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ISSUE 08/07, FRIDAY 06 February 2015

Ex-Guantanamo over detainee arrested: Syria a year after trip to

ISSUE 07/15,

FRIDAY 28 February

A~JÄ IÛJr kJPòj ßo~r ßcÄ mJXJuL A~Jj jJKlx ...kOÔJ 06 ...kOÔJ 25

reports have stressed Although press of Mr kOÔJ 24 arose because ... he that the arrest links with Syria, Begg’s (unspecified) December 2012. If in last travelled there why has it so dangerous, the visit was to arrest him? an taken over a year works for CAGE, Moazzam Begg that works to independent organisation affected by the empower communities abuses of and to highlight War on Terror Mr Begg himself at the prisoners’ rights. on the years of torture work closely togetherRahman suffered over three much of which was the in fight Mayor its candidate to Council since hands of US forces, complicity of the another the Party has chosen elected have carried out with The Conservative Hamlets in May. that came a was services. mayor of Tower The theory is 2010, the Tories on British security election of the and less theory. election, in October to release a report of Wilford will CAGE is about At the first mayoral half the votes of Labour’s candidatethe then although Mr that the arrest campaign and netting to mount a serious Syria. It seems distant third – of winning candidate, votes, his may be timed are the last of of the votes try to attract Tory be to win Moazzam Begg than a quarter time around, they therefore, Rahman. This candidate. The will not organisation and, the focus is main discredit Councillor Lutfur the Borough to announce their what to Labour Party to say about in Wilford, is not (not a realistic prospect) but votes for the what they have the major parties Hamlets newcomer Chris vote second preference Labour Party hopes he will not bring a personal the gather as many going on in Syria. candidate, Tower and therefore does Conservative Party. He and that their can. In other words, costs” candidate, candidate as he for the currently a councillor on Rahman at all candidate the to the campaign be able to rely u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ inside, page 31 be a “stop Lutfur short of Labour votes, will or a high profile man, but he is not the strongest See : aJS~Jr yqJoPuax ßumJr vqJPcJ TqJKmPja falls nice candidate, if he may be a very elected. TJCK¿uJr IJPjJ~Jrxhxq FmÄ xJPmT YLl kJKatr Maybe: but fielded. to help him get ÉAk UJjPT KjP~ mMi mayoral contest? Tories could have láu TJCK¿u Tories the Tories mJr aJCj yPur written off the the just KoKaÄ and KZPuJ Tories ßmv CP•\jJkNjtÇ ßumJr kJKatr Have the watching Labour who have been jK\rKmyLj nJPm Inq∂PrA WPa fáuTJuJo ßUJh commentators KmrΔP≠ ßnJa Phj IJPjJ~Jr fJr hPur mJP\a TJ¥Ç k´˜JPmr FmÄ ...kOÔJ 24


2014 January 2014 31February 28 FRIDAY 07/11, FRIDAY ISSUE 07/15, ISSUE

detainee former Guantanamo for his the arrest of world Mystery surrounds has inspired respect around the who in support of Moazzam Begg, and for his work to his detention dignified reaction human rights since his release.


TJPhr KxK¨KTr YâJP∂r oPjJj~jk© KvPrJoKe mJKfu ... kOÔJ 24

cqJj oK\jJ KÆfL~ hlJ CkP\uJ KjmtJYj 2014

PumJr TJCK¿uJr IJPjJ~Jr UJjPT KjP~ lMu TJCK¿u KoKaÄP~ fáuTJuJo TJ¥

● KmFjKk 51 ● IJS~JoLuLV 38 ● \JoJ~Jf 10 ● \JfL~ kJKat 1 ● IjqJjq 7 dJTJ 27 ßlms Δ~JrL : ksgo CkP\uJ KjmtJYPj hlJ krS nrJcMKm mqJkT TJrYMKkr @S~JoL uLVÇ PbTJPf kJPrKj \~ PkPf oKr~J lPu KÆfL~ hlJ~ yP~ ...kOÔJ 24

PTªs hUu S \JuPnJPar C“xm

oJKr~Jo ßx≤JPrr \jq KmPvw IJKku

oJ© 5 kJC¥ TPr xyJ~fJ TrΔj 12 oJx u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ ” oJKr~Jo EeoMÜ TrPf FUPjJ k´J~ xJPz ßx≤JrPT kJC¥ k´P~J\jÇ 3 KoKu~j ßx≤JrKa UMPu KhPf Vf rJoJÆJPjr IJPV TôrP\ yJxJjJ KyPxPmKVP~ PoJaJ IÄPTr Igt Igt FUj KlKrP~ xÄV´y TrPf y~Ç FA oJxPT lJ¥PrAK\Ä KhPf yPmÇ fJA oJYt 2v yJ\Jr kJC¥ oJx ßWJweJ KhP~ k´J~ xÄV´Pyr CPhqJV yP~PZÇ V´ye TrJ 24 ßlmsΔ~JKr ßx≤JPrr fíf PxJomJr xºqJ~ oJKr~Jo IJP~JK\f FT L~ fuJr ßxKojJr yPu xÄmJh xPÿuPj \JjJPjJ y~Ç xÄmJh F fgq kJb TPrj oxK\PhrxPÿuPj KuKUf mÜmq oqJPj\Po≤ TKoKar ßxPâaJKr IJA~M rJPUj Aˆ u¥j m UJjÇ ÊrΔPf ˝JVf mÜmq oxK\h S ...kO ÔJ 24

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IJorJ 2014 xJPur y\ô mMKTÄ KjKò

u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ mOKav ßxjJ Ku : hKãe u¥Pj KrVmLPT k´TJPvq KhmJPuJPT yfqJTJrL oJAPTu FKcmuJP\J (29) FKcPmJ~JuL (22) S oJAPTu TJrJh¥ k´hJj ßT pJmöLmj TrJ yP~PZÇ fJPhrPT TokPã yPmÇ Vf 26 45 ß\u WaPf ßlmsΔ~JrL u¥Pjr SøPmAuL @hJuPf ...kOÔJ 26

published London Bangla

by Khobor Publication

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Po~r KjmtJYj KjP~ yJAPTJPat ÊjJjL

yJPl\ oSuJjJ ßjxJr CK¨j @yoPhr AP∂TJu

TKoCKjKaPf PfJukJz Po~r uMflár ryoJPjr KmrΔP≠ xJKãPf krJK\f ßo~r k´JgtL PyuJu IJmmJx krJK\f 3 PumJr TJCK¿uJr k´JgtL hrx CuäJ, IJuJ CK¨j S oJoMjMr rvLh ßo~r uM“lár ryoJj u¥jmJÄuJ KrPkJat : aJS~Jr yqJoPuax ßumJr kJKatr krJK\f ßo~r k´JgtL \jKmVx mPuPZj, 94 xJPur \jKmVx IJ\PTr \jKmVx-IPjT KnjúÇ metmJh, PnJaPTPªss k´nJm Km˜Jr,\JKu~JKfxy jJjJ IKnPpJPV aJS~Jr yqJoPuax ßo~r KjmtJYj mJKfu ßWJwjJr hJmLPf YuJ oJouJr ÊjJjLr 2~ KhPj ßo~Prr xKuKxaJr cJjTJu ßkKj KTCKx-Fr P\rJr oMPU KfKj FojKa ˝LTJr TPrjÇ KmKmKxPf ßmUJ√J o∂Pmq-r TgJS ˝LTJr TPrj \jKmVxÇ mOPaPjr FToJ© oMxKuo KjmtJKYf ßo~r uMfláPrr mqJkJPr xoJPuJYjJ TrPf u¥jmJÄuJ KrPkJat : mftoJj xoP~r KmUqJf @PuPo ÆLj, KmKvÓ AxuJoL KY∂JKmh S ßoJmJPuäV yJPl\ oSuJjJ ßjxJr CK¨j @yPoh ÂhPrJPV @âJ∂ yP~ Vf rJf xJPz hvaJ~ xJCg u¥Pjr ßx≤ \\t yJxkJfJPu AP∂TJu TPrjÇ (AjúJ KuuäJPy S~J AjúJ AuJAPy ...kOÔJ 24

krJK\f ßo~r k´JgtL \jKmVx KVP~ \jKmVx KmKmKxPf mPuKZPuj, uMflár ryoJj ÊiMoJ© mJÄuJPhvL TKoCKjKaPT IV´JKiTJr KhP~ kKuKx TPrj FmÄ fJr xTu TqJKmPja xhxqS mJÄuJPhvLÇ ...kOÔJ 24

oJSuJjJ rKvh IJyoPhr mJxJ~ PpRg mJKyjLr IKnpJj KxPua k´KfKjKi: KxPua P\uJ KmFjKkr xJPmT xy-xnJkKf k´mJxL ßjfJ oJSuJjJ rKvh @yoPhr mJxJ~ PpRg mJKyjL IKnpJj YJKuP~PZÇ Fxop? fJr mJxJ~ mqJkT fuäJKv YJKuP~PZ @Ajví⁄uJ mJKyjLr xhxqrJÇ ...kOÔJ 24

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kJÅY mJXJuL pMmPTr P\uh¥ u¥jmJÄuJ KrPkJat : @PoKrTJj FT ZJ©PT vJKrrLTnJPm KjptJfPjr IKnPpJPV PhJKw ksoJKef yS~J~ Aˆ u¥Pjr 5 mJXJuL pMmPTr KmKnjú Po~JPh P\uh¥ yP~PZÇ @hJuf xNP© \JjJ PVPZ, 2013 xJPur 17 \Mj rJPf ...kOÔJ 15

TJptf dJTJ KmKòjú! dJTJ k´KfKjKi: KmFjKk PjfífôJiLj 20 huL~ P\JPar cJTJ aJjJ ImPrJPi @vkJPvr TP~TKa ZJzJ mJKT xm P\uJr xPñ xzT PpJVJPpJV KmKòjú rP~PZ rJ\iJjLr dJTJrÇ xrTJr S ksvJxj PgPT @võJx KhPuS hNrkJuäJr kKrmyj ZJzPf rJK\ yPòj jJ IKiTJÄv kKrmyj oJKuTÇ kMKuKv kJyJrJ~ TP~TKa hNrkJuäJr ...kOÔJ 15

u¥jmJÄuJ ßk´xTîJPmr jm KjmtJKYf TKoKa \jPrJPwr kg iPrA @xPm PpPTJPjJ kKreKfr \jq 3 kPh K˙KfvLufJ: PvU yJKxjJ @Ko QfKr : UJPuhJ K\~J KjmtJYj 12\j KmjJ k´KfÆKªôfJ~ KjmJtKYf ...kOÔJ 07 ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJ mPuPZj, ÈPhPvr oJjMw @\ xPYfjÇ fJrJ \ôJuJS-PkJzJS, oJjMw yfqJ PoPj KjPò jJÇ \jPrJwA KmFjKk- ...kOÔJ 15 KmFjKkr PY~JrkJrxj S 20-huL~ P\JaPj©L UJPuhJ K\~J xmJAPT YuoJj @PªJuj vKrT yS~Jr @øJj \JKjP~ ...kOÔJ 15


LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015


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T Ko C Kj Ka x Ä mJ h



KmvõjJPg u¥j ksmJxLr \J~VJ aJñJAu P\uJ xKoKf ACPTr ß\JrkNmT t hUPur IKnPpJV TotxNKY ßWJwjJ KmPvw k´KfKjKi : PhPv PmzJPf KVP~ IJfúL~ ˝\Pjr yJouJr KvTJr yP~PZj kNmt u¥Pj mxmJxTJrL yJ\L ßVJuJo yJ~hJr SrPl IJlfJm IJuL( 77)Ç IJkj nJA S nJKf\JPhr k´JejJPvr ÉoKTr oMPU gJjJ~ IKnPpJV hJP~r TPr Vf 24 \JjM~JrL KfKj u¥j YPu IJPxjÇ WajJr KmmrPe \JjJ pJ~,CkP\uJr KmvõjJg ACKj~Pjr kKÁo o¥uTJkj VsJPor pMÜrJ\q ksmJxL yJ\L PVJuJo yJ~hJr CrPl IJlfJm @uL (77) fJPT ksJejJPvr ksPYÔJr IKnPpJV FPj xok&sKf KmvõjJg gJjJ~ FTKa KuKUf IKnPpJV hJP~r TPrPZjÇ KmvõjJg gJjJ~ xJiJrj cJ~rL jÄ 198 fJÄ- 6/01 /2015Ç gJjJ~ hJP~rTíf KuKUf IKnPpJPV CPuäU TrJ y~ , ksmJxL yJ\L IJlfJm @uLr @kj nJA @»Mx ZJ•Jr (80) , S fJr PZPu xKlTMr ryoJj (52) , @fJCr ryoJj (35) FUuJZMr ryoJj (28) hLWtKhj iPr fJr PoRrxL nNKo P\JrkNmT t hUPur \jq kJ~fJrJ TPr @xPZjÇ Vf 5 \JjM~JrL mKetf nNKoPf PhJTJj Wr KjotJer \jq kJTJ Ph~Ju QfrL TrJ yPu IKnpMÜrJ KjotJjJKij Ph~JuKa nJÄYMr TPr S ksmJxLPT ksJejJPvr ÉoKT kshJj TPr mPu IJlfJm @uL IKnPpJVkP© CPuäU TPrjÇ ˙JjL~ xJÄmJKhTPhr TJPZ ksmJxL yJ\L PVJuJo yJ~hJr CrPl IJlfJm @uL IKnPpJV TPrj , KfKj kKrmJPrr xhxqPhr KjP~ hLWt TP~T hvT iPr pMÜrJP\q mxmJx TPr @xPZjÇ FrA xMmJPh fJr @kj nJA hLWtKhj iPr fJr TP~T PThJr \J~VJ , CkP\uJ xhPrr kMrJj mJ\r˙ \æJr oJPTtPar hMfuJ~ PhJTJj Wr hUu TPr @PZjÇ FZJzJ KfKj IKnPpJV TPrj , fJr @PrT u¥j ksmJxL PZJa nJA ÊTMr @uLr xoNy xŒK•S mz nJA @»Mx ZJ•Jr hUu TPr @PZjÇ @r fJPhr nP~ ÊTMr @uL PhPv @xPZj jJ mPuS KfKj IKnPpJV TPrjÇ FKhPT Kmw~Ka gJjJr FFx@A ÉoJ~j TKmr KxPuPar @ouL @hJuf -3 Fr Kmù \MKcKv~Ju oqJK\PÓsa Fr TJPZ Iiftmq IkrJi fhP∂r IjMoKf PYP~ KuKUf @Pmhj TrPu @hJuf Vf 18 \JjM~JrL fhP∂r IjMoKf kshJj TPrjÇ

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

ACPrJKk~Jj kJutJPoP≤r IJoπPj aJS~Jr rΔvjJrJ IJuLPT KjP~ PumJr kJKatS VKmtf - vqJPcJ YqJP¿ur Fc mux yqJoPuax ßumJr hPur msJPxux xlr xTPur k´Kf IJymJj \JjJjÇ FZJzJ k´KfKjKi hu KmPvõ oJjmJKiTJr k´KfÔJ~ ACPrJKk~Jj kJutJPo≤ TJptTr nëKoTJ rJUJr k´Kf IJymJj \JjJjÇ k´KfKjKi hPu KZPuj aJS~Jr yqJoPuax TJCK¿Pur xJPmT ¸LTJr TJCK¿uJr rJ\Lm IJyoh, ßckMKa KucJr TJCK¿uJr KvKr~J UJfáj, ßckMKa ØˇLTJr TJCK¿uJr UJKux CK¨j IJyoh, ßumJr V´ΔPkr ßk´x KoKc~J S TKoCKjPTvj IKlxJr TJCK¿uJr IJ~JZ Ko~J, xJPmT ßckMKa KucJr oKfjMöJoJj, TJCK¿uJr IJxoJ ßmVo, TJCK¿uJr IJKojJ IJuL, ßumJr FTKaKnÓ fJPrT IJyoh UJj, TJyJr ßYRiMrL, mhrÕu ßYRiMrL, uMflár ryoJjÇ xlPrr xluJ xŒPTt TJCK¿uJr IJ~JZ Ko~J mPuj, FirPjr xlr ßpoj IJoJPhr IKnùfJ uJPn xyJ~fJ TPr, ßfoKj xJiJre \jVjPT rJ\jLKfPf IJxPf C“xJKyf TPrÇ FZJzJ KmKnjú TKoCKjKar rJ\jLKfKmhPhr xJPg ofKmKjoP~r lPu FPT IPjqr xJPg TKoCKjPTvPjr mqmiJj TKoP~ IJPj FmÄ \JfL-iot-met KjKmtPvPw xmJAPT GTqm≠ yP~ TJ\ TrPf C“xJKyf TPrÇ vqJPcJ YqJP¿ur Fc mux FoKk IJxjú KjmtJYPj PmgjJu V´Le F¥ ßmJ IJxPjr FoKk rΔvjJrJ IJuLPT kMjrJ~ KjmtJKYf TrJr IJy±Jj \JKjP~PZjÇ KfKj mPuPZj k´Kfv´ΔKfvLu S ßoiJmL rΔvjJrJ ÊiM aJS~Jr yqJoPuax mJ mJñJuL TKoCKjKa j~, kMPrJ PumJr kJKatr VmtÇ FPhPv k´go mJñJuL FoKk ßumJr kJKat PgPT KjmtJKYf yS~Jr TJrPj IJorJS fJPT KjP~ VmtPmJi TKrÇ KfKj mPuj, KjmtJYPj ßumJr kJKat Km\~L yPu IJKo fJPT oπLxnJr èrΔfôkNet kPh ßhUPmJ mPu IJvJ rJKUÇ vqJPcJ KcFlIJAKc FmÄ FcáPTvj KoKjˆJr KyxJPm AKfoPiq rΔvjJrJ fJr ßpJVqfJ k´oJj TPrPZjÇ rΔvjJrJr kJvJkJKv PumJr kJKatr IjqJjq mJñJuL k´JgtLrJS Km\~L yPmj mPu KfKj IJvJmJh mqÜ TPrjÇ vqJPcJ YqJP¿ur Fc mux rΔvjJrJ IJuLr lJ¥ ßrAK\Ä KcjJPr ßpJV KhP~ Fxm TgJ mPujÇ 28 \JjM~JrL, mMimJr rJPf ßx≤sJu u¥Pjr KmUqJf PrcPlJat ßrˆáPrP≤ IJP~JK\f FA KcjJPr Fc mux ZJzJS ßumJr kJKatr IJPrJ ßmvT\j xJPmT oπL, mftoJj FoKk FmÄ mJXJuL TKoCKjKar KmKnjú ˙Prr k´KfKjKirJ IÄv ßjjÇ Fc mux IJPrJ mPuj, Ûáu, FjFAYFx, yJCK\Ä FmÄ IJKgtT ßãP© vOÄUuJ KlKrP~ IJjJr \jq ßumJr kJKatr ßTJj KmT· ßjAÇ k´iJjoπL TqJPorΔj IJKgtT UJfxy KmKnjú ßxÖPr Cjú~Pjr Pp metjJ KhPóZj mJ˜Pm fJr ßTJj Kou ßjAÇ oJjMPwr ßnJVJK∂ Khj KhjA mJzPZÇ KfKj mPuj, ßumJr kJKat ZJzJ ßTJj KmT· ßjAÇ IJorJ k´iJj k´iJj IJxjèPuJr kJvJkJKv k´PfqTKa IJxjPTA IJWJf TrPf YJAÇ IJVJoL FTv KhPjr To xoP~r oPiq IJorJ xrTJr Vbj TPr PaJKrPhr k´JAPnaJ\JAvj ßuK\vPuvPjr KmrΔP≠ yJCx Im ToP¿ ßnJa KhPf YJAÇ Fc mux Vf 15 mZPr aJS~Jr yqJoPuaPxr KvãJ ßãP©r Cjú~jPT InJmjL~ KyxJPm IJUqJK~f TPrjÇ KfKj mPuj, KkfJoJfJPhr ImhJPjr kJvJkJKv PumJr kJKatr mqJkT KmKjP~JV FA ßãP© KmPvw ImhJj ßrPUPZÇ KfKj mPuj, ßumJr kJKat

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KjmtJKYf TrJr \jq IjMrΔi \JjJjÇ KfKj mPuj, ßaJrLPhr náujLKfr TJrPj xJiJre oJjMw UMm TPÓr oPiq rP~PZjÇ ßmcrΔo aqJé fgJ ßmKjKla, FjFAYFx, FcMPTvjxy KmKnjú ßãP© FA xrTJPrr mqgtfJ kKrÏJr yP~ CbPZÇ ßumJr kJKat ãofJ~ jJ IJxPu FA Im˙Jr kKrmftj x÷m j~Ç Aˆ u¥Pjr frΔe k´\Pjì \jq IJxjú KjmtJYjPT KfKj nJVq KjitJrjL KjmtJYj mPu IJUqJK~f TPrjÇ mqJrPjx kuJ CK¨j mPuj, rΔvjJrJ IJoJPhr IyÄTJrÇ IJoJPhr ˝JPgtA fJPT hrTJrÇ kuJ CK¨j IjMÔJPj rqJPlu cs kKrYJujJ TPrjÇ vJmJjJ oJyoMh FoKkr Ck˙JkjJ~ IjMÔJPj ITvj kKrYJujJ TPrj mqJrPjx SjJ KTÄÇ SjJ KTÄ rΔvjJrJ xŒPTt mPuj, rΔvjJrJr IJ\PTr Im˙Jj fJr KmPvw ßoiJr TJrPjÇ IjqPTJj kKrYP~r TJrPj j~Ç IjMÔJPj u¥Pjr ßmPTjyJo IJxPj PumJr kJKat ßgPT oPjJj~j uJnTJrL IJPrT mJñJuL k´JgtL ßoKrjJ IJyohS CkK˙f KZPujÇ


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T Ko C Kj Ka x Ä mJ h YJuJPjJr kJvJkJKv ˙JjL~ KaKn YqJPjPu IÄv V´yj TPrjÇ Fr lPu FA KjmtJYjPT KWPr PVJaJ mJrJr To m~xL \jPVJKÓr oPiq mqJkT YJûPuqr xOKÓ y~Ç aJS~Jr yqJoPuax' Fr ßo~r, uM&lár ryoJj mPuj, F mZPrr KjmtJYPj PnJaJKiTJr k´P~JPVr yJr 13 vfJÄv mOK≠ ßkP~PZÇ pJr oJiqPo ˙JjL~ Vefπ S rJ\jLKfPf IJoJPhr frΔe \jPVJKÓr xŒOÜfJr xJluqA láPa SPbPZÇ KfKj mPuj, k´YJrJKnpJj YuJTJPu k´JgtLPhr xJPg IJoJPhr ßhUJ TrJr xMPpJV yP~KZPuJÇ fJPhr xTPur hãfJ S k´KfnJr kKrY~ ßkP~ IJKo KmPoJKyf yAÇ FA KjmtJYPj pJrJ IÄv KjP~PZ, fJrJ ImvqA F\jq VKmtfÇ Po~r mPuj, IJKo KjmtJYPj k´KfªôKªôfJTJrL xTu k´JgtLPT TJCK¿Pur xJPg xŒOÜ gJTJr \jq IjMPrJi TrKZ FmÄ jm KjmtJKYf ßo~Prr xJPg IJjMÔJKjT KoKaÄP~r \jq IPkãJ TrKZÇ kMPrJ KjmtJYjL k´Kâ~J~ k´JgtLPhr KjÔJ, IKñTJr FmÄ ChqPor \jq PTKmPja ßoÍJr lr FcáPTvj F¥ KYuPcs¿ xJKntPxx', TJCK¿ur ßVJuJo rm±JjL fJPhr xTuPT IKnªj \JjJjÇ KfKj mPuj, IJoJPhr A~JÄ KkkuPhr TuqJPj TJCK¿u ImqJyfnJPm KmKjP~JV TPr pJPmÇ F irPjr ÛLo IJoJPhr frΔe \jPVJKÓPT FTaJ käJalro ßhPm, ßpUJPj fJrJ fJPhr IKnof S CPÆV kr¸Prr xJPg KmKjo~ TrJr xMPpJV kJPmjÇ KmhJ~L A~JÄ Po~r aLo Vf hMA mZPr fJPhr xJluq S CPhqJVxoNy fáPu iPr mÜmq rJPUjÇ KjmtJYPj ßh~J IKñTJrxoNy kNrPer mJ˜moNKU kKrT·jJ k´e~Pjr \jq jm KjmtJKYf A~JÄ ßo~r FmÄ fJr hMA ßckMKa KvVKVrA TJCK¿u IKlxJrPhr xJPg KoKaÄ TrPmjÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

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Life Members Certificate Giving Ceremony and Fund Raising Dinner

Avjjvn n’i A‡kl ‡g‡nievYx ‡g Ges Avcbv‡`i AvšÍwiK K mn‡hvwMZvq weqvbxevRvi K¨vÝ K¨vÝvi Ývi nvmcvZv‡ji cÖ_g †dB‡Ri †mev †m Kvh©μg mevi Rb¨ Db¥y³ y n‡e ‡e AvMvgx vgx 20 †deªƒqvix evsjv‡`‡ki AMYxZ K¨vÝvi †ivMx‡`i GKwU †ivMx‡` ‡`i †mevq GB nvmcvZvj‡K GKw wU c~Y©v½ nvmcvZv‡j cÖwZôv ô Ki‡Z Z Avcbv‡`i mn‡hvwMZv Ae¨vnZ Z ivLyb

Venue Royal Regency , 501 High Street North, Manor Park, London E12 6TH Venue Regency, ime 6:00pm RSVP 020 7096 0893 Date 9th Febraury T Time Abdul Shafik Fundr Fundraising aising Director 07956311519 F orhad Hossain T ipu Forhad Tipu Marketing Director 07949922122 Ikbal Hussain Bulbul Media Director 07447921576





Charity Reg. No : 1 1133051 133051 | Office: 74 -76 Tower Tower Bridge Road London SE1 4TP | |

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

T Ko C Kj Ka x Ä mJ h ßk´xTîJPmr èÀfô ßpoj ßmPzPZ ßfoKj ßmPzPZ FA xÄVbPjr ßkvJhJKrfôÇ 2003 xJu ßgPT hMA mZPrr Kj~Kof KmrKf KhP~ FA xÄVbPjr FK\Fo FmÄ KjmtJYj IjMKÔf yPòÇ 31 \JjM~JKr KZu FuKmKkKx'r IÓo KjmtJYjÇ IjMÔJPj mJÄuJPhKv mÄPvJØNf FToJ© KmsKav FoKk ÀvJjJrJ @uL FmÄ KmsPaPj KjpMÜ mJÄuJPhPvr yJCTKovjJr Fo F yJjúJj ÊPnòJ mÜmq rJPUjÇ TîJPmr uJAl S ßcJjJr ßo’JrPhr kJvJkJKv mJÄuJPhKv TKoCKjKar KmKvÓ\jrJ F xo~ CkK˙f KZPujÇ FmJr oJ© KfjKa kPh KjmtJYj yPuS ßnJaJr CkK˙Kfr yJr KZu CPuäUPpJVqÇ TîJPmr ßoJa 190 \j ßnJaJPrr oPiq 168 \j ßnJaJKiTJr k´P~JV TPrjÇ oJyoMh yJxJj FoKmA'r ßjfíPfô Kfj xhPxqr KjmtJYj TKovj F KjmtJYj kKrYJujJ TPrÇ Ikr hMA TKovjJr KZPuj m\uMr rKvh FoKmA FmÄ yJKmm ryoJjÇ @zJAaJ ßgPT 6 aJ kpt∂ ßnJaV´ye ßvPw xºqJ xJPz xJfaJ jJVJh KjmtJYj TKovj luJlu ßWJweJ TPrÇ Fr @PV hMkMr 1 aJ ßgPT ÊÀ y~ mJKwtT xJiJre xnJ (FK\Fo)Ç ßk´KcPc≤ jmJm CK¨j FmÄ xJiJre xŒJhT ßoJyJÿh FohJhMu yT ßYRiMrL KmVf hMA mZPr TîJPmr xJKmtT TJptâo fáPu iPrjÇ @KgtT KyxJm ßkv TPrj ßas\JrJr oMyJÿh \MmJP~rÇ xmt xÿKfâPo TîJPmr KyxJm IjMPoJh kJ~Ç KjmtJYj krmftL xoP~ KZPuJ KmPvw xJÄÛíKfT IjMÔJjÇ Fo ßT KouPjr Ck˙JkjJ~ IjMKÔf xJÄÛíKfT IjMÔJPj xÄVLf kKrPmvj TPrj ZJ~J @ÜJr ßrUJ, oJymMmMr ryoJj xmM\, oofJo~L hJx, ßoJ˜lJ TJoJu Kouj, jJ\oMj jJyJr oJxMoJ, fJKrT ßyJxJAj FmÄ xJBhJ ßYRiMrLÇ mJhqpπLPhr oPiq TL ßmJPct KZPuj cVuJx ßVJPo\, fmuJ~ Kk~Jx mzM~J, KVaJPr KZPuj Kr~Jh FmÄ KoCK\PTr kMPrJ Kmw~Kar xo’~ TPrj ˝kjÇ 2013 xJPur KjmtJYPjr @PV ßh~J k´Kfv´ΔKfèPuJ kNrPe vfnJV xlu yP~PZj CPuäU TPr TîJPmr ßk´KxPc≤ jmJm CK¨j mPuj, KoKc~J cJAPrÖKr ‰fKr, uJAl ßo’JrPhr kKrY~ k© k´hJj FmÄ xÄmJh TotLPhr \jq k´KvãPer mqm˙J fÅJrJ xlunJPm TPrPZjÇ KfKj mPuj, TîJPmr Kj\˝ nmPjr \jq lJ¥ ßrAK\ÄP~r TJ\Ka Vf hM'mZPr ßmv FKVP~PZÇ F xoP~ 88 yJ\Jr kJC¥ fyKmu xÄV´Pyr lPu mftoJPj TîJPmr ßoJa fyKmu ßhzv' yJ\Jr kJC¥ ZJKzP~ ßVPZÇ KfKj mPuj, TîJmPT YqJKrKa xÄVbj KyPxPm ßrK\Pasvj TrJr TJrPe KmKnjú oNuiJrJr k´KfÔJj ßgPT IjMhJj kJS~Jr kg xMVo

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T Ko C Kj Ka x Ä mJ h

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

KmsKav-mJÄuPhvL KvÊ-KTPvJrPhr mJÄuJ KvãJ k´hJj CPhqJV KjCyqJo xJKkäPo≤JrL FcáPTvj Pk´JV´JPor IjJrJrL ßxPâaJrL Ko. oJKatj Kk¥Jr, xJPk´xJ ßk´JVJPor TotTftJ lîáaJ KxVJ, TKoCKjKa ßjfJ ßyuJu CK¨j UJj, xJP~hJ ßYRiMrL, CKhYL xnJkKf ßVJuJo ßoJ˜lJ, TKoCKjKa ßjfJ @mMu TJuJo @\Jh, @v´Jl CK¨j xy @PrJ IPjPTÇ mÜJrJ mPuj pMÜrJ\q mÉ\JKfT nJwJnJKwr FTKa ßhvÇ FUJPj k´PfqT TKoCKjKa Kj\˝ TíKˆ S xÄÛíKf fáPu irPf nJwJ FTKa èÀfôkNet nNKoTJ rJUPZÇ fJA @oJPhr xÄÛíKf S GKfyq iPr rJUPf mJÄuJ nJwJ KvãJ, k´YJr k´xJr UMmA \ÀKrÇ KmsKav mJÄuPhvL KvÊ-KTPvJrPhr mJÄuJ nJwJ KvãJ k´hJj uPãq xJKkäPo≤JrL ßmñuL ßk´JV´JPor CPhqV ßj~J y~Ç xnJ~ mÜJrJ Fr TJptâo FKVP~ KjPf xTPur xJKmtT xyPpJVLfJ TJojJ TPrjÇ @PuJYjJ xnJ ßvPw oPjJù xJÄÛíKfT IjMÔJPj VJj, jJKaTJ S TKmfJ @mOKf TPr KvãJgtL ZJ©ZJ©LrJÇ

IkÂf KmFjKk ßjfJ oMK\m pMÜrJP\q KlPrPZj mJÄuJPhv \JfL~fJmJhL hu KmFjKk pMÜrJ\q vJUJr Ijqfo CkPhÓJ S pMÜrJ\q pMmhPur ksKfÔJfJ xJPmT xnJkKf oMK\mMr ryoJj oMK\m mJÄuJPhPv hLWtKhj IkÂf gJTJr kr oMKÜ PkP~ mJÄuJPhPv @AjL \KauaJ PvPw pMÜrJ\q KlPrPZjÇ Vf ßrJmmJr (1uJ ßl∑msΔ~JrL) mJÄuJPhv KmoJPjr FTKa lîJAPa oMK\m KyPgsJ KmoJjmªPr ßkÅRZPu pMÜrJ\q KmFjKk, pMmhu, P˝òJPxmThu, \JxJx, @Aj\LmL ßlJrJPor ßjfímOª fJPT láu KhP~ ÊPnòJ \JjJjÇ F xo~ @PmV @käMf yP~ oMK\m fJr oMKÜr \jq k´mJxL mJÄuJPhvL, pMÜrJ\q KmFjKk S Iñ xÄVbPjr ßjfímOª ßp @PªJuj xÄV´Jo TPrPZj FmÄ yJCx Im To¿, yJCx Im uctPx pJrJ @PuJYjJ xnJr @P~J\j TPrPZj fJPhr xTPur TJPZ TOfùfJ k´TJv TPrjÇ KmPvw TPr xm xo~ fJr ßUÅJ\Umr ßjmJr \jq KfKj aJS~Jr yqoPuax ßo~r uMflár ryoJPjr TJPZ TífùfJ \JjJjÇ oMK\m @vJmJh mqÜ TPr mPuj, fJr oPfJ IkÂf KxPuPar TíKf x∂Jj Fo AKu~JZ @uLS FTKhj xmJr TJPZ KlPr @xPmjÇ KmoJjmªPr oMK\mMr ryoJj oMK\Pmr mqKÜVf @Aj\LmL Ko: msJ~Jj, PyJo IKlPxr hMA \j k´KfKjKi ZJzJS CkK˙f KZPuj pMÜrJ\q KmFjKkr xJiJre xŒJhT T~Zr Fo @yoh, xyxnJkKf @mMu TJuJo @\Jh,

Vf 31 \JjM~JrL vKjmJr KjCyqJo xJKkäPo≤JrL ßmñuL ßksJV´Jo Fr @jMÔJKjT CP≠Jij CkuPã ˙JjL~TKoCKjKa ßjfímOª, IKnmJmT S KvãJgLt KvÊ-KTPvJr xoJPmv IjMKÔf yP~PZÇ KjCyqJo TKoCKjKa ßx≤JPr @P~JK\f F IjMÔJPj xnJkKffô TPrj xÄVbPjr k´T· kKrYJuT ßoJyJÿh vSTf @uLÇ vJKooJ ßmVo KofJ, vJlTJf @uL yJxJPjr kKrYJujJ~ FPf IKfKg KyPxPm mÜmq rJPUj KjCyqJo TJCK¿ur rKyoJ ryoJj, TJCK¿uJr SmJP~h UJj, oqJPjK\Ä TKoKar ßY~JroqJj \JyJñLr KlPrJ\, KvãT yJKuhJ fJyKojJ, ßoKrj @TfJr,

oJKjT ßTJjJ Cjú~j xÄ˙Jr xnJ IjMKÔf IJft oJjmfJr uãq KjP~ VKbf oJKjT ßTJjJ Cjú~j xÄ˙Jr xJiJre xnJ oñumJr 3 ßlmsΔ~JrL kNmt u¥Pjr FTKa yPu IjMKÔf yP~PZÇ KmKvÓ TKoCKjKa ßjfJ xÄVbPjr xnJkKf oMÜJKhr IJuLr xnJkKfPfô S TKkj CK¨j IJyoPhr kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÔf xnJ~ FuJTJr Cjú~j FmÄ xÄVbjPT VKfvLu TrPf krJovto uT mÜmq rJPUj KmKvÓ KvãJKmh IJvrJl CK¨j, TKoCKjKa ßjfJ oJKjTár ryoJj VKj, oBj CK¨j o~jJ, IJKuo CK¨j, \~jJu IJPmKhj, FjJoMu yT, T~Zr IJyPoh, \Kxo CK¨j, j\Àu AxuJo, jJK\o CK¨j, ßrJTj CK¨j IJyoh, ßyuJu CK¨j oMÜJr k´oMUÇ xnJ~ KmPvw IKfKg KvãJKmh IJvrJl CK¨jPT láu KhP~ mre TPrj xÄVbPjr xJiJre xŒJhT ßrJTj CK¨j, xy xnJkKf jJK\o CK¨j S j\Àu AxuJoÇ

KmFjKk ßjfJ xrlrJ\ @yPoh @\Jh, @»Mu oJKuT TáKa, oMK\mMr ryoJj, @xJm @uL, ‰x~h K\uäMu yT, @Tmr ßyJPxj, ßyuJu jJKxoMöJoJj, Táfám CK¨j, PoJ: xJKhT Ko~J, ßvT lJÀT @yoh uJTL, FohJh ßyJPxj KakM, KoxC\öJoJj ßxJPyu, \JKyh ßYRiMrL, oMK\mMr ryoJj ßYRiMrL, @l\Jr ßyJPxj, \JxJx xnJkKf Fo F xJuJo, @Aj\LmL ßlJrJo ßjfJ mqJKrÓJr fKo\ CK¨j, mqJKrÓJr @KojMu yT Kuaj, yJKohMu yT @KlKª, j\Àu AxuJo, P˝òJPxmT hPur @ymJ~T jJKxr @yoh vJKyj, xhxq xKYm @mMu ßyJPxj, pMVì @ymJ~T Fx Fo Kuaj, rKlTáu AxuJo xK\m, pMmhu ßjfJ ßhS~Jj @»Mu mJKZf, xJKær @yoh o~jJ, ßxJ~JPuKyj TKro

ßYRiMrL, KxKær xMoj, ßoJ: TKmr Ko~J, ßvU ojxMr ryoJj, xMufJj @yoh Aoj, \JKTr ßyJPxj, xJKhTár ryoJjÇ KmoJjmªPr CkK˙f pMÜrJ\q KmFjKkr xyxnJkKf @mMu TJuJo @\Jh IkÂf KmFjKk ßjfJ oMK\mPT fJPhr oJP^ KlKrP~ ßh~J~ oyJj @uäJyfJuJr ÊTKr~J @hJ~ TPrjÇ KfKj mPuj oMK\m ßpnJPm @oJPhr TJPZ KlPr FPxPZ, AKu~JZ @uLS FTKhj @oJPhr oJP^ KlPr @xPmj mPu @Ko @vJ TKrÇ CPuäUq KmFjKk ßjfJ oMK\mMr ryoJj oMK\m Vf oJYt oJPx xMjJoV† ßgPT IkÂf yS~Jr Kfj oJx 16 Khj kr dJTJ ßgPT oMKÜkJjÇ fJr oMKÜr hJmLPf mJÄuJPhPv S pMÜrJP\q mqJkT @PªJuj y~Ç

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

T Ko C Kj Ka x Ä mJ h


KhrJA SP~uPl~Jr hJS~JfMu AxuJPor PTªsL~ FPxJKxP~vj xJPxé xhq xPÿuj IjMKÔf Fr IJfìk´TJv

pMÜrJ\q KnK•T AxuJoL xÄVbj ÈhJS~JfMu AxuJo ACPT F¥ @~JPrr' xJÿJKxT PTªsL~ xhxq xPÿuj PrJmmJr 1 PlmsM~JKr kNmt u¥Pj KmVuqJ¥ ˆsLPar ÈPT~Jr yJCPx' IjMKÔf y~Ç xÄVaPjr PTªsL~ @oLr yJPl\ oJSuJjJ @mM xJK~Phr xnJkKfPfô FmÄ PxPâaJKr P\jJPru UKuuMr ryoJPjr kKrYJujJ~ xnJr ÊÀPf xMYjJ mÜmq rJPUj PTªsL~ @oLr yJPl\ oJSuJjJ @mM xJK~hÇ Frkr hJrPx PTJr@j Pkv TPrj vJP~U c” oJSuJjJ @»Mx xJuJo @\JhLÇ xnJr IjqJjq @PuJYq xMKYr oPiq KZu jfMj xhxqPhr vkg Vsye, Vf xhxq xnJr TJptKmmreL kJb, xÄVaPjr xJÿJKxT FmÄ KmnJVL~ KrPkJat, mJ~fMu oJPur KrPkJat Pkv, ksvú C•r kmt AfqJKhÇ xPÿuPjr KÆfL~ kmt mJhP\Jyr PmuJ @zJAaJ~ ÊÀ y~Ç FA kPmtr IjMÔJj kKrYJujJ TPrj xÄVaPjr KckMKa PxPâaJKr P\jJPru vJKær @yoh TJSxJrÇ FA kPmtr IjMÔJjoJuJ~ KZu xJÄVbKjT KmKnjú KmwP~ xhxqxhxqJPhr ofJof S krJovt Vsye, lJ¥ xÄVsy, xJŒ´KfT Kmvõ oMxKuo CÿJyr kKrK˙Kf vLwtT @PuJYjJ FmÄ oJyJxJmJÇ FkPmtr @PuJYjJ~ IÄvPjj \jJm PT Fo @mM fJPyr PYRiMrL, mqJKrˆJr fJuyJ \JKou, \~jMu @mKhj ksoMUÇ

KhjmqJkL xhxq xPÿuPj pMÜrJP\qr KmKnjú vyr PgPT xÄVbPjr xhxqxhxqrJ FPx CkK˙f KZPujÇ IjMÔJPjr KmhJ~L mÜPmq xÄVaPjr @oLr yJPl\ oJSuJjJ @mM xJ~Lh CkK˙f xmJAPT ijqmJh FmÄ xmJr ksKf PvJTKr~J ùJkj TPrjÇ KfKj mPuj KmsPaPjr FA QmrL kKrPmPv vf mq˜fJr oJP^ xÄVbPjr FThu TotLmJKyjL FToJ© oyJj rJæMu @uJKojPT rJK\ S UMKvr TrJr uPã hJS~JKf ÆLPjr FTJ\ TPr pJPòjÇ @uäJykJT Ppj @oJPhr FTJ\PT TmMu TPrjÇ KfKj AxuJoL @PªJuPjr TotLPhr oPiq kJr¸KrT GTq, ÃJfífô FmÄ xŒ´LKf m\J~ FmÄ xÄVbPjr vkPgr @PuJPT KjP\r hJK~fô xŒPTt xPYfj PgPT xmJr oJP^ hJS~JKf ÆLPjr TJ\ TrJr @øJj \JjJjÇ kPr Kmvõ oMxKuo CÿJr vJK∂ TJojJ TPr PhJ~Jr oJiqPo xPÿuPjr xoJK¬ PWJweJ TrJ y~Ç

pMÜrJP\qr xJPxé F Im˙Jjrf KhrJAmJxLr xKÿKuf k´PYÓJ~ KhrJA SP~uPl~Jr FPxJKxP~vj xJPxé jJPo jfáj FTKa xJoJK\T xÄVbPjr IJfìk´TJv y~Ç xÄVbPjr IJymJ~T TJA~Mo Ko~Jr xnJkKfPfô FmÄ pMVú IJymJ~T KoKuäT ßYRiMrLr kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÔf xnJ~ kKm© ßTJrIJj ßgPT ßfuJS~Jf TPrj l~xu yJxJjÇ Vf 12 \JjM~JrL ßxJomJr xJPxPé Fr ˝jJoijq ßrÓáPr≤ fJªMrL jJAa F IjMKÓf xJPxPé S mxmJxrf KmkMu xÄUqT KhrJAmJxLr CkK˙KfPf 13 xhxq KmKvÓ FTKa TKoKa Vbj TrJ y~Ç TJptTrL TKoKar xhxqrJ yPuj xnJkf TJA~Mo Ko~J, xy xnJkKf

IJKor Ko~J, oJyfJm Ko~J, ßxKuo IJyoh, \MPjh IJyoh, xJiJrj xŒJhT KoKuäT ßYRiMrL, xy xJiJrj xŒJhT KakM Ko~J ßYRiMrL, ßas\JrJr oMPvth IJyoh, xy ßas\JrJr ˝kj xrhJr, xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT oKjÀöJoJj rP~u, xy xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT IJ~jJ Ko~J, iot xŒJhT xJPmT IJuL, k´YJr xŒJhT xMPyu rJjJ ßYRiMrÇ xy k´YJr xŒJhT mJhvJy Ko~JÇ CÜ xnJ~ u¥j PgPT IKfKg KyxJPm CkK˙f KZPuj KhrJA gJjJ ßcPnuJkPo≤ IJ : jJ: ACPTr xJPmT ßas\JrJr IJKoÀu yT, xJPmT xJiJrj xŒJhT Kj~J\Mu AxuJo ßYRiMrL FmÄ pMVú xŒJhT oJxMT xrhJrÇ

oMKÜPpJ≠J voPxr UJPjr AP∂TJu : KmKnjú oyPur PvJT mLr oMKÜPpJ≠J voPxr UJj AP∂TJu TPrPZj Ç AjúJ KuuäJKy S~J AjúJ AuJAKy rJK\Cj Ç oífqMTJPu fJr m~x yP~KZPuJ 70 mZrÇ Vf 31 \JjM~JKr hMkMr 12.30 KoKjPar xo~ u¥Pjr PYˆ yJxJkJfJPu KfKj Pvw Kj:võJx fqJV TPrjÇoMKÜPpJ≠J voPxr UJPjr UJPjr VsJPor mJKz KxPuPar SxoJjLjVr CkP\uJr, KxTªrkMr kKÁoVJS VsJPoÇ mJuJVP†r GKfyqmJyL oñuY¥L CóKmhqJuP~r xJPmT FA KvãT mqKÜ\LmPj 1PZPu S 2 PoP~r \jT KZPujÇoñumJr, 3rJ \JjM~JKr u¥Pjr KmsTPuAj \JPo oxK\Ph mJh @xr fJr ksgo jJoJP\ \JjJpJ IjMKÔf yPmÇ mMimJr orÉPor orPhy mJÄuJPhPv kJbJPjJr TgJ rP~PZÇorÉPor nJKf\J pMÜrJ\q pMmuLPVr xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT mJmMu UJj fJr kKrmJPrr kã PgPT YJYJr @®Jr oJVPlrJPfr \jq xTPur TJPZ PhJ~J PYP~PZjÇ mLr oMKÜPpJ≠J voPxr UJPjr oífqMPf PvJT ksTJv TPrPZj KxPua P\uJ @S~JoL uLPVr xJiJre xŒJhT, xJPmT xÄxh xhxq vKlTMr ryoJj PYRiMrL,pMÜrJ\q @S~JoL uLPVr nJrksJ¬ xnJkKf @uyJ\ô \JuJu CK¨j, xJiJre xŒJhT Qx~h xJK\hMr ryoJj lJÀT, xy xnJkKf vJy @K\\Mr ryoJj, xy xnJkKf oJˆJr vJoxMK¨j @yoh, pMVì xŒJhT oJÀl @yoh PYRiMrL, xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT @uyJ\ô xJöJh Ko~J, h¬r xŒJhT vJy vJoLo @yoh, oJjmJKiTJr Kmw~T xŒJhT xJrm @Ku, vsoS \jvKÜ Kmw~T xŒJhT Fx Fo xM\j Ko~J, \jxÄPpJV Kmw~T xŒJhT rKmj kJu, pMm âLzJ Kmw~T xŒJhT fJKrl @yoh, u¥j oyJjVr @S~JoL uLPVr xnJkKf jMÀu yT uJuJ Ko~J, xJiJre xŒJhT @ufJlMr ryoJj PoJ\JKyh, xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT @»Mu PyuJu PYRiMrL PxKuo, pMmuLPVr vJoLo @yoh, @PjJ~JÀu AxuJo, @vrJlMu AxuJo, Fo F @uL, Qx~h fJPrT, TJoÀu AxuJo, @»Mx xJuJo, ZJfT PhJ~JrJ xMroJ pMm kKrwPhr xnJkKf l\Àu yT FjJo,pMÜrJ\q fÀeuLPVr xnJkKf \MmJP~r @yoh, xJiJre xŒJhT TKmr @yoh, pMÜrJ\q ZJ©uLPVr xy xnJkKf xJrS~Jr TKmr, pMVì xŒJhT jJ\oMu AxuJo, lUÀu AxuJo \JoJuÇ


T Ko C Kj Ka x Ä mJ h lUrÕu AxuJo oiM, nJrk´J¬ xJiJrj xŒJhT \JoJu IJyPoh UJjÇ mÜmq rJPUj Qx~h FyxJj, jJ\oJ IJÜJr, ßhPuJ~Jr ßyJPxj Kuaj, oJyoMh IJuL, \JKTr ßyJPxj, IJ\JhMr ryoJj IJ\Jh, xJAláu AxuJo oyKxj, vJy KojJr, xJjJ Ko~J, IJo\Jh ßyJPxj xJKj, IJPjJ~Jr ßyJPxj, rJPxu IJyoh \MP~u, FjJo ßyJPxj, ßVJuJo lJrÕT, jJK\o IJyPoh, fJKoo IJyPoh, xK\m náA~J, UJPuh IJyoh \~, ATmJu ßyJPxj, rÕPyu Ko~J, KvoMu ßYRiMrL, vJy oyKxj, TJ\L Ko\Jj, Ko\JjMr ryoJj rÕPmu, KuKk yJuhJr, o†Mr IJyoh, IJvrJl fJuMThJr rJ\M, vJyjMr IJyoh, jJ\oMu AxuJo \MP~u, IJPjJ~Jr UJj, yJKl\Mr ryoJj mJmuM, IJrJlJf ßyJPxj Km\~, IJ»Mu Tá¨Mx, hMuJu IJuo, Fo F \JKTr, lUrÕu TJoJu \MP~u, oJymMmMr rKvh KjkM, fJPrT IJyoh xMoj, oJKjT Ko~J k´o UÇ k´iJj IKfKgr mÜPmq IJ»Mu VJllJr ßYRiMrL mPuj fgJTKgT ImPrJPir jJPo KjrLy xJiJrj oJjMwPT kMKzP~ yfqJ mº TrJr IJymJj \JjJjÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

u¥j oyJjVr pMmuLPVr CPhqJPV k´KfmJh xnJ

Koa hqJ ßk´x IjMÔJPj KxKaP\j oMnPo≤'r ÉKv~JrL

èo, yfqJ mJÄuJPhPvr \jVe ßoPj KjPm jJ ACPrJkKnK•T xÄVbj KxKaP\j oMnPo≤'r @øJ~T Fo F oJPuT @Aj vO⁄uJmJKyjLr k´iJjPhr ÉKv~Jr TPr KhP~ mPuPZj, È@kjJrJ IQmi k´iJjoπL ßvU yJKxjJPT rãJr \jq èo S yfqJ~ PoPf CPbPZj; FUjS xo~ @PZ, \jVPer kPã hJÅzJj, VefPπr kPã hJÅzJj, \jVe @kjJPhr kPã gJTPmÇ IQmi PvU yJKxjJr kPã hJÅKzP~ uJn PjAÇ \jVe FmJr ÀPU hJÅKzP~PZÇ yJKxjJ FmJr KjP\PTA rãJ TrPf kJrPmj jJ'Ç KfKj mPuPZj, È@kjJrJ @oJr PmJj, nJA, oJ mJmJ, x∂Jj kKrmJr @®L~ ˝\jPT Wr PgPT iPr KjP~ KVP~ yfqJ TrPmj, èo TrPmj, èKu TrPmj, FPTr kr FT vf vf oJP~Phr mMT UJKu TrPmj; FKa @r mJÄuJPhPvr \jVe ßoPj KjPm jJÇ @orJ @r WPr mPx oífqMPT @KuÅñj TrPmJ jJÇ ßrJmmJr (1uJ ßlmsΔ~JrL ) kNmt u¥Pjr ˙JjL~ FTKa ßrÓáPrP≤ FT \ÀrL xÄmJh xPÿuPj KuKUf mÜPmq KfKj Fxm TgJ

KmFjKk \JoJf YPâr fgJTKgf ImPrJPir jJPo xJiJrj oJjMwPT kMKzP~ yfqJr TrJr k´KfmJPh Vf PxJomJr kMmtu¥Pjr ˙JjL~ FTKa yPu u¥j oyJjVr pMmuLPVr CPhqJPV FT k´KfmJh xnJ IjMKÔf y~Ç xÄVbPjr xnJkKf fJPrT IJyoPhr xnJkKfPfô FmÄ xJiJrj xŒJhT l~xu ßyJPxj xMoj, pMVú xŒJhT FjJoMu yT, yJKl\Mr ryoJj xMoj S IJKojMu AxuJo TJKmh Fr ßpRg kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÔf xnJ~ k´iJj

IKfKg KyPxPm CkK˙f KZPuj KmKvÓ xJÄmJKhT S TuJKoˆ IJ»Mu VJllJr ßYRiMrÇ k´iJj mÜJ KyPxPm CkK˙f KZPuj oyJj \JfL~ xÄxPhr xhxq lK\uJfájPjúZJ mJK√Ç KmPvw IKfKg pMÜrJ\q IJS~JoLuLPVr CkPhÔJr ßY~JroqJj vJoxMK¨j UJjÇ pMÜrJ\q IJS~JoLuLPVr xJiJrj xŒJhT ‰x~h xJK\hMr ryoJj lJrÕT, xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT IJ»Mu IJyJh ßYRiMrL, Kv· S mJKe\q xŒJhT IJxo KoxmJy, pMÜrJ\q pMmuLPVr xnJkKf S ßTªsL~ TKoKar xhxq

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xy @PrJ IPjTÇ ? mÜJrJ vJ~U ßj\Jo CK¨j (rJy:) metJdq rJ\QjKfT \Lmj S KvãJ Cjú~Pjr fÅJr nNKoTJ KjP~ Kmwh @PuJYjJ TPrjÇ fJrJ mPuj AxuJoL KvãJ S rJ\jLKfr o~hJPj KfKj KZPuj FT mLr KxkJy xJuJr S oJjMw VzJr TJKrVrÇ fJÅr ßpJVq PjfíPfô yJ\JPrJ AxuJoL @PªJuPjr TotL xOKÓ yP~PZÇ @uäJoJ ßj\Jo CK¨j (rJy:) Fr ßp KmYãefJ S k´ùJ KZu fJ UMmA Kmru, fJr AP∂TJPu FPhPv xKfqTJr AxuJoL @PªJuj, KvãJ mqm˙Jr xÄrãe S xŒ´xJrPer PãP© IkNrjL~ ãKf yP~PZ pJ xyP\ kNre ymJr j~Ç @PuJYjJ xnJ S ßhJ~J oJyKlPu Í@PuJKTf \Lmj vJ~UMu yJKhx @uäJoJ ßj\Jo CK¨j (rJy:)" jJPo fJÅr xÄK㬠\Lmj S Tot KjP~ \JP~oJ oJhJKj~J AxuJKo~J TJK\r mJ\Jr k´JÜj ZJ©kKrwh pMÜrJ\q FTKa ˛rKeTJ k´TJv TPrÇ

mPujÇ KuKUf mÜPmq Fo F oJPuT mPuj, kMKuPvr jfMj @AK\ vKr~fkMPrr F PT Fo vyLhMu, UMjL mJKyjL KyPxPm kKrKYf rqPmr KcK\ PVJkJuVP†r Pmj\Lr @yPoh, KcFoKk'r TKovjJr lKrhkMPrr @xJhMöJoJj Ko~J FmÄ KmKc@r Fr KcK\ @K\\, FA xm T~aJ FUj FT yP~PZÇ FA UMjLrJ ksTJPvq PWJweJ KhP~PZ IQmi PvU yJKxjJPT fJrJ Pp PTJj oMPuq ãofJ~ rJUPf YJ~Ç KfKj kMKuv, rqJm, KmKc@rxy @Aj vO⁄uJmJKyjLr k´iJjPhr CP¨Pvq mPuj, Èxo~ gJTPf xJmiJj PyJjÇ \jVe @kjJPhrPT mJr mJr @r IjMPrJi TrPm jJ, xPyqr mÅJi PnPñ PVPu KT∂á kJuJmJr kg UMP\ kJPmj jJÇ fJA KjP\ mÅJYMj, Kj\ kKrmJrPT rãJ TÀjÇ \jVPjr kã Kjj'Ç oPj rJUPmj, È\jVe ÀPU hJÅzJPu lKrhkMPr KVP~S mJÅYPf kJrPmj jJ'Ç Fo F oJPuT mPuj, È@oJr oJP~r mMT UJKu TPr, PmJjPhr KmimJ mJKjP~, kKrmJrPT ˝\jyJrJ TPr rÜKkkJxM yJKxjJPT UMKv TPr @kjJrJ x∂Jj x∂Kf @®L~ ˝\jPhr KjP~ @P~v TrPmj FKa @r yPf Ph~J pJ~jJÇ ksKfKa yfqJr mhuJ Pj~J yPm,KmYJPrr oMPUJoMKU hÅJzJPf yPm,@kjJPhPr xTu IQmi TJP\r KyxJm mJÄuJPhPvr \jVePT KhPf yPmÇF PhPvr \jVPer aqJPér aJTJ~ PUP~-kPz F PhPvr \jVPer mMPT èKu ZMzPmj FaJ @r PoPj Pj~J yPm jJÇ @kjJr x∂JPjr Ppoj mJÅYJr IKiTJr rP~PZ KbT @oJPhr x∂JjPhrS mJÅYJr IKiTJr rP~PZ'Ç KuKUf mÜPmq Fo F oJPuT mPuj, @APjr PkJvJT VJP~ \zJPjJ Pm@AKj TotTJP¥r PyJfJ FA PkvJhJr UMjL hNjtLKfmJ\Phr @r xyq TrJ pJ~jJÇ FPhr hNjtLKf IkTot FmÄ UMj UJrJmLr xKY© KlKrK˜ FUj KmPvõr xmTKa oJjmJKiTJr xÄ˙Jr yJPfÇ pMÜrJÓs pMÜrJ\q ACPrJKk~Jj ACKj~jxy xmJA FUj FPhrPT ksKvãe Ph~J

mº TPr KhP~PZÇ FPhr TJPZ I˘ KmKâ jJ TrJrS Kx≠J∂ KjP~PZÇFojKT \JKfxÄPWr vJK∂ KovPj mJÄuJPhvL Qxjq Pksre S Im˙Jj ÉoKTr oMPUÇ FA TJrPe mftoJPj UMjL vyLhMu, PmjK\r, @K\\, @xJhMöJoJj YPâr KmPhPv kJKuP~ pJS~Jr kgS xÄTMKYf yP~ kPzPZÇ Fo F oJPuT mPuj, IQmi yJKxjJ 2014 xJPur 5 \JjM~JrL KjmtJYPjr jJPo ksyxPjr oJiqPo PhPvr rJÓsãofJ hUu TPr @PZjÇ yJKxjJPT \jVe WíeJnPr ksfqJUqJj TPrPZÇ fmMS fJrJ ãofJ~Ç KTnJPm fJrJ ãofJ~ rP~PZj, Vf 20 jPn’r dJTJ KmvõKmhqJuP~r FTKa IjMÔJPj PxKa mPu KhP~PZj IQmi ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJr IQmi S hMjtLKfmJ\ CkPhÓJ FAY Ka AoJoÇ 5 \JjM~JrLr KjmtJYj xŒPTt KfKj mPuPZj, Í@Ko IPjT CkP\uJ~ KVP~KZÇ PxUJPj @oJPhr KrâMPac pJrJ KZu fJPhr xPñ TgJ mPu KjmtJYj TPrKZÇ fJrJ @oJPhr kJPv @PZÇ fJrJ mMT PkPf KhP~PZÍÇ IgtJ“ \jVPer PnJPa j~ fJrJ ãofJ hUu TPr @PZ rqm kMKuPvr mªMPTr P\JPrÇ @r FUjS mªMPTr ß\JPr ãofJ~ gJTPf YJ~, KT∂ mJÄuJPhPvr oJjMw fJ ßoPj KjPm jJÇ Koa hqJ ßk´x IjMÔJPj CkK˙f KZPuj AxuJoL KY∂JKmh oMlKf xhÀK¨j, oJjmJKiTJr xÄVbT mqJKrÓJr @mM mTr ßoJuäJ, pMÜrJ\q KmFjKkr xyxnJkKf @UfJr ßyJPxj, vyLh K\~J ˛OKf ßTªs ACPTr @øJ~T vrLláöJoJj ßYRiMrL fkj, pMÜrJ\q KmFjKkr pMVì xJiJre xŒJhT jJKxo @yPoh ßYRiMrL, xyxJiJre xŒJhT fJ\ CK¨j, KmFjKk ßjfJ TJoJu CK¨j, jJ\oMu ßyJPxj ßYRiMrL, @»Mu mJKZf mJhvJ, ßoJ” yJxJj, KakM @yPoh, FP\ Kuoj, oJKjT @yPoh, ßuJToJj ßyJPxj, @KojMu AxuJo, \JKyh VJ\L, oKy CK¨j k´oNUÇ

PxKuo CK¨j ÉAk KjmtJKYf yS~J~ TJjJAWJa SP~uPl~Jr FxJKxP~vj ACPTr IKnjªj KxPua 5, TJjJAWJa- \KTVP†r xÄxh xhxq PxKuo CK¨j ÉAk KjmtJKYf yS~J~ IKnjªj \JKjP~PZj TJjJAWJa SP~uPl~Jr FPxJKxP~vj ACPTr PjfímíªÇTJjJAWJa SP~uPl~Jr FPxJKxP~vj ACPTr xnJkKf TíKwKmh Kj\Jo CK¨j @yoh PYRiNrL S xJiJre xŒJhT PoJ: ATmJu PyJxJAj FT KmmíKfPf Fomk PxKuo CK¨jPT IKnjªj \JKjP~ mPuj, PxKuo CK¨j fJr TJP\r ˝LTíKf ˝„k \JfL~ xÄxPhr KmPrJiL huL~ ÉAk KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ VefπPT xMxÄyf rJUPf xÄxPh KmPrJiL hPur nNKoTJ Ifq∂ èÀfôkNet Ç xÄxhL~ TJptâoPT @PrJ PmVmJj S VKfvLu TrPf \JfL~ xÄxPh FoKk PxKuo CK¨j èÀfôkNet nNKoTJ kJuj TrPmj mPu @orJ hí|nJPm KmvõJx TKrÇ FTA xJPg KfKj fJr KjmtJYjL FuJTJ TJjJAWJa - \KTVP†r oJjMPwr IKiTJr @hJP~S oyJj \JfL~ xÄxPh mKuÔ nNKoTJ kJuj TrPmj mPu @orJ oPj TKrÇ oJjjL~ ksijJoπL PvU yJKxjJ PWJKwf Knvj 2021 Fr @SfJ~ TJjJAWJPar Cjú~j @r IVVsKf PxKuo CK¨j FoKkr PjfíPfô FKVP~ pJPm IPjThNrÇ @Puo- SuJoJr P˚yijq TJjJAWJPar KkKZP~ kzJ \jPVJÔLr xJoKVsT Cjú~PjS ÉAk PxKuo CK¨Pjr TJpâo ImqJyf gJTPm mPuS @orJ KmvõJx TKrÇ

SøyqJo fÀe hPur PvJT xnJ @rJlJf ryoJj PTJPTJr @TK˛T oífqMPf SøyqJo fÀe hPur CPhqJPV FT PvJT xnJ IjMKÓf yP~PZ Vf oñumJr SøyqJPor ˙JjL~ FTKa IKcPaJKr~JPoÇ xÄVbPjr @øJ~T UJPuh @yPoPhr xnJkKfPfô FmÄ @Tou PyJPxPjr kKrYJujJ~ IjMKÓf xnJ~ IKfKg KyPxPm mÜmq rJPUj SøyqJo KmFjKkr xJPmT xy xnJkKf KlPrJ\ @uL uJuJ, KmFjKk PjfJ ksnJwT oyKxj PYR”, pMÜrJ\q ZJ©hPur ksKfÓJfJ xnJkKf o,@, PoJóJT, SøyqJo KmFjKk xJPmT pMVì xŒJhT l~xu @yPoh PYR”, pMÜrJ\q pMmhu xhxq FjJP~f PyJPxj PYR”, pMÜrJ\q pMmhu xhxq PVJuJo oSuJ Kjéj, pMmhu PjfJ Ko\JjMr ryoJj PYR” Ko\Jj,pMmPjfJ vJKyj @yPoh ksoMUÇ xnJ~ mÜJrJ @rJlJf ryoJj PTJPTJ'r KmPhyL @®Jr oJVPlrJf TJojJ TPr PvJTJyf K\~J kKrmJPrr ksKf VnLr xoPmhjJ ùJkj TPrjÇ mÜJrJ kM© PvJPT oMyqoJj PmVo K\~Jr ksKf IQmi xrTJPrr lqJKxmJhL @YrPer fLms KjªJ \JjJj Ç xnJ PvPw @rJlJf ryoJj PTJPTJ'r ÀPyr oJVPlrJf TJojJ TPr PhvmJxL xy K\~J kKrmJPrr xMU vJK∂ xoíK≠ TJojJ TPr PoJjJ\Jf kKrYJujJ TPrj SøyqJo KmFjKk'r mP~J\qJÓ PjfJ PoJ” KV~Jx C¨LjÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

pMÜrJP\qr xÄmJh


Kfj mJmJ-oJr KvÊ \Pjìr kPã míPaj! mJmJ yPf kJPrjÇ' ksxñf, míPaPj P\PjKaT PrJPVr TJrPe IPjPTA fJPhr x∂JjPhr yJrJPòjÇ FrTo FT\j oJ oJAPaJTK¥s~Ju IxMPUr TJrPe fJr xJf x∂JjPTA yJKrP~PZjÇ SA xJf KvÊA FA PrJVKa fJPhr oJP~r K\j PgPT PkP~KZPuJÇ PhyPTJPwr PnfPr ãMhs FTKa TŒJatPo≤ yPò oJAPaJTK¥s~J, pJ UJhq PgPT oJjMPwr vrLPrr \Pjq ksP~JJ\jL~ \ôJuJKj QfKr TPrÇ KT∂á ©MKakNet oJAPaJTK¥s~Jr TJrPe oK˜PÏr PrJV, ÂhPrJV FmÄ IºfôS yPf kJPrÇ FA ©MKakNet oJAPaJTK¥s~J ÊiMoJ© oJP~r TJZ PgPTA @PxÇ FA xoxqJ PgPT oMKÜ PkPf hMA oJ @r FT mJmJr KcFjF PgPT x∂Jj \jìhJPjr PTRvuKa yPò Cjúf irPjr @AKnFl mJ Aj KnPasJ lJKatuJAP\vj PpUJPj KkfJoJfJr KcFjF'r xPñ @PrT\j xM˙ jJrLr KcFjF PgPT xÄVíyLf oJAPaJTK¥s~J FTxPñ PovJPjJ y~Ç hLWt VPmweJr kr KjCTqJPxu KmvõKmhqJuP~r KmùJjLrJ FA PTRvuKa @KmÏJr TPrjÇ míKav xrTJr FA PTRvuKaPT jLKfVfnJPm xogtj KhPuS ksnJmvJuL iotL~ mqKÜrJ Fr P\JrJPuJ KmPrJKifJ TrPZjÇ TrJr kKrT·jJ TrPZ PxjJmJKyjLÇ mftoJPj pM≠ ÊiM pM≠PãP©A y~ jJÇ pM≠ y~ xJoJK\T PpJVJPpJV oJiqPoSÇ @r Px pM≠ oj˜JK•ôT pM≠Ç pM≠PãP© \~L yS~Jr kJvJkJKv FmJr A≤JrPjPar pMP≠S \~L yPf YJ~ KmsPajÇ hq VJKct~JPjr PhS~J fgqoPf, KmsPaPjr PpxTu Qxjq PlxmMT KTÄmJ IjqJjq xJoJK\T PpJVJPpJV oJiqo mqmyJPr hã, fJPhr APfJoPiqA 77 j’r KmsPVPc PcPT kJKbP~PZ PhvKar PxjJmJKyjLÇ mJTtvJ~JPrr yJKotPa\ jJoT ˙JPj WJÅKa VJzPm FA KmPvw huÇ @VJoL FKksPur Pnfr TJ\ ÊÀ TrJ FA hPur xhxq xÄUqJ yPm 1,500Ç mftoJPj PxjJmJKyjLPf PpxTu Qxjq FxTu KmwP~ hã, fJPhr kJvJkJKv KjP~JV PhS~J yPm @rS jfMj xhxqÇ @r xJÄmJKhTfJ FmÄ xJoJK\T PpJVJPpJV oJiqo mqmyJPr hãfJ gJTPu @Pmhj TrPf kJrPm Pp PTCÇ CPuäUq Pp, oJKTtj pMÜrJÓs FmÄ AxrJP~Pu APfJoPiqA Foj FTKa KmsPVc Vbj TrJ yP~PZÇ

pMÜrJ\q KjmtJYj 2015 : mJÄuJPhKv S kJKT˜JKj TKoCKjKaPf ßnJa \JKu~JKfr @vïJ u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ, 30 \JjM~JKr : pMÜrJP\q @xjú xJiJre KjmtJYPj ßhvKaPf mxmJxTJrL mJÄuJPhKv FmÄ kJKT˜JKj xŒ´hJP~ ßnJa \JKu~JKfr @vïJ TrPZ ßhvKar KjmtJYj TKovjÇ Vf oñumJr KjmtJYj TKovPjr k´TJKvf FT VPmweJ k´KfPmhPj Foj @vïJ TrJ yP~PZÇ KunJrkMu S oqJjPYˆJr ACKjnJKxtKa FmÄ VPmweJ xÄ˙J jqJaPYj ßpRgnJPm TKovPjr kPã F VPmweJ YJuJ~Ç IfLPf ßnJa \JKu~JKfr IKnPpJV CPbPZ Foj YJrKa FmÄ \JKu~JKfr IKnPpJV KZu jJ Foj YJrKa FuJTJ~ F VPmweJ YJuJPjJ y~Ç Fxm FuJTJ~ mJÄuJPhKv FmÄ kJKT˜JKj mÄPvJØNf ßuJTPhr

u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ, 2 ßlmsΔ~JKr : hMA jJrL S FT kMÀPwr KcFjF'r oJiqPo ÈmJP~JuK\TqJKu' IgtJ“ Q\KmTnJPm Kfj oJ-mJmJr x∂JjPT \jì Ph~Jr kPã rJ~ KhP~PZj míPaPjr xÄxh xhxqrJÇ KmKmKx \JKjP~PZ, ksgo kptJP~ yJC\ ToP¿ kJv yS~Jr kr FUj Kmw~Ka yJC\ Im uctPx kJv yPuA Kfj\j oJjMPwr PhPyr IÄv PgPT \jì Pj~J KvÊPhr ˝LTíKf KhPf KmPvõ FaJA yPm ksgo PTJPjJ @AjÇ míKav xÄxh yJC\ Im ToP¿ IjMKÔf FT CjìMÜ PnJPa @Aj TPr Kmw~KaPT ˝LTíKf Ph~Jr kPã PnJa Phj 382 \j xJÄxh FmÄ oJ PgPT KvÊr PhPy P\PjKaT PrJV ZzJPjJr @vÄTJ~ FA PTRvPur KmkPã PnJa KhP~PZj 128 \j xÄxhÇ

FZJzJ Kmw~Kar QjKfTfJ S KjrJk•J KjP~S CPÆV ksTJv TPr FTJKiT ksvú fMPuPZj xoJPuJYTrJÇ FA KmwP~ KmfTt YuJTJuLj oπLrJ mPuj, x∂JjyLj kKrmJrèPuJr \jq FA k≠Kf ÈIºTJr xMzPñr Pvw oJgJ~ FT KYuPf @PuJ'r oPfJÇ xmKTZM KbTnJPm yPu @VJoL 2016 mZrA míPaPj F irPjr ksgo KvÊ \jì PjPmÇ iJreJ TrJ yPò, ksKf mZr míPaPj F irPjr Phzv' KvÊr \jì yPf kJPrÇ FT ksKfKâ~J~ míKav ksiJjoπL PcKnc TqJPorj mPuj, È@orJ FUJPj xíKÓTftJr nNKoTJ kJuj TrKZ jJÇ @orJ PTmu FaJ KjKÁf TrJr PYÓJ TrKZ Pp Ppxm mJmJ-oJ x∂Jj KjPf PYP~S kJrPZj jJ, fJrJ Ppj FTKa xM˙-xmu KvÊ x∂JPjr oJ-

@KiTq rP~PZÇ k´KfPmhPj muJ y~, oNuiJrJr rJ\QjKfT huèPuJ k´YJreJ FmÄ rJ\QjKfT TotTJP§ Fxm xŒ´hJ~PT IV´Jyq TPrÇ pJr lPu

Fxm TKoCKjKaPf ßnJa ßhS~Jr mqJkJPr È\JKfVf KmPmYjJr' xÄÛOKf VPz CPbPZ, pJ mqKÜr kZªoJKlT ßnJa ßhS~Jr jLKfr kKrk∫LÇ xN©: ßaKuV´Jl

pMÜrJP\q xmPYP~ hMrJm˙J~ fÀerJ u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ, 30 \JjM~JKr : pMÜrJP\qr 22 PgPT 29 mZPrr PmxrTJKr UJPfr fÀe YJTMrL\LmLrJ 2008 xJPur IgtoªJr kr xmPYP~ hMrJm˙J~ rP~PZ mPu FT VPmweJ~ \JjJ PVPZÇ AjKˆKaCa lr KlxTu ˆJKc\ (@AFlFx) Fr VPmweJ~ PhUJ pJ~, 2008 xJPur @PV pMÜrJP\qr 22 PgPT 29 mZr m~xL fÀePhr Pmfj Pp kptJP~ CPbKZu IgtoªJ ÊÀr kr Px kptJ~ PgPT 9 vfJÄv TPoPZÇ IgtoªJr TJrPe fJrJA xmPYP~ PmKv ãKfVs˜ yP~PZ mPu VPmweJ~ muJ y~Ç xm m~xL YJTKr\LmLPhr KyPxPm 2014 xJPu ksKf WμJ~ VPz Pmfj IgtoªJ ÊÀr xoP~r fMujJ~ 4 hvKoT 7 vfJÄv TPoPZ mPu VPmweJ xÄ˙JKa \JKjP~PZÇ @r PTmu kMÀwPhr PãP© KyxJm TrPu F yJr TPoPZ 7 hvKoT 3 vfJÄvÇ jJrLPhr Imvq FfaJ TPoKjÇ fJPhr Pmfj TPoPZ VPz 2 hvKoT 5 vfJÄvÇ VPmweJ ksKfPmhPj muJ y~, jJrLPhr Pmfj IPkãJTíf I· ToJr FTKa TJre rP~PZÇ fJrJ PmKvrnJVA xrTJKr UJPf YJTMrL TPrÇ @r PmxrTJrL UJPfr fMujJ~ xrTJrL UJPfr Pmfj To TPoPZÇ mftoJPj pMÜrJP\q PmTJrPfôr yJr ToJr kJvJkJKv Pmfj mJzPf gJTPuS oªJ kNmtmftL xoP~ PkRÅZJPf PhvKar @rS xoP~ uJVPm mPu ksKfPmhPj muJ y~Ç VPmweJ ksKfPmhPjr FT PuUT FmÄ IgtQjKfT VPmwT P\JjJgj Kâm mPuj, oªJ ÊÀr kr PgPT xmJrA Pmfj TPoPZÇ xN©: ÛJA KjC\

PlxmMPT hã PpJ≠J KjP~JV PhPm KmsPaj

u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ, 1 ßlmsΔ~JKr : Khj Khj PmPz YPuPZ xJoJK\T PpJVJPpJV oJiqoèPuJr ThrÇ @r fJA xJoJK\T PpJVJPpJV oJiqoèPuJ mqmyJPr hã mqKÜPhr ThrS Khj

Khj PmPz YPuPZÇ I∂f KmsPaPjr FA Kx≠JP∂r kr PxKa muJ PpPfA kJPrÇ xJoJK\T PpJVJPpJV oJiqo mqmyJr TrPf kaM, Foj QxjqPhr KjP~ FTKa @uJhJ KmsPVc Vbj

KmsKavPhr IkZPªr pMÜrJ\q KjmtJYj 2015 fJKuTJ~ AxrJP~u \KrPk yJ`JyJK` Im˙Jj u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ, 3 ßlmsΔ~JKr : KmsPaPjr oJjMw kJKT˜Jj S ArJPjr ßYP~S AxrJP~uPT ßmKv IkZª TPrÇ fPm fJÅPhr IkZPªr fJKuTJr vLPwt rP~PZ C•r ßTJKr~JÇ xŒ´Kf YqJgJo yJCPxr KY∂JKmhPhr kKrYJKuf È@∂\tJKfTfJmJh S KmKòjúfJmJh'Kmw~T FT \KrPk KmsKav jJVKrTPhr ofJoPfr KnK•Pf kZª S IkZPªr fJKuTJ~ F fgq CPb FPxPZÇ \KrPk ßhUJ pJ~, ACPrJPkr mJAPrr ßhvèPuJr ßãP© vfTrJ 35 nJV KmsKav AxrJP~u xŒPTt ßjKfmJYT iJreJ ßkJwe TPrÇ 2012 xJPuS pJ KZu vfTrJ18 nJVÇ u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ, 3 ßlmsΔ~JKr : @VJoL KjmtJYPjr xo~ IgtjLKfr ßYP~ \JfL~ ßxmJ mqm˙Jr (FjFAYFx) KhPTA ßnJaJrPhr j\r gJTPm ßmKvÇ KmsKav kK©TJ AjKcPkP¥≤-F k´TJKvf FT \KrPkr lPu F AKñf kJS~J ßVPZÇ ßnJaJrPhr F oPjJnJm IPjPTr TJPZA Ik´fqJKvfÇ ßnJaJrPhr F k´mefJ KmPrJiL ßumJr kJKatr \jq xyJ~T yPmÇ fPm 2011 xJPur ßxP¡’Prr kr ßgPT FmJrA k´go FA ÈToPrx' \KrPk Tj\JrPnKan hu (31%) ßumJrPT (30%) ßkZPj ßluuÇ ãofJxLj Tj\JrPnKan hu FmJr KjmtJYjL k´YJreJ~ IgtjLKfr Skr ß\Jr KhPòÇ IjqKhPT ßumJrPhr j\r ˝J˙qPxmJr KhPTÇ


x ŒJ h TL ~

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

PrJo kMzPZ IJr jLrΔ mJKÅv mJ\JPò mJÄuJPhPvr YuoJj rJ\QjKfT xÄTPa 16 ßTJKa \jVPjr oPfJ k´mJxL mJÄuJPhvLrJS hJrΔjnJPm CKÆVúÇ hLWt FToJx iPr mJÄuJPhPv yrfJu S ImPrJi YuPZÇ ImPrJi YuJTJuLj xoP~ Pkasu PmJoJr IJWJPf kMzPZ oJjMwÇ ootJK∂TnJPm F kpt∂ IitvfJKiT oJjMw IJèPj kMPz oJrJ ßVPZÇ IJyf yP~PZ vfJKiTÇ KmPrJiL hPur IJPªJuj hoj TrPf KVP~ ßpRg mJKyjLr xJzJvL IKnpJPj 20 huL~ P\JPar ßjfJ TotLPhr ßV´lfJr S KjptJfj TrJr IKnPpJV rP~PZÇ KmFjKk S \JoJ~JPf AxuJoLr vLwt PjfJPhr ßV´lfJr TPr KroJP¥ KjP~ oJjKxT S vJrLKrT KjptJfj TrJ yPóZ Ç KmPrJiL hPur ßjfJTotLPhr mJKzWr oJKar xJPg KoKvP~ Ph~J yPóZ Ç KmYJr mKyntMf yfqJTJ¥ âoJjõP~ PmPzA YuPZÇ KmPrJiL hPur ßjfJ TotLPhr uJv UJPu KmPu kJS~J pJPóZ Ç xrTJr KmPrJiL hPur xJPg xoP^JfJr kg kKryJr TPr kMKuv ,rqJm S KmK\Kmr xJyJPpq ãofJ~ KaPT gJTJr ßYÓJ TrPZÇ Im˙J hOPÓ oPj yPóZ Pp, ßp ßTJj xo~ ßhPv \rΔrL Im˙J ßWJwjJ TrJ yPf kJPr FmÄ 20 huL~ P\Ja ßj©L ßmVo UJPuhJ K\~J ßV´lfJrS yPf kJPrjÇ FKhPT xrTJr KoKc~Jr T≥PrJi TrJr ßYÓJ TrPZÇ mJÄuJPhPvr \jKk´~ KaKn YqJPju S FqJaPTJr ßY~JroqJj IJuyJ\ô ßoJxJP¨T IJuL lJuMPT kMKuv PV´lfJr TPr 5 KhPjr KroJP¥ KjP~PZÇ FTáPv KaKnr ßY~JroqJj \jJm IJ»Mx xJuJoPT ßV´lfJr TPr ß\Pu Pk´re TrJ yP~PZÇ \jKk´~ QhKjT IJoJrPhv kK©TJ mº TrJ yP~PZ IPjT Khj IJPVÇ F kK©TJr xŒJhT oJyoMhMr ryoJjPT KmjJ KmYJPr hMA mZr iPr TJrJVJPr IJaT rJUJ yP~PZÇ PylJ\Pf AxuJoLr oyJxoJPmPv xrTJrL mJKyjLr xJzJKv IKnpJPjr xÄmJh xrJxKr k´YJr TrJr TJrPj KhV∂ S AxuJKoT KaKnPT mº TrJ yP~PZÇ KaKn oJKuTPhr xÄVbj FqJaPTJr kã PgPT mJr mJr IjMPmJi TrJ xPfôS KhV∂ S AxuJKoT KaKnPT xrTJr xŒsYJPrr IjMoKf KhPóZ jJÇ xJVr-rΔKjr yfqJTJP¥r ßTJj xMrJyJ xrTJr TrPf kJPrKjÇ mJÄuJPhPvr UqJfjJoJ hM \j xJÄmJKhPTr I∂rJfúJ xMKmYJPrr \jq TJÅhPZÇ KoKc~Jr Ckr xrTJPrr Kj~πj IJPrJ TzJTKznJPm IJPrJk TrJ yP~PZÇ xfq TgJ k´TJv TrPf KVP~ KogqJ oJouJ KhP~ xJÄmJKhTPhr ßV´lfJr S KjptJfj YJuJPjJ yPóZÇ yrfJu S ImPrJPir xo~ Pkasu PmJoJ~ Pp xm KjrLy oJjMw oJrJ pJPóZ fJr \jq xrTJr KmFjKk S \JoJ~JPf AxuJoLPT hJ~L TrPZ Ç IJmJr xrTJPrr è¥J mJKyjL S kMKuv F jJvTfJ TPr KmPrJiL hPur Ckr ßhJw YJkJPjJr wzpπ mPu IKnPpJV FPjPZÇ xÄTa KhPj KhPj WKjnëf yPóZÇ IoJjKmTnJPm ßmVo UJPuhJ K\~Jr èuvJj TJptJuP~r VqJx S KmhMqf uJAj KmKóZjú TrJ yP~PZÇ PhPvr F TKbj xoP~ xrTJr ßTJj vJK∂r kg jJ UMPÅ\ IJA~Mm S A~JKy~Jr oPfJ Kˆo ßrJuJr YJKuP~ \jVPjr T≥ ßrJi TPr KhPf YJPóZÇ PhPvr Im˙J ßrJo kMzPZ IJr jLrΔ mJKÅv mJ\JPóZ Im˙Jr oPfJÇ PhPvr F rJ\QjKfT xÄTa xoJiJPj xrTJrPT IJPV FKVP~ IJxPf yPmÇ KmPrJiLhPur xJPg xÄuJk YJKuP~ mJ \JfL~ PVJu ßaKmu QmbT TPr xm rJ\QjKfT hPur ofJoPfr KnK•Pf xoJiJPjr kg UMP\ ßmr jJ TrPu mJÄuJPhv FTKa mqgt rJPÓs kKref yPmÇ

rΔYLyLjrJ pUj KvÓJYJPrr ùJj Ph~ FjJo ßYRiMrL PvU yJKxjJ FUj mJÄuJPhPvr ksiJjoπLÇ 5 \JjM~JrL 2014-F KmjJPnJPa KjmtJKYf IPitPTrS PmvL xÄxh xhxq kJÅY kJPxt≤ PnJPa KjmtJKYf xrTJPr oyJ ãofJo~L FT jJrL ! xÄKmiJj IjMpJ~L xÄxh xhxqrJ ImvqA \jVPer xrJxKr PnJPa KjmtJKYf yPf yPm Kj~o gJTPuS 2014 Fr KjmtJYPj mJÄuJPhPvr \jVPer nJPVq PxaJ P\JPaKjÇ KT∂á fJrkrS PvU yJKxjJ ksiJjoπL (?) ksvJxjPT KjP\r xJiq oPfJ mqmyJr TPr KpKj mJÄuJPhPvr oJjMwPT ksKfKhj Èâx lJ~Jr' @r mªMT pMP≠r jJPo ÈuJv' CkyJr KhPòjÇ \u\qJ∂ oJjMw yJS~J yP~ pJPò @r KfKj muPZj PhPv VefJKπT xrTJr TJP~o rP~PZÇ xrTJr KmPrJiL KTÄmJ xrTJPrr xoJPuJYjJTJrL FTKa rJ\QjKfT huS xnJ-xoJPmv hNPr gJT rJ˜Jr kJPv hJÅKzP~ ÈoJjmmºj' TrJr IKiTJraMTS M yJKrP~ PlPuPZÇ mqJjJr KjP~ rJ˜J~ jJoJoJ© kMKuPvr rJmJr mMPua, Ka~JrPxu, èKu KjPãk FTKa IKf fMò KmwP~ kKref yP~PZÇ xy\ nJwJ~ PvU yJKxjJ fJr KkfJr ˝kú mJ˜mJ~j TrJr IKnksJ~ PpnJPm ksKfKa KoKaÄ-xoJPmPv mPu PmzJj ksTf í IPgt PxaJA mJ˜mJ~j TPrPZj FUj ˝JiLj mJÄuJPhPvÇ ÈFT PjfJr FT Phv' VefπPT KjP\r ÈZPT' xJK\P~ xoJPmv, PxKojJPr mPu PmKzP~ IØMh FT VefPπr xíKÓ TPrPZj PvU oMK\m TjqJ PvU yJKxjJÇ ˝JnJKmT oífqMr PTJj VqJrJK≤ Pp rJPÓs PxKaA FUj mJÄuJPhvÇ ksTJvq rJ\kPg kÊr of oJjMw yfqJ TrJ y~ KT∂á IkrJiL irJ kPzjJ ! IgY PTJÅgJ~ o~uJr VJzL kMzPuJ, TMr@j-yJhLx KTÄmJ AxuJoL mA kM˜T M xy KjrLy ÛMu, TPu\, oJhsJxJr ZJ©Phr iPr KjP~ FPx fJPhr ÈK\yJhL PoRumJhL mJjJPjJr C“xm FUj ksKfKj~fA PhUJ pJ~ ! VefPπr jJPo xrTJr, xogtT ZJ©uLV, pMmuLV xy fJPhr xyPpJVLPhr xπJPxr fJ¥Pmr oJP^S PvU yJKxjJ fJr Kj\˝ fPπr ÈVefπ' KhP~ mJÄuJPhvPT vJK∂r ˝kú PhUJPòj ? IfY oJjMw yfqJr ksTJvq KjPhtv hJj mJÄuJPhPvr rJ\jLKfPf FToJ© jJrL FmÄ rJPÓsr xPmtJó @xPj mPx KpKj KhP~ KZPuj KfKj yPòj PvU yJKxjJÇ PVJaJ hMKj~J pJr oMU KhP~ ÊPjPZ ÍFTKa uJPvr mhPu hvKa uJv' PluJr KjPhtv ! 28 IPÖJmr 2006-F xJrJPhPvr @S~JoLuLV xogtT PjfJTotLPhr uKW-QmbJ hJ-TMzJu KjP~ rJ\kPg PjPo f“TJuLj KjmtJKYf xrTJrPT ksKfPrJi TrJr KjPhtv PhS~Jr kr dJTJr GKfyJKxT kæj FuJTJ~ rPÜr KT PyJKuPUuJ WPaKZPuJ PxaJ PVJkj KTZM j~ ! VefPπr mz mz mMKu @SKzP~ oJjMw yfqJr VefJKπT IØMh xÄÛíKfr xíKÓTJrL PvU yJKxjJ FUj TJptf mJÄuJPhvPT fJr KjP\r xŒK•r ˆJAPu mqmyJr TrPZjÇ rJ\QjKfT ksKfkPãr ksKf Foj PTJj PjJÄrJ vP»r mJh rJUPZj jJ pJ KfKj (PvU yJKxjJ) IkmqmyJr jJ TrPZjÇ vf vf oJP~r mMT UJKu yPò, èo yP~ pJPò IxÄUq KvÊr KkfJ, âxlJ~JPrr jJPo KmimJ Kj”Pvõw TPr Ph~J yPò jm miMr ˝kúPT ! FrkrS PvU yJKxjJ mJÄuJPhPv VefPπr mJeL ksYJr TrPZj ! KyÄxsfJrS ÊiM FTaJ Pvw @PZ, KT∂á ˝JiLj mJÄuJPhPv Px kÊmíK•r Ppj PTJj Pvw PjA ! 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PTJj irPjr KvÓJYJryLjfJ j~ !

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Chairman : Monchab Ali JP Editor : K M Abu Taher Choudhury Assistant Editor : Akbar Hussain News Editor : Ibrahim Khalil Proof Reader : Abdul Hannan Designer : Kader Ahmed Shumon Birmingham Correspondent : Alais Miah Bangladesh Correspondent : Kamal Tayeb Special Correspondent : Mahboob Ali Khansur London Bangla News

Montefiore Centre,Hanbury Street, London E1 5HZ Published by: Khobor Publication Limited Tel: 020 7247 3006 Email: Web: u¥j mJÄuJ FTKa TKoCKjKar oMUk©Ç Èu¥j mJÄuJ' mJÄuJPhPvr \JfL~ ‰hKjT AP•lJT, AjKTuJm, xÄV´Jo, pMVJ∂r, k´go @PuJ, oJjm \Koj, ‰hKjT IJoJr ßhv, ‰hKjT j~J KhV∂, ßcAuL ÓJr, xJ¬JKyT 2000, kNKetoJ, pJ~pJ~Khj, KmKmKx IjuJAj, ÛJA KjC\, r~aJxt xy CPuäUPpJVq TJV\ S KmKnjú KjC\ FP\K¿r xÄmJh KlYJr S TuJPor xyPpJKVfJ ßj~Jr \jq @orJ fJPhr k´Kf @∂KrTnJPm TífùÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

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KTmKr~J yfqJTJ¥ KmP°JrT oJouJr rJÓsnJwJ @PªJuPj KxPuPar oJjMPwr ImhJj èÀfôkNet : nJwJQxKjT oJxCh UJj IKiTfr fh∂ ÊÀ yPò KvVKVrA KxPua, 4 ßlmsΔ~JKr : xJPmT IgtoπL vJy FFoFx KTmKr~J yfqJr mqJkJPr KmP°JrT @APj hJP~r TrJ oJouJKar IKiTfr fh∂ IKYPrA ÊÀ yPòÇ 2005 xJPu yfqJTJP¥r kr yfqJ FmÄ KmP°JrT @APj kOgT hM'Ka oJouJ hJP~r TrJ y~Ç Fr oPiq yfqJ oJouJKa fh∂ ßvPw AKfoPiqA @hJuPf hJKUuTOf YJ\tvLa VOyLf yP~PZÇ mftoJPj FKar KmYJr k´Kâ~JiLj rP~PZÇ IkrKhPT KmP°JrT oJouJ xÄâJ∂ KrKnvjKa jÄ-9023/2005 xŒ´Kf yJAPTJPatr KmYJrkKf ßoJ. jNÀöJoJj S ßoJ˜lJ \JoJj AxuJPor xojõP~ VKbf ßmû ÊjJjL ßvPw IKiTfr fhP∂r @Phv KhP~ AxMqTOf Àu Kj¸K• TPrjÇ F ßk´KãPf IKfhsΔfA oJouJKar IKiTfr fh∂ ÊÀ yPòÇ 2005 xJPur 27 \JjM~JrL yKmV† xhr CkP\uJr uÛrkMr ACKj~Pjr ‰mPhqr mJ\JPr @S~JoL uLPVr \jxnJ ßvPw ßmKrP~ @xJr kPg ßV´Pjc yJouJ~ xJPmT IgtoπL vJy FFoFx KTmKr~Jxy 5 \j Kjyf yjÇ Kjyf IjqrJ yPòj fJr nJKf\J Kv·kKf vJy o†Mr ÉhJ, @S~JoL uLV TotL @hqkJvJ V´JPor @mMu ßyJPxj FmÄ mjVJÅS V´JPor KxK¨T @uL S @»Mr rKyoÇ F WajJ~ @yf yj @rS 43 \jÇ F mqJkJPr ß\uJ @S~JoL uLPVr mftoJj xJiJre xŒJhT IqJcPnJPTa ßoJ. @»Mu oK\h UJj FoKk mJKh yP~ xhr gJjJ~ yfqJ S KmP°JrT @APj hM'Ka kOgT oJouJ hJP~r TPrjÇ yfqJ oJouJKa Kx@AKcPf jqJ˜ yPu fh∂ TotTftJ Kx@AKcr f“TJuLj FFxKk oMK¿ @KfTMr ryoJj FTA mZPrr 19 oJYt @hJuPf YJ\tvLa hJKUu TPrjÇ SA mZPrr 20 FKk´u yfqJ oJouJr @hPuA fh∂ TotTftJ xhr gJjJr SKx FoFx \JoJj KmP°JrT @APj hJP~r TrJ oJouJKar YJ\tvLa ßhjÇ hM'Ka YJ\tvLPaA vyLh K\~J ˛OKf S VPmweJ kKrwh ßTªsL~ xnJkKf S yKmV† ß\uJ KmFjKkr xJPmT xy-xnJkKf FPTFo @»Mu TJA~Noxy 10 \jPT @xJoL TrJ y~Ç Ijq @xJoLrJ yPuj- vyLh K\~J ˛OKf S VPmweJ kKrwh ß\uJ xJiJre xŒJhT xJPyh @uL, uÛrkMr ACKj~j xnJkKf \~jJu @PmhLj ßoJKoj, KmFjKk uÛrkMr ACKj~j xnJkKf \Kor @uL, KmFjKk TotL \~jJu @PmhLj \JuJu, @~Jf @uL, fJ\Mu AxuJo, ßxKuo @yoh, TJ\u Ko~J S oKymMr ryoJjÇ Fr oPiq TJ\u Ko~J S oKymMr ryoJj ZJzJ Ikr 8 \jPT KmKnjú xo~ ßV´lfJr TrJ y~Ç kPr ßV´lfJrTOfrJ Có @hJuf ßgPT \JKoj uJn TPrjÇ oJouJKa KmYJPrr \jq KxPua hsΔf KmYJr asJAmMqjJPu ßk´re TrJ yPu oJouJr mJKh IKiTfr fhP∂r @Pmhj \JjJPu fJ jJo†Mr y~Ç CÜ @PhPvr KmÀP≠ mJKh yJAPTJPat KrKnvj hJP~r TrPu ÊjJjL ßvPw yJAPTJat xrTJPrr k´Kf Àu \JKr TPr oJouJr TJptâo ˙KVf ßWJweJ TPrjÇ Fr oPiq yfqJ oJouJKa Có @hJuPfr KjPhtPv kNe”fh∂ y~Ç fh∂ ßvPw Kx@AKcr KxKj~r FFxKk ßoPyÀPjúZJ kJÀu Vf mZPrr 21 KcPx’r 35 \j @xJoLr KmÀP≠ @hJuPf xŒNrT YJ\tvLa ßhjÇ fJPhr oPiq FT\j oOfMqmre TrJ~ FmÄ mJKT hM'\Pjr KbTJjJ xKbT jJ kJS~J~ fJPhr YJ\tvLa ßgPT ImqJyKfr @Pmhj TrJ y~Ç yKmV† KxKj~r \MKcKx~Ju oqJK\Pˆsa @hJuPf F YJ\tvLa VOyLf y~Ç lPu yfqJ oJouJKa KmYJr TJptâo ÊÀ yS~Jr k´Kâ~J~ ßVPuS KmP°JrT oJouJKa Có @hJuPfr @PhPv ˙KVf KZuÇ xŒ´Kf yJAPTJat KmP°JrT oJouJKar IKiTfr fhP∂r mqJkJPr @Phv ßh~J~ F oJouJKaS xYu yS~Jr kg xMVo yP~PZÇ mJKhkPãr @Aj\LmL @uoVLr nNA~J mJmMu \JjJj, ßpPyfM yfqJ oJouJKar IKiTfr fh∂ Kx@AKcr KxKj~r FFxKk ßoPyÀPjúZJ kJÀu xŒjú TPrPZj, ßxPyfM KmP°JrT @APj hJP~r TrJ oJoJuJKaS KfKjA fh∂ TrPmj mPu @vJ TrJ pJPòÇ FKhPT Kx@AKcr KxKj~r FFxKk ßoPyÀPjúZJ kJÀPur xJPg ßpJVJPpJV TrJ yPu KfKj \JjJj, FUjS @hJuPfr ßTJj @Phv KfKj kJjKjÇ pKh fhP∂r @Phv kJS~J pJ~ fJyPu xyxJA KfKj fh∂ ÊÀ TrPmjÇ KxPua, 2 ßlmsΔ~JKr : oyJj nJwJ @PªJuPjr oJx ßlmsΔ~JrLr k´go Khj nJwJQxKjT Iiqã oJxCh UJjPT lMPuu ÊPnòJ \JjJj fJr xfLgt-ÊnJjMiqJ~LrJÇ VfTJu ßrJmmJr xºqJ~ ÊPnòJ ùJkj CkuPã fJr oJKjTkLr ßrJc˙ mJxnmPj @P~JK\f xnJ~ xnJkKffô TPrj k´mLe @Aj\LmL FcPnJPTa ‰x~h @vrJl ßyJPxjÇ ‰hKjT KxPuPar cJT-Fr xy xŒJhT ßxKuo @C~JPur xûJujJ~ IjMKÔf xnJ~ mÜmqTJPu Iiqã oJxCh UJj mPuj, rJÓsnJwJ @PªJuPj KxPua IûPur oJjMPwr rP~PZ èÀfôkNet ImhJjÇ nJwJ @PªJuPj KxPua KZPuJ IV´VJoLÇ nJwJ @PªJuPj KjP\r IÄvV´ye k´xÄPV Kmj~ xyTJPr Iiqã oJxCh UJj mPuj, @orJ KZuJo nJwJ @PªJuPjr jVeq TotLÇ KxKj~r ßjfOmOª @oJPhrPT ßp KjPhtv KhPfj fJ KjÔJr xJPg kJuPjr ßYÓJ TPrKZÇ @PªJuPjr IÄv KyPxPm mºMPhr KjP~ FAPcc yJAÛMu, rxo~ yJAÛMu, @Ku~J oJhsJxJ~ KkPTKaÄ TPrKZÇ ßoJa TgJ mJÄuJPT rJÓsnJwJ TrJr @PªJuPj @∂KrT KZuJoÇ xnJ~ IjqJPjqr oPiq @PuJYjJ~ IÄv ßjj ohj ßoJyj TPuP\r xJPmT Iiqã Fo @fJCr ryoJj kLr, ‰hKjT KxPua xÄuJk xŒJhT oMyJÿh l~\Mr ryoJj, KxPua ßk´xTîJPmr xJPmT xJiJre xŒJhT mvLr CK¨j, ßlûMV† KcV´L TPuP\r xJPmT Kk´K¿kJu TKm TJuJo @\Jh, mOy•r KxPua VehJmL kKrwPhr xnJkKf @UuJT @yoh ßYRiMrL, ßV´aJr KxPua ßcPnukPo≤ TJCK¿u ßjfJ ßoJyJÿh AxmJy CK¨j, \JfL~ pMm kMrÛJr k´J¬ pMm xÄVbT Fo F jJKxr xM\J, KxPua FPk´x caTo xŒJhT @mhMu mJKfj l~xu, oMxKuo xJKyfq xÄxPhr uJAPmsrL xŒJhT jJ\oMu @jxJrL, ˝kúWMKz xŒJhT @»MuäJy @u oJoMj, pMm xÄVbT @KlTMr ryoJj @KlT, xÄmJhTotL Fo A\J\Mu yT, ßoJ. @fJCr ryoJj k´oMUÇ

KmKmKxKx ßjfOmOPªr xJPg KxPua ßY’JPrr ofKmKjo~ KxPua, 1 ßlmsΔ~JKr : KmsKav-mJÄuJPhv ßY’Jr Im ToJxt (KmKmKxKx) Fr ßk´KxPc≤ Fo@r ßYRiMrL oJfJm S k´KfKjKimOPªr xJPg KxPua ßY’Jr ßjfOmOPªr FT ofKmKjo~ xnJ Vf vKjmJr KmPTPu ßY’Jr ßmJct ÀPo IjMKÔf y~Ç xnJ~ xnJkKffô TPrj KxPua ßY’JPrr xnJkKf xJuJy& CK¨j @uL @yohÇ ˝JVf mÜPmq ßY’Jr xnJkKf mPuj, KmsKav-mJÄuJPhv ßY’JPrr xJPg KxPua ßY’JPrr xŒTt hLWtKhPjrÇ KmsKav-mJÄuJPhv ßY’Jr mJÄuJPhv S mOPaPjr mqmxJ~LT xŒPTtr Cjú~Pj TJ\ TPr pJPòÇ KfKj KxPua ßY’JPrr hLWtKhPjr ˝kú ߸vJu APTJjKoT ß\Jj mJ KmPvw IgtQjKfT Iûu ˙JkPj k´mJxLPhr xyPpJKVfJ TJojJ TPrjÇ KfKj KxPuPar kptaj Kv· S r¬JjLoMUL KvP· KmKjP~JPVr \jq KmsKav-mJÄuJPhv ßY’Jr S k´mJxL KmKjP~JVTJrLPhr @ymJj \JjJjÇ KfKj @PrJ mPuj, mJÄuJPhPvr IgtjLKfPT vKÜvJuL TrPf yPu YLj, \JkJj, nJrf AfqJKh ßhPvr of mqmxJ~LT kKrT·jJ KjP~ @oJPhr FKVP~ ßpPf yPmÇ KmKmKxKx'r ßk´KxPc≤ Fo @r ßYRiMrL oJfJm mPuj, mOPaPj Im˙Jjrf k´mJxLrJ mJÄuJPhPv KmKjP~JPV @V´yLÇ APfJoPiq mOPaPjr ßmv KTZM k´JAPna ßTJŒJjL KxPuaxy mJÄuJPhPvr KmKnjú ˙JPj KmKjP~JV TPrPZÇ KfKj mPuj, mJÄuJPhv xrTJr pKh kptJ¬ kKroJj \Ko mrJ¨ KhPf kJPrj fJyPu mOPaPjr k´mJxLrJ ßmxrTJrL CPhqJPV k´JAPna APTJjKoT ß\Jj k´KfÔJ~ FKVP~ @xPmjÇ KfKj @PrJ mPuj, mOPaPj hã \jvKÜr k´YMr YJKyhJ rP~PZÇ xrTJrL CPhqJPV mJÄuJPhPv @∂\tJKfT oJPjr ßasKjÄ A¿KaKaCa ˙Jkj TrJ yPu mJÄuJPhv ßgPT k´YMr \jvKÜ mOPajxy ACPrJPkr KmKnjú ßhPv r¬JjL TrJ x÷m yPmÇ

jmLVP† hJhL yfqJTJrL jJfL ßV´lfJr KxPua, 30 \JjM~JKr : jmLVP† hJhL yfqJTJrL WJfT ACxMl Ko~JPT ßV´lfJr TPrPZ jmLV† gJjJ kMKuvÇ VfTJu mOy¸KfmJr KmPTu 4aJr xo~ jmLV† gJjJr Fx@A @KvT Ko~J @CvTJKª mJ\Jr ßgPT fJPT ßV´lfJr TPrÇ CPuäUq, CkP\uJr AjJfV† ACKj~Pjr xJmJ\kMr V´JPor oOf oftM\J Ko~Jr ßZPu ACxMl Ko~J Vf mMimJr xTJPu fJr nJKm fZKuoJ ßmVo (30) Fr xJPg fMò WajJ KjP~ ^VzJ~ Ku¬ y~Ç F kptJP~ CP•K\f ACxMl hJ KhP~ fJr nJKmr Ckr YzJS y~Ç F xo~ fZKuoJ ßmVo ßhRPz hJhL vJÊzL Kjyf @PuT\Jj KmKmr TJPZ @v´~ ßj~Ç @PuT\Jj KmKm jJKf ACxMlPT mJiJ KhPu yJPf gJTJ hJ KhP~ ßTJk ßh~Ç @PuT\Jj KmKmr oJgJ ßTJPk ãf Kmãf y~Ç @PuT\Jj KmKm oJKaPf uMKaP~ kzPu fZKuoJPT hJ KhP~ ßTJKkP~ èÀfr @yf TPrÇ Umr ßkP~ nJA rJ\J Ko~J (35) mJzLPf @xPu ßx S @âJ∂ y~Ç V´JPor ßuJT\j fJPhr C≠Jr TPr @vÄTJ\jT Im˙J~ KxPua SxoJjL ßoKcTqJu TPu\ yJxkJfJPu ßj~Jr kPg mO≠J hJhL @PuT\Jj KmKm oOfMqr ßTJPu dPu kPzjÇ @yf nJA rJ\J Ko~J S nJKm fZKuoJ ßmVo KxPua SxJojL ßoKcTqJu TPu\ yJxkJfJPu KYKT“xJiLj rP~PZjÇ VsJomJxLÇ kPr uJC~JZzJ S~JAø uJAl mj TotTftJPhr TJPZ y˜J∂r TrJ y~Ç WajJKa WPaPZ míy¸KfmJr 5 \JjM~JrL xTJu 10aJ~ oJimkMr ACKj~Pjr ^JPkr VJÅS VsJPoÇ \JjJ pJ~, CkP\uJr oJimkMr ACKj~Pjr ^JPkr VJÅS VsJPor uãj KxÄy ksKfKhPjr oPfJ Kj\ ZjTuJ \KoPf TJaJ Zj PhUPf pJjÇ F kptJP~ yJf KhP~ TJaJ Zj CuakJua TrPf KVP~ ZPjr KjPY jro KTZM IjMnMf yPu Zj xKrP~ ybJ“ PhUPf kJj KmvJu @TJPrr I\VrxJkÇ KfKj nP~ @ftKY“TJr TrPu FuJTJmJxL FPx I\Vr xJkKa @aT TPrjÇ kPr uJC~JZzJ mjqksJeL KmnJVPT Umr KhPu I\VrKa C≠Jr TPr KjP\Phr PylJ\Pf KjP~ @PxÇ míy¸KfmJr hMkMr 12 aJ~ CkP\uJ KjmtJyL IKlxJr PoJyJÿh \JKyhMu AxuJPor oJiqPo mj KmnJV I\Vr xJkKa KjP~ pJ~Ç mjKma TotTftJ oKjÀu AxuJo \JjJj, I\Vr xJkKa ksJ~ 7 lMa u’JÇ UJPhqr xºJPj PuJTJuP~ YPu FPxPZÇ I\VrKa 2/3 Khj kptPmãj TPr uJC~JZzJ \JfL~ ChqJPj ImoMÜ TrJ yPmÇ


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PlmsM~JKr 5, 2015: PoRunLmJ\JPrr TouV† CkP\uJ~

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

Kx ßu a

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xMjJoV† P\uJ @S~JoL uLPVr xPÿuj ˙KVf : @ymJ~T TKoKa VbPjr hJKm PlmsM~JKr 5, 2015: xMjJoV† P\uJ @S~JoLuLPVr TJptTrL TKoKar xPÿuj ˙KVf PWJKwf yP~PZÇ 1997 xJPu VKbf Po~JPhJ•Let TJptTrL TKoKar xPÿuPjr fJKrU 7 PlmsM~JrL KjitJrj TrJ y~Ç PTªsL~ TKoKar xJiJrj xŒJhT Qx~h @vrJlMu AxuJoPT CPÆJiT S @S~JoLuLPVr CkPhÓJo¥uLr xhxq xMrK†f Pxj è¬ FoKk S IgtoπL @mMu oJu @»Mu oMKyfPT IKfKg TPr P\uJ S CkP\uJ xhPr ksYJrjJ YJuJPjJ y~Ç KT∂á PoJa 16Ka xJÄVbKjT TKoKar oPiq PTmuoJ© 7Ka ACKjPar xPÿuj xŒjú TPr kPTa TJCK¿uJrPhr ÆJrJ IxP¨Pvq fKzVKz TPr xPÿuj TrJ yPò P\uJr oπL FoKk S fíeoNu kptJP~r PjfJTotLPhr TJZ PgPT Foj IKnPpJV PkP~ xPÿuPjr ksiJj @Twte xMrK†f Pxj è¬ FoKk 7 PlmsM~JrLr xPÿuj m\tj TPrjÇ xMrK†f Pxj è¬ FoKkPT IjMxre TPr P\uJr xTu FoKk, vLwt˙JjL~ PjfJ FmÄ P\uJ xnJkKf, PxPâaJrL S xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT kPhr ksJgtLrJ F KrPkJat PuUJ kpt∂ dJTJ~ Im˙Jj TPr xPÿuPjr fJKrU PkZJPjJr \jq hlJ~ hlJ~ huL~ xnJPj©Lxy \JfL~ PjfJPhrPT IjMPrJi TPrjÇ IKnPpJV S IjMPrJPir PksKãPf PTªsL~ PjfJrJ FA oMÉPft P\uJ xPÿuPjr mqJkJPr oJrJ®T KmmsfPmJi TPrjÇ FZJzJS hPur KjmtJKYf \jksKfKjKi S fíeoMu kptJP~r PjfJTotLPhr ofJoPfr ksKf xÿJj PhKUP~ huL~ xnJPj©L ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJ IVefJKπT S ksyxjoNuT k≠KfPf xPÿuj @P~J\Pjr mqJkJPr Kmrf gJTJr \jq hJK~fôvLu PjfJPhrPT KjPhtv PhjÇ mJÄuJPhv @S~JoLuLPVr xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT FcPnJPTa KoZmJy CK¨j KxrJ\ mPuj,PTªsL~ KjmtJyL TKoKar xJiJrj xŒJhT FuK\@rKc oπL Qx~h @vrJlMu AxuJo vJrLKrT IxM˙fJr TJrPe xPÿuj ˙KVf rJUJr PWJweJ KhP~PZjÇ fJA xPÿuj @kJff ˙KVf rJUJ yP~PZÇ P\uJ @S~JoLuLPVr nJrksJ¬ xnJkKf @uyJ\ô oKfCr ryoJj mPuj,PTªsL~ PxPâaJrLr IxM˙fJr TgJ \JjPf PkPrKZÇ fPm xPÿuj ˙KVf TrJr mqJkJPr PTJj @jMÓJKjT k© kJAKjÇ FKhPT P\uJ TKoKa,CkP\uJ TKoKa S fíeoNu kptJP~r PjfJTotLrJ xPÿuj Fr fJKrU PWJwjJr kNPmt mftoJj P\uJ TKoKa mJKfu TPr @ymJ~T IgmJ xPÿuj ks˜áMKf TKoKa VbPjr hJmL \JKjP~PZjÇ

ßmJrTJ kPr TPuP\r ZJ©L yPf kJrPm jJ : xoJ\TuqJeoπL dJTJ, 30 \JjM~JKr : pJrJ ßmJrTJ kPr fJrJ TPuP\r ZJ©L yPf kJrPm jJ mPu \JKjP~PZj xoJ\TuqJeoπL ‰x~h oyKxj @uLÇ Vf mMimJr KmPTPu ßoRunLmJ\Jr xrTJKr TPuP\r ÈuLuJjJV' yPur CPÆJij IjMÔJPjr mÜPmq KfKj F TgJ mPujÇ ZJ©LPhr CP¨Pv oπL mPuj, ÈPmJrTJ kPr TPuP\r ZJ©L yPf kJrPm jJÇ ßfJoJPT ßhPvr k´fLT yPf yPmÇ kMÀwPT iJÑJ KhP~ ßfJoJPT IV´xr yPf yPmÇ @\PT ßmJrTJkrJ ßuJTPhr ACPrJPk WOeJr ßYJPU ßhPU KiÑJr TPr FmÄ FT\j AxuJKo \Kñ oPj TPr'Ç oπL mPuj, ßmJrTJkrJ ßuJT\jPT ACPrJPk AxuJKo \Kñ mPuÇ F mJ˜mfJ~ oMxKuo xnqfJPT @orJ ßTJgJ~ KjP~ pJKòÇ nKmwqPf Fr lu ßnJV TrPf yPm mPuS o∂mq TPrj KfKjÇ @rKaKnÇ KxPua mMqPrJ \JjJ~, KfKj ZJ©LPhr CP¨Pv @PrJ mPuPZj, ÈPfJorJ yPu ßhPvr xŒhÇ ßfJorJ FUj KâPTa ßUuPmÇ ßfJorJ kJ~\JoJ kPr ßUuPmÇ KT∂á @oJPhr ßoP~rJ yJlkqJ≤ kPr ßUuPmÇ @Ko YJA F ß\uJ~ ßhPvr KmUqJf jftTL FmÄ Kv·L VPz CbMMTÇ' xoJ\TuqJe oπL ZJ©LPhr krJovt KhP~ mPuj, ßmJrTJr @zJPu KjP\PT ßdPT ßrU jJÇ KjP\PT èKaP~ jJ ßrPU ßfJoJPhr èeJmKu k´TJv TrÇ kMÀPwr kJvJkJKv KjP\PT xoJP\ fMPu irÇ Fr @PV oπL k´iJj IKfKg KyPxPm KlfJ ßTPa uLuJjJV ZJ©LKjmJPxr CPÆJij S mOPrJke TPrjÇ CPuäUq, Kfj ßTJKa 24 uJU aJTJ mqP~

ZJfPT KmFjKk ßjfJTotLPhr KmÀP≠ hJP~r TrJ oJouJ k´fqJyJPrr hJmL KxPua, 5 ßlmsΔ~JKr : ZJfPTr ßVJKmªVP† KmFjKkZJ©uLPVr xÄWPwtr WajJ~ KmFjKk, pMmhu S ZJ©hPur ßjfOmOPªr Ckr kMKuv TftOT oJouJ hJP~Prr WajJr KjªJ S ßãJn k´TJv TPrPZj KmFjKkr \JfL~ KjmtJyL TKoKar xhxq, xJPmT CkP\uJ ßY~JroqJj Ko\JjMr ryoJj ßYRiMrL Ko\JjÇ FZJzJ kOgT KmmOKfPf ßãJn S KjªJ k´TJv TPrPZj, ZJfT CkP\uJ KmFjKkr @øJ~T lJÀT @yoh, pMVì @øJ~T Kj\Jo CK¨j, @mM ÉrJ~rJ ZMrf, ßkRr KmFjKkr pMVì @øJ~T \~jJu @PmhLj oKy, CkP\uJ pMmhPur @øJ~T vyLhMr ryoJj xMPyu, CkP\uJ ZJ©hPur @øJ~T ßVJuJo ßyJPxj vJKTuxy ßjfOmOªÇ KmmOKfPf fJrJ mPuj, Vf oñumJr ßVJKmªVP† KmFjKk'r vJK∂kNjt xoJPmPv kMKuPvr xyPpJKVfJ~ ZJ©uLPVr mmtPrJKYf yJouJ FmÄ KjKmtYJPr kMKuPvr èKu mwtPe KmFjKk'r 20 ßjfJTotL @yf yP~PZÇ F WajJr krS KjYT y~rJjLr CP¨Pvq kMKuv ßjfJTotLPhr Ckr KogqJ oJouJ hJP~r TPrPZÇ fJrJ IKmuP’ F KogqJ oJouJ k´fqJyJPrr hJmL \JjJjÇ

KvãJ k´PTRvu IKihlfr TftOT KjKotf uLuJjJV ZJ©L yPur CPÆJij IjMÔJPj k´iJj IKfKgr mÜPmq oπL @PrJ mPuj, @Ko ßoRunLmJ\JPr FoKk gJTJTJuLj xJPmT FT Iiq @oJPT jJ mPu @»Mx vKyhPT (xJPmT KYl ÉAk) hJS~Jf KhP~ IjMÔJj TPrÇ ßx @r SA TPuP\ @xPf kJrPm jJÇ TPu\ Iiq k´Plxr vyLhMuäJyr xnJkKfPfô IjMÔJPj KmPvw IKfKg KyPxPm mÜmq rJPUj ß\uJ k´vJxT ßoJ: TJoÀu yJxJj, ß\uJ @S~JoL uLPVr xJÄVbKjT xŒJhT xJAlMr ryoJj mJmMu, oKyuJ ßj©L ‰x~hJ \ÉrJ @uJCK¨j, ß\uJ ZJ©uLV xnJkKf ßoJ: \JTJKr~J,@»Mu oKfj k´oMUÇ hLkj rJ~, roJ rJ~ S yKrkh rJ~Ç FnJPm PTJPjJ VsJPo 4\j PTJPjJ VsJPo 5/6 \Pjr hu kptJ~âPo kJyJzJ KhPòjÇ cJTJPfr @âoPjr KvTJr xMTMoJr KmvõJx \JjJj ˙JjL~ ACKk xhxqPT xJPg KjP~ Kmw~Ka KfKj \KTV† gJjJ kMKuvPT ImKyf TPrPZjÇ?xmtPvw \KTV† PkRrxnJr PyJxjJmJh VsJPo PxJomJr KhmJVf rJf IjMoJj PkRPj 2aJ~ cJTJfrJ yJjJ KhP~PZÇ PyJxjJmJh VsJPor C•o TMoJr KmvõJPxr mJKzPf 10/12 \Pjr cJTJfhu yJjJ KhPu Par PkP~ KY“TJr Ph~ kKrmJPrr PuJT\jÇ VsJPor PuJT\j \PzJ yS~Jr kr kJvõtmftL yJSr KhP~ kJKuP~ pJ~ cJTJfrJÇ Fr @PV IKfxŒ´Kf KmPurmª VsJPor hMmJA ksmJxL @»Mx ZJ•JPrr mJKzPf FTJKiTmJr cJTJf yJjJ Ph~Ç mJKzr PuJT\Pjr KY“TJPr cJTJfrJ kJKuP~ pJ~Ç \KTV† gJjJr nJrksJ¬ TotTftJ(SKx) vKlTMu AxuJo UJj mPuj, G FuJTJ~ cJTJKf S kJyJzJr Kmw~Ka fJr \JjJ PjAÇ KfKj PUJÅ\ Umr KjP~ ksP~J\Pj G FuJTJ~ kMKuKv ayu mJzJPmjÇ?F mqJkJPr @S~JoLuLV PjfJ FoFK\ mJmr mPuj, yrfJu ImPrJPi FTKhPT oJjMPwr @~ PrJ\VJr TPoPZ IjqKhPT kMKuPvr mqófJ PmPzPZÇ F \jqA YMKr cJTJKfr ksmjfJ PhUJ KhP~PZÇ

cJTJPfr nP~ \KTVP† rJf P\PV kJyJrJ

PlmsM~JKr 5, 2015: \KTVP†r UuJZzJ ACKj~Pjr mjVsJPo Km@rKcKmr IKlx xyTJrL xMTMoJr KmvõJPxr mJKzPf Vf 23 \JjM~JKr yJjJ Ph~ 7/8 \Pjr cJTJf huÇ hr\J PnPñ WPr ksPmPvr xo~ mJKzr oJKuT xMTMoJr KmvõJx KY“TJr TrJr PYÓJ TrPu cJTJfrJ èKu ZMPzÇ èKuPf fJr cJj TJj KZhs y~ FmÄ ovJrLPf @èj iPr pJ~Ç FTA rJPf yuKhrkJz VsJPor ij†~ rJP~r mJKzPfS yJjJ Ph~ cJTJfÇ VnLr rJPf mJKzr PVJ~Ju WPr v» yPu ij†~ KmvõJx hr\J UMPu Pmr yjÇ Foj xo~ I˘v˘ KjP~ cJTJfrJ WPr ksPmv TPr oJuJoJu

KjP~ kJKuP~ pJ~Ç?x¬JyUJPjT @PV \KTVP†r PkRr FuJTJr oiMh• xhrkMr VsJPor @»Mx ÊTMr orJA Ko~Jr PZPu @mMu Ko~Jr WPr VnLr rJPf yJjJ Ph~ cJTJf huÇ kJTJWPrr hr\J PnPñ PnfPr dMPT WPrr PuJT\jPT K\Kÿ TPr PoJmJAu PlJj S aJTJ k~xJ KjP~ kJKuP~ pJ~Ç Fxm WajJr kr G FuJTJ~ cJTJf @fï PhUJ Ph~Ç?mjVsJo, xhrkMr, PyJxjJmJh, UJukJz FuJTJmJxL kJuJâPo rJf P\PV kJyJzJ mKxP~PZjÇ xhrkMr VsJPor mJKxªJ xoLr CK¨j S KxyJm @yoh \JjJj, oñumJr rJPf mjVsJPo kJyJzJ Phj âLPkx rJ~,

\MzLPf KmK\Kmr hMuJnJAP~r yJPf vqJuT UMj IKnpJPj I˘ C≠Jr PlmsM~JKr 5, 2015: \MzL CkP\uJr kMmt \MzL ACKj~Pjr \JoTJKª mJ\Jr xÄuVú FuJTJr FTKa mJÅv ^Jz PgPT kKrfqJÜ Im˙J~ FTKa kJAk VJj C≠Jr TPrPZ KmK\KmÇ FuJTJmxL S KmK\Km xNP© \JjJ pJ~, PmJimJr KhmJVf rJf xJPz 10aJr KhPT lMufuJ TqJPŒr 52mqJaJKu~JPjr FThu KmK\Km xhxqrJ PVJkj xÄmJPhr KmK•Pfô kKrfqJÜ Im˙J~ SA mJÅv ^Jz fuäJKv TPr I˘Ka C≠Jr TPrjÇ F KmwP~ \JjPf ZJAPu lMufuJ TqJPŒr @A FjKa xJuJyCK¨j mPuj C≠sJ Tíf I˘Ka \MzL gJjJ~ PxJkht TrJ yP~PZÇ

KxPua, 3 ßlmsΔ~JKr: ßVJ~JAjWJPa hMuJnJAP~r yJPf vqJuT UMj yP~PZÇ VfTJu ßxJomJr ßnJPr CkP\uJr èòV´Jo FuJTJ~ F WajJ WPaÇ kMKuvxy ˙JjL~ xNP© \JjJ pJ~, èò V´JPor vJKTu ßyJPxj xM\j (19) S fJr nJA ßxJyrJm ßyJPxj (17) ßrJmmJr rJPf jrKxÄhL ßgPT ßmzJPf @xJ fJPhr hMuJnJA ßyJPxj Ko~Jr xJPg FTA TPã WMoJPf pJ~Ç ßnJr rJPf xMPpJV mMP^ ßyJPxj Ko~J WPr gJTJ TJPbr aMTrJ KhP~ WMo∂ Im˙J~ hMA vqJuPTr oJgJ~ FPuJkJfJKz @WJf TrPf gJPTÇ FPf WajJ˙PuA vJKTu k´Je yJrJj FmÄ fJr ßZJa nJA ßxJyrJm èÀfr @yf y~Ç èñJKj S @WJPfr v» ÊPj kJPvr WPr gJTJ vJKTu S ßxJyrJPmr oJ FKVP~ FPu WJfT ßyJPxj Ko~J hsΔf Wr ßgPT ßmKrP~ kJKuP~ pJ~Ç WPr dMPT oJ KY“TJr KhPu @vkJPvr ßuJT\j FKVP~ FPx vJKTPur oOfPhy S oMoNwtM ßxJyrJmPT KmZJjJ~ kPz gJTPf ßhPUjÇ yfJyfrJ jrKxÄhL xhr CkP\uJr mJxJAu V´JPor @Kor ßyJPxPjr kM©Ç Umr ßkP~ ßVJ~JAjWJa gJjJr Fx@A ACjMZ @uL WajJ˙Pu FPx uJPvr xMrfyJu KrPkJat ‰fKr TPr o~jJ fhP∂r \jq KxSPoT yJxkJfJPu ßk´re TPrjÇ VfrJPf F KrPkJat ßuUJ kpt∂ gJjJ~ oJouJ hJP~Prr k´˜MKf YuKZu mPu SKx ßVJ~JAjWJa ßoJ. @»Mu yJA \JKjP~PZjÇ

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

1o kJfJr kr 15 ksKfKhj C•rmPñr UJoJKrr TJZ PgPT oMrKV KTPj FPj fJ rJ\iJjLPf kJATJKr KmKâ TPrjÇ mJóMr xPñ TgJ yPu KfKj hq KrPkJatPT mPuj, È30 KhPjr aJjJ ImPrJPi @oJr Z~ uJU aJTJr PmKv ãKf yP~PZÇ ksKfKhj mèzJ PgPT FT KkT@k oMrKV (@zJA yJ\Jr) dJTJ~ @KjÇ rJPf oMrKV dJTJ~ PkRÅZPuS krKhj xTJu 8aJr oPiq xm oMrKV KmKâ yP~ PpfÇ KT∂á aJjJ ImPrJPi Kfj KhPjS oMrKV KmKâ TrPf kJrKZ jJÇ' F ksxPñ yJKjl F≤JrksJAP\r mqm˙JkT PoJ. PfJlJöu PyJPxj Krkj hq KrPkJatPT mPuj, ÈaJjJ ImPrJPi Vf 30 KhPj @oJPhr Pfoj PTJPjJ VJKz YuJYu TPrKjÇ @oJPhr PTJŒJKjPf FKx S jjFKx KoKuP~ xmxo~ YJrv' VJKz YuJYu TPrÇ Y¢VsJo S TémJ\Jr ÀPa 20Ka nuPnJ mJx YuJYu TPrÇ ImPrJPir ÊÀ PgPT FTKaS nuPnJ VJKz ZJzJ y~KjÇ F ZJzJ PhPvr xm IûPu jjFKx ksJ~ 380Ka mJx YuJYu TPrÇ KT∂á ImPrJPi C•rmPñr PTJPjJ ÀPa VJKz YuJYu TrPZ jJÇ ÊiM KxPua, UMujJ S mKrvJu ÀPa 50Kar oPfJ VJKz YuJYu TrPZÇ FUj kKrK˙Kf FfaJA UJrJk yPò Ppó PpèPuJ Yuf PxèPuJS mº TPr KhPf yPmÇ' mJx oJKuTPhr nJwq IjMpJ~L kKrmyj mqm˙J FUj IYuó Foj TgJr kKrPksKãPf FjJP~f CuäJy mPuj, ÈpKh PTJPjJ oJKuT fJr VJKz jJ YJuJPf YJj fJyPu xrTJr KT fJPT mJiq TrPf kJrPmÇ fPm @oJr \JjJ oPf xmJA mqmxJ~LÇ AòJTífnJPm PTC fJr mqmxJ mº rJUPm jJÇ' mJÄuJPhv asJT-TJnJctnqJj oJKuT xKoKfr xnJkKf PfJlJöu PyJPxj hq KrPkJatPT mPuj, ÈaJjJ ImPrJPi PhPvr keq kKrmyPjr TJP\ Pp xm pJjmJyj mqmyJr TrJ y~ fJr ksJ~ 90 vfJÄvA mº rP~PZÇ Vf 30 KhPj FA UJf kMPrJ ±Äx yS~Jr Ckâo yP~PZÇ Im˙J Foj hJÅKzP~PZ Pp xrTJrPT FA UJPf xJmKxKc KhPf yPmÇ dJTJr @vkJPvr TP~TKa P\uJ~ oJ© 10 vfJÄv VJKz YuJYu TrPuS fJ hNrkJuäJr jJ PhPvr YuoJj kKrK˙Kf KjP~ TgJ muJ yPu S~JTt lr PmaJr mJÄuJPhv (cKmäCKmKm) asJPˆr FqJcPnJPTKx IKlxJr S kKrmyj KmPvwù PoJ. oJyÀl ryoJj hq KrPkJatPT mPuj, ÈFTaJ PhPvr IgtQjKfT Cjú~j S IVsVKf ksfqãnJPm Kjnrs TPr SA PhPvr ImTJbJPoJ Cjú~j S PpJVJPpJV mqm˙Jr SkrÇ xMÔM PpJVJPpJV mqm˙J FTKa PhPvr IgtjLKfPf mz irPjr kKrmftj FPj KhPf kJPrÇ KT∂á @oJPhr PhPv SAnJPm PpJVJPpJV mqm˙Jr Cjú~j y~Kj, pJ @PZ fJ KjP~ mqmxJ~L Kv·kKfPhr xm xo~ IKnPpJV rP~PZÇ KT∂á FUj aJjJ ImPrJi PhPvr IgtjLKfr \jq PVJPhr Skr KmwPlJÅzJ yP~ hJÅKzP~PZÇ' hJK~fô Pj~Ç KfKj mPuj, PmKvr nJV uJvA yóJ∂r TrJ y~ VKuf Im˙J~Ç PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj yS~J yfnJVqPhr oPiq PmKvr nJVA yfqJTJP§r KvTJr yP~PZjÇ kMKuPvr TJPZ PmS~JKrv uJPvr ZKm S PkJvJT xÄrãe TrJ gJPTÇ @†MoJPj oMKlhMu AxuJPor fgq oPf, 2013 xJPur \MuJA PgPT 2014 xJPur \Mj kpt∂ 1 yJ\Jr 325Ka uJv PmS~JKrv KyPxPm @K\okMr S \MrJAj Tmr˙JPj hJlj TrJ y~Ç Fr oPiq 2013 xJPur \MuJAPf 113, @VPˆ 99, PxP¡’Pr 89, IPÖJmPr 138, jPn’Pr 102, KcPx’Pr 95Ka uJv hJlj TrJ y~Ç 2014 xJPur \JjM~JKrPf 103, Plms~ M JKrPf 109, oJPYt 119, FKksPu 120, Po 131 S \Mj oJPx 107Ka uJv PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj TrJ y~Ç FKhPT 2014 xJPur \MuJA PgPT 2015 xJPur \JjM~JKr kpt∂ 790 uJv PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj TrJ y~Ç F KyPxPm 2014 xJPur \MuJAPf 116, @VPˆ 110, PxP¡’Pr 118, IPÖJmPr 144, jPn’Pr 115, KcPx’Pr 113, 2015 xJPur \JjM~JKrPf 74Ka uJv PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj TrJ y~Ç @r Vf kJÅY KhPj @aKa uJv PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj TrJ yP~PZÇ FKhPT 2011 xJPur \MuJA PgPT 2012 xJPur \Mj kpt∂ 1 yJ\Jr 181Ka uJv PmS~JKrv KyPxPm @K\okMr S \MrJAj Tmr˙JPj hJlj TrJ y~Ç Fr oPiq 2011 xJPur \MuJAPf 127, @VPˆ 109, PxP¡’Pr 111, IPÖJmPr 100, jPn’Pr 112, KcPx’Pr 76Ka uJv hJlj TrJ y~Ç 2012 xJPur \JjM~JKrPf 115, Plms~ M JKrPf 83, oJPYt 97, FKksPu 77, Po-Pf 90 S \Mj oJPx 84Ka uJv PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj TrJ y~Ç FZJzJ 2012 xJPur \MuJA PgPT 2013 xJPur \Mj kpt∂ 1 yJ\Jr 495Ka uJv PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj TrJ y~Ç Fr oPiq rJjJ käJ\J S fJ\rLj yfqJTJP§r WajJ~ PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj TrJ y~ 344KaÇ SA KyPxPm F hMA WajJ mJh KhPu 2012-13 IgtmZPr 1 yJ\Jr 148Ka uJv PmS~JKrv KyPxPm \MrJAj S @K\okMr Tmr˙JPj hJlj TrJ yP~PZÇ pKhS rJjJ käJ\J S fJ\rLPjr WajJ~ F kpt∂ 240Ka uJPvr KcFjF PaPˆr oJPiqPo kKrY~ vjJÜ TrJ x÷m yP~PZÇ F KyPxPm 2012 xJPur \MuJAPf 113, @VPˆ 128, PxP¡’Pr 110, IPÖJmPr 115, jPn’Pr 145 (fJ\rLj WajJ~ 53 \jxy), KcPx’Pr 90, 2013 xJPur \JjM~JKrPf 92, Plms~ M JKrPf 85, oJPYt 90, FKksPu 72, Po 367 (rJjJ käJ\Jr-291 \jxy) S \Mj oJPx 88Ka uJv PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj TrJ y~Ç PmS~JKrv uJPvr KmwP~ \JjPf YJAPu dJTJ oyJjVr kMKuPvr Ck-TKovjJr (KoKc~J) oJxMhr M ryoJj oJjm\KojPT mPuj, ksKfKa PmS~JKrv uJPvrA xMrfyJu FmÄ o~jJfh∂ y~Ç @r fJ PgPT fJrJ \JPjj FA PmS~JKrv uJPvr vfTrJ 80 nJVA yfqJTJP§r KvTJrÇ fJrJ Fxm uJPvr ZKm xÄrãe TPrjÇ fPm fJPf Pfoj TJ\ y~ jJÇ IKiTJÄv uJPvrA kPr @r kKrY~ \JjJ pJ~ jJÇ dJTJ PoKcTqJu TPu\ xNP© \JjJ PVPZ, Vf FT oJPx èKuKm≠ S hMWa t jJr KvTJr yP~ KjyfPhr oPiq j~Ka uJPvr PTJj kKrY~ kJS~J pJ~KjÇ kKrY~ jJ PkP~ uJvèPuJ @†MoJPj oMKlhMu AxuJPo y˜J∂r TrJ y~Ç IùJf uJPvr oPiq dJTJ PoKcTqJu TPu\ yJxkJfJPur lPrjKxT KmnJPV 3rJ \JjM~JKr FTKa, 5A \JjM~JKr FTKa, 19Pv \JjM~JKr FTKa, 20Pv \JjM~JKr FTKa, 25Pv \JjM~JKr hMKa, 27Pv \JjM~JKr FTKa, 28Pv \JjM~JKr FTKa S 29Pv \JjM~JKr FTKa uJPvr o~jJfh∂ TrJ y~Ç Frkr fJ @†MoJj oMKlhMPur TJPZ yóJ∂r TrJ y~Ç xÄKväÓ FTJKiT xNP© \JjJ PVPZ, mftoJPj PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj yS~J uJPvr oPiq PmKvr nJV m~Px fÀeÇ Ijq uJPvr oPiq PasPj TJaJ, xzT hMWa t jJ, yfqJ S I˝JnJKmT oífqM yS~J oJjMPwr xÄUqJA PmKvÇ Fxm orPhy rJ\iJjLr KmKnjú ˙Jj PgPT C≠JPrr kr dJTJ PoKcTqJu TPu\ yJxkJfJu S KoaPlJct PoKcTqJu TPu\ yJxkJfJu oPVt kJbJPjJ y~Ç PxUJPj o~jJfh∂ ksKfPmhj QfKrr kr FT x¬Jy uJv xÄKväÓ yJxkJfJu oPVt xÄrãe TrJ y~Ç kPr PxUJPjS xÄKväÓ gJjJ~ kKrY~ vjJÜ jJ yPu kMKuPvr IjMoKf xJPkã PmS~JKrv KyPxPm @†MoJPj oMKlhMu AxuJPo yóJ∂r TPr yJxkJfJu Tftk í ãÇ yóJ∂Prr xo~ uJv C≠JPrr fJKrU, ˙Jj S xÄKväÓ gJjJr jJo Ph~J y~ @†MoJPj oMKlhMu AxuJoPTÇ krmftLPf FA xN© iPrA @†MoJPjr xJyJPpq Tmr vjJÜ TrJ y~Ç @†MoJPj oMKlhMu AxuJo xNP© \JjJ PVPZ, ksKfKa PmS~JKrv uJv hJlj TrPf VPz 1100 aJTJ UrY y~Ç F UrY fJrJ KjP\Phr kã PgPTA TPr gJPTjÇ kMKuPvr PVJP~ªJ vJUJ xNP© \JjJ PVPZ, rJ\iJjL FmÄ Fr CkT£ PgPTA C≠Jr TrJ yPò xmPYP~ PmKv PmS~JKrv uJvÇ Fr oPiq KorkMr PmKzmJÅi, KmoJjmªr PgPT VJ\LkMr PruuJAPjr hM'kJv, PcorJ, vqJokMPrr S~JxJ kMTr M kJz, pJ©JmJzL, TJorJñLrYr PmKzmJÅi, mMKzVñJ S iPuvõrL jhLr KmKnjú kP~≤ S PTrJjLV† PgPT ksKf oJPx CPuäUPpJVqxÄUqT PmS~JKrv uJv C≠Jr yP~PZÇ

kJÅY mJXJuL pMmPTr P\uh¥ IKnpMÜrJ @PoKrTJr PlîJKrcJ PgPT u¥Pj kzPf @xJ FT ˆMPc≤PT KjCPrJc FmÄ ToJKvt~Ju PrJPcr \ÄxPjr TJPZ vJKrrLTnJPm KjptJfj TPrÇ 22 mZPrr SA ZJ© Fr 3Khj @PV PlîJKrcJ PgPT FPxPZjÇ WajJr Khj Px fJr mºMr xPñ TJKrr \jq KmUqJf KmsTPuj PhUPf KVP~KZPujÇ KmsTPuj PgPT PvcSP~Pu PlrJr kPg KfKj IKnpMÜ 5 VqJÄP~r TmPu kPzjÇ IKnpMÜrJ fJPT PmJfu KhP~ jJPT oMPU @WJf TPrÇ oJKaPf PlPu KTuWMKw S uJKg PoPr fJPT \Uo TPrÇ yJxkJfJPu pJS~Jr kr fJr oMPU ksJ~ 23Kar PmKv PxuJA PuPVPZÇ F WajJr kr PgPT @PoKrTJj SA ˆMPc≤ nLf yP~ PVPZjÇ rJ˜J~ Pmr yPf KfKj oJrJ®TnJPm n~ kJjÇ Vf mZPrr \Mj PgPT P˚~Jxt âJCj PTJPat oJKTtj ZJ©PT vJKrrLTnJPm KjptJfPjr KmYJr ÊÀ yP~KZPuJÇ KxKxKaKn lMPa\ PhPU PxJomJr IKnpMÜPhr xJ\Jr Po~Jh PWJweJ TrJ y~Ç IKnpMÜ FT\Pjr jJo PxKuo CK¨jÇ fJr m~x 21 mZrÇ KfKj PyJ~JAaYqJkPur PrJoPlJct ˆsLPa gJPTjÇ fJPT 6 mZPrr P\uh¥ Ph~J yP~PZÇ FZJzJ PmgjJuVsLPjr TuJK’~J PrJPcr mJKxªJ 25 mZr m~Pxr xJoJh CK¨Pjr xJPz 5 mZr FmÄ PˆkKjSP~r mJKxªJ 23 mZPrr pMmT TJoÀu PyJPxAPj 2 mZr 3 oJPxr P\uh¥ Ph~J yP~PZÇ IjqKhPT PVsaPré ˆsLPar mJKxªJ 22 mZPrr oJxMo ryoJjPT 18 oJPxr P\uhP¥r xPñ hMA mZPrr xJxPk¥ FmÄ 2v W≤J @jPkAc S~JPTrs h¥ Ph~J yP~PZÇ FTA xPñ 6v kJC¥ ToPkjPxvj kKrPvJPir KjPhtv Ph~J yP~PZÇ FZJzJ PTKjÄaJCPjr mJKxªJ vJyJhJf PyJPxAjPT A~JÄ IPl¥Jr A¿KaKaCPa 22 oJPxr h¥ Ph~J yP~PZÇ

u¥Pj mJÄuJPhv KmoJPjr oKyuJ F KmwP~ KjptJKff oKyuJ âM dJTJ~ KlPr ksvJxKjT IKlxJPrr TJPZ KuKUf IKnPpJV hJKUu TPrjÇ Frkr Kmw~Ka fhP∂ KmoJj F~JruJAjx PasKjÄ Px≤JPrr PckMKa KYl AjˆsJÖr KoPxx cJKu~JPT hJK~fô PhS~J y~Ç fPm KfKj fh∂ KrPkJPat IKnpMÜ KYl kJxtJr jNÀöJoJj r†M S ˆM~Jct IkMT oMPor KxjyJPT KjPhtJw mPu CPuäU TPrjÇ F mqJkJPr KjptJKff âM YqJPu† \JKjP~ KrPkJat ksfqJUqJj TPrjÇ KfKj CPuäU TPrj, PoJaJ IPïr IPgtr KmKjoP~ WajJ iJoJYJkJ KhPfA ÈKjPhtJw KrPkJat' PhS~J yP~PZÇ Pvw Umr IjMpJ~L, mftoJPj Kmw~Ka fhP∂ KmoJPjr Pyc IKlx hJK~fô KjP~PZÇ F KmwP~ mJÄuJPhv KmoJj KmsPaPjr TJK≤s oqJPj\Jr @KfTMu yT KYvKf \JKjP~PZj, WajJr mqJkJPr PyJPau Px≤ \JAPusr TJPZ SAKhPjr KnKcS lMPa\ YJS~J yP~PZÇ Kmw~Ka FUj KmoJPjr Pyc IKlx PhUPZÇ IKnPpJPV \JjJ PVPZ, xrTJrhuL~ FT oπLr @®L~ yS~J~ IKnpMÜ KYl kJxtJr jNÀöJoJj r†M S ˆM~Jct IkMT oMPor KxjyJr KmÀP≠ FUPjJ PvJT\ mJ hJK~fô PgPT fJPhr ImqJyKf PhS~J y~KjÇ FojKT WajJr Kmw~Ka iJoJYJkJ PhS~Jr \jq KmKnjú f“krfJ YJuJPjJ yPòÇ F mqJkJPr KmoJPjr jJrL PTKmj âMPhr TP~T\j \JKjP~PZj, fJrJ F Im˙J~ KmoJPj TJ\ TrPf KjrJk•JyLjfJ~ nMVPZjÇ fJ ZJzJ KjptJKff jJrL PTKmj âMPTS jJjJnJPm ÉoKT S n~nLKf PhUJPjJ yPòÇ \JjJ PVPZ, Kmw~èPuJ KmoJjoπL rJPvh UJj Pojj, xKYm PUJrPvh @uo PYRiMrL, ksiJjoπLr TJptJuP~r KxKj~r xKYm S KmoJj PmJct xhxq @mMu TJuJo @\Jh, KmoJPjr PY~JroqJj F~Jr nJAx oJvtJu (Im.) \JoJu CK¨jxy KmoJPjr PmJct xhxqPhr ImKyf TrJ yP~PZÇ

\jPrJPwr kg iPrA @xPm \JoJ~JPfr xKyÄxfJPT ksKfyf TrPZ FmÄ FnJPmA PhPv K˙KfvLufJ @xPmÇ' míy¸KfmJr xTJPu Igt oπeJu~ kKrhvtPj FPx D±tfj TotTftJPhr xPñ @PuJYjJ~ Fxm TgJ mPuj KfKjÇ ksiJjoπL mPuj, oJjMw kMKzP~ oJrJ oJjmJKiTJrKmPrJiL TJ\Ç F TJ\ AxuJoKmPrJiLSÇ PvU yJKxjJ mPuj, PmJoJ PoPr oJjMw yfqJ, IgtjLKfr Skr @WJf yJjJA KmFjKk-\JoJ~JPfr TJ\Ç Pp hu PhPvr ˝JiLjfJr KmPrJiLfJ TPrPZ, Pp hu xJoKrT vKÜr ImmqyJPrr oiq KhP~ ksKfKÔf fJPhr kPãA x÷m FnJPm xJiJre oJjMPwr Skr yJouJ S xJiJre oJjMPwr ij-xŒh ±Äx TrJÇ PvU yJKxjJ mPuj, @orJ kJKr PxaJ @orJ ksoJe TPrKZÇ vf ksKfTNu Im˙J PoJTJPmuJ TPrA @orJ FKVP~ pJKò, FKVP~ pJPmJÇ

TJptf dJTJ KmKòjú! kKrmyj YuJYu TrPuS oñumJr TMKouäJr PYR¨VsJPo QjvPTJPY WPa pJS~J jJvTfJr kr KjrJk•Jr nrxJ kJPòj jJ oJKuTkãÇ xJKmtT kKrK˙Kf KmPmYjJ TPr rJ\iJjL TJptf KmKòjú rP~PZ mPu oPj TrPZj PpJVJPpJV mqm˙J xÄKväÓrJÇ hLWt 30 KhPjr FA PpJVJPpJV IYuJm˙J PhPvr IgtjLKfPf hLWtPo~JhL ksnJm PluPm mPu oPj TrPZj fJrJÇ rJ\iJjL PhPvr xTu ksvJxKjT TJP\r PTªsKmªM yS~J~ PpJVJPpJV KmKòjú gJTJaJ \JfL~ Cjú~j S xJKmtT IgtjLKfr \jq nJu KTZM yPm jJ mPu of KhP~PZj fJrJÇ kKrmyj oJKuT xKoKfr xPñ TgJ mPu \JjJ pJ~, rJ\iJjLr @vkJPvr fgJ VJ\LkMr, oJKjTV†, oM¿LV†, jJrJ~eV†, jrKxÄhL P\uJr xPñ dJTJr PpJVJPpJV mqm˙J Pmv ˝JnJKmT rP~PZÇ F xm P\uJ PgPT pJ©L S keqmJyL kKrmyj dJTJPf ksPmv TrPZÇ fPm mJKT P\uJèPuJr xPñ FA 30 KhPjr ImPrJPi hNrkJuäJr 90 vfJÄv pJj YuJYu mº rP~PZÇ fKz“ PTRvu ksPTRvuL AmsJKyo TmLr rJ\iJjLr FTKa PmxrTJKr ksKfÔJPj YJTKr TPrjÇ VsJPor mJKz UMujJr lMufuJ PgPT IxM˙ mJmJPT dJTJ @jPf kJrPZj jJ KYKT“xJr \jqÇ ImPrJPir TJrPe KfKjS UMujJ PpPf n~ kJPòjÇ fJr @vïJ pKh rJóJ~ PTJPjJ hMWa t jJ WPaÇ Vf x¬JPy FTmJr VsJPor mJKz KVP~KZPuj, fPm xrJxKr PTJPjJ pJjmJyPj jJÇ dJTJ PgPT oM¿LVP†r mJPx TPr oJS~J PlKrWJa kpt∂ pJj AmsJKyoÇ fJrkr PxUJj PgPT K¸cPmJPa jhL kJr yP~ ksgPo PoJarmJAPT TPr PkRÅZJj PVJkJuVP†r aMKñkJzJ~Ç fJrkr PxUJj PgPT PaPŒJPf pJj mJPVryJPaÇ @mJr PxUJj PgPT PoJarmJAPT TPr UMujJ PkRÅZJj KfKjÇ dJTJ~ PlrJr PTRvuaJS FTA KZu AmsJKyPorÇ KfKj hq KrPkJatPT mPuj, È@oJr @æJ IxM˙ Pmv TP~T mZr iPrÇ fJPT Vf mZr nJrPf KjP~ pJAÇ PxUJPj PYjúJAP~r FqJPkJPuJ yJxkJfJPu fJr KYKT“xJ TrJPjJ y~Ç kPr PxUJj PgPT @oJPhr mPu PhS~J y~ ksKf Z~ oJx krkr dJTJr mjJjLPf FqJPkJPuJ yJxkJfJPur FTKa Px≤JPr KnKcS TjlJPrP¿r oJiqPo fJPhr xPñ (nJrPfr KYKT“xT) PpJVJPpJV TrPf yPmÇ KT∂á aJjJ ImPrJPi @æJPT dJTJ~ @jPf kJrKZ jJÇ' rJ\iJjLr KorkMr-10 TJÅYJmJ\JPrr YJu @z“ oJKuT xKoKfr xJPmT xnJkKf @mhMr rKyPor xPñ TgJ yPu KfKj mPuj, ÈC•rmñ S TMKÓ~J PgPT PTJPjJ YJPur asJT rJ\iJjLPf @xPZ jJÇ xJiJref ksKfKa rJAx KoPurA Kj\˝ kKrmyj mqm˙J gJPTÇ fJPhr asJPT TPrA dJTJ~ @orJ YJu @KjÇ KT∂á FUj rJAx Kou oJKuTrJ fJPhr asJPT YJu kJbJPf YJPòj jJÇ fJrJ @oJPhr KmT· kKrmyPjr oJiqPo YJu KjPf muPZjÇ' KfKj mPuj, ÈÊâ S vKjmJr IPjTaJ ^MKÅ T KjP~ @orJ YJu @jKZÇ fJS YJKyhJ IjMpJ~L kJrKZ jJÇ FUjA YJPur hJo mJzPf ÊÀ TPrPZÇ Frkr rJ\iJjLr YJKyhJ IjMpJ~L YJu xrmrJy TrPf kJrm KTjJ xPªy @PZÇ' lKTrJkMPur oMrKV mqmxJ~L PoJ. oMK\mMr ryoJj mJóM

PhPv jJo kKrY~yLj uJPvr @r Pxxm uJPv @WJPfr irj FmÄ o~jJfh∂ KrPkJat KoKuP~ vfTrJ 80 nJVA yfqJTJ§ mPu ksfL~oJj y~Ç kKrY~ vjJÜ jJ yS~J~ Fxm yfqJTJ§ KT TJrPe WaPZ SA Kmw~Ka I\JjJA PgPT pJPòÇ YuoJj ImPrJi S yrfJPu KmYJrmKyntf N yfqJTJ§ PmPz pJS~J~ PmS~JKrv uJvS mJzPZÇ ksJ~ ksKfKhjA hMA PgPT Kfj \jPT âx lJ~JPr Ph~J yPòÇ FPhr oPiq IPjTPTA vjJÜ TrJ pJPò jJÇ PhUJ pJPò uçLkMr, YJÅkJA jmJmV† mJ jzJAu PgPT @aT TPr dJTJ~ âx lJ~Jr Ph~J yPòÇ F TJrPe IPjT PãP© kKrY~ vjJÜ yPò jJÇ mftoJPj vjJÜyLj PmS~JKrv uJvèPuJr PmKvr nJVèPuJPf èKur KY¤ rP~PZÇ @†MoJPj oMKlhMu AxuJPor fgq IjMpJ~L, 2011, 2012 S 2013 xJPur fMujJ~ 2014 xJPur IPÖJmr PgPT PmS~JKrv uJPvr xÄUqJ mJzPZÇ xmtPvw Vf 19 oJPx rJ\iJjL S Fr @vkJv FuJTJ PgPT C≠Jr yS~J hMA yJ\Jr 115 \j jJrL-kMÀw S KvÊr uJv PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj TrJ yP~PZÇ F KyPxPm VPz ksKf oJPx 111Ka PmS~JKrv uJv hJlj TPrPZÇ IgtJ“ ksKf Khj YJrKa uJv PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj TrJ yPòÇ xmtPvw Z~ oJPxr oPiq IPÖJmPr PrTctxÄUqT 144 \jPT PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj TPrPZ @†MoJjÇ rJ\QjKfT IK˙rfJr oPiq Vf Plms~ M JKrPf 74Ka uJv PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj yP~PZÇ @r F oJPx VfTJu kpt∂ @aKa uJv hJlj TPrPZ fJrJÇ CPÆV\jT F kKrK˙KfPf oJjmJKiTJr S P˝òJPxmL xÄVbjèPuJr oPf, uJv vjJPÜ kMKuPvr pgJpg khPãk jJ gJTJ~ PmS~JKrv uJPvr xÄUqJ mJzPZÇ @r FA xMPpJVaJA TJP\ uJVJPò hMm• ít rJÇ FT˙JPj yfqJr kr Ijq˙JPj uJv PlPu kJr PkP~ pJPò fJrJÇ @†MoJPj oMKlhMu AxuJPor xyTJrL kKrYJuT (xJKntPxx) PoJ. @mhMu yJKuo oJjm\KojPT \JjJj, Vf 19 oJPx PmS~JKrv KyPxPm hJlj yS~J hMA yJ\Jr 115 \Pjr kKrY~ vjJÜ TrJ pJ~KjÇ kPr kKrY~ vjJPÜr \jq @†MoJPjr kã PgPT PmS~JKrv uJPvr PTJj joMjJ S ZKm xÄrãe TrJ y~ jJÇ kMKuv PmS~JKrv PWJweJ TrPu @†MoJj fJ hJlj TrJr

PpPTJPjJ kKreKfr \jq @Ko mPuPZj, InLÓ uPãq jJ PkRÅZJPjJ kpt∂ @PªJuj YuPf gJTPmÇ míy¸KfmJr KmFjKkr nJAx PY~JroqJj PxKuoJ ryoJPjr xA TrJ FT KmmíKfPf KfKj F @øJj \JjJjÇ UJPuhJ K\~J mPuj, ÈxTPur IÄvVsyPer KnK•Pf xMÔ, M ImJi, KjrPkã S vJK∂kNet KjmtJYPjr oJiqPo PhPv Vefπ KlKrP~ @jJr uPãq @PªJuj YuPZÇ PhvmJxLr @vJ@TJX&ãJr ksKfluj WKaP~ vJK∂kNet F @PªJuPjr cJT KhP~KZÇ PpRKÜT kKreKfPf jJ PkRÅZJ kpt∂ F @PªJuj ImqJyf gJTPmÇ' KfKj mPuj, ÈVf 6 \JjM~JKr PhvmqJkL ImPrJi TotxKN Y ÊÀr kr PgPT F kpt∂ I∂f 33 \j KmPrJiL huL~ PjfJTotLPT @S~JoL xπJxL S @Aj-ví⁄uJ mJKyjLr èKu, xJ\JPjJ mªMTpM≠ S jívÄx IjqJjq k∫J~ yfqJ TrJ yP~PZÇ èKu TPr S IjqJjq k∫J~ @yf TrJ yPpPZ vf vf PjfJTotLPTÇ' 20-huL~ P\JaPj©L mPuj, @aPTr kr KjPUJÅ\ rP~PZ IxÄUq PjfJTotLÇ 17 yJ\JPrr PmKv PjfJTotLPT PVs¬Jr TrJ yP~PZÇ KogqJ oJouJ~ PVs¬JPrr nP~ Wr-mJKz PZPz kJKuP~ PmzJPòj TP~T uJU PjfJTotLÇ' PvJT TJKaP~ CbJr @PVA KjÔMr @Yre UJPuhJ K\~J mPuj, È@oJr TKeÔkMP©r @TK˛T ITJu oífqMPf @Ko oJjKxTnJPm FT Yro PvJTJmy kKrK˙Kfr oPiq rP~KZÇ FA KmkptP~r iTu TJKaP~ SbJr @PVA @oJr xPñ TL irPjr KjÔMr @Yre TrJ yP~PZ FmÄ yPò fJ-S xTPuA PhUPZjÇ' KfKj mPuj, ÈxMkKrTK·fnJPm xmtoU M L YJk S IKjrJkh kKrK˙Kf QfKr TPr fJrJ @oJPT \jVe S PjfJTotL PgPT KmKòjú TrPf xPYÓÇ KT∂á @Ko xTuPT kKrÏJr nJwJ~ muPf YJA, PTJPjJ IQjKfT YJk mJ nLKfr oMPU @Ko jf yPmJ jJ, AjvJ'@uäJy&?Ç Pp-PTJPjJ kKrK˙Kf mJ kKreKfr \jq @Ko QfKr @KZÇ'


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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

@PªJuj ImqJyf gJTPm: UJPuhJ K\~J dJTJ, 5 ßlmsΔ~JKr : KmFjKk PY~JrkJrxj PmVo UJPuhJ K\~J mPuPZj, xTPur IÄvVsyPer KnK•Pf FTKa xMÔM, ImJi, KjrPkã S vJK∂kNet KjmtJYPjr oJiqPo PhPv Vefπ KlKrP~ @jJr uPãq @PªJuj YuPZÇ KfKj mPuj, FTKa PpRKÜT kKreKfPf jJ PkRÅZJ kpt∂ @PªJuj ImqJyf gJTPmÇ míy¸KfmJr VeoJiqPo kJbJPjJ FT KmmíKfPf PmVo K\~J mPuj, PhPvr xJiJre oJjMw FmÄ VefPπr xÄVsJPo ImfLet PjfJ-TotLrJ IPjT TÓ xyq, ksmu mJiJ S IfqJYJPrr oMPUS pUj PpUJPjA x÷m KoKZu S ksKfmJPh PxJóJr yPòjÇ @Ko fJPhr ijqmJh \JjJAÇ KmmíKfPf CPuäU rP~PZ, È\jVe PgPT xŒNet KmKòjú yP~ xrTJr \jVPer @PªJuPj nLf yP~ @Aj-víÄUuJ rãJTJrL mJKyjLr Skr xŒNetnJPm KjnrsvLu yP~ kPzPZÇ ÈFAxm mJKyjLr Kj~πenJr humJ\ S KmfKTtf TKfk~ TotTftJr yJPf fMPu KhP~ fJPhr oJiqPo \jVe S ksKfÆj&ÆL rJ\QjKfT huxoNPyr Skr Yro \MuMo-KjptJfj S yfqJpù YJuJPjJ yPò' PpJV TPrj UJPuhJ K\~JÇ \jVPer Skr \MuMo-IfqJYJPrr kJvJkJKv VeoJiqoPT xŒNetnJPm xrTJKr Kj~πPe KjP~ FTfrlJ IkksYJr YJuJPjJ yPò CPuäU TPr KfKj mPuj, PhvmJxLr @vJ@TJ⁄Jr ksKfluj WKaP~ vJK∂kNet F @PªJuPjr cJT KhP~KZÇ UJPuhJ K\~J mPuj, È@Ko kKrÏJr nJwJ~ @mJPrJ muPf YJA, oJjMPwr \Lmj KjP~ IkrJ\jLKf @orJ TKr jJÇ' ÈIfLPf @S~JoL uLV @PªJuPjr jJPo pJ©LmJPx VJj kJCcJr KhP~ @èj uJKVP~ oJjMw kMKzP~ PoPrPZÇ uKV-QmbJr KhP~ oJjMw yfqJ TPr uJPvr Skr jífq TPrPZÇ FTaJr mhPu hvaJ uJv PluJr ksTJvq KjPhtv KhP~PZÇ IKlxVJoL TotTftJPhr ksTJvq rJ\kPg Kmm˘ TPrPZÇ xoMhsmªr IYu TPrPZÇ Pru Pˆvj kMKzP~ KhP~PZÇ uJVJfJr yrfJPu FxFxKx krLãJ 3 oJx kpt∂ KkZJPf mJiq TPrPZÇ kKm© ro\Jj oJPx kpt∂ yrfJu TPrPZÇ Tftmqrf kMKuv IKlxJPrr oJgJ Aa KhP~ PgfPu KhP~PZÇ' KmPrJiL hPu gJTJTJuLj @S~JoL uLV KT TPrPZ fJr TgJ KmmíKfPf CPuäU TPr UJPuhJ K\~J @PrJ mPuj, yfqJ S uJPvr rJ\jLKfr xPñ @oJPhr PTJPjJ xŒTt PjAÇ Foj yLj S jívÄx IkrJ\jLKf @orJ TUPjJ TrPmJ jJÇ KfKj hJKm TPrj, YuoJj VefJKπT @PªJuPj ãofJxLjrJ oJjMPwr Ckr Pkasu PmJoJ xy jJjJ rTo KjptJfj YJKuP~ PhJwJPrJk TrPZ 20 huL~ P\JaPTÇ pJ©LmJyL mJPx Pkasu PmJoJ~ pJrJ @yf yP~PZ fJPhr ksKf VnLr xyJjMnNKf S xoPmhjJ \JKjP~PZj PmVo K\~JÇ KfKj PhvmJxLr CP¨Pv mPuj, È@Ko xTuPT kKrÏJr nJwJ~ muPf YJA, PTJPjJ IQjKfT YJk mJ nLKfr oMPU jf yPmJ jJÇ'

\ÀKr Im˙J \JKrr kKrK˙Kf xOKÓ y~Kj : PvU yJKxjJ dJTJ, 5 ßlmsΔ~JKr : k´iJjoπL ßvU yJKxjJ mPuPZj, KmPrJiL ß\JPar xKyÄxfJ mPº \ÀKr Im˙J \JKrr kKrK˙Kf xOKÓ y~KjÇ ßhPvr \jVe @oJPhr xPñ @PZjÇ fJPhr xPñ KjP~ @orJ kKrK˙Kfr ßoJTJKmuJ TrmÇ' mMimJr \JfL~ xÄxPh KjitJKrf k´PvúJ•r kPmt KmPrJiLhuL~ KYl ÉAk fJ\Mu AxuJo ßYRiMrLr FT xŒNrT k´Pvúr \mJPm k´iJjoπL FTgJ mPujÇ jJKxoJ ßlrPhRxLr k´Pvúr \mJPm k´iJjoπL mPuj, Vf \JjM~JKrr k´go x¬Jy ßgPT KmFjKk-\JoJ~Jf ßTJPjJ TJre ZJzJA ImPrJi-yrfJPur jJPo KjrLy oJjMPwr Skr ßmJoJ KjPãk TPr jOvÄxnJPm kMKzP~ oJrPZÇ mJx, ßasj @r uPû @èj KhP~ xrTJKr-PmxrTJKr xŒPhr ãKf TrPZÇ dJTJ ßoKcPTu TPuP\r mJjt ACKjPa @yf mqKÜPhr ßkJzJ YJozJr Vº @r fJPhr @yJ\JKr ßpPTJPjJ oJjMPwr oPj hJV TJaPmÇ fJ xP•ôS KmFjKk\JoJ~Jf xπJxL TJotTJ- YJuJPòÇ 15 uJU krLãJgtLPT K\Kÿ TPr jJvTfJ TrPZÇ k´iJjoπL mPuj, \jVPer \JjoJPur KjrJk•J KmiJPj xrTJr hO|k´KfùÇ jJvTfJTJrLPhr KmÀP≠ @AjJjMV mqm˙J ßjS~Jr KjPhtvjJ ßhS~J yP~PZÇ xKyÄxfJr xPñ \Kzf S Fr ÉTMohJfJPhr @APjr @SfJ~ @jPf mqm˙J ßjS~J yP~PZÇ jJvTfJr kKrT·jTJrL S ohhhJfJPhr fJKuTJ TPr ßV´¬Jr TrJr \jq kMKuv S ßVJP~ªJ xÄ˙JPT KjPhtv ßhS~J yP~PZÇ kMKuv, rqJm S KmK\Km ßpRg IKnpJj kKrYJujJ TrPZÇ jJvTfJr xPñ \Kzf hMmtO•Phr KmÀP≠ oJouJr kr ßV´¬Jr TPr @hJuPf ßxJkht TrJ yPòÇ ßVJP~ªJ xÄ˙J x÷Jmq jJvTfJTJrLPhr Im˙Jj vjJÜ TPr @AjvO⁄uJ rãJTJrL mJKyjLPT xyPpJKVfJ TrPZÇ jJvTfJr xPñ \Kzf hMmtO•Phr ßV´¬JPr TKoCKjKa kMKuPvr xyPpJKVfJ ßjS~J yPòÇ xrTJr @yf-Kjyf mqKÜPhr kKrmJPrr xyPpJKVfJ~ S KYKT“xJr khPãk KjP~PZÇ k´PvúJ•r kPmtr @PV ßckMKa K¸TJr l\Pu rJæL Ko~Jr xnJkKfPfô xÄxh IKiPmvj ÊÀ y~Ç

PkasuPmJoJ~ yfqJr vJK˜ oífqMh§: xrTJKr PksxPjJa 05 PlmsM~JrL, 2015: FT xrTJKr PksxPjJPa muJ yP~PZ, ÈxπJx KmPrJiL @APj (2009 ) PkasuPmJoJ ZMÅPz oJjMw yfqJTJrLr xPætJó vJK˜ oífqMhP§r KmiJj rP~PZÇ F @APj Fxm xπJxL TJptâPo PTJPjJ mqKÜ S xÄVbPjr xyPpJKVfJ kshJjS TPbJr vJK˜PpJVq IkrJi mPu KmPmKYfÇ FZJzJS xπJxL TotTJP§r xÄmJh Kks≤ S APuTasKjT KoKc~J~ CÛJKjoNuTnJPm ksYJPrr \jqS pJmöLmj TJrJh¥, fhMkKr IgthP¥ hK¥f TrJrS KmiJj rP~PZÇ' míy¸KfmJr FT xrTJKr fgq KmmreLPf F TgJ muJ y~Ç xÄKväÓ @APjr TP~TKa CPuäUPpJVq iJrJ FmÄ vJK˜r KmiJj ÈKmFjKk-\JoJ~JPfr fgJTKgf ImPrJiyrfJPur' jJPo YuoJj xπJxL TotTJP§r PksãJkPa PhPvr \jVPer ùJfJPgt xÄKväÓ KoKc~J~ ksYJPrr \jq fgq KmmreLPf @ymJj \JjJPjJ y~Ç fgq KmmreLPf xπJx KmPrJiL @Aj- 2009 Fr KmKnjú iJrJ-CkiJrJ yPuJ: T) PTJPjJ mqKÜ Pkasu mJ Ijq PTJPjJ hJyq khJgt mJ PTJPjJ I˘ xπJxL TJPpt mqmyJr TrPu mJ F CP¨Pvq Kj\ hUPu rJUPu AyJr vJK˜ pJmöLmj TJrJh- S fhMkKr Igth§ [iJrJ-6 (2) (C)] U) PTJPjJ mqKÜ Pkasu mJ Ijq PTJPjJ hJyq khJgt mqmyJr TPr PTJPjJ mqKÜPT kMKzP~ yfqJ IgmJ èÀfr \Uo TrPu mJ PYÓJ TrPu AyJr vJK˜ oífqMh§ S fhMkKr Igth§ [iJrJ-6 (2) (I)]Ç V) PTJPjJ mqKÜ Pkasu mJ Ijq PTJPjJ hJyq khJgt mqmyJr TPr PTJPjJ mqKÜPT kMKzP~ yfqJ IgmJ èÀfr \Uo TrJr wzpπ mJ xyJ~fJ mJ ksPrJKYf TrPu AyJr vJK˜ pJmöLmj TJrJh- S fhMkKr Igth§ [iJrJ-6 (2) (@)]Ç W) PTJPjJ mqKÜ mJ xÄVbj CÜ„k xπJxL TJPpt @KgtTnJPm xyJ~fJ TrPu AyJr vJK˜ 20 mf&xPrr TJrJh§ S fhMkKr Igth§ [iJrJ-7 (3) (4)]Ç X) PTJPjJ mqKÜ mJ xÄVbj Pkasu PmJoJ myjTJrL mJ ks˜áfTJrL mJ ksP~JVTJrL PTJPjJ IkrJiLPT @vs~ kshJj TrPu AyJr vJK˜ 5 mf&xPrr TJrJh§ S fhMkKr Igth§ [iJrJ-14 (1) (T)]Ç Y) PkasuPmJoJ mJ PTJPjJ hJyq khJgt ÆJrJ oJjMw kMKzP~ yfqJ mJ pJjmJyPj IKVúxÄPpJVTJrL PTJPjJ xπJxL TJptâPo CÛJKjoNuT xyJ~fJ kshJPjr KjKo• pKh PTJPjJ APuÖsKjT mJ Kks≤ KoKc~J~ ksYJr TPrj fJyPu AyJr vJK˜ pJmöLmj TJrJh§ S fhMkKr Igth§ ([iJrJ-13]Ç

SmJoJ-PoJKhr @PuJYjJ~ KZu mJÄuJPhvS dJTJ, 5 ßlmsΔ~JKr : xJŒ´KfT j~JKhKuä xlPr jPrªs ßoJKhr xPñ ‰mbPT mJÄuJPhv kKrK˙Kf KjP~S @PuJYjJ TPrj pMÜrJPÓsr ßk´KxPc≤ mJrJT SmJoJÇ SmJoJr KjrJk•J TJCK¿Pu hKãe FKv~JKmw~T ß\qÔ kKrYJuT Klu rJAjJr oñumJr S~JKvÄaPj FT xÄmJh xPÿuPj F TgJ \JjJjÇ Vf 25-27 \JjM~JKr j~JKhKuäPf SmJoJr xlrxñL rJAjJr ßk´KxPcP≤r xlr KjP~ F xÄmJh xPÿuj TPrj, pJPf FT k´Pvú mJÄuJPhPvr k´xñKa @PxÇ rJAjJr mPuj, ÈxKfqTJPrA mJÄuJPhPvr kKrK˙Kf CPÆV\jTÇ fPm @Ko oPj TKr, hMA ßjfJ (SmJoJ S ßoJKh) fJPhr @PuJYjJ~ VefJKπT vKÜr ãofJ~ gJTJr Kmw~KaPf FTof yP~PZj, pJ ßhvKaPf (mJÄuJPhv) \jVPer ãofJ~j WaJPf kJPrÇ' 2013 xJPu mJÄuJPhPvr hvo xÄxh KjmtJYPjr @PVTJr kKrK˙Kf KjP~ S~JKvÄaj S j~JKhKuär TNaQjKfT xŒPTt FT irPjr aJjJPkJPzPjr Umr nJrPfr VeoJiqPo ßmv @PuJKYf y~Ç KmFjKkKmyLj SA KjmtJYPjr oiq KhP~ mJÄuJPhPv aJjJ KÆfL~ ßo~JPh ãofJxLj y~ @S~JoL uLVÇ SA KjmtJYjPT ßoPj KjPuS xm hPur IÄvV´yPe KjmtJYPjr k´fqJvJ FUjS \JKjP~ @xPZ pMÜrJÓsÇ nJrPf fUj ãofJ~ KZu TÄPV´xÇ Vf mZr KjmtJYPj TÄPV´Pxr nrJcMKmr oiq KhP~ ãofJ ßj~ KmP\Kk, k´iJjoπL yj jPrªs ßoJKhÇ SmJoJr FmJPrr nJrf xlPrr xo~ mJÄuJPhPv KjhtuL~ xrTJPrr IiLPj

oiqmftL KjmtJYPjr hJKmPf ImPrJi YuKZu KmFjKk ßjfOfôJiLj ß\JPar, ßp TotxNKY FUjS YuPZ FmÄ xKyÄxfJ~ Iit vfJKiT Kjyf yP~PZjÇ è\rJa hJñJ~ nNKoTJr \jq ßoJKhPT pMÜrJÓs Ijq ßYJPU ßhUPuS KfKj k´iJjoπLr hJK~fô ßj~Jr kr hOvqka mhPu pJ~Ç j~JKhKuä KVP~ jfMj k´iJjoπL ßoJKhr xPñ ‰mbPT SmJoJ hKãe FKv~J IûPu nJrPfr èÀPfôr TgJ fMPu iPrj mPu rJAjJr \JjJjÇ KfKj CòôKxfnJPm mPuj, ÈSmJoJ-PoJKhr oPiq oJ© 5 KoKjPar FTJ∂ FTKa ‰mbT y~, pJ Ifq∂ luk´xN yP~PZÇ FPT hKãe FKv~J~ ÈPVAo YqJK†Ä IkrYMKjKa' KyPxPm KmPmYjJ TrJ pJ~Ç'

ßyJ~JAa yJCx KmsKlÄ : mJÄuJPhPvr kKrK˙Kf CP•\jJTr dJTJ, 5 ßlmsΔ~JKr : mJÄuJPhPvr mftoJj kKrK˙KfPT CP•\jJTr mPu o∂mq TPrPZj pMÜrJPÓsr ßk´KxPcP≤r h¬r ßyJ~JAa yJCPxr \JfL~ KjrJk•J TJCK¿Pur (FjFxKx) FT TotTftJÇ FjFxKxr hKãe FKv~JKmw~T ß\qÔ kKrYJuT Klu ßrAjJr Vf mMimJr FT KmsKlÄP~ SA o∂mq TPrjÇ KjC A~Tt ßgPT mJftJ xÄ˙J FjJr k´KfPmhPj Klu ßrAjJPrr mrJf KhP~ muJ yP~PZ, pMÜrJPÓsr ßk´KxPc≤ mJrJT SmJoJ fJÅr nJrf xlPr k´iJjoπL jPrªs ßoJKhr xPñ mJÄuJPhv KmwP~ @PuJYjJ TPrPZjÇ mJÄuJPhv kKrK˙Kf KjP~ fJÅPhr @PuJYjJ ImqJyf @PZÇ fPm Vf rJPf pMÜrJPÓsr lPrj ßk´x ßx≤JPrr SP~mxJAPa k´TJKvf KmsKlÄP~r asJ¿KâP¡ ßhUJ ßVPZ, SmJoJ S ßoJKhr @PuJYjJ~ mJÄuJPhv k´xñ ˙Jj ßkP~PZ- FojKa Klu ßrAjJr ¸Ó TPr mPujKjÇ xJÄmJKhTPhr kã ßgPTS Kmw~Ka xrJxKr \JjPf YJS~J y~KjÇ mrÄ Klu ßrAjJPrr \mJPm nJrPfr oPfJ VefJKπT hOÓJ∂ xOKÓ ImqJyf rJUJr Kmw~ FPxPZÇ F ßãP© v´LuïJr xJŒ´KfT KjmtJYj k´xñS ˙Jj ßkP~PZÇ KjC A~PTtr lPrj ßk´x ßx≤Jr ßgPT mJÄuJPhKv xJÄmJKhT S KmFjKk ßY~JrkJrxPjr @∂\tJKfT CkPhÓJ TKoKar xhxqxKYm oMvKlT l\u @jxJrL KnKcS TjlJPrP¿r oJiqPo Klu ßrAjJrPT mJÄuJPhv KmwP~ k´vú TPrjÇ oMvKlT l\u @jxJrL mPuj, È@kKj (Klu ßrAjJr) mPuPZj ßp ßk´KxPc≤ SmJoJr nJrf xlr GKfyJKxT KZuÇ @r ßk´KxPc≤ SmJoJ @ûKuT vJK∂ S K˙KfvLufJ KjP~ IPjT @PuJYjJ TPrPZjÇ mJÄuJPhv n~ÄTr xo~ ßoJTJKmuJ TrPZ FmÄ \jVe Vefπ, oJjmJKiTJr S fJPhr ßnJPar IKiTJPrr \jq (xÄV´Jo TrPZ)Ç @kKj KT oPj TPrj ßp FA kKrK˙Kf xM˙? @r @kKj KT oPj TPrj, mJÄuJPhv nJrPfr KjTafo k´KfPmvL, @kjJr kptPmãe TL? ßk´KxPc≤ SmJoJ mPuPZj ßp KfKj @ûKuT vJK∂ S K˙KfvLufJr Skr ß\Jr KhP~PZjÇ F ßk´ãJkPa mJÄuJPhPvr mftoJj kKrK˙KfPf @kjJr kptPmãe TL?' \mJPm ßrAjJr mPuj, ÈPk´KxPc≤ (SmJoJ) S k´iJjoπLr (jPrªs ßoJKh) oPiq @PuJYjJ~ @Ko Ijqfo ßp Kmw~Ka ßhPUKZ, fJ yPuJ nJrPfr VefJKπT k´Kâ~J FmÄ ßp hOÓJ∂ nJrf xOKÓ TPrPZ fJ KTnJPm nNKoTJ rJUPf kJPrÇ' KfKj mPuj, È@orJ Kmvõ AKfyJPxr xmPYP~ mz VefJKπT KjmtJYj ßhPUKZÇ @r hOÓJ∂ ßp ˙Jkj TrJ pJ~ fJ x÷mf @orJ v´LuïJr kKrK˙Kfr KhPT fJTJPu ßhUPf kJmÇ' ßrAjJr @PrJ mPuj, ÈImvqA, mJÄuJPhv kKrK˙Kf CP•\jJTrÇ fPm @Ko oPj TKr, hMA ßjfJ FA xlPr VefJKπT vKÜr ãofJ FmÄ xm jJVKrPTr ãofJ~Pj FKa (VefJKπT vKÜr ãofJ) TL TrPf kJPr ßxKhPT hOKÓ KhPf xogt yP~PZjÇ' ßrAjJr mPuj, È@Ko oPj TKr, FKa YuoJj @PuJYjJ, pJ @orJ hMA ßjfJr oPiq ßhPUKZ FmÄ @PrTKa Kmw~ yPuJ @orJ FKaPT Ifq∂ èÀPfôr xPñ KjP~KZ FmÄ fJ C“xJKyf TPr pJmÇ' CPuäUq, xJÄmJKhT oMvKlT l\u @jxJrL UJPuhJ K\~J k´iJjoπL gJTJTJPu fJÅr xyTJrL ßk´xxKYm KZPujÇ ÈmJÄuJPhPvr krrJÓsjLKf- K\~JCr ryoJj S UJPuhJ K\~J' jJPor mAS KuPUPZjÇ Vf rKmmJr KjC A~PTt pMÜrJÓs pMmhu @P~JK\f IjMÔJPjS KfKj mPuPZj, ÈmªMPTr ju KhP~ ßvU yJKxjJ kfj ßbTJPf kJrPmj jJÇ'


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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015 xKyÄxfJr lu Tf mLn“x yPf kJPr, yPf kJPr TfUJKj Âh~KmhJrT fJ dJTJ ßoKcPTu TPu\ yJxkJfJu mJjt ACKjPa jJ ßVPu ßmJ^J pJPm jJÇ ImPrJi-yrfJPur Vf FTKa oJPx ßkasuPmJoJ~ hê 8 \j uJv yP~ KlPr ßVPZj FUJj ßgPTÇ oOfMqpπeJ~ TJfrJPòj @rS 64 \jÇ KmjJvL ßkasuPmJoJr @WJPf ãfKmãf yP~ @PZ fJPhr vrLPrr oJÄx, YJozJÇ TJrS vrLPrr \oJa mJÅiJ rÜ ãf ßmP~ ^Pr kzPZ kMÅ\ yP~Ç TJrS xJrJ ßhyA mqJP¥P\ ßoJzJPjJÇ oMUaJA ÊiM ßUJuJÇ ßkJzJ oJÄx @r YJozJr fLms VPº kMPrJ mJjt ACKjPa KmrJ\ TrPZ IxyjL~ kKrPmvÇ FrA oJP^ ßvJjJ pJ~ hêPhr kJPv CKÆVú ˝\jPhr @ftjJhÇ Kk´~\Pjr pπeJ ßp @r xyq y~ jJ! KT TPr FTaM Ckvo ßh~J pJPm fJr xºJPj ZMPa ßmzJj FKhTPxKhTÇ 5 \JjM~JKr ßgPT 3 ßlmsΔ~JKrÇ F xoP~r oPiq ßkPasJuPmJoJ~ hê yP~ mJjt ACKjPa nKft yj 115 \jÇ pJPhr vrLr 5 vfJÄv ßgPT 93 vfJÄv kpt∂ kMPz pJ~Ç mftoJPj nKft rP~PZj 60 \jÇ KYKT“xJ ßvPw ZMKa ßkP~ mJxJ~ ßVPZj 50 \jÇ @r KYrfPr ZMKa KjP~ jJ ßlrJr ßhPv YPu ßVPZj 8 \jÇ F oMyNPft Yro xÄTaJkjú Im˙J~ nKft rP~PZj 9 \jÇ Fxm jívÄvfJr Pvw PTJgJ~ YuoJj ImPrJi S yrfJPu Pkasu PmJoJ~ PhPvr KmKnjú ksJ∂ PgPT ksKfKhjA PnPx @xPZ TJjúJr @S~J\Ç Vf FToJPx PhPvr ÊiMoJ© IgtQjKfT ãKfr kKroJe hJKzP~PZ 68335.8 PTJKa aJTJÇ Pkasu PmJoJ~ @èPj PkJzJ PrJVLr xÄUqJ ksKfKhjA PmPz YPuPZ PhPvr KmKnjú yJxkJfJPuÇ @èPj PkJzJ PrJVLr xÄUqJ PmPz pJS~J~ xrTJr dJTJ PoKcPTu TPuP\r kJvJkJKv rJ\iJjLr oMVhJ S TMKotPaJuJ P\jJPru yJxkJfJPuS mJet ACKja YJuM TrJr Kx≠J∂ KjP~PZÇ kMPrJ oJx\MPz xKyÄxfJ @r jJvTfJ ImPrJi @r yrfJPur FToJPx PhPvr KmKnjú P\uJ~ PasPj @èj, yJouJ, PrPur KäkJr UMPu PluJ~ @aKa hWtajJ WPaPZÇ Fr lPu mÉ pJ©L @yfxy PrPu PpJVJPpJV mº yP~ pJS~Jxy rJPÓsr vf PTJKa aJTJrS PmKv ãKf yP~PZÇ xKyÄxfJr KvTJr xJiJre oJjMw, KjrJkPh rJ\QjKfT PjfJrJ Vf 5 \JjM~JKrPf ÊÀ yS~J rJ\QjKfT @PªJuPjr Kjoto KvTJr yPòj xJiJre oJjMwÇ @r IjqKhPT rJ\QjKfT PjfJrJ @PªJuPjr cJT KhP~A KjrJkh Im˙JPj YPu pJPòjÇ YuPZj VJ mJÅKYP~Ç PjfJrJ ÊiM KmmíKf mÜPmq KhP~A hJK~fô Pvw TrPZjÇ

ImPrJPir 30 KhPj Kjyf 72, 700 oJouJ @xJKo ßhz uJU, ßV´¬Jr 17 yJ\Jr

kMzPZ Phv, \Kau kKrK˙KfPf mJÄuJPhv dJTJ, 5 ßlmsΔ~JKr : aJjJ ImPrJi S hlJ~ hlJ~ yrfJPur oiqKhP~ oJx ßkKrP~PZ 20 hPur @PªJujÇ 5A \JjM~JKr ÊÀ yS~J F @PªJuPj k´KfKhjA WaPZ xKyÄx WajJÇ rJ\kPg kMPz T~uJ yPò oJjMwÇ @AjvO⁄uJmJKyjLr èKuPf Kjyf yPò FPTr kr FT KmPrJiL ßjfJTotLÇ AKfoPiq xJrJ ßhPv @PªJujPT ßTªs TPr Kjyf yP~PZ KmPrJiL ßjfJTotLxy 60 \jÇ pJPhr ßmKvr nJVA xJiJre oJjMwÇ nJXYMr S IKVúxÄPpJV yP~PZ I∂f xyxsJKiT pJjmJyjÇ rJ\kPgr kJvJkJKv ßrukg-PjRkPgS WaPZ jJvTfJÇ Fxm WajJ~ KmFjKk ßY~JrkJrxj S 20huL~ ß\JPar vLwt ßjfJ UJPuhJ K\~Jxy KmPrJiL ß\JPar ßTªs ßgPT fOeoNu ßjfJTotLPhr KmÀP≠ k´KfKhjA hJP~r yPò FPTr kr FT oJouJÇ UJPuhJ K\~JPT ÉTMPor @xJKo TPr hJP~r yP~PZ jfMj 5Ka oJouJÇ AKfoPiq xJrJ ßhPv hJP~r yP~PZ I∂f 700 oJouJÇ Fxm oJouJ~ @xJKo TrJ yP~PZ ßhz uãJKiTÇ ßV´¬Jr TrJ yP~PZ KmPrJiL ß\JPar I∂f 17 yJ\Jr ßjfJTotLxy xJiJre oJjMwÇ fPm 20 hPur hJKm ßV´¬JPrr xÄUqJ 25 yJ\JPrr oPfJÇ yfJyPfr xÄUqJ: 5A \JjM~JKr PgPT YuoJj ImPrJiyrfJuPT PTªs TPr xJrJ PhPv Kjyf yP~PZ 60 \jÇ Fr oPiq huL~ TotL 17 \j S xJiJre oJjMw 43 \jÇ TTPau S Pkasu PmJoJ~ Kjyf yP~PZ 35 \j, xÄWwt S yJouJ~ 10 \j, @Ajví⁄uJ mJKyjLr èKuPf 12 \j S IjqJjq 2 \jÇ kMKuPvr xPñ xÄWwt, TTPau KmP°Jre, PkasuPmJoJ yJouJ S VJKzPf IKVúxÄPpJV S nJXYMPrr WajJ~ @yf yP~PZj KmPrJiL hPur PjfJTotLxy I∂f TP~T yJ\Jr xJiJre oJjMwÇ dJTJ PoKcPTu TPu\

yPò I∂f 400 PmKv oJouJ hJP~r TrJ yP~PZÇ YuoJj @PªJuPj oJouJ S PVs¬JPrr Kxcr mP~ PVPZ PhPvr TP~TKa P\uJ~Ç KmPvw TPr pPvJr, xJfãLrJ, UMujJ, rJ\vJyL, YJÅkJAjmJmV†, KxrJ\V†, mèzJ, rÄkMr, dJTJ, msJ¯emJKz~J, jJrJ~eV†, KxPua, yKmV†, Y¢VsJo, TMKouäJ, YJÅhkMr, PljL, PjJ~JUJuL, uçLkMr S TémJ\JPr KjKmtYJPr PVs¬JPrr WajJ WPaPZÇ PTJj PTJj Khj Fxm

yJxkJfJuxy PhPvr KmKnjú yJxkJfJPrr mJjt ACKjPa KYKT“xJiLj rP~PZj I∂f TP~T v' oJjMwÇ oJouJ S PVs¬Jr: YuKf mZPrr 1 PgPT 16A \JjM~JKr kpt∂ yJouJ-nJXYMr, QjrJ\q-IKVúxÄPpJV, xÄWwt S kMKuPvr TJP\ mJiJ Ph~Jxy jJjJ IKnPpJPV xJrJ PhPv hJP~r yP~PZ I∂f 300 oJouJÇ Fxm oJouJ~ @xJKo TrJ y~ 60 yJ\JPrr PmKv PjfJTotLxy xJiJre oJjMwPTÇ PVs¬Jr TrJ yP~PZ I∂f 7000 PjfJTotLxy xJiJre oJjMwÇ pKhS xrTJKr KyxJPm @PªJuPjr ksgo 15 KhPj PVs¬JPrr xÄUqJ 7015Ç fPm KmFjKkxy 20 huL~ P\JPar frPl PVs¬JPrr F xÄUqJ 10 yJ\JPrr PmKv mPu hJKm TrJ y~Ç FKhPT VeoJiqPo ksTJKvf fgq IjMpJ~L 17A \JjM~JKr PgPT 4bJ PlmsM~JKr xºqJ kpt∂ huL~ P\JPar 9585 \j PjfJTotL-xogtTPT PVs¬Jr TPrPZ @Aj-ví⁄uJmJKyjLÇ fPm KmFjKk\JoJ~JPfr TP~T\j KxKj~r PjfJ \JKjP~PZj, 17A \JjM~JKrr kr PgPT PVs¬JPrr xÄUqJ 15 yJ\JPrr PmKvÇ KmFjKkkK∫ TP~T\j @Aj\LmL \JjJj, PhPvr ksJ~ ksKfKa CkP\uJ~ KmPrJiL PjfJTotLPhr ksKfKhjA PVs¬Jr TrJ yPòÇ fJr IPjT fgqA VeoJiqPo PkRÅPZ jJÇ @mJr IPjT fgq ksTJKvf y~ jJÇ FKhPT FTA xoP~ rJ\iJjL dJTJ, pPvJr, TMKouäJ, PljL, Y¢VsJo, rJ\vJyL, ^JuTJKb, \JoJukMr, KxPua, msJ¯emJKz~J, mèzJ, rÄkMr, VJAmJºJxy PhPvr KmKnjú P\uJ~ hJP~r TrJ

FT FTKa P\uJ PgPTA PVs¬Jr TrJ yP~PZ 70-120 \j kpt∂Ç KmFjKkr nJrksJ¬ oyJxKYmxy hPur ˙J~L TKoKar, nJAx PY~JroqJj, PY~JrkJrxPjr CkPhÓJ, pMVì oyJxKYm S KmKnjú P\uJ KmFjKkr xnJkKf-xJiJre xŒJhTxy Iñ xÄVbPjr PjfJTotLPhr PVs¬Jr TrJ yP~PZÇ IfLPfr @PªJuPj yfJyPfr KY©: 1996 xJPu PlmsM~JKr-\Mj oJPx 6Ô S x¬o \JfL~ xÄxh KjmtJYjPT PTªs TPr Kjyf yP~KZu 82 \jÇ Fr oPiq huL~ PjfJTotL 36 S xJiJre oJjMw 32 \j FmÄ IùJf 14 \jÇ 82 \Pjr oPiq kMKuPvr èKuPf 22 \j, xÄWwtyJouJ~ 26 \j, PmJoJ yJouJ~ 19 \j S IjqJjq 15 \jÇ 2001 xJPu @Vˆ-PxP¡’Pr IÓo \JfL~ xÄxh KjmtJYjPT PTªs TPr Kjyf yP~PZ 96 \jÇ Fr oPiq huL~ TotL 79 \j S xJiJre oJjMw 17 \jÇ yJouJ~ 55 \j, PmJoJ~ 18 \j, èKuPf 14 \j S IjqJjq 9 \jÇ 2006 xJPu jmo \JfL~ xÄxh KjmtJYjPT PTªs TPr Kjyf yP~PZ 32 \jÇ Fr oPiq huL~ TotL 28 \j, xJiJre oJjMw 4 \jÇ yJouJ~ Kjyf yP~PZ 27 \j, èKuPf 3 \j S IjqJjq 2 \jÇ xmtPvw 10o \JfL~ KjmtJYjPT PTªs TPr 2013 xJPur jPn’r PgPT 5A \JjM~JKr kpt∂ 59 \j Kjyf yP~PZÇ Fr oPiq 19 \j huL~ TotL S 40 \j xJiJre oJjMwÇ yJouJ~ Kjyf y~ 25 \j, Pkasu PmJoJ~ 22 S IjqJjq 12 \jÇ dJPoT mJjt ACKja ßpj oOfMq CkfqTJ



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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015 \KñPhr xñ fqJV TPr, xπJx mº TPr ãoJ YJ~ fPm fJPhr xJPg xÄuJk yPf kJPrÇ \JjJ ßVPZ, 31 KcPx’r KmFjKk ßY~JrkJrxj ßmVo UJPuhJ K\~J xJf hlJ hJKm fMPu iPr @PuJYjJr \jq xrTJPrr k´Kf @øJj \JjJPjJr xJPg xJPgA @S~JoL uLV fJ k´fqJUqJj TPrÇ kPr 5 \JjM~JKr 20 huL~ ß\JaPT xoJPmv TrPf jJ KhP~ ß\JaPj©L ßmVo UJPuhJ K\~JPT ImÀ≠ TPr rJUJr k´KfmJPh ÊÀ y~ uJVJfJr ImPrJiÇ ÊÀPf @S~JoL uLV FKaPT ßTJPjJ irPjr kJ•J jJ KhP~ KmK\Km, rqJm, kMKuv, @jxJrxy @AjvO⁄uJ rãJTJrL mJKyjL KhP~ ImPrJiTJrLPhr hoPjr kg ßmPZ ßj~Ç xJf KhPjr oPiq kKrK˙Kf ˝JnJKmT yP~ pJPm mPu xrTJPrr xPmtJó kptJ~ ßgPT mJrmJr @võJx ßh~J y~Ç KT∂á k´vJxPjr xPmtJó xfTtfJr krS 20 huL~ ß\JPar cJTJ F ImPrJPi ßkasuPmJoJ, yJfPmJoJ S kMKuPvr èKuPf I∂f Iitvf oJjMPwr oOfMq WPaPZÇ VnLr UJPhr KTjJPr hJÅKzP~PZ ßhPvr IgtjLKfÇ FxFxKx krLãJ ßj~J yPm mPu mJrmJr yJÅT cJT ßh~J yPuS yrfJu ImPrJPir TJrPe krLãJ ßkZJPf mJiq y~ xrTJrÇ F Im˙J~ ßhPvr KmKnjú rJ\QjKfT hu, jJVKrT xoJ\, KmKvÓ mqKÜ FmÄ pMÜrJÓs, pMÜrJ\q, \JKfx–W S ACPrJkL~ ACKj~jxy @∂\tJKfT oyuS xÄuJk-xoP^JfJr oJiqPo YuoJj rJ\QjKfT xïa xoJiJPjr \jq xrTJPrr Skr YJk k´P~JV TrPZÇ Foj ßk´ãJkPa TPbJr ßgPT xPr FPx ImPvPw hPur ßnfPr KxKj~r ßjfJPhr ßTC ßTC xÄuJPkr TgJ KY∂J TrPZj mPu \JjJ ßVPZÇ ßx\jq ßpxm ßjfJ 20 huL~ ß\Ja FmÄ fJPhr @PªJujPT xm xo~ fMòfJKòPuqr mPu CKzP~ KhP~ TgJ mPu @xPZj fJPhr oMPUA @mJr UJKjTaJ Knjú xMr ßvJjJ pJPòÇ fPm @S~JoL uLPVr FTJKiT xN© \JjJ~, hu S xrTJPrr T¢rk∫L mPu kKrKYf Fxm ßjfJr oMPU xÄuJk xŒPTt UJKjTaJ AKfmJYT mÜmq ßvJjJ ßVPuS FKa @xPu FT irPjr ßTRvuÇ Fr oJiqPo oNuf oJb pJYJA TrJ yPòÇ @r xÄuJPkr YNzJ∂ ßTJPjJ Kx≠J∂ yPu hPur kã ßgPT xÄmJh xPÿuj TPr k´˜Jm ßh~J yPmÇ FPf ÊÀPfA hM'Ka vft\MPz ßh~J yPf kJPrÇ pJr FTKa yPò \JoJ~JfPT ß\Ja ßgPT mJh ßh~JÇ IjqKa yPò ImPrJi S yrfJu k´fqJyJrÇ Frkr jJjJ @jMÔJKjTfJr oJiqPo 20 huL~ ß\JaPT @PªJuPjr oJb ßgPT xKrP~ FT ßhz mZr xyP\A TJKaP~ KhPf kJrPm xrTJrÇ

hMjtLKfr 3 oJouJ PgPT PvU ÈvftxJPkPã' xÄuJPkr yJKxjJxy 27 \jPT ImqJyKf TgJ nJmPZ @'uLV 5 PlmsM~JKr 2015: jPnJKgP~aJr hMjtLKfr KfjKa oJouJ PgPT ksiJjoπL PvU yJKxjJxy 27 \jPT ImqJyKf KhP~PZ @hJufÇ dJTJ oyJjVr hJ~rJ \\ @hJuPfr nJrksJ¬ KmYJrT AoÀu TJP~x míy¸KfmJr F @Phv PhjÇ Fr @PV hMjtLKf hoj TKovPjr (hMhT) CkkKrYJuT PoJ. o†Mr PoJPvth fJPhr KmÀP≠ oJouJèPuJr IKnPpJV ksoJKef jJ yS~J~ oJouJr hJ~ PgPT ImqJyKfr @Pmhj TPr @hJuPf YNzJ∂ ksKfPmhj hJKUu TPrjÇ hMhPTr @PmhPjr PksKãPf @hJuf YNzJ∂ ksKfPmhPjr ÊjJjL PvPw fJPhr ImqJyKf PhjÇ hMhT xN© \JjJ~, 2002 xJPur 27Pv oJYt KmFjKk\JoJ~Jf P\Ja xrTJPrr @oPu f“TJuLj KmPrJiL hPur PjfJ PvU yJKxjJxy xÄKväÓ FTPjT xhxqPhr KmÀP≠ Pf\VJÅS gJjJ~ KfjKa oJouJ TPr f“TJuLj (mftoJPj KmuM¬) hMjtLKf hoj mqMPrJÇ @xJKoPhr oPiq xJPmT IgtoπL vJy FFoFx KTmKr~J S KvãJoπL F FAY Fx PT xJPhT oJrJ PVPZjÇ IjqPhr oPiq PfJlJP~u @yPoh, oKf~J PYRiMrL S c. oyLC¨Lj UJj @uoVLr Có @hJuf PgPT ImqJyKf PkP~PZj mPu \JjJ PVPZÇ dJTJ, 4 ßlmsΔ~JKr : YuoJj rJ\QjKfT IK˙rfJ KjrxPj ÈvftxJPkPã' xÄuJPkr TgJ nJmPZ ãofJxLj @S~JoL uLVÇ jJjJoMUL khPãk FmÄ mJrmJr ßWJweJ ßh~J xP•ôS ßhPvr kKrK˙Kf ˝JnJKmT TrPf mqgt yS~J~ Foj KY∂JnJmjJ ÊÀ TPrPZj huKar jLKf KjitJrPTrJÇ Fr oJiqPo YuoJj xrTJrKmPrJiL @PªJuj KTZMaJ yPuS K˜Kof TrJ pJPm mPu oPj TrJ yPòÇ ßx\jq TPbJr Im˙Jj ßgPT xPr FPx 20 huL~ ß\JPar @PªJuj xŒPTt UJKjTaJ jro xMPr TgJ muPZj xrTJPrr oπL S CkPhÓJrJÇ hu S xrTJPrr xPmtJó oyPur AKñPfA fJrJ Foj xMPr TgJ muPZj mPu @S~JoL uLPVr FTKa xN© KjKÁf TPrPZÇ xÄKväÓ xN©èPuJ \JjJ~, 5 \JjM~JKrr ÈFTfrlJ' KjmtJYPjr krS k´J~ mZrUJPjT mz irPjr @PªJuPj jJ KVP~ xrTJrPT xo~ ßh~ KmFjKk ß\JaÇ KT∂á FKaPT KmFjKkr mz irPjr hMmtufJ oPj TPr jJjJ TaNKÜPf ßoPf CPbj ãofJxLj hPur ßjfJrJÇ FTKa IÄvV´yeoNuT KjmtJYPjr \jq KmPrJiL ß\Jaxy ßhvL-KmPhvL KmKnjú xÄ˙Jr kã ßgPT mJrmJr xÄuJPkr @øJj \JjJPjJ yPuS xrTJrkã fJ xrJxKr jJTY TPr ßh~Ç \jVe F xrTJrPT kJÅY mZPrr \jq KjmtJKYf TPrPZ hJKm TPr xrTJr KmFjKk ßjfOfôJiLj 20 huL~ ß\JPar xJPg ßTJPjJ irPjr xÄuJPk pJPm jJ mPu xJl \JKjP~ ßhj k´iJjoπLxy xrTJPrr ßjfJ-oπLrJÇ KT∂á 5 \JjM~JKr xrTJPrr k´go mwt kNKftPT ßTªs TPr ÊÀ yS~J kKrmKftf rJ\QjKfT kKrK˙KfPf ßxA Im˙Jj ßgPT jPzYPz mxPZj fJrJÇ Vf vKjmJr FT IjMÔJPj @S~JoL uLPVr ßk´KxKc~Jo xhxq S oπL SmJ~hMu TJPhr mPuPZj, ßhPvr ˝JPgt xrTJr Ijz gJTPm fJS oPj TrJr TJre ßjAÇ FTA Khj dJTJ KrPkJatJxt ACKjKar (Kc@rAC) ÈKoa hq KrPkJatJxt' IjMÔJPj fgqoπL yJxJjMu yT AjM mPuj, xÄuJk YJAPu UJPuhJ K\~JPT rJ\JTJr S pM≠JkrJiLPhr xñ ZJzPf yPmÇ IVefJKπT, IxJÄKmiJKjT S xKyÄxfJr kg kKryJr TPr Vefπ TJPmr xhxq yPf yPmÇ @r fUjA fJr xJPg xÄuJk yPf kJPrÇ Vf ßxJomJr @S~JoL uLPVr CkPhÓJ kKrwh xhxq S xJPmT oπL xMrK†f ßxjè¬ mPuPZj, xKyÄxfJ TPr xÄuJk @hJ~ TrJ pJPm jJÇ xÄuJPkr \jq xKyÄxfJ ZJzPf yPmÇ FTAKhj KmFjKk xπJxL TotTJ§ mº TrPu xÄuJk yPf kJPr o∂mq TPr UJhqoπL IqJcPnJPTa TJoÀu AxuJo mPuj, fJrJ (KmFjKk) pKh xπJPxr kg ßgPT KlPr @Px fJyPu y~PfJ xÄuJk yPf kJPrÇ Fr @PV k´iJjoπLr rJ\QjKfT CkPhÓJ FAY Ka AoJo hPur FT ßxKojJPr mPuj, KmFjKk pKh

42 UMPjr hJP~ UJPuhJ K\~Jr KmÀP≠ oJouJ dJTJ, 3 ßlmsΔ~JKr : 5 \JjM~JKrr kr ßgPT ImPrJiyrfJu YuJTJPu ßkPasJu ßmJoJ~ xJrJPhPv 42 \j Kjyf yS~Jr WajJ~ KmFjKk ßY~JrkJrxj ßmVo UJPuhJ K\~J S dJTJ KmvõKmhqJuP~r xJPmT CkJYJpt IiqJkT FoJ\C¨Lj @yPohxy YJr\Pjr KmÀP≠ VfTJu ßxJomJr yfqJ oJouJ hJP~r TrJ yP~PZÇ \jPj©L kKrwPhr xnJkKf FKm KxK¨T dJTJr oMUq oyJjVr yJKTPor @hJuPf FA jJKuvL oJouJ hJP~r TPrjÇ oyJjVr yJKTo @KfTMr ryoJj IKnPpJVKa @oPu KjP~ èuvJj gJjJPT fhP∂r KjPhtv KhP~PZjÇ FTAxPñ @VJoL 1 oJPYtr oPiq @hJuPf fh∂ k´KfPmhj hJKUu TrPf KjPhtv ßh~J yP~PZÇ oJouJr Ikr @xJKorJ yPuj KmFjKk ßY~JrkJxtPjr CkPhÓJ voPxr oKmj ßYRiMrL S ˙J~L TKoKar xhxq mqJKrˆJr rKlTMu AxuJo Ko~JÇ oJouJ~ @xJKoPhr KmÀP≠ IkrJPir wzpπ, kKrT·jJ, IkrJi xÄWaPj C“xJy S ßpJVxJ\Pvr IKnPpJV @jJ yP~PZÇ oJouJr IKnPpJPV muJ y~, UJPuhJ K\~Jr KjPhtPv Vf 5 \JjM~JKr ßgPT KxPua, VJ\LkMr, jJrJ~eV†, mKrvJuxy ßhPvr KmKnjú ˙JPj ImPrJi S yrfJPur cJPT xOÓ xKyÄxfJ~ F kpt∂ 42 \Pjr oOfMq yP~PZÇ ßuJTxJj yP~PZ xrTJPrr ßTJKa ßTJKa aJTJÇ pJ KmKnjú \JfL~ ‰hKjT kK©TJ~ k´KfPmhj @TJPr k´TJKvf yP~PZÇ F WajJèPuJ WaJ S KjyfPhr hJ~nJr KyxJPm IkrJPir VclJhJr, IkrJioNuT wzpπ S SA IkrJi xÄWajPT C“xJy ß\JVJPjJr TJrPe UJPuhJ K\~Jxy IjqrJ ßpRgnJPm hJ~L yPmjÇ oJouJr mJhL @xJKoPhrPT xPmtJó hP§ hK§f TrJr \jq @hJuPfr TJPZ k´JgtjJ TPrjÇ k´xñf, rJ\iJjLr pJ©JmJzL S TMKouäJ~ mJPx ßkPasJu ZMÅPz oJjMw oJrJr kOgT hMAKa WajJ~ AKfkNPmt UJPuhJ K\~JPT ÉTMPor @xJKo TPr oJouJ yP~PZÇ

krLãJr \jq ßoP~Phr KjP~ oJuP~Kv~J KlPr ßVPuj ßTJPTJr ˘L dJTJ, 3 ßlmsΔ~JKr : hMA ßoP~ \JKl~J S \JKy~JPT xPñ KjP~ dJTJ ßZPzPZj k´~Jf @rJlJf ryoJj ßTJPTJr ˘L vJKotuJ ryoJj KxÅKgÇ ßxJomJr hMkMPr oJuP~Kv~J F~JruJAP¿r KmoJPj fJrJ oJuP~Kv~Jr CP¨Pvq rSjJ yjÇ \JjJ ßVPZ, \JKl~J S \JKy~Jr ÛMPu krLãJ gJTJr TJrPe fJrJ oJuP~Kv~J ßVPZÇ \JKl~J hvo S \JKy~J jmo ßv´KePf kPzÇ oJuP~Kv~J rSjJ yS~Jr @PV xTJPu ˝JoLr TmPr hMA ßoP~PT KjP~ vJKotuJ ryoJj KxÅKg ßvw v´≠J KjPmhj TPrjÇ PhPv @xJr kr ßgPT hMA jJfKj rJPf UJPuhJ K\~Jr xPñ ßgPTPZÇ ßrJmmJr rJPf fJrJ hJKhr TJZ ßgPT ßvw KmhJ~ KjP~ jJKjr IgtJ“ ßTJPTJr vJÊKzr mJxJ~ rJf TJaJ~ oJP~r xPñÇ hPur nJAx ßY~JroqJj ßxKuoJ ryoJj \JjJj, hJKhr xPñ KmhJP~r hOvqKa KZu oot¸vtLÇ hMA jJfKjPT mMPT KjP~ FPTmJPr KvÊr oPfJ ßTÅPhPZj UJPuhJ K\~JÇ F xo~ \JKy~J S \JKl~J TJjúJ~ ßnPX kPz hJKhPT \KzP~ iPrÇ k´xñf, Vf 24 \JjM~JKr ÂhPrJPV @âJ∂ yP~ k´~Jf rJÓskKf K\~JCr ryoJj S UJPuhJ K\~Jr ßZJa ßZPu @rJlJf ryoJj ßTJPTJ oJrJ pJjÇ fJr m~x yP~KZu 45 mZrÇ Vf 29 \JjM~JKr oñumJr mJmJr TKlPjr xPñ \JKy~J ryoJj S \JKl~J ryoJj ßhPv @PxÇ ßxKhjA mjJjL Tmr˙JPj ßTJPTJPT hJlj TrJ y~Ç

mz mz TgJ! dJTJ, 5 ßlmsΔ~JKr : ßhv\MPz @fïÇ TUj TJr oJgJ~ ßmJoJ kPz, ßTC \JPj jJÇ ßkasuPmJoJ~ kMPz oJjMw oJrJ pJPò k´KfKhjÇ @r oπL-PjfJ S xrTJKr TotTftJrJ mz mz TgJ mPuA YPuPZjÇ fJÅPhr Fxm TgJ~ @võ˜ yPf kJrPZj jJ xJiJre oJjMwÇ k´fqJvJ TrKZ, kKrK˙Kf @VJoL FT x¬JPyr oPiq ˝JnJKmT yPm : F Fo F oMKyf,IgtoπL 15 \JjM~JKr, xKYmJuP~ xJÄmJKhTPhr TgJ KhuJo, @VJoL xJf KhPjr oPiq ßhPvr kKrK˙Kf ˝JnJKmT yP~ pJPm : oJymMm Cu @uo yJKjl, 19 \JjM~JKr, mñmºM ßvU oMK\m ßoKcPTu KmvõKmhqJuP~r oJjmmºPj kKrK˙Kf ˝JnJKmTÇ @r ßTC mJjt ACKjPa @xPm jJ : Po\r ß\jJPru @K\\ @yPoh KmK\Kmr oyJkKrYJuT,28 \JjM~JKr mJjt ACKjPa KTPxr krLãJ, KTPxr TL? k´P~J\Pj krLãJ KkKZP~ ßhj : yJKl\ CK¨j @yÿh KmFjKkr nJAx ßY~JroqJj, 31 \JjM~JKr, KmKmKx xÄuJPk dJTJ KxKaPT @S~JoL hxMqPhr Tmu ßgPT oMÜ TrPf 30 KoKjPar ßmKv xo~ uJVPm jJ : xJPhT ßyJPxj ßUJTJ, KmFjKkr nJAx ßY~JroqJj 1 ßlmsΔ~JKr pMÜrJPÓs xoJPmPv 13 ßlmsΔ~JKrr oPiq xrTJPrr kfj yPm \~jMu @PmhLj, KmFjKkr ßY~JrkJrxPjr CkPhÓJ, 1 ßlmsΔ~JKr, xMKk´o ßTJat @Aj\LmL xKoKf nmPjr xJoPj @P~JK\f xnJ~

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

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UMPu ßVu xmPYP~ mz v´omJ\Jr

kJKT˜Jj hNfJmJx TotTftJr mJÄuJ FTJPcKo ÈPxRKhPf pJPm 20 kMrÛJr ßWJweJ TotTJP§ YuPZ ßfJukJz uJU ksKvKãf TotL' PxKmTJ, VíyTotL, VJKzYJuTxy KmKnjú PkvJr vsKoTPhr PxRKh @rPm kJbJPm mJÄuJPhv xrTJrÇ vsKoT kJbJPjJr mqJkJPr PxRKh @rPmr pJmfL~ vft dJTJ kNre TPrPZ \JKjP~ PxRKh vso oπeJu~ xN© \JjJ~, FrA oPiq kJÅY uJU TotL kJbJPjJr ksóMKf Vsye xŒjú TPrPZ dJTJÇ mftoJPj PxRKh @rPm ksJ~ 12 uJU vsKoT Torsf rP~PZjÇ dJTJ, 4 ßlmsΔ~JKr : dJTJ~ KjpMÜ kJKT˜Jj hNfJmJPxr FT TotTftJr \Kñ TJPjTvj, xπJxL TotTJP§ IgtJ~j S @AFx@Ar è¬Yr mOK•r WajJ~ ßfJukJz YuPZÇ mjJjL gJjJ kMKuPvr yJPf @aT yS~Jr kr YMKkxJPr fJPT gJjJ ßgPT ZJKzP~ KjP~PZj kJKT˜Jj hNfJmJPxr @PrT TotTftJÇ gJjJ ßgPT ZJzJ ßkP~ kJKT˜Jj yJATKovPjr IqJaJPv ßoJyJÿh oJ\yJr UJj kKrmJr KjP~ Vf 31 \JjM~JKr dJTJ ZJzPuS ˝K˜ KouPZ jJÇ dJTJ~ hMA mZPrrS ßmKv xo~ Im˙JjTJPu @AFx@Ar Yr KyPxPm KfKj KmKnjú rJÓsKmPrJiL TotTJP§ xŒOÜ yj mPuS IKnPpJV rP~PZÇ fPm IPjTaJ ßVJkPj ßhvfqJPVr kr fJr xŒPTt KouPZ jJ Km˜JKrf fgqÇ dJTJr krrJÓs oπeJu~S fJr mqJkJPr ßfoj KTZM \JPj jJÇ gJjJ kMKuv Kmw~Ka ImVf gJTPuS TotTftJrJ rP~PZj FPTmJPrA IºTJPrÇ mjJjL gJjJr SKx nNA~J oJyJmMm yJxJj kJKT˜Jj hNfJmJPxr TotTftJ oJ\yJr UJj S fJr mºM oK\mMrPT @aPTr TgJ ˝LTJr TPr \JjJj, F mqJkJPr gJjJ~ ßTJPjJ oJouJ y~KjÇ kMPrJ Kmw~Ka ßhUPZ dJTJ oyJjVr ßVJP~ªJ kMKuvÇ dJTJ oyJjVr kMKuPvr IKfKrÜ TKovjJr ßvU oJÀl yJxJj mPuPZj, F mqJkJPr fJr KTZM \JjJ ßjAÇ KcFoKkr oMUkJ© IKfKrÜ TKovjJr oKjÀu AxuJo mPuPZj, \JuoMhsJ ‰fKr YPâr xhxq oK\mMr ryoJjPT @aT TrJ yP~KZuÇ fJr xPñ kJKT˜Jj hNfJmJPxr ßTJPjJ TotTftJr xŒOÜfJr Kmw~ @oJr

dJTJ, 4 ßlmsΔ~JKr : PxRKh @rPm 20 uJU ksKvKãf TotL kJbJPm xrTJr, @rm KjCP\ ksTJKvf FT ksKfPmhPj F fgq \JjJPjJ yP~PZÇ mMimJr ksTJKvf FT KmùK¬Pf PxRKh @rPm KjpMÜ mJÄuJPhKv rJÓshNf vyLhMu TKro \JjJj, hã vsKoTPhr KmPhPv kJbJPf fJPhr ksKvãe Ph~Jr \jq mJÄuJPhPv 64Ka ksKfÔJj rP~PZÇ KmùK¬Pf @PrJ muJ y~, ksPTRvuL,

ÈUJPuhJ ßTJgJ~? fJPT èKu TPr oJrm!' dJTJ, 4 ßlmsΔ~JKr : yrfJu-ImPrJi k´fqJyJr jJ TrJ~ FmJr KmFjKkr ßY~JrkJrxj ßmVo UJPuhJ K\~JPT èKu TrPf I˘ yJPf fJr TJptJuP~r xJoPj FPuj oMKlhMu AxuJo jJPor FT mqKÜÇ KfKj KjP\PT ÈmJÄuJPhv oMKÜPpJ≠J k´\jì uLPVr' FT\j TotL KyPxPm kKrY~ KhP~PZjÇ k´fqãhvtL xNP© \JjJ ßVPZ, VfTJu ßmuJ xJPz 11aJr KhPT oMKlhMu AxuJo UJPuhJ K\~Jr èuvJj TJptJuP~r xJoPj @PxjÇ F xo~ ybJ“ TPrA KfKj ßTJor ßgPT FTKa I˘ ßmr TPrj FmÄ muPf gJPTj, ÈUJPuhJ K\~J ßTJgJ~? yrfJuImPrJi k´fqJyJr TPr jJA ßTj? fJPT èKu TPr oJrm!' oKlhMu AxuJPor Foj @TK˛T @YrPe CkK˙f VeoJiqoTotLPhr oPiq nLKfr xûJr y~Ç kPr CkK˙f @AjvO⁄uJ rãJTJrL mJKyjLr xhxqrJ fJPT ßxUJj ßgPT xKrP~ ßhjÇ kMKuv xN© \JjJ~, oMKlhMu AxuJPor TJZ ßgPT C≠Jr TrJ I˘Ka uJAPx¿ TrJÇ Fr @PV xTJu xJPz 10aJr KhPT ÈmJÄuJPhv oMKÜPpJ≠J k´\jì uLPVr' xnJkKf lJPfoJ \Kuu xJgL FmÄ xJiJre xŒJhT IqJcPnJPTa ˝kj ßYRiMrLr ßjfOPfô vfJKiT TotL UJPuhJ K\~Jr TJptJu~ ßWrJS TrPf @PxjÇ kPr kMKuPvr y˜PãPk èuvJj ßVJuYfôPr KmPãJn ßhKUP~ YPu pJjÇ dJTJ, 30 \JjM~JKr : mJÄuJ FTJPcKo kMrÛJr-2014 ßWJweJ TrJ yP~PZÇ FTJPcKor xnJTPã mOy¸KfmJr KmTJPu xÄmJh xPÿuPjr oJiqPo kMrÛJrk´J¬Phr jJo ßWJweJ TrJ y~Ç FTJPcKor oyJkKrYJuT vJoxMöJoJj UJj, xKYm ßoJ. @ufJl ßyJPxj, kKrYJuT ßoJyJÿh @mhMu yJA S CkkKrYJuT oMKvthMK¨j @yÿh k´oMU F xo~ CkK˙f KZPujÇ kMrÛJrk´J¬rJ yPuj TKmfJ~ KvyJm xrTJr, TgJxJKyPfq \JKTr fJuMThJr, k´mPº vJ∂jM TJ~xJr, VPmweJ~ nNÅA~J ATmJu, oMKÜpM≠KnK•T xJKyPfq @mM ßoJyJÿh ßhPuJ~Jr ßyJPxj, @®\LmjLPf oBjMx xMufJj FmÄ KvÊxJKyPfq UJPuh Kmj \P~jChhLjÇ F mZr jJaT, KmùJj, k´pMKÜ FmÄ IjMmJPh TJCPT kMrÛJr ßh~J y~KjÇ FmJr kMrÛJr TKoKar xnJkKf KZPuj APoKraJx IiqJkT rKlTMu AxuJoÇ xhxq KZPuj IiqJkT yJ~J“ oJoMh, TKm @xJh ßYRiMrL, IiqJkT ‰x~h oj\MÀu AxuJo FmÄ TJKu S Tuo xŒJhT @mMu yJxjJfÇ 1 ßlmsΔ~JKr Ior FTMPv V´∫PouJr CPÆJijL IjMÔJPj k´iJjoπL ßvU yJKxjJ kMrÛJrk´J¬Phr yJPf FA kMrÛJr fMPu KhPmjÇ

\JjJ ßjAÇ dJTJ oyJjVr kMKuPvr KcKx (KoKc~J) oJxMhMr ryoJj mPuPZj, Kmw~Ka fJr \JjJ ßjAÇ xN© oPf, Vf 12 \JjM~JKr ßVJkj ‰mbPTr xo~ TP~T\j xyPpJVLxy oJ\yJrPT @aT TPr mjJjL gJjJ kMKuvÇ Fr TP~T WμJ kr kJKT˜Jj yJATKovPjr lJˆt ßxPâaJKr xJKojJ oJyfJm fJPT ZJKzP~ ßjjÇ fPm fJr xñL oMK\mMr ryoJj kMKuv ßylJ\Pf oMhsJ \JKu~JKfr fgq k´TJv TPrÇ fJr KmÀP≠ kJKT˜JPjr ßVJP~ªJ xÄ˙J @AFx@AP~r yP~ è¬YrmOK• FmÄ nJrfL~ oMhsJ ßYJrJYJuJPj \Kzf gJTJr IKnPpJV rP~PZÇ F Umr \JjJ\JKj yPu dJTJ ßgPT muJr kr AxuJoJmJh fJPT KlKrP~ KjP~PZÇ kMKuPvr FTJKiT xN© \JKjP~PZ, oJ\yJr UJj xyPpJVLxy @aPTr kr KjP\PT TëaQjKfT kKrY~ KhPu gJjJ kMKuv jPzYPz mPxÇ Umr ßh~J y~ kh˙ TotTftJPhrÇ fJrJ hNfJmJx S krrJÓs oπeJuP~ ßpJVJPpJV TPrjÇ oJ\yJr UJj @aPTr xN© iPr kMKuv \JjPf ßkPrPZ yJATKovPjr Totrf fJr TP~T\j xyTotLS oMhsJ kJYJPr \KzfÇ kJKT˜Jj yJATKovj xN© \JKjP~PZ, oJ\yJr Vf 31 \JjM~JKr dJTJ ßZPzPZjÇ KfKj TëajLKfT KZPuj jJ, yJATKovPjr FT\j TotTftJ KZPujÇ k´xñf, mJÄuJPhPv kJKT˜JKj jJVKrTPhr KmÀP≠ F irPjr IKnPpJV jfMj j~Ç Fr @PV Vf jPn’Pr Y¢V´Jo ßgPT \Kñ xPªPy YJr kJKT˜JKjPT ßV´¬Jr TPr kMKuvÇ

13 ßlmsΔ~JKrr oPiq IQmi IgtJ~j mPº mqmÂf yPm \JfL~ kKrY~k© xrTJr kfj! dJTJ, 2 ßlmsΔ~JKr : KmPrJiL ß\JPar @PªJuPj @VJoL 13 ßlmsΔ~JKrr oPiq xrTJPrr kfj yPm mPu @vJ TrPZj @Aj\LmL ßjfJ \~jMu @PmhLjÇ yrfJPur xogtPj ßrJmmJr xMKk´oPTJat k´JñPe \JfL~fJmJhL @Aj\LmL ßlJrJPor FT xoJPmPv KfKj FA @vJr TgJ \JjJjÇ fPm KTPxr KnK•Pf FA xo~xLoJ KfKj muPZj, fJ ¸Ó TPrjKj KmFjKk ßY~JrkJrxPjr FA CkPhÓJÇ KjhtuL~ xrTJPrr IiLPj oiqmftL KjmtJYPjr hJKmPf Vf 5 \JjM~JKr ßgPT ImPrJi YJKuP~ pJPò KmFjKk ßjfOfôJiLj 20 huÇ ßxA xPñ KmrKf KhP~ yrfJuS KhPòÇ KmK㬠ßmJoJmJK\ S VJKz ßkJzJPjJr oiq KhP~ YuJ FA ImPrJi S yrfJPu jJvTfJ TPbJr yJPf hoPjr ßWJweJ KhP~PZ xrTJrÇ xrTJPrr TPbJr Im˙JPj KmFjKk ßY~JrkJrxj UJPuhJ K\~J TP~TKhj ImÀ≠ KZPuj fJr TJptJuP~Ç huKar vLwt kptJP~r ßmv TP~T ßjfJ ßV´¬Jr yP~ TJrJVJPr @PZj, IjqrJS k´TJPvq @xPZj jJÇ F kKrK˙KfPf xMKk´oPTJat @Aj\LmL xKoKfr xJPmT xnJkKf \~jMu @PmhLj mPuj, ÈYuoJj FA @PªJuPj \jVPer hJKmr oMPU 13 ßlmsΔ~JKrr oPiqA FA IQmi xrTJPrr kfj yPmÇ' FA @Aj\LmL ßjfJr @PV Vf jPn’Pr KmFjKk WKjÔ IiqJkT FoJ\C¨Lj @yoh FT IjMÔJPjr mÜPmq @VJoL oJYt-FKk´Pur oPiq rJÓsãofJ~ kKrmftPjr @vJr TgJ \JKjP~KZPujÇ dJTJ, 4 ßlmsΔ~JKr : IgtkJYJr, nM~J fgq KhP~ FTJKiT mqJÄT KyxJm ßUJuJ, \Kñ S xπJxL TotTJP§ IgtJ~j AfqJKh k´KfPrJPi KjmtJYj TKovPjr (AKx) \JfL~ kKrY~kP©r fgqnJ-Jr mqmyJPrr xMPpJV ßkPf pJPò mqJÄTèPuJÇ mftoJPj Fxm TJP\ SA fgqnJ-Jr mqmyJr TrPZ mJÄuJPhv mqJÄTÇ ßhPvr mqJÄTèPuJPT TLnJPm FA fgqnJ-Jr mqmyJPrr xMPpJV ßhS~J pJ~∏ ßx KmwP~ AKxr xPñ mJÄuJPhv mqJÄPTr ‰mbT @\Ç mqJÄTèPuJ FA fgq mqmyJPrr xMPpJV ßkPu ßmjJKo Ee mº TPr ßUuJKk Ee IPjT TKoP~ @jJ x÷m yPm mPu k´fqJvJ xÄKväÓPhrÇ mJÄuJPhv mqJÄT xN© \JjJ~, mftoJPj ßTªsL~ mqJÄT IjuJAPj AKxr fgqnJ-Jr mqmyJr TrPZÇ KmPvw TPr @KgtT ßVJP~ªJ KmnJV (KmFl@AAC) S ßâKca AjlrPovj mMqPrJ (Kx@AKm) mqJkTnJPm F fgqnJ-Jr mqmyJr TrPZÇ xû~k© KmKâ S nJXJPjJ, k´JA\mP¥r kMrÛJr Km\~LPT KYK� f TrJ AfqJKh TJP\ Fxm fgq mqmyJr TrPZ ßTªsL~ mqJÄTÇ APfJoPiq mJÄuJPhv mqJÄT FTKa xlaI~qJPrr oJiqPo F fgqnJ-Jr mqmyJr TrPZÇ xKbT V´JyT KjmtJYj FmÄ @KgtT IkrJi k´KfPrJPi mqJÄTèPuJPT FA xlaI~qJPrr xPñ xÄpMKÜPf @V´yL ßTªsL~ mqJÄTÇ xÄKväÓrJ \JjJj, mqJÄTèPuJ kOgTnJPm fgqnJ-JrKa mqmyJr TrPf YJAPu IPjT \KaufJ xOKÓ yPmÇ fJA mJÄuJPhv mqJÄPTr xlaI~qJPrr xPñ Ijq mqJÄTèPuJPT xÄpMÜ TrJ pMKÜpMÜÇ AKxr xPñ F KmwP~ YMKÜ xŒ´xJKrf TrJr CPhqJVS ßjS~J yP~PZÇ @\ AKx TJptJuP~ F KmwP~ ‰mbT yPmÇ F ‰mbPT TLnJPm, ßTJj k≠KfPf mqJÄTèPuJ fgq mqmyJr TrPf kJrPm, ßx KmwP~ Km˜JKrf @PuJYjJ yPmÇ F xlaI~qJPr pMÜ yPu kKrY~k©iJrLr Z~Ka fgqCkJ• (jJo, KkfJ/˝JoL, oJfJ, \jìfJKrU, rPÜr V´Δk S ZKm) xŒPTt KjKÁf yPf kJrPm mqJÄTèPuJÇ mJÄuJPhv mqJÄPTr Vnjtr c. @KfCr ryoJj mPuj, @KgtT UJPf ˝òfJ KjKÁPf AKxr KcK\aJu fgqnJ-JPr @orJ pMÜ yP~KZÇ F nJ-Jr ßgPT V´JyT xŒPTt UMm xyP\A \JjJ pJ~Ç KvVKVr mqJÄTèPuJPTS Fr xPñ pMÜ TrJ yPmÇ KmPvw TPr ßoJmJAu mqJÄKTÄP~r V´JyTPhr fgq xŒPTt KjKÁf yPf FKa xJyJpq TrPmÇ xÄKväÓrJ mPuj, xJŒ´KfT mZrèPuJPf \Kñ S xπJxL TotTJP§ IgtJ~j ßmPzPZÇ FPãP© ßmKv

ßujPhj yPò ßoJmJAu mqJÄKTÄP~Ç ˝rJÓs oπeJu~ Kmw~Ka KYK� f TPrPZÇ FZJzJ KmPhPv IgtkJYJrS @vïJ\jT yJPr mJzPZÇ ßTªsL~ mqJÄPTr KmFl@AAC 2013-14 IgtmZPrr mJKwtT k´KfPmhPjS IgtkJYJr, \Kñ S xπJxL TotTJP§ IgtJ~j, ßYJrJYJuJjxy KmKnjú TotTJP§ mqJÄPTr oJiqPo jVh aJTJ ßujPhj mJzPZ mPu CPuäU TrJ y~Ç k´KfPmhPj muJ y~, 2013-14 IgtmZPr xPªy\jT ßujPhj k´KfPmhj (FxKa@r) \oJ yP~PZ 619KaÇ @PVr IgtmZPrr fMujJ~ pJ 199Ka mJ 47 hvKoT 38 vfJÄv ßmKvÇ oNuf mqJÄKTÄ YqJPjPu IQmi ßujPhj mJzPu fUj FxKa@r \oJr yJr ßmPz gJPTÇ hMtjtLKf hoj TKovj, Kx@AKc S kMKuvxy KmKnjú xÄ˙J ßgPT 71Ka @KgtT IkrJPir fgq ßkP~PZ KmFl@AACÇ mJÄuJPhv mqJÄT xN© \JjJ~, 2012 xJPur \JjM~JKrPf \JfL~ kKrY~k© fgqnJ-Jr mqmyJPr AKxr xPñ 10 mZrPo~JKh YMKÜ TPr mJÄuJPhv mqJÄTÇ IgtkJYJr, nM~J fgq KhP~ FTJKiT mqJÄT IqJTJC≤ ßUJuJ S IgtQjKfT ßujPhPj I˝òfJ k´KfPrJPi FKa TrJ yP~PZÇ


IJ ∂ \tJ Kf T

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

\mJPm hK§f hMA \KñPT lJÅKx Khu \ctJj

KÆfL~ \JkJKj K\KÿPTS yfqJr kr \ctJPjr kJAuaPT kMKzP~ oJru @AFx! u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ : 4 ßlmsΔ~JKr : \Kñ xÄVbj AxuJKoT ߈a (@AFx) fJPhr yJPf @aT \ctJPjr kJAua ßoJ~J\ @u TJxJxmPT kMKzP~ oJrJ yP~PZ mPu hJKm TPrPZ xÄVbjKaÇ VfTJu oñumJr @AFPxr k´TJv TrJ FTKa KnKcSPf ßhUJ pJ~, FT\j ßuJT FTKa UJÅYJ~ hJÅKzP~ @PZ, @r fJÅr YJrKhPT hJC hJC TPr @èj \ôuPZÇ fPm KnKcSKar pgJgtfJ fJ“ãKeTnJPm KjKÁf TrJ pJ~KjÇ Vf mZPrr KcPx’Pr KxKr~Jr rJlJ~ @AFxKmPrJiL oJKTtj ßjfOfôJiLj ß\JPar IKnpJj YuJTJPu mªL yj \ctJj KmoJjmJKyjLr xhxq ßulPajqJ≤ ßoJ~J\ @u TJxJxmÇ \ctJPjr rJÓsKj~Kπf ßaKuKnvPj fJÅr oOfMqr Umr KjKÁf TPr muJ y~, fJÅPT FT oJx @PV ßoPr ßluJ yP~PZÇ KnKcSKa @AFPxr k´YJr-k´kJVJ¥Jr \jq mqmÂf FTKa aMAaJr IqJTJCP≤r oJiqPo ZKzP~ ßhS~J yP~PZÇ kJAua ßoJ~JP\r FT @®L~ r~aJxtPT mPuj, \ctJPjr xv˘ mJKyjL ßoJ~JP\r kKrmJrPT fJÅr yfqJTJP§r TgJ \JKjP~PZÇ KmKmKxr xJÄmJKhT lsJï VJctjJr mPuj, KnKcSKa oJjMwPT TÓ ßhS~J mJ ßUKkP~ ßfJuJr CP¨PvqA k´TJv TrJ yP~PZÇ pMÜrJPÓsr krrJÓs oπeJu~ \JKjP~PZ, fJrJ KnKcSKar pgJgtfJ KjKÁf TrPf TJ\ TrPZÇ hK§f hMA \KñPT lJÅKx Khu \ctJj @aT kJAua oJ\PT ßlrf ßkPf jJrL K\yJKh KrvJKmPT @AFPxr TJPZ KlKrP~ KhPf ßYP~KZu \ctJjÇ fPm @AFx KrvJKmr mhPu fJPhr yJPf mªL \JkJKj xJÄmJKhT ßTjK\ ßVJPfJPT ßZPz ßhS~Jr Skr ß\Jr KhKòuÇ xmtPvw YJr Khj @PV ßVJPfJPT VuJ ßTPa yfqJr KnKcS k´TJv TPr @AFxÇ \ctJPjr xrTJr VfTJu mPu, @AFx KogqJ TgJ mPuKZuÇ fJrJ kJAua oJ\PT @xPu FT oJx @PVA 3 \JjM~JKr yfqJ TPrKZuÇ F Kmw~Ka xPªy TPrA \ctJj xrTJr kJAua TJxJPm ßp \LKmf @PZj fJr k´oJe YJAKZuÇ KT∂á @AFx fJ ßh~KjÇ lJÅKx yS~J KrvJKm S TJrPmJKu hM\jA ArJKT jJVKrTÇ KrvJKmPT oOfMqh§ ßhS~J yP~KZu 2005 xJPu \ctJPjr rJ\iJjL @ÿJPj ßmJoJ yJouJr hJP~Ç SA yJouJ~ 60 \j Kjyf y~Ç 2008 xJPu FT \ctJKj jJVKrTPT yfqJr hJP~ TJrPmJKuPTS lJÅKxr h§ ßhS~J yP~KZuÇ FA yfqJr KnKcS k´TJPvr kr \ctJPj fLms KmPãJn ßhUJ ßh~Ç oñumJr ßhvKar k´KfrãJ h¬Prr oMUkJ© Kjyf TJxJPm ÈvyLh yP~PZj' o∂mq TPr mPuj, ÈfJÅr rÜ mOgJ pJPm jJÇ \ctJKjPhr yfqJr vJK˜ S k´KfPvJi yPm mqJkTÇ' \ctJPjr mJhvJy @mhMuäJy TJxJPmPT \JfL~ mLr @UqJ ßhjÇ fJÅr oOfMqr UmPr @mhMuäJy pMÜrJÓs xlr TJaZJÅa TPr ßhPv ßlPrjÇ @AFxKmPrJiL ß\JPa \ctJPjr IÄvV´yPer KmwP~ ßhvKaPf IPjPTrA Knjú of @PZÇ fPm @mhMuäJy S oJKTtj ßk´KxPc≤ mJrJT SmJoJ @AFx KjotNPu fJÅPhr k´Kfv´ΔKfr TgJ mJrmJrA ˛re TKrP~ KhP~PZjÇ WajJr k´KfKâ~J~ SmJoJ mPuj, ÈKnKcSKa pKh xKfq y~, fPm fJ yPm @AFPxr KyÄxsfJ S mmtrfJr @PrT KjhvtjÇ FKa fJPhr jLKfr I∂”xJrvNjqfJrA k´oJeÇ' @AFx KjotNPu @u-@\yJPrr xJ~: AxuJo iPotr KmwP~ KmPvõr Ijqfo vLwt TftOkã KoxPrr UqJfjJoJ @u-@\yJr KmvõKmhqJuP~r V´qJ¥ AoJo ßvU @yPoh @u-fJP~m @AFx \KñPhr yfqJ TrJr @øJj \JKjP~PZjÇ Vf oñumJr rJPf FT KmmOKfPf V´qJ¥ oMlKf F @øJj \JjJjÇ KÆfL~ \JkJKj K\KÿPTS yfqJ FKhPT Vf ßrJmmJr IjuJAPj KÆfL~ \JkJKj K\Kÿ

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ßVJPfJr KvrPv&Zh TrJr KnKcS k´TJv TPr T¢rk∫L xMKjú xÄVbjKaÇ F WajJr kr \JkJKj k´iJjoπL KvjP\J @Pm @AFxKmPrJiL uzJAP~ xyJ~fJ xŒ´xJrPer ßWJweJ KhP~PZjÇ jOvÄx FA yfqJTJP§r TzJ KjªJ \JKjP~PZj \JKfxÄW, pMÜrJÓs, pMÜrJ\q S IPˆsKu~Jr ßjfJrJÇ Umr FFlKk S KmKmKxrÇ 47 mZr m~xL \JkJKj KlsuqJ¿ xJÄmJKhT ßTjK\ ßVJPfJPT KjP~ FT x¬JPyr oPiq hM\j \JkJKjPT FTAnJPm yfqJ Tru @AFxÇ KnKcSKY© IjMpJ~L @PVr TP~TKa KvrPv&ZPhr TJ~hJ~A yfqJ TrJ y~ ßVJPfJPTÇ jfMj KnKcSKaPf ßhUJ pJ~, TouJ rPXr TP~Khr ßkJvJT krJ ßVJPfJ FT\j oMPUJviJrL mqKÜr kJPv yJÅaM ßVPz mPx @PZjÇ KmsKav CóJrPer AÄPrK\Pf SA oMPUJviJrL F xo~ ßVJPfJr oOfMqr \jq \JkJj xrTJrPT hJ~L TPrjÇ @kJho˜T TJPuJ TJkPz dJTJ F rTo FT mqKÜPTA @AFPxr @PVr yfqJr KnKcSèPuJPfS ßhUJ ßVPZÇ

oJKTtKjPhr \jq KhPj KhPj mz irPjr ÉoKT yP~ CbPZÇ AKfyJPxr Ijqfo n~Jmy xπJxL yJouJ- 2001 xJPur 11 PxP¡’r pMÜrJPÓsr S~Jøt Pasc Px≤JPr yJouJr WajJ~ È20fo KmoJj KZjfJATJrL' KyPxPm kKrKYf \qJTJKr~Jx oMxJCA oJKTtj FA jLKfr xMPpJV KjP~ KjP\r lrJKx kJxPkJat PhKUP~ FnJPmA KnxJ ZJzJ pMÜrJPÓs KVP~KZPujÇ FZJzJ 2001 xJPur KcPx’Pr KrYJct Krc jJPor FT pMmT KjP\r \MPfJr PnfPr TPr KjP~ @xJ KmP°JrT hsmq KhP~ FTKa oJKTtj pJ©LmJyL KmoJj ±Äx TrJr PYÓJ TPrKZPujÇ KrYJct KrPTrS míKav kJxPkJat gJTJr TJrPe KnxJ Pj~Jr ksP~J\j y~KjÇ mftoJPj ßp 38Ka ßhv pMÜrJPÓs KnxJoMÜ ÃoexMKmiJ ßnJV TPr ßxxm ßhv yPò∏ pMÜrJ\q, lsJ¿, \JotJKj, KV´x, ߸j, xMAPcj, xMA\JruqJ¥, ßcjoJTt, jrSP~, IKˆs~J, KljuqJ¥, FP˜JKj~J, @~JruqJ¥, AfJKu, uMP–omJVt, ßYT KrkJmKuT, yJPñKr, ßmuK\~Jo, @AxuqJ¥, ßjhJruqJ¥x, kftMVJu, IPˆsKu~J, KjCK\uqJ¥, FP¥JrJ,

KYKu, uJaKn~J, KugM~JKj~J, ßxäJPnKj~J, KuPˆjPˆAj, \JkJj, KxñJkMr, fJAS~Jj, xqJj oqJKrPjJ, ßxäJnJKT~J, oJæJ, ßoJjJPTJ S msΔPjAÇ mftoJPj CKuäKUf ßhvèPuJr ßTC pMÜrJPÓs Ãoe TrPf pMÜrJÓsVJoL ßTJPjJ KmoJj mJ \JyJP\ CbPf yPu fJPT APuTasKjT KxPˆo lr asJPnu IgrJAP\vj k´Kâ~Jr ßvw TPr @xPf y~Ç FKa ßyJouqJ¥ KxKTCKrKa, TJˆox IqJ¥ mctJr k´PaTvj KmnJPVr FTKa ˝~ÄKâ~ SP~m-Pm\c KxPˆo, pJr oJiqPo KnxJ ZJzJ pMÜrJPÓs k´PmPvr ßpJVqfJ KjitJre TrJ y~Ç F k≠KfPf ÃoPe AòMT mqKÜPT KraJjt KaKTaxy pMÜrJPÓs k´Pmv TrPf yPmÇ ßTC pKh Af”kNPmt KnxJoMÜ vPftr @SfJ~ IgmJ KnxJxy pMÜrJPÓs Ãoe TPr gJPTj fJyPu fJPT FKaS k´oJe TrPf yPm ßp KfKj KnxJ IgmJ KnxJoMÜ ÃoeTJPu ßTJPjJ vft nñ TPrjKjÇ Imvq 9/11'r SA yJouJr WajJr kr PgPT oJKTtj ksvJxj jJaTL~nJPm mJrmJr KnxJoMÜ kptaPjr Kj~ojLKfPf xÄPvJij S kKrmftj FPjPZÇ

KmPvõr xmPYP~ ßxrJ vyr arP≤J u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ : 1 ßlmsΔ~JKr : mxmJPxr \jq KmPvõr ßxrJ vyr KyxJPm ˝LTOKf ßkP~PZ arP≤JÇ KmsPaPjr jJoTrJ ÈAPTJjKoˆ' oqJVJK\Pjr \KrPk KmPvõr k´go xJKrr 50Ka ßxrJ vyPrr oPiq TJjJcJr arP≤J vLwt vyr KyxJPm KjmtJKYf y~ FmÄ oK≤s~u KÆfL~ vyPrr optJhJ ßkP~PZÇ FTAxJPg ˆTPyJo, IqJoˆJctJo S xJjl∑JK¿xPTJ vyrèPuJS KÆfL~ ˙JPj rP~PZÇ fPm nN˝Vt KyxJPm UqJf TJjJcJr Ikr vyr nqJj&TMnJr FmJr FA fJKuTJ~ ßjAÇ kptJ~âPo kÅKYvKa vLwt vyr yPò : arP≤J, oK≤s~u, ˆTPyJo, IqJoˆJrcJo, xJj l∑JK¿xPTJ, ßouPmJjt, \MKrU, S~JKvÄaj KcKx, KxcKj, KvTJPVJ, ux FP†Pux, msJPxux, KjC A~Tt, l∑JïlMat, SxJTJ, ßaJKTS, mJPxtPuJjJ, ßxK≤~JPVJ, kqJKrx, oJKhsh, fJAPk, u¥j, KxCu, yÄTÄ FmÄ ßrJoÇ oqJVJK\jKa FTKa IjMxºJj k´Kâ~Jr xNYToJuJ~ KmPvõ arP≤JPT mxmJx, ßãP© xÄÛOKf S xOKÓvLufJ k´JiJjqkNet, mqmxJK~T kKrPmv, KjrJk•J S VefJKπT YYtJ~ ßxrJ vyr Kj„ke TrJ y~Ç fPm arP≤JPT \LmjpJ©J mq~mÉu KyxJPmS KYK� f TrJ yP~PZÇ KmhqM“, KvãJ FmÄ UJhq UJPf mq~ TPrjÇ FKhPT, FTA Khj PjfJKj~JÉr KmuJxmÉu \Lmj pJkPjr TPbJr xoJPuJYjJ TPrPZj AxrJAPur vsKoT hPur PjfJ @A\qJT yJrP\JVSÇ 2013 xJPu xoVs AxrJAu \MPz yJ\Jr yJ\Jr oJjMw mq~ ysJx S IgtQjKfT xÄTPar KmÀP≠ FmÄ xJoJK\T jqJ~ ksKfÔJr hJKmPf KmPãJn TPrPZÇ xN©: PrKcS PfyrJj

YPu PVPuj \jìKj~πe mKzr CØJmT u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ : 4 ßlmsΔ~JKr :\jì Kj~πe mKzr CØJmT KyPxPm xMkKrKYf rxJ~jKmh TJut KcP\rJKx 91 mZr m~Px oJrJ PVPZjÇ KfKj ˆqJjPlJct KmvõKmhqJuP~r rxJ~j KmnJPVr FPoKraJx IiqJkT KZPujÇ KmvõKmhqJuP~r oMUkJ© cqJj PˆJmJr mPuj, ÊâmJr xqJj l∑JK¿xPTJr mJKzPf TqJ¿JPrr TJrPe xíÓ \KaufJ~ KfKj oJrJ pJjÇ 1951 xJPu jrKgjPcsJj jJPo TíK©o IeMPT Cjúf TrJr VPmweJ~ TJut KcP\rJKx Pjfífô PhjÇ krmftLPf FaJA ksgo \jìKj~πe mKzr oNu CkJhJPj kKref y~Ç KjP\r PuUJ mA ÈKhx oqJj'x Kku' F KcP\rJKx \JjJj, FA @KmÏJr fJr \LmPj IPjT kKrmftj FPjPZÇ ˆqJjPlJct KmvõKmhqJuP~r jqJYJrJu xJP~P¿r IiqJkT KrYJct Fj \JPr mPuj, @oJPhr KmnJPV KfKjA x÷mf xmPYP~ PxrJ rxJ~jKmh KZPujÇ KfKj Foj FT mqKÜ pJr oPiq FTA xPñ KmùJj FmÄ xJKyPfqr xojõ~ WPaPZÇ KfKj mPuj, @oJr \JjJoPf KfKjA

2 mZPr oh PUP~ 25 yJ\Jr cuJr CKzP~PZj PjfJKj~JÉ! u¥jmJÄuJ ßcÛ : 2 ßlmsΔ~JKr : AÉKhmJhL AxrJAPur ksiJjoπL PmKj~JKoj PjfJKj~JÉ hMA mZPr oPhr PkZPj FT uJU PvPTu mJ 25 yJ\JPrrS PmKv cuJr mq~ TPrPZjÇ Pfu @KmPmr ksmLe rJ\jLKfKmh S yJfjM~J kJKars PjfJ K\Kk KunKj FT IjMÔJPj ksTJPvq F IKnPpJV TPrPZjÇ KfKj mPuPZj, AxrJAPur IPjPTr oJKxT @P~r PYP~S PmKv Igt oPhr PkZPj CKzP~PZj PjfJKj~JÉÇ ksTJKvf KyxJm IjMpJ~L oJPx KfKj ksJ~ 4,200 PvPTu oPhr PkZPj mq~ TPrPZjÇ AxrJAPur IPjPTA oJPx F kKroJe aJTJ @~ TPrj jJ mPu \JjJj KunKjÇ KunKj @PrJ mPuj, PjfJKj~JÉ oJPx Pp Igt oPhr PkZPj SzJj AxrJAPur ksJ~ 10 uJU vsKoT oJPx Px kKroJe aJTJ @~ TPrjÇ KT∂á F aJTJ fJrJ Wr nJzJ, aqJé, kJKj,

FToJ© mqKÜ KpKj PksKxPc≤ Kjéj TftíT KmùJPjr \jq \JfL~ khT kJj @mJr FTA mZr TJPuJ fJKuTJ~ fJr jJo KuKkm≠ y~Ç FKhPT TqJKuPlJKjt~J KmvõKmhqJuP~r kKrYJuT FmÄ VntKjPrJiT KmùJjL KlKuk cJrKj mPuj, TJut fJr \LmPj IPjT KTZMA TPrPZjÇ KfKj xKfqA PrPjxJÅ oJjMw FmÄ kK§f mqKÜÇ xN©: yJKlÄaj PkJˆ

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KjÕKuKUf KmwP~ IJorJ KmPvwù AKoPV´vj KxKaP\jvLk S~JTt kJrKoa ¸¿rvLk KcTîJPrvj FK≤s KTî~JPr¿ ߈aJx kKrmftj xm irPjr PmAu FKkäPTvj ßyJo IKlx xm irPjr Kccku jJo kKrmftj KyCPoj rJAax kJS~Jr Im FaKjt FxJAuJo ßaPjK¿ FKV´Po≤ yJCK\Ä Kmw~ KcPnJxt Foku~Po≤ mqJÄâJ¡Kx xJAj mJ KuVqJu cTáPoP≤vj ACPrJPk ˙J~L mxmJPxr IJPmhj xm irPjr xKxP~u KxKTCKrKar IJPmhj asJ¿Puvj FmÄ A≤JrKk´K≤Ä AKoPV´vj IJKku A quality Service Approved by OISC

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Masud Chowdhury BA (Hons), Law LLPGD (LONDON) 37 New Road (1st Floor), Whitechapel, London E1 1HE T/F: 020 7377 5280, Email:

Reliance tuition Centre 108 Greatorex Business Centre 02073776161, 07723049645


LB08/01- 04 PD

IJrmL S mJÄuJ kzJAPf YJA mJxJ~ KVP~ To xoP~ xyLy ßTJrIJj PvUJPjJ FmÄ mJÄuJ kzJPjJ y~ PpJVJPpJV ”

TôJrL oJSuJjJ U~rΔu IJoLj 07941514163 07950609905 07/27 - 07/30 SU


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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

@uäJy S rxMu (xJ.)-Fr Kx≠J∂ PoPj PjS~Jr oPiqA TuqJe KjKyf ksPlxr oJSuJjJ PoJ. xJuJyCK¨j @uäJy S rxMu xJuäJuäJÉ @uJAKy S~JxJuäJPor xm Kx≠J∂ PoPj PjS~Jr oPiqA oJjMPwr xJKmtT TuqJe KjKyfÇ @uäJyfJ~JuJPT FTT x•J, xm KmwP~ fJÅPT ãofJ S TftíPfôr IKiTJrL PoPj PjS~JA @uäJyr FTfômJPh KmvõJPxr oNu TgJÇ FKaA @yPu xMjúf S~Ju \JoJPfr KmvõJxÇ @r rxMu xJuäJuäJÉ @uJAKy S~JxJuäJPor xm @Phv-KjPwi PoPj YuJr oPiq rxMu xJuäJuäJÉ @uJAKy S~JxJuäJPor ksKf vs≠JPmJi kshvtj, fJÅr KrxJuJfPT ˝LTíKf PhS~Jr yJKTTf KjKyfÇ @uäJy S rxMu xJuäJuäJÉ @uJAKy S~JxJuäJPor PTJPjJ Kx≠J∂ I˝LTJr TrJr IKiTJr PTJPjJ oMKoj jJrLkMÀPwr PjAÇ pKh TrJ y~ fJyPu fJ yPm @uäJy S rxMu xJuäJuäJÉ @uJAKy S~JxJuäJPor xPñ Chqf @YrPer vJKouÇ F ksxPñ @uäJyfJ~JuJ mPuj, '@uäJy S fJÅr rxMu PTJPjJ KmwP~ KjPhtv KhPu PTJPjJ oMKoj kMÀw KTÄmJ oMKoj jJrLr Px KmwP~ Knjú Kx≠JP∂r IKiTJr gJTPm jJÇ PTC @uäJy FmÄ fJÅr rxMuPT IoJjq TrPu Px PfJ ¸ÓfA kgÃÓ' (33:36)Ç @uäJyPT FTT CkJxq KyPxPm KmvõJx TPr FmÄ oMyJÿh xJuäJuäJÉ @uJAKy S~JxJuäJoPT fJÅr rxMu KyPxPm PoPj KjP~ @mJr @AjTJjMj, KmKi-KmiJPjr PãP© pKh KjP\Phr ojoPfJ mJ PU~JuUMKv oPfJ KTZM TrJ y~ fJyPu fJ yPm KTZM oJjJ @r KTZM jJ oJjJr I∂ntMÜÇ pJ KZu AÉKh-jJxJrJPhr YKr©Ç FaJS @uäJyr xPñ FT irPjr jJlroJKjÇ PTjjJ PTJPjJ KmwP~ mJKyqTnJPm FTaM TÓTr mJ TKbj oPj yPuS oNuf @uäJy S rxMu xJuäJuäJÉ @uJAKy S~JxJuäJPor Kx≠J∂ PoPj PjS~Jr oPiqA xKfqTJPrr TuqJe KjKyfÇ TJre, @orJ PpaJPT TuqJe oPj TKr YNzJ∂nJPm fJPf TuqJe jJS gJTPf kJPrÇ YNzJ∂ kptJP~ ITuqJe @rS PmPz PpPf kJPrÇ @r @orJ mJKyqTnJPm pJPT ITuqJe oPj TrKZ YNzJ∂ kptJP~ TuqJeS KjKyf gJTPf kJPrÇ PTjjJ, YNzJ∂ kKreKf oJjMPwr yJPf j~; mrÄ @uäJyfJ~JuJrA yJPfÇ F ksxPñ @uäJyfJ~JuJ mPuj : 'Foj yPf kJPr Pp, @uäJy pJPf ksnNf TuqJe PrPUPZj PfJorJ fJPTA IkZª TrZ' (4:19)Ç IfFm @oJPhr \LmPjr xmtPãP© @uäJyfJ~JuJ S fJÅr rxMu xJuäJuäJÉ @uJAKy S~JxJuäJPor KmKi-KmiJj PoPj YuPf yPmÇ Fr mqKfâo TrPu fJPf ÊiM @oJPhr ITuqJeA mP~ @jPmÇ TuqJPer PTJPjJ KTZM kJS~J pJPm jJÇ @uäJyfJ~JuJ @oJPhr xmJAPT PfRKlT KhjÇ @KojÇ UKfm, mJ~fMu PoJTJrro \JfL~ oxK\h

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ßnJa xŒPTt TL mPu AxuJo ßoJyÿh A~JKxj o\MohJr ACKj~j kKrwh ßgPT ÊÀ TPr \JfL~ xÄxh KjmtJYPj FojKT KmKnjú xÄVbj, xKoKf AfqJKhr KjmtJYPj @orJ ßnJa k´hJj TKrÇ FT xo~ KZu pUj pM≠\P~r oJiqPo ãofJr kJuJ mhu yPfJÇ AxuJoL KUuJlf mqm˙J~ \jVPer rJ~ fgJ mJA~qJf mJ @jMVfq k´TJPvr oJiqPo UKulJ KjmtJKYf yPfJÇ mftoJPjr ßnJa k´hJj fJrA iJrJmJKyTfJÇ fJlKxPr oJPrláu ßTJr@j mJÄuJ IjMmJPhr Kfjvf kPjr kOÔJ~ xMrJ oJK~hJr @a jÄ @~JPfr mqJUJ~ ßnJahJPjr KfjKa KhT CPuäU TrJ yP~PZÇ 1Ç xJãqhJj : ßnJa k´hJPj ßnJahJfJr kã ßgPT xJãq ßh~J y~, @oJr oPf F mqKÜ mqKÜVf ßpJVqfJ, xffJ S Kmvõ˜fJr KhT KhP~ \JKfr k´KfKjKi yS~Jr ßpJVqÇ FUj KY∂J TrJ k´P~J\j, @oJPhr k´KfKjKiPhr oPiq T~\j Foj rP~PZ pJPhr ßmuJ~ F xJãq xfq S KmÊ≠ yPf kJPrÇ hMntJPVqr Kmw~, @oJPhr \jVe KjmtJYjPT FTKa yJr-K\Pfr ßUuJ oPj TPrÇ F TJrPe TUjS k~xJr KmKjoP~, TUjS YJPkr oMPU, TUjS xJoK~T mºáfô FmÄ x˜J k´Kfv´ΔKfr nrxJ~, mqKÜ˝JPgt, huL~ ˝JPgt, ßuJnuJuxJ~ kPz ßnJaJKiTJr k´P~JV TPrÇ IPjT ßãP© KvKãf iJKotT oMxuoJjS KY∂J TPr jJ, IPpJVq k´JgLtPT ßnJa KhP~ KogqJ xJãq ßh~Jr oPfJ oyJ kJk TPr ßUJhJ~L IKnvJk S vJK˜r CkpMÜ yP~ pJPòÇ 2Ç xMkJKrv TrJ : ßnJahJfJ mqKÜ ßpj xMkJKrv TPr ßp IoMT k´JgLtPT k´KfKjKifô hJj TrJ ßyJTÇ F KmwP~ kKm© ßTJr@Pj muJ yP~PZ∏ ßp mqKÜ C•o S xfq xMkJKrv TrPm, pJr \jq xMkJKrv TPr, fJPT fJr kMeq ßgPT IÄv ßh~J yPm FmÄ ßp mqKÜ oª S KogqJ xMkJKrv TrPm, ßx fJr oª TPotr IÄv kJPmÇ Fr lPu F k´JgLt KjmtJKYf yP~ fJr Tot \LmPj ßpxm ÃJ∂ S IQmi TJ\ TrPm fJr kJk ßnJahJfJS myj TrPmÇ 3Ç STJuKf : ßnJahJfJ k´JgLtPT Kj\ k´KfKjKiPfôr \jq CKTu KjpMÜ TPrÇ KT∂á F STJuKf pKh ßnJahJfJr mqKÜVf IKiTJr xŒPTt yPfJ FmÄ Fr uJn-ßuJTxJj ßTmu ßxA ßkf, fPm Fr \jq ßx KjP\A hJ~L yPfJÇ KT∂á FUJPj mqJkJrKa ßfoj j~Ç ßTjjJ F STJuKf Foj xm IKiTJPrr xPñ xŒOÜ pJPf fJr xPñ xoV´ \jVe vKrT, TJP\A ßTJj IPpJVq mqKÜPT k´KfKjKiPfôr \jq ßnJa KhP~ \~pMÜ TrPu \jVPer IKiTJr Umt TrJr kJkS ßnJahJfJr TÅJPi ßYPk mxPmÇ CKuäKUf KfjKa ßãP© x“, iotnLÀ S ßpJVq mqKÜPT ßnJahJj TrJ ßpoj xS~JPmr TJ\ FmÄ Fr xMlu ßnJahJfJS k´J¬ yjÇ ßfoKj IiotkrJ~e, IPpJVqPT ßnJa ßh~J KogqJ xJãqhJj, oª xMkJKrv S IQmi STJuKfr I∂nátÜ FmÄ Fr kJPkr nJKVhJr yS~J S oJrJ®T luJlu ßnJahJfJr @oujJoJ~ KuKkm≠ yPmÇ fJZJzJ ßnJa FTKa kKm© @oJjfÇ @uäJykJT @oJjfPT pPgJkpMÜ ˙JPj k´hJPjr KjPhtv KhP~PZjÇ pKh TJrS oPj k´vú \JPV x“ ßuJT UÅMP\ kJS~J hMÏr fPm ßTJgJ~ @oJjf k´P~JV TrmÇ C•r yu∏ ßp T~\j k´JgLt gJTPm fJPhr oPiq @kjJr KmPmT IjMpJ~L fáujJoNuTnJPm pJPT ßUJhJnLÀ, x“ S ßpJVq mPu oPj TrPmj fJPT ßnJa KhPu @kjJr hJK~fô kJuj TrJ yPm, ßTjjJ vfnJV x“ ßuJT jJ ßkPuS @kKj ‰mwK~T ˝JPgtr DP±t ßgPT oPªr nJPuJ UÅMP\ KjP~PZjÇ

AxuJo Kmw~T k´PvúJ•r k´vú : PoJmJAPur ßoPoJKrPf ßTJrIJj kzJr \jq xlaS~qJr IJPZ, ßoJmJAu ßxaKa KT mJgrΔPo KjP~ pJS~J pJPm? C•r : ßoPoJKrPf ßTJrIJj vKrl gJTPu ßxKa ßTJrIJj vKrPlr IjMr‡k j~Ç pfãj jJ ßxKa SPkj TrJ y~Ç ßTJrIJPjr ßk´JV´JoKa YJuM TPr ßTJrIJj hOvqoJj gJTPu ßxKaA ÊiM ßTJrIJj KyxJPm Vjq yPmÇ lPu Foj Im˙J~ mJgrΔPo pJS~J pJPm jJÇ ßk´JV´JoKa YJuM jJ gJTPu SA ßxa KjP~ mJgrΔPo ßpPf ßTJj xoxqJ ßjAÇ ßpoj yJPl\Phr I∂Pr ßTJrIJj gJTJ xPfôS fJrJ mJgrΔPo ßpPf kJPrj, FPf ßTC IxMKmiJ oPj TPrj jJÇ k´vú : oKyuJrJ Tmr K\~Jrf TrPf ßpPf kJrPm KTjJ? C•r : K\~JrPfr CP¨Pvq ßVJr˙JPj pJS~J oKyuJPhr \jq KjKw≠Ç yJKhx vKrPl FPxPZ, Tmr K\~JrfTJrL oKyuJPhr Skr @uäJyr uJjfÇ KmPvwf, mftoJj khtJyLjfJ; KjutöfJ S ßmyJ~JkjJr F pMPV ßlfjJr TJrPe oMlKfrJ oKyuJPhr Tmr K\~JrPf ßpPf TPbJrnJPm KjPwi TPr gJPTjÇ (@yxJjMu lJfS~JÇ 4/186 vJoL, @mMhJCh, KfrKoKpÇ k´vú : oOf mqKÜPT ßVJxu TrJPjJr kJKrv´KoT ßj~J \JP~\ KTjJ? C•r : C•o yPò ßTJj kJKrv´KoT ZJzJA oOf mqKÜPT ßVJxu TrJPjJÇ fPm ßTJgJS pKh oOf mqKÜPT ßVJxu TrJPjJr oPfJ FTJKiT ßuJT gJPT fUj ßVJxuhJfJr \jq kJKrv´KoT ßj~J ‰miÇ (vJoL, @yxJjMu lJfS~J 4/219) k´vú : IPjT xo~ ßhUJ pJ~ \MoJr Khj UKfm UMfmJ KhPòj, fUj IPjPT xMjúJf @hJ~ TrPZj∏ FaJ KT KbT? C•r : \MoJr Khj UKfm pUj UMfmJr \jq Ko’Pr SPbj fUj ßgPT UMfmJ ßvw yS~J kpt∂ ßp ßTJj jJoJ\ FmÄ TgJmJftJ muJ

xŒNet KjPwiÇ xMfrJÄ F xo~ xMjúJf ÊÀ TrJ KjPwiÇ fPm pKh ßTC UKfm Ko’Pr SbJr @PVA xMjúJf ÊÀ TPr gJPTj fJyPu KfKj 2 rJTJf kPz xJuJo KlrJPmjÇ @r 3~ rJTJf ÊÀ TPr gJPTj fJyPu 4 rJTJfA ßvw TPr xJuJo KlrJPmjÇ (@yxJjMu lJfS~J 4/121) k´vú : uJPvr kJPv mPx ßTJr@j KfuJS~Jf TrJ \JP~\ KTjJ? C•r : ßVJxu ßh~Jr @PV uJPvr kJPv mPx ßTJr@j KfuJS~Jf TrJ oJTÀyÇ ßVJxu ßh~Jr kr ßTJj IxMKmiJ ßjAÇ (@yxJjMu lJfS~J 4/242) k´vú : kKm© ßTJr@Pjr Kx\hJr @~Jf KuUPu mJ TPŒJ\ TrPu Kx\hJP~ KfuJS~Jf TrPf yPm KTjJ? C•r : Kx\hJr @~Jf oMPU CóJre jJ TPr ÊiM KuUPu mJ TPŒJ\ TrPu Kx\hJ S~JK\m yPm jJÇ (vJoL 2/575) k´vú : kKm© ßTJr@j KfuJS~JPfr xo~ y\rf oMyJÿh (xJ.) Fr jJo FPu fUj hÀh vKrl kzPf yPm KTjJ?

C•r: ßTJr@Pj ßp @~JPf y\rf oMyJÿh (xJ.) Fr jJo @PZ fJ KfuJS~Jf TrPu oMyJÿh jJo CóJrPer xPñ hÀh vKrl kzJ pJPm jJÇ KfuJS~JPfr ßvPw hÀh vKrl kzJ CKYfÇ (lJfS~J CxoJjL 1/266) k´vú: ßVJxPur kr jJoJP\r \jq @mJr I\M TrPf yPm KTjJ? C•r : Kj~ofJKπTnJPm ßVJxu TrPu fJPfA kKm©fJ I\tj y~Ç FA kKm©fJA jJoJP\r \jq pPgÓÇ ßVJxPur kr I\M nñ yS~Jr ßTJj TJre jJ yPu jJoJP\r \jq jfáj TPr I\M TrJr ßTJj k´P~J\j ßjA mrÄ fJ IkYP~r vJKouÇ (lJfS~J CxoJjL 1/316) k´vú : @KTTJr ßVJvf rJjúJ TPr ßuJT\jPT hJS~Jf UJS~JPjJ pJPm KT jJ? C•r : yÅqJ, @KTTJr ßVJvf TÅJYJ Kmfre TrJ pJPmÇ @mJr rJjúJ TPr ßuJT\jPT hJS~Jf TPr UJS~JPjJ pJPmÇ k´vú : hMA mqKÜ kr¸r xJãJ& yu, FTA xPñ fJrJ CnP~ Cn~PT xJuJo TrPuj, ßxPãP© xJuJPor \mJm PT ßhPm? C•r : Cn~PTA xJuJPor \mJm KhPf yPmÇ (IJuoVLKr, 5/325)

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015



Pksx TîJPmr Totf“krfJ @PrJ míK≠ kJT oJjMPwr TuqJPe TJ\ TPr pJT KvyJmMöJoJj TJoJu KmkMu C“xJy C¨LkjJ FmÄ \o\oJa @P~J\Pjr oiq KhP~ Vf 31 \JjM~JKr vKjmJr È u¥j mJÄuJ Pksx TîJPm'r KÆmJKwtT xJiJre xnJ FmÄ KjmtJYj kNmt u¥Pjr È APŒ´vj APn≤ yPu IjMKÔf yuÇ KjmtJYPjr kNPmt KmKnjú xÄmJh TotLPhr oPiq Pmv PTRfNyu KZuÇ TJrJ FmJr TKoKaPf @xPZjÇ pKhS FmJPrr KjmtJYPj PTJj kqJPju KZujJÇ fPm Kfj kPh Z~ ksJgtL KZPujÇ oPj kPz Vf (30\Mj 2012 xJu) Pksx TîJPmr KjmtJYPjr TgJÇ fUj KjmtJYPjr kNPmt TîJPmr xhxq yPf CPuäUPpJVq xÄUqT xJÄmJKhTrJ @Pmhj TPr KZPujÇ fUj IPjPT TîJPmr xhxq yPf jJ kJrJ~, fJÅrJ jJjJ TgJmJftJ mPujÇ TîJPmr xhxq yS~Jr FmqJkJPr kJr¸KrT PpJVJPpJV, krJovt VsyPj IPjPT KZPuj Pmv f“krÇ krmftLPf jJjJ pJYJA mJZJAP~r kr pJrJ xhxq yPuj fJÅPhr oPiq Pmv C“lMuä oPjJnJm PhUJ pJ~Ç KT∂á pJrJ mJh kzPuj, fJÅrJ @mJr jJjJ TgJ mPujÇ PTCmJ mPuPZj FPf kãkJKffô TrJ yP~PZÇ PTCmJ mPuPZj oMU PhPU PuJT Pj~J yP~PZÇ Pksx TîJPmr xhxq kh uJn FmÄ jmJ~Pjr kr ÊÀ yPuJ KmKnjú kPh ksJgtL yS~Jr kJuJÇ KjmtJYPjr ksJÑJPu fUj @orJ PhUKZ KmKnjú ksJgtLPhr oPiq hJÀj C“xJy C¨LkjJÇ KjmtJYPj hMKa kqJPju KZuÇ fUj IPjT ksJgtL PT PTJj kqJPjPu PpJV PhPmjÇ TJr xJPg TJr nJu xŒTt rP~PZ, fJKjP~S YPu jJjJ mM^JkzJÇ Pxxo~ YPu FT \o\oJa ksYJrJKnpJjÇ xTu ksJgtLrJ PnJaJrPhr xJPg Wj Wj PpJVJPpJV rJPUjÇ aqJé oqJPx\, APoAPu Kj~Kof KjmtJYjL mJftJ kJbJjÇ ImPvPw hMKa kqJPjPu KjmtJYj IjMKÔf y~ FmÄ FPf FT\j ˝fπ ksJgtL KyPxPm KZPujÇ PxA KjmtJYPj Pksx TîJPmr TJptKjmtJyL 15Ka kPh PoJa 31\jksJgtL ksKfÆKºfJ TPr KZPujÇ fUj TîJPmr PnJaJr KZPuj 160 \j FmÄ FPf 154 \j PnJaJr fJÅPhr PnJa ksP~JV TPrjÇ FmJPrr Pksx TîJPmr KjmtJYPj KT∂á FTJKiT kqJPju jJ gJTJ~ KjmtJYjL Pfoj @Po\ KZujJÇTJre FmJr TîJPmr vLwt kPh @PVr hJK~fôvLurJ myJu rP~PZjÇ oMuf 15Ka kPhr oPiq FmJr KfjKa kPh KjmtJYj IjMKÔf yuÇ FKhPT Pksx TîJPmr FmJPrr KjmtJYPj 15 Ka kPhr oPiq 12Ka kPhr ksJgtLrJ KmjJ ksKfÆKj&ÆfJ~ KjmtJYjL QmfreL kJr yP~ Km\P~r yJKx yJxKZPujÇ IjqKhPT Ikr Kfj ksJgtL fÅPhr KjmtJYjL ksYJrjJ TJP\ Pmv f“kr KZPujÇ Kfj ksJgtLrJ TîJPmr xTu PnJaJrPhr xJPg mqKÜVf FmÄ jJjJ nJPm PpJVJPpJPVr xmtJ®T ksPYÓJ YJKuP~ KZPujÇ PxKhj Èu¥j mJÄuJ Pksx TîJm'r KÆmJKwtT xJiJre xnJ FmÄ KjmtJYPj PpJV KhPf xykJbL xJÄmJKhT mºM @»Mu oMKjo TqJru FmÄ @Ko FTxJPg mJxJ PgPT rS~JjJ PhA FmÄ pgJxoP~ PksJVsJo˙Pu KVP~ PkRKZÇ rJ˜J~ èKz èKz míKÓ ^rKZuÇ hMkr M xJPz mJraJ~ PksJVsJo ÊÀr TgJ gJTPuS PksJVsJo ÊÀ y~ ksJ~ PhzaJr KhPTÇ IjMÔJPjr ÊÀPf CkK˙f To gJTPuS PmuJ mJzJr xJPg xJPg PnJaJrrJ FPT FPT @xPf gJPTjÇ Frkr ÊÀ y~ FK\FoÇ TîJPmr xnJkKf, PxPâaJKr FmÄ PTJwJiqã fJÅPhr KrPkJat Pkv TPrjÇ kPr IjMKÔf y~ ks˚-C•rkmtÇ FK\FPor kr ÊÀ y~ UJS~J-hJS~J FmÄ PnJa VsyeÇ mftoJPj Èu¥j mJÄuJ Pksx TîJm'r xhxq xÄUqJ 190\jÇ FmJr Kfj kPhr \jq 168\j PnJaJr fJÅPhr PnJa kshJj TPrj FmÄ 2Ka PnJa mJh kPzÇ FmJPrr KjmtJYPj Km\~L ksJgtLrJ yPujÇ xyxnJkKf kPh, oJymMm ryoJjÇ kJatjJrKvk FmÄ Pja S~JTt KrPuvj

Pksx TîJPmr xTu hJK~fôvLurJ xKbT nMKoTJ rJUPmj mPu @orJ @vJTKrÇ PxA xJPg TîJPmr hJK~fôvLurJ fÅPhr S~JhJTíf xTu TJ\ FmÄ fÅPhr nKmwq“ kKrT·jJ èPuJ mJ˜mJ~Pjr uPãq krJovt KnK•T khPãk VsyPe CPhqJVL yPmj mPuS @orJ oPj TKrÇ PxA xJPg Pksx TîJPmr gJTPm FTKa Kj\˝ nmjÇPpUJPj xJÄmJKhTPhr @PrJ hã FmÄ

PxPâaJKr fJAKxr oJyoMh FmÄ TKoCKjPTvj PxPâaJKr kPh Kouaj ryoJj KjmtJKYf yP~PZjÇ @xPu KjmtJYPjr xo~ Pp PTJj ksJgtLr PoiJ, PpJVqfJ FmÄ fJr Tot hãfJr Ckr KnK• TPrA PnJaJrrJ fJÅPhr PnJa kshJPjr TgJÇ KT∂á FPãP© xJiJre PnJaJrrJ jJjJ KmmsfTr Im˙Jr oPiq kPzjÇ TJre FPf IPjT xo~ hKu~Vf FmÄ kJr¸KrT xŒ´LKf S mºMPfôr TJrPe TJPT PrPU TJPT fJÅrJ PnJa kshJj TrPmj FmÄ TJr oj rãJ TrPmj FKjP~S @oJPhr oPfJ xJiJre PnJaJrrJ jJjJ Af˜fJ~ kPzjÇ @xPu KjmtJYj oJPjAPfJ yJr- K\fÇ FPf FT kPãr \~ FmÄ Ijq kPãr krJ\~PfJ yPmAÇ Kfj kPh PnJaJrPhr PnJPa pJrJ FmJr KjmtJKYf yPuj

fJÅPhrPT IKnjªj S PoJmJrTmJhÇ PxA xJPg pJrJ KmjJ ksKfÆKj&ÆfJ~ kMj”rJ~ Pksx TîJPmr hJK~fô ksJ¬ yPuj fJÅPhrPTS IKnjªjÇ KmsPaPj mJÄuJ KoKc~J \VPf È u¥j mJÄuJ Pksx TîJm' FTKa GKfyqmJyL S xMkKrKYf jJoÇ KmVf Khj èPuJPf TKoCKjKar oJjMPwr KmKnjú hJmL- hJS~J S jJjJ AxqMPf CPuäUPpJVq nMKoTJ kJuj TrJ~ Pksx TîJm Imvq ksvÄxJr hJmL rJPUÇ @VJoL KhPjS Pksx TîJPmr Totf“krfJ @PrJ xKâ~ FmÄ VKfvLu yPm mPu @orJ @vJmJhLÇ hu of KjKmtPvPw Pksx TîJm KmPuPfr mJÄuJ KoKc~Jr xJPg IjqJjq pJrJ xŒíÜ FmÄ Tortf rP~PZj, fJÅPhr xmJr xJPg kJr¸KrT xMxŒPTt míK≠r kJvJkJKv fJÅPhr GPTqr ksKfluj WaJPf

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KxuKa nJAxJmr KZKa-99 @»Mu TJKhr oMrJh

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 07 February 2015 yJA\qJT TPrPZÇ F xÄVbjPT ßxRKh IJrm lJK¥Ä TPrÇ \j CAKu~Jo FmÄ SKuCr ryoJj S ßhv xŒJhPTr o∂mq: IJKo xm xo~ mPu IJxKZ IKnPpJVèPuJ KnK•yLjÇ oJouJ ßgPT mJh ßh~Jr Kmw~KaPT ˝JVf \JKjP~ mPuäj KraJKjtÄ IKlxJr \j CAKu~JoxuÇ KfKj mPuj, 22 ßo KjmtJYj KZu fáou M k´KfÆKªôfJkNet FTKa KjmtJYjÇ TKbj YqJPuP†r oiqKhP~ FA KjmtJYj kKrYJujJ TrPf yP~PZÇ KrJaJKjt IKlxJr KyPxPm IJKo rJ\jLKfTnJPm kãkJfyLj Im˙JPj ßgPTKZÇ IJoJr FToJ© KY∂J KZu TLnJPm FTKa ImJi, xMÔM FmÄ KjrPkã KjmtJYj CkyJr ßh~J pJ~Ç IJhJuPf KmYJrJiLj mJTL Kmw~èPuJr xoJiJj TrPf KfKj Pp ßTJPjJ xyJ~fJ TrPf rJK\ IJPZj mPu \JjJj \j CAKu~JoÇ F xŒPTt uMflár ryoJPjr hu aJS~Jr yqJoPuax lJPˆtr kã ßgPT FT k´KfKâ~J~ muJ yP~PZ, KkKavjTJrLrJ ÊjJjLr k´go KhPj KjP\rJA KjP\Phr \JPu ßVJu KhP~PZjÇ aJS~Jr yqJoPuax TJCK¿Pur ßckMKa ßo~r SKuCr ryoJj mPuj, KkKavjJrrJ KjmtJKYf ßo~r FmÄ fÅJr hu aJS~Jr yqJoPuax lJPˆtr KmrΔP≠ ßp ßjJÄrJ k´YJreJ FmÄ IKnPpJV C™JkPjr k´P~J\jPmJi TPrPZj fJ hM”U\jTÇ láamu FPxJKxP~vjPT Igt ßh~Jr IKnPpJPVr k´xñ ßaPj KfKj mPuj, KTZá frΔePT láamu ßUuJr mqm˙J TPr ßh~J TLnJPm FTKa TJCK¿u KjmtJYPj Kj~onPñr TJre yPf kJPr fJ IJoJr oJgJ~ IJPx jJÇ xJ¬JKyT ßhv xŒJhT fJAKZr oJyoMh mPuj, IJorJ ÊrΔ ßgPTA mPuKZ FaJ mJÄuJ KoKc~Jr KmrΔP≠ FTKa k´kJVJ¥JÇ KfKj mPuj, xÄmJhkP©r KmrΔP≠ KogqJ IKnPpJV C™JkPjr \jq IKnPpJVTJrLPhr ãoJ YJS~J CKYfÇ KfKj IJPrJ mPuj, IJhJuPfr oJiqPo FmJr k´oJKef yPuJ KjmtJYjTJuLj xoP~ xJ¬JKyT ßhvxy KmPuPfr mJÄuJ KoKc~J pgJpg nNKoTJ kJuj TPrPZÇ

fPm F TJrPj fJPT TKbj k´YJrjJr oMPUJoMKU yPf y~ mPu \jKmVx IKnPpJV TPrjÇ fJPT ßo~Prr Kao \jKmVa mPu metmJhLr xJPg fáujJ TPr mPu KfKj CPuäU TPrjÇ PxJomJr ÊjJjLr ÊrΔr KhPjA FA oJouJ~ KraJKjtÄ IKlxJr, mJÄuJ xÄmJhk© xJ¬JKyT ßhv FmÄ mJÄuJPhv láamu FPxJKxP~vj (KmFlF) Fr KmrΔP≠ IJjLf IKnPpJV k´fqJyJr TPr KjP~PZj mJhLkãÇ KmPvw TPr oJouJr hMA k´iJj IKnpMÜ ßo~r uMflár ryoJj FmÄ KraJKjtÄ IKlxJr \j CAKu~Jo yPuS jJaKT~ nJPm \j CAKu~JoPT mJh ßh~J yP~PZÇ u¥Pj r~qJu ßTJa Im \JKˆPx IKnPpJPVr ÊjJjLr k´go KhPjA KkKavjTJrLrJ \j CAKu~JPor KmrΔP≠ IJjJ xm IKnPpJV k´fqJyJr TPr PjjÇ FrA ßk´KãPf k´vú CPbPZ-FPfJxm IKnPpJV ßgPT k´iJj ToTftJPT mJh KhP~ ÊiM Po~rPT rJUJr oJiqPo TL oqJPx\ KhPf YJj oJouTJrLrJ? fPm FA IKnPpJVèPuJ k´oJKjf yPu KmYJrT KjmtJYj mJKfu TPr KhPf kJPrj, FoKjT ßo~r uMflár ryoJj IJVJoLPf k´JgtLfJ ßgPTS xJxPk¥ yPf kJPrj mPu iJrjJ TrJ yPYZÇ PumJr ßjfJ \jKmVx PTJPat metmJPhr mqJkJPr ßo~Prr KTCKx-r TKbj ß\rJr oMPUJoMKU yj oÄVumJrÇ KmKmKxPf ßo~Prr KmrΔP≠ FT TKoCKjKar \jq kKuKx ‰frL TrJr oPfJ o∂mqKa PmUJ√J KZPuJ mPu KfKj ˝LTJr TPrjÇ fPm F \jq ãoJ YJAPf rJ\L yjKjÇ FKhPT ßo~r uMfláPrr KmrΔP≠ F kpt∂ ßTJPat xJKã k´hJj TPrPZj 2010 xJPu KmkMu nJPm krJK\f ßumJPrr ßo~r k´JgtL ßyuJu IJmmJx,PumJr k´JgLt KyPxPm krJK\f xJPmT Kfj TJCK¿uJr pgJâPo hrx CuäJ,IJuJ CK¨jS vJyJm CK¨jÇ ˙JjL~ xJÄmJKhT ßac \MKr KuPUPZj, vqJcSP~Pur ßumJPrr krJK\f TJCK¿uJr k´JgtLt oJoMjr M rvLPhr \jq A≤JrPk´aJPrr k´P~J\jÇ xN©oPf VfTJu mMimJr A≤JrPk´aJr jJ gJTJ~ oJoMj CkK˙f KZPuj jJÇ xN© oPf ßo~Prr kPã FmÄ KmPvw TPr \jKmVx Fr KmrΔP≠ ߈AaoqJ≤ KhP~PZj 90 hvPTr ßumJPrr TJCK¿u KckMKa KucJr rJ\j CK¨j \JuJuÇ FZJzJS IJPrJ IPjT KmKvÓ\j ßo~r fgJ fJr xlu TJptâPor kPã xJKã ßhPmj mPuS \JjJPVPZÇ Po~Prr xKuKxaJPrr ß\rJr oMPU \jKmVx: \jKmVx oJouJr kPã xJãq k´hJj TPr mPuj, KjmtJYPj xoP~ fJr KmrΔP≠ KogqJ S metmJh IJKvsf k´YJrjJ YJuJPjJ yP~PZÇ fPm \jKmVx hLWt xo~ iPr ßo~Prr xKuKxaJr cJjTJj ßkKj KTCKx-Fr TKbj k´Pvú oMPUJoMKU yjÇ KjmtJYPjr IJPV KmKmKx xJjPc kKuKaé Pk´JV´JPo Po~r uMflárPT ÊiMoJ© mJÄuJPhvL TqJKmPja PoomJr KjP~ TJ\ TrJ FmÄ kKuKxr ßãP© mJÄuJPhvLPhr IV´JKiTJr ßh~J-KjP\r Foj o∂Pmqr Kmw~Ka IPjTaJ ßoPj KjP~ mPuPZj FA mÜmq KZPuJ ßmUJ√J ( TîJoK\) Ç fPm KfKj Fr \jq ãoJ YJAPf rJ\L j~Ç KfKj mPuj, FaJ IJKo Knjú nJPm muPf kJrfJoÇ IJr fJrJ ( ßo~r kã) FTJrPj IJoJPT FTKa PlJj Tu TPr muPf kJrPfjÇ KT∂á fJrJ IJoJPT k´fqJKvf IJâoj ÊrΔ TPrj FmÄ náu mqJUqJ KhP~ IJoJPT IKnpMÜ TPrÇ metmJh KmwP~ cJjTJj PkKjr ß\rJr oMPU \jKmVx ˝LTJr TPr mPuj, u¥j ßumJPrr KmrΔP≠ xmxo~ metmJPhr IKnPpJV rP~PZ, ßxaJ èrΔfôxo~ KmPmYjJ TrJ CKYfÇ 90 hvPTr oJ^JoJK^Pf \jKmVx Fr KmrΔP≠ metmJh AxMqPf TJCK¿Pur xJPmT PumJr KucJr oJATqJu KTg Fr KYKbr mqJkJPr \jKmVx xrJxKr KTZá jJ mPuäS CPuäU TPrj, PxxoP~ ßumJPrr Inq∂Krj ƺ FPfJA KfÜ KZPuJ ßp FaJ VOypMP≠r oPfJ KZPuJ FmÄ F TJrPj Fxm ßmKrP~ FPxPZÇ KfKj mPuj, IJKo Knjú FT \jKmVx ßxA 1994 xJPur fáujJ~Ç fJyPu IJkKj ˝LTJr TrPZj, ßxA xoP~S IJkKj IPVJZJPuJ mJ ßmUJ√J ( TîJoK\) KTZá TgJ mPuKZPuj? Po~Prr xKuKxaJPrr Foj k´Pvúr \mJPm \jKmVx mPuj, kMPrJPjJ TgJ FPfJPmvL WJaJWJKa TrJ yPYZ, KmVf KjmtJYPjr xJPg Fr ßTJPjJ PpJVxN© ßjAÇ \jKmVx mPuj, KfKj 1998 xJPu mJÄuJaJCj jJPor KmPrJiLfJ TPrjKjÇ pKhS ffTJKuj k´nJmvJuL ßumJr TJCK¿uJr rJ\j CK¨j \JuJu ( PumJr V´ΔPkr xJPmT KckMKa KucJr) KuKUf k´YJrjJr oJiqPo IKnPpJV TPr IJxPZj \jKmVx mJÄuJaJCPjr KmPrJiLfJ TPrPZjÇ rJ\j \JuJu 8/10Ka kP~≤ Ck˙Jkj TPr k´oJj TrJr ßYÓJ TrPZj, \jKmVPxr mJÄuJPhvL TKoCKjKar KmPrJiLfJ FmÄ kJKatr Inq∂Pr metmJPhr Kmw~KaÇ \jKmVx KjP\ ßTPjJ KjmtJYPjr KmrΔP≠ oJouJ TrPuj jJ? FA k´Pvúr \mJPm mPuPZj, hMKa TJrPj, Aˆ u¥Pjr Foj xÄÛíKf ßoPj KjP~A YuPf yPm, FZJzJ IJoJr IPgtr ( KrPxJxt) mqm˙J ßjAÇ fPm \jKmVx IPjTaJ ImJT yS~Jr oPfJ o∂mq TPrPZjÇ Po~Prr xJPg

yJPl\ oSuJjJ ßjxJr CK¨j @yoPhr rJP\Cj)Ç oOfq á TJPu fJr m~x yP~KZPuJ 72 mZr, orÉo fJr 2 ßZPu, 6 ßoP~ S IVKjf nÜ IjMrJVL PrPU ßVPZjÇ Vf 5 hvT iPr orÉo yJPl\ ßjxJr CK¨j KmPuPfr mÉoMUL AxuJoL S xJoJK\T TJP\ oNuqmJj ImhJj ßrPUPZjÇ F xoP~r ßnfr KfKj ßhPv KmPhPv IPjT oJxK\h oJhsJxJ A~JfLoUJjJ S xoJ\ Cjú~joNuT k´KfÔJj ˙Jkj TPr ßVPZjÇ ßxRKh @rPmr hJÀu AlfJr ßoJmJPuäV gJTJTuLj F hLWt xoP~ u¥Pjr mJaJrxL AxuJKoT FcáPTvj S AxuJKoT TJuYJrJu ßx≤Jr S oJxK\h k´KfÔJ TPrPZjÇ FZzJS xJCg u¥Pjr mJuyJo oJxK\h S TKu~JxCPcr hJÀu @oJj oJxK\h, VäJxPVJ S mJKoÄyJPor FTJKiT oJxK\h k´KfÔJ~S fJr CPuäUPpJVq ImhJj KZPuJ Ç KfKj ohLjJ AxuJKoT ACKjnJKxtKa ßgPT AxuJKoT KgSuK\Pf V´J\MP~vj xŒjú TPrjÇ yJPl\ ßjxJr CK¨j KZPuj f“TJuLj kNmt kJKT˜Jj ßgPT xhq k´KfKÔf ohLjJ ACKjnJKxtKar \Pjq k´go KjmJtKYf ZJ©Ç KfKj mJÄuJPhPvr KmKnjú Ck\JfL~Phr oJP^ AxuJo k´YJr S ßTJr@j KvãJr \Pjq o~ojKxÄPyr VJPrJ S KxPuPar oKjkMrL IûPu ßmv KTZM oJxK\h S oJhsJxJ ˙Jkj TPrPZjÇ fJrA ITîJ∂ kKrv´Po mJÄuJPhPvr VPmweJ S KvãJioLt k´KfÔJj vJy S~JKu CuäJy AxuJoL ßx≤Jr mJÄuJPhv, KmKnjú FuJTJ~ Ûáu oJhsJxJ S jJjJ xJoJK\T TJptâo kKrYJujJ TrPZÇ ßxmJ k´KfÔJj ßvæJr lJAP¥vPjr KfKj KZPuj k´KfÔJfJ ßY~JroqJjÇ fJr \ÿ˙Jj uãLkMr ß\uJ~ fJrA k´KfKÔf \JKorfuL hJÀx xMjJú y AxuJKo~J KxKj~r oJhsJxJ S @u oJjxMr A~JfLoUJjJxy IPjT k´KfÔJj ßTJr@Pjr KvãJ k´YJr S IxyJ~ oJjmfJr ßxmJ TPr pJPòÇ mqKÜ\LmPj KfKj KZPuj FT\j KjPmKhfk´Je ßTJr@Pjr k´YJrT S xoJ\ToLtÇ KjP\r @®\LmjLxy KTZá oNuqmJj k´TJvjJS KfKj xoJ\PT CkyJr KhP~PZjÇ ßk´x KmùK¬Ç

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KxPua vyPr \J~VJ KmKâ KxPua vyPrr ßYRKTKhWL FuJTJ~ 13 ßcKxPou mJxJ ‰frLr CkPpJVL ßhS~Ju ßWrJ \J~VJ KmKâ TrJ yPmÇ VqJx, KmhMq“ xÄPpJV IJPZÇ KajPxc Wr IJPZÇ hMAKa rJ˜J IJPZÇ oNuq IJPuJYjJ xJPkãÇ @V´yL ßâfJrJ ßpJVJPpJV TÀjÇ

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LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

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25 kKrYJuT: KmTJv mPyu (TMAj) jJ~T: vyLh TJkMr (yJ~hJr) jJK~TJ: TñjJ rPjRf (TMAj) xyjJ~T: ßT ßT ßojj (yJ~hJr) xyjJK~TJ: aJmM (yJ~hJr) jmJVf (kMÀw): lJS~Jh @l\Ju UJj (UMmxMrf) jmJVf (jJrL): TLKft vqJjj (KyPrJkJK∂) xÄVLf kKrYJuT: vïr-FyxJj-u~ (aM ߈ax) VLKfTJr: ßrvKo KxÄ (ÈoMxTJrJPj KT S~J\Jy'-KxKa uJAax) xÄVLfKv·L (kMÀw): IKïf KfS~JKr (ÈVKu~JÅ'-FT KnPuj) xÄVLfKv·L (jJrL): TKjTJ TJkMr (ÈPmKm cu'-rJKVeL FoFoFx aM) @\Lmj xÿJjjJ: TJKojL ßTRvu xoJPuJYT kMrÛJr jJ~T: x†~ Kov´ (@ÅPUJ ßhKU) jJK~TJ: @Ku~J nJa (yJASP~) TJKyKj: r\f TJkMr (@ÅPUJ ßhKU) KY©jJaq: rJ\TMoJr KyrJKj S IKnK\“ ßpJKv (KkPT) xÄuJk: rJ\TMoJr KyrJKj S IKnK\“ ßpJKv (KkPT) xŒJhjJ: IKnK\“ ßTJTJPa S IjMrJV TqJvk (TMAj) PTJKrSV´JKl: @yPoh UJj (È\MPÿ KT rJf'-KTT) KY©V´JyT: mKm KxÄ S Kx≠Jgt KhS~Jj (TMAj) Pk´JcJTvj Kc\JAj: xMmsf YâmftL S IKof rJ~ (yJ~hJr) v»V´JyT: IKju TMoJr S k´mJu k´iJj (oJrhJKj) PkJvJT: cKu @yuMS~JKu~J (yJ~hJr) @my xÄVLf: IKof K©PmKh (TMAj) IqJTvj: vqJo TMvu (èP¥) KmPvw kMrÛJr jmJVf kKrYJuT: IKnPwT mote (aM ߈ax)

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TñjJ S vyLh TJkMr

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Ên KmmJy! iJrJnJwqTJr KyPxPmÇ fJÅr KâPTak´LKfr TgJ IKmKhf j~, KâPTa KjP~ aMAaS TPrPZj IPjTmJrÇ fPm iJrJnJwqTJr KyPxPm FUj FT KdPu hMA kJKU oJrJr xMPpJVÇ KjP\r oMKÜr IPkãJ~ gJTJ ZKm vKofJn-Fr k´YJreJr xMPpJVS ßp ßkP~ pJPòj! dJTJ, 3 ßlmsΔ~JKr : YuKóP©r F xoP~r Ijqfo mq˜ IKnPjfJ @KrKlj Ên KmP~ TrPZjÇ kJ©L IKktfJ xoJ¨JrÇ 16 ßlmsΔ~JKr dJTJ~ kJKrmJKrTnJPm fJÅPhr KmP~r @jMÔJKjTfJ xŒjú yPmÇ Ên \JjJj, IKktfJ TuTJfJr ßoP~Ç KfKj lqJvj Kc\JAjJrÇ dJTJ~ @PZj @a mZrÇ FUJPj FTKa @∂\tJKfT k´KfÔJPj TJ\ TrPZjÇ 6 ßlmsΔ~JKr TuTJfJ~ IKktfJr kKrmJPrr kã ßgPT FT IjMÔJPjr @P~J\j TrJ yP~PZÇ FA IjMÔJPj IÄv ßjS~Jr \jq @\ hMkMPr TuTJfJ~ pJPòj ÊnÇ fJÅr xPñ

KmPvõr xmPgPT ksvÄKxf jJrLr fJKuTJ: 1. IqJP†KujJ P\JKu 2. oJuJuJ ACxMl\JA 3. KyuJKr KTîjaj 4. TMAj FKupJPmg(2) 5. KoPvu SmJoJ 6. KxKuj KcSj 7. IkrJy CAjPl∑ 8. \MKu~J rmJatx 9. IÄ xJj xM KY 10. IqJP†uJ oJPTtu

@rS pJPòj mz nJA oJyoMhMu @KrKljxy kKrmJPrr WKjÔ TP~T\jÇ IKktfJr xPñ Ênr kKrY~ yP~PZ mZr UJPjT yPuJÇ Ênr oPf, ÈfJ KZu ÊiMA mºMfôÇ FmJr kJKrmJKrTnJPm @oJPhr KmP~r Kx≠J∂ ßjS~J yP~PZÇ'


Arts ‘n’ Ents

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

Hawaizaada is a brand new film celebrating the Indian spirit of adventure and invention – as well as the country’s prolific freedom struggle – as it unfolds the story of one man’s dreams and aspirations amid considerable adversity. It’s a tale of unwavering daring, ingenuity and glory. Hawaizaada is the story of Shivkar Bapuji Talpade, an unsung hero, a vedic scholar and an expert on Sanskrit literature. He is regarded as the great Indian scholar who not only sketched out but also built the first ever airplane in 1895, eight years before the Wright Brothers (the US duo who were originally credited for being pioneers in the field of aviation). Shivkar Bapuji Talpade airplane was the first ever controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight. Though his effort failed, his work and research was never given its fair share of recognition or even mention. By way of this film, audiences will truly come to understand his genius. Inspired by true events, Hawaizaada has been masterfully brought to the big screen by scriptwriting duo Vibhu Puri and Saurabh R Bhave, whose previous critically-acclaimed writing credits include Hawaizaada and Guzaarish. Vibhu also makes his directorial debut and masterfully brings to life all the vibrancy, old-world charm and emotion of the narrative in a thrilling cinematic experience for the whole family.

Dreaming of the skies above

East London’s newest youth theatre company was launched at the Rag Factory on Brick Lane on the last Saturday in January. Purple Moon Drama is a Saturday workshop which provides performance training for 14 to 21 year olds. Artistic Director Cheryl Walker (above, seated, right) told London Bangla that it’s important to the company that students are shown the skills they need to find employment in the performing arts – and she let us watch a session where the students learned how to prepare an audition piece. It was obvious, when you thought about it – but how many keen students lose out because no one’s shown them how to think about it? The company deals with the core of drama skills too. It stands for diversity, creativity and personal growth, encouraging members to develop a range of skills that will enable them to bring energy, confidence and freedom to their acting. From the session we watched, we have to confirm Cheryl’s all about pulling the skills out of her actors, pushing them forward to learn for themselves – not telling them what to do. Cheryl explained: “Purple Moon Drama is about making young people more conscious and socially aware, and therefore empowered to positively influence not only the course of their own lives but also their broader communities and environments. Through our shared experience we will hone performance skills and bring to life domestic, familiar, multi-cultural and some of the lesser known historical narratives, which can be developed and transferred to the stage. “We are asking the community to support our local organisation by coming to see our productions. Any budding actors are encouraged to get in touch via the website as we have a number of bursary awards to give away which will enable some members to train for free. Brace yourselves for some of the exciting surprises we have in store!” lFor more information go to:

Purple Moon shines in Brick Lane

Hawaizaada features an ensemble cast of emerging and established actors, who all showcase their considerable talents in this thought-provoking and inspiring story. Playing the lead role of Shivkar Bapuji Talpade is multi-talented actor, musician and presenter Ayushmann Khurrana (Vicky Donor), who is joined by rising star Pallavi Sharda (Besharam) in the role of Sitara. The star line-up is completed by veteran award-winning actor Mithun Chakraborthy (OMG, Oh My God). The film tells the story of young school drop-out Shivi (Ayushmann Khurrana), who falls in love with popular rich girl Sitara (Pallavi Sharda). Their turbulent and tempestuous relationship does not run smoothly and Sitara decides to leave the city to spare Shivi any further pain. The heartbroken and dejected Shivi slips into a constant drunken stupor in a world filled with debauchery and sinfulness. His life is dramatically changed when he meets Shastry (Mithun Chakraborthy), a Vedic scholar, who inspires him to change his shallow, unfulfilled life. Shastry shares his life-long dream of making an airplane based on the principles of the Hindu religious texts, the Vedas. Hence begins the two men’s poignant, courageous and exciting journey, one a whimsical genius and the other a witty, crazy dreamer. The course of life and love never runs smoothly, as Shivi finds himself the perpetrator of the ultimate betrayal against his good friend Shastry. Will Shivi be able to redeem himself after his unthinkable actions and will he and his true love Sitara reunite and realise the life-long dream of his friend and mentor? Hawaizaada, was released on 30th January through Reliance Entertainment. Here, director Vibhu Puri explains what drove him to make the film. Q: As a new director, what was it like working on a film like Hawaizaada? A: It was great! Of course sometimes it was as hard as creating the first aircraft, but I was honoured to be offered the opportunity and I hope the audience enjoys it as much as I did! Q: We heard you did a lot of research for the movie, as not much has been written about Talpade. Is it true? A: Yes it’s true. I did extensive research as I wanted to gather maximum information about the scientist to give a realistic feel to the movie. I got in touch with some of his family members to get to know the man better. I also visited the research institute in Pune which holds a proof that scientist Shivkar Talpade actually flew an aircraft in chowpatty in 1895. Q: What made you create another historic movie just after the Chenab Gandhi project fell apart? A: When my dream project Chenab Gandhi fell apart, I felt totally shattered. Many friends from our film fraternity advised me to work on soft movies as they score well at the box office these days. But such movies don’t interest me at all. I always wanted to make movies which would touch people’s heart and make a difference to their lives. So I decided to go back in time to recreate Ayushmann Khurrana – Lead Actor I play Shivkar Bapuji Talpade, who designed the plane. He was a fascinating character both as a historical figure in India’s history but also as a human being. Vibhu Puri (director) offered me this amazing story of an unsung hero. The way he has fictionalised it, the way he has taken the creative liberty and added his own flavour to the story of a guy who made world’s first aircraft is incredible.” I didn’t look to do this film for the money. The film was having some trouble with budgets and I knew I didn’t want to charge for my services because it was worth it! There are some films you do to satisfy your soul, not your stomach. I would have rather paid to do such a beautiful film. This film look a long time to make because it was worth it. A lot of films get churned out but this film needed to have time taken over it. Vibhu insisted that we get it right even it took a dozen takes but if that’s what it takes to make a great film, that’s the price you’ve got to pay. He’s got a real eye for detail and despite the cast groaning about doing a certain shot over and over again, in the end you’ve got a great scene. In the future, when I look back, I’ll think of the time I spent with this team and on Hawaizaada. I also found the storyline fascinating. It was a film which I had to fully research to get under this man’s skin and be him. When you become a real life person, it’s very different to playing a fictional one, there’s something to base your character on. With films you get out of them what you put in. I put my heart and soul into this film because I truly cared about it. Pallavi Sharda – Lead Actress I play a Tamasha dancer in the movie. I think my character has come up very well –thanks to our director Vibhu Puri and my co

the life of a man who flew the first plane in India. Q: What motivated you to choose Bapuji Talpade as a subject for your biographical movie as against other famous Indian historical personalities? A: The very reason that not much has been written about the scientist Bapuji Talpade inspired me to tell his life story to the audience. I can say Talpade was a dreamer just like us. He taught us to try our best in life and never give up. I find his life journey truly inspirational and I am confident the audience will like him too. Q: Was it very difficult to find a right location to recreate the 19th century Mumbai? A: The hunt for the right location for the movie took a lot of our time. It seemed impossible to find a place to recreate second half of 19th century in present day Mumbai. We went all the way to Darjeeling, Kolkata, Oooty, Kalinpong, and many parts of Gujarat until we found Gondol, a little town in Gujarat where my art directors Amit Roy and Subrato Chakraborty built a Mumbai that existed when Bapuji Talpade dreamt his amazing dream. Q: Where you sceptical while casting the up and coming actor Ayushmann Khurrana to play the role of the 19th century scientist? A: I saw my Bapuji Talpade in Ayushmann. I was adamant about my decision though everyone around me kept saying he is too cool to play a 19th century scientist. Now, I can take pride in saying that I have proved them all wrong. And the credit goes to the actor for his sheer dedication and commitment to the script and the role. Ayushmann worked hard to completely transform his lifestyle, body language and speech pattern. He has took Marathi lessons from our Maharashtrian scriptwriter. Q: What made you change the movie name from Bambai fairytale to Hawaizaada? A: Bambai Fairytale was always the working title but as the film progressed, I thought that Hawaizaada was apt for it.

star Ayushmann Khurrana who encouraged me to give my best to the film. I won’t like to give away much detail on my role at this moment. I just want all my fans to go watch me in a completely different role. I got another chance to show that I can play these kinds of roles too. I believe I'm a versatile actor & hope that people would love my work. I come from a non-film background and to survive in the film industry, one needs talent as well as luck. Director Vibhu Puri wanted us to attend workshops so we could get under the skin of our respective characters. Both Ayushmann and I took our workshops together and developed a good rapport. Also, since we are both fairly new in the industry we would end up discussing a lot of our scenes and bounce ideas and opinions off each other which was very helpful. Ayushmann as a co-star is easy to work with and is quite a natural actor. I definitely don’t think that Hawaizaada will be my new start in Bollywood. After my debut in Besharam I just feel like this is my second chance to show that I can play different kind of roles too.

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015



Britain, along with other western countries, is often described as a pluralist state in which people enjoy freedom of expression, assembly, movement and religion. Freedom in the West operates within a tolerant context characterised by the great philosopher Voltaire who said “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to my death your right to say it.” Recent repeated and deliberate mockery of the prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in the satirical magazine Charlie Ebdo in the name of freedom of expression hurt billions of Muslims around the world and led to the heinous crimes committed in Paris, in which 17 people were killed in the name of religion. These events have raised the questions: lDo the people have or need unrestricted freedom to do whatever they want? lShould freedom ever be restricted to protect other people’s freedom? We utterly condemn the heinous crime committed by the two brothers in Paris in the name of Islam. They are criminals and have, in fact, provided disservice to the religion of peace, Islam. Islam does not and would never approve such horrendous criminal acts. This is not the way at all to show love and affection to the prophet. The best proof and the best example of showing genuine love to Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is to know him and learn about him properly and to follow what he said and did in his lifetime. The Prophet even loved those who hated him, hurt him and tortured him. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) won the hearts and minds of the people around him through exemplary conduct, outstanding behaviour and excellent manners. Having said this, we also strongly condemn Charlie Ebdo’s repeated initiatives to demonise prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and the attitude it has taken towards this, which has hurt billions of Muslims around the globe. West countries in general and Britain in particular have enjoyed a reputation of having the greatest amount of freedom, in which tolerance and liberty are the hallmark. For example, in the UK, the press, to a great extent, is free from censorship. People are free to criticise the government, and freedom of speech and expression are not only tolerated but actively encouraged. In many western democracies, the rights of citizens are enshrined in a constitutional document sometimes known as a Bill or Charter of Rights. The UK, however, has no such Bill of Rights in the modern sense, nor does it have a written constitution. Therefore, in order to discover which freedoms are protected and the extent of that protection, it is necessary to examine common law, statutes and the influence of international treaties and conventions to which the UK is a party or signatory. Once the extent of legal restrictions on liberty have been examined, the area of freedom which is left can be identified. Interestingly, most freedoms in the UK are merely liberties: a person is free to do anything which is not prohibited. That means there is no positive duty on any organ of the state to allow or facilitate them. For example, nowhere in the Public Order Act 1986 is any duty placed upon a Chief Constable to ensure freedom

Restrict freedom or risk anarchy of association and speech. The UK is a party or signatory to many international treaties and conventions. Among those treaties and convention, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) are most notable. There is a presumption that UK legislation complies with that part of international law which contains a number of human rights guarantees – including freedom of speech, expression and association – and judges are authorised to apply those treaties and conventions when they interpret or construe an ambiguous statute. Until 2000, the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) had considerable indirect impact on UK domestic law. English judges were, to a great extent, influenced by the UK’s ratification of the ECHR – although these rights could not be enforced in the domestic courts because the Convention had not been incorporated into domestic law. The situation has since changed. The ECHR was incorporated into the UK’s domestic law by the Human Rights Act (HRA) 1998 and it came into force on October 2000. The HRA means that we can now safeguard our rights – as enshrined in the EHCR – in the UK. Let us consider our rights under the domestic law and international treaties and conventions. In relation to the freedom of expression, Article 10(1) of the ECHR says “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.” With regard to the freedom of thought, conscious and religion, Article 9(1) says “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.” Similar provisions can be found in international conventions and treaties. For example, in relation to the freedom of thought, conscious and religion Article 18 of the UDHR says “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” In relation to the freedom of expression and opinion, Article 19 of the UNHR says “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” In relation to freedom of thought, conscience and religion Article 18(1) & (2) of the ICCPR says “1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his

Barrister Nazir Ahmed discusses the need to restrict freedoms which may cause offence – particularly when there is mockery of religion. Barrister Nazir Ahmed is a UK based legal expert, analyst, writer and columnist. He can be contacted via e-mail: choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching. 2. No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.” In relation to freedom of expression and opinion, Article 19(1) & (2) says “1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference. 2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.” Freedom of expression, speech, thought, conscious and religion are basic fundamental rights which are guaranteed by the ECHR, UDHR and ICCPR. Furthermore, political philosophers sometimes regard liberty as a natural right of the individual as against the state, which must be recognised whether or not, either in general or in particular cases, it is for the benefit of the society as a whole. This is regarded as internally connected with fundamental concepts of human dignity and the rights of each person to equal respect and concern (Dworkin, “Taking Right Seriously,” P266). Freedom of speech and expression are fundamental human rights and therefore an individual cannot be deprived of these rights for three reasons. lFirst: freedom of speech is essential to the discovery of the truth, as in Mill’s argument in On Liberty. lSecond: it is an integral aspect of each individual’s right to selfdevelopment and fulfilment. Restrictions on what a human being is allowed to say and write or to hear or read inhibit the growth of his or her personality (Barendt, Freedom of Speech, Oxford, p14). lThird: it is essential for the participation of people in a democracy, Brandeis J in Whitney v California. However, these freedoms and rights are not, and indeed should not be, unqualified or unlimited. There are some rights in the law and international conventions which are absolute and unqualified. For example, in relation to the prohibition of torture, Article 3 of the ECHR says, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” Similar absolute rights are given in Article 5 of the UDHR as “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” and in Article 7 of the ICCPR as “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.” These are the unlimited, absolute and unqualified rights, for these provisions are not subject to anything: they do not have “if”, “except” or “provided” applied to them. By comparison, freedom of expression, conscious, opinions and thought are not absolute. Rather, these freedoms are limited and qualified. The very laws and conventions which have guaranteed these freedoms and rights have spelt out and Continued on page 28

Barking & Dagenham Councillor Syed Enam Ahammad completes London winter Run 2015 Emdad Rahman A Barking & Dagenham Councillor has completed the first leg of his bid to clock up 100 charity kilometres. Councillor Ahammed has signed up to ten runs in his quest to clock up 100k for charity. Labour Councillor for Longbridge ward Syed Enam Ahammad completed the 10k London Winter Run 2015 on Sunday in aid of Cancer Research UK. He completed his run in 1 hour 6 minutes and 43 seconds. Councillor Ahammad works as a Gateway Assessor and Advisor at the Citizens Advice Bureau. He said: “I’m really pleased to have participated and my training has really helped me prepare for this run. This is a proud moment for me and my family. I will now focus on the nine runs I have left and request the support of the residents of my ward and also our greater community. Thank you to everyone for the kind words and support.”



LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

categorised the competing public interests by reference to which the rights to freedom of thought, speech, and expression may be curtailed. For example, Article 9(2) of the ECHR says “Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.” Similarly, limiting the freedom of expression, Article 10(2) of the ECHR says “The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.” In restricting the rights to the freedoms which it sets out, Article 29(2) of the UDHR says “in the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.” On the other hand, Article 18(3) of the ICCPR says “Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others. In relation to restricting freedom of expression and opinion, Article 19(3) of the ICCPR says “The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary: (a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others; (b) For the protection of national security or of public order (order public), or of public health or morals.” Although there is a long tradition of freedom of speech in the UK, it has been recognised that there are some areas which should be limited. For example, civil servants are expected to remain publicly silent. People cannot publicly demonise the monarchy in the UK. Can people publicly deny holocaust? Certainly not. In fact, complete freedom would be self defeating. If people had the right to do or say anything they wished, then this would destroy other people’s freedom. One man’s right must not be another man’s oppression! Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses affair in the late 1980s and Charlie Ebdo’s recent affairs have raised difficult questions concerning the unlimited freedom of expression in a multi-racial, multicultural and multi-religious society in the West. When Salman Rushdie’s novel Satanic Verses – which hurt the religious sentiment of Muslims in the late 1980s – caused a huge outcry, the matter was taken to the British High Court by way of judicial review to see whether hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims would be covered by the existing blasphemy law. The matter was heard in the High Court for several days and the case was reported as R -v- Secretary of State for Home Department, ex parte Abdul Chowdhury. The High Court held that the existing blasphemy law only covered the Christian religion and it was not extended to other religions. It was a matter for Parliament to decide whether to extend it to other religions. The UK has now more than three million Muslims. There are other religions (such as Hindu, Buddo) which have hundreds of thousands of followers. The time has come to extend the existing blasphemy laws to cover other religions for social co-existence, stability, and religious harmony. A few years ago a Danish newspaper published cartoons demonising Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), offending billions of Muslims around the world. Interestingly, three years prior to this, there was a request to publish Jesus’s cartoon in a similar fashion, but it was declined on the basis that it would cause a public outcry. Wasn’t hurting the sentiment of billions of Muslims tantamount to causing a public outcry? Shame on the one eyed or blind consideration of those people! There has been a long tradition of freedom of speech and expression in the West, but there are some areas in which should be limited. For a society to be free requires a large measure of individual freedom, but if freedom means “do what you like”, then this is likely to restrict other people’s freedom. Disciplined freedom can mean liberty, but unrestricted freedom could lead to anarchy, social instability and religious tension.

Continued from page 27

The London ExCeL Wedding Show 2015 saw a 14% increase in attendance since its last show in spring 2014 – bringing in an impressive 5,887 attendees over the two day show. The London ExCeL Wedding Show opened with a traditional cutting of the ribbon by Miss Kent, Millie Triton, and Miss Essex finalist Rianna Hughes, who both modelled stunning gowns provided by Wedding World Kent. Miss Kent wore a stunning Justin Alexander tulle and silk dupion ball gown featuring a strapless neckline, while Miss Essex finalist modelled a glamourous fit and flare dress by Maggie Sottero, featuring layers of tulle, Swarovski crystals and embroidered lace. Both of the beauty queens had their hair done by Bhakti Depala Bridal Hair and make-up done by Benefit Cosmetics. Brides, grooms and their wedding parties were able to spend the day browsing everything from beautiful wedding dresses and decadent cakes to fabulous gift lists and luxury honeymoons from over 120 exhibitors. Stunning dresses by retailers Mia Sposa, Polka Fashions and Wedding World Kent were seen on the catwalk three times a day together with elegant Mother of the Bride attire by Nigel Rayment and accessories by Sophie and Luna, IB Krystals, Sparkly Twinkles Boutique and Emma Floral Designs. The latest bridal hair and makeup trends on the Catwalk were provided by Benefit Cosmetics and Bhakti Depala Bridal Hair. Inspiration for the groom was provided by Burton, Jon Kruger, Moss Bros and Young’s Hire, making it a must see show for the whole wedding party. The UK’s no. 1 bridal coach, Michele Paradise, took to the stage in between the catwalk shows to share her invaluable advice

Get hitched - without a hitch!

on everything from how to walk in fabulous shoes to perfecting your pose for photographs as well as choosing the best dress for your body shape and improving your posture with her revolutionary Posture Wand. Freddie Entertainments also appeared on stage three times a day to entertain the crowds with their incredible renditions of everyone’s all-time favourite hits, including Dirty Dancing classic “Time of my life”. Commenting on their success at the show, Linda Dotch, coowner of Lincy Creations enthused: “We have been so busy today, we haven’t even had time to eat! The show is so busy, we have never seen so many brides under one roof! We have had such positive feedback from everyone we have spoken too so we are ecstatic! We have done smaller shows in the past but the calibre of brides and footfall at this show doesn’t compare. We have been exposed to a whole new market of serious buyers and we have made so many strong leads – we will be back!” lThe London ExCeL Wedding Show will return to London ExCeL Exhibition Centre on 30th-31st January 2016. For more information and to book tickets visit: Twitter – @ukweddingshows #UKWSLDN Muhammad Abdullah went to the UK Wedding Show for OnTV Station. See his video on: v=3dTaLtoLOVQ&

To inspire the next generation of South Asian communities in London, Capital Kids Cricket and London Tigers have come together with the support of The England and Wales Cricket Board, Middlesex Cricket Board and Essex Cricket Board to initiate the “T20 Asia Blaze”. The initiative was launched on in the ECB Board Room on 3rd February, with Shahidul Alam Ratan, founder of the competition, explaining the concept and introducing the team organisers. The teams – India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and a representative of England – will be represented by UK-based British Asian players, with one professional player allowed in each team. The teams will be selected and managed by organisers, working alongside clubs and community groups which are linked to the countries concerned. Jane Hannah, National Volunteer & Participation Manager of the ECB, welcomed everyone to the launch, saying “We will be looking forward to the build-up of this exciting competition and will support it through the county boards.” Jawar Ali elaborated aims and objectives of the competition, which are: lto bring top British Asian cricketers together; lto integrate the South Asian communities by encouraging different leagues to work together; l to engage businesses from South Asian backgrounds in recreational cricket;

South Asians on the cricket map

lto raise funds for the development of cricket among South Asians at the grassroots level; lto showcase young talented South Asian players and match officials in London and signpost them to wider opportunities; lto increase the percentage of South Asian cricketers who progress from recreational cricket to professional cricket; lto run this event annually and expand the competition nationally in the future. Games will be played in two groups at the Peter May/The Walker Ground, Southgate CC – a venue chosen to be accessible to the South Asian community. Games will be played on a league basis, with the top two in each group qualifying for the semifinals. Matches will be played on Tuesdays between 19th May and 16th June, starting at 5:30pm. A representative squad from all the teams will tour one of the South Asian countries in 2016 for pre-season training and further development. All teams will be auctioned in early March, and the winning bidders will secure the title of main sponsor for their respective countries for a two year period. l For more information about the T20 Asia BLAZE and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Md. Shahidul Alam Ratan, or 07748114811. lTo learn more about Capital Kids Cricket and London Tigers please visit:,

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

Arts ‘n’ Ents


Sir Bobby Charlton described Jimmy Adamson as a “tall, slim, elegant player who to my astonishment never played for England.” Adamson is Burnley’s greatest ever player. He was born in Ashington, Northumberland and made 476 appearances for the Clarets, ranking him sixth in the Clarets’ all-time appearance list. As captain, Adamson played every game as Harry Potts’s Burnley became League Champions in 1959-60. The Turf Moor trio of the cultured Adamson, Irish schemer Jimmy McIlroy and England wing star John Connelly helped the Clarets to lift the Championship by one point on the last day of the season after a win over Manchester City. The following season Adamson led Burnley as they locked horns with the cream of Europe. French champions Reims were sent home before England’s champions lost to the Germans of Hamburg. The boys from Turf Moor almost completed a domestic double as they agonisingly finished second to promoted Ipswich Town in the race for the Championship and losing to Spurs in the FA Cup Final. Adamson also skippered the team to the 1962 FA Cup Final – which they lost to Tottenham Hotspur. The mercurial right half was also named Footballer of the Year in 1962.

The man who surfed the Turf When Walter Winterbottom retired, Adamson, who was his assistant at Chile 1963, turned down the most prestigious job in English football. The FA then turned to the authoritarian Alf Ramsey, who himself had taken unfashionable Ipswich Town straight from the Third Division South to the League championship. Later Adamson even joked that his decision had helped England win the World Cup after Sir Alf led the Three Lions to World Cup glory at Wembley in 1966. In 1970 Adamson famously predicted Burnley would become a powerhouse of football – the “Team of the Seventies”, but a small club like Burnley had to sell to survive and this greatly impacted his vision. He was controversially given his marching orders in 1976 and took over at the helm of Sunderland before a further two tough years at Leeds United left him walking away from the game to which he had contributed so much. Adamson enjoyed and excelled for almost three decades at Turf Moor but it was all cut short abruptly. Author Dave Thomas wrote in Jimmy Adamson – The man who said ‘no’ to England that things began to go wrong at Burnley for Adamson in the year leading up to his dismissal. His decline accelerated after he left Sunderland and joined Leeds United. By the late 1980, he had simply had enough of the whole football business – of malicious fans, working under the shadow of Don Revie, unsupportive directors, and the sheer, never ending, day to day demands of running a football club. It all ended with the ignominy and stress of a libel action he took against Leeds United, some newspapers and his successor Allan Clarke. Although Burnley chairman Bob Lord – described by Adamson as “the megalomaniac dictator that destroyed the club” – is seen as the pantomime villain, it is strange that no one looked at the sour relationship he had with Adamson from his perspective. After Leeds, Adamson became a recluse and only returned to Burnley in 2011 to open a corporate suite named in his honour in the Jimmy McIlroy stand. By that time his health was in the decline and he had outlived his wife and both his daughters. His own mother had committed suicide more than half a century ago, after he had taken her to Burnley to be near to him. The elegant Jimmy Adamson remains a football great. In the

Emdad Rahman reviews Jimmy Adamson: The man who said “no” to England

For a small footballing nation, Scotland boasts a proud record of having qualified for the World Cup Finals on eight occasions. However, this fantastic record is also tarred by the glorious failure of never having reached the latter stages of the tournament. Scotland ’74 is a bitter-sweet celebration of the closest Scotland has ever got – so far, at least – when a team of superstars managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the dying seconds. Forty years on, it still hurts. For Scotland, the World Cup Finals in West Germany in 1974 promised much. Group 2 had a talented Brazil side with Jairzinho, Rivelino and César, a Yugoslavia line-up with hard-topronounce names for the non-native speakers and group minnows Zaire. The Scotland squad boasted household names like Billy Bremner, Kenny Dalglish, Denis Law, Peter Lorimer and Joe Jordan. How could Scotland not get to the second phase of the tournament for the very first time? Well, this is the story of how, astonishingly, it just didn’t happen – even though Scotland ended up as the only unbeaten team in the tournament. As history tells us, 1974 was a massive missed opportunity for Scotland, and Richard Gordon now reveals how it all went wrong in the days before the shambles of Argentina ’78 and the 3-0 humbling by Morocco in 1998. Drawing on archive reports and the memories of squad members, Scotland ’74 relates the story of that big adventure, encompassing a shocking start to manager Willie Ormond’s reign (a 5–0 beating by England), frequent player indiscipline, and, ultimately, the onfield heartbreak that left a nation in mourning for a lost opportunity.

Scotland ’74: A World Cup Story The ultimate writer’s handbook How To Write Everything, by David Quantick, is the ultimate writer’s handbook. It tells you about every aspect of writing, from having an idea to getting the idea out into the world and getting paid for it, too. It covers everything from journalism to screen-writing, from speeches to sketches, from sitcoms to novels. With thirty years’ experience as an award-winning script-writer, journalist, author and broadcaster David Quantick is ideally suited, as a writer, to write this definitive writer's guide to writing... everything. l“I taught David Quantick everything he knows. Here it is – read it and weep.” Julie Burchill l“The best a man can get “Legend “He taught the world to laugh “Some sort of king “He stands astride the world of entertainment, a comedy colossus “If this book is as funny as his excuses for being late to TV Burp meetings it will be a best seller!” Harry Hill l“Quantick doesn’t just make it look easy to write anything, he makes it look easy to write hilariously about everything. Damn him.” Hadley Freeman l“No chapter on ‘How To Write Quotes For A Book Cover’ but otherwise excellent and very entertaining.” Graeme Garden l “David Quantick is a brilliant and hilarious man, who has spent years writing for (and with) everybody, from Armando Iannucci to Harry Hill. This is a warm, thoughtful and incisive guide to all kinds of writing, and especially television and journalism. If you want to write, but aren't sure where to begin, or even which medium would suit you best, he can help.

golden 70s he fashioned a passing team that is still revered by football fans and the achievements of him and his team mates will never be repeated at Turf Moor – that is, unless a modern day oligarch takes over the reins. Dave Thomas writes an intriguing story – one full of unhappy memories, of hopes and of broken dreams. The Burnley legend was a football enigma, alternately affable, brooding and off-hand. A supremely elegant player of the ’50s and early ’60s, a title winner and a revered coach, his poignant story is one of broken dreams, failed ambitions and personal tragedy – a story of what might have been.


l“Clear, kind, funny, and full of good advice.There’s nobody better to provide it than David Quantick,who in writing terms is the quintessential jack of all trades and master of… well, all of them actually.” Jonathan Coe l “David Quantick has a medical condition whereby he literally cannot be unfunny.” Caitlin Moran l“This is the book David Quantick's publishers have been waiting for.” Rob Brydon

A thoroughly pragmatic and unpretentious guide for the perplexed self-starter.” Haynes, author of The Amber Fury.


Community news

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

Deng Yan San has been elected as Tower Hamlets’ next Young Mayor. She won 2,663 of the votes cast in the record turnout of 71.95%. A total of 10,775 votes were cast for the 14 candidates in the polling stations in schools and youth centres. Seasoned punters, watching her delight, could only cross their fingers and hope that this is one election in Tower Hamlets which will pass with only congratulations rather than grumpiness and challenge. Deng, who attends George Green’s school, was loudly congratulated as the newly vindicated John Williams, the Borough’s Returning Officer, announced the election outcome at the results and inauguration ceremony at the Town Hall on 29th January. Her two deputies are Shofiqul Alom (Sir John Cass School) and Monsur Ali (Morpeth) - pictured, right, with Deng. Deng is the seventh Young Mayor and will hold the post for two years. She greeted her victory by thanking her supporters, saying: “I am incredibly grateful to all of you who voted for me and put your trust in me – I will not let you down. Our team will hit the ground running, and we will help this borough shine. Project Forte, empowering young people in local politics and bridging the gap between young people and the Young Mayor, still remains very important too. I will work my utmost hardest to make sure I can fulfil all the promises I have made and even more.” Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, said: “This year we saw a 71% turnout which demonstrates the success of engaging our young people with politics and local democracy. I had the

Young Mayor election inspires record turnout pleasure of meeting the candidates ahead of the campaigning period and was extremely impressed with the skills and talent they all have. Every young person who took part should feel proud to have played a crucial role in the elections. “I strongly encourage all the candidates to stay involved with the council and I look forward to formally meeting and working with the new team.” Cabinet Member for Education & Children’s Services Cllr Gulam Robbani congratulated all the candidates’ dedication, commitment and enthusiasm throughout the process. He said: “The council continues to invest in our young people. A scheme like this allows them to stand up for democracy and be represented. I am delighted that so many young people came out to make their vote count in the Young Mayor election.” The retiring Young Mayor team spoke about their achievements over the past two years which included chairing conferences, hosting borough wide events and creating opportunities for young people. The outgoing Young Mayor also had the chance to take part in various debates at the House of Commons last year and has represented the young people of Tower Hamlets in meetings across London. The new Young Mayor and her two deputies will now meet with council officers to plan how they will deliver their pledges. lTo find out more visit or email

The future is bright for students from Tower Hamlets after Government figures showed an impressive proportion of the borough’s sixth-form leavers go on to university. The Department for Education released figures on 27th January showing the destination of Key Stage 5 students from across the country for the 2012/13 academic year. Tower Hamlets, with 65% going to university, was eighth highest in the capital and was the second highest among inner London boroughs. Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman said: “Congratulations to all the students on these magnificent figures. This performance shows that young people in Tower Hamlets can be confident that their first-class education in the borough will lead them to a bright future. For an inner-city borough to be performing so strongly is testament to all the tremendous hard work from everyone involved in education in Tower Hamlets. Our borough may be relatively poor but we are rich in high aspirations for our children.” Cllr Gulam Robbani, Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services, said: “In the past couple of years we have done a lot of partnership work with the Russell Group and there are currently Tower Hamlets students at Oxford and Cambridge. These developments won’t be reflected in Tuesday’s figures, so we are even more enthusiastic about next year’s figures.” Tower Hamlets Council has introduced a string of initiatives to improve the educational outcomes for local children, including funds which the Mayor has set aside to replace cuts in students

Mayor praises numbers going on to uni

support made by central government. He has also continued the school building programme, which culminated in the opening of the new Bow School (above). In December 2013 an independent academic report concluded that Tower Hamlets had “some of the best urban schools in the world.”

Tower Hamlets’ employment rate is the highest it’s been for the borough since recording began in 2004. The figures, provided quarterly from the Annual Population Survey, show that 68.1% of the borough’s population are currently in employment – a 4.2% increase since December 2013. Tower Hamlets is now fast catching up with the London average for employment – only 3.7% behind, compared to a figure of 6.7% last financial year. These plain figures, of course, only tell a part of the story. They are not broken down to show how many people are in full time work and how much of the increase can be attributed to people only being able to find part-time work. Those in work may also not be much better off: wages have been cut across most of the public sector and are stagnant in the private sector; cuts in benefits have brought down household incomes; and prices for food, fuel and travel have all increased. Nonetheless, the employment figures are good news, which was warmly recognised by Tower Hamlets Council – whose officers have been working hard to tackle unemployment in the borough through a number of ways. Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, said: “These latest employment statistics are recognition that our hard work is really paying off. We have helped a large number of residents into employment through services like Skillsmatch and Working Start, and we need to keep up the

More people in Tower Hamlets in work than ever

momentum to ensure our employment figures continue to go up quarter on quarter.” Shainul Islam, 22 is one such individual the council supported into work. After graduating from university, she came to Skillsmatch looking for help and guidance to find employment. Shainul said: “During the initial meeting with my job broker, my CV was updated, and I was also supported with completing application forms. I received continued support and motivation throughout my job search. The whole process was instrumental in me securing employment with Circle 33 Housing. I would like to give thanks to my brokerage officer in giving support and guidance. I would also like to give thanks to Skillsmatch in providing this opportunity.” Deputy Mayor, Cllr Oliur Rahman, who is also Cabinet Member for Employment and Enterprise, added: “It’s wonderful to see the hard work going on in the council reflected by these figures. We’ll continue to support and advise people who need help to access all the new jobs being created and help them get on a career path that best suits them.” Back in September 2014, Tower Hamlets was recognised for its innovative work around employment when it won the London Council Apprenticeship Award 2014 for its exemplary work with employers to create new internships and opportunities.

Community groups in East London are taking a stance against female genital mutilation (FGM). The Ocean Somali Community Association and Tower Hamlets Council are co-hosting a conference to mark International Zero Tolerance on Female Genital Mutilation Day on Friday, 6th February. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) refers to procedures that intentionally alter or cause injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. The practice is illegal in the UK. The conference will explore ways in which this harmful practice can be eradicated and how the community and council are supporting women affected. The UK is taking key steps to not only prevent FGM from happening but also to ensure that those who practise it are prosecuted. Speakers include a survivor of FGM, Hodo Ali, who will share her experience of living with the effects of FGM and why she has chosen to campaign against the practice. A representative from the Women’s Health and Family Services will talk about how they have recruited advocates to empower other women who have undergone FGM and help break the cycle of it taking place. Fiona Dwyer, the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) strategy manager for Tower Hamlets council will discuss how FGM fits within the council’s wider VAWG Plan. Fiona will also discuss how the council is working on a pilot scheme alongside the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) to help prevent harmful practices including FGM, forced marriage, “honour”-based violence and faith-based abuse. Mayor of Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman said: “We are pleased to be marking such an important international day in Tower Hamlets. This conference brings key people together and shows just how committed we all are to helping eradicate this practice and work together to end gender based violence.” lThe conference will be held at Oxford House, Derbyshire Street, Bethnal Green, E2 6HG on Friday, 6th February from 68.30pm. Residents are invited to come along and find out what leading campaigners and activists are doing to empower the community to stamp out FGM by working together. Admission is by ticket only: apply in advance on: l To follow the work of the Ocean Somali Community Association, go to or email lTo follow the work of the Women’s Health and Family Services, a multi-cultural community health charity focused on health and empowerment issues for disadvantaged women and their families which is based in Tower Hamlets, go to:

Zero Tolerance on FGM Day!

LONDON BANGLA = Friday 06 February 2015

Community news


Tower Hamlets Council will be encouraging everyone to take “time to talk” on 5th February to get more people talking about mental health than ever before. This is part of a campaign, led by national charity Time to Change, which aims to show that “It’s the little things which make a big difference.” It could be as simple as having a cup of tea and a chat with your friend, colleague or neighbour who might need some extra support. Time to Change is England's biggest programme to challenge the stigma of mental health consditions and the resulting discrimination. Mental health problems may be more common than some may realise: one in four people in the UK will be affected in their lifetime. Mayor of Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman said: “Tower Hamlets Council works with its partners to combat stigma and discrimination around mental health. We signed the Time to Change pledge last year and strongly encourage residents to start those conversations and support others.” Four short films have been created by volunteers wanting to raise awareness of mental health and to help empower viewers. Although all of the situations do not reflect everyone’s experiences, the films are meant to act as a talking point and prompt discussion. Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Services Cllr Adbul Asad said: “This day is another opportunity to highlight the importance of having open conversations about your health. These films are a great way for local residents to explore why mental health remains such a taboo.” One of the film’s volunteers, Sana Amos, shares her experience of getting involved in the project. “I came across Moving Pictures not long after my hospitalisation, whilst I was living in Crisis House. Over many years, I had been afraid to speak up about my diagnosis of bipolar disorder, not knowing fully what it meant.

It’s “time to talk” about mental health

Having faced negative responses very early on in my journey, I was aware those closest to me would not accept me and even I became too embarrassed to accept myself. I could not make the doctors understand that a label and medication without any selfeducation did not mean a thing. Depending on medications to stay ‘normal’– but how does one know what ‘normal’ is anyway? How was I to make others understand if I was unaware of it myself? “My personal journey has been the hardest but years of experience taught me more self-awareness that a book could provide. I became passionate to speak against the stigma I faced, fully knowing what impact negative attitudes can have on one’s life, and that sadly many others are also going through this. “This project gave me an opportunity to raise awareness of the challenges involved and hopefully provide a better understanding through a creative medium. By the end of it, I took part in Q&A sessions at the Genesis and Rich Mix Cinemas and was able to speak in front of a crowd on our opening day at Toynbee Hall. This was a huge confidence boost for someone who struggles to go out alone or speak to anyone. “All we need now is the voices of the survivors of mental health to be heard, and projects like these are allowing me and others to speak up.” Staff from Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham will be offering a cup of tea and making time to have a chat at Chrisp Street Market, from 10am to 3pm on Thursday, 5th February. For more information on local mental health charity Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham, visit: For top tips on how to improve mental health, how to get the conversation started and to sign up to the Time to Change pledge, visit: lFor further information on Time to Talk visit:

More than 60 residents from the Old Bethnal Green estate came together last month at the Minerva community centre to voice ideas on how to improve health and wellbeing in the area. The meeting was part of the Old Bethnal Green programme – launched last November which aims to support residents to find their own ways to improve their health and wellbeing, bringing communities together in the process. It has an emphasis on local projects by local people, recruiting and training volunteers and apprentices to support the programme delivery. The Old Bethnal Green programme is part of Well London, a programme funded by the Greater London Authority and Big Lottery which is being delivered in partnership with Tower Hamlets Council and Tower Hamlets Community Housing (THCH). Led by Mike Tyrrell, who grew up in Tower Hamlets, THCH has made a point of promoting healthy living to its residents with some excellent projects over the last few years. At January’s meeting, residents took turns to tell the packed room about their ideas for community projects, being alloted just four minutes to present their idea and answer questions. At the end of the session, residents were able to discuss and vote for the projects they preferred most Projects had to address at least one of the Well London priorities of physical activity, healthy eating, healthy open spaces, mental wellbeing and arts and culture. A total of 15 ideas were put forward including a parent and children homework club, martial arts, Zumba and circuit classes for all ages, days trips for older residents, cooking on a budget, and sew and mend classes to help residents repair and recycle their own clothes. At the end of the presentations residents were able to vote for the three projects they would most like to see happen. Many of the activities will be delivered by residents themselves, giving them an opportunity to develop their leadership and skills through the additional training opportunities available through the programme. Mayor of Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman said: “The Well London project is a great initiative that brings communities together and sees residents take control over their own health by gaining new knowledge and skills. It’s great to people pitching in to provide further opportunities and support to help improve a local area.” Cllr Abdul Asad, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Services, said: “This project is a great way to empower communities and utilise local expertise. It also provides a supportive social network, building on individual confidence and overall

Residents decide on health and wellbeing in community wellbeing.” Dr Somen Banerjee, Director of Public Health for Tower Hamlets Council, said: “The event brought residents from different backgrounds together for a fun and interactive morning. We look forward to seeing the successful projects help shape and benefit the local area.” The latest projects will begin running in February until at least June. lFor more information on the Well London Old Bethnal Green programme contact Shamim Hossain: 07956-513 729,

Mike Tyrrell (left) opening the Minerva Centre: a popular landlord, and a popular centre!

Nineteen gang members have been given injunctions for a variety of offences thanks to evidence provided by Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers (THEOs) around Wyllen Close, E1. Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers (THEOs) are a uniformed council service formed in September 2009, whose main role is to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB) and environmental crime. They work in partnership with the Metropolitan Police and have powers to tackle ASB under the Police Reform Act 2002. The location has faced an historic problem of drug misuse in the children's play area, alcohol related anti-social behaviour (ASB), and resident intimidation from gangs and gang members. Large groups of young people have also damaged properties as well as numerous examples of graffiti and littering. THEOs continue to monitor the area and have disrupted attempts from other gangs to cause problems in the area since the injunctions were issued. Residents have been reassured further with THEOs carrying out high visibility patrols on foot and working closely with the council’s CCTV team. In mid-January, officers working with the K9 dog unit helped on a number of occasions, to prevent drugs from being sold in the area. Most notably drugs were recovered from four males carrying a large amount of class A drugs including heroin, crack cocaine, ketamine and cannabis with a street value of £1,000. Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman said: “Once again the THEOs have proved how valuable they are in making Tower Hamlets a safer place to work, visit and live. They’re continued contribution to the borough fills me with pride and they are highly regarded by council partners – most notably the police.” Cllr Ohid Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, added: “The work of our THEOs continues to get positive results for our residents. They are a valuable part of Tower Hamlets council and work really hard to help the community to feel safer.” A spokesperson for Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers said: “We are very pleased with the work we have done in and around Wyllen Close. Our consistent approach and resilience has been effective and made a positive contribution to the community.” lAt the Cabinet meeting this week, the Mayor agreed to allocate some underspend towards acquiring some extra THEOs (if funding for the Multi-Faith Burial Ground permitted).

Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officers working against gangs

Five Bells Alley could be granted a new Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB). Following preliminary consultation, 84% of residents have backed proposals to see the public alleyway in Three Colt Street, E14 closed to the general public. The Council had initially consulted on a Gating Order, so it could install gates at either end of Five Bells Alley. It’s now going for the PSPO option too. Councils were given the power to make PSPOs in the AntiSocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act in October 2014. A PSPO can be sought if the activities it supports are considered to be detrimental to local community life. The public alleyway has suffered from criminal activity such as prostitution and drug dealing as well as ASB such as urination and defecation. It is also plagued by large items of waste being dumped and the continued attempted theft of copper wiring. The council’s Community Safety and Environmental Health services and the Metropolitan Police received numerous complaints in relation to the location before the initial consultation

Five Bells ringing in the changes?

was launched. This consultation was held with residents and businesses in early October 2014 and ran through to early November 2014. Ninety-two per cent of respondents have witnessed ASB in the alleyway. Mayor of Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman (left) said: “Areas such as Five Bells Alley cause a clear nuisance to residents in the surrounding area. This is the next step in using a new Public Spaces Protection Order to gate off the area.” Cllr Ohid Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, added: “It is great to see that powers given to us under recent legislation are already being put to great use. It is vital we continue to bear down on crime and ASB in Tower Hamlets.” Full consultation on the proposed PSPO is planned to take place in summer 2015.


AN ATTACK ON LUTFUR RAHMAN IS AN ATTACK ON ALL BRITISH BANGLADESHIS The mystery surrounding the election petitions currently being heard in the High Court continues to grow. On the one hand, we are told that the petitions are being brought by four previously unconnected but public spirited local politicians. On the other hand, the local political parties are turning out their leading members to back the petitioners claims – those that are still in the case, that is. As the case opened, two claims – against a football team and a local minority language newspaper – were dropped, as was the whole raft of claims that the Borough’s Returning Officer, John Williams, had committed acts in contravention of election law. Also remarkable is the reporting of the case in the mainstream press, which is remarkably uniform from newspapers unconnected with each other, carrying the same minor errors of fact, as if they were all being briefed by the same source (surely the four petitioners can’t have the time, so who is it?). Speaking of the press, it seems that some of its leading members, who have spent the last five years writing anti-Lutfur polemics, have stepped forward to give evidence in favour of the petitioners too. Make no mistake: this is a witch-hunt. It is a witch-hunt because enmeshed with every allegation is an assumption that a Muslim cannot have a sense of justice, that a person of South Asian origin doesn’t quite understand how the Brits do things, is “not one of us”. Of course one thing the Brits are very good at is miscarriages of justice. Some take years to unravel; others are still being fought. There must be no miscarriage of justice in this case. Everyone of South Asian origin, everyone who truly stands against racism, must stand up and be counted in defence of Lutfur Rahman and in defence of a community’s right to have its votes respected and accorded equal value as the votes of the indigenous community. The Labour Party is growing concerned that if it is too closely associated with the petition it will have to pay electoral consequences (as it did when it insisted on waging war on Afghanistan and Iraq). It should indeed consider whether it is provoking yet another backlash.

The Labour Party didn’t lodge the election petition against Mayor Rahman in its own name, but that hasn’t stopped defeated Labour candidate John Biggs from spending hours in the witness box trying to support the petitioners’ claims. He hasn’t necessarily succeeded, having spent much of the time arguing with barristers and getting confused. Still, two concessions at least have come from the cross-examination. lWhen asked “You agree, do you not, that some of the things that Mr. Rahman was doing in his capacity as the mayor were good?”, Biggs replied: “It is a generally well-run borough, yes. I have never said it was not.” lAn allegation from EDL leader Tommy Robinson, who said Mayor Rahman was “kicked out of the Labour Party for his extremist views”, was put to John Biggs, who was invited to agree this was “complete nonsense”. “Yes,” Biggs agreed. Perhaps the biggest surprise, though, was the lengthy exchange about racism in the Labour Party. Biggs, who had admitted that he was stressed during the mayoral election campaign, confessed that his comments on the TV programme the Sunday Politics were “clumsy”. Speaking about Lutfur Rahman, he told a reporter, “"All of these councillors are from the Bangladeshi community and the primary focus of his policy-making has been on the concerns of the Bangladeshi community.” While it’s good to get the admissions that Lutfur runs the Borough well and that he was not kicked out of the Labour Party for being an extremist, there’s still a great deal more the Labour Party needs to understand about institutional racism.

London Bangla published by Khobor Publication Limited, Montefiore Centre, Hanbury Street, London E1 5HZ. Tel: 020 7247 3006. Email: Web:

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