WINTER WRAP-UP Louisiana-Mississippi-West

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Volume 1, Issue 1

Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District of Circle K International

December 7, 2008

“Show Us the Dough, and the Hair Will Go!!!” Hey Everyone!!! As finals are approaching rapidly around the corner, I am here to give you a little update on what the district will be carrying over into next semester!!! First, I would like to remind everyone that we are still raising money for our AED Service Initiative. “Show us the dough, and the hair will go” (as borrowed from the Immediate-Past IBoard) we are asking that your clubs raise money so we can put some AEDs in the schools within our district. The district board is already donating one AED and will be putting it in a Natchez, MS school,

which is the location for the 50th District Convention. The school that raises the

Happy Holidays!!!

most money for this initiative will get to choose where the 2nd AED will be placed!!! So please go out and fundraise for this cause. Along with this, if the district raises enough money, YOU will get to cut some of the District Board‟s hair to be sent off to Locks of Love!!! If you are interested in cutting your hair with us, please just let me know!!! I hope y‟all are having a wonderful semester and are excited for a new year!!! If you ever need anything, please let us know!!! Good luck with finals and RAISE SOME DOUGH!!! Let‟s cut some hair and save some lives together!!!

„Tis the Service Season So as we all return home for great food and family time, I would like to recognize y‟all for some outstanding service this semester!!! According to our records, our district has served a total of 2, 130.25 hours!!! I can‟t even imagine how many lives we have touched through our service to our

communities! However, the district board is challenging you to serve even more. This year, we set a goal for the district for 4800 hours of community service! Before our term is up in three months, we would love to have accomplished this goal. So even throughout the holidays, serve with new faces and

build new friendships. Find the Circle K‟ers in your hometown for the holidays, and serve with them! and when you return to school in January, we are encouraging you to go out and continue to serve!!! Only together can we reach our service goal and truly impact the lives of those around us.

Special points of interest:  AED Service Initiative Goals  Y’ALL Registration  50th Annual District Conven-

tion  Service Hours Goals

Circle K International Hanna Olivier P.O. Box 151050 Millsaps College 1701 N. State Street Jackson, MS 39210

(337) 501-2247 or

We’re on the Web!

Hey Everyone!!! Don’t forget that Y’ALL Conference Registration is due December 12th! We are going to Mt. Pleasant, SC, in the Sweet Carolinas district MLK weekend. The registration fee is $80 per person. You can find all of the information on the Carolinas district website: Y’ALL Conference is a social event where CKI members mostly from the South get together to hang out with each other and do some service. It is an opportunity to hear about what others are doing for the community as well as make some new friends that can last you a lifetime! If you are interested in going or have any questions, please email me or your governor Gavin Robért! Hope to see you there!!!

Live to serve, love to serve!

Send Me Your Thoughts!!! For this next issue of Inside the Circle, I would like to receive articles from every club about some of the things they have learned this semester about making clubs better. I would like this issue to be a HowTo for the new semester!!! Tell La-MissTenn some things that worked for your club and some things that didn‟t. Give us the “Inside” scoop to help make other clubs successful in their upcoming semester. Also, I would like a comment from some new members throughout the district talking about what makes Circle K an organization they want to continue to be a part of. I think our district would love to hear what we are doing right!!! Please email me all of your comments and articles by January 5th! Thanks for your cooperation in making Inside the Circle a success!!! Hanna Olivier Editor

Pictures from the TIOGA Toga Party 2008!!!

Our 50th Annual District Convention is right around the corner, and YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS IT!!! It will be held in historic Natchez, MS, March 6-8. It is chance for you to meet many of the active members throughout our district, and celebrate the successes of our district for the pass year. There is a service project, awards, and a dance!!! This year’s theme is Old Hollywood, so get ready for the time of your life, old-school style!!! So lights, camera, action… and we look forward to seeing everyone there. Please email Kayla Dowling Convention Chair at!

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