LOFT issue seven

Page 81

Taj. Forever seductive, forever trusted, forever enchanting. From authentic Indian palaces to landmark city hotels, from dazzling resort properties to pastoral safari lodges, enjoy a thoughtful blend of tradition and modernity in the distinctive and highly personal Taj manner. Fabulous suites, splendid dining, and tranquil Jiva spas await. Discover the Taj difference at over 85 hotels around the world. For reser vations a nd s pe c i a l o f f e r s, ple a s e vis it tajhotel, email res er vations @tajhotel, call 00. 800. 4588. 1 8 2 5 to ll f re e, o r c o nta c t yo u r travel cons u l tant. I n d i a • N e w Yo r k • B o s t o n • S a n F r a n c i s c o • L o n d o n • D u b a i • C a p e To w n • Z a m b i a • M a r r a k e c h • M a l d i v e s • S r i L a n k a • L a n g k a w i • B h u t a n • S y d n e y

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