The Genesis Of Revelation

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all the people the symbol of their last great shame, the dying Yeshiva and they still insist that this was the right thing to do, that it was Godâ€&#x;s will and had to be done. So say they: "We preach Jesus crucified" and "Jesus had to die or we could not be saved." They happen to be the only ones in the world who think so and not only are they the ones who did the repressing they continue to think that this is a divine mission of theirs and all those things associated with the Mother teachings are now called the deep things of Satan by the Christians. There was one Joseph Ben Matthias, a Jew of the Maccabean/Hasmonean family who was captured by the Romans during the siege of Jerusalem and during his incarceration he asked that he be allowed to write them a history of the events then taking place. He was given permission to do this and so he wrote his history and also became adopted into the family of the Roman Emperor, Vespasian. Vespasian was a son of the family known as the Flavii and so Joseph became Josephus Flavius. This Josephus was an inscriber of fine words and his histories, commentaries and biography are still known and read worldwide. He was also well known in high places among the Jews and particularly among the messianists of whom he had been a member. He was a commander of a unit of the Zealot army and had been the Zealot Governor of Galilee. He was well known in the Sanhedrin and recognised as a great scribe and commentator on Jewish religious works and was often asked to interpret or give his opinion about ancient writings and dogma. It was this Joseph who was spoken about at the burial of Jesus and it was his writings which are used as the crypt (codes and grave/n clothes) in which the truth is buried. This starts to take place when the council chamber is built over the Xystus, as this is the newly hewn stone 'tomb'(chamber) in which the Sanhedrin met and Josephus, according to his autobiography, was a member of this Sanhedrin. The Bible calls this period the 'trial of Jesus by the Sanhedrin' and it takes place after Judas Maccabeus (the symbol for the Maccabean Zealot movement) had betrayed the Yeshiva movement and taken over the communities. The Bible says that Judas did this for thirty pieces of silver and it was for it was the practice of the communities to take in three hundred new entrants each year. As they entered the communities these new entrants had to pay a small amount toward the cost of their tuition and accommodation and as they were generally poor people this could never be more than a token gesture and so it was set at a tenth of a shekel. There being three hundred entrants the total amount for the year was thirty pieces of silver and so these new entrants became known colloquially as the thirty pieces of silver. Once the leaders of the communities had been supplanted by the Zealots all that was left were the lower members, the thirty pieces of silver and when Judas (of the Bible) accepted the thirty pieces of silver from the High Priest he was a symbol of the Maccabean Zealot administrators taking over and running the communities. In doing this the Zealots dislodged some of their opponents and gained a large number of young men who could very easily be trained into the idea that they were sons of God and charged with fighting a holy war; and in this way was the Yeshiva buried. This can be a very confusing scenario because we have become used to thinking about time periods, events and people that were, without our realising it intentionally confused. The events surrounding the death and burial of Jesus the Yeshiva did not culminate in 30 or 33C.E. during the time of Pilate in Judea, he is merely another symbol; they culminated at the 122

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