Refrigerator Repair Alpharetta

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How to Repair Smelly Refrigerator We live in the age of technology, plenty of gadgets and devices are available today which makes our life easier and convenient. Some of them have become part of our life and we simply can’t imagine our life without it. Home appliances are the most revolutionary technology; it makes work so much simple for every household and has become the part of our day to day life. Refrigerator is the most important house appliance; we literally can’t live without it especially in summer. Imagine one hot summer you find out that your fridge is not working, hard isn’t it? Malfunctioning fridge can be most frustrating thing in the world; we are quite depended on this piece of technology. If there is some major malfunctioning then you need a professional to fix the issue but there are some minor problems which can be fixed by you. If you discover foul smell in your refrigerator and thinking of calling refrigerator repair Alpharetta Service, then stop because you can fix this problem on your own. To fix this issue you will need some material which is easily available in the kitchen. First of all, remove all suspicious food from the fridge which you think could be spreading the smell, then unplug the device from the power cable in order to give it thorough wash. Wash the device with soap and water first, once washed properly, the next step is scrubbing. Make a solution of half cup of baking soda and warm water, scrub the inside and out of the fridge with the solution. Next step is to wipe the tray beneath the freezer, wipe it dry as it has tendency of developing molds. If the foul odor is still there, then gather few charcoal briquettes, put them in shallow bowl and place it in a corner of the fridge. It will absorb the bad smell and keep your refrigerator odor free. This process is quite simple and less time consuming, you can do it any time of the day. It will make your device odor free and you will save lot of money.

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