Humor column boots the cat

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The Caldwell County News September 4, 2013 - Page 2




The Caldwell County News


Vol. 144, Issue 11, Wednesday, September 4, 2013 Published weekly at 101 S. Davis • P.O. Box 187 • Hamilton, Missouri 64644 Phone (816) 583-2116 • Fax (816) 583-2118 • e-mail: Web

(USPS 233-500) L & L Publications Inc., Owner • Incorporated under the laws of Missouri Aug. 6, 1985

Periodical Postage Paid at Hamilton, MO 64644 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: L & L Publications, Inc., 101 S. Davis

St., P.O. Box 187, Hamilton, MO 64644

Anne and Marshall Tezon, Co-publishers Anne Tezon, Editor Lisa Parris, Contributing Editor Debbie Rankin, Production Staff Cindy Fickess, Bookeeping Dennis Clark, Distribution Allen Gentry and Debby Misel, Sports –Subscription Rates– In Missouri 1 Yr. - $30 (includes tax) Out-of-State: 1 Yr. - $38.00

The Caldwell County News October 16, 2013 - Page 2


Readers speak out: The loss of freedom

Looking Back in Braymer From our Archives October 10, 1963

A public hearing was held Monday at the Braymer C-4 Auditorium concerning the resurfacing of Route N (116) west to Cowgill. The road was constructed in 1932 with a gravel surface. An oiled aggregate surface was added later. The present road is entirely inadequate for the traffic load that it is carrying. Playing at the B-Bi Theatre: Saturday- “Drums of Africa” with Frankie Avalon; Sunday- “Love is A Ball” with Glenn Ford and Hope Lange; Wednesday“Gidget Goes To Rome” with James Darren and Cindy Carol. October 17, 1963

The Church was filled for the 118th Black Oak Anniversary on a perfect autumn day. Mrs. May Roberts, will on Oct. 19, observe her 47th anniversary of ownership and management of the Franklin Hotel in Braymer. May and her husband purchased the hotel fixtures in 1916 and in 1920 they purchased the hotel building. Mrs. Roberts will be 85 in De-

cember, and has been actively associated with the business life in Braymer for 58 years. Coen Foley and his sons, Mike and Don, were goose hunting at Sumner early Tuesday morning. Within 20 minutes the boys had bagged their limit of two each. They were back in Braymer in time for school. Playing at the B-Bi Theatre: Saturday- “13 Frightened Girls”; Sunday- “Four Hits and a Mister” with Peter Finch and Angela Lansbury; Wednesday: “Nine Hours to Rama” with Jose Ferrer. October 13, 1983

A total of 413 alumni members and guests were in attendance at the alumni banquet, which was catered by the Grand River Landing Restaurant of Chillicothe. Senior Kathy Yuille was crowned the 1983 Homecoming Queen during halftime of the Braymer-Wentworth game. The annual Caldwell County 4-H Recognition Banquet was held Saturday, Oct. 1 at Hamilton High School.

October 20, 1983

Through the efforts of volunteer labor furnished by members of the Community Fire Department and the Braymer Volunteer firemen, a 1971 Ford has been added to the fire equipment at the Braymer Fire Barn. Clifford Webb, Ludlow farmer, who won the Missouri Corn Husking Championship contest Oct. 3 at Marshall, competed in the National Contest held in Sanborn, MN and finished in eleventh place. October 14, 1993

The 46th Annual Alumni Banquet and Homecoming at Braymer High School was held Saturday, Oct. 9. Margie Amery was selected by the Alumni board as the first grand marshal of the Homecoming parade and recognized at the banquet by president Bob Kelly. Tara Young was crowned Homecoming Queen and Jennifer Boyer was crowned princess. Braymer defeated Norborne 20-7. There were 444 alumni and guests attending the banquet.

The Diary of Boots the Newscat By Lisa Parris Red does not like cats. Yep. You heard me. Not only is she an overlycheerful, non-coffee drinking, morning person. She’s a big-haired cat-hater. And I can prove it. Your honor, I offer the following as evidence: Red has hated me since the moment she walked into the office. I assume it is because I am the cat and she is not. What other reason could there be? I didn’t do anything to her, I swear! She hated me before I used her pony tail for a swing (but seriously, it is just so long and it was swinging back and forth and back and forth and… I HAD to jump at it.) This has nothing to do with that particularly ugly incident. She looked at me that first day and said, “Oh. You have a cat. Indoors. How… um… nice.” She leaned down towards me and said, in a fakey fake nice voice, “Here kitty, kitty. Come see me… We can play a game!” (Oh I love games! Chase the string? Attack the mouse? Feed the starving cat?) “It’s called Gunny Sack in the River. I think you’ll like it!” (Hey. That doesn’t sound fun. I don’t like sacks. And I really don’t like rivers.) When I refused to take the bait, she tried a second time. “Don’t like that one? That’s okay. I have another one called Outside Cat.”


Oh. I know that game. I don’t like it at all. It’s been chilly outside. Why would I want to go out when I have a warm, sunny window right here? Hel-lo? Have you been sniffing the cat nip? All of her pretend niceness was making me feel sick to my stomach. I thought hacking up a hairball might make me feel better. I could not wait until everyone went home for the big event, so I went to the darkest, most desolate part of the office (see also: under Red’s desk) and found a nice, soft blanket to use for a landing pad. The only problem? When the light flipped on five minutes later, I noticed I had zooked a big one on the top of Red’s purse. In my defense, your honor, she left it on the floor. And then, things went from bad to worse. She reached down, grabbed the bag and flung it over her shoulder. And there it was… my big, ucky hair ball. She was talking on her phone and did not see it… at least not at first. She was sniffing and sniffing and sniffing. Something j u s t d i d



not smell right to Red. She twisted around to look at the bottoms of her shoes. And then she saw it. The hairball was now smeared across her blouse as well as her bag. “BOOOOOTS!!!!” Oh, dear. This sounded like Big Trouble. I don’t like yelling. Red stomped across the room, a murderous glint in her eye. I had no choice, your honor. I had to run for it. That I wrapped myself around her ankle in the process was totally accidental. I was just trying to find a safe place to hide and suddenly, there was Red, flat on her back, feet waving in the air. For the record, she stepped on my tail when she tripped. But nobody cares about that, now do they? Anyway. I slid under Shortie’s desk just as Red unleashed some of the world’s most colorful phrases. Eventually, she lay still. I could hear her muttering to herself and this worried me. Everybody knows, people who talk to themselves are crazy. I plan to stay under this desk for the next three days. That should give her time to cool down. Wait… are those her shoes? ... I don’t feel so good… maybe I should…. Oh noooo…. Uh oh. NOW she’s really gonna be mad. If I turn up on a milk carton, you guys know who to point the finger at.

Dear Editor, I am about to sound like an activist, but that’s not what I started out to be after I left the Navy and settled down to life as a stay-at-home mom. For many comfortable years, I was an avid garage sale shopper and self-diagnosed addict to hair bows for my young daughters. The shift began when my girls started school and I had to shoulder the proper parental duty of attending school board meetings. During these board meetings, I heard phrases and references to things I didn’t understand. So like many of my generation I Googled. That’s how I found IT. IT is Common Core. Our fancy state has decided to church IT up, so here IT is known as Missouri Learning Standards. By definition, IT is a set of national education standards. But there is more. Three of my main concerns are how IT bypassed the legislature, how we are going to fund IT, and how data IT collects will be used. Setting a statewide curriculum is not meant to be implemented by simple signatures on dotted lines. There is a legal process. This process includes a little document called the Missouri Constitution. That Constitution requires the Missouri State School Board to obtain legislative approval to make changes to the state’s curriculum. This was not done with Common Core. Our governor Jay Nixon signed us up for Common Core ignoring the annoyances of legal votes from our legis-

Letters to the Editor lature. As a veteran, I find this slightly upsetting. No, maybe better yet, I’m a house-wife turned activist over such an act. Freedom is worth a fight. As if freedom is not enough to take from us. How about a little taxation without representation? There is a little bit of that in there, too. With this process bypassing our elected officials, they were unable to assess the financial ramifications of the Common Core standards on their constituents prior to ITS implementation. For instance, there are some additional costs associated with this new push, such as professional development, new textbooks, instructional materials, online assessments (which will replace MAP tests) and “my favorite” data-tracking systems. All of this mess will become the financial burden of the state and local communities. In other words, can we pay for this, folks? And do we want to? I would be doing my community an injustice if I did not explore the excitement of data tracking on our kids. Common Core assessment data uses the P-20 longitudinal data system. This system actively tracks preschool aged children through their point of school completion and beyond. IT collects and retains personal student and family data to share among federal departments. Isn’t this data being collected to track a fu-

To the Editor: Several of our Caldwell County residents went to the Downtown Marriott Hotel the morning of Oct. 14th to rally against the proposed Grain Belt Express HVDC power line, and say hi to our own dear Mark Lawlor during his speaking engagement there. He was a keynote speaker at this 3rd Annual “Improving Transmission Right of Way Processes Conference.” Since he is the land negotiator assigned for Grain Belt Express, we wanted to let all his transmission friends know how much we appreciate his hard work at trying to pit neighbor against neighbor here in Caldwell County during this arduous time of collecting landowner concerns about how these proposed 3500 megawatts of power towers will severely devalue our private land. This Russian Roulette game that Clean Line plays of multiple proposed routes, and the emotional abuse of wondering which of our beloved neighbors will be safe from the threat of Grain Belt, and which of our beloved neighbors will be left holding the bag is just so much fun. We were able to coax him away from his busy schedule where he came out and assured us how he would not use the power of eminent domain to obtain our land, yet here is a description of one of the sessions fellow “negotiators” paid over $1500 to hear. Utilizing the Con-

demnation Process for Energy Projects It is often not easy to acquire these rights. Landowners generally are unwilling to accommodate development on their property...private developers can obtain those rights through condemnation... But, Mr. Lawlor, what do you think the word condemnation means? That word doesn’t sound property value elevating. But, he had to scurry off as his conference schedule was calling. We wouldn’t want him to be late for the next session, Understanding Behavioral and Personality Styles for Negotiation Success - Using practical and personal exercises, this session will provide attendees with a framework for understanding the behavioral and personality styles used for negotiation. Attendees will develop a better understanding of behavioral styles and how they can recognize and relate to the diverse styles of people they deal with. We, Caldwell County locals shouldn’t feel the least manipulated with Psy Op classes like these under Mr. Lawlor’s belt...”Grain Belt” that is. So we should all give Mr. Lawlor the welcome he deserves when he sets up shop with a Polo office as Bud Vaught’s neighbor in the Polo Realty and Appraisal/Summerville Insurance building next week. Amy Harvey, Polo MO

Out of the Past in Hamilton From our Archives October 13, 1993

Some JC Penney VIP’s were in Hamilton getting a living history lesson on their company. The men were all operations managers or managers of catalog distribution centeres who were in Kansas City for an annual meeting. The trip to Hamilton was a complete surprise for the Penney officials, as were the bricks with their names engraved that were waiting for them at the Penney House. #7 Hamilton and #6 Albany prepared to face off in the Grand River Conference “Game of the Year”

and the title of Conference Champions, marking the fourth time in their last five meetings that Hamilton and Albany battled for either a league title or playoff advancement. The Coneheads and Hocus Pocus were playing at the Ritz, Esry’s was selling 39 oz. cans of Folgers for $3.98 and the school was selling picture packages for $6.00. October 15, 1986

Workers from the Missouri Department of Conservation took advantage of the warm and sunny fall weather to paint the new restroom building at

The Caldwell County News Vol. 144, Issue 17, Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Published weekly at 101 S. Davis • P.O. Box 218 • Hamilton, Missouri 64644 Phone (816) 583-2116 • Fax (816) 583-2118 • e-mail: Web

(USPS 233-500) H & H Publishing, L.L.C., Owner • Incorporated under the laws of Missouri October 1, 2013

Periodical Postage Paid at Hamilton, MO 64644 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: H&H Publishing, 101 S. Davis St., P.O.

Box 218, Hamilton, MO 64644

ture workforce? I shudder to think of where I would be currently if my future was determined by a third grade math test. Not all of us travel the same course. Some of us mature later, like myself. I needed all of my poor choices to make good ones now. Nowhere did I need a bar graph of my educational assessments to determine my life’s journey. Where is our privacy? Where is the freedom to make our own choices… to decide our own path? The unconstitutional push of this initiative, the taxation without representation, the data tracking of my children… all of it is about freedom. A loss of freedom. As a Navy veteran, I am accustomed to the idea of fighting for freedom at all costs. I served overseas in the Navy supporting an effort to maintain our nation’s freedom. Now my fight for freedom is a closer commute and much, much more personal. National freedom is what I fought for then. Local and personal freedom is what I fight for now. Come hear how this impacts our community at a Town Hall meeting Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. at the First Christian Church of Polo. Speaker is the Education Coordinator for Concerned Women for America for Missouri. I’ll be there. Jenn Leyden Caldwell County Resident with Lathrop, MO address

the Hamilton City reservoir. The chemical toilets, added to the boat ramp, parking lot and newly graveled access road will enhance the reservoir as a recreational area. Off to their best start in 27 years, the Hamilton Hornets remained unbeaten with a 27-0 win over Albany, securing their fifth-place 2A state ranking with a 5-0 record. Hy-Klas had 4-pack rolls of Charmin on sale for 33 cents, ground beef was 88 cents per pound at Esry’s and North Country Ford Mercury was offering the new Mercury Topaz GS Sedan for $9,475.

Steve Henry, Publisher Stephanie Henry, Marketing Lisa Parris, Editor Debbie Rankin, Production Staff Cindy Fickess, Bookkeeping Dennis Clark, Distribution Allen Gentry and Debby Misel, Sports –Subscription Rates– In Missouri 1 Yr. - $30 (includes tax) Out-of-State: 1 Yr. - $38.00

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