Esoteric Remedies Self-Healing Workbook

Page 56

Star of Bethlehem Star of Bethlehem is one of the five remedies in Dr Bach’s Rescue Remedy™ formula. Its primary function is to neutralise shock, and its subsequent reverberations through the physical, emotional and spiritual domains. Described by Dr Bach as the “comforter and soother of all pain and sorrows,” it is the remedy of first choice to aid you in traumatic moments, such as when you are confronted with bad news or bereavement.

WHAT THE REMEDY SHOULD WHAT THE REMEDY SHOULD ACHIEVE ACHIEVE Star of Bethlehem helps to Holly gifts you with the ability alleviate the trauma of shock – be generous and to express y either sudden or delayed – that love for others. could have short or long-term consequences on your physical It helps you to rise above you and emotional self. negative emotions of anger, hatred and jealously. It helps you to get back on your feet in times of great distress.

Star of Bethlehem is can also be used to help you vent your feelings and frustrations that you’ve bottled up for extended periods of time. It releases all these pent-up emotions, reliving any pressure, and helping to kickstart the healing process. Sometimes, the effects of shock do not show immediately. Instead, they are repressed, and do not manifest for weeks, months and even years after the original incident has long been forgotten. In such instances, the shock may appear as physical or emotional ailments with no obvious cause.


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