Keeping Your Family Happy, Healthy, and In-Balance

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Nothing in this ebook constitutes medical advice. All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. Please consult with your doctor before using patches for any medical condition. The statements in here are the author’s own experiences only.



Hello, my name is Lia Ann de Garcia. I am a holistic health practitioner, focusing on helping children and their families restore and balance their brains and bodies in order to lead happy and healthy lives.

As a mom of 3 boys, each with his own history of learning struggles, and a life long educator and learning specialist, I have spent 2 decades learning how to improve the brain health of children.

As a result, I have man health and wellness. S light therapy, frequenc estatic when I found th single patch!


I love using Lifewave® with children because many are unable to swallow supplements, and, well what kid doesn't just love a band aid?


LifeWave patches are self-adhesive and are applied to specific acupuncture points in our body.

They work like acupuncture, in that they stimulate and communicate with the body's bioelectrical energy system via points on the surface of the body.

They also work like red light therapy, using the body's own infrared light to reflect low frequencies of light that the body recognizes as an informational signal.

In this way, they work to restore the energy body and are a simple at home treatment, we can do for ourselves without any chemicals being absorbed into the body.

www lifewave com/ldegarci

LifeWave® phototherapy technology was initially invented for Navy SEALS and military personnel to keep them alive and alert for their missions without relying on chemical pep pills. The inventor, David Schmidt decided that this technology should be made available to the public instead, and so LifeWave® was born.

Lifewave Phototherapy patches come as little clear round stickers with a white center. You stick them on different locations on the body, often on the midline like the back of the neck or under the belly button. As long as it is on the body, it goes to work.


When using more than one patch, once the backing is off, they all look alike. To prevent a mix-up, you might want to put a color sticky dot on them to tell them apart.

The skinny on some of the different patches:

Energy Enhancer Patches. These are used to create an energetic bioelectrical flow of energy to nourish organs. They are used in place of acupuncture needles and are similar to RED lasers in its effect. Energy patches are energizing, tonifying, strengthening and increase energy production in the mitochondria.

Icewave Patches. These come in White and Tan and for pain and swelling. They create an energetic and bioelectrical flow in the body to sedate pain. Really useful to have for any condition that results in pain and is great to use for drug free pain relief.

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Aeon Patch. This is the great calming and anti inflammatory patch. Use in times of stress and anxiety. Use overnight for brain balancing and calming the nervous system. Useful for painful, inflammatory conditions and where swelling is involved.

Carnosine Patch. This patch elevates the production of carnosine, an antioxidant molecule that is beneficial for heart, brain, and muscles. It is a calming patch, and great for neurocognition, as well as preventing and reversing the damage due to sugar and glycation damage. An amazing first aid patch.

Glutathione Patch. This patch elevates the production of native glutathione molecules by an average of 300% in 24 hours. Amazing for any viral issue and for elevating antioxidants within a very short time. Use when you suspect a chemical exposure or a bug, and drink lots of water.

SP6 Complete Patch. This patch is used for improving digestive function, balancing the hypothalamus, balancing hormones and curbing cravings. Really beneficial for the brain as it accesses the hypothalamus which has a wide range of jobs in the body to help it maintain homeostasis.


Saving the best for last!

X39 Stem Cell Activation patch

LifeWave's signature patch is X39. It elevates the GHK copper peptide, which has been proven to signal the activation of stem cells.

When stem cells are activated, they can become any cell in your body. So when there is an injury, for example, activated stem cells can go to the site of injury to help restore balance to that area.

It took the founder, David Schmidt, 10 years to figure out a way to activate the body's stem cell production, so it is by far the most important patch to use.

When in doubt, use X39.

As cold and flu season approaches your family to stay healthy and not

Always drink plenty of clean w Eat clean, whole foods Increase your family's glutathio production with LifeWave's glu patch.

Keeping Your Family He Glutathione

Glutathione is one of your body's best detoxifiers. It is made in the liver. Its job is to bind to toxins broken down in the liver and escort them out of the body.

When you place the glutathione patch on the body, it raises your own body's natural glutathione production by 300% in 24 hours and sustains it as long as you keep wearing the patch.

Therefore it is a powerful way to both boost your body's immune system and to help get rid of unwanted toxins.


Inflammation is a localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection.

If the injury or infection is long lasting, then you may experience chronic inflammation.

Pain & Inflammation


Pain is the body's signaling response that something is wrong. We need to experience pain so that we realize we are injured. Sometimes, the signaling system is stuck on and there is mis communication within the tissue.

Whether you experience acute pain and inflammation from a sports injury or chronic inflammation from an inflection, using the following patches can help in a speedy recovery.

In fact, when patching for pain, it is possible to notice immediate relief. When at events I patch for pain, especially feet!



Waves For targeted pain relief, especially helpful with nerve pain like neuropathy

X39 To activate stem cells and repair damaged tissue
For targeted anti-inflammatory response

Balancing the Brain

Children often need help with focus, attention, learning, self regulation, and anxiety. These are a result of brain inflammation, disconnection, and imbalances. However, children are not the only ones suffering from these cognitive issues, parents have them too. These cognitive struggles can be a result from a physical trauma, like an accident, toxins in the foods & environment, stroke, or illnesses, just to name a few.

Fortunately, LifeWave® phototherapy patches can help restore the balance and function in the brain, thus improving symptoms.

Brain Balancing Protocols

often use one or a combination of these patches: X39

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Activating stem cells so they can become whatever cells needed for repair.


Anti-inflammatory patch & balancing parasympathetic/ sympathetic nervous system.

Glutathione &/or Carnosine Detoxification and removal of heavy metals

4. Energy Enhancers

Bringing energy to the brain, or Icewaves

Decreasing excess energy in the brain.

Anxiety and depression are rampant in today's society.

AEON Studies show that it normalizes the stress response in the body.

Nirvana is also commonly used by those experiencing anxiety and depression. People tell me they feel a euphoria, see more vivid colors, and feel more connected to people when using this patch.



Where do I place patches?

Patches work anywhere on the body, but can be enhanced when placed on specific acupoints. Each patch comes with pictures of suggested placements. Patches have to be within 6 inches of the body because they are activated by body heat. So if your child wont tolerate the patch, it can go over or under clothing, or even in a hat. Contact me so I can help you identify the ideal point for your needs.

How Long Can I wear them?

It is recommended that patches be worn 12 hours on with a 12 hour break. This prevents your body from getting too used to the signal. Sometimes patches might be worn just 1 2 hours. Sometimes patches can cause a lot of energy to be flowing through the brain, and they can stimulate a detox, so starting low might be advisable.

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If you or your child is using patches and it doesn't seem that anything is happening, more than likely you need to be drinking more water. You also need to look to see if you are getting enough minerals as well. Both water and minerals are needed for the conductivity in the body and for the patches to work. Put a pinch of pink salt in your water (dont't worry, it won't taste salty.)


Negative side effects are actually detox symptoms. If you or your child are experiencing such a reaction, such as a headache or insomnia, then you need to increase your water intake and decrease the amount of time you are using the patch and build up to the 12 hours. This will be typical of glutathione, since it assists in detox, but any patch could potentially stimulate a detox.

What if nothing happens? Can I experience a negative side effect?
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5. Is there a support group?

Yes, that's the best part! There is a private Facebook group with over 50K people on it asking questions and sharing stories just like yours. Either search symptoms in the search bar or go to guides and learn about all the patches individually in a systematical order. If you are not on facebook, there is an alternate group, so let me know if you need that. And of course I am always available to personally answer any questions you may have.


The great thing about animals is that the don't experience the placebo effect. I know lots of people who patch their pets because they are either anxious or ill. An eon on the collar can be good for an anxious dog, or x39 on a wound for faster restoration.


Therearethreewaysto purchase:



90 day money back guarantee on first order

Wholesale Preferred Customer Requires Autoship +$19.95 one time membership fee Receive monthly sample patches 90 day money back guarantee on first order

Wholesale Brand partner $24.95 one time set up fee 30 day money back guarantee on first order

Able to receive commission

Be a part of the BEST COMPANY EVER!

Getting started is easy. Just decide which patches you would like and if you would like no-obligation retail pricing, or wholesale pricing If you like to share with others, we would love to have you aboard as one of our brand partners.


Let's Get in Touch

You should check out our website to see videos, science & research, and testimonials about these amazing patches:

If you would like to order online on your own, click the link below.

In order to make sure that you know which patches to use and optimal placement, please book a free call by clicking on the link below or sending me an email.

Neurodevelopment Specialist & functional health coach

Lisa Ann de Garcia
@LisaAnn.deGarcia Lifewave® Brand Partner & Independent Distributor ID# 1459753 @LisaAnn deGarcia
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