M.S. King - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order

Page 120

German Prisoners-of-War. The men are inhumanely crowded into camps without latrines, exposed to the elements and underfed. Germans dig holes for shelter and even take to eating grass! American guards who attempt to help the prisoners face disciplinary action. German civilians try to bring food and blankets to the men but are shot at by guards. Unlike Germany’s wartime internment camps which were open to international inspection, Eisenhower issues an order stating that Red Cross officials are not to be given access to the camps. (5) As disease, exposure, and hunger take their toll, the German losses mount daily. By the end of their cruel incarceration, as many as 1.5 million German prisoners will have died a slow and torturous death. (6)

‘Other Losses’ by James Bacque is very well-researched and supported by shocking photos. Millions of exposed Germans were packed tightly in Ike's POST-WAR death camps. Disease, exposure and hunger killed them slowly.

1945 – 50 STALIN MURDERS AS MANY AS 1 MILLION GERMAN PRISONERS OF WAR! Not to be outdone by Eisenhower, Stalin’s mistreatment of German POW’s (as well as his own) is heartbreaking. Germans were often summarily executed, paraded like animals and, up until the 1950’s and perhaps beyond, worked to death in Siberia.

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