Doors to Past Lives & Future Lives

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of these conditions. The results of these spontaneous experiences during hypnosis have been found to be consistently liberating and empowering, another example of the power of past-life knowledge. Subjects during past-life regression often find that a guiding spirit presence from out of their distant past sometimes remained with them over several lifetimes to guide their growth. At their transition, that same comforting presence may remain with them to guide their continued development in the afterlife realm. How com­forting to know that we can experience in this lifetime the powerful presence of spirit guides who have been with us in the past and will remain with us in the afterlife! Along another line, subjects during hypnosis occasionally experienced a spontaneous phenomenon called hypnoproduction, in which they demonstrated remarkable, com­plex skills which they had not acquired in their present lifetime. For instance, a graduate student who regressed to a past lifetime in Germany spoke fluently in German during hypnosis, a language he had not studied in this lifetime. Another subject during past-life re­gression discussed complicated scientific concepts using terms he had not acquired in his present lifetime. Hypnoproduction can also include demonstrations during hypnosis of advanced musical and artistic skills not acquired in this present lifetime. Each of these spontaneous past-life manifestations suggests a wondrous reserve of subconscious resources and inner potentials just waiting to be discovered, and perhaps asking to be recovered. But for the most part, discovering your past-life experiences and retrieving past-life skills require de­liberate, concentrated efforts. By discovering them for yourself, you will value them more highly, and you will better understand their current relevance. It follows that mastery of workable past-life re­gression programs could access critical knowledge and even retrieve lost skills that otherwise would remain unavailable to us or else re­quire years to acquire.

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