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Loyalty Pawn HR Corner Cont.

APRIL HR Haiku Contest | Enter to win a $25 Visa Gift Card! To honor the creativity and ingenuity of our Three Balls Chronicle readers and in preparation for National Poetry Month in April, I challenge each of you an inaugural Employee Services-HR Haiku Contest I call it: HRaiku.

Think past Twitter's 140 characters and explore the 17 syllables Haikus usually don't rhyme. Haiku three sentence stanzas looks like this: 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables. Each HRaiku should touch on some aspect of Loyalty’s Vision, Mission, or Culture. Three winning entries will be published in the May 2018 issue of Three Balls Chronicles.


Have fun! Be inspired and enter to win $25 Visa card!! Submit your HRaiku(s) to: EmployeeServices@LoyaltyPawn.com Deadline to enter is April 20th.

Answers to March HR Trivia:

1. False. Men’s workstations are 20% messier than women’s

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. False, however blue is the most common color

6. False, employees spend 50 minutes on average per day looking for lost files

We only had two entries: John Mark and Jose Velazquez

John got 4 out of six correct Jose got 5 out of six correct – Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! $25 Starbucks Gift Card is on its way! Check your email!