Art of creative thinking how to be innovative and develop great ideas cuppy libre

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Do Not Wait for Inspiration

KEYPOINTS The Depth Mind is a rendezvous. It is as if it is sometimes a meeting place between human thought and divine inspiration, issuing in genuinely creative ideas and new creations. That, of course, is only an assumption or, if you prefer it, an unproven hypothesis. Whether true or not, it may be a useful and productive strategy to act as if it were true. Creative thinkers of all kinds – including scientists – tend to retain a spiritual model of inspiration, if only in their awareness of an unfathomable and unanalysable mystery in how true creation or discovery occurs. You and I may have and develop a talent for creative thinking, but others clearly have a gift, which is something of a different quality and degree. Who is the giver? How is the gift given? What is its nature? How is it best preserved? Can it be lost? Do not wait for inspiration or you will wait for ever. Inspiration is a companion that will appear beside you on certain stretches of the road. ‘One sits down first,’ said Jean Cocteau, ‘one thinks afterwards.’ ‘The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery’, said Einstein. ‘There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.’ Develop an inner sensitivity or awareness, so that your spiritual eyes and ears are open to the slightest movement or suggestion from outside or inside, from above or


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