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With a new year comes new opportunities for change and growth. It goes beyond resolutions— it’s a fresh take. 2018 is the chance to start fresh, radiate positive energy, and set your personal goals. ‘To More Goodness’ — i dedicate this year to focusing on my love for myself — my personality, my body, my soul. being aware of my thoughts and of all the beliefs that begin to sneak their way into my subconscious. i intend to maintain a mindset of gratitude and abundance. doing more of the things that i love, the things that pour more life into my lungs and more joy into my heart. i forgive the past; everyone and everything, especially myself. all my attention is going towards the present moment. all my excitement and creation of specific manifestations in my future, i will experience in the here and now. this is not a resolution. this is an intention to carry on doing what i’ve began this past year. to take it to further levels of goodness and expansion. the only reason it’s easy for me to write about with such confidence is because i have genuinely been living it most every day of the past months. this is about watching it all get better and better, the connection deeper and deeper, the synchronicities and serendipities wilder and wilder, as effortlessly as ever. — AMAL ALNUAIMI / DUBAI, UAE


A fresh take is a chance to start again; it’s a clean slate. You can stop, breathe, and reflect. For me, a fresh take is a chance to improve myself and to see what I can do better. Throughout the duration of 2017, I learned more about myself than I ever could have imagined. I learned how to be brave, to stick up for myself when it’s needed, and not let anybody treat me like dirt. I know now that I am worth so much more than that, and I will plant seeds in the ground that people held me to, and they will grow into something beautiful. I learned that I am capable of so much more than I thought I was, and I owe myself an apology for not thinking more highly of myself. 2017 was nothing more than a prelude to the marvelous things that are to come. This New Year is a fresh take, and I am marching in with a clear and optimistic mindset. I am putting my foot down and holding my head up. This is the year for me to chase the dreams that I’ve been too afraid to run after. I was too afraid of failing, or being criticized by those around me, but not anymore. Words are just words, and I can learn to tune them out. Failing is a rite of passage, but I’ve learned how to pick myself back up. This is my fresh take, one that I will take advantage of in every way possible. – AMARYS DEAN / GEORGETOWN, USA .CURATED BY ERIN MCDOWELL / ILLUSTRATION BY LAURA FILAS

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