An Affair of the Heart Tulsa November 18-20, 2016, show program

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As many of our veteran patrons know, An Affair of the Heart is a shopping battle of epic proportions. To help you prepare, we’ve compiled a small list of tips to help you come, see and conquer: Tickets are good for all three days of the show including re-entry; so don’t feel like you have to make it through the entire show in one day.

You can literally find something for everyone on your list (even the men), so bring your list and get all your Christmas shopping done in one weekend!

Wear comfortable shoes.

Notify your bank if you plan to shop with a debit or credit card as many vendors are from out of state.

Pick up a business card or write down the name of the vendors you shop. This makes it easier to find them after the show when you realize the personalized sign you bought for your home would make a great gift. Rolling carts, your personal shopping bags and strollers are welcome at the show. Just be courteous of other shoppers’ toes. Never shop alone. Bring a friend who can help you remember where you parked, what aisle that perfect necklace was on and help you carry all your goods.

A show this size takes energy so don’t forget to eat! Speaking of lunch, Tulsa offers some great restaurant districts for your dining pleasure:

Utica Square on the southeast corner of 21st Street and Utica Ave. The Cherry Street entertainment district is located on 15 th Street between Peoria Avenue and Utica Avenue Brookside, on Peoria Avenue between 31st and 41st streets.

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