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Loyalty Pawn Family

Greetings Loyalty Pawn Family, March is already here. I can’t believe it! And with the next wave of tax refund checks being processed this month, now is the time to remind our clients about their layaways. With clients picking up items as they see fit and attempting to redeem their loans some clients may forget to take advantage of our layaway plans. This month's promotion might be able to help raise those numbers! With 20% down and 20% off on layaways at the counter you have no excuse not to grab your favorite items while they're still on sale. This month we are going to get to know Tyrah Walls an SLA from the El Camino Location.

1. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off? On my days off I enjoy doing whatever I can with my daughter, whether it be chilling around the house and watching cartoons or taking her out to see the world. Watching her take in this new world is probably the best feeling in the world.


2. Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why? I would have to say West Virginia only because my best friend lives there now and it’s a long overdue trip that needs to be taken.

3. What was your favorite age growing up? I’d have to say 12. Times were so simple and it’s when I used to constantly hang out with my aunt have our girls’days.

4. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not? My favorite holiday would have to be Christmas. It’s such a joyous time and the whole family always comes together. It’s a day filled with warmth, laughter and memorable times.

5. What was the last thing you read? Honestly, I have no clue. I’m in the start of a financial planning book but I don’t remember the name.

6. What was the last TV show you binge-watched? Currently re-binging George Lopez but as of fresh show, I believe it was Wednesday. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s a must see! So good!!

7. Are you into podcasts or do you only listen to music? I’ll listen to a podcast here and there but mainly into music.

8. What's one thing that can instantly make your day better? As corny as it may sound, seeing my daughter smile. I could have the worst day and it’s as if seeing that smile wipes the slate clean. She really is my pride and joy.

9. What’s one goal you have for this year personally and professionally? My main goal for this year is to get myself into shape mentally and physically. I want to lose a little weight and mentally, grow a bit more. Overall grow more as a person. Maybe go back to school.And professionally, achieve more here for the company. I want to understand the “Behind the scenes” more. Understand the inns and the outs.

10. Ideally, how would you spend your birthday? Honestly, I’m not much of a party girl so it would be to have a nice dinner and maybe grab drinks with a few friends. I just want to enjoy the time with friends and family.And of course, receive a winning lotto ticket.

11. What's your favorite board game? Uno for sure (even though it’s not much of a board game)! It’s a family game for all ages and always gets super competitive as the game progresses.

12. What’s the best way the company can celebrate you and your team for successes? Team dinners are always nice and a great way to enjoy the company of coworkers and friends without having to worry about the daily work complications.

13. What causes are you passionate about? I’m passionate about animal cruelty and police brutality as well as global warming. I feel this world needs a pretty serious change if we’re going to continue to inhabit it. it’s not like we can up and leave but…times are just so different than I remember when I was growing up.

14. What’s an essential part of your daily routine? It would have to be getting my daughter’s stuff in order. I have to wake up earlier than I would personally like to make sure she has her bottles, clothes, diapers, etc. for the day ready so that its one less thing to worry about. If I know she has everything she needs, I feel a lot better while I’m away from her.

15. Who or what inspires you in your career? My daughter is my core inspiration. I never worried much about my future but now that I have someone to care for, my world has flipped. I aspire to be better, to do better, to be the very best me I can be- for her. She deserves the world and I’m going to ensure she gets it.

16. What’s something an outsider wouldn’t know about your industry? I feel an outsider doesn’t see the impact truthfully of what we do here. To be able to help someone out of a financial hardship whether it be giving $10 for gas up to $2500 for rent and food feels pretty good at times. And not just that- but you meet some of the most genuine people this world has to offer in the form of coworkers. I’m not too sure what people think of us on the outside but working with who I do has made this one of the most chill, fun jobs I’ve ever had.

17. What’s the career highlight you’re most proud of? I would have to say that its being confident in what I do. When I first started here, I used to run away from helping people, always a little worried I would offer an amount too high or too low. Now, honestly, I’m very comfortable in where I stand here. I know what to look for and what to say to explain my reasoning to customers. That’s the best feeling in my book.

18. Do you believe in having a "five-year plan"? I do, but I also believe that’s what meant to will be. Meaning of course I see myself doing great things 5 years from now, but nothing is set in stone. My path always has a few forks in its road.

19. What’s the best piece of advice a family member has given you? The best advice I think I’ve ever received would have to be is that “if you can’t do anything about it, then there’s no need to stress it” I used to constantly overthink and stress on things that are out of my control. I’ve learned everything eventually works itself out and sometimes, our minds can be our worst enemy.

20. What is your definition of success? My definition of success would have to be simply put as happiness. I feel like if someone can say that they are happy in life and mean it to the fullest extent, then they’re doing something right. I feel like nowadays we take a lot for granted as individuals and don’t really embrace how far we’ve come. Life is too short in my opinion to measure success by how much money someone has or what materialistic items you have to your name. Tomorrow isn’t promised, make the most of today and I feel everything will fall into place.