The ILLUMINATI Exposed! - Beware the Mark

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The arrogant, indulgent and largely freemasonic executives who run today’s autocratic and secretive corporate states have effectively become our sovereigns. From who gets health care, to who pays taxes, from what’s on the news, to what’s in our food they have usurped the people’s democratic authority and now formulate these important social decisions in private, based solely on the interests of their great god mammon. This attitude was forged back in 1882, when that villainous old robber baron William Henry Vanderbilt spat out: "The public be damned! I’m working for my stockholders." "The government of the United States at present is a foster child of the special interests. It is not allowed to have a will of its own... The government of the United States in recent years has not been administered by the common people... the masters of the government of the United States are combined capitalists and manufacturers of the United States - The big bankers, the big manufacturers, the big masters of commerce, the heads of railroad corporations and of steamship corporations." President Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1921 Believe it or not, your whole life's labour and everything you've worked for, including your precious children, have become the legal, commercial collateral of the BANKRUPT U.S. Our NWO elite leaders are totally committed to the program of corporate globalisation, where they are compelled to this strategy by the need to keep their capital-pool growing. Reducing Western populations to Third-World slave status is a necessary part of their plans for the globalisation of the economy and the consolidation of all power in their centralised bureaucracies. The installation of police-state regimes is being purposely pursued in order to force this elite program on Western populations. To prove these claims, use the links to the actual law, statute, presidential order or record as it is written and to articles which elucidate the proof of that claim. PLEASE RESEARCH THE LINKS provided so that you can come to KNOW the truth for yourself. GOVERNMENT SPONSORED TERRORISM Terrorist attacks and assassinations are almost always planned by government funded intelligence agencies – the Israelii Mossad being a classic and historically well-documented example. So asking "what did the CIA know and when?" is like asking the fox when it knew it was going to raid the hen house. The inner circle of the CIA and all the world's intelligence agencies do not necessarily owe their allegiance to the nations that finance them. Rather, they are controlled by the people who are pushing "globalisation," the UN and world government. This so-called elite consists of the world's oil, banking, media and defence cartels, organized crime, and various powerful Satanic and occult secret societies. It is coordinated by the Royal Institute of International Affairs and its US branch, the Council on Foreign Relations. Essentially, this is the Anglo American establishment, known in the US as the "Eastern Establishment” where Rothschild and Rockefeller money is at its heart. It has expanded its worldwide grip to include the "Bilderbergers" group and the Trilateral Commission. These parasitic, Pharisaic vampires have been feeding off the United States and the world for the past 100 years and are responsible for countless economic and other catastrophes and in all of our wars. THE 1933 ANTI-TERROR LAWS PRECEDENT On February 28 1933, using the excuse of a conveniently rigged Reichstag fire, an emergency decree was rammed through the German cabinet, which overturned the Weimar constitution and thus gave Hitler his power. The key paragraph said: "Restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press; on the rights of assembly and association; and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications and warrants for household searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed." The decree served as the basis for Hitler's dictatorship. Hitler had previously been 58 | P a g e

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