Loewe Brief

Page 18


What Not To Do


oewe made a huge mistake when

the classiness that Loewe always has in its

it created the advertising for the

advertising. Considering that almost 50% of



Spanish youth are unemployed it was not a

collection featuring neon colour bags. It made

wise move to have such young models used

a YouTube video that was highly critisised as

in the advertising. They do not represent the

the models it featured had an urban, aletnative

brands target and in this case the phrase “any

style which did not match the brand’s image.

press is good press” does not apply.

The video featured up and coming teenagers,

The video has even been made into a parody,

who were also some famous celebrities children.

which has over 1 million views on YouTube,

It was set in Madrid. The models/actors have a

over 7 000 likes and only 241 dislikes. Loewe

“hipster” look, due to their hair and style. Many

remained silent despite all of the criticism

of them have shaved hair, tattoos and wear

that it received during this time. From now

creepers and jewellery with crosses. They are

on the brand must be very sure of all of its

also wearing their own clothes.

communication before it releases it to the




The video

was highly criticised as it does not fit with


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