Fall 2013 Tower

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Lifelong Learning: Lifetime Partnership Introducing a New Home for Logan Alumni Going the Distance: Logan Takes Sports Science Lessons to Israel

The Future of Logan

Living the Vision

Dr. Clay McDonald, Logan University’s Seventh President


On the Nightstand On the Nightstand features a member of the Logan community and a book they are currently, or recently completed, reading. In this issue of The Tower, we spoke with Dr. Clay McDonald, president of Logan University.

What are you currently reading? The newly named Alumni & Friends House serves as Logan’s “home” for both Postgraduate and Institutional Advancement ... page 9

What is it about?

Features 4

Living the Vision: The Power of Choice


New Hope for Disabled Patients


Dr. Jon Carlson: Practicing Chiropractic Integration


Sports Chiropractic Takes Logan Faculty Member to Israel’s Maccabiah Games


Presidential Inauguration of Dr. Clay McDonald


Life Beyond Logan


Transforming Chiropractic Through Research


Under the Tower: Student, Faculty, Staff News


2013 Doctor of Chiropractic Graduates


Dr. Andrew T. Murray: The Last of the First


Postgraduate Seminar Schedule

The Tower is a publication of Logan University for Alumni, Students, Employees and Friends of the University

2 FALL 2013

I just finished reading Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler.

There are so many books about how bleak our future is, and this is a book about why it is not. It’s not about denial—it recognizes global warming, the downturn in the economy, depleting resources and lack of health care; but it’s written from the point of view that mankind has historically overcome these challenges through the role of both low and high technology. From the use of smartphones for health care in rural populations to desalinating water, the book offers real-world solutions that aren’t overly optimistic or pessimistic. It’s a very well-written, well-referenced and uplifting book from a few futurists that take a more global, holistic look at what’s next.

Are there any take-aways from this book that could be applied to chiropractic? Yes. Chiropractic is a low-technology health care. In third-world countries, musculoskeletal pain is just as rampant as it is in the United States. Here, it’s from deconditioning; there, it’s from lifestyle, nutritional deficiencies and hard labor. Chiropractic plays a very critical role, and books such as Abundance identify with that. We’re so focused on failures and overwhelmed by the challenges we face, be it health care or the economy. The fact is, people live longer here in the U.S., and we have better health care; but often, we don’t see that. We look obsessively for the sensationalism and failure. It’s important to get a different perspective on what’s going on around us.



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More than 139 students attended the Missouri State Chiropractors Association legislative day on March 12 in Jefferson City. The students spoke with senators and representatives about legislation related to health care, wellness and chiropractic care.

In August, StateUniversity.com ranked Logan University ninth in Missouri for campus safety, which also considers the safety of the surrounding community. A complete listing is available on StateUniversity.com.

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This year, Logan became the “official chiropractic college” of the St. Louis Rams professional football team. Logan is the only chiropractic college in the United States to have this type of agreement with a National Football League team.


Logan has utilized 50 acres of its 112-acre hilltop campus to create a championship-caliber disc golf course as a recreational outlet for its students to enjoy. The disc golf course, which was a studentdriven project, is open to the community.

Making a case of chiropractic in Missouri’s Medicaid system, Logan faculty members Drs. Patrick Montgomery and Cheryl Hawk, along with Dr. Carl S. Cleveland III, president of Cleveland Chiropractic College–Kansas City, testified during a public hearing in July. FALL 2013 3

Living theVision

The Power of Choice

4 FALL 2013

There are three constants in life ... change, choice and principles. — Stephen Covey

FALL 2013 5


Placing patients at the center of health and Logan graduates at the forefront of integrated health care. Seven students came together in 1935 to study the human body’s structure and function. They chose chiropractic for their careers and future patients. And they selected Dr. Hugh B. Logan, dean of the newly founded International Chiropractic Research Foundation—College of Chiropractic (later to become Logan College of Chiropractic) to learn and train. Their chosen path proved rugged at times. Back then, many obstacles—ranging from lack of insurance reimbursement and licensure to isolation within the medically dominated health care system—stood between chiropractic and the patient. But patients also chose wisely. And as the years passed, more patients sought chiropractic care and, specifically, Logan graduates. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports the chiropractic profession is expected to increase by 28 percent from 2010 to 2020, faster than the average for all occupations as more students and patients choose chiropractic. Today, 78 years since Logan’s first class, the Logan and health care landscapes have changed. The modern 112-acre Logan campus is now home to more than 1,000 students. Legislative wins, clinical research and health care reform have bolstered the chiropractic profession— positioning us to care for more patients and earn healthier reimbursements. For example, Section 2706 of the Affordable Care Act requires that insurance companies “shall not discriminate” against any health

provider with a state-recognized license. Now, for the first time, insurance payers must reimburse a licensed chiropractor treating a patient for back pain, for instance, the same as a medical doctor. With greater opportunity, comes greater responsibility. How will Logan University** help its students—past, present and future—realize current market gains and expand their reach to more patients who need a hands-on, comprehensive approach to their health care? The answer is rather simple: by preparing students to make educated choices.

Practicing Patient-Centered Care According to the National Institutes of Health, about four in 10 U.S. adults (and one in nine children) are using some form of alternative health care. The demand for care that considers the whole person and favors less-invasive, lower-cost treatments has garnered attention from health care and legislative leadership alike. A July 24, 2013, Kaiser Health News story quotes Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, who authored the Affordable Care Act’s antidiscrimination provision, as saying, “It’s time that our health care system takes an integrative approach … whether conventional or alternative. Patients want good outcomes with good value, and complementary and alternative therapies can provide both.” While the nation catches up with what Dr. Hugh Logan and his graduates have

**Logan University includes the College of Chiropractic and College of Health Sciences.

6 FALL 2013

known for nearly 80 years, Logan’s new leadership is committed to connecting future graduates with the opportunities that escaped their predecessors. “Today, chiropractic physicians “Today, chiropractic physicians increasingly serve as portal-of-entry, increasingly serve as portal-of-entry, primary care doctors,” said University primary care doctors,” said University President Clay McDonald, DC, MBA, JD. President Clay McDonald, DC, MBA, JD. “ “Our graduates are capable of practicing Our graduates are capable of practicing in in various environments, be it various environments, be it independent independent practice or a practice or a multidisciplinary setting. multidisciplinary setting. It’s their choice. It’s their choice. We are here to make We are here to make certain their certain their decisions are void of fear decisions are by void of fear them or ignorance or ignorance offering a qualityby offering them a quality education, handseducation, hands-on training, and exposure onauthentic training, and to authentic to and exposure diverse clinical settings.” and diverse clinical settings.” But whether or not to practice within an integrated health care system has already been decided. The health system has integrated. According to the American Hospital Association, the percentage of U.S. hospitals that offer complementary therapies has more than doubled in less than a decade, from 8.6 percent in 1998 to almost 20 percent in 2004. Another 24 percent of hospitals reported future plans to add complementary therapies. Before Logan students can practice within an integrated system, they have to understand it. Health care integration centers on the patient and doctor-patient


relationship. Designed to improve patients’ health and quality of life—as opposed to disease management—the model advocates for treating the whole person using all appropriate therapeutic interventions, such as chiropractic. Esther Sternberg, MD, a National Institutes of Health senior scientist and author of The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions said, “Patients want to be considered whole human beings in the context of their world.”

For chiropractors, the integrated care movement will continue to open doors for our profession and patients. “Ultimately, Logan graduates patientcentered, evidence-informed doctors,” said Dr. McDonald. “Our job is to prepare students for the health care market. We’re doing that by training students to practice in the 21st century so they may fit within the modern health care system—however they choose to do so.”

Prepared for the 21st Century The Logan vision calls for greater focus on students’ clinical competencies. “Our graduates’ success is based on the quality of care we provide and our ability to improve the quality of life for our patients,” added Dr. McDonald. “That’s why our students must demonstrate their clinical proficiencies inside our assessment center, working with standardized patients, to advance within our program and health centers. And, what we learn from our students and their proficiency tests will drive future curriculum changes.”

FALL 2013 7

L I V I N G T H E V I S I ON greatest lessons data from collection Logan’s clinical “More real-time and training is how to treat, co-treat clinicallyprogram driven research supports our and refer patients. clinicians, students and the profession.” “As regardless of Withchiropractic the Logan physicians, community’s keen focus whether we practice independently or with on the future and commitment to patientacentered, multidisciplinary team, we are responsible evidence-informed care, there is for the care of our patients—patients who one element of the Logan education that must navigate an ever-complex health will never change. system,” said Dr. Barrale. “If we are to serve as the primary physician, we “Logan will remaincare grounded in our have to be masterful at knowing when traditional chiropractic heritage and to treat, when collaborate and when practices,” saidtoDr. McDonald. “We just to refer to a health care partner … want our students and the world toand know to whom.” how much chiropractic has to offer if we Finally, Logan also plans to forge a are to make a difference in our patients’ deeper connection between its clinical and health and lives and within our health research departments, under the leadership care system.” of Dean of Research Cheryl Hawk, DC,

Once students pass their proficiency exams and progress through Logan’s clinical instruction, they’ll have greater choices. They can choose from 11 elective techniques and a variety of clinical settings. From treating our local veterans at the Veteran Affairs’ Medical Center-Jefferson Barracks Division, and the uninsured and underinsured patient population at CHIPS Health and Wellness Center, student clinicians gain real-world experience treating health disparities and complex cases. Some students prefer on-the-field action, taking their sports science and rehabilitation-based training directly to NCAA Division I scholarship athletes. And now, our students can treat patients with physical disabilities alongside their colleagues from the fields of physical and occupational therapy at St. Louis’ Paraquad facility in the city of St. Louis. (Read more about Logan’s partnership with Paraquad on page 10.) “When we can connect our students with patients at facilities like CHIPS or Paraquad, where they work in partnership with a health care team on complex cases, we’re giving them an opportunity to greatly impact a patient’s life,” added

Dr. McDonald. “This level of learning is critical for preparing students for the modern health care system. They can take the contemporary treatment protocols they’re learning and apply them with confidence to their future patients.” Ralph Barrale, DC, Logan’s vice president of chiropractic affairs, believes one of the greatest lessons from Logan’s clinical training program is how to treat, co-treat and refer patients. “As chiropractic physicians, regardless of whether we practice independently or with a multidisciplinary team, we are responsible for the care of our patients—patients who must navigate an ever-complex health system,” said Dr. Barrale. “If we are to serve as the primary care physician, we have to be masterful at knowing when to treat, when to collaborate and when to refer to a health care partner … and to whom.” Finally, Logan also plans to forge a deeper connection between its clinical and research departments, under the leadership of Dean of Research Cheryl Hawk, DC, PhD, CHES, FICC. “Logan’s research will focus on clinical outcomes and data collection from inside our health centers,” added Dr. McDonald.

Once students pass their proficiency exams and progress through Logan’s clinical instruction, they’ll have greater choices. They can choose from 11 elective techniques and a variety of clinical settings. From treating our local veterans at the Veteran Affairs’ Medical Center-Jefferson Barracks Division, and the uninsured and Living the Vision on the Road is an underinsured patient population at opportunity for Logan alumni to meet CHIPS Health and Wellness Center, with President Dr. Clay McDonald, and student clinicians gain real-world members of Logan’s leadership team, experience treating health disparities to discuss how we can further advance and complex cases. our profession and vision of placing Some students prefer on-the-field patients at the center of health and action, taking their sports science and Logan graduates at the forefront rehabilitation-based training directly to of integrated health care. NCAA Division I scholarship athletes. And now, our students can treat patients If Logan is coming to your community, with physical disabilities alongside their we invite you to join us.

colleagues from the fields of physical and “Logan will remain grounded in our occupational therapy at St. Louis’ Paraquad traditional chiropractic heritage and facility in the city of St. Louis. practices,” said Dr. McDonald. “We just (Read more about Logan’s partnership want our students and the world to know with Paraquad on page 10.) how much chiropractic has to offer if we “When we can connect our students are to make a difference in our patients’ with patients at facilities like CHIPS or health and lives and within our health Paraquad, where they work in partnership October 15 November 14 with a health care team on complex cases, care system.” Little Rock Marriott Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor we’re giving them an opportunity to greatly 3impact Statehouse Plaza at Camden Yards a patient’s life,” added Little Rock, AR 72201 110 S. Eutaw St. Dr. McDonald. “This level of learning is Baltimore, MD 21201 6:00 criticalpm for preparing students for the Reception and Dinner 6:00 pm modern health care system. They can take in Pinnacle Room Reception and Dinner thethe contemporary treatment protocols in the Promenade Room they’re learning and apply them with To learn more about confidence to their future patients.” Dr. McDonald’s vision for Logan, Ralph Barrale, DC, Logan’s vice president Please RSVP to Mrs. Toby Hall, toby.hall@logan.edu or 636-230-1924. For more visit www.logan.edu/livingthevision of chiropractic affairs, believes one of the information about these events, please contact Patricia Jones, vice president of institutional advancement, at 636-230-1905 or patricia.jones@logan.edu.

PhD, CHES, FICC. “Logan’s research will focus on clinical outcomes and data collection from inside our health centers,” added Dr. McDonald. “More real-time data collection and clinically driven research supports our clinicians, students and the profession.” With the Logan community’s keen focus on the future and commitment to patientTo learn more about centered, evidence-informed care, there is Dr. McDonald’s vision foreducation Logan, that one element of the Logan will change. visitnever www.logan.edu/livingthevision

learn more

Living the Vision on the Road

8 FALL 2013

learn more


What’s Old is New Again Creating new “homes” for Logan alumni and friends Logan’s former Postgraduate House is new again … and repurposed. The newly named Alumni & Friends House serves as Logan’s “home” for both Postgraduate and Institutional Advancement. This modernized space is dedicated to our alumni and friends— to gather, learn, network and grow professionally. This move also provides physical space for future academic growth, supporting our mission: our students. We hope to complete this project by Thanksgiving. At the same time, we have launched the virtual home for alumni and friends on Logan’s website. This website provides access to credible resources to help alumni and friends build and grow their practices—a place where they can stay connected. Please visit us now at http://alumni.logan.edu, and after Thanksgiving at the Alumni & Friends House on campus. Several hotels in the Chesterfield and St. Louis area discount rooms for Logan alumni and friends. Visit alumni.logan.edu/news-events to explore the hotels and make your reservations. For more information, please contact Vice President of Institutional Advancement Patricia Jones at 636-230-1905.

Visit Logan’s Alumni and Friends Virtual Home www.logan.edu/ alumniandfriends

FALL 2013 9


New Hope for Disabled


Partnership Gives Logan Students a Hand in Integrated Care Logan Tri-9 intern Ryan Brinker and Dr. Dana UnderkoflerMercer, associate professor in Logan’s Chiropractic Science and Clinical Science divisions, work with a Paraquad participant.

10 FALL 2013

I N T EG R AT I O N In 2012, Dana Underkofler-Mercer, MS, DC, associate professor, was driven to implement change: “I wanted to make my class better.” Her desire to incorporate a more hands-on experience for Logan master’s degree students enrolled in her lower extremities class resulted in a call to Melissa Smith, a Washington University occupational therapist and program manager of health and wellness for Paraquad in St. Louis. Paraquad serves as a non-profit community health and wellness resource for people with disabilities. The Center offers more than 30 programs and services to help its patients live more independently and actively participate in their communities. One resource is the Health & Wellness Program, a place where Paraquad participants can use adapted strength and conditioning equipment and work with occupational therapists and physical therapists to gain strength, endurance and maintain their level of function. “There are many things we can do to help a participant’s chronic pain,” Smith said. “But other things can only be helped in the form of manual treatment.” That’s where Dr. Underkofler-Mercer saw an opportunity to collaborate. “I thought Paraquad would be a great place for chiropractic: a place where Logan students could take part in rotations and provide treatment to Paraquad participants,” she said. “After all, our curriculum is the patient.” Last year, student rotations were put into place, and on July 11, 2013, Smith took the partnership one step farther: an on-site clinic. Each trimester, four Logan students in the master’s degree program, who are credentialed and have performed rotations at Paraquad, have the opportunity to provide hands-on chiropractic treatment to Paraquad participants. The clinic is open two days each week. The service is free to Paraquad participants, and eventually will be open to their caregivers and Paraquad employees.

Logan Tri-8 intern Shawn Bean adjusts a Paraquad participant. “The response we’ve received so far has been amazing,” Smith said. “We look forward to only growing the program from here.”

Enabling the Disabled Working at Paraquad is an eye-opening experience for Logan interns. Unlike the typical patients they treat on Logan’s campus, who for the most part are mobile and healthy, Paraquad participants come from all walks of life. They are individuals who’ve had strokes, spinal cord injuries or suffer from multiple sclerosis. They struggle with obesity, arthritic joints and failed surgeries. Many of them use a wheelchair or require equipment to move. The common thread is that they all seek a better quality of life. “Every single patient there wants to get better and works to make sure that happens,” said Tri-8 intern Heather Davis. “They are accustomed to having to work hard throughout their everyday lives and that transfers over into how they approach their own their health care and working with us.” Davis said Paraquad has provided her a new perspective on the possibilities of

what chiropractic, physical therapy and rehabilitation can do for people outside of the typical chiropractic patient. Paraquad participant George Spears can speak to the benefit of Logan’s care. After sustaining injuries in a motorcycle accident in June 2012, he started coming to Paraquad. Logan interns aligned Spears’ shoulder and have been working on range Logan Tri-8 intern Heather Davis performs shoulder treatment on a Paraquad participant.

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(From left) Dr. Dana Underkofler-Mercer; Melissa Smith, Washington University occupational therapist and program manager of health and wellness for Paraquad; Pamela Daugherty, certified occupational therapy assistant at Paraquad; and Mike Scheller, Washington University physical therapist assistant. of motion and mobility. After just a few treatments, Spears said he has already noticed a positive difference. “It’s a great service they’re providing, so I’m going to keep coming,” he said. “I don’t want to miss an opportunity to get better.”

Mike Scheller, a physical therapist assistant at Washington University, also believes in the benefits of a team approach to health care.

Thanks to the foresight, and a push, from Dr. David Gray of Washington University’s School of Medicine Program in Occupational Therapy, Scheller helped open the gym at Paraquad in 2006 and has been working with participants ever since. He said personal connections made at Paraquad are impacting the health and well-being of participants, and partnering with Logan took the facility to a whole new level. “We had a lot of unmet needs and Logan has allowed us to develop strength and endurance as part of the Health & Wellness Program,” Scheller said. “Are we seeing miracles? No, but it’s the smaller victories, like the participant who is no longer diabetic or the participant who got a job. You can’t measure that kind of success.” And success does come in various forms. Logan Tri-8 intern Shawn Bean was assigned a patient who spent three months without moving out of her wheelchair. The pain in her arms forced her to get help from students working at the Logan clinic

An Integrated Environment Paraquad is as much a place to help participants learn to adapt to their environments as it is a place for Logan students to learn the benefits of working in an integrated health care setting. Certain situations may require the help of an occupational therapist (OT), a nutritionist or a physical therapist (PT), whether it’s transferring a patient or offering an opinion or analysis. Paraquad is where they all come together to provide the best outcome for participants. “Anytime we can get an OT, a DC and a PT together, it’s going to benefit the patient to a higher level,” said Tri-9 Logan intern Ryan Brinker. “The volume of diversity that comes along with working at Paraquad is invaluable, and it’s rewarding to see the benefit of the work being performed here.” 12 FALL 2013

Aaron Murray, April 2013 Logan graduate of the master’s in Sports Science and Rehabilitation program, and disabled Paraquad participant, who is helping bridge connections between Logan and Paraquad.

I N T EG R AT I O N at Paraquad. After providing several adjustments, Bean was able to get the participant out of the wheelchair and lying flat on her back. “Every patient is a new challenge and it offers the biggest learning experience you can imagine,” he said.

The Possibilities of What Next The expansion of Logan’s presence at Paraquad is already in sight. Renovation is underway for a larger state-of-the-art gym that will eventually house the Health & Wellness Program. And Dr. Underkofler-Mercer hopes to have the Logan clinic open to participants five days a week. “There is so much we can expand on, from bringing more Logan students on-site to earning grants to help Paraquad grow,” she said. “We already have research in progress, and we are working with Dr. Cheryl Hawk (Logan’s dean of research) on helping collect endurance levels, blood pressure and heart rates for studies on fatigue in disabled individuals.” Another individual helping bridge the Logan-Paraquad connection is Aaron Murray, April 2013 Logan graduate of the master’s in Sports Science and Rehabilitation program and a disabled Paraquad participant. He not only seeks treatment from Logan students, but he volunteers at Paraquad, working with participants and conducting data entry on how physical fitness improves disabled individuals. Murray’s connection to Logan makes him a natural for building relationships at Paraquad. “I constantly refer participants to Logan,” he said, adding that it’s important for Logan students to practice chiropractic with various demographics. Smith couldn’t be more proud of how far Paraquad has come in just the past year. “When you think about the collaboration taking place here at Paraquad, it really makes our facility and our partnerships unique,” Smith said. “These collaborations are giving us insight into the potential our participants can reach.”

Logan’s Radiology Department Strengthens Connection to Spain A partnership that connected Logan University to an academic institution more than 4,400 miles away is expanding. This fall, Logan will send Assistant Professor Daniel Haun, DC, DACBR, to the Real Centro Universitario (RCU) Escorial Maria Cristina in Madrid, Spain, to teach chiropractic students about diagnostic ultrasounds. For years, the 121-year-old university, which offers degree programs in law, business administration and chiropractic, has operated without access to a board-certified chiropractic radiologist. After visiting Logan in 2011, RCU Dr. Daniel Haun principals invited Logan to send a professor from the department of advanced imaging to Madrid for a series of three, week-long lecture sessions. Dr. Gary Guebert served as the first Logan representative, teaching 20 Spanish chiropractic students the fundamentals of chiropractic radiology, including advanced imaging of the spine, upper extremities and lower extremities. This year, RCU once again extended an invitation to Logan asking for three, weeklong sessions focusing on diagnostic ultrasounds, an area of speciality for Dr. Haun. Dr. Haun, an April 2004 Logan graduate, completed a three-year residency in diagnostic imaging and a two-year fellowship in advanced imaging at Logan before teaching on campus. He is an expert in diagnostic imaging, disorders of the peripheral nervous system, clinical research and chiropractic education, and has been published in five chiropractic journals. Dr. Haun said he is honored to advance chiropractic and diagnostic imaging globally. “I’m looking forward to meeting the RCU students and seeing their point of view on chiropractic as well as how chiropractic is practiced in Europe,” he said. Through the Internet, Dr. Haun will log in remotely to view Logan’s digital X-ray archive and show RCU students diagnostic ultrasounds in real time. His curriculum will highlight advanced images he regularly sees in practice, including MRIs of spines and diagnostic ultrasounds of joints in lower extremities, shoulders, ankles and wrists. “Without access to a radiology course, the RCU students have little working knowledge of how images are taken, specifically with X-rays and radiology,” Haun said. “Advanced imaging is new ground for them and I hope to make an impact in this area.” Dr. Haun will visit RCU in October and November 2013 as well as in January 2014.

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are they


Dr. Jon Carlson

Practicing Chiropractic Integration 14 FALL 2013

From the time he was a Logan student, Jon Carlson, DC, CCSPR, was certain of one thing: Patient-centered care requires integration. He believed in a care model where a dedicated health team would practice with one focus: the patient. And his career goals centered on placing chiropractic as a centerpiece of a collaborative sports medicine team. “If we’re truly practicing patient-centered care then we must collaborate with other health care providers and avoid isolation,” he said. “In an integrated role, you work together with other providers to do what’s best for the patient—helping patients meet their health and performance goals.” After earning his Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Logan in April 2009, Dr. Carlson began building his

professional resume, working to earn a position on an integrated health care team. He became a Board Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician in April 2011, and sought opportunities to work with spine and sports medicine surgeons. While in private practice, he traveled whenever possible to participate in integrated sports medicine programs that offered athletes both chiropractic and medical protocols. Before long, Dr. Carlson became an independent contractor for Pennsylvania State University Wrestling. He served as the official sports chiropractor for the Nittany Lion Wrestling Club, a USA Wrestling regional training center; and for Team Puerto Rico. Dr. Carlson also worked with the integrated health teams for USA Pro Beach Volleyball and several other collegiate teams. His experience working with these programs developed his understanding and appreciation of the integrated sports medicine model. “I was like the hub of a wagon wheel, helping link health care providers—from pain management and athletic trainers to physical therapists and surgeons—to achieve the best patient outcomes,” he said. His experiences treating athletes and working as part of an integrated health team led him to London for the 2012 Olympic Games. There, at the world’s greatest sporting event, he kept his wrestlers on the mat with chiropractic care. After three years of traveling, networking, presenting at universities and meeting with leadership from private health care systems, Dr. Carlson achieved his career goal. On August 1, Integrated Sports Medicine and Spine debuted at the DuBois Regional Medical Center in Pennsylvania, the first integrated chiropractic and medical program in the area—a program Dr. Carlson created.


(Pictured above) The DRMC Integrated Sports Medicine and Spine Team including (back row) Greg Carpenter, PA-C; Jon Carlson, DC, CCSP; Dr. Martin Gillespie, MD (orthopedic surgeon); and Kristine Foltz, MS, LAT, ATC; (front row) Alyssa Hannah, PA-C/LAT/ATC, and Peggy Fillinger, MS/LAT/ATC. Not pictured Dr. Spring McCann, MD (Interventional Spine Care and Pain Management). From within the Penn Highlands Healthcare system, which includes five western Pennsylvania area hospitals, Dr. Carlson works with sports medicine, orthopedic surgeons, spinal surgeons and pain management providers. And here, no typical day exists. From treating back-pain referrals from the ER to routing patients for surgical consults when necessary, Dr. Carlson’s focus is the patient—helping them navigate the modern health system. By utilizing the integrated or team approach to patient care, patients are provided with heath options that would

typically not exist in a stand-alone system, he said. “I’ve learned that if you’re going to work within the integrated health system, you need to have a good working relationship with all the players,” he said. “My education and professional experiences gave me the competitive edge I needed to meet my professional goals and, most importantly, patients’ health needs.” Patients deserve a game plan, he said, and surrounding them with a collaborative health care team is patient-centered care in practice.

“Working with other health providers ensures patients access the right care at the right time,” he said. “There’s no doubt in my mind, working as a team improves patient outcomes.” Dr. Carlson entered a three-year contract with Penn Highlands Healthcare. If all goes as planned, he hopes to hire additional sports chiropractors and open satellite clinics within the system’s four partner hospitals.

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Sports Chiropractic Takes Logan Faculty Member to Israel’s Maccabiah Games Logan made its presence known halfway around the world this summer, as one faculty member joined more than 9,000 Jewish athletes at the world’s third-largest international sporting competition.

Dr. Connie Hayes The quadrennial Maccabiah Games in Israel set the stage for 46 events involving athletes from more than 70 countries. It also opened the door for many sports medicine and chiropractic physicians, including Logan’s own Connie Hayes, DC, assistant director of BIOFREEZE® Sports & Rehabilitation Center, to treat athletes. Dr. Hayes’ participation in the Maccabiah Games came at the invitation of December 1992 Logan graduate Dr. Richard Gakner, who practices chiropractic near Tel Aviv. Dr. Hayes first met Dr. Gakner when she spoke at the 2012 Federal International Chiropractic Conference in Israel to teach a sports symposium. Dr. Gakner, who serves as vice president of the Israeli Chiropractic Society and cofounded the Israeli Chiropractic Sports Council, has been instrumental in advancing the chiropractic profession in Israel with the goal of establishing Israel’s first chiropractic college. “Unlike the United States, chiropractors are not granted the title doctor in Israel,” Dr. Hayes said. “All the practicing DCs in Israel have earned their degrees abroad.” Yet, according to Dr. Gakner, there is a demand for primary health care professions in the neuromusculoskeletal field. With Dr. Gakner serving as the chiropractic coordinator for the Maccabiah Games in 2005 and 2009, as well as this year, Dr. Hayes was one of several U.S. sports chiropractors invited to treat athletes during the competition. Her counterparts included chiropractic 16 FALL 2013

physicians from Israel and South Africa, as well as chiropractic students from the University of Western States in Oregon. “I’m always game for traveling and treating athletes, but in a different county and at a new venue, you’re a little bit on your own,” Hayes said, adding that she quickly learned there was no time for fear. “You’re there for the athletes. You go to where they are.” Time and time again, she encountered athletes who had no prior experience with chiropractic care; but each time she treated an athlete, they were amazed with the results. For 10 days, Dr. Hayes immersed herself in treating athletes competing in kayak, tennis, judo, swimming, track and field, rugby and soccer. The experience, she said, was inspiring and unforgettable. “I was working with the karate team when an injured Swedish soccer athlete came over me and said, ‘I heard you’re the person I’m supposed to see because you’re really good’,” Hayes said. “I adjusted her low back, and she felt immensely better. Then she asked if I could come to her soccer game.” Dr. Hayes couldn’t say no. At the arena, Dr. Hayes wasted no time treating sprains of athletes on the sidelines and getting them back on the field. Impressed with Dr. Hayes’ work, the team’s physical therapist started sending over more young women with injuries. With Hayes at their aid, they received instant relief. “The kinds of treatment that seem basic to us were game-changers for these athletes,” she said. Dr. Hayes was thanked with T-shirts, athletic gear and invitations to dinner, but for her, the only gratitude she needed

came in the form of satisfied athletes. “I like to work long and hard. It’s fuel to me.” Wherever she went, Dr. Hayes made connections; most of the time with athletes or counterparts, but sometimes with spectators, such as a wheelchair-bound South African woman who asked if Dr. Hayes could provide dynamic neuromuscular stimulation. She treated her on the spot. And on one occasion, Dr. Hayes took on the role of track coach and sports psychologist as she helped a young Canadian track and field athlete prepare for a relay. Following the race, the athlete’s parents tracked her down to thank her for building their son’s confidence. It was a profound moment for Dr. Hayes. “That is what I work for,” she said. Dr. Hayes said attending the Maccabiah Games was truly an eye-opening experience, and it is her hope that Logan’s relationship with Israel continues as Dr. Gakner and others work to further institutionalize chiropractic. “I believe Logan will be a part of that vision in helping establish a presence in places where chiropractic is not yet prevalent,” she said. Dr. Hayes is an April 2000 Logan graduate.

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To view photos from Dr. Hayes’ trip and read about another Logan graduate’s involvement in the Maccabiah Games, visit www.logan.edu.


Building Bridges

to Chiropractic Care


Dr. Linda Wheatland Smith today (above) and at her graduation from Logan in 1982 (at left).

he need for chiropractic-based care has never been greater. This belief, held by Linda Wheatland Smith, DC, PC, inspires her to build professional bridges that connect patients and health providers to chiropractic’s benefits. As a guest lecturer and research collaborator for Washington University’s Program in Physical Therapy since 1989 and the “Alternative Skills” course instructor for Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Dr. Smith links future health care providers to accurate information about chiropractic. Through her efforts to educate and collaborate, she hopes future chiropractors can spend less time knocking down barriers and more of their energies treating patients in the integrated health system. Dr. Smith also advances the profession as a donor and member of Logan’s Benefactors’ Circle. “Teaching provides one way that I can give back to Logan,” she said. “Through my financial contributions, I can help Logan retain and attract the industry’s top faculty, who are critical for ensuring students’ clinical advancements. We have to equip our students with the training and protocols to effectively manage patients’ care and the communications skills to engage with other health care professionals.”

donate Online at www.logan.edu or by contacting Patricia Jones at 636-230-1905

FALL 2013 17


1. Steven C. Roberts, JD, LLM and Chair, Board of Trustees, presents the medallion to Dr. Clay McDonald.

The Presidential Inauguration of Dr. Clay McDonald

2. Logan Student Ambassadors greet guests at Dr. McDonald’s Inauguration. 3. Louis Sportelli, DC and President, NCMIC Group, Inc. delivers the keynote address.

June 14, 2013

4. Dr. Clay McDonald and Logan University’s Board of Trustees. 1


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5. Dr. Clay and Mrs. Terry McDonald enjoying the evening’s festivities. 6. Student Doctors’ Council member, Raquel Grogan-Webb, leads ceremony members, including presidents of several other chiropractic colleges and universities. 7. Student Doctors’ Council member Delia Hobbins 8. Paul Henry, DC and Board of Trustee Member

Inauguration Gala at the Ritz-Carlton

9. Dr. McDonald and members of the Logan Cabinet 5





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Inauguration Gala at the Ritz-Carlton (CONTINUED)

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Dr. David Parish, Director of the BIOFREEZE® Sports & Rehabilitation Center Meet David Parish, DC, CSCS, DACBSP. Husband and father. Athlete and coach. Chiropractor and, now, director of Logan’s BIOFREEZE® Sports & Rehabilitation Center. This Crossett, Ark., native originally intended to practice dentistry. But after taking his dental boards (and even enrolling at Indiana University), his close friend—and a chiropractic student—convinced the former college football player to go the distance with his love of sports and sports medicine. Following his 1984 graduation from National College of Chiropractic (now National University) in Lombard, Ill., Dr. Parish practiced in southern Indiana and served as a team doctor for local high schools. A move to live closer to family led him to Chicago, where he established his own practice. “After a couple of years in Chicago, I started as a clinician at National,” he said. “During that time, I got the opportunity to work at gymnastics and rowing championships as well as men and women’s pro beach volleyball tournaments. I was even a professional rodeo clinician with Dr. Laney Nelson back in the day.” Once again, a friend in chiropractic—this time Dr. Nelson (founder and former director of the BIOFREEZE® Sports & Rehabilitation Center)—would push him to consider a new game plan. Already familiar with Logan through teaching for the postgraduate sports medicine program, Dr. Parish took his friends advice and applied to Logan. “Everyone I spoke with was just so positive about what was going on here, so positive about what BIOFREEZE® brings to Logan. I knew that if I had the opportunity to become director, I was definitely going to take it.” As Logan’s newest director, Dr. Parish plans to combine the chiropractic and sports rehabilitation models to reach more patients and improve their outcomes. His hands-on educational approach is designed to improve students’ clinical performance, helping them transition to real-world practice. “We have so many great programs that we want to keep current with, but at the same time, we want to expand into some new programs, such as Paraquad and Paralympic athlete programs.”

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Dr. Laney Nelson Returns to Private Practice

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To view photos from Dr. Nelson’s career, visit www.logan.edu

Dr. Clay McDonald and Dr. Laney Nelson (right) at Logan’s August 2013 commencement ceremony.

Logan Career Highlights

Laney Nelson, DC, proved a pivotal player in the field of sports chiropractic. His first ride in the sports chiropractic arena came from the rodeo circuit. From there, he went on to serve as the team chiropractor for Brigham Young University, the Utah Grizzlies, the Salt Lake Sting and later founded the Utah Chiropractic Sports Injury Council. The Council served as the Utah Olympic chiropractic liaison to the World Olympics Association’s 2001 Winter Olympics. In 2006, when Logan recruited Dr. Nelson from his private practice in Utah, he was charged with devising a game plan for building and implementing a sports and rehab facility on the Logan campus. Today, the BIOFREEZE® Sports & Rehabilitation Center is where athletic patients converge to maximize performance and minimize the risk of sports injury. Beyond the Logan campus, Dr. Nelson formed partnerships with the University of Missouri-Columbia, Lindenwood University and Missouri Baptist University. His efforts helped position Logan students on the athletic field and among these universities’ athletic training departments. Dr. Nelson’s ability to integrate chiropractic within school systems led Logan to set up a stand-alone clinic within a public school. Today, Logan remains the only chiropractic college with an on-site high school clinic. Thanks to his leadership, Logan students can now be found completing hospital rotations at Southeast Missouri Hospital, treating Division I athletes and practicing inside prestigious sports medicine clinics. With his record of achievements at Logan and professional honors— including the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians’ recognition as 2012 “Sports Chiropractor of the Year”—Dr. Nelson decided to pursue a familiar path … one that would lead him home to Utah to practice with his son Tyler, who will graduate from Logan in April 2014.

Presentations in Montreal, Brazil, Sweden, Israel, Mexico and Africa. Logan participation at the 2011 Pan American Games, National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Track and Field Championships, Disabled Athletes Sports Association national games and national rugby championships. Logan’s leadership as health care provider for the 2013 USA Track & Field regional championships. Earning the International Chiropractic Sport Science Diploma granted by the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic.

FALL 2013 23


Life Beyond Logan Students step off campus to explore St. Louis’ offerings

With classes, clinics, internships and campus activities, students at Logan University can always find something to do on the beautiful campus in western St. Louis County. In fact, there’s so much to keep students interested on campus and in the surrounding parks and leafy neighborhoods of Chesterfield that some have a term for it: “the Logan bubble.” “My advice for new students is don’t get trapped in the Logan bubble, where you pretty much only experience things in a two- to threemile radius from the campus,” said Derrick Hamilton, a Tri-10 student. “Take advantage of all of the great things there are to do in the community.” Hamilton, 36, came to Logan by way of Little Rock, Ark., where he worked in insurance and owned and operated a UPS store with several other investors. When Hamilton started at Logan in fall 2008, he didn’t know a single person in St. Louis. That quickly changed, however, when he realized that one of his best friends from high school was also a Logan student. “We had no clue we were both going to Logan,” he said. Hamilton and his friend explored the St. Louis region together, venturing out to find entertainment and nightlife hotspots, like the Soulard neighborhood and Laclede’s Landing, and various ethnic restaurants lining

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both sides of South Grand Avenue in the city’s Tower Grove Park area. But Hamilton’s explorations of St. Louis were about more than having a good time. Because he plans on staying in St. Louis once he graduates, Hamilton said it made sense for him to network and meet as many people as possible in the community. “The ultimate goal for all of us is to graduate, find patients and market ourselves and the field of chiropractic,” he said. “It’s difficult to market yourself if you don’t know how to approach people because you haven’t experienced the community and can’t relate.” The message of mingling with the local community is one Tri-10 student Brad Moffitt takes to heart. And there’s nothing quite like St. Louis Cardinals baseball to connect with the average St. Louisan. Moffitt, who moved to St. Louis from Shelby, N.C., to attend Logan in September 2010, said one of his favorite experiences was Game 6 of the 2011 MLB World Series. Moffitt, 26, watched the game from a bar in downtown St. Louis, where tens of thousands of people celebrated as their hometown heroes were one strike away from elimination several times, only to rally back for a win in extra innings. “I was a Cardinals fan even before I came to St. Louis, so getting to experience that in person was amazing,” he said. While Moffitt plans to move back to North Carolina after graduating, many Logan students find that St. Louis is great place to work and live. One of them is Tri-6 student Chucky Jordan. An Army veteran, Jordan said he was used to moving around during his

seven years in the service. He served at military bases in Florida, Texas, Georgia and as far away as South Korea, but now enjoys being settled in St. Louis. “The schools are great, and St. Louis is a huge sports town,” he said. “With the Cardinals, St. Louis Rams and St. Louis Blues, there’s always a sporting event to watch.” Jason Arch, a Tri-10 student who hails from Virginia and served in the Air Force for six years, also plans to stay in St. Louis with his wife and three kids. He has been working for a chiropractor in Clayton for the past three years and has a position lined up after graduation. “We decided to take this position in Clayton because this is a great area for families and for raising kids,” he said, adding that most attractions are free

and accessible. “There are good schools, good communities, and being able to take the family for an entire day to Forest Park and visit places like the Zoo is very appealing,” he said. One student who was not new to St. Louis when she started at Logan is Tri-7 student Joanna Bratton. As a native of Alton, Ill., located in the St. Louis metropolitan area just north of downtown, the 28-year-old Bratton had experienced many of the region’s attractions before starting at Logan in September 2009. But that’s didn’t stop her from making new friends. “I would say it’s definitely easy to make friends at Logan,” she said. “Mostly, because there’s a variety of students here, from 18-year-old to 50-year-olds. You can always find somebody who’s into the same things you’re into.”

(From left) Logan students Derrick Hamilton, Chucky Jordan, Joanna Bratton and Brad Moffitt.

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Transforming Chiropractic Through Research

Dr. Hawk works to capture the data for chiropractic’s expansion, making Logan a leading chiropractic research institution

26 FALL 2013

The future of chiropractic is bright, but it also looks a lot different from its current incarnation. There will be more research, more integration with other health care disciplines and more focus on evidencebased practice. At least, that’s what Cheryl Hawk, DC, PhD, CHES, FICC, hopes to bring about. As the new dean of research at Logan, Dr. Hawk is charged not only with leading

the university’s future research endeavors, but with making it one of the leading chiropractic research institutions. “I think we’re just scratching the surface as to the benefits of chiropractic care,” Dr. Hawk said. “There are many potential clinical and preventive applications for chiropractic, if only we could get the research and data to back up the benefits that patients report.”


Dr. Hawk earned her Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1976, and practiced full-time for 12 years before attending the University of Iowa to earn her PhD in Preventive Medicine. Before stepping into her new role, Dr. Hawk had served as Logan’s director of clinical research since 2010. Previously, she was the vice president of research and scholarship at Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City, Mo., as well as the dean of research at Southern California University of Health Sciences. In December 2012, Dr. Hawk was awarded a $750,000 Standard Process® Inc. competitive research grant comparing the short- and long-term effect of chiropractic care combined with a specific nutritional supplement regimen to chiropractic care. It was the first research grant awarded by Standard Process. However, even with 37 years of experience and more than 20 years in clinical research, Dr. Hawk said there are many challenges to putting research into practice. The number one problem she has to overcome: lack of data. Simply put, there hasn’t been much research conducted on preventive medicine or using chiropractic care for wellness, Dr. Hawk said. “It’s really difficult to prove that somebody did not get sick thanks to a specific treatment,” she said. “That takes large studies with thousands of people.” And large studies with thousands of people cost millions of dollars—the type of funding that is almost impossible to secure for research into preventive or complementary and alternative health care. So, Dr. Hawk is working on something new.

A research-rich environment She envisions a future where the entire Logan campus serves as a testing bed and

“One of the most important considerations for the future of chiropractic care is ensuring that chiropractors find ways to collaborate with other fields of medicine ... this kind of multidisciplinary approach will allow chiropractic to work more closely with physical assistants, therapists and the wider health care system.” an ongoing research project to transform chiropractic—looking for ways to grow the profession and to incorporate other complementary and alternative health care practices into the field. “Research is supposed to serve as an integral part of an institution,” Dr. Hawk said. “All schools are trying to say that, but it’s not true right now.” By studying the reported outcomes of the patients who use Logan’s health centers, and by enrolling students and professors on campus to gather data, Dr. Hawk said Logan could truly make research a cornerstone of Logan’s mission. Furthermore, it would set Logan apart as a leader among its peers. And with that amount of data, researchers would have numbers and solid evidence that could be leveraged to attract more grant funding. With substantial data, researchers could leverage more grant funding, and with an entire campus of students and professors on board, Dr. Hawk believes Logan’s research department could do for chiropractic what the Framingham study did for medicine.

A long-running and ongoing study of the entire population of the town of Framingham, Mass., the Framingham study has provided much of what science has learned about cardiovascular care and the risk factors for heart disease throughout the past 50 years. The study is in its third generation, having started in 1948 with more than 5,000 subjects. “I always tell students, ‘Wouldn’t it have been nice if they would have asked about chiropractic care?’ We could have followed these people over the past 50 years and determined if chiropractic may have been a protective factor. Those are the kinds of studies we really need,” Dr. Hawk said.

Forging new relationships One of the most important considerations for the future of chiropractic care is ensuring that chiropractors find ways to collaborate with other fields of medicine, Dr. Hawk said. She is impressed and encouraged by the collaborations and connections that Logan’s Dr. Dennis Enix, research faculty associate professor, and Radiology Department Chair Dr. Norman Kettner have made with prestigious medical schools, such as Saint Louis University and Massachusetts General Hospital, the primary teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. In the future, this kind of multidisciplinary approach will allow chiropractors to work more closely with physical assistants, therapists and the wider broader health care system. “Everybody is interested in how we can manage pain without the use of addictive drugs,” Dr. Hawk said. “And in order for us to expand chiropractic, we need that outcome data. We need to be able to demonstrate that what we do is more effective and safer than surgeries and pain pills.”

FALL 2013 27


Dr. Kettner Leads Low-Back Pain Research

Painkillers and MRIs. Two ineffective approaches to treating back pain. Yet, a recent JAMA Internal Medicine study uncovered that doctors are increasingly prescribing opioids and scans over less-invasive—and recommended—approaches.

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For more information about low-back pain, visit www.logan.edu 28 FALL 2013

The study reported a spike in painkiller prescriptions, like OxyContin, from 19 to 29 percent of cases. Similarly, MRI and CT scans increased from seven to 11 percent at a cost of $1,000 or more per scan. “We are a society that demands instant solutions, but back pain doesn’t play by these rules,” said Dr. John N. Mafi, as reported in the National Post on July 31, 2013. Mafi led the JAMA study and works with Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. “Unfortunately, the fancier treatments haven’t been shown to decrease patient’s pain or increase their quality of life.” For chiropractic, recognized for its ability to treat musculoskeletal pain—especially back pain—and improve patients’ quality of life, this study underscores the need for clinical research. Logan’s Radiology Department Chair Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC, is working to meet this need with help from his research partners at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), the primary teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. Dr. Kettner announced a new imaging project with MGH and its Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging to study spinal manipulation as an intervention for low-back pain. “There is little on record today, in terms of research, that examines the underlying central neural correlates of manual therapy interventions,” Dr. Kettner reported. The team—which includes Vitaly Napadow, Ph.D., Lic.Ac., a Logan adjunct faculty member, and Marco Loggia, PhD, a pain imaging researcher, both from the Martinos Center—will employ Arterial Spin Labeling, a functional neuroimaging technique to analyze the brain’s activity during clinical pain and changes in regional cerebral blood flow. Cutting-edge analytical techniques will map the brain’s connectivity in response to spinal manipulation. The controlled study will rely on a clinical population with chronic low-back pain. “We’ll look at the brain’s connections and communications circuitry,” explained Dr. Kettner. “We’re conducting novel research, as no one has used this brain imaging tool to study the effects of spinal manipulation. This collaborative, integrative research should produce enough preliminary data to submit a grant application with the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) at the National Institutes of Health.” The preliminary research is funded through a grant from the NCMIC Foundation and Logan University.


Establishing a Brand for Your Practice by Jennifer Reed, Director, Marketing and Public Relations

Branding is more than just a name and a logo. While names and logos are certainly important visual components of your business, branding is what you stand for and how others view you and your practice. More specifically, it is the positive or negative emotion one experiences when interacting with your practice. Whether you’re looking to establish a brand for your practice or evaluate your current brand, here are some tips for effective branding.

Defining Your Brand First, think about the goals and objectives you’ve established for yourself and your practice. Ask yourself: Why do I practice chiropractic? What do I want to achieve? You may want to consider developing a value or mission statement to help frame your brand, if you don’t already have one. Second, it’s important to know your market. Patients should remain at the forefront of your brand development. Consider how you want your patients to feel, what you want them to think, and what kind of experience you want them to have. Once you’ve answered these questions, you have essentially laid the foundation for creating your brand.

Communicating Your Brand Develop a plan for communicating your brand to your current and potential patients. It’s important the messages you communicate are consistent with the brand. Consider the various communication vehicles: your website; social media, such Facebook and LinkedIn; mailers, brochures and newsletters; internal and external signage at your practice; and letters and business cards. Even your community involvement— whether it may be working at community events, participating in the local chamber or volunteering—reflects your brand. As you network and meet individuals, consider your brand when introducing yourself, describing your services and explaining your competitive differentiators.

Effective and Ineffective Brands Keep in mind, your brand may evolve over time. You may acquire new skill sets, start serving a certain population or demographic, or change locations. Nevertheless, it’s important to take the time to make sure your brand, and what you’re communicating, mirrors your current practice and service areas. The excerpt at right taken from the Dynamic Chiropractic article “Intentional Branding: Establishing a Foundation for Effective Marketing,” provides a list to help improve the health of your brand and, consequently, your practice.

Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to launch your brand. It’s a matter of evaluating yourself and how you want to be seen by others.

Your brand should: ✓ Convey you are not only different, but also better. ✓ Be consistent and true to what you deliver. ✓ Appeal to emotions. ✓ Inspire confidence. ✓ Be authentic and aligned with your values. ✓ Be believable. ✓ Speak to the question of “what’s in it for me?” from the patient’s perspective.

Signs of an unhealthy brand: • You’re unknown in your community. • You’re known, but not how you’d like to be. • Other chiropractors in your town get most of the name recognition and press. • Patients balk at the cost of your services. • You play “let’s make a deal” with certain patients on pricing. • You attract the “wrong” patients and get low-quality referrals. • The look and feel within your practice is inconsistent (e.g., your logo doesn’t match your signage). • Your identity and design elements, though consistent, are outdated. • Members of your staff cannot clearly state the benefits and value of your services. • You use adjectives, lingo and hype when talking about your services. • You don’t believe your own marketing message. • You often feel like you have to coerce people into trying your services.

FALL 2013 29


Serving the Underserved

Bringing chiropractic to minority patient populations–effectively

This installment of Doctor to Doctor features a discussion with Rodney Williams, DC, a December 2000 Logan graduate who serves as the national president of the American Black Chiropractic Association (ABCA) and is a member of Logan’s Board of Trustees. He currently practices at his clinic in Little Rock, Ark. three in Little Rock. When I moved back to Little Rock after graduating from Logan, I would often hear, “I’ve never seen a black chiropractor before.” So I want to not only bring awareness to minority communities about natural health care, but to the profession as well.

How has the American Black Chiropractic Association helped your chiropractic career?

Providing for an underserved patient population can be challenging for any doctor. Dr. Williams discusses his role in the minority community and how he utilizes his position as an AfricanAmerican chiropractor to educate—and ultimately, serve—African-Americans students, patients and fellow chiropractors.

As a health provider caring for an underserved patient population, what do you consider your role in Little Rock? I’m an example to our youth that they can become doctors. We need more African-American chiropractic doctors in our community—currently, there are only

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As an active member, the ABCA has helped tremendously in building my leadership and interpersonal skills. Serving as president, I have the opportunity to travel and visit many doctors from across the country and learn from them. I have learned many chiropractic techniques just by going to ABCA conventions, where I can collaborate with my colleagues to discuss everything from insurance to patient care.

How is the ABCA making a difference within the AfricanAmerican population? One of the reasons for establishing the ABCA was to help African-American students identify and network at chiropractic schools—especially those schools with small African-American

student populations. As president, I see firsthand how the students benefit from coming to the ABCA conventions, how they draw encouragement from other students and learn from doctors about working in their community. Some African-American students have told me they would have dropped out of their chiropractic school if it weren’t for the ABCA. Attending the conventions allows them meet other minority chiropractors and encourages them to become successful doctors.

What cultural considerations should doctors take into account to effectively serve minority populations? It is important to understand the health conditions that plague that specific population. Many patients have awareness of those conditions because they have affected the health of family members and close friends, but they may not fully understand the condition or disease and why it’s plaguing their specific population. Patients appreciate a doctor who can communicate with them in a relevant and appropriate manner, offering alternatives to medication and surgery for those conditions.


“Patient education is one of the most important aspects in patient compliance. Patients need to understand what chiropractors do, and how our treatments help them. I think that is the same for all ethnic backgrounds. I do find that some patients feel more comfortable with doctors that look more like them because they feel like they understand them better, while others do not have a preference as long as they are receiving quality care.” – Andrea Dalton, DC August 2008 Logan graduate St. Louis, MO

“By trade, I am a chiropractor. However, in both the St. Louis community and the local African-American community, I consider myself an ambassador to wellness. A significant percentage of the minority community does not understand what chiropractic is or why it is necessary. As an ambassador, it is my duty to educate everyone on the role of spinal health in overall health, and to lead by example.” – Danielle Peebles, DC August 2009 Logan graduate St. Louis, MO FALL 2013 31



O’Donnell, Joshua Paschal, Kelsey Rahmoeller, Kenneth Rozell, Berkley Schuppan and Brandon Wallpe. (See select students below) • Tri-4 student Monique White received a $2,000 Standard Process Scholarship.

Student News • Logan students were recognized for achieving Dean’s List status for consecutive trimesters. Dean’s List honorees for three consecutive trimesters: Gregory Beauchamp, Joshua Bodine-Lederman, Jacob Eckman, Taylor Funke, Ryan Herold, Clint Klipfel, Michelle Mashinter, Erik Michener, Sean Nealon, Christopher Thoma and Daniel Tweeton. Dean’s List honorees for six consecutive trimesters: Kevin Bradshaw and Shaun Nibbe. (See picture below)

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• As part of Logan’s sponsorship with the St. Louis Cardinals, several radio commercials aired this summer on KMOX radio. The radio spots featured Logan students Anthony Aamodt from Rockford, Ill.; Abbi Sunner from Ankeny, Iowa; Aaron Rickelman from Effingham, Ill.; and Lauren Stemle from Celestine, Ind., addressing the question: Why Logan? You can hear the commercials on Logan’s website at www.logan.edu. • Fifteen Logan students received merit scholarships. They include: Kathryn Bruce, Ryan Cahall, Teala Connealy, Jason Holt, Heath Knowles, Patrick Macauley, Brittney Maclennan, Julia Morgan, Jordan Mousley, Tara

• The Student Doctors’ Council announced newly elected officers: – Delia Hobbins, president – Jeff Pammer, vice president – Taylor Sirois, secretary – Jillian Porter, treasurer – John Calhoun, parliamentarian – Nic Kampfer and Jake Vanhooser, student activities – Lauren Stemle and Raquel GroganWebb, student services

Logan in the Community This past summer, Logan Heath Centers’ interns and practitioners were active throughout the community. They provided free health screenings, participated in health fairs and presented informative lectures at several locations. Event highlights included the Jefferson Regional Medical Center’s Family Health Fair, Kennelwood Pet Resorts and Myrtle Hilliard David Comprehensive Health Centers Community Health Fair.

UN DER T H E TOWER Logan Announces Leadership Changes – Dr. Cheryl Hawk, dean of research – Dr. Michael Wittmer, chief of staff of Logan’s health centers Cole



Faculty/Staff News Logan Announces New Hires – Sherri A. Cole, PhD, dean of Logan University’s College of Health Sciences – Conrad L. Woolsey, PhD, director of nutrition and human performance in Logan University’s College of Health Sciences – Stacey Till, MSEd, director of admissions – Ellen Dickman, MA, director of the Learning Resources Center – Shelly Chanitz, MA, director of human resources – David Parish, MS, DC, CSCS, DACBSP, director of the BIOFREEZE® Sports & Rehabilitation Center – Vincent DeBono, DC, dean of chiropractic education – Adil Kahn, MBA, CPA, CSBO, chief financial officer





– Dr. Muriel Perillat, director of clinical education • Kasey Sudkamp, PT, DPT, will continue her work with the Logan University Research Department as an assistant professor of research. Dr. Sudkamp previously worked with Dr. Dennis Enix on the four-year, HRSA-funded geriatrics balance study. Her background includes earning both a master’s and doctorate degree in physical therapy from Saint Louis University (SLU) and completing research-training courses through the Veterans Health Administration (VA) hospital system and SLU. In her role, she will continue developing geriatric-related research grants. • Norman W. Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC, chair of Logan’s Radiology Department, co-authored a research paper along with Yumi Maeda DDS, PhD, and Vitaly Napadow, PhD, LicAc, Logan adjunct faculty member and assistant professor with Massachusetts General Hospital’s (MGH) Department of Radiology. The paper entitled “Acupuncture-Evoked Response in Somatosensory and Prefrontal Cortices Predicts Immediate Pain Reduction in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome”—which also included other MGH co-authors—was recently published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. • Mary Unger-Boyd, DC, associate professor of Logan’s Chiropractic Science Division, was quoted in a Chiropractic Economics article in reference to the first Standard Process Inc. Whole Food Symposium.

• Jameca Falconer, PhD, counseling psychologist in Logan’s Office of Students Services, was featured in the St. Louis American newspaper. Dr. Falconer spoke about finding balance in life to reduce stress and anxiety. • Katharine Conable, MApS, DC, associate professor in Logan’s Chiropractic Science Division, attended a meeting at the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) in Cairnes, Australia, where members represented 16 countries and a variety of health care professions. At the meeting, Dr. Conable received the 2013 International George Goodheart Award for service to ICAK. • Jose Ramirez, DC, resident in Logan’s BIOFREEZE® Sports & Rehabilitation Center, and Joshua A. Adam, DC, clinician in the Montgomery Student Health Center, earned the designation of Certified Chiropractic Sports Physicians by the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians. • Daniel Haun, DC, DACBR, assistant professor, Clinical Science and Chiropractic Science Divisions, was invited to serve on the editorial advisory board for the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. • Aaron Welk, DC, Logan’s diagnostic imaging fellow, passed his written (Part 1) and oral (Part 2) examination to earn his Diplomate, American Chiropractic Board of Radiology (DACBR). • Allison Harvey, DC, clinician at Montgomery Health Center, celebrated the birth of her twin daughters, Rosalie Kelly and Lorelei Ellen Harvey, May 17. • Angela McCall, PhD, associate vice president of academic affairs, celebrated the birth of her son, Edwin Charles McCall, on June 17. • Becky Horton, application support specialist, who gave birth to a son, Hunter Laine Horton, on July 1.

Kahn FALL 2013 33

UN DER T H E TOWER • Logan faculty member Pat Montgomery, DC, FASA, presented the commencement address at the Aug. 16 Cleveland Chiropractic College graduation ceremony in Kansas City. The commencement coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Missouri State Chiropractors Association, of which Dr. Montgomery is currently president. • Logan congratulates Dr. Vinod Anand on his retirement. Dr. Anand served as a faculty member at Logan for 38 years and as Basic Science chair for nearly 30 of those years. • Logan congratulates Cliff Pollack, instructional media coordinator, on his retirement. Cliff worked in Logan’s Media Production Department since July 2004.

Events • Logan faculty, staff and students supported the Arthritis Foundation’s Arthritis Walk (pictured below) on

May 17. Team Logan raised more than $20,000 for arthritis research and programs. The event attracted nearly 1,000 people to the Logan campus. • On May 29, Logan hosted a special memorial service for families of anatomic donations. The service honors individuals and families whose generous donations advance chiropractic education. • On May 30, Logan’s Department of Radiology hosted the 6th Annual Joseph W. Howe Oration in Diagnostic Imaging, which honors Dr. Howe’s extensive contributions and achievements in the education, research and practice of chiropractic radiology. Anita L. Manne, DC, DACBR, a Logan graduate, presented a lecture titled “Oddities and Curiosities— Recent Cases from the Vault.” • Logan hosted its summer blood drive on June 4. Students, faculty and staff donated blood to help patients in need.

• Logan held its 171st commencement on Aug. 24 at the William D. Purser, DC Center on the Logan campus. During the ceremony, 49 students earned their Doctor of Chiropractic degrees and 29 students received degrees from the Master of Science in Sports Science and Rehabilitation program.

Logan Letters Former Logan President Dr. Milton Theodore (Ted) Morter, Jr., passed away on May 23 at the age of 78. Dr. Morter earned a B.S. from Kent State University in 1957 and a M.A. in Science Education from Ohio State University in 1962. He graduated from Logan in September 1965 and practiced in Rogers, Ark. He served as Logan’s president from 1979 to 1980.

Alumni Notes Congratulations to … Class of September 1978 Dr. Joel Benjamin Hayward, who is retiring after 35 years of practice in Springdale, Ark. Class of January 1980 Dr. Richard Bruns, a member of the Logan University Board of Trustees, who was recently elected “Chiropractor of the Year” by the Maine Chiropractic Association. Class of September 1981 and Class of December 2000 Logan graduates Dr. Elliot Eisenberg and Dr. Michael Placide, who were named “2013 Top Docs” by Richmond Magazine. Class of April 1991 Dr. Derek Brown, who is serving as the honorary chair of the 4th Annual Greater Vincennes AIDS Walk.

Associate Professor in Logan’s chiropractic science division Janine Ludwinksi, DC, (pictured above left) was one of several Logan faculty who participated in a dunking booth fundraiser to benefit the Arthritis Foundation during the July 17 Field Day. (Above right) Logan students also participate in Field Day. 34 FALL 2013

Class of April 2001 Dr. Stefanie Haugen, who was featured in a Patch news article about backpack safety.


(From left) Bachelor’s degree in Life Science graduates; and bachelor’s degree in Human Science graduates. Class of December 2011 Dr. Katie Drake-Sherer, who served as a guest columnist for The Alton Telegraph’s Active Living section published Aug. 20, 2013, on the topic of healthy carbs and weight loss. Class of December 2012 Dr. Alicia Yochum, who lectured for the first time with her father Dr. Terry Yochum, author of Essentials of Skeletal Radiology, for their “MRI of the Spine” seminar. Class of April 2012 Dr. Nick Wittman, who celebrated the grand opening of his practice Wittman Chiropractic in Kirkwood, Mo.

Logan University Expresses Sincere Sympathy to … Class of September 1943 To the family of Dr. June Hultine, who recently passed away. Her daughter, Dr. Lynn Hultine, graduated from Logan in August 1990 and her late husband, Dr. Luis Hultine, graduated from Logan in September 1949.

Class of September 1949 The family of Dr. Ralph Webster, who recently passed away. Dr. Webster practiced chiropractic for 65 years in Marina del Rey, Calif. Class of August 1955 The family of Dr. Robert Broadley, who recently passed away. Class of September 1958 The family of Dr. Curtis Mitskog, who passed away on May 15. His daughter, Dr. Alisa Mitskog, is an August 1989 Logan alumna. Class of February 1962 The family of Dr. James Louis Teachworth, who passed away on June 23, 2012, at the age of 72. Class of September 1970 Dr. Bob Beasley on the passing of his wife, Judy, on March 26 in Bradenton, Fla. Class of December 1989 Dr. William Hogarth, clinician at St. Peters Health Center, on the passing of his mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

Class of August 1996 The family of Dr. John Knox, Jr., who passed away on August 14. Class of April 2011 The family of Dr. Geoffrey Wilson. Dr. Wilson passed away in St. Louis on May 25. He practiced in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The family of Jonathan M. Cromer, a rising Tri-3 student. Jonathan passed away on May 7 at the age of 27. Friend of Logan The family of Dr. William Holmberg. Considered by the Logan community as a dear friend, Dr. Holmberg was serving as the Association for the History of Chiropractic’s first vice president at the time of his death. He had also served as president for the Centennial Committee in 1995, which coordinated the 100-year anniversary of chiropractic celebrations with events held in Washington, DC; Davenport, Iowa; and Port Perry, Ontario.

FALL 2013 35


Congratulations to the Class of April 2013

36 FALL 2013

Congratulations to the Class of August 2013

FALL 2013 37


Dr. Andrew T. Murray: The Last of the First

Dr. Murray pictured in back row at far left.

He was the last surviving member of Logan’s first graduating class in 1939. And this past June, at the age of 96, Andrew T. Murray, DC, passed away. In 1935, Dr. Murray joined seven other students to enroll at the International Chiropractic Research Foundation in St. Louis, which later became Logan College of Chiropractic. During a Logan interview in 1985, Dr. Murray noted the passionate nature of Logan’s founder, Dr. Hugh B. Logan: “Dr. Logan was dynamic. Full of energy—and we were all caught up in the enthusiasm. There was never any doubt in our minds but that Logan would succeed. Not even the possibility of failure would ever have entered our minds—for once the concept had become a reality, we saw only that it would go forward....”* After graduation, Dr. Murray moved to Toronto, Canada. He returned to the U.S. at the start of World War II, serving in the military for four years before marrying Fern Logan, Dr. Hugh Logan’s widow. He adopted Mrs. Logan’s twin boys, Hugh and Bruce, and continued to live and practice in St. Louis, serving on the Logan Alumni Board of Directors from 1950-51. Dr. Murray retired from chiropractic in 1980. He most recently lived in Chapin, S.C., with his sister Alma Blow. *Excerpt taken from historical notes provided by Patrick Montgomery, DC, FASA, Associate Professor, Logan University

38 FALL 2013

A Publication of Logan University for Alumni, Students, Employees and Friends of the University

Logan 2013 Bachelor Degree Recipients Spring 2013 Rewan J. Amedi, Life Science Nicholas B. Bangert, Human Biology Thayer P. Banwart, Human Biology Kurt Robert Baumgratz, Life Science Je’an-Claude Dalton Bordeaux, Human Biology Miranda J. Bunge, Life Science Morgan D. Button, Human Biology Eric A. Byerly, Human Biology Christine N. Carson, Life Science Ella L. Coffren, Life Science Michelle L. Conant, Life Science Alison R. Cooper, Life Science Jason W. Davis, Human Biology Aaron M. Dechant, Life Science Tyrel J. Detweiler, Life Science Amy Marie DiMatteo, Life Science Jacob C. Edwards, Life Science Dale Bryant Farris, Human Biology Casey W. Garman, Life Science James F. Geiselman, Human Biology Mary Loran Makenzie George, Life Science Jennifer Godbout, Life Science Lindsey Lea Grahn, Human Biology Matthew L. Harbour, Life Science Frank Robert Harris, Human Biology William J. Harris, Life Science Joshua M. Henk, Life Science James F. Hoffman, Human Biology Joseph L. Hollingsworth, Human Biology Timothy M Horton, Human Biology Hunter D. Hout, Human Biology Mitchell G. Howard, Life Science David Lloyd Huff, Human Biology Christopher J. Hummel, Human Biology Chucky S. Jordan, Life Science Brittany Ann Kasprack, Life Science Katherine Sue Klein, Life Science Nicholas J. Knaup, Life Science James N. Martin, Human Biology Jordan K. Mecham, Human Biology Bradley C. Morris, Life Science Amanda L. Musick, Life Science

Sean M. O’Donnell, Human Biology Jeffrey A. Pammer, Human Biology Matthew S. Pennell, Life Science Sara N. Perry, Life Science Jillian Rae Porter, Human Biology Ronald H. Rabineau, Life Science Taylor B. Rafool, Life Science Tyler A. Rickelman, Human Biology John P. Ross, Human Biology Logan W. Rush, Life Science Grady R. Swick, Life Science Chelsea M. Vallario, Life Science Paula S. Weiler, Human Biology Kirsten E. West, Life Science Jeanetta Marie Wilkerson, Human Biology Summer 2013 Chelsey A. Aitken, Life Science William D. Carpenter, Life Science Kari Jo Cerentano, Human Biology Jacob Carl Eckman, Human Biology Paul Anthony Gomez, Life Science Raquel L. Grogan-Webb, Life Science Paul L. Hoyal, Life Science Alina S. Khan, Life Science Nathaniel E. Kistner, Life Science James J. Lee, Human Biology Quinten R. Madsen, Life Science Kenneth D. Marsh, Life Science Michelle Ann Mashinter, Life Science Cole A. Miller, Life Science Marshal R. Morrow, Life Science Shaughnessy R. Reid, Human Biology Chad D. Risoldi, Life Science Doreen Renee Schelling, Life Science Andrea C. Scherer, Human Biology Casey S. Sitko, Human Biology Travis S. Sorrell, Human Biology Jacob A. Stutz, Life Science Daniel E. Tweeton, Human Biology Chase Daniel Waggoner, Human Biology Brady Michael Wesch, Life Science

Printed on 10% post-consumer recycled paper

THE TOWER Vol. 3, Fall 2013 The Tower is published three times a year: Winter, Spring and Fall. Logan Board of Trustees Steven C. Roberts, JD, LLM Chair of the Board Debra L. Hoffman, DC Vice Chair of the Board Logan Board Members Nicole Bennett, DC Richard M. Bruns, DC Christophe Dean, DC Ronald Grant, DC Paul Henry, DC Gregg E. Hollabaugh Carmen Jacoby Hutchcraft, DC Rick A. McMichael, DC Mark O. Reeve, DC Robert J. Stearley Rodney Williams, DC Logan Advisory Board Marc G. Malon, DC Logan Cabinet J. Clay McDonald, DC, MBA, JD President Ralph Barrale, DC Vice President, Chiropractic Affairs Boyd Bradshaw, EdD Vice President, Enrollment Management Brad Hough, PhD Chief Information Officer Patricia C. Jones Vice President, Institutional Advancement Sharon Kehrer, MBA Vice President, Administrative Affairs Adil Khan, MBA, CPA, CSBO Chief Financial Officer Laura McLaughlin, Esq. General Counsel and Vice President, Strategic Performance Carl W. Saubert, IV, PhD Vice President, Academic Affairs Michael Wittmer, DC Chief of Staff Photography Cover photo by Chris Ryan. Mike Chappell, James LeBine, Vince McGee, Dr. Patrick Montgomery, Cliff Pollack. The Tower is produced by the department of Marketing and Communications. Reader comments can be sent to the editor via e-mail at tower@logan.edu. THE TOWER Logan University 1851 Schoettler Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 tower@logan.edu | www.logan.edu 1-800-782-3344

FALL 2013 39



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P O STG R A D U AT E E D U C AT I O N | October through December 2013 *Location is Logan University Campus unless otherwise noted.

October 12-13 Whole Food Nutrition #2 Instructor: Joseph Olejak, DC

November 2-3 Overview of Personal Injury Instructor: Mark Floyd, JD

October 19-20 Chiropractic Rehab #2 June 1-2 Steve Zilke, PT, DC Instructor:

November 9-10 Laser Therapy: Comprehensive June 22-23 Training for Clinicians Instructor: Nelson Marquina, Basic Acupuncture #1 DC, PhD and Frank Jarrell, DC


October 5-6 Billing, Coding and Compliance Instructor: Charles Copeland, DC

May 18

October 5-6 Biomechanics of Golf Selective Functional Instructor: Mike Murphy, DC Movement Assessment Location: Far Oaks Golf Club, For information contact SFMA

Caseyville, IL

October 12-13 May 18-19 Basic Acupuncture #5 Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Insurance Dipl.Ac (NCCAOM) Lac.

Consultant/Peer Review #8

Internal Health

October 26-27 Specialist # 5 Posture, Motion and Chiropractic Instructor: Howard F. Loomis, Instructor: Steven Weiniger, DC


October 26-27 Supporting June 8-9 Your Body from Toes to Nose Chiropractic Nutrition Instructor: Kevin M. Wong, BS, DC, Specialist #1 Doctor Certified Rocktape Instructor: David *Location: Paducah, Seaman, KY

DC, DABCN Instructor: Mario Fucinari, 速 CCSP , MCS-P seminars, please call 800-842-3234. ToDC, register for postgraduate

Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Dipl.Ac. (NCCAOM), November 16-17 Lac. Basic Acupuncture #6

Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, June 22-23 Dipl.Ac (NCCAOM) Lac.


November 16-17 Instructor: Marquina, Whole FoodNelson Nutrition #3 DC, Ph.D. Instructor: Joseph Olejak, DC

November 23-24 Chiropractic Rehab #3 Instructor: Steve Zilke, PT, DC December 7-8 Whole Food Nutrition #4 Contact theJoseph LoganOlejak, DC Instructor:

Postgraduate Department 7-8 atDecember 1-800-842-3234 for Practical Assessment additional information of all theseminars. Chiropractic Patient on

Instructor: K. Jeffrey While every attempt is made Miller, to offer DC, DABCO each program as announced, program faculty, locations, dates and tuition rates are subject to change December 14-15if unforeseen circumstances arise. Pre-registered Endo-Nasal Technique & participants will be notified of changes. Ischemic Compression Technique Logan College is not responsible for any Instructor: Michael Fiscella, DC, expenses incurred as a result of program DABCO or cancellations. adjustments

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