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Loyalty Pawn Family

Greetings Loyalty Family!

February is here and love is in the air. This is an excellent opportunity for all of us to make some great relationships with our clients. Let’s remember that we must come out from behind that counter if we want to make those sales. Our Loyalty Family is growing we have two new team members that are joining the family Tony Mora who is currently training at the Florin Mall location and Branon Arnett who is our new Shipper/ lister for eBay. If you haven’t introduced yourselves to these two new members, please make sure you do so. Let’s make these two feel welcome to our family. Let’s continue to build and strengthen that award-winning culture everyone.


This month we are going to get to know Cody Lathe, the store manager of our El Camino Location. Cody has been in the Pawn industry for eight years. Cody was born October 6th, 1988 in Roseville California at The Roseville community hospital and nowadays it is a moving truck rental facility. He moved around a lot as a child as many as 32 times just because his dad liked to move. His family has lived in places like Dairy New Hampshire, Boston Massachusetts, Fort Lauderdale Florida, East Oakland California, and many other Places in California. Some of his favorite places to live were New Castle and San Francisco mainly because of the food. His least favorite place to live was East Oakland because he just didn’t fit in. He finally settled in Sacramento in 2003 where he has made his life. Cody is a newlywed and has purchased his first new house where him, his wife Sarah, and two dogs Remington and Harrington have now made it into a home. Some of his hobbies are to try new and adventures cuisine or to wind down with new movies. Speaking of film, Cody's dad owned the real restaurant Pizza Planet which Pixar bought the rights to use in the movie Toy Story.

Cody has always had a thirst for knowledge this is one of the main reasons why he loves this business. The moment he thinks he has learned it all he gets introduced to something new. In January Cody was invited to join some of the leadership team and walk the halls of the Capitol. It was such an exciting experience for him he can’t wait to do it again. This intense thirst for knowledge has him working on a few projects like the podcast for the company and learning Java which is for back end systems development. Some of his more extreme far in the distance goals are to learn Mandarin Chinese and to get another degree. One of the main goals he is currently working on is to rise in the company and wants to reach the next level and help to build the brand. Lastly, some of his travel goals are to visit every continent excluding Antarctica. It is fascinating what the future holds for him, and I know we are all wishing Cody best of luck and much success in his ventures.

Javier Becerra, Operations Manager