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President’s Letter

Hello Team Loyalty,

Welcome to the month of March. It is crazy to me that after this month the year is 25% over, how time flies? We have had a great start to the year and need to capitalize on every opportunity. Tax season has started, and I do not believe it will last as long as it has in years past, but we still need to take advantage of this time of year. We should be focusing on sales and on creating the roll over loan or the re-write instead of the redemption. The goal is to collect the interest and keep the loan on the books. I know we can do this, loan balance, number of loans and sales are some of the keys to success in this industry both for the company and for team member bonuses.


There are some remarkable things coming to the industry. A new pawn conference format Is in the middle of this month. I will attend with my brother, Daniel, and I know we will bring back many valuable takeaways and new connections. At the end of the month California Pawnbrokers Association (CAPA) has a board meeting and a walk the halls event at the end of March. This will be the second in person board meeting I will be presiding over and the first walk the halls. The walk the halls event is one of my favorite things to do for CAPA. Several board members and vendors all come to Sacramento and our lobbyists schedule meetings in the state Capitol with as many of our legislatures as we can fit in. We educate them on our industry and ask for their support on any bills that may affect our industry. It is very enlightening for me, and I feel for the legislature as well, as many have never even been into a pawnshop. We will also host a political event in the Broadway location. We may need your help in attending. More to come on this fundraiser!

In closing, Happy St. Patrick's Day, keep up the tremendous job and most importantly stay safe at home and at work. Thank you to the Loyalty Pawn Family and stay dry hopefully this is our last cold and rainy month, bring on summer!


Stan Lukowicz, III