2 minute read

Letter from the President

Happy New Year Loyalty Family!!

As I write this letter, I cannot be happier with the success of 2018. We have had many many wins and a few setbacks, but they did not stop us from moving forward as a team and as a company. Saying Thank You to each one of you does not get old and it is worth repeating time and time again; so, Thank You Team Loyalty!!


The numbers, here are a few of the key performance indicators I follow religiously and some tremendous wins for us here at Loyalty pawn.

Loan Balance in 2018 we grew 13% $530,000 Layaway Balance is up a whopping 58.6% $140,000 Instore Sales (not including eBay or scrap) is up 17% over $400,000 Loan Service Charges up 10.7% $243,000

As you can see by these numbers you all truly did an outstanding job, with that said I see us having more potential! Wayne and I have made the decision to bring in one of the top pawn consulting groups in the industry. They are the owners of the Smart Financial Group and will be one of our main tools to help us guide 2019 into another successful year. They will help us with implementation, hiring, management training camps, sales goals and budgeting, weekly webinar videos, and more. This is an expensive expense for any company, but it is one that will show us great dividends and make each of us a better pawnbroker. Wayne and I have already begun weekly conference call with this group and are excited for their first visit to Loyalty pawn at the end of the month. Mr. David Johns will be making a stop at each location and speaking with as many team members as he can while he is out here and will want to know what you think need improvement and he will also be very frank with what he sees at each store level. Please give him the respect and honesty that we live by at Loyalty Pawn and welcome him into our Loyalty Pawn Family. This will be a game changer for us all and we are certainly looking forward to their help and input.

Building a company culture cannot be measured by a number but is one of the most important factors in running a business today, I recently finished a book you will hear a lot more about in the coming week “The Energy Bus” by Jon Gordon and one of the quotes in the book that really stuck with me is “Positive energy and positive people create positive results. There is certainly a lot of negativity in the world and choosing positive energy helps us deal with the negative people and negative situations that can knock us off course.” I believe that this is where we have excelled in building our culture. Let’s stay the course, stay Loyal, Dedicated, Creative and most importantly Stay Positive!