even a few months, they can sell the houses again, confident prices will have risen again so they will get more profit out of the house purchase and sale than they could have received by leaving their money in a bank. The new Government looks likely to continue the policies of the Coalition. It will attempt to manage (rather than solve) the dilemma by subsidising private housing for owner-occupiers, while at the same time raising rents for those in social housing. This will help keep prices high, while also cramming those who cannot afford to buy a home into social housing. The policy will also encourage existing private landlords to buy

up more properties and increase rents and/or cram more tenants into their properties – with the high private rents being subsidised by public money through the housing benefit system. Various enterprising Councils had recently begun to crack down on profiteering private landlords by starting up registration schemes to stop landlords overcrowding their properties to unsafe levels. Even before the General Election, the Government was talking about removing Councils’ powers to do this. If these powers are removed, it will be harder for Councils to enforce the law – and easier for unscrupulous private landlords to mop up more of those in housing need. The other tool which the Government is likely to use is continuing demonisation of the homeless, social housing tenants and black and Asian people. This is aimed at bolstering up the myth that the housing crisis is because non-deserving, non-white, illegal immigrant scroungers are filling up all the housing we have. Pushing points like this is working – as can be seen from the high vote for UKIP in the General Election (the party got the third highest vote, behind the Tories and Labour, even though it only won one seat). The Government’s strategy – presuming it does continue with Coalition policy – is not universally and uncritically supported by housing professionals. Commenting on the latest registration statistics, NHBC Chief Executive Mike Quinton spoke up very diplomatically, saying: “Our figures show an encouraging start to 2015 with new housing registrations up 18% on the first quarter of last year. Housing growth levels remain strong across virtually every part of the UK. However, we have made clear that the UK is still building way below the volumes of homes that we need. NHBC looks forward to working with government to ensure that high quality new housing is a top priority.” It’s early days to predict what will happen over the next five years – but the best advice for the moment seems to be: buy a tent!

Brave war veterans honoured in Tower Hamlets

Two Tower Hamlets war veterans who were awarded the Victoria Cross have been honoured with specially commissioned paving stones as part of the Government’s World War One centenary campaign. The stones for Corporal Issy Smith (in Ropewalk Gardens) and Lieutenant Geoffrey Woolley (Bethnal Green Gardens) were unveiled at the end of April. It is believed Cpl Smith was born Ishroulch Shmeilowitz in 1890. Aged 11, he embarked as a stowaway aboard a vessel to London. He arrived in Tower Hamlets, where he attended Berner Street School and worked as a deliverer. Smith served in the army for a time before the First World War but emigrated to Australia shortly before the outbreak of the war itself. Retained as a reservist, Smith was mobilised by the British Army after the commencement of hostilities in August 1914. He was awarded the Victoria Cross with the following citation: “For most conspicuous bravery on April 26, 1915 near Ypres, when he left his Company on his own initiative and went well forward towards the enemy's position to assist a severely wounded man, whom he carried a distance of 250 yards into safety, whilst exposed the whole time to heavy machine-gun and rifle fire. “Subsequently Corporal Smith displayed great gallantry, when the casualties were very heavy, in voluntarily assisting to bring in many more wounded men throughout the day, and attending to them with the greatest devotion to duty regardless of personal risk.” He returned to Australia in 1925 with his wife Elsie whom he had married at Camberwell Registry Office. They had two children. He died in September 1940 and was buried in Fawkner

Cemetery, Melbourne, with full military honours. Geoffrey Woolley was the first Territorial Army officer to be awarded the Victoria Cross. He was born in 1892 at Peter’s Vicarage, Bethnal Green, the son of the vicar. Both the church and the vicarage are still standing. He attended Parmiter’s School on Approach Road, Bethnal Green: the school building remains, but is now occupied by the Raine’s Foundation School. At the outbreak of the World War One, he obtained a commission in the Queen Victoria’s Rifles, the 9th (County of London) Battalion of the London Regiment. The Queen Victoria Rifles were posted to the Ypres Salient. On 17th April 1915 the British captured Hill 60 to the south of Ypres. Lt Woolley’s company was sent to take ammunition supplies to the defenders of the hill. The citation for the Victoria Cross reads: “For most conspicuous bravery on ‘Hill 60’ during the night of April 20-21, 1915. Although the only officer on the hill at the time, and with very few men, he successfully resisted all attacks on the trench, and continued throwing bombs and encouraging his men until relieved. His trench during all this time was being heavily shelled and bombed and was subjected to heavy machine gun fire by the enemy.” Promoted to the rank of Captain, he saw further action before being injured. After the war he resumed his study of theology at Oxford University and subsequently became a vicar. His last parish was at East Grinstead, from which he retired in 1958. He died in 1968. Lt Woolley’s son Nick Woolley attended the unveiling and paid tribute to his father’s bravery.

#DoSomethingNew for Dementia Awareness Week

#DoSomethingNew! Life doesn’t end when dementia begins – as public health staff from Tower Hamlets Council will try to show you during the Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Awareness Week, which runs from 17th to 23rd May. Doing something new could be as simple as trying a new recipe, learning a language or getting involved in an exercise class. Use the #DoSomethingNew and #DAW2015 hashtags along with a picture of yourself enjoying your new experience on social media to boost the Week. The word “dementia” describes symptoms that occur when the brain is affected by one of many specific diseases and conditions, such as Alzheimer’s or vascular disease. Symptoms include loss of memory, confusion and problems with speech and understanding. Dementia mainly affects people over the age of 65 but it can affect people at a younger age. A significant number of people living with dementia have not yet received a diagnosis. Dr Somen Banerjee, Director of Public Health at Tower Hamlets Council, said: “Early diagnosis is important, as it helps people get the right treatment and helps family members better understand what is happening so they can plan for the future. We continue to build on our successes of working closely in partnership to ensure residents have access to local services.” There are many services that support people to #DoSomethingNew and provide a range of support to people with dementia and their carers, funded by the council and NHS. There are four dementia cafés put on by Alzheimer’s Society, four times a month, two in English and two in Sylheti. The cafés involve fun social activities and information to help people better understand dementia and learn about services in the community that can support them. Patricia Rahman, who attends the Monday Memory Sitting said: “It’s one of the best things for helping people – definitely. I can relate to (other attendees) because we’ve both got the same thing. I’m more out and open now, whereas before I was more introverted; now I’ve come out a lot more; I’m happier.” The Alzheimer’s Society Tower Hamlets will be holding a series of talks and information stalls to help anyone who needs advice on dementia over the week. lMonday, 18th May Whitechapel Idea Store, E1 1BU 10am-12 noon, stall 10am-1pm, session for over 50s group lTuesday, 19th May Departure Lounge, Royal London Hospital, E1 1BB 10am-1pm, stall lWednesday, 20th May Departure Lounge, Royal London Hospital, E1 1BB 10am-1pm, stall lThursday, 21st May Mile End Hospital, E1 4DG 10am-1pm, stall (near staff restaurant at end of main corridor) lFriday, 22nd May Mile End Hospital 10am-1pm, stall lFor more information on dementia, the café events and accessing support and services in Tower Hamlets visit or contact Alzheimer’s Society Tower Hamlets on 020-8121 5626.


LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015

Sports Report

Canary Wharf Contractors Fund supports local sport

Canary Wharf Contractors Fund (CWCF) has this week announced the 14 beneficiaries of its fourth annual sports donations to local clubs in Tower Hamlets and surrounding boroughs. The Fund has distributed nearly £2 million to local and national causes, including sports bodies, since it was established in 2001. The local sporting associations recognised ranged from football clubs to watersports centres, judo clubs to dance academies. They were presented with their cheques on 12th May at an event hosted at Canary Wharf Group’s offices at One Canada Square. Cormac MacCrann, Executive Director of Canary Wharf Contractors and Chair of the Fund, said: “I am very grateful to the supporters of Canary Wharf Contractors Fund for helping us raise these significant amounts of money. Much of the funds that we raise go to help children’s hospitals and hospices, so it is good to be able to help young people involved in sporting activities also. There is a huge breadth of sport clubs in Tower Hamlets, they all do great work for local children and adults and we are delighted to be able to support them.” Projects supported by the Fund this year are as follows.

lBangladesh Football Association: A donation has been made towards a new programme to encourage young people with disabilities to play football in a safe and friendly environment. lBethnal Green Swimming Sharks: This community based swimming club will now be able to purchase new swim club software and computer equipment to assist with the running and management of the club. lDocklands Sailing & Watersports Centre: This donation will support the Youth Afloat Programme by subsidising a number of places for local people to be able to access this popular Summer Scheme. lEmbrace Dance: Funding towards free Saturday morning street dance classes for local children aged 6-16 years old at Island House. lFC Hamlets POPAC: This donation will allow this successful club to support the FC Hamlets Youth Development Project, supporting young people within FC Hamlets U16’s and U18’s youth football teams, providing personal development along with volunteering opportunities. lGeorge Green’s School: This donation will support the delivery of a Level 1 Football coaching programme for 16 young people aged between 16-18 years. lKaizen Academy: Kaizen Academy is a successful local karate group, funding will allow them to run the ‘Team Kaizen Summer Programme’ for young people during the summer holidays. lLee Valley Ice Skating Team: This successful local Ice Skating Team will be able to assist the development of free skaters by attending an Elite training camp. lLincoln Area Regeneration Group (LARG): This donation will support the running of the group’s new project “A Day in a Dancers World”. lLondon Disability Swimming Club: A donation has been made towards new team tracksuits as the swimmers take part in more national and international competitions. lStepney Cricket Club: A donation has been made to this new cricket club in Tower Hamlets to help them to develop and establish themselves. lTower Hamlets Badminton Academy: This donation will be used to support the progression of elite players with extra coaching and support with competition fees. lTower Hamlets Judo Club: Funding will allow the club to deliver new coaching sessions in areas of Tower Hamlets that they currently do not cover, such as Bow, Poplar and the Isle of Dogs. lVallance Community Sports Association: This donation will fund a 20 week multi sports programme called ‘Sports 4 All’ offering local young people access to safe and structured activities.

lCanary Wharf Contractors Fund (CWCF) is a charity established in 2001 by Canary Wharf Contractors (CWC), a wholly owned subsidiary of Canary Wharf Group plc. CWCF is administered by representatives of CWC and its supply chain. It raises funds to support local and national causes with particular emphasis on children, the local community, sport and the construction industry. For more information, go to:

Radcliffe’s runners are ready!

Tower Hamlets resident Meera Sankaranarayanan has been unveiled as one of the six inspirational women picked by worldrecord holder Paula Radcliffe to become one of Radcliffe’s Great Runners for the Morrisons Great Newham London Run. Meera joins five other women, ranging from seasoned runners to complete novices, who were selected from across the UK to be mentored by Paula Radcliffe as they prepare for the run in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on 19th July. The six women selected were picked as they all want to get active and inspire others to take part in the run. Paula unveiled the six members of Radcliffe’s Great Runners at an exclusive training session this week in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Meera and her teammates had the chance to quiz Paula on her training tips, how to prepare for a 10k race, specific race rituals she had and also suggested training programmes for the next two months as they build up to a 10k. The session finished with a light jog around the South Lawn area of the Park. Paula said: “Running has given me so much pleasure and a lot of wonderful experiences and I want to share that with these six wonderful women and help them reach their own personal goals. “I hope that the six women we’ve picked will go on to inspire thousands of other women across the UK to take that first step, sign up for the Morrisons Great Newham London Run and find out for themselves just how amazing running can be. You don’t need to be the fastest or the fittest, you just need to give it a go. I look forward to cheering on my six Radcliffe Runners, as well as the thousands of others taking part in the run on 19th July. And if today has inspired you, there are still places available so sign up now.” A full-time working mother of two young girls, Meera is hoping that Paula will help her realise her dream of being able to run. She comes from India, where running was a sport only for males – but she has found that living in the UK has presented her with the opportunity to take up running. “I thank my fortune now to have had an opportunity to come and work in the UK. It is an amazing sight for me to see so many people running every day, rain or shine. It changed my perspective about running as a sport and a physical exercise,” she said. “My aim in life now is to show my two young girls that there is nothing limiting, if they set their mind to pursue and be successful in whatever they believe. I look forward to completing this run as my mom is visiting us and will be there to watch me at the Olympic Stadium.”

lFor further information and to enter the Morrisons Great Newham London Run go to:

Barking win local derby Emdad Rahman

Barking CC were the victors as they romped home to a crushing 121 run victory over champions Scintilla CC at Mayesbrook Park last weekend. Barking won the toss and chose to bat first. The home team found themselves in trouble after losing their openers Shan Shafiq, Sagar Seth, Umer Mahmood and the in-form Eman Sheikh for 23 runs. Captain Ehsan Afzal duly took to the wicket and struck a captain’s knock of 71 to steady the ship. Omar Khan supported with 35 and S. Saeed with 22. The momentum had swung the way of Barking and they continued in the same vein. Saddique drove home the nails in a spell of nine overs, with two maidens and 16 runs for five wickets. Imran Butt was brought into the attack and he responded with four wickets, including a hat trick – the second time in two consecutive games against Scintilla. Imran Jony top scored for Scintilla with 32.

Tigers win UK Bangladesh Championship National Football Competition 2015

Now for the West Run!

Perhaps they are inspired by public running events in East London this spring – but now we find that a new 10k road race is being organised in west London this autumn. Taking place on Sunday, 4th October, the route starts next to Eel Brook Common, on the famous New Kings Road. Runners will progress through traffic free streets including New Kings Road, Parsons Green, Fulham Road and Fulham Broadway. WestRun London is a community festival for runners of all ages and abilities. There will also be a one mile Family Fun Run, open to anyone over the age of four – allowing tiny tots to run with grandparents, etc. – all enjoying family fun together. Places are limited and will sell out fast, so if you can’t wait for the next east London event, book your west London place now at the special Early Bird rate. Just go to: lTo keep up to date with the latest news from WestRun London you can also follow the event on Twitter @WestRunLondon or Facebook /westrunlondon.

London Tigers were crowned champions of the UK Bangladesh Championship National Football Competition 2015, the final of which was played at the Dagenham and Redbridge FC Stadium on Bank Holiday Monday. The Tigers beat some of the best Asian players from 15 teams across the UK in this two day competition. They lifted the winning trophy after playing and winning 6 matches, scoring a total of 16 goals and conceding only 4 goals. Their final was against Luton, beating them 3-1. “Congratulations to all our players and manager who worked hard to reach the finals,” said CEO Mesba Ahmed. “It was a great experience for our boys after playing inside MK Dons stadium last year.” London Tigers is a charity working across London and beyond, using sports as a tool to engage and support disadvantaged communities. Our work covers children and young people, women’s health, employment and training, community cohesion and sports development.

Arts ‘n’ Ents

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 15 May 2015


Win tickets to property advice show Westfield presents…

Making its comeback to Sandown Park, Surrey from 27-28th June 2015, the hotly anticipated annual Southern Homebuilding & Renovating Show is the one-stop event for those wanting to build or renovate their home and are in search of practical advice, expertise, a wide variety of innovative products, services and inspiration. Visitors who want to create extra room in their existing property by extending, converting the space available or embarking on an ambitious new-build project will discover dedicated areas and features and will be provided with comprehensive recommendations across the two-day exhibition. Free 15-minute sessions with the UK’s property specialists, indepth seminars and over 30 masterclasses will provide the essential answers to everyone’s questions and queries. More than 220 national and local companies will be showcasing their latest technologies and bespoke services at the event to offer vital support to those undertaking a project. The Ask the Architects zone is where visitors can meet with members of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) to find out more about undertaking building work, bringing creativity to projects while keeping them on track and adding value to their homes through an outstanding design and solid structure. For those who want to spruce up a room, a stop at the Dulux Interior Design Clinic is all it takes to be updated with the latest colour schemes, layouts and furnishing advice. Marianne Shillingford, Dulux’s design director, will be on hand to utilise her extensive experience to educate customers on the latest directions and new ideas in the industry and will provide a stepby-step guide to bringing the glossy magazine interior images to life. Oakwrights, a company which specialises in building timber and oak framed houses, will discuss the options available with self-build enthusiasts and the benefits that can be achieved when constructing a home using these materials. The skilled specialists on the stand will be available for free one-on-one consultations at the Oakwrights Design Consultation Service.

For visitors who already have land with planning, an appointment at the Potton Design Lounge hosted by experts from Potton, a company renowned for building sustainable timber homes, will prove invaluable for those who are in the process of erecting a contemporary open-plan living room, country cottage or a traditional Georgian rectory. Self-builders will benefit from a flexible service with quality design advice, tips on finance, mortgages and information on how to construct a fast track timber house frame kit. Before embarking on building a development or an individual home, show attendees must be vigilant as the planning permission application process is a fundamental step which requires considerable attention since it could impact the whole construction procedure. Sally Tag and her team of experts will be located at The Planning Clinic to advise on the latest regulations, caveats to be aware of and stumbling blocks which can be avoided with the help of professional guidance. Other key attractions at The Homebuilding & Renovating Show will be the free daily seminars and over 25 masterclasses hosted by specialist companies and knowledgeable experts. Throughout the two-day event, tips ranging from architectural design, furnishing, lighting to insulation, design ideas, home improvement and much more will be available to cater for the needs of every visitor, no matter their project, budget or lifestyle. Standard tickets are £8 in advance or £12 on the door (children under 16 go free). For further information visit or call the ticket hotline on 08712301086 (calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras).

My Days Pass by Dr Amanullah Ashru

Ahir Shah stars in local comedy line-up

As my days pass, unbroken perfection is the past. The best of the lot is the lost one, laughter is loud, cry is deep in my heart.

Joy is in my dream, and sorrow carry on wakeful hours. Daily profit plunge into waters of life, the long journey is skill to cover.

Always struggle to reach the goal. I am standby, the call does not come. Comest down to me the failure of the past. I do not give it up and decide to hold right. I promised my mate: wait, I shall come. The secret of my heart, I weep she is not here. In the last glimmer of sunsets, I lost my mate in the shoreless ocean. She is free, as waves from wounds I cry.

My days pass. Every day waits for the night. The tunnel of night ends in the morning shine. My days pass.

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West End Day

The West End’s coming to the East End on Sunday, 17th May, when extracts from three leading West End shows – Thriller Live, Beyond Bollywood and Let It Be – are performed in the Atrium at Westfield London. lFor more information about Sunday’s shows and future Westfield Presents events, go to:

Thriller Live Now in its seventh year, Thriller Live is a spectacular concert created to celebrate the career of the world’s greatest entertainer. Already seen by over three million people in over 30 countries, Thriller Live continues to moonwalk around the world, taking you on a visual, audio and electrifying journey through the magic of Michael’s 40 year musical history. Experience over two hours of non-stop hits from pop to rock, soul to disco in a show that pays homage to Jackson’s legendary live performances and innovative dance moves executed with flair, precision and passion in a show that you will never forget. Thriller Live is playing at the Lyric Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, W1. Box Office: 0844-482 9674

lLondon Bangla has tickets to give away. To win a pair of tickets (worth £24), email with the answer to this question: where will the Southern Homebuilding & Renovating Show be held next month? The lucky winners will be drawn from the correct entries on 31st May.

Forget the Edinburgh Fringe and get yourselves down to The Proud Archivist next week for a bank holiday mini-fest of the finest acts on the comedy circuit. Ahir Shah is on next Friday. He is a funny and extant comedian. His sharp, intellectual brand of stand-up features a blend of emotional frankness, poetic language and jokes. 2014 saw Ahir enjoy a successful run at the Edinburgh Fringe, with his highly compelling and thoughtful constructed show Texture. The Proud Archivist is at 2-10 Hertford Road, London N1 5ET. lThursday, 21st May Adam Hess Steve Hall lFriday, 22nd May Rob Auton Ahir Shah lSaturday, 23rd May Phil Wang Ed Gamble lSunday, 24th May Matt Winning Tiff Stevenson lMonday, 25th May Carl Donnely Julian Deane

For more information on events at the Proud Archivist, go to:

Beyond Bollywood! Witness the colour, energy and sheer exuberance of Bollywood as this new musical explodes onto the West End stage direct from sell out performances in Mumbai. Beyond Bollywood takes audiences on a truly authentic cultural tour of India capturing the fire, heat and desire of Indian dance. Beyond Bollywood is not just a musical – it’s a theatrical experience never seen before outside a Bollywood movie. Making its UK Premiere at the London Palladium, Beyond Bollywood has just started a limited run at the London Palladium.

Let It Be Seen by over 1 million people worldwide, Let It Be is jam-packed with over 40 of The Beatles’ greatest hits. Relive The Beatles’ meteoric rise from their humble beginnings in Liverpool’s Cavern Club, through the heights of Beatlemania, to their later studio masterpieces. Travel back to the magical Sixties when all you needed was love, and a little help from your friends! Let It Be is at London’s Garrick Theatre until 27th September.; Box Office: 0844-482 9673.


Community News

LONDON BANGLA = Friday May 15 2015

Council’s Housing Service secures £24.8 million from the New Homes Bonus

Don’t lose your vote!

There will be more elections in Tower Hamlets on Thursday, 11th June. All voters in the Borough will be able to vote for a Mayor of Tower Hamlets. There will also be a by-election in Stepney Green ward. The elections are being held because the Election Court removed Mayor Lutfur Rahman and Cllr Alibor Chowdury from their posts. If you were able to vote in the General Election, you should be able to vote in the mayoral election. However, if you tried to vote but found out you were not on the register, there is still time to apply for a vote in the coming mayoral election. Until this year, households completed a single form to register everyone in their household who was eligible to vote. This year, there is a new system nationally, which means that each individual elector must complete their own form. It is thought that some members of some households – children who are over 18 and living at home, students who still live with their parents but are away during term-time – may not have made it on to the electoral register because of the change of system. To correct any errors you found during the General Election, or to check whether all members of your household are registered, contact the electoral registration department at the Town Hall as soon as possible. lThe deadline for registration is 26th May. The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on 27th May.

THEOs foil unlicensed street traders

Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers (THEOs) have been instrumental in bringing action against unlicensed street traders operated by organised gangs around Tower Hill and Tower Bridge. THEOs liaised with local businesses in Tower Hill, the security at Tower Bridge, the Metropolitan Police and City Police. Using plain clothes officers to investigate suspects, the Tower Hamlets council officers handed out approximately 30 fixed penalty notices for perpetrators of unlicensed street trading over a two-month period. These fixed penalties – together with the arrests of many suspects by the Metropolitan and City police forces – have helped alleviate the problem. Some of the offences included the use of stainless steel trolleys to sell food, illegal street gambling using a ‘three card trick’ and begging. Many of those suspected of carrying out the offences are part of an organised Eastern European gang. The gang was targeting tourists and each member had the potential to pocket up to £500 a day. Several of the trolleys that were used by perpetrators have now been confiscated – action which is regarded as more effective than issuing fixed notice penalties. A total of 18 offenders have now been prosecuted and summonsed to attend court. THEO Team Leader, Philip Gospage, said: “THEOs have been working outside of their normal hours to tackle this issue and they continue to work with the police to ensure any suspects are dealt with. If anybody notices anyone suspicious, we urge them to get in touch.” Illegal traders are not smart guys who don’t want to be caught up in the red tape of conventional trading operations. Their products cannot be regarded as safe, and they may end up injuring or causing damage to the purchaser. lIf you suspect someone of illegally trading in the borough, you can contact Tower Hamlets Consumer and Business Regulations on 020-7364 5008.

Tower Hamlets Council has secured £24.8 million this financial year (2015-16) from the Government’s New Homes Bonus scheme. The borough has received more than any other local authority in the country. The funding comes as a result of the hard work of the Council’s housing service, led by Cabinet Member for Housing and Development Cllr Rabina Khan, in ensuring the building and developing of housing. It is recognition from the Government of Tower Hamlets’ commitment to ensuring it increases the housing stock available to its residents. Between 2011 and 2015, Tower Hamlets has increased its housing stock by 14,547, and brought 769 empty homes back into use. The achievement is down to Cllr Khan’s hard work in delivering Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s vision for Tower Hamlets, which was based on meeting local needs. Aman Dalvi, Corporate Director of Development and Renewal, said: “Once again

the government has recognised the hard work that we do, day in day out, to build affordable housing for the people in this borough. It’s all down to our commitment to making sure that Tower Hamlets becomes a great place to live for everyone.” The New Homes Bonus is a grant paid by central government to local councils in recognition of the complexities of providing additional homes. Since the scheme started, in 2010, Tower Hamlets has secured the most funding of all local authorities in the country – amounting to £74.7 million in five financial years. The building of new homes is part of the council’s strategy “A great place to live” which was formulated by Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s Administration. This strategy aims to: “make the borough a place where people live in quality affordable housing, located in clean and safe neighbourhoods, served by well-connected and easy to access services and community facilities.”

Cllr Rabina Khan, who presided over the housing service.

Have your say on health services

Could you be a market trader?

Love Your Local Market fortnight (May 13-27th) is a national event which offers local people who have never run a market stall to experience becoming a stallholder. In Tower Hamlets, the Council is inviting residents to try being a market trader for just £10 a day by taking a pitch at Chrisp Street, Roman Road, Roman Road Square or Bethnal Green Road markets from Monday to Saturday or at the Cheshire Street, Sclater Street, Bacon Street and Petticoat Lane Sunday markets. If you are unsure about becoming a market trader, keep it simple – don’t get too nervous and think you have to cater for everyone. Choose one thing to sell, make sure it’s something you’re passionate about – and give street trading a try. Tower Hamlets provides some of the best known and most thriving markets in London – no other place offers such an array of diverse and vibrant markets to residents and visitors. The council manages ten street markets, each of which showcases the genuine East End, where bargains and surprises abound. It has been estimated that our markets alone have an annual turnover of over £21million and provide over 300 employment opportunities for residents. All those who participate are covered for public liability Insurance by the host organisation, National Association of British Markets (NABMA). If you are interested in applying to take part, rigs can be hired for Chrisp Street, Roman Road, Bethnal Green Road and Petticoat Lane. To trade at Roman Road Square, Bacon Street, Cheshire and Sclater Street you will need to provide your own setup/table/gazebo. You can discuss this and other details with the council’s Market Services team when you register. lFor more information about markets in Tower Hamlets, go to: lTo apply to for a pitch for just £10, visit Market Services, 131 Commercial Street, London E1 6BJ from 9am-4pm MondayFriday, call 020-7364 1712 or email:

Healthwatch Tower Hamlets is inviting residents to a Community Listening event on 20th May at the Tarling East Community Centre, Martha Street, Shadwell,from 10.30am to 1.30pm. Healthwatch is an independent organisation, created to ensure local peoples’ experiences of health and social care are taken into account by service providers. At, patients can give star ratings to their GP, dentist, local surgery or hospital, and grade them on everything from cleanliness and staff attitude to the quality of care and food. Healthwatch Chair David Burbidge said: “Healthwatch Tower Hamlets is the consumer’s champion. We want residents to tell us what they think about health services, so that we can make them better. I would encourage all local people to come to our event and to sign up to become members of Healthwatch today.” Since the launch of the organisation in 2013, Healthwatch has ensured residents’ concerns about Barts Hospital were used by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to inform a series of inspections. The Young People’s Panel identified the health priorities of young people in the borough, and raised £10,000 to tackle the smoking of shisha by young people. Healthwatch Tower Hamlets also commissioned Social Action for Health to recruit, up-skill, support and incentivise patient leaders to take part in commissioning, quality review and service design at a strategic level. No announcement has yet been made on when Healthwatch will take up a learning system on how to write clear, understandable English so that ordinary people know what it is talking about. lFor more information about Healthwatch Tower Hamlets visit

Mayor “corrupt” says Labour Mayor

Newham Council has this week notified London City Airport that, as directed by the Mayor of London Boris Johnson, planning permission for the upgrade of the airport has been refused. Labour’s Sir Robin Wales, Mayor of Newham, accused London Mayor Boris Johnson, of issuing the direction for political purposes. Planning decisions are specifically supposed to be taken on planning, not political, grounds, so Mayor Wales’s accusation is tantamount to accusing Boris of corruption. No announcement has been made on whether Mayor Wales, or the Labour Party, or any group of electors, intends to take legal action against Boris. Mayor Wales claimed that Newham people wanted the airport expansion to go ahead because it would bring jobs into the area. Although most of his electors probably do want to see more jobs in the area, he did not quote any figures confirming that a majority of local residents want the jobs to come from extra air travel, which can harm the environment and which is dangerous in a built-up area. In other words, more jobs in Newham would have required more planes flying over Tower Hamlets.

Community news

LONDON BANGLA = Friday May 15 2015

Police say: can you help?

Detectives from the Trident Gang Crime Command are appealing for witnesses and information after three people were injured in Tower Hamlets in an incident which occurred at approximately 06:05hrs on Saturday, 19th April. The story began when police were called to a site in E3 following reports of a disturbance. Police believe that there had been a scuffle close to the Ican Studios, along Monier Road, during which a 29-year-old man was knocked unconscious and then further attacked by a number of individuals. Police believe that a 30year-old woman went to the man’s aid – and was herself attacked by the assailants. At this point a grey VW Golf was in collision with both victims before speeding away. Some witnesses believe that a firearm may have been discharged during the incident. The man sustained a broken collar bone and the woman suffered lacerations to her liver. Both received treatment for their injuries at an east London hospital. They have since been discharged from hospital and are recovering at home. In a second incident, some distance away but on the same road and at roughly the same time as the other altercation, a 33-yearold-man was stabbed. He was also treated at an east London hospital and has since been discharged. Investigating officers are currently trying to establish any possible link between the incidents. They are also keen for anyone, who may have been in the area and has information which could assist police, to come forward as soon as possible. lAnyone who can help is asked to call Operation Trident on 0208217 7301. Alternatively, to remain anonymous, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

New sexual health clinics for Tower Hamlets

Barts Health NHS Trust is changing sexual health services in Tower Hamlets, hoping to give local people more opportunities to access specialist support. From Saturday, 23rd May, the team is launching a new Saturday service especially for young people at the Ambrose King Centre, Mount Terrace in Whitechapel (London E1 2BB). Open between 12noon-3pm, anyone aged under 25 years can walk-in and wait to see a specialist advisor. The service is part of the Forward Thinking Partnership which is a jointly commissioned service utilising the clinical excellence of Barts Health and the community expertise of local award winning charity Step Forward. Also moving to the Ambrose King Centre is the Sexual Health Saturday service, currently held at the Sylvia Pankhurst Centre, Mile End Hospital. From 23rd May 2015, the service will run on Saturdays from 9am-12.30pm (with registration starting at 8.30am). To get an appointment at the Saturday service you will need to book online at There is also a limited walk-in and wait service, but people are strongly advised to book ahead where possible. Both the young people’s and general Saturday services provide free of charge contraception as well as diagnosis of and treatment for sexually transmitted infections. lA range of other services, advice and support is available from the Barts Health sexual health team. To find out more visit:

HSBC earmarks £2 billion for SMEs

HSBC Bank has announced that it has allocated £2 billion to lend to small and medium sized businesses in the near future. To make it easier and cheaper to borrow, arrangement and HSBC security fees on qualifying business loans of between £1,000 and £300,000 will be waived or refunded through to the end of July. This could save the average small business hundreds of pounds on borrowing costs. Arjan Van Den Berkmortel, Regional Director of Business Banking in London, said: “Too often I hear customers say they weren’t aware just how closely HSBC works with SMEs and start-ups in London. We want to change that perception and reaffirm our commitment to businesses of all sizes.” Ian Stuart, Head of HSBC’s UK Commercial Bank, said: “We currently approve more than 85% of loans, and our net lending to business is up in 2015 – but we want to do even more. This fund is an aspiration, not a limit, on our ambitions, and removing fees from our business loans could save hundreds of pounds for the average firm.” HSBC’s package of support is open to applications from all London SMEs with immediate effect.


Boris offers Londoners the “crumbs from the table”

Continued from page 32 The London Mayor’s scheme goes like this. Supermarkets end up each week with food they cannot sell, either because there’s a “packaging problem” or because of “over-production” or “overordering”. They were paying their refuse collecting companies to take it away. Instead of the supermarkets paying out, Boris is offering to help local schemes BUY the food off the supermarket – so they can set up special “poor shops” to sell it on to the deserving poor. This saves the supermarkets money, so they are bound to be delighted. The “poor shops” can then apply for further public subsidy from Boris’s fund to improve high streets. However, if public money was spent on paying public sector workers decent wages (and most of them have taken pay cuts every year since the Tories came back into government five years ago) and if public money was spent on paying decent in and out of work benefits, more people could afford to shop in ordinary supermarkets in the first place. Then supermarkets would have less waste to throw away – and the poor would not be stigmatised by being told to avoid supermarkets and go to the special “poor shops” instead. The plan is that once the poor people have been herded towards the poor shops, a range of other services can be targeted at them.

In one poor shop (officially termed a “social supermarket”), shoppers can get advice on coping with their debts and budgeting. These sessions are likely to be packed, given that the Government has cut funding of legal aid so that poor people can no longer have first rate advice from qualified solicitors for many of their problems. Many Tory Party members have condemned food banks run by charities. Most notably, the Church of England clashed with Iain Duncan Smith, Minister responsible for slashing welfare benefits. He, and others in his party, have indicated that providing the poor with free food is little more than a political ploy to make it look like there are more poor people in society since the Coalition launched its austerity policies (which will be continued by the new Tory Government) – and to turn the poor into “scroungers” rather than people who will work to improve their circumstances. The “social supermarket” scheme is presumably more favoured in governing circles because the profits go back to private shareholders. There are many plus points to the “Foodsave” system. It reduces the amount of food that goes to landfill, and it is a lifeline for many people. The shame is just that public money is diverted to schemes which keep poor people separate and stigmatised.

Freedom Flotilla

The four year siege of Gaza in Palestine continues, despite protests from around the world. The Israeli blockade, contrary to International Law, has cut people living in Gaza off from the rest of the world, preventing travel in or out of Gaza, from importing or exporting vital supplies and from accessing their agricultural land and fishing grounds. Israeli gunships patrol the Gazan coast, regularly shooting fishers, who are forbidden to fish further than three nautical miles from the coast. Their boats are confiscated and the fishers are often imprisoned, severely damaging the livelihood of thousands of families and denying Gazans a vital source of nutritious and inexpensive food. “There isn’t a fisherman in Gaza who hasn’t been shot at,” said Emad al-Sayeed Abu Reyala, the cousin of a fisherman shot dead by Israeli forces last month and whose son was similarly shot by them in December. “If the world has a conscience, it will stop these crimes”. Families have been separated for years by the blockade and international organisations including the United Nations are reporting an increasingly dire humanitarian situation in Gaza. There is a desperate lack of food, medical supplies and building materials and over 100,000 people are currently living amongst the rubble of their homes after Israel's bombardment of Gaza last summer. A flotilla of protest ships from around the world is planning to break Israel's nine year coastal blockade by sailing into Gaza. On board one of the Freedom Flotilla ships will be the former President of Tunisia, Dr Moncef Marzouki. The first ship has just set sail: James Godfrey from the Campaign Team of the International Committee for Breaking the Siege of Gaza will be talking about the Freedom Flotilla and how people can support the campaign. Admission is free. For further information please email:

Come and hear about the latest attempt to break the siege of Gaza! 12 noon, Saturday 30th May St Barnabas Church, Grove Road, London E3 5TG

Tower Hamlets Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations presents:

The Planning System: how does it all work? Monday, 18th May, 7-9pm; Collingwood Hall, Collingwood Street, E1. Speaker: Owen Whally, Service Head, Planning & Building Control, LBTH There will also be an update on the campaign to save the Holland estate from East End Homes. All Tower Hamlets residents welcome

TH Federation usually meets on the fourth Monday of the month. Contact the Federation on:


London Mayor Boris Johnson has this week announced that he will be spending £300,000 of public money on a scheme to stigmatise the poorest in society who are struggling to feed their families. He is using taxpayers’ money to help create a string of special shops where the deserving poor can pay low prices for food the supermarkets were about to throw away.

This is good news for those who qualify to use the shops: but public money could used a great deal more effectively to bring down food prices rather than line the pockets of supermarket shareholders.

Continued inside, page 31 Will the people speak again?

In September 2010, the national Labour Party over-ruled local members and chose their own Labour candidate for Mayor.

This was widely seen as the Labour Party exhibiting a colonial attitude towards the Borough’s Asian population: good enough to vote, but not to be trusted to choose their own candidate. In October 2010, the people spoke: they elected Lutfur Rahman, their own choice of candidate.

In May 2014, the people spoke: they stood by Lutfur Rahman and elected him for a second time. In April 2015, the courts spoke and told the people, in effect, they could should not have voted for Lutfur Rahman. They removed him from office and told the people to think again. On 11th June 2015, the people face another choice.

The Council was due to announce the candidates at 4pm today (Thursday), but as London Bangla went to press, no formal announcement had been made of who the candidates are. The leading contenders are likely to include: lLabour’s John Biggs AM, who will campaign to be Mayor at the same time as being a member of the London Assembly and overseeing Boris Johnson’s budget lCllr Rabina Khan, who has been one of the most popular members of Lutfur Rahman’s Cabinet and has overseen the building programme which helped deliver Mayor Rahman’s pledges to the borough’s tenants. At the time of going to press, there are rumours that Cllr Khan’s opponents are already challenging her right to stand in this election at all. It is a tainted form of democracy if the people cannot exercise their free will and be allowed a free choice of who they want to vote for..

Regular London Bangla contributor Emdad Rahman has been made a Freeman of the City of London. The award was made after the Court of Common Council passed an order for his admission.

Emdad attended a short Freedom ceremony at the Chamberlain’s Court Room in the Guildhall. He was presented with a Freedom certificate by Murray Craig – the Clerk to the Chamberlain’s Court.

Speaking after the ceremony Emdad said: “I am delighted to receive such prestigious recognition. I am a very proud Londoner and it has been an honour to be considered let alone be admitted to the Freedom of the City of London.”

Confusion and mis-reporting surround Labour suspension of National Executive member Christine Shawcroft

As London Bangla goes to press, it is being widely reported that the Labour Party has suspended Christine Shawcroft for supporting Lutfur Rahman. In fact, the Labour Party has made no such accusation.

The Labour Party has suspended Christine while it investigates allegations made about her in Mr Mawrey’s judgement, made in the Election Court. Christine was a councillor in Tower Hamlets in the 1980s and 1990s, when John Biggs was also a Councillor. Both of them since left the Council: the Labour Party stopped Christine from standing as a councillor again, and she went on to win several national, one-member-one-vote ballots of Labour Party members and be elected to Labour’s top body, the National Executive; John left the Borough after the Labour Party agreed he should stand in their safest seat for the London Assembly (a post he still holds until the elections next year). Mr Mawrey referred to “an NEC member” in one paragraph of his judgement and to Christine by name in another. He said that she supported Mayor Rahman: in that she was a Defence witness, she did support him but she was under oath to tell the truth about past events, so she did so. To do otherwise would have been contempt of

court. Mr Mawrey has not said that Christine campaigned for Lutfur Rahman against an official Labour Party candidate as that was not an issue for the Court. It will be hard for the Labour Party to take further action against Christine based on an opinion rather than any evidence. If they were to take action against her, other Labour Party members would be queueing up to give their “opinions” on their fellow members and then demanding they be expelled.

London Bangla published by Khobor Publication Limited, Montefiore Centre, Hanbury Street, London E1 5HZ. Tel: 020 7247 3006. Email: Web:

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