Living Well Magazine February 2018

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Photo Credit:©Vera LaMarche

The Power of One Step

Joe White

People always ask me, “Why do you have people firewalk at some of your events?” I have to admit, the thought did cross my mind before the first time I firewalked over 20 years ago, of what does walking barefoot over hot coals, with an average of 1200 degrees have to do with me improving my life. But after I crossed that bed of coals ten feet long, I knew it had everything to do with it. What I realized is that no matter whatever you want in life, to be more happy, to grow your business, have an unbelievable passionate relationship or create financial abundance there is one undeniable ingredient that must be present, self belief. The myth is self belief is something we need to find. We read self help books, watch Dr. Phil, or go to therapy; all in a quest to find belief in ourselves. Just like the Tin Man, Lion and Scarecrow. They all were looking for something and they were convinced that they were lacking and hoped the Wizard could give to them what they thought they needed. We know what they learned. That is was within them all along. I have firewalked over 1000 times. Coached thousands of people to cross safely. From CEOs of Fortune 500 companies to a mother trying to get clean from drugs. I have trained and certified 100’s of Firewalk Instructors around the world and I always see the same thing. Why people think they are firewalking has really nothing to do with who they are on the other side of that coal bed.

No matter what encouragement I may give you, you have to believe in yourself to take the first step. You have to trust you. It doesn’t matter if you see 50 people go before you, it is still a battle between belief in you and fear. Understanding human psychology teaches us that those two things cannot co-exist in the same space, one must win out. In that moment of uncertainty, that moment of decision, something absolutely amazing shows up in that moment when you stand on the coal bed. You discover you. You don’t find self belief in firewalking or any where in life. It is when a challenge appears and you rise up and invoke the belief in yourself that lies dormant. The problem is that most people rather not deal with challenges and will avoid them. When life gives you a challenge that you can’t avoid, we tend to just want to ride the storm out instead of rising above the storm. We discover what is really inside ourselves in these moments. We discover just how strong we are. When there is no other choice but to step forward, the warrior inside of us is summoned and shows up. Do not be afraid of discovering that self belief that lives inside of you because with it you will live an extraordinary life. You are next, will you take the first step? Disclaimer: Joe White of Get Life Coaching is a certified Master Firewalker Instructor and is recognized as one of the top firewalk instructors in the world. Never attempt to firewalk on your own or with an untrained or uncertified individuals. You could be severely injured. Until next month, Live Free!!

There is no super secret to how to walk on fire. Yes, the coals are hot. Flesh burns at or about 138 degrees and the coals are about 1200 degrees. There are plenty of theories floating on the internet on why you can, but none are really fully accurate. The only thing that is really important is that you can. All you have to do is believe in yourself that you can take that first step. See it is all about the commitment of the first step. To lift one foot off the grass and place it on the burning coals. One simple step, but it is the hardest of all steps. 36

Joe White is the President and founder of Get Life Coaching. Get Life Coaching is the leader in personal and professional development since 1999. Joe recently was named 2016 North DelaWHERE Happening Winner Top Life Coach and the 2016 DSBC Blue Ribbons award “Best Markteting of the Year”nJoe can be contacted at: 302-832-3424, or email him at: or check out: getlifecoaching Follow Joe on @getlifecoaching February 2018

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