Living Hope UK Bequest Document

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SAMPLE LANGUAGE FOR CHARITABLE BEQUESTS The following provides some suggested methods and wording for remembering Living Hope in your Will.

SPECIFIC BEQUEST: “I bequeath £ _______ (or a percentage of my

estate) to Living Hope, a United Kingdom Registered Charity (1171902). The Board of Trustees may apply this amount (or percentage) in its discretion.” - OR “I bequeath the following described property to Living Hope, a United Kingdom Registered Charity (1171902): ______________________________________________________.”

RESIDUARY BEQUEST: “I bequeath all (or a percentage) of the remainder

of my estate to Living Hope, a United Kingdom Registered Charity (1171902). The Board of Trustees may apply this amount (or percentage) in its discretion.”

CONTINGENT BEQUEST: “In the event (primary beneficiary) does not

survive me by 60 days, I bequeath said amount to Living Hope, a United Kingdom Registered Charity (1171902).,”

DESIGNATION RESTRICTED BEQUEST: This bequest specifies how you want your funds or gift to be used. For example, you may wish to designate your bequest for a particular ministry area or program within our ministry. If this is your desire, please contact us to ensure your goals and desires can be accomplished.

If you choose to direct a bequest to Living Hope, we encourage you to share your plans with us. Your plans remain confidential and we are able to ensure that when the time comes, Living Hope understands and can abide by your intentions. We also would like to recognize your generosity in making a deferred gift to Living Hope. Your benevolence demonstrates an investment in Living Hope’s ministry and mission for generations to come.

HONORARY OR MEMORIAL BEQUEST: This is a gift that pays tribute To or memorializes a person. We are pleased to honour your request and have many ways to grant appropriate recognition.

ENDOWED BEQUEST: This bequest requires Living Hope to hold the funds permanently and use only the distributable earnings for ministry purposes. A certain minimum amount is necessary for an endowed bequest donation. Please contact us if this is your desire. We seek to reach people for Christ, bringing hope and breaking the despair of poverty and disease. BEQUEST INTENTION LETTER

Dear Living Hope: It is my (our) pleasure to inform you that I (we) have named Living Hope, Ă hŶŝƚĞĚ <ŝŶŐĚŽŵ ZĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚ ŚĂƌŝƚLJ ;ϭϭϳϭϵϬϮͿ͕ as a beneficiary of an estate bequest. This letter signifies my (our) intention to make a bequest through my (our) estate plan of ά ________ (or a percentage of my estate). Please indicate below if you desire your bequest to be used for a specific ministry programme or purpose.

This gift will take the form of _____________________________________________________ [A BENEFICIARY OF MY WILL, A TRUST BEQUEST, LIFE ASSURANCE POLICY, SPECIFIC ITEMS, NAMED SECURITIES, OR OTHER] Understanding that this gift intention may be changed at any time, I (we) will inform Living Hope should I (we) change my (our) intent toward Living Hope or should the ƐƚĞƌůŝŶŐ value of my (our) estate potential donation significantly increase or decrease. Investing in the future of Living Hope gives me (us) great satisfaction in knowing that my (our) gift will help future generations by bringing hope and breaking despair. Sincerely, ____________________________________ Signature

_______________________ Date

____________________________________ Signature

_______________________ Date

Name(s): _____________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City, WŽƐƚĐŽĚĞ: ________________________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________ Thank you for sharing this information to ensure that when the time comes, Living Hope understands and can abide by your bequest intentions. Your plans will remain confidential. Please return to: Living Hope ϯϯ ĞĐŝů ZŽĂĚ ,ĞƌƚĨŽƌĚ ^'ϭϯ ϴ,Z As with any decision involving your assets, we urge you to seek the advice of your professional counsel when considering a gift to Living Hope.

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