17 61 On the Cover Laugh it Up! Comedy Comes to Town. ASSOCIATION NEWS 5 Board of Directors’ Report A Note from the Executive Director 6 Committee Reports Clubs and Community Organizations Accessibility Compliance Architectural Review Finance 9 Election News 10 Candidate Biographies 14 Department News Lifestyle News and Happenings The Spa at Kilaga Springs COMMUNITY PROFILE 1 7 Singles Club Builds Laughing Friendships 1 9 It’s No Laughing Matter from the Horse’s Mouth! 2 1 The Healing Power of Laughter 23 Laugh it Up! Comedy Comes to Town IN EVERY ISSUE 25 In Memoriam 26 Library News 26 Bingo 27 Club News 46 Support Groups 48 Bulletin Board 49 Community Perks 53 Spa 57 Entertainment 62 Trips 67 Class Index 69 Lifestyle Classes 7 7 WellFit Classes 93 Contacts and Hours 94 Ad Directory Contents 66 23 75
211 Your Non-Emergency Call for Help!
Connecting Point is your trusted source for information and connections in Placer and neighboring counties.
Dial 2-1-1 for referrals to local services, including food programs, nonemergency transportation, utility assistance, moving resources, health or dental referrals, questions regarding social security, Medicare, insurance benefits, legal/fiduciary, plus help connecting to tax preparation services. Additional connections are but are not limited to home repair and safety, in-home services for seniors, assistance When you need information about local services, disaster readiness, or recovery assistance, Placer 211 with disabilities, information regarding skilled nursing facilities, assisted living, care homes, and end-of-life information.
March 15 - April 16
3/15 Jolly Celtic Folk 57 3/19 Is it a Pest? - Community Forum .................. 49 3/19 It’s the Lifestyle! Expo 49 3/19 All About COPD ............................................ 77 3/19 Stretch and Prep .......................................... 85 3/20 New Resident Orientation 49 3/20 Structured Dance Night ............................... 57 3/22 The Blind Side - Movie 49 3/24 Spring Celebration ....................................... 82 3/25 Meet the Author Series ................................ 49 3/25 The Folk Legacy Trio 57 3/27 Walk and Talk ............................................... 85 3/27 Bingo 26 3/29 Katy Stephan ................................................ 59 3/29 How Old Are You Really 77 3/31 Kings vs. Utah Jazz ...................................... 64 4/1 Needle Felting - Landscape ......................... 76 4/4 San Francisco Bay Flower and Garden 62 4/4 Hypnosis ...................................................... 82 4/4 Sound Bath Experience 82 4/9 Home, Health and Business Showcase ........ 51 4/11 Spring Fling 83 4/12 Oksana Polishchuk 59 4/12 Ironstone Vineyards ..................................... 62 4/14 Walk for Multiple Sclerosis 51 4/15 Needle Felting - Fox..................................... 75 4/15 Power Foods for the Brain 79 4/16 Tuesday Dance Night ................................... 57 4/16 Annie ............................................................ 64 4/16 Protein and Fiber 81 Date Event Page # Subject to change. Please see eNews for updated times and dates. Finance Committee Thursday, March 21, 9:00 AM ARC/Architectural Review Committee Monday, March 25, 9:00 AM Board of Directors Thursday, March 28, 9:00 AM Board of Directors Executive Session Thursday, March 28, 11:30 AM CCOC/Clubs and Community Tuesday, April 2, 9:30 AM Organizations Committee Compliance Committee Wednesday, April 3, 9:00 AM Properties Committee Thursday, April 4, 9:00 AM Elections Committee Friday, April 5, 10:00 AM ARC/Architectural Review Committee Monday, April 8, 9:00 AM CCRC/Communications and Community Tuesday, April 9, 10:00 AM Relations Committee
of Directors Workshop Thursday, April 11, 10:00 AM
of Directors Executive Session Thursday, April 11, 1:00 PM
the most
information. Upcoming Association Meetings: March 21
Calendar of Events
Meetings subject to change. Visit sclhresidents.com for
up to date
– April
Board of Directors’ Report
Denny Valentine, Secretary
As a follow-up to my last article, I want to provide more information on the fiscal consequences for the Association, and frankly to each one of its members, when it has to respond to or initiate legal action to protect the Association. Fallacious accusations filed with government agencies by a very small number of our members cost each one of us and is essentially neighbors suing neighbors.
In 2023, we spent $22,265 for legal representation that was required to get our story told to the judicial bodies dealing with each individual matter. So far, these issues have been reconciled in the Association’s favor. Still, others will continue into 2024 and beyond, each adding to our legal costs and potentially your financial obligation as a resident.
Time and resources would be better spent if issues were brought directly to the Executive
Director or the Board of Directors to get the facts and reconcile concerns. Often issues are based on a lack of knowledge, misunderstanding, or misinterpretation of the governing documents. However, for this process to succeed, all parties must approach it with an open mind, address the issues, and not make it personal.
The work of the attorneys is predicated on information they receive from our staff, committees, and professional support, and this work has a cost. Staff takes time that could otherwise be spent furthering the goals and objectives of the Association, and lawyers love billable hours.
Sharing these thoughts keeps our membership better informed that the actions of a few individuals have an impact that has a broader reach than what may be seen on the surface. Social media has its merits, but facts can get lost in the emotions. Check the validity of what you see, verify the source, and reach out if you have concerns.
A Note from the Executive Director
Executive Director and the Strategic Planning Team
Del Webb created an amazing development in the hills of Lincoln that cannot be matched or recreated to the scale and level at today’s very affordable member assessment. As part of the Strategic Plan, we have been taking the time to seek resident input on where Lincoln Hills wants to be in the next 5-10 years and beyond. The old saying of ‘failing to plan is planning to fail’ is certainly true when advancing the health of a 25-year-old large-scale active adult community. Strategic Planning provides a roadmap for the community to continue to thrive and a tool for the governance, operations, and improvements needed.
Through thirteen focus groups and flash surveys, all residents have been given the opportunity to provide input into the development of the Strategic Plan. Everyone who wanted to attend was allowed to participate and share their thoughts, and it became clear that residents are aligned in their priorities. With that feedback and understanding
of the general direction, the Board has endorsed the Association Strategy Statement. Key components of the Strategy Statement include the following focus areas: Operations and Governance, Operational Efficiencies, and Plan for the Future.
The Association Strategy Statement:
• Fix the Base – ensure a solid operational base of processes and structure that is efficient, robust, and manageable.
• Improve the Base – achieve operational excellence through improved productivity, cost efficiencies, and laser focus on essential projects while keeping dues under control.
• Build on the Base - create, adopt, and fund a market-driven, community-wide Master Plan through a comprehensive understanding of current and potential future residents’ interests and needs.
The final Strategic Plan will meet the above statements, be woven into everything we do, and will be reviewed and updated annually. You are welcome to provide questions or comments at SP@sclhca.com.
Clubs and Community Organizations Committee Rocks
George Herrmann, Vice Chair
March 19 is National Laugh Day. Seriously, who knew? A story comes to mind. In one of those multicultural neighborhoods in New York City, there was a church, a synagogue, and a protestant place of worship on opposite corners of an intersection. Every week, the priest and the rabbi went fishing. They never asked the minister. He always wondered why. On a whim one day, they asked the minister to join them. They drove to the lake, got the boat, and motored away from shore. Suddenly, the priest said that he had forgotten the fishing tackle. He said that he would be right back. He stepped off the side of the boat, walked across the water, and returned with the fishing tackle. The minister was perplexed. At lunchtime, the rabbi, finding no lunch, remembered that he left
it in the car. The rabbi stepped off the side of the boat, walked across the water, and returned with the lunch. The minister was feeling a little left out and believed his faith was as strong as theirs. He made an excuse, stepped off the side of the boat, and immediately sank right to the bottom. He nearly drowned, but they pulled him back into the boat. He sat quietly, choking and dripping wet. The priest looked at the rabbi and said, “Do you think that we should tell him where the rocks are?” Long time residents familiar with the more than 80 clubs and community organizations know where the “rocks” are. Rather than watching new residents stumble over them, why not take the time to guide them to put their feet in the right places and keep them afloat? Have some laughs. Make March 19 last the year.
Accessibility Committee Thank You
June Paquette, Chair
With the Accessibility Committee being sunsetted, we would like to thank the residents who have served along with the staff, committees, and groups that collaborated with us.
Many modifications have been made over the last two and a half years. Some include removing curbs at our main lodge entrances, adding buttons/ bars that electronically open doors, and adding railings, pool lifts, safety mats, etc.
Additionally, WellFit Exercise passes can now be extended due to medical issues. In the aerobics room most hearing aids will receive the instructor’s voice. We also have new hearing assist devices for the Presentation Hall and Ballroom, along with a process to request the device that works best for you. These modifications help not only the requestor but also other residents, potentially our future selves. All of us are one accident or one diagnosis away from needing to interact with the world differently.
If there are obstacles on Association property
or part of the Association offerings, residents can request a modification through the Executive Director. In addition to modification requests, the Accessibility Committee learned a lot about available resources and have posted them online. There are so many that the government now has a phone number to call for non-emergency assistance - 211.
If transportation is an issue, Lincoln Hills Foundation subsidizes a Dial-A-Ride program for Lincoln Hills residents. A 20-ticket packet for $10 is available for medical appointments, shopping, etc., within Lincoln, including Lincoln Hills. For purchases, contact the Dial-A-Ride Coordinator at 916-543-8436.
The Accessibility Committee has been very productive in its two and half years. If we work together, sharing what we have learned, the benefits of this committee will live on. Thank you from current/past Accessibility Committee Chairs/Vice Chairs, June Paquette, Judie Panneton, Don Nelson and Laura Thiele.
Compliance Committee
Community Review Program
Roz Odell, Chair
Spring is just around the corner, and residents begin to look at their landscaping, checking that it is compliant with the Design Guidelines. Remember we are here to help you figure this out. Just give us a call at the Community Standards Department and make an appointment. Someone will be happy to come to your home and answer your concerns.
This is also when we begin to plan the Community Review Program (CRP). With the past staff shortages, we have not been able to process this large project in its entirety. We hope to correct this in 2024. We thought that reminding you about this review and what it entails would be helpful, especially to those new residents.
We will be checking landscaping this spring, and that will include a front yard street tree and
two side yard trees for corner lots. Please remember that plantings can go under trees if foliage is not low to the ground. Your landscape should have no dead plants or weeds and show reasonable trimming. Plants must be kept less than four feet tall. The coverage percentages for each area are turf is 50% maximum, plants 50% minimum, and rock 25% maximum. We use these percentages for each area, along the areas on either side of your driveway and the side yards of corner lots. Bark should cover all dirt and irrigation lines. Safety issues such as visibility will also be considered.
We will be posting a schedule informing you when your village will be reviewed.
Please feel free to contact the committee if you have any questions about any compliance concerns. We will be glad to help.
Architectural Review Committee
We Are Here to Help
Greg Kevin, Chair
After a brief absence from the Compass, we are back better than ever. The committee has undergone a change in members, but I am happy to report that the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is back to full strength with ten members. During this transition, we have spent considerable time training and bringing the committee members up to speed on the Association rules, regulations, and processes. Our focus is on helping residents navigate the ARC process.
We recently received an email from a concerned resident who asked, “Who are the actual decision makers? What are their qualifications to make these decisions? Where in the governing documents is it written that the ARC is anointed with these kind of specific requirements, demands, and authority?”.
Rest assured, we are simply all volunteers
who are also your neighbors. The ARC members were appointed to the committee by the Board of Directors. The Association’s governing document clearly spells out the necessity of the ARC and its duties and responsibilities. To be honest, we have no qualifications other than the desire to help our fellow residents through the application process and to demonstrate the patience to help applicants understand and follow our governing documents.
Allow me the liberty to quote from President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address: “-and that a government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.”
Truly, isn’t that who we are as Lincoln Hills? We are an association of the people, by the people, for the people. We are the ARC because you allow us to be the ARC. We are here to help. We can be reached at ARC@sclhca.com.
Finance Committee
Strong January Performance
Fred Raach, Chair
January’s financial results were positive. Net revenue was $40,000 higher than had been projected when the budget was approved last September. Association operating revenue was $581,000, $58,000 (11%) larger than had been projected. Dues revenue of $1,099,000 produced total revenue of $1,680,000. Expenses were $1,632,000, only $18,000 more than had been budgeted.
All departments beat their January revenue projections, with the exception of Communication and IT, which missed its target by less than $3,000.
January and subsequent months’ expense levels are benefiting from a number of positive developments occurring after the budget was approved. The Director of Finance negotiated a 22% reduction in credit card processing fees late last year. The change to the new security service company reduced this cost by 24%. The Association’s insurance program premiums were 11% below what had been expected in the budget. The decision to find a lower cost option for storage space and the delay in PG&E’s rate increases also contributed to the good results in January. In total, these items reduced January expenses by $34,000.
Personnel costs in January, however, were $33,000 larger than budgeted. Only two of the seven
departments, Food and Beverage and Facilities and Landscaping, had personnel costs at or below the budgeted level. A significant portion of the overages in Lifestyle, WellFit, and the Spa at Kilaga Springs were associated with higher-than-budgeted revenues in those departments. Landscape and general maintenance, supplies, and repairs were over budget due to additional projects and expenses budgeted for later in the year occurring in January.
The chart below shows how each department’s performance in January compares to what was budgeted. Particularly notable is Food and Beverage, which last year was $54,000 over budget in January and this year is almost $19,000 better than budget, from increased revenue and effective control of food, personnel, and other expenses.
The Director of Finance, working with our investment advisor, is continuing to take advantage of the high-interest rates available on short-term, secure investments for operating cash, CEF funds and Reserve funds. While the bulk of the Reserve fund ($11.6 million) remains invested longer term at lower rates, $1.0 million of recent contributions have been invested in a short-term Treasury fund with a current yield of 5.2% to increase the overall return on the reserve account and provide readily accessible funds for current expenditures.
Election News Elections Are On!
• Seven candidates are running for the three Board of Directors positions for two-year terms. Listed in alphabetical order:
1. Don Bowden 5. Joanne Mitchell
2. David Conner 6. Marcia VanWagner
3. Chuck Cunningham 7. Lynne White
4. Gary Kawula
• Please take the time to read the Candidate Biographies included in this issue to decide who, in your mind, should be elected as Directors.
• Candidate video introductions are posted on the Resident Website.
• Candidate Material will be available in a specified display in both lodges.
• Questions for Candidate Forums may continue to be submitted to Elections.Committee@sclhca.com through March 22 or placed in collection boxes at both lodges.
• You may hear candidates state their positions and respond to selected resident questions on Saturday, April 6 at 10:00 AM P-Hall (KS).
• Please keep our election process courteous and civil by focusing on what the candidates have to offer the community.
Date Day Event 3-1-2024 Friday Candidate Forum Question Box is available until 3-22-2024 3-15-2024 Friday Campaign material display continues in lodges 4-6-2024 Saturday Candidate Forum 10:00 AM P-Hall (KS) 4-10 - 15-2024 Wednesday - Monday Ballots mailed to members 5-15-2024 Wednesday Close Ballots, 3:00 PM. End campaign, remove campaign material from displays 5-16-2024 Thursday Election Day. Ballot Counting begins 9:00 AM
Annual Meeting
Members. Election results announced
Candidate Biographies are not approved or endorsed by Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association and do not necessarily reflect the views, rules, or policies of Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association.
Donald (Don) Bowden Personal Information
As a 7 ½ year resident, I am currently serving as Treasurer of the Board of Directors. My career was in the High-Tech industry at a Fortune 50 corporation. I interacted with a broad spectrum of individuals with diverse perspectives and agendas.
I have experience of traveling extensively for work, interacting with CEOs, other cultures, and highranking government officials from around the world.
In retirement I have continued my enjoyment of travel. I am an avid motorcyclist and have taken several cross-country road trips including one to the Arctic circle and I combine my travel with my hobby of photography, here in Sun City walking the trails and while I am on the road.
Community Involvement
I was president of the Road Runners Motorcycle Club here in Sun City until I was elected to the Board, am still active in the club and currently hold the position of Road Captain. I have also served as Web-Master for the Lincoln Hills Foundation.
David Conner
I was conceived on the Fourth of July, 1942. I had a pretty teenage mother to help me grow up while my dad was building runways in the South Pacific. After a post war childhood and unremarkable school record, I struck out on my own at 17 years old.
I yearned to have a good, loving family and to have more money than the Kennedys. I joined the service and quickly found through Navy placement testing that I was quite capable. In 1964, finishing at Moffett Field, I married my wife who was graduating from San Jose State. Married at 21, I started to work in a large manufacturing company. I was transferred and promoted so fast that I didn’t have time for college until I was 30. My experience has been Industrial Relations, Production Management, and Association BODs.
My wife and I soon bought a three-acre ranchette that backed up to Highway 101 in San Martin. It was our second California property, plus some rentals.
I stopped working at age 53 and continue to thrive on investment income. We moved to SCLH on February 8th, 2006. I have served on the Association Board 6 years and was President in 2019.
My Attention Deficit Disorder is in check.
916-543-0461 greyfoxdc@yahoo.com
Candidate Biographies are not approved or endorsed by Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association and do not necessarily reflect the views, rules, or policies of Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association.
Charles (Chuck) Cunningham
Master’s Degree, Drexel University; Systems Management
California State Registered Professional Electrical Engineer
Aerospace Program Engineer - General Electric & Motorola
– Knowledgeable of Apollo Spacecraft Atmospheric Entry Dynamics
– Provided Astronaut familiarization with Entry Flight Control System
– Designed Spacecraft Fuel Cell Dynamic test equipment.
NASA Ames U.S. Transportation Command Development
Integration Activity for Rome, Italy, Iridium Satellite System Control Facility
Sun City Lincoln Hills California (2017 to Present)
Presently active member of our Board of Directors
Previous Committee Activities
– Communications & Community Relations Committee (CCRC)
– Finance Committee
Introduced “Electronic” Bingo to the Lincoln Hills Foundation
Pre Sun City Lincoln Hills
Lived in Natomas Park Master Association in Natomas, CA (2000 – 2016)
– Member Board of Directors – 6 years
– 2 years each as Board Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Board Vice President, and Board President – Active on Finance (Chairperson) and Architecture Control Committees
Other Activities
– Past member Community Associates Institute (CAI), including 2 years as Board Member and member of the California Legislative Action Committee – CAI-CLAC
Gary Kawula
HOA Experience
SCLH Strategic Plan Advisor Committee
Neighborhood Representative-Residential Community Assn. Sugarland Texas
Career - Most of my career was as a manager in hospitality/dining services
Director and managerial positions for two contract management companies
US ARMY, Captain, Responsible for operations of officers, NCO, enlisted clubs and two golf courses
Texas Hospital, Planned, organized, oversaw, and operated the Nutrition and Dining services of the nation’s largest children’s hospital
Nutrition advisor, Au Bon Pain/Panera Bread
System Director Food and Nutrition Services at the largest healthcare system in Tennessee/Virginia
Career Innovations
Improved operational, financial, and customer satisfaction ratings
Pioneered restaurant style menus in healthcare
Outsourced aspects of hospital dining service
Food Technology/Restaurant Management, Michigan State
Registered Dietitian, University Minnesota
Master of Public Administration, University Colorado
Contact - gary4sclh@yahoo.com
Candidate Biographies are not approved or endorsed by Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association and do not necessarily reflect the views, rules, or policies of Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association.
Joanne Mitchell
Born and raised in Stafford Springs, Connecticut, I was married and a mother at a very young age. I decided that when my son started first grade, I would also begin college studies. I was able to complete all the requirements in 3 years, with a major in Chemistry, graduating from the University of Connecticut. I then went on to Uconn Medical School, graduating in 1975. Having majored in chemistry, it was an easy choice to specialize in both Laboratory and Anatomic Pathology, and I became board certified in both.
As a third-year medical student, driving to the hospital in the early morning hours in the winter, a car slid into the side of my own, and at that instant I decided that we would move to California. I arranged to finish med school at UCSF and we moved to Cal in December of 1974. I also did my residency in San Francisco in the 70’s, a very colorful and interesting time in the history of the city.
I worked in Los Gatos for several years, then moved to Sacramento area, where I worked at American River Hospital until it closed.
I have lived in Sun City Lincoln Hills for 24 years. My hobbies and interests include world travel, cooking, shooting pool, and duplicate bridge. I am the proud grandmother of three, and greatgrandmother of 4.
Marcia VanWagner
The day I moved to SCLH in 2001, I was recruited to be a Neighborhood Watch Mailbox Captain…because the mailbox station was on my property! 23 years and still involved!
Professional Background
• Civilian Nurse Practitioner
• Colonel, Army Nurse Corps, Retired
• Chief Nurse, 1000 bed General Hospital, Riyadh, First Gulf War
Sun City Lincoln Hills Experience
• Board of Directors 2012-2015; 2017-2018
• Treasurer/VP/President
• CAI Board Leader Certificate
• Neighbors InDeed, Co-Founder/Treasurer
• Lincoln Hills Foundation, Assistant Treasurer, VP, President
• Community Forum Task Force
• Instructor/Speaker
• Getting Your Stuff Together
• Living Through Transitions
• Gonna Need Plan B
• End of Life Options and Choices
• Accessibility Committee member
• Communications and Community Relations Committee member
• Task Force member to develop opportunities to socially engage new residents into our welcoming community
• Strategic Plan 2018 member
• LH Veterans Group
• LH Apple Users Group
Candidate Biographies are not approved or endorsed by Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association and do not necessarily reflect the views, rules, or policies of Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association.
Lynne White
• I have lived in Lincoln Hills for 15 years.
• Born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
• Married with 2 children, 3 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.
• Family and Consumer Science degree, graduated Summa Cum Laude.
• Business Manager for the Wisconsin State Hotel, Motel and Resort Association.
• Real Estate Broker. Owned 3 real estate and property management companies.
• Substitute teacher with emphasis on math and economic classes.
• Office manager for my husband’s medical practice.
• Member of Real Estate Boards and voted Realtor of the Year.
• Duplicate Bridge:
Accredited Bridge Teacher through the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL)
Taught 9 years of in-home bridge with 4 to 5 classes a week.
Entered by a student in the ABTA (American Bridge Teachers Association) best teacher of the year award.
Tournament Bridge player having traveled extensively throughout the United States. Chaired the bridge Ethics Committee. Developed an Ambassador Program to mentor players. Member of the Election Committee.
• Member of the Compliance Committee for 6+ years.
Served as Vice-Chair for one-year 2021
Served as Chair for one-year 2022
• Member of the Properties Committee 2021/2022
• Current member of the CCOC (clubs and community organizations)
• Currently Neighborhood Watch coordinator
• Currently Neighborhood Watch mailbox captain for 12 mail stations
• Wrote extensively for the Compass and Sun Senior News for:
Duplicate Bridge, Properties Committee, Compliance Committee and CCOC
Lifestyle News and Happenings
Comedy Nights and Beyond
Allison Sertic, Lifestyle Manager
March 19 is National “Let’s Laugh Day,” and I love that this month’s issue is a salute to it. I believe that laughter is the best medicine in life, so I strive to laugh every day. Some days may offer just a giggle, while others give opportunities for full-on belly laughs. We try to offer various lifestyle activities and experiences that can provide laughs to all those who are open and looking for them.
Beyond our KS Comedy Nights, many of our concerts and events get folks laughing. Our “Jolly Celtic Folk and Fare Event” on March 15 is one such event. The Lions of the North trio are as funny as they are musical. Entertainment at its best!
A bus trip coming up will be sure to offer the warmest and fuzziest of laughs. Join Scott on May 18 to Grass Valley to see Chris Perondi’s Stunt Dog Experience. Another trip to experience with
your children and grandchildren (age six and over), which is sure to have everyone rolling, is “The SpongeBob Musical” production presented by Music Circus on June 25.
Coming soon, we are debuting a new theater class instructor who will be teaching an Improv class. There is nothing like improv to bring out humor and joy in folks. Look for that class offering, as well as a Beginning Acting class, in late spring.
It is not only Lifestyle/Association events that bring great laughs. The Performing Arts Consortium, consisting of the four performing arts clubs (Chorus, Players, Tap and Vaudeville), presents wonderful productions entirely run and performed by volunteers, your friends, and neighbors. Plan to attend the Players production in June and the Vaudeville production in July. Laughs are guaranteed!
The Spa at Kilaga Springs
Smile Lines: How to Restore Youthful Skin
KarriLynn Keith, Spa Manager
Isn’t it ironic that the more we smile and laugh, the more pronounced our lines become? But facial expressions are not the only cause. Our facial foundation sags and leads to the development and deepening of wrinkles with age. The reason why we get laugh lines is because we lose elasticity and
The good news is that you can turn back the hands of time and renew a more youthful appearance. The best advice any skincare expert will share is to replenish your ABCs. I know that can sound confusing, but let me elaborate. Certain topical vitamins can stimulate cellular growth and reduce aging. Here are my favorite skincare vitamins.
AHAs and BHAs are natural exfoliants, including combinations of alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids that help soften dryness and naturally exfoliate skin cells. This process reveals more
hydrated, youthful skin while reducing dark spots, fine lines, and wrinkles.
Anti-aging skincare vitamins A’s and C’s. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects and defends our skin by neutralizing free radicals. Vitamin C can improve skin tone and texture, brightening dark spots, promoting collagen production, and brightening dull skin.
Retinol is a derivative of Vitamin A which is used to renew skin cells, protect collagen, and plump up the skin’s deeper layers to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and visible pores. Not only does it improve lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, treat acne, and soften rough patches, but it also improves overall skin texture and tone.
If you wonder where to find these amazing vitamins, our Dr. Dennis Gross and HydroPeptide lines feature the best of these ingredients. Stop by, and we will introduce you to a more youthful and beautiful you!
Singles Club Builds Laughing Friendships
David Wright, Roving Reporter
For a single person, venturing out can be awkward—from dining under the imaginary spotlight at a restaurant table-for-one to playing the role of the third wheel at social gatherings to politely eschewing friends’ offers to fix them up with their “perfect match.” The routine for a single person often includes making excuses to avoid stepping outside their comfort zone.
But in one Lincoln Hills club, one is the happiest number. Being
single is so celebrated by the Singles Group club members have been known to forgo marriage just to stay in the group. Now, at 300 members, this group is all about having fun with other solo residents without the “eHarmony stigma.” This is not a dating club, though some members do meet their next beau here.
Club president Sarah Lambrose explains, “We aim to create an atmosphere in which single people can interact, relate, and socialize in a friendly, safe environment and develop lasting friendships.”
Sarah retired from a career counseling high school students in Southern California. In 2005, following a divorce after 30 years of marriage, she decided she needed a change of scenery. Her daughter told her about our
community. Sarah hopped on a plane, made an offer on a house, joined the Singles Group, and has “never been happier.”
Whenever singles mingle with the Singles, they form a laughing bond. Calendars are filled with monthly birthday celebrations, dining-out socials, and walk-in breakfasts. Special events include dances, “games on the move,” a New Year’s Eve Gala, a Super Bowl Bash, talent shows, and auctions. The club supports local businesses while keeping activity costs down to encourage participation by those on fixed incomes.
Three subgroups meet weekly to play bocce, golf, and shuffleboard. One baseball fan organizes bus trips to Sacramento River Cats games. Even business meetings end with a table-top horserace played with dice and hand-carved wooden “horsies.”
“I can’t tell you the joy I get when I can help a brand-new resident feel welcomed into our group,” Sarah adds. “We have an open door for new members. People arrive at our functions as strangers and leave as friends.”
Sarah has found her niche in organizing fun events and bringing everyone together. She likens the club to her career working with high schoolers— “only these teenagers have wrinkles.” Whether widowed, divorced, or just plain uncommitted, Lincoln Hills Singles enjoy their active adult laugh style.
LOL at the Pre-Super Bowl Party
She who laughs last…
The club Board: Sarah, Linda, Dennis, Sue, and Heidi
How safe are you? Would you like to know more about our community safety? You can. Attend the new Community Safety Event, on April 11, at 1:00 PM in the Grand Ballroom (OC). Speak directly to our local police, fire personnel, and Placer County PROTECT, including senior specialists. Learn how calling the new 2-1-1 services provides 24/7 referrals. Receive proactive information about how Project Lifesaver’s wearable device can assist law enforcement in finding a lost loved one. This special
It’s No Laughing Matter from the Horse’s Mouth!
Teresa Tanin, Neighborhood Watch
event starts at 1:00 PM, with free handouts available before and after the event. A question and answer session is also scheduled, so bring your questions for a personalized response. It’s no laughing matter when loss, crime, fire, abuse, or scams come your way, so learn from the special people who know the best tips and current information about your safety from the horse’s mouth!
Annual reminder: Mailbox Captains gather resident’s confidential contact information annually. If you have not
been contacted, please email nwdirectorvr@sclhwatch.org (include your address) or visit sclhwatch.org and click on “Who Is My Captain.” Not all cluster mailboxes are assigned to a Mailbox Captain living nearby. Consider volunteering as a safety and security team member for the neighbors in your cluster mailbox. Your neighbor’s contact information could be the link to save precious time in a crisis; you could be that special link. Thank you to the Lincoln Hills Foundation for their continued support.
The Healing Power of Laughter
Shirley Schultz, Roving Reporter
Do this now. Take in a slow, deep breath, and then let it out through your mouth in rapid audible sounds like ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Now do it again, but this time with the corners of your mouth turned upward and with audible sounds like he, he, he, he, he. This is simulated laughter. If you are in a public place, look around to see if anyone may have succumbed to laughter, as laughter is contagious.
This exercise is in preparation for National Let’s Laugh Day on March 19. Take some time out to laugh that day and every day. Consider adding a laughing baby ringtone to your phone. Watch one or more YouTube videos about Yoga Laughter to spur you into a session of real or fake laughter. Laughter Yoga International is the official website of Dr. Madan Kataria, a laughter guru when it comes to laughter and health. That site offers a Zoom Laughter Club, which may interest you. Explore Laughter Online University to learn much more about laughing matters.
Extensive research has been done regarding the healing power of laughter and humor. Humor is a stimulus, such as a joke, which evokes a response. Laughter is the physical reaction to humor.
Develop a sense of humor so you will laugh more. The two most beneficial types of laughter are genuine (spontaneous) laughter or self-induced (simulated) laughter. These types are the most studied for their effects on health and well-being.
• Laughter is a powerful remedy for sadness and depression. Physiologically, it stimulates the release of hormones called endorphins in our brains, making us feel happy.
• Pain tolerance is increased by laughter. People with a more cheerful, positive attitude tolerate pain better than those with a depressed, negative attitude.
• Mindful laughter decreases blood pressure. This is good news for those who have been diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure).
• Laughter in a social setting helps build and retain relationships. Everyone wants to feel connected, and laughter is one of the best glues to bring that about.
Laughter is often touted as the best medicine. Norman Cousins is famous for describing the key to his recovery due to a powerful drug called laughter in his book Anatomy of an Illness. Start laughing now.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. He, he, he, he, he.
Laugh it Up! Comedy Comes to Town
Linda Luccheti, Roving Reporter
“Knock, knock”
“Who’s there?”
“Letuce who?”
“Letuce Laugh Day!”
Celebrated on March 19, the unofficial holiday, “Let’s Laugh Day,” is destined to encourage people to laugh more and realize the benefits.
Lincoln Hills’ residents have oodles of opportunities to laugh
at loads of comedy like stand-up or improv. Sure, they could drive into Sacramento to clubs like Punch Line or Comedy Spot. Or, they could stay closer to home and catch live performances in Presentation Hall during KS Comedy Night (6:00 PM or 8:00 PM), where tickets are reasonably priced and parking is free.
Meet Cody Meikle, Lifestyle Entertainment Coordinator, who arranges comedy and other performances for Lincoln Hills. Growing up in Lincoln, Cody is familiar with the lay of the land and the people. Through previous positions, he’s become well-versed in the art of event coordination. Working locally at Lincoln Crossing and Natomas Park, he’s gained experience around an HOA (Home Owners Association.)
Since starting his job here about two years ago, this young, low-key staff member is always busy behind the scenes, not only organizing Comedy Nights but
also Tuesday Dance Nights, numerous musical performances held year-round in the Ballroom (OC), and assisting with the popular Summer Amphitheater Concert Series (SACS). Cody confesses that there’s a special spot in his heart for Comedy Nights that regularly receive rave reviews from attendees.
“They make people happy. They bring joy,” he says.
Currently, Comedy Nights are offered about every one to three months, but Cody reveals there’s talk about presenting them more often. It’s about “clean comedy” he recounts — shows that are non-offensive and without obscenities. Topics are relatable and suited to Lincoln Hills’ residents. Talent ranges from fairly known TV comics to up-and-comers.
Humans have been chuckling, chortling, and cackling since the beginning of time. Scientists have found evidence of jokes existing as far back as 4,000 years. Though they were primitive and are not trending today, audiences at the Forum were probably “laughing their togas off!”
Here’s a witticism unearthed from ancient times: Asked by the court barber how he wanted his hair cut, the king replied, “…in silence.” (Yup, that’s primitive.)
Keep your eyes on Compass for KS Comedy Nights. Round up your friends and neighbors, dine in at Meridians Restaurant before or after a show, and make a night of it. Most of all – prepare to laugh it up!
Improv night
Cody Meikle, Lifestyle Entertainment Coordinator
Laughing it up!
In Memoriam
Judith A. Belville
Growing up in Michigan, Judy met her husband, Bob, when she was 15. Their romance blossomed, and they married in 1964. Married for almost 60 years, she was a dedicated wife and mother deeply involved in her daughters’ lives. After they were older, she entered the workforce as an office manager and later had a career in finance. Eventually, they moved to Lincoln, where they ran a family-owned smoothie business. Judy especially enjoyed spending time with her family, her husband, two daughters, six grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter. Her memory lives on in their hearts.
Michael D. Derosier
Mike grew up on a farm in northern Minnesota and graduated from the University of Minnesota. As an entrepreneur as well as a sales executive, he started his career with Johnson and Johnson Baby Products and Duracell Batteries. Eventually, he brought a Belgian cast iron stove manufacturer to the US. He worked with heating products before retiring. Mike was a devoted family man and a lifelong Democrat. He met his wife of 54 years at a political rally. A sports enthusiast, football especially, he supported the home team wherever he lived. He belonged to the Genealogy group here and did research on his FrenchCanadian ancestry. Mike is dearly missed by his wife, Linda, two granddaughters, and many friends.
Evelyn Sands Grosjean
Even though she was born in New York, Evelyn grew up in Hayward, California. She was an interior designer and spent 25 years commuting from Walnut Creek to San Francisco to run the Umphred’s Showroom at the Galleria Design Center. She especially loved spending time with her family and friends and delighted in cooking and baking for them. Evelyn also enjoyed helping to rearrange her friends’ spaces as well as her own. She loved choosing the right colors. She also enjoyed frequent cocktail hours and dinner parties with the amazing friends she made here as well as reading and watching HGTV. Evelyn leaves her identical twin sister, her son and wife, two grandchildren, and many loving family and friends.
Barbara Moran
Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Barbara moved a lot growing up. She ended up in the Bay Area and graduated from San Jose State with a nursing degree. She practiced in Sunnyvale and the Lake Tahoe area. After her five children were raised, she moved to Lincoln, and she married Tom Moran. They enjoyed many happy years together with their social activities, traveling, and playing bridge. She loved living here and especially enjoyed tap dancing in many shows. Barbara leaves her husband, Tom, five children, thirteen grandchildren, and eight grandchildren.
Barbara Richards
Barbara first met her husband, Bob, when she was 13 years old at a Church in Chicago. She attended Valparaiso University and eventually married Bob. His job took him to Cincinnati and then to Pleasanton, California. As a stay-at-home mom for many years, they raised three children. Barbara volunteered for many of the kids’ activities and especially enjoyed watching them play sports and participate in team events. After the kids were gone, she worked for the school district as an aide and then began having grandchildren to spoil. She and Bob enjoyed traveling to the National Parks and to their special place in Cambria, California. Barbara is dearly missed by her three children, seven grandchildren, and her husband of 56 years.
In Memoriam
Rita Rogers
A Virginia girl, Rita was a beautiful soul with a huge smile. She loved animals and children and became an advocate for a young girl who was having a bad time in foster care. This girl is now having a good life and is part of Rita’s family. Rita co-founded the La Vita wine club in 2004, and it is still thriving. She founded a book club and was an active member of “Cheers,” a widow’s support group. Everyone who knew her loved Rita. She leaves behind a daughter, son, three grandchildren, one great-granddaughter, a brother and her soulmate. Love was Rita’s greatest legacy.
If you have lost a loved one who shared your home and would like to place information in this column, please contact Joan Logue at 916-434-0749.
Library News
Many of our residents saw the musical “Six” on February 6 when a full busload of sold-out theatergoers enjoyed an evening highlighting the six wives of Henry VIII. Closer to home, everyone has the opportunity to learn more about these women who were selected by various circumstances to become wives of this illustrious king. Author Alison Weir, a New York Times best-selling author, has written individual books about Katherine of Aragon, the true queen, Anne Boleyn, the king’s obsession, Jane Seymour, the haunted queen, and others who were fated to become one of Henry’s wives. You will find their stories on the KS Library bookshelves to read and enjoy.
Having a little trouble reading those sports scores in the newspaper, directions on a label you need to follow, or dialogue in the Sunday funnies? Kilaga Springs Library has an easy-to-use Merlin Magnifier just as you enter the library to the right. If you need assistance, stop by when one of our volunteers will be there to assist you.
Contacts: Sarah Kevin at sikevin@gmail.com for Volunteers; Sandy Melnick at 916-408-1035 for Donations; Kay Parisot at 209-617-4111 for Community Living Room (OC).
The Lincoln Hills Foundation offers Bingo in the Ballroom on Wednesday, March 27. The cost is $25 for 12 games. Winners get $100 per game and $250 for the blackout. Door prizes will be awarded. Daubers and pop-ups are for sale. Bring your own water. No alcoholic beverages are allowed during the games. Doors open at 12:30, and games begin at 1:00 PM. Please send an email to lincolnhillsfoundation@gmail.com to reserve a table for eight.
Amateur Radio
The Club has been very busy. We hosted a table at a recent New Resident Orientation and chatted with two former Hams who were excited to hear about our club. The airwaves were alive for the North America QSO Party. We made over 60 contacts, including 26 States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Winter Field Day QSO’s totaled 131. Setting up outside was cold but improved our skills. Meetings are held at the South Tower every Monday at 6:30 PM. Our club conducts a weekly radio network at 7:00 PM every Monday on the W6LHR Repeater at 147.030 MHz, 167.9 PL. If you are looking for a way to engage in the community and have an interest in amateur radio, please check out the LHARG.
Contact: Dan Lehrer 916-587-3419, dlehrer72@gmail.com
Website: www.lharg.us
Ballroom Dance
Our Club held its first dance party of the year on February 10 in the Multipurpose Room (KS). The theme for the dance was Mardi Gras and it was a festival of merriment with dance, desserts, and friendship. The Multipurpose Room decorations included a mural featuring Mardi Gras dancers, jester, and musicians. The table settings also followed the Mardi Gras theme and included masks, pom poms, beads, and coins. The desserts were delicious and ample. Three varieties of cheesecake, apple and berry pie, and chocolate cake were provided for the participants. The music cue allowed participants to dance their favorite ballroom dances. Many thanks to all the participants, leaders, and helpers whose decorations, desserts, music, and clean-up made the evening a success.
Big History
On March 18, we will present Medieval Trade Centers and how they were bustling hubs of commerce where merchants from diverse regions converged to exchange goods, ideas, and cultures. On March 25, discover how some Peruvian cities exist into present time with no early writing and a strange method of accounting. Old Sarum was a significant medieval settlement in England, known for its prominent hilltop location and historical significance as a former Iron Age hillfort, Roman settlement, and Norman castle. Hear more about this fascinating city on April 8. We meet on Mondays at 10:00 AM on Zoom. Join in with your ideas for future presentations, field trips, popup coffee discussions, and book reviews. We look forward to expanding our avenues to explore history. Contact: Ranny Eckstrom 916-708-0165, bhsclh@gmail.com
Contact: Sal Algeri 916-408-4752, sr64danz@sbcglobal.net Website: www.sclhbdc.com
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! May the luck of the Irish bring everyone good health
Gordon McKenzie and Ann Link
New resident chating with Dan, KN6DRN and Art, KI6GYY
and happiness. It is not too late to renew your membership or join the club for the first time. Annual dues are $10 which will allow you to play in our many tournaments from beginning to advanced that take place during the week. See the website for the tournament schedules. We also offer two mentoring sessions on Tuesdays at KS. The first session starts at 9:15 AM with sign-ups at 9:00 AM, and the second session starts at 10:30 AM with sign-ups at 10:15 AM. Mentoring is for all skill levels, from beginner to advanced. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesdays. Come out and enjoy the fun and camaraderie.
Contact: Mike Greaney
925-890-3034, michael_greaney17@yahoo.com
Website: www.lhbilliards.com
Bocce Ball, Mad Hatters
Our morning bocce is going strong thanks to Mother Nature’s avoidance of rain on Thursdays. It could be that, or it could be the cookies that our players occasionally bring to share. Our official start time is 10:00 AM on Thursdays, but we begin putting out the balls at 9:45 AM. We usually have anywhere from 25 to 45 players each week. All skill levels are welcome, and it’s fine if you only
Fun on the Bocce Courts
come occasionally. The focus is on recreation, not competition. We spend about 90 minutes on the courts. New, inexperienced, and handicapped residents are always welcome. Don’t know how to play? We’ll guide you. If Thursday mornings aren’t convenient for you, there’s another bocce group that plays on Monday mornings at 9:00 AM.
Contact: Russ Petruzzelli
408-439-1848, lhbocce@gmail.com
Website: https://sclhresidents.com/ group/pages/bocce-ball-group
Who facilitates our meetings? We all have the opportunity to volunteer. There is guidance and support given to the facilitators. An interesting read provides for much conversation with little prompting. The book selection for March is The Man in the Rockefeller Suit by Mark Seal. Local author Tim Schooley, who penned the historical fiction novel The Wool Translator, will be our speaker in April. Meetings
are in the Multipurpose Room (OC) from 1:00 to 2:00 PM on the third Thursday of the month. To receive the monthly email distribution list, email your request to ocbookgroup@gmail.com.
Contact: Maureen Deal, Modeal2010@gmail.com
Bridge, Duplicate
We welcome Tina Amerio as a new board member and social chairman! Our Valentine’s Day game featured a beautiful cookie/fudge table including special cookies made by President Denise Morgan, with coffee. Games are on Wednesdays starting at 12:30 PM in the Multipurpose Room (KS). Reservations need to be made at least two days ahead with Elise Homer. Open and limited sections are on Saturdays starting at 12:30 PM in the Sierra Room (KS). For further information, go
Tina Amerio, Barbara Wheeler, & Denise Morgan Valentine’s Day refreshments
to our website shown below. Our Partnership chairman is Sharon Duley, 916-253-3885.
Contact: Elise Homer 916-303-0751, elisehomer@gmail.com
Website: www.bridgewebs.com/ lincolnhills/
Bridge, Partners
Call for reservations or drop in with a partner to the Sierra Room (KS) by 5:15 PM Thursdays. Play begins promptly at 5:30 PM. The hosts for March are Janet Pinnell 916-408-7825 or Didi Martin 916806-0292. The hosts for April are Dixie/Jim Parker. January 25 winners: first-Patty/Ron Dawson; second-Bob Baskett/Brad Davis; third-Bob Calmes/Jay Southard; fourth-Patty/Tom Mack. Rose Phelan/Kurt Wolff had high round 1880. February 1: firstBev/Allan Blaine; second-John Butler/Byron Hansen with high round 1890; third-Gail Ramsden/ Bette Dow; fourth-Kay/Ben Newton. February 8: first-Jay Southard/Bob Calmes; secondBev/Allan Blaine with high round 1790; third-Byron Hansen/ John Butler; fourth-Dee Cole/Ed Hartnett. Dolores Marchand/ Nancy Griffin scored a grand slam. February 15: first-Kay/ Ben Newton; second-Bev/Allan Blaine; third-Patricia/Francis Kamienski with high round 2150
via grand slam; fourth-Patty/ Ron Dawson.
Contact: Dixie/Jim Parker 916-409-5949, kbnewton@sbcglobal.net
Bridge, Social
Another month of socializing with one of our favorite hobbies. If you are interested in learning the game come to OC Wednesdays at 8:30 AM. Intermediate classes follow at 10:00 AM. Winners January 19: first- Janet Pinnell; second- Alan Haselwood; third-Chet Winton; fourth-Nancy Griffin. January 26: first-John Butler; second-Janet Pinnell; third- John Woodbury; fourth- Geri Miller. February 2: first-Park Miller; second-Carol Mayeur; third- Phil Sanderson; fourth- Rich Walliser. February 9: first- Mo Scarpitti; second- Nancy Griffin; third-Byron Hansen; fourth- Patty Mack. We’re having great turnouts, and we ask you to please arrive by 12:15 PM (KS). Coordinators for March are Lydia King and Usha McGarvey. Call them at (916) 434-6769 to sign up. Contact: Linda McDermott 408-390-4311, gmompatty41@gmail.com
Our club welcomed three new players: Lisa Mariotti, Trish Putkey, and Barbara Castle
in January. At the end of the morning, there were six roll-offs for most Buncos and three rolloffs for most Wins. The traveling bear was all over the room. Everyone had a fun time! Bunco play is on the third Thursday of the month in the Card Room (OC). Bunco is a non-membership group with a $5 ‘pay to play’ fee. Play starts promptly at 9:00 AM.
January Winners: Buncos - Jean De Simone; Wins - Marlys Hebert; Losses - Ann Music; 50/50 - Kaye Parks; and Traveler - Norma Cammilleri. Future Thursday bunco dates are March 21 and April 18.
Contact: Kathy Sasabuchi, ksasabu@icloud.com
Ceramic Arts
In May, our club and student members will be displaying their ceramic artworks in the Spotlight Gallery at the Art League of Lincoln, 580 Sixth Street in downtown Lincoln. This is open to all CAG Members and students, but entries will be limited. Saturday May 11 is Lincoln’s annual Clay Day celebration in Beerman’s Plaza in downtown Lincoln. One of the most popular festivities is the Gladding McBean furnished sewer pipe carving and sculpting. Try to join in or come down
and watch how a fresh clay pipe is turned into a work of art by experienced and beginner clay carvers from around the area. More event details to follow. Contact: Jim Carnathan, jcarn77@wavecable.com
We’re tuning up to give our “Regards to Broadway” May 3-5. Can you name these showtunes? 1. Which song was written by Irving Berlin: (a) “Give My Regards to Broadway,” (b) “Dancing Queen,” (c) “There’s No Business Like Show Business,” (d) “Try to Remember?” 2. What song is based on a melody from an opera by Giacomo Puccini: (a) “You Will Be Found;” (b) “The Impossible Dream;” (c) “Sunrise, Sunset;” (d) “Bring Him Home?”
3. Which song was composed by Richard Rodgers: (a) “Do I Hear a Waltz?;” (b) “Oklahoma;” (c) “Singin’ in the Rain;” (d) “My Favorite Things?” Tickets are now on sale. We expect a sell-out
crowd! Answers to quiz: 1 (c), 2 (d), 3 (a), (b), and (d).
Contact: Mari Long 408-469-3273, mlong24sjca@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.lincolnhillschorus.org
Apple Users
Our club provides many interesting and informative seminars. A meeting with a topic that might seem advanced should not deter those who consider themselves non-tech, as you just might walk away learning one or more helpful tips when managing and using your Apple devices. Monday, March 25, Andy Petro will present “Interesting features on your iPhone with iOS17.” You are bound to learn at least two new things as he demonstrates several ways to help you get some fun things out of the newest iPhone operating system (iOS17). Ask the Tech is at 10:15 AM with program at 10:30 AM in P-Hall (KS).
Contact: Ken Silverman 916-913-6833, LHAUGinfo@icloud.com
Website: www.LHAUG.org
Country Couples
Our club, which also includes line dancers, looks forward to another fun year. Our first dance
Relaxing at a no frills Dance
this year is on February 17 in the Placer Room (KS). What is Country Couples? We are a fun, active dance club. We enjoy learning new country partner dances (the Association offers a Country Couples Western Dance Class on Monday evenings), dance parties, dining out with friends, and other activities. Our dance practice sessions are held every Friday morning in the Fine Arts Room (OC) from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. Stop by and observe a practice! Couples and line dancers are invited to join us in this very fun and social club. Check out our website for more information and membership application forms. Contact: April Cederburg
916-390-3931, aprilced@sbcglobal.net Website: www.sclhcc.com
Cultural Dance
Want to stay physically and mentally fit? Welcome to the Cultural Dance Club! We are a brand-new club consisting of seven dance groups here in Lincoln Hills. We’ll learn about each of these dance groups
in the following months, beginning with the Cloggers today. So, Cloggers, take it away! “Clogging is an exuberant expression of joy; it keeps me moving; keeps me young; helps me maintain my weight, balance, and posture; it makes me happy with artistic self-expression; I’ve made new friends; it’s pure exercise, no stress; it’s percussive and rhythmic; I get to make a lot of noise while I perform for others; and it’s good for the brain, as physical fitness helps mental fitness.” Come join the Cloggers and our Cultural Dance Club.
Contact: Danielle Pon 916-521-7847, seated2relax@yahoo.com
Last July, I was one of 1,200 cyclists who completed the “Death Ride.” We braved the heat (104 degrees at ride end, in Markleeville, CA) and rode 103 miles, ascending 14,000 feet. This was my first attempt at the Death Ride. This ride first started in 1978 and features three iconic Sierra Nevada summits: Monitor Pass, elevation 8,314 feet; Ebbetts Pass, elevation 8,730 feet; and Pacific Grade Pass, elevation 8,050 feet. The route requires riders to ascend both sides of each summit. The descents are
exhilarating and relatively safe as the entire route is closed to traffic! My total time was 10 hours, 43 minutes. My moving time was 9:03, with an average speed of 11.4 mph. Signed:
“Happy-to-Finish”— Bruce Campbell, Lincoln Hills’ cyclist .
Contact: Diane McLaughlin 530-386-1590, dmclaughlin100@yahoo.com
Website: www.lincolnhillscyclists.com
Guest Speaker Brad
Gates from Wild Boar Farms will speak on “Tips and Tricks to Growing Gourmet Tomatoes.” The presentation will be March 28, 2:00 PM, KS. Brad will share the tips and tricks, plus
he will discuss maximizing a tomato harvest and selecting varieties new and old. He will include nutrition, pruning, caging, staking, and harvesting gourmet tomatoes. Brad has been growing tomatoes professionally for over 25 years. He spent the first 20 years growing tomatoes and selling them at farmers’ markets, fine stores, and gourmet restaurants in the Bay Area and Valley (www.wildboarfarms.com). Membership registration cutoff date is March 30, at which time you will be dropped from our email list if you have not renewed. Forms are on our website.
Contact: Lorraine Immel
916-434-2918, lorraineimmel@gmail.com
Website: www.lhgardengroup.org
Have you ever thought about what will happen to all your digital information if you become incapacitated or worse? Our presenter for this month, Marcia Van Wagner, will help us learn to make a Digital Estate Plan that will safeguard the digital assets we have worked so hard to create. Marcia is a born organizer whose profession as a civilian and military nurse taught her that organization is the first priority! She has been leading workshops since
Bruce Campbell on “Death Ride” 2023
Brad Gates-Wild Boar Farms
2003. The presentation is on March 15, 10:00 AM, in P-Hall (KS). Afterwards we will have coffee, cookies, and chat in the Kilaga Café. Watch this space for Socials and Field Trips coming up this year! For information on Genealogy Workshops contact Kate McCarthy at starkayak@ icloud.com.
Contact: Rita Perada 510-710-5704, ritaperada@gmail.com
Website: www.suncitylhgc.com
Ladies XVIII
rules Guru, Eileen Boore (415235-7340, erboore@gmail.com), is a great contact if you have any questions or need to determine a ruling. Beginning in April, tee-off is at 8:30 AM every Thursday. We hope to see you on the course.
Contact: Linda Chappelear
916-409-0151, linda_chappelear@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.lincolnhillsladiesgc. memberplanet.com
Hikers & Walkers
After two cancellations, the Net Chix tournament was held under cart path-only conditions. We congratulate Pat McNiff as our February winner. She will compete with other monthly winners in November to become our 2024 Net Chix. During the round, Linda Chappelear’s 5’1” shot on Hills Hole #7 secured closest to the pin and a free round of golf. We welcomed another new member, Sibyl Myers, to our club and encouraged all ladies to come experience the fun and camaraderie we share. Our
It’s just about time for the NCGA Senior Four-Ball Net Qualifier & Just-For-Fun. Watch for the signs coming out any day. This is a Two-Man Better Ball tournament starting at 8:30 AM on both courses. There may be a little time to sign up for the Tournament of Champions and Just For Fun, so I hope to see you out there. Congratulations to Jeff Warner on his hole-in-one on the fifth hole of the Hills at the Valentine’s Day Massacre. Way to go Jeff!
Contact: Bob Schoenherr
408-838-5340, schoenherrbob@gmail.com
Website: www. mgclh.club
Our activities continued in between raindrops in February. Our hiking schedule for February featured five different hikes within an hour of Lincoln. March will bring new regional hikes from Elverta to Auburn. Our Walk to Wellness group has added an optional Monday outing for regular participants in the Wednesday morning walks. Please contact Karl Aitken (karlaitken@comcast.net) for questions about the Walk for Wellness program. Our regular walks, led by Debbie Schryver, continue on Wednesdays. Although the spring getaway to Pinnacles National Park is fully booked, members can look forward to other activities from our events team in the upcoming months. Those interested in learning more about the club can visit our table at the Lifestyle Expo or contact Tom Denzler.
Contact: Tom Denzler 530-368-2564, tdenzler@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.lincolnhillshikers.org
Hike to Coyote Pond
Pat McNif, February Net Chix
Hole-in-one on the Hills Number Five
Investors’ Study
The next meeting is Thursday, April 4, at 2:30 PM in P-Hall (KS). Morgan Stanley will provide the speaker and present their market information, which is shared with members. The club is open to all residents, and there is no cost to attend or join the club. By joining, you get meeting notices and copies of the presentations. Investor Study provides an opportunity to learn about the financial markets and ask questions. Investor Study is information-only with no investing advice. However, there is an Active Investors sub-group. Contact Brandon club lead at 916-953-3271 about the Active Investors sub-group. Contact Carl Sulzer if you have any questions regarding Investor Study. Contact: Carl Sulzer 916-462-0986, carlsulzer@gmail.com
Lavender Friends
The ideas were coming so fast at our first-ever Idea Fest that members had to be limited to two suggested activities each. We will have lots of fun stuff to do together this year. Our Activities Committee Extraordinaire (ACE) is reviewing the list, hoping to turn the first ones into reality soon. Some
Some of the activities proposed during our Idea Fest
ideas were simpler local activities, like game nights or a book club. There also were more farflung adventures proposed — a tour of the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito or a visit to a goat farm for soap-making. There certainly will be something for each of our members to enjoy. Watch for details in our weekly e-news. Lavender Friends is a club for LGBTQ residents and their supporters.
Contact: Sandi Dolbee 916-409-2156, sandidolbee@yahoo.com
Website: www.LavenderFriends.com
Mah Jongg, Chinese Spring is finally here! Come out of hibernation and join us for Chinese Mah Jongg. For those unfamiliar with the game, it’s similar to gin rummy but played with tiles. It’s easy to learn, and we are happy to teach. The ideal number of players per table is four, but a table of
three also works and allows us to accommodate all attendees. So, if you’re a resident and are interested in an informal and fun way to start the week, please drop into the Card Room (OC) a few minutes before 9:00 AM on Monday during the setup period. We have everything needed to play, so just come on by. Official play begins at 9:00 AM and continues until Noon. See you soon!
Contact: Randy Fong 916-295-9489, randy888@pacbell.net
Mah Jongg, National
We would like to invite you to play Tuesdays in the Card Room (OC) from 12:30 to 4:00 PM. This tile game involves strategy and finding patterns using the Mah Jongg Card. It is not as complicated as it sounds, and once you get the hang of it you realize you are doing that and having fun too! If you are a player, just bring your 2023 card (soon 2024) and join a table. If you want to see what this
game we love is all about, you are welcome to drop in to observe play or inquire about free lessons that Penny offers every Monday in her home. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.
Contact: Penny Grmolyes 509-939-3882, Natlmahjclub.sclh@gmail.com
Mixed Media
There is still plenty of time to “Play more in 24.” Join us on March 20 to learn how to make your own beautiful collage papers using Gelli plates. The voluntary March challenge prompt is “When pigs fly.” We meet on the third Wednesday of the month in the Fine Arts Room (OC) at 1:00 PM. The last couple of months our club let their creativity shine through collage work. The club is a place where you can just play and have fun. Our hope is that as you do more in mixed media art, you will learn what art supplies you would like to own. Then, you can build your own stash of supplies. Having your supplies allows you to create at home.
Contact: Chris Fetter 916-276-7895, mixed.media.chrisf@gmail.com
Live your best life and pursue your joy. Join us! Our social meetings are on the fourth Thursday of each month
at 5:30 PM in the Multipurpose Room (OC). We often meet after our regular meetings at a local restaurant and enjoy friends and family dinners. Our group rides are on the second Saturday of the month. Kickstand-up time varies at our meet-up point located at the Twelve Bridges Chevron. Call or email our Membership Chairman, Manny Perez, at 925787-1221, Manwil412@wavecable. com, to learn more about how to join our club and the great activities we do throughout the month. Contact: Jacqueline McDermott 760-333-6182, Missjacqueline14@gmail.com
Movie Lovers
During the February meeting, we discussed American Fiction and Anatomy of a Fall. After watching many trailers, we selected Shortcomings and Bob
Marley: One Love to watch and discuss at our March meeting. Our meetings last about two hours, meeting the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Multipurpose Room (OC). If you like movies and enjoy discussing them, we encourage you to join us. Contact: Cliff Roe 408-205-8765, cliffroe@ix.netcom.com
Our club meets on the second Wednesday of the month, from 1:30 to 3:30 PM, in P-Hall (KS). We begin by singing and playing songs specially selected from our website. The password is musicgroup. Members can print the lead sheets and practice playing and singing them at home. Then, we start our performances. If you would like to perform, a sign-up sheet is available at 1:00 PM. If you prefer to just listen, that’s okay. We love to have an audience. The Guitar Ensemble meets on Fridays 1:00 to 3:30 PM (OC). Contact Sal Caruso at 916-343-5810 for information. Ukulele Ohana meets Wednesdays 1:00-3:00 PM (OC). Contact Ron Peck at 925-788-5869 for information. All groups are open to Lincoln Hills residents. Contact: Julie Rigali 925-787-1875, rigalijulie@gmail.com Website: www.lincolnhillsmusicgroup.org
The 2024 Ride Season has begun. Join us!
Needle Arts
Are you currently a member but have not yet submitted your annual dues and membership renewal? If not, please do so as soon as possible to retain your membership in good standing. Current membership is required to participate in breakout groups, workshops, and classes. The next class, ‘Quilting on a Domestic Machine,’ will be on Tuesday, March 19, and does require pre-registration. The current list of workshops/classes and instructions for registering are located on our website.
Contact: Brenda Wright 925-786-3702, sclhneedleartspres@gmail.com Website: www.sclhna.com
Neighborhood Watch
Safety is always a concern to seniors, and many of us chose Lincoln Hills for its secure environment. However, we aren’t completely immune to crime, fire, scams, and abuse, and we still need to learn how to best protect ourselves. Neighborhood Watch will host the Community Safety Event on Thursday, April 11, at 1:00 PM in the Ballroom (OC) to provide information that is important to keep us safe. This event will include the Lincoln Police and Fire Departments as well as various community and
Learn how to prevent yourself from becoming a victim
Placer County services that will give us safety tips and answer questions from the audience. Handouts with added information and contacts will be available before and after the event. The best way to prevent becoming a victim is to be prepared.
Contact: Linda Minor 707-235-0778, executivedirector@sclhwatch.org Website: www.sclhwatch.org
Arts Room (OC) every Thursday from 9:00 to 11:00 AM. Our “Sparkle” Painting Challenge was a shining success, with many entries in all levels of skill and all mediums. Congratulations to all the winners. Lincoln’s Simple Pleasures café has been supporting our club by providing a beautiful space to hang our paintings. The new show is up through June 3.
Contact: Marianne Oliphant 530-919-1750, oliphant50@gmail.com
Paper Arts
You won’t want to miss our guest speaker this month! Susan Sarback, the founder of The School of Light & Color in Fair Oaks, will be presenting at our March 19 meeting. Do you have any gently used art supplies to donate? We will be collecting items in April, so think of the Painters’ Club when spring cleaning this year. Gather and Paint at our Open Studio in the Fine
March is a busy month. Stop by our table at the “It’s the Lifestyle” Club Expo on March 19 in the Ballroom (OC). We’ll be displaying our cards and creations. We hope new residents who aren’t yet in the club will join. On March 21, we’ll hold our annual Demo Day event. Our members will demonstrate various tools and techniques to help you take your crafting creativity up a notch. We meet on the first and third Thursdays of the month in the Terra Cotta Room (KS) at 9:00 AM for general meetings and
Mr. Biscuits by Tamsen Armstrong
Welcome new club member Amy Long
Open Lab. Check the monthly newsletters (email) for updates. Contact: Pam Abad, pamabad@att.net
Pedro is a slightly challenging bidding card game.
If you have never played Pedro, or it has been a long time since you played, we are happy to teach you the basics or refresh your memory. We meet in the Card Room (OC) on the first and third Friday from 9:00 AM to Noon. For more information, please call Denise or Bonnie King at 916-303-3523. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Contact: Denise Jones 916-543-3317
photos. Moose has been honored for his photographic passion. He is Nikon ambassador to the USA, recipient of the John Muir Conservation, and much more. He will be presenting tips and techniques for photographing airshows and aircraft. Thinking about joining the Photography Club? We always welcome new members. For information, meeting times, schedules, and how to join, please see our website.
Contact: Diane Margetts
916-955-1809, dmargett@yahoo.com
Website: www.lhphotoclub.com
shoes and bring water. For more information, contact Linda.
Contact: Linda Shobe 707-365-4075, LLSHOBE@hotmail.com
Website: www.lhpbclub.com
We welcome all players! Many of us have not played in years, but it comes back quickly. We meet in the Card Room (OC) every Wednesday and Friday. We play Single Deck on Wednesdays at 5:30 PM and Double Deck on Fridays at 12:30 PM. We start playing practice hands 30 minutes before start time. On the first and third Thursdays at 4:30 PM, we play Racehorse, a version of Double Deck with passing cards. Come join the fun. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Members were uniquely chalked to take photos representing ‘red’ at the February meeting. The response was fabulous! Of the 70 images presented, one of the most thought-provoking images was red bows on graves at a soldier’s cemetery. See the gallery on our website for a look at all the
The club is buzzing as plans are being made to fill the year with events that delight, challenge, and engage. Major club events scheduled through April are It’s a Lifestyle Expo (March 19), the Spring Party (April 19), which is well on its way in the planning stage, and our first tournament, the President’s Cup Frenemies Scramble (April 23). Register now. If you want to learn to play the fastest-growing sport in the US, we offer a free introduction to Pickleball class. The curriculum includes the basics of the game and an overview of club events. To make a reservation, email welcometopickleball@ gmail.com. Please wear court
Contact: John Winning
916-408-2745, jwinning1865@gmail.com
It’s the Lifestyle Expo is on Tuesday, March 19 in the Ballroom (OC). Please stop by our table and ask about our upcoming shows, membership details, and discover if Players is a club for you. We perform three Readers Theater shows every year, in which actors read from scripts. We perform full-length stage plays/musicals twice a year, in
Photo by Nancy Whitaker
“Old Hams” plays in P-Hall (KS) June 13-16
June and November. But there’s much more! We have a role for everyone, not just actors on stage. Performances typically involve twice as many “backstage” staffers as cast members: stage management, costuming, set building, marketing/advertising, tech crew, photographer, and more! Our next show is June 13-16, “Old Hams,” a hilarious play everyone’s going to love. Our next meeting is April 8, 4:00 PM in P-Hall (KS). Visitors welcome!
Contact: Craig Stults 916-543-6782, craigstults@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.lhplayers.org
Spring is here, and we are gearing up for many fun-filled adventures. Next month, we head up to the Mountain Gate/Lake Shasta area to include the Red Bluff Round-up Rodeo. Currently scheduled are trips to the regions of Solvang/ Buellton, Tahoe, Sonoma Coast, Amador, Albuquerque, and
Feather Falls. Our new VP, Ron Lunsford, is already working on ideas and booking for 2025! Be sure to visit our RV Club booth at the It’s the Lifestyle Expo on March 19. We may even have some RVs on display in the parking lot to look through and talk with club members about the RV lifestyle. See our website to learn more details, and join us on the second Thursday of the month at 4:30 PM in the Placer Room (KS).
Contact: Jake Baker 916-838-5253, jbaker525311@gmail.com
Website: www.lhrvg.com
SCHOOLS stands for Sun City Helping Our Outstanding Lincoln Schools. That is our name and our mission. Alison Dougherty is a volunteer who works with those students who have asked for extra help in History and English. Many students have gotten way behind for a variety of reasons, so a tutor’s job is to provide motivation to
those struggling to get back on track. Alison says she has relearned a lot because she’s been out of school for a while. If you would be willing to volunteer in a classroom for a couple of hours a week, we have a place for you. If you would like to volunteer at Phoenix High, contact Irma at Jmeidm@aol.com or for volunteering in K-5, contact Cyndi.
Contact: Cyndi Colloton
408-410-8479, ccolloton@yahoo.com
We welcome interested residents to join us for a game or two of Scrabble on Monday afternoons from 1:00 to 4:00 PM in the Card Room (OC). All game materials are provided. No reservations or advance notice is necessary. All levels of experience are welcome. Join us any Monday afternoon and try it out.
Contact: Anne McMaster, wiltonanne@yahoo.com
We meet on Fridays at 5:00 PM at OC. Shanghai is easy to learn, and we will teach you. Contact Jean Abelle and leave a message.
Contact: Jean Abelle 916-209-3249, golfgal2@wavecable.com
Ask club members about our infamous boat adventure, Diamond Lake!
TCP# 44282-P Reserve now! (916) 343-5726 diamondvanshuttle@gmail.com
Alison Dougherty volunteering at Phoenix High School
Play continues with five all-weather PolyCourts at the Sports Plaza on Tennis Court #10. The closest parking is the softball field lot. Club play is every Thursday and Saturday from 1:00 to 3:45 PM, with new player orientation offered at every session. February free clinics welcomed 48 new players. Announcements will be posted at the courts for upcoming clinics, tournaments, and socials. For open play and practice, reserve courts for one to three hours up to seven days in advance on the Resident Website under Wellfit Reservations/ Shuffleboard Courts. Get the locker key at the Fitness desk (OC). Email the club for the basic game rules. We are a no dues club for people of all ages and fitness levels. No bending or lifting is required.
- 1:00 PM. On March 21, we have “Dining Out” at Bennett’s. Call Sue for reservations. Our Social “Re-gifting Exchange” will be on Thursday, March 28 at 5:30 PM. If you want to play, be sure to bring an unused gift in a plain brown bag. Our Birthday Celebration is on April 7 at 4:00 PM in Meridians Bar. Our Business Meeting is on April 11 at 5:30 PM in the Ballroom (OC), followed by a Poker Clinic and Games. On April 13, our Second Saturday Breakfast is in the Sports Bar at 9:00 AM, and our River Cats Baseball Bus Trip is at 5:00 PM. Call Mike at 916-296-6906.
Contact: Sarah Lambrose 916-296-6906, kathyshaddox@gmail.com
Contact: Jon Kline 650-279-0001, alsonjonny@gmail.com
Be sure to visit our booth at “It’s The Lifestyle Expo” at OC on March 19 between 10:00 AM
A great time was had by 15 of us at Heavenly Valley in February, at the Club’s annual three-day ski trip to South Lake Tahoe. Once again,
we had convenient and affordable accommodations, good snow, weather ranging from fantastic to acceptable, and fun times in the evening at nice restaurants within walking distance. Next stop is Whistler Ski Resort in Canada, where 34 of us will enjoy five days of skiing, dog sledding, zip lining, and partying all day and part of the night. More on that adventure in the next Compass.
Contact: Ken Spencer 916-258-2150, LHSkiClub@gmail.com
Website: www.LHSkiClub.com
Last month, we encouraged anyone interested in joining the league to complete and submit their Players Applications by February 20. The response was great! Thanks to everyone for their expressed interest and enthusiasm. “Weather permitting,” several programs were scheduled for this upcoming Softball season. Detailed information can be found on our website. In January, LHSSL representatives attended graduation ceremonies at Lincoln and Phoenix High Schools, where monetary
Apres-Ski Cleanup by Kat
Players fll all fve courts during club play
Orchard Creek Ballroom
MAY 3, MAY 4 & MAY 5
Regards To
donations of $1,000 were presented to each School. These donations contribute towards the continued success of these great academic institutions, their staff, and students. Contributions are made possible due to the wonderful support from the Lincoln Hills Community, LHSSL Board of Directors, and our esteemed membership. Thanks to everyone for their heartfelt support.
Contact: Fred Serna 916-747-4452, ff.serna@gmail.com
Website: www.LHSSL.net
Sports Cars
down, most members are keeping their cars warm and dry in their garages. However, below are a couple of pictures from events in 2023. See our website to learn more about the club. If you own a sports car and want to join, contact vjk1245@yahoo.com.
Contact: Rob Phillips 707-330-7734, robalison93@gmail.com
Website: www.lhsportscars.com
Swimmers & Water Walkers
operations, club members are encouraged to direct any pool concerns or complaints to the appropriate officials. We are looking forward to club activities in 2024, but as President Carpenter says, “Now, let’s get in the water!”
Contact: Kathy Carpenter, swimmers.walkers@gmail.com
Table Tennis
As of February, we have a membership of 74 households. At our meetings in January/February, we celebrated birthdays of Rich Lujan, Dennis and Anna Pardini, and Alison Phillips and the anniversaries of Terry and DiAnn Rooney and Bob and Sue Spangler. In 2023, the group had 18 Tour Events and six Social Events. Plans are currently being formulated for 2024. The first social event is a lunch gathering at Rubino’s in Rocklin. With the rains coming
New officers were elected at the February meeting. Kathy Carpenter is president, Russ Petruzzelli is vice president, and Rosemary Tanfani is secretary. Carpenter has been with the club since the beginning and is a dedicated daily power water walker.
Petruzzelli is an ex-collegiate swimmer, and Tanfani is a water walker found in lane one at OC. New officers will focus on monitoring pool temperature, cleanliness, and chemical balance and maintaining the current reservation system. Though the club will maintain a voice in pool
Our club now has 337 members, with 93 added in 2023. A schedule for 2024 listing a broad range of events and activities is posted at our play venue, Multipurpose Room (KS). These include socials, doubles and singles play, tournaments, ladder play, and inter-club play with Roseville. We play on Sundays, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tuesdays, 6:00 to 9:00 PM, and Fridays, 8:00 AM to Noon All skill levels are welcome. Wear non-marking court shoes. Loaner paddles are available. There are no dues. Reservations are not required. You can stay informed of club activities by signing up on our email list on the new member sheet located at play sessions. You may unsubscribe at any time.
Contact: Carl Lynch 406-203-0633, pingpongsclh2@gmail.com
Website: https://sclhresidents.com/ group/pages/table-tennis-club
A couple of sunny events from 2023
President Kathy Carpenter
Tap Company
“Everybody Dance Now!” is a vibrant dance extravaganza presented by the Tap Company, featuring the dynamic residents of Lincoln Hills. Curtain goes up in the Ballroom (OC) on April 4 through 7. Evening performances kick off at 7:00 PM on April 4 and 5, while matinees take center stage at 2:00 PM on April 6 and 7. Secure your spot. Purchase tickets today. Hurry, as seats are filling up fast. Featuring over 20 distinct acts spanning various dance genres, solo singers and other performers, this show promises something for everyone. Behind the scenes, the Technical Crew is hard at work choreographing lighting effects and music timing, while Set Designers craft the perfect backdrops. Don’t miss out on this spectacular showcase of talent and creativity!
Contact: Alison Wolfe 925-487-6902, awolfe@ssctv.net
Bored, depressed, feeling lazy? Try tennis. It’s cheap therapy! Between the rains, we have been able to get out on the courts and play tennis. Our 2024 Board of Directors has planned an exciting year of tennis activities for all levels of tennis. Drop-in ball machine practice is beginning on Saturdays in April for all levels.
Live Ball began on Sundays at 11:00 AM in mid-February and will culminate with our St. Patrick’s Day tournament using a Live Ball format. Beginning tennis lessons and refresher lessons are available by contacting stevebringman@yahoo. com. Up-to-date information on events, USTA teams, and court usage is available on our website. Contact: Pam Geernaert 916-778-9428, pamelatennis1@gmail.com Website: www.sclhtg.com
Veterans Members and guests kicked off the Veterans Group’s 2024 social calendar with the annual St. Patrick’s Luncheon in the Ballroom (OC) on March 14. Many thanks go to Shirley Schultz and Jim Mikacich for organizing this always-enjoyable event. The board is making a special effort to explore future activities to keep the Veterans Group appealing and viable for resident vets. Members are invited to drop by the Solarium (OC), enjoy coffee, tea, pastries, and fruit, and discuss their ideas with members of the board on Wednesday, March 20, beginning at 9:00 AM.
Contact: Jeff Davis 408-483-2860, jdavis879@me.com
Water Volleyball
As we jump into Spring, jump into the pool with us as we complete our semi-annual rankings and leap into the “Some Spike It Hot” tournament on April 8, 10, and 11, held at the OC and KS pools for L4,5 & 6 players. This tourney will feature the women L6 players as captains. Come and cheer on our teams! Want to just try out Water Volleyball? Join us on Free Play Saturdays. Every Saturday at the Indoor
2024 Tennis Board Members (not pictured Steve Bringman, Joe Greene)
The Technical Crew of “Everybody Dance Now!” hard at work
Pool (KS) starting at 9:00 AM. It’s easy to learn and great to meet new people. Don’t know how to play? We provide Training and Mentorship. We welcome all levels of interested players. See
our website or call Jerry Grisler at 209-648-9534 for more info.
Contact: Hollis Bischoff
650-224-0272, hollis.bischoff@gmail.com Website: www.lhwatervolleyball.com
Our club is made up of men and women who take pleasure in a creative process where wood is the medium. Like all creative arts, some members have that natural gift and ability, and others may have to work a little harder to achieve that first completed carving. The
woodcarvers in our club have various carving and creative abilities and are always available to assist or advise other members or new carvers as well. Woodcarvers Club members have a large library of carving books, magazines, and DVDs for plans and ideas. If you are curious or have an interest in carving, please come by and see us in action. Woodcarvers Club meets every Wednesday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM in the Sierra Room (KS).
Contact: Lionel Rainman
916-253-9534, lrainman1414@yahoo.com
Scenes from our last Some Spike It Hot Tournament
Alzheimer’s-Dementia Caregiver’s Support
Our Support Group offers information and support to those caring for a loved one with dementia. We have three monthly group meetings. Our Women’s group meets at 1:00 PM on the first Wednesday in the Multimedia Room (OC). The Men’s group meets in the same room at 10:00 AM on the third Thursday. Both groups are focused on individual sharing. The General combined meeting is held on the fourth Wednesday at 1:00 PM in the Fine Arts Room (OC) and features a guest speaker. Our speaker for March is Karen Wood with Country House. Her subject is “Planning Your Journey.” At all meetings, you will find a welcoming community ready to hear your questions and concerns.
Contact: Jo Fratessa 916-759-8760, mfratessa4@icloud.com
Our Group offers support and friendship through sharing with others who have also lost a loved one. We meet the second Wednesday of each month at Joan Logue’s home at 3:00 PM for a group session. The next meeting will be April 10. Contact Joan for directions or to put a Memoriam in the Compass . The deadline to submit a Memoriam is the 15 of the month to be in the next Compass . This group is grateful for support from the Lincoln Hills Foundation.
Contact: Joan Logue 916-434-0749, joanlogue@sbcglobal.net
Bosom Buddies
In February, we were fortunate to have two speakers from the Garden Club: Marie Salers and Pat Murphy, a Master Gardener. Marie talked about
“Container Gardening” and listed some of its advantages, which include accessibility for the physically challenged. Pat gave hints as to how plants react to the heat and the importance of focusing on the soil. Our March speaker, Lisa Sabia, a Reiki practitioner, talked about this ancient Japanese treatment, a technique that uses gentle hand movements to guide the flow of energy throughout the body to reduce stress and promote healing. It is as relaxing as a massage without the manipulation of the body.
Hearing Support
Bosom Buddies meets the second Thursday of the month at 1:00 PM in the Multipurpose Room (OC). Contact: Judy Stewart 916-408-3597, ladyj2170@gmail.com
Gam Anon
If you are affected by someone else’s gambling problem, we can help. We understand as no one else can! Our meetings are held the first and third Fridays of every month from 7:00 to 8:30 PM at the First United Methodist Church at 6414 Brace Road, Loomis. A Gambler’s Anonymous meeting is held in another room at the same time, if your gambler also wishes to attend a meeting. For support between meetings, please call the Northern California GamAnon Hotline at 510-407-3898. If you call the club contact, please leave a message. She will call you back.
Contact: Kay Fischer 916-204-1624, kayfscher89@gmail.com
Website: www.gam-anon-loomis.com
At our March meeting, we had a presentation updating technology in telephones for those with hearing loss. We have become aware that ATT will cease landline service in 2025, and we have discussed this problem as it relates to those of us who have caption phones, as we depend on landlines. We will be researching alternatives and reporting to the group. Our next meeting will be on April 2 at 11:00 AM in the Fine Arts Room (OC).
Contact: Joanne Mitchell
916-408-0533, pipa1@prodigy.net
Just Caregiver Support – Parkinson’s
Our support group is for those caring for someone with Parkinsons. We meet the second Tuesday of each month from 10:00 to 11:00 AM at the Lincoln Community Church, 950 E. Joiner Parkway. Please enter through the office.
Contact: Charlotte A. James 916-316-1351, cjames4528@sbcglobal.com
Low Vision Support
On April 2 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM, in the Fine Arts Room (OC), Lincoln Hills resident Ken Spencer will share his expertise on the various accessibility features available
Parkinson’s Caregiver Support
Marie Salers gives gardening hints at our February meeting
on your cell phone and the latest apps designed to make using your device easier. On May 7, we will be having a second visit by Jeff Thom, Society for the Blind Board Member and retired disability lawyer, who will be discussing one’s rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Jeff spoke to the group in September and will be returning to respond to some of the questions raised during his last visit. Joining him will be Kathleen Shevlin, Senior Outreach Manager for the Society of the Blind.
Contact: Stuart Singer 703-864-8161,
Multiple Sclerosis Favorite Speaker and Motivator Rex Owens, Wellfit Fitness Supervisor, will talk to us on Brain Health, Nutrition, and Exercise on Tuesday, March
Multiple Sclerosis Walk
19, at 1:00 PM, in the Multimedia Room (OC). Members and family are invited. Also, the Multiple Sclerosis Trailmixers Walk and Picnic starts from our Sports Plaza on April 14 at 9:00 AM. Captain Joni Deutsch will update us on final details. In the meantime, you can register at 855-3721331 or mail your check to Joni
Deutsch, made out to “National MS, Northern CA For Lincoln Trailmixers.” Thanks to Donna Judah, Coldwell Banker, for her 2023 generous $1,000 donation and the Lincoln Hills Foundation for supporting us in many ways. Contact: Jeri Di Fiore 530-401-2135, 2020jeridifore@gmail.com
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide
Volunteers are ready to assist you with your 2023 tax returns. This free service will be available by appointment only this year at Granite Springs Church, 1170 E. Joiner Parkway. Clients can make income tax preparation appointments by calling 916-258-5065. The Intake/ Interview Sheet, Form 13614-C, is required of all clients and will be available in the Orchard Creek Lodge lobby, Kilaga Springs library, Lincoln City Hall lobby, and Granite Springs Church. These returns will be filed electronically (e-file) with the IRS and California FTB.
A Course in Miracles
This is a unique spiritual self study program designed to help us see how our beliefs manifest as our experiences. It helps us see beyond division and discord and reach for unity with ourselves, our family, our community, and the world. To remain calm and peaceful during these times of unrest is everyone’s objective, and A Course in Miracles offers a path for achieving this. Call 916-409-5253 for more information.
Airport Co-op
We are open to Lincoln Hills residents to share rides to and from Sacramento Airport. The co-op works on a point system. Give a ride, get a ride. Membership is $15.00 per year per household. For more information and to join, visit our website www.lh-airportco-op. org click the membership tab, download the application form, mail it to the address provided, or for more information call Barb Iniguez at 916-408-7812.
Creative Glass Club
Calling all glass artists and crafters. Thank you so much for the amazing turnout for our first meeting which was held in January. It was wonderful to meet everyone. We hope to see you at our next
meeting on March 28 at 1:00 PM in the Terra Cotta room (KS). Come share your love for all things glass and help establish a place to share your ideas, creativity, and a workspace. The CCOC recommended that the Board of Directors approve our request by recognizing our club and we look forward to that happening. Approval will allow us to elect officers, plan studio time, events, demonstrations, and field trips. We are excited to continue the great momentum! If u have any questions please contact Sandra Sakaguchi at 530-277-0924.
Democratic Club
Our membership keeps growing. We continue to volunteer at the Placer Food Bank. We have interesting programs lined up for our next meetings: Lighthouse Counseling Center Executive Director Gary McDonald will speak on mental health in America in March; a speaker from Bridging Divides, an organization promoting better communication in the current political divide, in April; and Placer County Deputy District Attorney Shannon Quigley, who has been recognized for her work seeking justice and protection for seniors and dependent adults, in May. For more information about our club or to join, please see our website: https://democraticclublincolnca.org.
Italian Club
Come learn more about one of the 20 regions of Italy on April 20 in the Multipurpose Room (KS). Discover the cuisine, culture, and attractions. Check the website for more information. “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Be on the lookout for spring, as well as our popular, annual BBQ and Bocce event set for May 19 at the Sports Pavilion. To learn more about our social club and a variety of monthly events, visit our website at www.lhitalianclub.org. For membership information, contact Sandi Graham at 916-826-5711.
We play on Mondays and Thursdays at the California Family Fitness Center in Roseville 916-7812323. Membership to the Center is required. We begin play at 8:00 AM and end between 9:30-10:00 AM. Depending on the number of players, we play doubles, cutthroat and/or singles. Ladies are welcome. Contact Armando Mayorga at 916408-4711 or at bigline38@icloud. com.
Republican Club
Happy St. Patrick’s Day. 2024 began with much celebration, and it hasn’t stopped. With successes at January’s Kick-Off, and an abundance of money raised by PCRCC Lincoln Reagan Trump fundraiser in February. Thanks to all who attended and for jobs well performed. Thanks also to members who served at Primary election stations. We look forward to a Red Wave this year. Volunteer, join our club, or just be informed on activities and opportunitiesvia our website. This year will go by all too fast. reminder, if you haven’t paid your dues for 2024, they will be delinquent March 31. www.RepublicanClubSCLH.org.
Shalom Social Group
Our membership is increasing, no doubt, due to the value of our programs. We still volunteer at the Placer Food Bank and are also exploring other volunteer opportunities. Our January Men’s Club brunch was very successful, and several members have formed a Program Committee to plan future events. Our Women Together members will see “Hallelujah Girls” at the Lincoln Theater on May 19. Our group is based on Jewish history, culture, and food, but membership is open to all. For more information, please contact Margie Gulko at 916-543-5303 or Deanne Iliff at 530-518-3704.
Golf Cart Registration
First and Third Thursday, 9:00 to 10:00 AM (OC)
The City of Lincoln prides itself on being NEV and golf cart friendly. The City of Lincoln Police Department inspects golf carts to make certain safety requirements are met. For more information and NEV/golf cart route maps, visit the City of Lincoln’s website, lincolnca.gov.
Is it a Pest? Are You Sure? – Community Forum
Tuesday, March 19, 9:00 to 11:00 AM, P-Hall (KS)
When we see damage to our plants, we assume it is a pest and it needs to be killed. Right? Wrong. Julie Barbour will discuss how over 90% of the insects are beneficial. Very few are pests, and most are food for the beneficial insects. Lady bugs and hummingbirds cannot live in an insect-free garden. How do we identify who is causing a problem? How do we stop the problem from happening without harming beneficial insects? Join us for easy-touse steps to keep your garden beautiful and thriving and the ladybugs happy.
It’s The Lifestyle! Expo
Tuesday, March 19, 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, (OC)
Want to learn about the various clubs and volunteer opportunities available within and outside your community? Join us for the annual It’s the Lifestyle! Expo and celebrate the lifestyle that is uniquely Lincoln Hills. The Lincoln Hills clubs, community interest groups, and various local non-profit organizations are participating. Learn about the many clubs and organizations within your community, speak to different Lincoln Hills department teams, and learn about local volunteer opportunities and how to get involved. See you there.
New Resident Orientation
Wednesday, March 20, 2:00 PM, Ballroom (OC)
Come see what Lincoln Hills has to offer. Our New Resident Orientation provides new residents with lots of information on the amenities and services, meet our staff, and attend a social reception with some of our clubs.
KS At The Movies: The Blind Side (2009)
Friday, March 22, 1:00 PM, P-Hall (KS)
Enter the inspiring world of “The Blind Side,” directed by John Lee Hancock. This heartwarming drama, based on a true story, follows the journey of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized young man who finds hope and family through Leigh Anne Tuohy’s and her family’s generosity. Starring Sandra Bullock in an Oscar-winning performance, the film showcases the transformative power of compassion and resilience. With themes of family, determination, and overcoming adversity, “The Blind Side” delivers a moving, uplifting narrative that resonates long after the credits roll. Rated PG-13. 129 mins. Drama. Biography.
Meet the Author Lecture Series: Phyllis Kalbach
Monday, March 25, 2:30 PM, P-Hall (KS)
The award-winning novel Blue Eden, The Future After the Ice Melt, takes the reader into the future one hundred years from now. Local author and college professor Phyllis Kalbach has written this compelling science fiction book projecting the possible consequences of global warming to the planet and civilization as we know it. Through mystery, adventure, and amazement, the characters will restore your belief in the human spirit as they survive against impossible odds. There is something for everyone in this great read.
Home, Health and Business Showcase
Tuesday, April 9, 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM, (OC)
Come meet your Compass advertisers and other businesses that will showcase their products. Everything you need for your home, health, and business matters. See you there.
Walk for Multiple Sclerosis
Sunday, April 14
Attention all walkers, cyclists, and scooters enjoying our beautiful neighborhoods and trails. Please join us for the 2024 MS Walk. Help create a world free of MS – many of us living with MS are your neighbors and friends in this wonderful community. Wear our logo during your daily exercise, and join our Lincoln Trailmixers Team to support this annual fundraiser for MS research and services. Contact Team Captain Joni Deutsch at 916-398-0349 to walk or ride with our Lincoln Trailmixers team or to donate to the National MS Society on behalf of our team.
Town Hall with the Mayor and Executive Director
Tuesday, April 16, 8:30 to 10:00 AM, P-Hall (KS)
To learn more about what is happening in the City of Lincoln, join Lincoln’s Mayor and Executive Director, Kyle Bodyfelt, at this informal coffee. Pick up a cup of coffee from the Kilaga Springs Café prior to the meeting. This is a great opportunity to get to know the Executive Director and share your comments or questions with him.
Everyday Legal and Financial Pitfalls – Community Forum
Tuesday, April 23, 9:30 AM, P-Hall (KS)
Juliette Robertson, Esq. will discuss everyday personal and financial scenarios that can create unwanted expenses and delay even if you have an estate plan. The presentation will address proper ID, savings bonds, parent-child and deed transfers, incapacity, new Medi-Cal asset limit rules, joint account ownership, IRA/TOD beneficiaries, death notices, and more, and provide input on avoiding a mess.
The Spa at Kilaga Springs Spring is in the air, and the joy of blossoms and sunshine brings us the perfect season for relaxation and renewal. Kilaga Springs Spa has just the ticket - a luxurious and tranquil setting in which to partake of your favorite spa service to reconnect your body, mind, and spirit. Join us for our Springtime Spa Sale and discover all the amazing and luxurious Spa Gifts and beautiful Spa Lines we have to complete the perfect spa day: Dr. Dennis Gross, HydroPeptide, Comfort Zone, Dazzle Dry, Sonoma Lavender, Essence One Aromatherapy, Conscious Coconut, and much more!
Facial Services
DDG Brighten and Firm
Facial with LED
75-minutes $199
Transform your skin with our newest agedefying facial that gently cleanses, exfoliates, and deeply nourishes your skin with Vitamin C. Experience our new secret of combining our firming Vitamin C Biocellulose Mask with our DDG LED Light Therapy to stimulate collagen, reduce inflammation, hyperpigmentation, and deeply rehydrate your skin.
Kilaga Springs
Custom Facial
70-minutes $159
Kilaga Springs Express Facial
30-minutes $99
Treat your skin to the rejuvenating effects of our restorative treatment, featuring the synergy of rejuvenating facial ingredients combined with gentle cleansing that combats aging, fine lines and wrinkles, and sun damage to rejuvenate and transform your skin.
Massage Services
All About The Feet
30-minutes $69
A refreshing Peppermint balm is applied using a combination of Reflexology, Swedish, and Pressure Point Massage. This treatment helps stimulate the muscles in your feet and reduces stiffness and pain in the ankles, heels, and lower legs. Great for soothing those tired soles and pampering your feet with a little TLC.
Back and Shoulder Rescue
30-minutes $69
This deeply relaxing neck and shoulder massage targets the prime area of stress and provides relief with warmed massage oils and our muscle relief cream.
CBD Herbal Massage
60-minutes $149
90-minutes $169
This potent and customizable facial is the perfect restorative treatment to restore youthful firmness and radiant glow. Our age-defying products, combined with our unique delivery system and vibrant double mask, encourages firming and brightening. As a result, you will experience a more radiant, natural glow.
An herbal massage formulated with a blend of pain-reducting and anti-inflammatory herbs that work synergistically with high-potency CBD to bring relief exactly where you need it. The cooling menthol also works to calm the over-active pain signals so that your body can be restored to a place of ease.
Deep Tissue
Sports Massage
60-minutes $129
90-minutes $169
This therapeutic full-body massage uses stretching and a trigger point method to soothe areas of tight, painful muscles and is beneficial for clients suffering from muscle tension and fibromyalgia. Stretching the muscles of the back, shoulders, forearms, hamstrings, hip flexors, and wrists, sports massage therapy can help improve a player’s range of motion and golf game.
Nail Services
Classic Manicure
Our classic manicure will rejuvenate over-stressed nails. This service will give you a delicate cleansing, gentle exfoliation, nail shaping, cuticle care, a relaxing massage, and polish to freshen and renew your hands.
Classic Pedicure
Our classic pedicure will keep your feet looking and feeling clean and groomed. With this service, you will receive a toenail trim file and shape to your liking, callus removal, gentle exfoliation, and a wonderful massage and toenail polish to have you walking on cloud nine.
Dazzle Me Dry
Nail Treatments
Manicure $55
Pedicure $65
Dazzle Dry is the only vegan nail care system to dry in just five minutes and lasts up to three weeks. It is non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and ideal for even the most sensitive skin. This treatment will enhance and strengthen your natural nails while giving them an amazing seasonal sparkle.
Men’s Manicure
An excellent service for men on the go. Gentlemen, you will receive a nail trim file and shape to your liking, cuticle clean-up, an excellent extended massage, and buff and polish to rejuvenate even the roughest hands. Includes extended Massage and Buff Shine for Nails.
Men’s Pedicure
A great service for men on the go. Gentlemen, you will receive a toenail trim file and shape to your liking, callus removal, a wonderful extended massage, and buff and polish to make you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Includes extended Massage and Buf Shine for Nails.
We also ofer seasonal treatments, hair removal, body treatments, and make-up applications. Check our website at www.kilagaspringsspa.com for a complete list of services and updated pricing.
*Indicates on sale March 17
*Tuesday Dance Night
Tuesday, April 16
— LSE587
6:00 to 9:00 PM
Ballroom (OC)
General Admission, Lounge Style
$8 per person/per dance night
Tuesday Dance Nights are great for getting together with your friends and neighbors to socialize, whether on the dance floor or around the tables. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming, and it is the perfect opportunity for singles or those new to the community to meet new people! A DJ provides the music, and requests are taken. No partners are needed at these dance nights, as dancing of every style is welcome. A no-host bar is available, and takeout food from Meridians is allowed and encouraged. Doors open at 6:00 PM.
*Structured Dance Night
Wednesday, March 20
— LSE584
Wednesday, April 24
— LSE588
6:00 to 9:00 PM
Ballroom (OC)
General Admission, Lounge Style
$8 per person/per dance night
These dance nights are tailored for those dancers who prefer traditional structure and dance etiquette for Ballroom and Country Couples dancing. The music and dances are pre-selected for the night. The sound technician will play a rotation of two Ballroom and then two Country Couples dances, with requested Line dances thrown into the mix. Drinks and take-out food from Meridians are allowed and encouraged. Doors open at 6:00 PM.
Jolly Celtic Folk and Fare Event featuring Lions of The North
Friday, March 15 — LSE576
6:30 PM, Ballroom (OC)
General Admission $42 Lounge Style Seating SOLD OUT!
Grab your lass or fella for a St. Patrick’s Day event with supper, spirits, Irish beers, and wonderfully jaunty entertainment. Sing along or dance to Irish folk music by the high-energy Lions of the North. The trio is an Irish band hailing from the beautiful city of Sacramento, playing primarily classic Irish songs and some originals. Featuring a guitar, accordion, and bodhran (Irish drum), this joyous tribute is a concert not to be missed! Traditional corned beef and cabbage supper included in the ticket price. No-host bar. Doors open at 6:00 PM.
The Folk Legacy Trio:
Experience the Great Folk Era
Monday, March 25 — LSE577
7:00 PM, Ballroom (OC)
Premium Reserved Seating $26
Standard Reserved Seating $23
The Folk Legacy Trio sings the songs of the great Folk Era from the ‘50s through the mid-‘70s, including songs from The Weavers, The Kingston Trio, The Limeliters, Peter Paul & Mary, The New Christy Minstrels, The Brothers Four, The Chad Mitchell Trio, Tom Paxton, Judy Collins, Joan Baez, Gordon Lightfoot, Simon & Garfunkel, John Denver, and many others. It is a journey through American Musical History, with their signature dynamic harmonies enriching some of the most beloved songs ever written.
Katy Stephan with Nick Crossen:
From Gershwin to Groban
Friday, March 29
— LSE578
7:00 PM, P-Hall (KS)
Reserved Seating $25
Katy Stephan has worked internationally and was a featured soloist in the Grammy award-winning production “Mass” with the Deutsche Philharmonie. You may have heard her voice on the title theme to TV sitcom Hot Properties to Warner Bros. Catwoman , throughout Dreamworks’ Time Machine and the Sci-Fi channel miniseries Earthsea , as well as in other films and TV ads. She won a Bay Area Critics Circle Award for her role as Luisa in The Fantasticks at San Francisco Playhouse. Nick Crossen is a Singer and Recording Artist with roots in Bay Area Theatre and also a veteran of TV’s American Idol.
The Lincoln Hills Tap Company presents “Everybody Dance Now”
Thursday, April 4
— LSE571
7:00 PM, Ballroom (OC)
Friday, April 5 — LSE572
7:00 PM, Ballroom (OC)
Saturday, April 6 — LSE573
2:00 PM, Ballroom (OC)
Sunday, April 7 — LSE574
2:00 PM, Ballroom (OC)
Premium Reserved Seating $25
Standard Reserved Seating $22
“Everybody Dance Now” is a lively and entertaining production showcasing a wonderful variety of dancers, singers, and entertainers. The acts span a variety of dance genres. There will be tap, jazz, clogging, hula, just to mention a few. Singers will be crooning to chart-topping songs and Broadway tunes. The other entertainers will have a few surprises that will amaze and amuse. Presented by the Lincoln Hills Tap Company, we are fortunate to have the coordination and collaboration of the many performing arts members: Chorus, Players, Tap, and Vaudeville. Come out and enjoy a lively, entertaining evening or matinee.
Oksana Polishchuk: The Melody of a Living Soul
Friday, April 12 — LSE579
7:00 PM, P-Hall (KS)
Reserved Seating $23
There is a language on this planet that does not need a translator - it is the language of the soul that is understandable to everyone. It is expressed in the singing of birds, the murmur of a stream, the raging ocean, and the quiet breeze. Through her songs, international recording artist singer/songwriter Oksana Polishchuk will lead you into a special and subtle world of music, the universal language of the soul that heals, fills your hearts with joy, inspires, and comforts. Do not miss this wonderful opportunity to experience a world-renowned international talent!
The Lincoln Highway Band Dance Concert
Wednesday, April 17
— LSE580
7:00 PM, Ballroom (OC)
General Admission –Lounge Style $25
The boys are back with “A Night of Classic Country” after a sold-out concert last year! This time, the popular, award-winning Lincoln Highway Band returns in a Concert/Dance with special guest Larry de Leon. Listen, dance, cha cha, 2-step, waltz, swing, and ballad to your favorite Classic Country Stars, including Merle Haggard, Buck Owens, Conway Twitty, Freddy Fender, Hank Sr., and Jr., Ray Price, Dwight Yoakam, and others. Founded here in Lincoln Hills, The Lincoln Highway Band continues to deliver superb Classic Country music for its listening and dancing audiences. Do not miss this memorable, enjoyable, and entertaining show.
*Nicolas Bearde: Bearde
Sings Bacharach
Monday, April 22 — LSE589
7:00 PM, Ballroom (OC)
Premium Reserved
Seating $26
Standard Reserved
Seating $23
Vocalist Nicolas Bearde brings his distinctive interpretations to the beloved songbook of the late Burt Bacharach, whose seven decades of unforgettable music has become part of the American cultural fabric from hits including “The Look of Love” to the classic “That’s What Friends Are For.” With his supple phrasing and tender delivery, Bearde turns every song he sings into personal expressions of love, hope, and soul. On this night, Bacharach’s timeless music and the indelible lyrics of Hal David will provide his magic carpet.
*April in Paris with Duo Gadjo
Monday, April 29 — LSE590
7:00 PM, P-Hall (KS)
Reserved Seating $25
Duo Gadjo’s music is inspired by the sounds of the 20s and 30s, when jazz was the thing and Paris was the place to be. Their style is generally called ‘French Cafe’, and their repertoire spans from Bal-Musette to Edith Piaf and Serge Gainsbourg, but also includes selections from the Great American songbook. They accompany themselves on guitars and the Melodica, but the real feature is Isabelle Fontaine’s sultry vocals. Their version of La Vie En Rose from their album Meet Me In Paris is one of the most popular streams on Pandora and Spotify in the French Cafe Music category.
The Lincoln Hills Chorus presents “Regards to Broadway”
Friday, May 3 — LSE581
7:00 PM, Ballroom (OC)
Saturday, May 4
— LSE582
2:00 PM, Ballroom (OC)
Sunday, May 5
— LSE583
2:00 PM, Ballroom (OC)
Premium Reserved Seating $24
Standard Reserved Seating $21
The Chorus will be giving its “Regards to Broadway” during its Spring concert series. They will be presenting hit songs from blockbuster musicals, including The Sound of Music, Singin’ in the Rain, Fiddler on the Roof, Annie Get Your Gun, and Oklahoma, as well as from more current Broadway shows such as Mama Mia and Dear Evan Hansen. A very special treat in this concert series will be a performance by the Lincoln High School Choir. Be sure to reserve your tickets early to enjoy this rousing tribute to the Great White Way.
*Ray Ashton presents
The History of Rock and Roll (Part 4) Wednesdays, March 27, April 3, 17 & 24
1:00 to 3:00 PM, P-Hall (KS) General Admission
Seating $48 (Includes all four presentations) — LSE586
In our Finale, we go West to San Francisco and find a whole new world of sights and sounds. Then it’s down South to discover all those who came to Los Angeles with California Dreamin’ on their minds. Our next steps take us to Monterey for the first important Pop festival and back to Yasgur’s farm, where a half-million came to celebrate the music of their time. Just for fun, we will find a new JazzRock, the great British Blues Guitar Bands, Art-Rock, and the Rock Opera. A Good Time is “Guaranteed for All” as we journey through the History of Rock and Roll.
*Indicates on sale March 17
Day Trips
– Destinations –
Hard Rock Casino
$10 per person/ per trip
LST520 (3/27 AM)
LST521 (3/27 PM)
LST522 (4/11 AM)
LST523 (4/11 PM)
LST524 (4/25 AM)
LST525 (4/25 PM)
In conjunction with Hard Rock Casino, we are excited to partner in providing a twice-monthly shuttle service from Orchard Creek Lodge to the Casino. Two shuttles will run on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. All guests will receive $10 in free slot play and other valuable Hard Rock offers. This is a Hard Rock Casino Shuttle. The shuttle CANNOT accommodate wheelchairs or scooters. Walkers and canes are accepted. AM pick up 11:15 AM ~ Return 3:00 PM; PM pick up 3:15 PM ~ Return 6:45 PM.
San Francisco Bay Flower and Garden Show
Alameda County FairgroundsPleasanton, CA
Thursday, April 4
$96 — LST508
Celebrate spring surrounded by rare plants, orchids, and flowers in full bloom. See the designs and watch the demonstrations by world-class floral designers. Discover how to create your remarkable vegetable garden with hands-on workshops, demonstrations, and inspiring seminars. Meet professional gardeners and nursery owners who can
answer all your questions. Browse a wide selection of specialty shops featuring unique flowers, plants, gifts, tools, and more. Wheels roll from OC at 8:00 AM ~ return approximately 8:00 PM.
Ironstone Vineyards w/ Lunch and Murphys
Tasting Rooms
Friday, April 12
$159 — LST509
Explore the wine production area, a wine-aging cavern that maintains a year-round temperature of 60 degrees, and 14 acres of spectacular flower-filled, manicured gardens on a natural lake. Our day will start with wine tasting, tour, and canapés in the culinary center, followed by a buffet lunch, tour, and free time. We will then head to downtown Murphys to check out local wine-tasting rooms on your own. See Lifestyle Desk for the lunch menu. Wheels roll from OC at 9:00 AM ~ return 6:30 PM.
Springtime at Filoli
Gardens - Two Dates!
Thursday, April 18
Saturday, April 27
$99 — LST510 Thursday
$99 — LST511 Saturday
Watch the Garden transform as the weather warms up and a new season begins. Walk through the 54,000-square-foot historic Georgian country house, noted for its elegant interiors. Bring a packed lunch, which you can enjoy outdoors at the designated picnic area, or relish the various fresh offerings at The Quail’s Nest café during your free time. Rest stop both ways. (The stop on the way home will have some fast food areas where you can grab food for the bus ride.) Wheels roll from OC at 8:00 AM return ~ 6:30 PM. Lots of walking with some uneven pathways.
Treasure Island, San Francisco
Sunday, April 28
$89 — LST516
Imagine everything you love about the Bay Area all in one place. Experience local music, art, food, creators, and community at TreasureFest. Music is an essential
part of the experience. You can expect a groovy lineup of talented up-and-coming bands while you enjoy your craft beer and stunning views of the bay. Enjoy deliciousness from a handpicked lineup of top-rated local eateries and craft drinks. Wheels roll from OC at 9:00 AM ~ return 7:00 PM.
San Francisco
Saturday, May 4
$65 — LST515
Celebrate the coming of spring with a trip to the city by the bay. Do not worry about the traffic, the bridge, or parking. Instead, relax and let our comfortable motorcoach take you to the heart of San Francisco (Union Square-Post and Powell) for a day of shopping, lunching, and people-watching. Lunch on your own. Departure from San Francisco will be at 6:00 PM to allow you more dining and shopping time and less traffic on the way home. Wheels roll from OC at 8:30 AM ~ return 8:30 PM.
de Young Art Museum
San Francisco
Wednesday, May 22
$95 — LST517
Enjoy a day of art and culture as we visit the de Young Museum. Opened in 1895, the de Young is home to American art from the 17th century through today, textile arts and costumes, African art, Oceanic art, arts of the Americas, and international contemporary art. Trips include a docent led tour, admission, and round-trip motorcoach. Wheels roll from OC at 8:00 AM ~ return 7:00 PM.
– Performances –
SAFE Credit Union
Performing Arts Center
Tuesday, April 16
$150 — LST472
Little Orphan Annie has reminded generations of theatergoers that sunshine is always right around the corner, and now the best-loved musical of all time is set to return in a new production. “Annie,” directed by Jenn Thompson, features the iconic book and score written by Tony Award®winners Thomas Meehan, Charles Strouse, and Martin Charnin. This celebration of family, optimism, and the American spirit remains the ultimate cure for all the hard knocks life throws your way. Wheels roll from OC at 6:15 PM for a 7:30 PM Show ~ return approximately 11:00 PM.
Chris Perondi’s Stunt Dog Experience
The Center for The ArtsGrass Valley
Saturday, May 18
$99 — LST512
This cast of performers and dogs will delight audiences of all ages with high-energy excitement from beginning to end. During the Stunt Dog Experience, you will witness some of the most incredible stunts and behaviors ever performed by dogs. With amazing tricks, big air stunts, comedy antics, dancing dogs, and athletic feats, it is the most entertaining show of its kind! After the show, enjoy some free time in Grass Valley for dinner. Wheels roll from OC at 1:15 PM for a 3:00 PM Show ~ return approximately 8:00 PM.
Broadway at Music Circus Season Tickets Discounted Package
$690 — LST514
Save big on the entire Broadway at Music Circus 2024 season! Purchase the entire six-show season for a lower overall price, at a discount of $15 per show, for a total savings of $90. This is a limited-time offer and must be purchased by April 16. (See show dates below.) Single-show tickets will go on sale April 17.
Broadway At Music Circus is a truly unique musical theatre experience renowned by theatre professionals and fans across the country. Each summer, the Broadway At Music Circus series features new productions of classic musicals with some of the most talented professional actors available, Tony-winning Broadway veterans, and stars of touring Broadway, film, and TV. The theatre-in-theround setting puts audiences so close to the action that they feel part of the show. Wheels roll for all shows from OC at 6:15 PM for a 7:30 PM Show ~ return 11:00 PM.
June 11 – 42nd Street
June 25 – The Spongebob Musical (Children over 6 welcome)
July 9 – Fiddler on the Roof
July 23 – Sunset Boulevard
August 6 – Waitress
August 20 – Jersey Boys – Sports –
Sacramento Kings
Golden 1 Center Sacramento
Help cheer on the Kings as they try to reach the playoffs for a second straight season. Seats for all games are located in the lower bowl with easy access. All rates include round-trip motorcoach transportation, lower bowl seating, and driver gratuity. Book early to guarantee your seats before they sell out!
Kings vs. Utah Jazz
Sunday, March 31
$159 — LST488
Wheels from OC at 4:15 PM for a 6:00 PM Tip-Off - Return approximately 10:00 PM.
*San Francisco Giants
Help cheer on the Giants as they try to make it back to the playoffs. Trip includes round-trip motorcoach transportation, Club Level seating, and driver gratuity. Wheels roll from OC for all games at 9:00 AM for a 1:05 PM first pitch - return approximately 7:00 PM.
N.Y. Yankees
$199 — LST526
Sunday, June 2
Detroit Tigers
$139 — LST528
Sunday, August 11
L.A. Dodgers
$199 LST527
Sunday, June 30
San Diego Padres
$139 — LST529
Sunday, September 15
Overnight/Extended Travel
Five days, four nights!
Ashland, Oregon Theater Excursion
Tuesday, June 18Saturday, June 22 — LST499
$1259 per person double occupancy; $1759, single. Join Scott, Trip Coordinator, to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival 2024, named one of the best Shakespeare festivals in the world!
Trip Includes:
• Reserved seating at Angus Bowmer Theater for matinees of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”
• Reserved seating at Allen Elizabethan Theater for evening shows of Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” and Charlotte Brontë’s “Jane Eyre”
• Four nights at Ashland Hills Hotel and Suites, which include daily breakfast
• Two dinners at Ashland Hills Hotel
• Visit Central Point’s Artisan Corridor of Rogue
Creamery, Lillie Belle Farms Artisan Chocolates and Ledger David Winery
• Dinner and wine tasting at Belle Fiore Winery
• Stop at McConnell Arboretum and Botanical Gardens/Sundial Bridge in Redding (with included box lunch)
• Lunch at Italian Cottage in Chico on the return trip
• Gratuity for driver and included meals
Detailed trip itinerary with menus will be available at the front desks. A signed liability waiver is required for each participant. Registration available in person only at Lifestyle Desks. Wheels roll at 8:00 AM, June 18, return June 22 ~ 6:00 PM.
Five days, Four nights!
*Laguna Beach
Pageant of the Masters Art Festival/Sawdust Festival and Getty Villa (Pacifc Palisades)
Monday, August 26 through Friday, August 30 — LST530 $1379 double occupancy; $1929 single
Join your Trip Coordinator, Scott, on an amazing trip to the world-famous arts festival in Laguna Beach as they celebrate their 91st Season. This year’s theme is “A La Mode: The Art of Fashion.” See famous paintings recreated in full detail right before your eyes. We will have a full day in Laguna Beach which will include the Sawdust Festival (Self Pay). We will also enjoy an afternoon at the Getty Villa in Pacific Palisades with a docent-led tour. Upon registration, please advise us of your preferred food choice for Terra Laguna: Chicken, Salmon, or Vegetarian.
Trip includes:
• Three-night stay at the Ayres Hotel Laguna Woods (a resident favorite), including daily breakfast
• Lunch at Harris Ranch on the way to Laguna Woods
• Free time to enjoy the beach/shopping/lunch in Newport Beach and Laguna Beach on your second and third day
• Admission to the Getty Villa with docent-led tour
• Reserved lower-level center ticket to Pageant of the Masters Show
• Admission to Art-A-Fair at the Festival of the Arts
• Dinner at Terra Laguna Beach Restaurant on the Festival of the Arts grounds prior to the show
• Stay at The Doubletree Hotel by Hilton in Bakersfield on the return trip (Breakfast on your own at the hotel)
• Lunch at Hilmar Cheese Factory on the return trip
Driver gratuity and service charge for all included lunches and dinners. Meals included are four breakfasts, two lunches, and one dinner. Detailed trip itineraries, menus, and a trip insurance provider list are available at the Lifestyle Desks. A signed liability waiver is required for each
participant. Registration is exclusive to in-person sales at the Lifestyle Desks, no online sales. Wheels roll from OC at 8:00 AM, August 26 ~ return 4:30 PM, August 30.
Three days, Two nights!
*Best In the West
Rib Cook-Off –Sparks, NV Sunday
September 1 through Tueday
September 3
— LST531
$419 double occupancy; $609 single
Often referred to as the Super Bowl of rib competitions on the national BBQ competition circuit, the annual Labor Day Weekend event spans more than six city blocks in the heart of downtown Sparks, Nevada. Two dozen of the country’s best BBQ teams competed for nearly $20,000 in prize money, plus prestigious bragging rights! It is estimated that 350,000-400,000 BBQ enthusiasts take part in the festivities each year, consuming more than 250,000 pounds of mouthwatering ribs during the event.
• Two nights at the Western Village, a Peppermill property (Sparks)
• Round Trip Motorcoach transportation
• Shuttles to/from Rib Cook-off at The Nugget Sparks
• Driver gratuity
• Detailed trip itineraries and a trip insurance provider list are available at the Lifestyle Desks. A signed liability waiver is required for each participant. Registration is exclusive to in-person sales at the Lifestyle Desks, no online sales. Wheels roll from OC at 10:00 AM, September 1 ~ return 2:00 PM, September 3.
The Cher Show — LST493
CLASS INDEX ONLINE: SCLHRESIDENTS.COM MARCH 2024 COMPASS | 67 Below are a list of classes that are ofered. Please see the page number to learn more about the class. Mixed Media 75 Needle Felting 75 Next Chapter ..........................................................83 Nutrition .................................................................. 81 Oil and Acrylic Painting 76 Parkinson Strong Combo ...................................... 87 Personal and Clinical Training ............................ 81 Pickleball 82 Pilates Reformer .....................................................83 Posture Core and Balance ..................................... 87 Power Foods ........................................................... 79 Private Reformer Training 85 Protein and Fiber.................................................... 81 Sound Bath Experience ......................................... 82 Spring Celebration 82 Spring Fling ............................................................83 Stretch and Prep .....................................................85 Tai Chi 78 Tap 72 Tennis ...................................................................... 91 TRX Circuit ............................................................. 87 Walk and Talk 85 Water ........................................................................ 89 Wellness Life Coaching ......................................... 91 Aging or Alzheimer’s 77 Balance and Fall Prevention ................................. 86 Balance and Gait Training .................................... 78 Balance and Posture .............................................. 86 Belly Dance 69 Bootcamp ................................................................ 86 Boxing ...................................................................... 86 Cardmaking 73 Ceramics .................................................................. 75 Chair Line Dance ................................................... 70 Clogging 69 COPD 77 Country Couples .................................................... 70 Foods Fight ............................................................. 79 Fun ctional Fitness 87 Fused Glass ............................................................. 75 Guitar ....................................................................... 73 How Old are You 77 Hula ......................................................................... 70 Hypnosis ................................................................. 82 Jazz ........................................................................... 70 Line Dance 70 Living with Pain..................................................... 82 Meditation ............................................................... 78
*Indicates on sale March 17
*Belly Dance Class –L1
Fridays, April 5, 19 and 26
1:00 to 2:00 PM (KS)
$30 (three sessions)
— LSC4519
Designed for new and returning students who want to learn and review the basics of Middle Eastern dance, “Belly Dance.” Wear something comfortable; each class will begin with gentle warm-up stretches. Softsole shoes (such as ballet slippers or sandals) are recommended. Learn and practice the movements as we dance to Middle Eastern rhythms. Increase your flexibility, tone your muscles, and just have fun! Instructor: Ellen Hirvela .
*Clogging – Step Workshop
Tuesday, April 16
10:00 to 11:00 AM (KS)
$10 — LSC4785
Review of steps learned. We will pick some new steps to learn. Instructor: Janice Hanzel
*Clogging – Introduction/ Foundations - L1
Thursdays, April 4-25
9:30 to 10:00 AM (KS)
$40 (four sessions)
Introduction to clogging. This is the class if you’ve never clogged before. Come with your walker, cane, or wheelchair – this is good for your brain. Come sit and clog if you need to, but come
join in the fun. We work at a relaxed pace, developing skills in the foundations of clogging. Special attention to balancing skills. Instructor: Janice Hanzel .
*Clogging – Beginners/Easy - L2
Thursdays, April 4-25
10:00 to 11:00 AM (KS)
$40 (four sessions) — LSC4649
Review of all foundation and beginner steps. We will continue working on easy steps while working at a relaxed pace. We will also be learning new steps and dances. Dust off those clogging shoes and come back to class. If you have been away for a while, this class is for you. Instructor: Janice Hanzel .
*Clogging – Intermediate/Intermediate Plus - L3/L4
Tuesdays, April 2-30
9:00 to 10:00 AM (KS)
$50 (five sessions) — LSC4777
We will be working on some solid intermediate-level dances. There are lots of new routines to learn and choose from. I have new routines from various workshops around the area. We will continue with low intermediate dances to start with and progress rapidly to some more challenging dances. Prerequisite: Instructor approval and/or new and returning students with clogging experience. Instructor: Janice Hanzel .
*Clogging - Performance
Tuesdays, April 9 and 23
10:00 to 11:00 AM (KS)
$20 (two sessions) — LSC5030
Finalizing performance numbers. Instructor: Janice Hanzel.
*Clogging – Technique and Advanced – L4/L5
Tuesdays, April 2-30
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (KS)
$50 (five sessions) — LSC4806
The focus will be reviewing dances that have been learned. Plus, there are loads of step reviews before we get into the dances. Prerequisite: Instructor approval. Instructor: Janice Hanzel
*Country Couples Western Dance –L2/L3/L4
Mondays, April 1-22 (no class April 29)
6:00 to 7:00 PM (KS)
$40 (four sessions)
Join us for a fun-filled hour of Country Couples pattern dancing. Similar to Line Dancing but with a partner. Featuring a variety of “old” popular dances as well as fun new dances. Many of the dances are done in a circle, and some are done in lines. This class is intended for those who have had previous Line Dance experience. Instructors: Dennis and Georgi Dawson .
*Hula - L1-L3
Thursdays, April 4-18
1:00 to 2:00 PM (KS)
$39 (three sessions)
This is an ongoing class for Hula dancers of all experience and skill levels. Come learn the beautiful dance of the Hawaiian Islands. You will exercise the mind, body, and spirit while learning choreographed routines. Historical and cultural information surrounding each of the dances will also be taught. Prerequisite: New dancers contact the instructor at 916-521-0474 to learn about Hula basics instruction. Instructor: Pam Akina .
*Jazz Performance – L2-L4
Tuesdays, April 23-30
1:00 to 2:00 PM (KS)
$20 (two sessions) — LSC4685
The Jazz Performance Class is open to all dancers who are at an intermediate level. At this time, the class will not be working on a show
performance. Your dance ability will improve with every step across the floor. Join me for a fun workout, dancing to different styles of jazz. Your love of dance will make your mind, body, and spirit shine and grow ever stronger. Let’s dance. Welcome back Instructor: Melanie Greenwood , Professional dancer, Choreographer, and teacher from beginners to professionals.
*Chair Line Dance (NEW CLASS)
Thursdays, April 4-25
11:00 AM to Noon (KS)
$40 (four sessions) — LSC5064
Chair Line Dance has become very popular over the years, and we are now offering a class for those with mobility issues here at Lincoln Hills. Whether you are in a wheelchair, use a walker or a cane, or just cannot stand or dance for any length of time without physical strain, this is a great way to stay in shape. The class would be a wonderful way to have fun, learn to line dance while sitting, and listen to great music simultaneously. Come sit and dance with us. Instructor: Yvonne Halsey (formerly Krause Schenck).
*Line Dance, Classics, and Favorites – L1-L2
Tuesdays, April 2-30
8:00 to 9:00 AM (KS)
$50 (five sessions) — LSC4828
Start your day with this “dance jam” line dance class, with less instruction and more dancing. Each week, we dance a mix of classics and popular line dances (L2-L4) that are danced at major line dance events and internationally, such as “I Love a Rainy Night,” “Gin and Tonic,” “K is for Kicks,” “Tush Push,” and more. Prerequisite: L-1. About the instructor: Ellen Hirvela is an experienced teacher and loves to dance. Ellen studied Belly Dance and enjoyed performing with a troupe. In 2002, she became “hooked on” line dance. Ellen has taught all levels in senior communities since 2012.
*Line Dance Classics and Favorites - L3-L4 (NEW CLASS)
Tuesdays, April 9-30
9:00 to 10:00 AM (KS)
$40 (four sessions) — LSC5079
This “dance jam” style class with less instruction and more dancing is your opportunity to learn/review. We will focus on well-loved classics and favorites geared toward improver and easy,
intermediate-level dances such as “Crazy Foot Mambo,” “Stitches,” and “Havana Cha,” and others that are fun to dance and often requested at events. The music varies from rock, salsa beat, Waltz, country, and more. Your requests are welcomed in class.
Instructor: Ellen Hirvela
*Line Dance, Country – L3-L4
Fridays, April 5-26
3:00 to 4:00 PM (KS)
$40 (four sessions)
— LSC4820
This class is a mixture of beginner, high beginner, and intermediate dances. It features the popular “old” line dances and some new popular dances that are done at country dances around the area. Instructors: Jim & Jeanie Keener.
*Line Dance For Fun
Thursdays, April 4-25
4:30 to 5:30 PM (KS)
$40 (four sessions) — LSC4713
This class offers line dancing to many different genres of music. Levels of dance range from high beginner to very easy intermediate. About the instructor: Cathy Paris is a lively and enthusiastic dancer and instructor. One of her greatest passions and joy in life is teaching dance. Her dance background began in the early 80s when she was introduced to clogging. She incorporated line and partner dancing into her repertoire about 15 years ago and has since been sharing her passion and expertise with her students.
*Line Dance, Absolute
Beginner - L1
Mondays, April 1-29
4:00 to 5:00 PM (KS)
$50 (five sessions)
Instructor: Cathy Paris
Thursdays, April 4-25
9:00 to 10:00 AM (KS)
About the instructor: Yvonne Halsey (formally Krause-Schenck): A Lincoln Hills resident from a musical family, she started dancing early and has been line dancing since the 90s. She loves teaching and finds joy in seeing her student’s progress. She knows the importance of movement and staying healthy as we age and knows that line dancing provides that opportunity in a fun and stimulating way.
*Line Dance, Beginner - L2
Thursdays, April 4-25
10:00 to 11:00 AM (KS)
$40 (four sessions) — LSC4844
Instructor: Yvonne Halsey (formerly Krause-Schenck) OR
Thursdays, April 4-25
3:30 to 4:30 PM (KS)
$40 (four sessions) — LSC4705
Instructor: Cathy Paris OR
Fridays, April 5-26
2:00 to 3:00 PM (KS)
$40 (four sessions) — LSC4852
Instructor: Sandy Gardeto
Level 2 is for those who have some line dance skills or are moving up from Level 1 and wish to learn more steps and rhythms like cha cha, waltz, and rumba. About the instructor: Sandy Gardetto is an excellent line dance instructor with over 18 years of experience. She has been trained in all dance disciplines since she was eight. She has simplified her Beginner Class (L2) and High Beginner/Improver (L3) classes to encourage people to sign up.
$40 (four sessions) — LSC4836
Instructor: Yvonne Halsey (formerly Krause-Schenck)
This class is an introduction to line dance. Basic steps will be taught to a variety of fun music. The focus is on having fun while learning to dance.
*Line Dance, BeginnerIntermediate –L2-L4
Mondays, April 1-29
4:30 to 5:30 PM (KS)
$50 (five sessions)
Thursdays, April 11-25 (NEW/ADDTL’ CLASS)
2:30 to 3:30 PM (KS)
$30 (three sessions) — LSC5052
Learn it! Love it! Dance it! Steps, styles, and music make each class come alive based on R&B, Funk, Latin, Oldies, and Country genres. Dance steps include Jazz, Salsa, Belly Groove, and Country. About the instructor: Anna Woods love for dance goes back to her childhood tap, jazz, & ballet. This led to a professional dance career of 15 years as an instructor and performer spanning the country from LA to DC. Check out her YouTube Channel: “Anna Woods Just Dance” and/or email annawoodsjustdance@gmail.com.
*Line Dance, Improver - L3
Mondays, April 1-29
9:00 to 10:00 AM (KS)
$50 (five sessions) — LSC4606
Instructor: Yvonne Halsey (formerly Krause-Schenck) OR
Wednesdays, April 3-24
9:00 to 10:00 AM (KS)
$40 (four sessions) — LSC4860
Instructor: Sandy Gardeto
Level 3 ranges from high beginner to easy intermediate. The dancer will be offered additional exciting steps, combinations, and rhythms.
*Line Dance, Intermediate - L4
Mondays, April 1-29
5:00 to 6:00 PM (KS)
$50 (five sessions) — LSC4721
Instructor: Cathy Paris
Wednesdays, April 3-24
10:00 to 11:00 AM (KS)
$40 (four sessions) — LSC4868
Instructor: Sandy Gardeto
Level 4 focuses on challenging step combinations, teaching at a faster pace, and keeping current with what is popular and danced around the world. Prerequisite: L3.
*Line Dance, Advanced - L5
Thursdays, April 4-25
5:30 to 6:30 PM (KS)
$40 (four sessions) — LSC4729
Level 5, with more difficult dances featured, is suitable for the experienced dancer. More turns, combinations, rhythms, and challenges will be mastered. Come join this enthusiastic group and see how much fun you can have. Prerequisite: L3 or L4. Instructor: Cathy Paris
*Tap - Technique
Mondays, April 1-15 and 29
10:00 to 11:00 AM (KS)
$40 (four sessions)
— LSC4658
Tuesdays, April 2-30
10:00 to 11:00 AM (KS)
$50 (five sessions)
Learn and hone your tap techniques through fun musical exercises and routines. Instructor: Alyson Meador.
*Tap – L1
Mondays, April 1-15 and 29
11:00 AM to Noon (KS)
$40 (four sessions) — LSC4670
Grab a friend and come join us in this beginner class. This ongoing class covers the basics of tap dance. We will work at a pace comfortable for everyone. Bonus effect, new friends, improved balance, and the act of repeating, reversing, and counting patterns are excellent for brain health.
Instructor: Alyson Meador
*Folk Guitar for Fun Folks – Beginning
Tuesdays, April 2, 23 and 30
1:00 to 2:00 PM (KS)
$45 (three sessions) — LSC4740
Have fun learning the guitar. No prior music knowledge is necessary. Emphasis is on playing chords to familiar songs while singing and having fun with fellow guitarists. Folk songs from the ‘50s-‘70s will be taught. Basic music theory will be shown, plus how to choose and purchase a guitar and guitar aides will be discussed. About the instructor: Darrell Efnger is a long-time teacher, songwriter, and performer. He was a member of the New Christy Minstrels, appeared on a PBS special, toured with Glenn Yarbrough, and performed alongside the Kingston Trio and Peter, Paul & Mary. Questions? Call Darrell at 916-989-8532.
*Folk Guitar – Intermediate
Tuesdays, April 2, 23 and 30
2:00 to 3:00 PM (KS)
$45 (three sessions) — LSC4880
This class emphasizes harder chord fingerings, more transitions of chords in songs, different strumming patterns, and various fingerpicking styles used by folk artists. The class can be taken in conjunction with the beginning class as long as the student feels comfortable and they have met the prerequisites. Prerequisite: Knowledge of guitar playing using basic chords while doing a simple strum. Instructor: Darrell Effinger. About the instructor: See Folk Guitar for Fun Folks. Questions? Call Darrell at 916-989-8532.
*Guitar – Beginner
Thursdays, April 4 and 11
1:30 to 3:00 PM (KS)
$40 (two sessions) — LSC4888
If you have never touched a guitar but wished you had, or you played guitar years ago and want to reacquaint yourself with it, or you have never learned to read music notation and would like to, then take this class. You will be introduced to elements of all musical genres while gaining knowledge and technique through a self-paced curriculum emphasizing learning to play songs you enjoy. Lessons from Absolute Beginner to Intermediate
Level include a combination of individual and/or group instruction. Questions? Please email instructor Rodger Mohme, rmohme@gmail.com.
Visual Arts & Crafts
*Card Making –Beginners/Intro to Card Making (NEW)
Tuesday, April 9 and 23 9:00 AM to Noon (KS)
$44 (two sessions) — LSC5066
Have you ever wanted to make a greeting card but were unsure how to get started? Well, then, this class is for you. This class will teach you how easy it can be while showing you all the “ins and outs” of making greeting cards and more. You will make and take at least two cards home at each session. This is a fun three-hour class. All supplies and tools will be provided. Class size is limited, so sign up early to reserve your space. Instructor: Dotie Macken. Registration deadline: March 24.
Card Making –Intermediate (NEW)
Fridays, April 12 and 26 9:00 AM to Noon (KS)
$44 (two sessions) — LSC4981
Once you have completed the Introduction/Beginners class, this is the next step. It is designed to introduce you to the next level of making cards and crafting with some fun 3D projects. It will also show you how to take your cards and projects to the next level. You will be making and taking home with you at least two cards at each session. This is a fun three-hour class. All supplies and tools will be provided. Class size is limited, so sign up early to reserve your space. Instructor: Dotie Macken. Registration deadline: March 24.
*Card Making – Advanced
Mondays, April 8 and 22
9:00 AM to Noon (KS)
$44 (two sessions) — LSC4979
Wednesdays, April 10 and 24
9:00 AM to Noon (KS)
$44 (two sessions) — LSC4980
This class offers more complex and challenging projects and papercraft techniques, and it is not designed for beginner or intermediate card-making crafters. Class size is limited, so sign up early to reserve your space. All supplies and tools will be provided. Instructor: Dotie Macken. Registration deadline: March 24.
*Ceramics – L1-L3
Tuesdays, April 2-30
1:00 to 4:00 PM (OC)
$115 (five sessions)
— LSC4908
Thursdays, April 4-25
9:00 AM to Noon (OC)
$92 (four sessions) — LSC4896
This is an introductory class for residents who have never worked with clay and continuing students who want to continue to develop their skills. This course covers basic hand-building and wheel-throwing techniques, demonstrating craft and sculpture projects. First-time students will be provided clay and may use the instructor’s tools to create their first art piece. Supply list provided at first class. Welcome to our New Instructor: Donte Cuellar
*Ceramics – L4/L5
Tuesdays, April 2-30
9:00 AM to Noon (OC)
$115 (five sessions) — LSC4929
Thursdays, April 4-25
1:00 to 4:00 PM (OC)
$92 (four sessions) — LSC4920
This class is for self-motivated students/artists with established ceramic skills. Students explore their craft and sculpture projects with guidance from the instructor. Includes demonstrations, assignments, group discussion, and constructive critique. Welcome to our New Instructor: Donte Cuellar.
*Fused Class Advanced/ Beginner
Mondays, April 1-15
1:00 to 4:00 PM (KS)
$120 Beginner
(When registering online, please select the correct level from the drop-down menu.)
$75 Advanced with Instructor approval and in-person registration only (three sessions) — LSC5005
Create gorgeous, fused glass jewelry and decorations to keep or give as gifts. Students will learn glass cutting, compatibility, safety, kiln forming, finishing techniques, and the proper methods for applying various findings to complete your designs. All supplies included. Class size is limited. The fourth Monday of the month is for project pickup from 1:00 to 2:00 PM. About the instructor: Kate Uppal has been working and exploring different forms of fused glass for the past 18 years. She has created a portfolio of jewelry and glass artwork that expresses her joy and love of working with glass.
*Mixed Media Magic
Tuesdays, April 9 and 23
9:00 AM to Noon (OC)
$56 (two sessions) — LSC4941
Let’s play and explore the magic of mixed media. Join us as we experiment with a variety of media to express ourselves through and with color, texture, and imagery. Supplies needed: mixed media spiral bound paper pad, glue stick, scissors, small paint brush, white gesso, Sharpie pen, plus your favorite mixed media supplies. Instructor: Kerry Dahlin.
*Needle Felting, Beginner: Soft Sculpture, Sleeping Fox
Monday, April 15
Noon to 4:00 PM (OC)
$50 — LSC4955
We will create an adorable sleeping fox using wool fiber and special needles. All supplies will be provided, including a basket or wood platform. Most people find the repetitive motion of poking the fiber to be relaxing, but it can aggravate conditions such as arthritis, and finger pokes are possible.
*Needle Felting, Beginner: Painting with Wool: Spring Landscape
Monday, April 1
Noon to 4:00 PM (OC)
$50 — LSC5088
We will create a Springthemed landscape using wool fiber and special needles. This class will allow for variations and creativity with some sample paintings for inspiration. All supplies are provided, including a frame (not necessarily the one pictured). Most people find the repetitive motion of poking the fiber to be relaxing, but it can aggravate conditions such as arthritis, and occasional finger pokes are possible.
*Oil and Acrylic Painting –L4/L5
Wednesdays, April 3-24
9:00 to 11:30 AM (OC)
$104 (four sessions) — LSC5016
This ongoing painting class will help you become a better painter (while having fun), whether you work in oil, acrylic, or pastel. Art demonstrations are created based on class needs. The beginning stages of “how to” to the finish are shown regularly. Lots of individual instruction. Class critiques are done toward the end of the class. Sporadic projects are offered and, of course, optional. If you do not know what to bring, please go to www.sandylindblad.com. You can also email the Instructor Sandy Lindblad at sandski2@yahoo.com.
NOTE: All sales are fnal. Registration for a full session of classes will close 24 hours afer the frst scheduled class. Drop-ins for participating classes are available starting with the second day of the class schedule. See the Lifestyle desk for Drop-in registration.
WellFit Orientations
Free Orientations: WellFit Staff
Unsure where to start in the fitness centers? Sign up for our free orientation and learn how fitness centers work and how to use equipment safely and correctly. Orientations are designed to educate you on all the WellFit Department offers and get you started on your fitness journey. Register at fitness desks or enroll online on the Resident Website.
Fitness Floor (OC)
Thursday, April 9
3:00 to 4:00 PM
Wednesday, April 17
3:00 to 4:00 PM
Fitness Floor (KS)
Friday, March 29
1:00 to 2:00 PM
WellFit Services Available to Assist You in Furthering Your Health & Wellness
Events go on sale on the 17 of each month at 8:00 AM. Register at the fitness center desks or enroll online on the Resident Website. Classes fill up quickly. Please sign up at least seven days prior to the start of class. No refunds, no make-ups. All classes, times, and locations are subject to change. See up-to-date information and schedules on the Resident Website in the WellFit section or online enrollment.
Disease Prevention
All About COPD
Tuesday, March 19
3:15 to 4:15 PM
Multimedia Room (OC)
Do you have COPD? Do you know your personal signs and symptoms? Do you have a plan for what to do to help prevent an exacerbation? Registered Respiratory Therapist Grace Smith can help you put together a plan to help.
How Old Are You Really?
Chronological vs. Biological Aging
Friday, March 29
11:00 AM to Noon
Multimedia Room (OC)
We recognize that individuals do not age at a uniform rate. Though age stands as the foremost risk factor for the onset of disease and disability, age is not just about how many years you have been alive. When it comes to our chronological vs. biological age, there are a lot of factors to consider. Join us in exploring the potential for slowing or reversal of the aging process. Instructor: Rex Owens, MSc. Fitness Supervisor.
Is it Aging or Alzheimer’s?
Tuesday, April 23
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Computer Room (OC)
People often start to forget things more as they get older. Most often, this is a normal sign of aging. But for someone with Alzheimer’s, which is the most common form of Dementia, changes are different and more serious, affecting them to the extent that it interferes with a person’s daily activities and quality of life. Early detection and diagnosis are crucial to treatment to extend the person’s life expectancy. Join us and learn the differences between Alzheimer’s and typical aging. We will review the myths and facts of Alzheimer’s along with the current treatment approaches. Instructor: Amel Whitaker, MA, LMFT.
Mindful Movement
Balance and Gait Training
Tuesdays, April 9-30
11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Indoor Track (OC)
$64 (four sessions)
Sign up for this one-of-akind wellness class to learn simple stretches, exercises, and techniques that will help improve walking, balance, core strength, and reflexes to prevent falls. We will use the indoor track, chairs, bars, and the wall for support. Some exercises will challenge not only your mind but your coordination as well. This class is limited to 10 students.
Instructor: Lisa Fisher.
Monday Meditation
Mondays, April 8-29
4:10 to 5:10 PM
Aerobics Room (OC)
$72 (four sessions)
In week one, we will discuss why we meditate, its benefits, and what happens to the body as we develop this practice. For week two, we will tackle how to let go of stress. Week three will be about how to create a positive mindset and why it is important to cultivate gratitude. Lastly, week four will focus on mindfulness toward being present ‘one thing at a time’ and discussing how ‘multi-tasking’ can create stress. Instructor: Jennifer Zehnder
*All Tai Chi classes are available for dropping in and paying for one at a time. Tai Chi dropins, also known as Wellness Pass $15. *All passes and sessions are non-refundable and expire one year after the purchase date. Tai Chi drop-ins are allowed in all Tai Chi classes. Purchase at fitness center desks or through online enrollment under class passes on the Resident Website.
Tai Chi / Qigong L1
Tuesday, April 2-30
2:00 to 3:00 PM
Aerobics Room (OC)
$65 (five sessions)
Fridays, April 5-26
2:00 to 3:30 PM
Aerobics Room (OC)
$52 (four sessions)
*See above
Tai Chi is a centuries-old practice focusing on soft, gentle movements known as postures. Stringing together these postures creates a form. The Yang long form enhances balance, coordination, posture, flexibility, and body tone. Tai Chi offers a harmony of the mind and body as it relieves stress and induces relaxation. Through cultivation and flow of the body’s life force known as “Chi,” this form of exercise has been known to improve a variety of ailments. People of all fitness levels will benefit from this complimentary health system. Instructor: Shifu Anney Siegel-Wamsat.
Tai Chi / Qigong 2/3
Tuesdays, April 2-30
3:10 to 4:40 PM
Aerobics Room (KS)
$65 (five sessions)
*See above
This class is for Tai Chi and Qigong students who wish to bring higher awareness and understanding of their lifelong complementary health and wellness practice. In addition, you will learn Qigong sets of movements. Qigong, paired with stillness and moving meditation, will improve body mechanics, balance, and tone while increasing the understanding of these century-old art forms of health, mindfulness, and well-being.
Instructor: Shifu Anney Siegel-Wamsat.
Tai Chi – Free Form / QiGong L1-L3
Fridays, April 5-26
3:30 to 4:30 PM
Aerobics Room (OC)
$52 (four sessions)
Come learn Tai Chi without the pressure of having to memorize a form. Each week, we will practice movements designed to enhance your health, balance, sleep, mind-body connection, memory, and vitality. We will incorporate stretching for better flexibility, techniques for memory improvement, and Qigong. Come join the fun! *This class is available for single-session dropin, purchase $15 wellness pass from WellFit. Instructor: Shifu Anney Siegel-Wamsat.
Tai Chi Outdoor/Indoor L1-L3
Thursdays, April 4-25
2:00 to 3:00 PM
Amphitheater/Aerobics Room (OC)
$52 (four sessions)
*See above
Open to all levels, enjoy learning Tai Chi in a beautiful outdoor setting when weather permits. The class will warm up with Qigong to help build your mind-body connection, then learn the Yangstyle Tai Chi, which enhances balance, coordination, posture, flexibility, and body tone. Tai Chi offers a harmony of the mind and body as it relieves stress and induces relaxation. Through cultivation and flow of the body’s life force known as “Chi,” this form of exercise has been known to improve a variety of ailments. Instructor: Shifu Anney Siegel-Wamsat
Introduction to How Foods Fight Diabetes
Monday, April 29
2:00 to 3:30 PM
Placer Room (KS)
approach, consider some simple ideas for getting started, sample four delicious and satisfying dishes, and explore useful resources. Instructor: Lindsay Dickason, Food For Life Cooking Instructor.
Power Foods for the Brain
Monday, April 15
2:00 to 3:30 PM
Placer Room (KS)
A decline in brain health need not be an inevitable part of aging. How we eat and live can help us protect our memory and stay sharp into old age. You will be guided through the research supporting a low-fat, plant-based diet for maintaining brain function and minimizing the risk of cognitive decline. You will also be treated to a cooking demonstration and sampling of delicious recipes made from a selection of brain-power foods, along with handouts of easy and affordable recipes you can make at home. Instructor: Lindsay Dickason, Food For Life Cooking Instructor
The road to diabetes does not have to be a one-way street. People who eat plant-based meals are less likely to ever develop diabetes, and for those who have diabetes, plant-based meals can help improve blood sugar levels and prevent complications. A low-fat, plant-based approach offers a new tool that many have found to be very useful. In this class, you will get the chance to hear the latest science behind this
Protein and Fiber
Tuesday, April 16
3:15 to 4:30 PM
Placer Room (KS)
Have you heard the new recommendations for protein and fiber in your diet? Protein helps retain muscle mass, and fiber helps gut health and elimination. This class will go over the importance of protein and fiber and have a few take-home recipes too. Instructor: Grace Smith.
Nutrition Coaching One-on-One
Do you ever wonder what to eat for weight loss, muscle building, or general health? Sign up today for a personalized nutrition plan through Facetime, Zoom, or phone.
What do I get?
A personalized plan to meet your needs with foods you love. A plan of what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (including snacks). The time to eat each food and how much to consume. You will be given options for each meal and learn to replace certain foods with a similar food profile when on the go.
$84 for 60-minute session
$45 for subsequent 30-minute sessions (Additional sessions are up to the resident and are not required.)
Policy: There are no refunds, and all training expires one year after purchase. Please observe our 24-hour cancellation policy and contact the Coach directly to reschedule, or you may be charged in full for the session.
Reach out to a Coach to schedule: Eva.DeMars@sclhca.com
Personal and Clinical Training
Personal training is convenient, efficient, and individualized for your specific goals. Whether your goals are strength, endurance, or rehab-related, we have a trainer for you. All of our trainers are highly qualified and have different specialties and strengths. To learn more about personal training and/or clinical training or about our trainers and their qualifications, contact Rex Owens. You can also visit the Resident Website under WellFit/ Personal Training/meet the trainers. Please respect a 24-hour cancellation policy.
Training Services
• Buddy Training: Two clients and one trainer. It is more fun to work out with a friend. One-hour session $37 per person. Each billed for shared session.
• Clinical Training: One client and one trainer. One-hour session $72, three session package $195 ($65 each). Half-hour session $48, three session package $129 ($43 each).
• Comprehensive Assessment: Meet and greet trainer, medical history, talk about and establish goals, measurable strength, health, mobility, and balance scores. Includes ZIBRIO Stability Scale (one month while with trainer) and Posture Assessment. One-hour session $99.
• Goal Assessment: Meet and greet the trainer, discuss medical history, and talk about and establish goals. Posture Assessment. Trainer assesses general ability level. Half-hour session $42.
• One-on-One Training: One client and one trainer. One-hour session $62, half-hour session $42.
Packages: One client and one trainer. Package of three one-hour sessions $57 each. $171 total. Three half-hour sessions $37 each. $111 total.
• Posture Analysis: We use a special grid background to assess you. Three photos are taken. Learn what muscles you need to stretch. Balance is significantly affected by posture. One-hour session $62.
• ZIBRIO Balance Scale: Get your balance score. Created by NASA/MIT. Learn what to do for better balance. Free ZIBRIO app included. One-hour session $62.
Personal Improvement
Hypnosis for a Good Night’s Sleep
Thursday, April 4
9:30 to 11:30 AM
Computer Room (OC)
Are you frustrated with your sleep? Are you having trouble falling, staying, or returning to sleep? Join this restful and helpful class to find out how Hypnosis can help. This class is designed to take multiple times to increase your prior results exponentially. Instructor: Kelley Moreno CPH.
Living with Neck and Shoulder Pain and Prevention
Wednesday, April 24
1:00 to 3:00 PM
Computer Room (OC)
Learn how to modify your lifestyle to prevent pain, live smart, and reduce discomfort through the use of movement and hot and cold modalities. Class is interactive; pain patching samples will be available while supplies last. Receive the appropriate stretches and exercises to maintain a better quality of life. Lisa will teach the first half of the PowerPoint presentation, and Danielle will conduct the second half, where you will watch demonstrations and walk through the gym to learn the correct machines. Keep your body strong and happy to support longevity! Instructors: Lisa Kwon , Occupational Therapist, and Danielle Merrill, Physical Therapy Assistant.
Pickleball Conditioning
and Agility L2/L3
Thursdays, April 11-25
12:55 to 1:55 PM
Aerobics Room (OC)
$42 (three sessions) or
$15 each with Wellness Pass drop-in
Start with movement prep and dynamic stretching warm-up to increase your range of motion and flexibility, then move through exercise stations that focus on strength and coordination for Pickleball, core rotation and stability, speed and agility, balance, and rotator cuff conditioning. Finish with static stretches to reduce your risk of tendonitis-style issues. Prepare your body and prevent injury! Instructor: Lisa Fisher.
Sound Bath Experience
Thursday, April 4
4:30 to 5:30 PM
Aerobics Room (KS)
$15 each, Wellness Pass, Drop-in
A Sound Bath is a full-body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture your soul and body. Sounds include tuning forks, gongs, crystal singing bowls, chimes, drums, and voices. Unplug, let go, and invite deep rest and relaxation. This class is offered on the first Thursday of every month, drop-in. Instructor: Nina Baldi
Spring Celebration Promoting Intergenerational Wellness, Brain Health and Fun
Sunday, March 24
2:00 to 4:00 PM, Ballroom (OC)
$50 per adult (age 18 and up)
$40 per child (8-17 years old)
Enjoy a very special Alice in Wonderland/Mad Hatter English-style high tea party where multiple generations can interact and celebrate togethercomplete with a tasty variety of English-style sweets and savories. Start with the option of making your very own Spring hat. We will all learn some basic table manners together and engage in specially selected intergenerational brain games to get everyone firing brain cells and talking together for a fun “Neurobic” workout. Make Easter Memories this year as you share intergenerational family time together! Registration deadline: March 21. Instructor: Alice Jacobs, ED.D, MBA, MS, MA, MCHES
Spring Fling Brain
Thursday, April 11
9:30 AM to Noon
Multipurpose Room (OC)
Spring has arrived, and for many, that means doing some spring cleaning. How about getting the post-pandemic cobwebs out of our brains with some engaging “neurobic” activities that catalyze new brain cell growth? Come fertilize your brain and provide some brain nourishment while learning about and experiencing brain physiology. New brain exercises will be provided, so sign up even if you have attended previous Brain Gain sessions. Brain cell growth, known as neurogenesis, is part of a positive wellness lifestyle – so come join the fun! Instructor: Alice Jacobs Ed.D, MA, MS, MCHES Director, braingain.info.
Spotlight on Tai Chi
Friday, April 19
1:00 to 1:45 PM
Aerobics Room (OC)
Free, No sign-up required
This is a free, drop-in informational hour to learn about our Tai Chi Program and how these wellness classes could help you. Maybe you can even incorporate it into your New Year’s resolution! Watch a demonstration, learn more about what to expect in a class, discover various health benefits, and get informed about this dynamic WellFit Program. Instructor: Shifu Anney Siegel-Wamsat.
The Next Chapter, Life After Loss
Wednesdays, April 10 - May 8
3:30 to 4:30 PM
Aerobics Room (OC)
$85 (5 sessions)
$15 materials fee due to Instructor
With great love comes great grief. Join a small, intimate group where we will experience this journey together. Come prepared for heart-opening moments that will inspire and challenge us as we explore all avenues of this delicate subject. Classes will feature weekly guest presenters and lots of creativity. Registration deadline: April 3. Instructor: Cindy Davis.
Pilates Reformers and Towers
Please check the Resident Website for the most current schedule and information regarding the Pilates Reformer Program, including sign-up forms, or contact Danielle.Merrill@sclhca.com.
Prerequisite: If you have not taken Reformer before, all Pilates Reformer classes require completion of the Introductory Reformer Session (purchased at fitness centers) or completion of a session-based wellness class, Introduction to Movement on the Pilates Reformer – offered every other month.
Membership packages require an agreement for auto-pay upon enrollment. Members and drop-ins select their monthly classes via the online scheduling system MindBody by logging in to their account once it has been created. Class schedules can be found on the Resident Website or at the fitness centers. Online class scheduling is from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM every day. New month’s scheduling always opens on the 15 of the month at 7:00 AM.
Our Reformer packages are as follows:
Four-class membership package $72 per month, Add-on classes for members $18 per class.
Eight-class membership package $136 per month, Add-on classes for members $17 per class.
Drop-in non-reformer member, $20 per class.
Drop-in for guests accompanied by resident, $25 per class.
Introductory Reformer Session L1
Continuous dates scheduled with Reformer Specialists
Reformer Studio (OC) $40 (one hour)
This session is a prerequisite for Pilates Reformer classes. You will work with a trainer to teach you proper breathing techniques, go over any goals/ limitations you may have, go over basic exercises, set up your proper spring loads, and answer any questions. Once you have completed this introductory class, you can sign up for the Pilates Reformer classes through MindBody after getting an account. You can purchase this introduction at the fitness centers. Contact Danielle Merrill to coordinate your introduction with an instructor.
Private Reformer Training
Private training is convenient and efficient. All private training is done by appointment only. When working one-on-one, our trainers will customize a reformer program to meet your specific goals. Hidden muscular weaknesses or skeletal imbalances cause most injuries. Pilates works to balance the body to bring proper alignment and function. Please contact Danielle Merrill for more information regarding Private Reformer Training and scheduling with one of the reformer instructors.
One-on-One Training and Buddy Training: Prices are the same as Personal Training Rates. Rates increased efective January 2024.
Pilates ReformerIntroduction to Movement
Saturdays, April 6-27
11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Reformer Studio (OC)
$72 (four sessions)
Sign up for this class if you have not yet tried Pilates Reformer and are interested in learning more about your body and mindful movement on the Reformer. We start with the basics of safely introducing your body to the fundamentals of Reformer. It slowly builds up to teach proper body alignment, core strength, posture, gentle strength training, balance, and injury prevention. This class fulfills the prerequisite requirement of Introductory Reformer session L1 before taking other Reformer classes. Instructor: Sarah Jenan, Reformer Specialist.
Pop Up Classes
Stretch and Prep
Tuesday, March 19
3:00 to 3:45 PM
Sports Plaza Croquet Field
The first day of Spring is the perfect time to prep your body for seasonal sports and activities by learning movement preparation exercises and injury prevention stretches. No pretzel positions are required. Stretch is the new Yoga! Even just five minutes of gentle stretching can soothe aches, unwind tension, prevent cramps/tendonitis,
improve balance and posture, and promote sleep. No matter what your day-to-day activity looks like, stretching is the simplest - and best - way to move better and feel younger. Give yourself the gift of the whole-body rejuvenation you deserve. Instructor: Danielle Merrill, PTA.
Walk and Talk
The last Wednesday of every month
March 27
3:30 PM, Meet at OC
Indoor Track
What is our goal? We are building conversations, connections, and community by coming together and meeting with others. We will meet at Indoor Track (OC) to walk and talk for 30 minutes, then meander over to Meridian’s to relax and continue good conversation. Even the U.S. Surgeon General touts the “Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community.” We are not meant to go it alone!
Facilitator: Danielle Merrill
Small Group Training (SGT)
Small group training classes run for 55 minutes and are designed with specific goals in mind. Participants have the opportunity to work directly with a personal trainer in a small group setting. Maximum of eight students per class .
Balance and Fall Prevention L1
Mondays and Wednesdays
April 1-29
2:00 to 3:00 PM
Aerobics Room (KS)
$153 (nine sessions)
Learn simple stretches, exercises, and techniques to help improve balance, core strength, and reflexes to prevent falls. We will use chairs, bars, and the wall for support. Instructor: Gilmer LaTorre.
Balance and Posture Thursday L1/2
Thursdays, April 4-25
2:00 to 3:00 PM, Aerobics Room (KS)
$68 (four sessions)
This class focuses on balance, so get ready to do some homework. Whether you need better balance to avoid falls, improve your sport, or so that you feel safer being active! Several factors play a role in your balance, including core strength, posture, and leg strength. We will include exercises that address all of the above. We will also incorporate a variety of balance training techniques and activities that promote better posture, improved body awareness, and better stability. This class is for a variety of fitness levels. Must be able to walk without an assisted device. Instructor: Maryann DePietro
Bootcamp – Progressive L2/L3
Mondays and Wednesdays
April 1-29
3:05 to 4:05 PM
Aerobics Room (KS)
$153 (nine sessions)
Fridays, April 5-26
3:05 to 4:05 PM
Aerobics Room (KS)
$68 (four sessions)
each participant’s fitness level. The class will enjoy workouts in the Aerobics Room and the gym floor. A variety of equipment will be introduced and used for a workout you have never seen before. *This class is eligible for the SGT drop-in if space is available. Instructor: Gilmer LaTorre.
Boxing – Rock Steady
Tuesdays, April 2-30
2:00 to 3:00 PM
Aerobics Room (KS)
$85 (five sessions)
Fridays, April 5-26
11:50 AM to 12:50 PM
Aerobics Room (KS)
$68 (four sessions)
This is a non-contact fitness program designed specifically for people with Parkinson’s. Boxers’ condition to defend against and overcome opponents. At RSB, Parkinson’s disease is the opponent. Exercises vary in purpose and form but share one common trait: they are rigorous and intended to empower people with PD to fight back. All levels are welcome. Instructor: Gina Turner. Gloves and wraps are sold at fitness centers.
Are you looking to change things up? Try this class with progressive exercises to accommodate
“Fun”ctional Fitness L3
Tuesdays and Thursdays
April 2-30
11:50 AM to 12:50 PM
Aerobics Room (KS)
$153 (nine sessions)
Incorporate strength training and high-intensity interval training for optimal cardiovascular benefits. This team-oriented class focuses on “FUN”ctional Fitness using a variety of equipment, including TRX suspension training. You will challenge and strengthen the core, promote balance, flexibility, and mobility, and prevent injuries. Mixing up the workout keeps the body from getting bored. The intensity is up to each individual. Intermediate to advanced fitness levels are encouraged. *This class is eligible for the SGT drop-in if space is available. Instructor: Deanne Griffin .
Parkinson Strong Combo
Mondays, April 1-29
4:10 to 5:10 PM, Aerobics Room (KS)
$85 (five sessions)
Thursdays, April 4-25
3:05 to 4:05 PM, Aerobics Room (KS)
$68 (four sessions)
Interested in the Parkinson’s Cycle class, but don’t you think you could do an entire hour of cycling? Try this class to change it up. Valerie will combine content from Parkinson’s Indoor Cycling and Parkinson-Strong classes to create a class that helps improve the quality of life through meaningful exercise. Instructor: Valerie Cota
Posture, Core, and Balance
Mondays and Wednesdays
April 1-29
12:55 to 1:55 PM, Aerobics Room (KS)
$153 (nine sessions)
Instructor: Renae Schmidt
Tuesdays and Thursdays
April 2-30
10:45 to 11:45 AM
Aerobics Room (KS)
$153 (nine sessions)
Instructor: MaryAnn DePietro
formatted to accommodate a wide range of fitness levels and also includes the proper stretches to allow for improved posture, which can take the pressure off your back, shoulders, and neck. We will round out the class with concepts from Balance and Fall Prevention to build confidence and mobility.
TRX Circuit L2
Tuesdays and Thursdays
April 2-25
12:55 to 1:55 PM
Aerobics Room (KS)
$138 (eight sessions)
Instructor: MaryAnn DePietro
Wednesdays, April 3-24
4:10 to 5:10 PM, Aerobics Room (KS)
$68 (four sessions)
Instructor: John Ramos
TRX Circuit is a great way to shed a few of those quarantine pounds while gaining strength, flexibility, balance, and a stronger core. TRX suspension training straps make gravity your resistance, so adjusting the level of difficulty is as easy as moving your hands or feet, and progression is limitless. *This class is eligible for the SGT drop-in if space is available.
TRX, Strength, and Stretch
Mondays and Wednesdays
April 1-29
11:50 AM to 12:50 PM
Aerobics Room (KS)
$153 (nine sessions)
Balance your body with exercises for proper postural alignment and a strong core. This class is
It is the perfect blend of intensity and restoration. This innovative take on strengthening and lengthening fuses strength movements and stretching with the amazing recovery ability of breathwork, alignment, and balance. Instructor: Gina Turner
Water Exercise –
Therapeutic L1/L2
Wednesdays, April 3-24
10:45 to 11:45 AM and 11:50 AM to 12:50 PM
Indoor Pool (OC)
$68 (four sessions)
Instructor: Nina Baldi
Fridays, April 5-26
10:45 to 11:45 AM, Indoor Pool (OC)
$68 (four sessions)
Instructor: Lisa Fisher
Mondays, April 8-29
9:40 to 10:40 AM, Indoor Pool (OC)
$68 (four sessions)
Instructor: Lisa Fisher
Therapeutic-style exercise program in the pool. The warm water helps increase circulation, respiratory rate, muscle metabolism, strength, flexibility, and ease of movement. Water exercise helps relieve pain through decreased weight-bearing and reduced joint stress. Meet in the pool area by the benches, dressed for the pool, and the trainer will assist you in/out of the pool and be in the pool with you. The trainer is unable to help students in/out of the locker rooms or parking lot. Do not forget your towel.
Sports Plaza - Lessons
To make a reservation for Bocce Ball, Croquet, Multi-Court, Pickleball, or Shuffleboard or more information and guidelines, go to the Resident Website, WellFit, and choose from the drop-down list. The softball field is available for open play on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays from 2:00 to 5:00 PM. Please visit the Resident Website, WellFit, and click on Sports Pavilion for more information and guidelines. For tennis, courts are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Sign up at Sports Pavilion for drop-in play.
Pickleball – Introduction
Bi-monthly, Wednesdays
9:00 to 10:30 AM
Multi-Court (Courts 14 and 15)
This bi-monthly class is for any resident interested in learning about Pickleball. All equipment is provided. Please wear
clothing and tennis shoes appropriate for Pickleball. Please bring water. Meet on the MultiCourt by the softball parking lot. You must pre-register for this class. Eight spots are available. To register email Carol Judd at welcometopickleball@ gmail.com.
Pickleball - Camps
Skill Level 2.5-2.75 (Min/Max: eight students)
Monday and Tuesday, April 1 & 2
9:00 AM to Noon
Multi-Court 14 and 15
Skill Level 3.0-3.25 (Min/Max: eight students)
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 9 &10
9:00 AM to Noon, Multi-Court 14 and 15
Skill Level 3.5-3.75 (Min/Max: eight students)
Tuesday and Thursday, April 16 & 18
9:00 AM to Noon, Multi-Court 14 and 15
Instructor: Ian Dickson, Pickleball Pro
Pickleball Training Services – Purchase at fitness centers or through Online Enrollment on the Resident Website.
• Buddy Training: Two clients and one trainer/ pro. It is more fun to train with a friend. Onehour session $59 per person. Each billed for shared session.
• One-on-One Training: One client and one trainer/pro. One-hour session $98.
**Pickleball Training Policy: There are no refunds, and all training expires one year after purchase. Please observe a 24-hour cancellation policy and contact the Pro directly to reschedule. If you do not give 24-hour cancelation notice, you may be charged in full for the training, and no make-up will be provided.
How to Set Up One-On-One or Buddy Training Services with the Pickleball Professional
1. Purchase a training service at the fitness center desks or through online enrollment on the Resident Website.
2. Email or text Ian Dickson, Pickleball Pro, to schedule a session at 916-712-4337 or Ian.Dickson@ sclhca.com.
3. Show up at the multi-court in the Sports Plaza for your training session.
Please note: Once you have purchased a training service, it is your responsibility to reach out to Ian for scheduling. Ian is not able to book your session until it has been purchased.
Small Group Training: 3-8 students and one pro/ trainer. Once you have your group together, reach out to Ian directly to schedule. He will give you a code to take to the fitness center desks to purchase or purchase online throught link emailed to you after shceduling with Ian.
For clinics or camps, please see online enrollment – WellFit or inquire with Ian.
For questions, email Danielle.Merrill@sclhca.com.
Tennis - Introduction
Saturdays 11:00 AM to Noon
Tennis Courts
This class is a terrific introduction for residents interested in learning the basics of tennis. This class will go over the fundamentals of tennis, focusing on basic stroke development, including forehands, backhands, volleys, and serves. No prior experience is necessary, and racquets will be provided; however, we encourage participants to bring their own. Make sure to bring water and appropriate tennis court shoes. No running shoes, please. Email stevebringman@yahoo.com to register. Class size is limited to three each session.
Tennis Small Group Training
Once you have your group together, reach out to Eva directly to schedule. She will give you a code to take to the Fitness Center front desks to purchase. Instructor: Eva De Mars, Tennis Coach . Minimum of three students, maximum of four. Eva.DeMars@sclhca.com .
Wellness Life Coaching
Why A Wellness Coach?
A Lincoln Hills Wellness Life Coach is a professional who assists people in making progress toward attaining greater fulfillment in relationships, careers, day-to-day life, or extracurricular activities. Schedule with one of our Coaches to better navigate your path, clarify your goals, identify obstacles holding you back, and learn new strategies to move forward. Our coaches will provide the support you need to achieve long-lasting change!
What Can I Expect?
Discerning “the why” is paramount to the coaching - because the subsequent checkpoints and milestones are built upon the why of what the client wishes to work toward - and developing a reasonable plan to achieve it. Each 60-minute session includes a personally tailored, written, 30-day goal summary to include measurable, time-bound behaviors and tasks to be completed by the client. This helps each client maintain progress, overcome challenges, and achieve their desired outcomes.
What Does It Cost?
Each one-on-one session runs sixty minutes $84.00. Your Wellness Life Coach will recommend the frequency of sessions as you go.
Invest in Yourself.
We have four dynamic Wellness Coaches ready to book appointments at Orchard Creek WellFit fitness center. Their Bio’s can be found at the fitness centers or on the Resident Website under the WellFit drop-down menu. Contact Danielle Merrill for more information about this exciting new program.
Policy: There are no refunds, and all training expires one year afer purchase. Please observe our 24-hour cancellation policy and contact the Coach directly to reschedule, or you may be charged in full for the session.
Reach out to a Coach to schedule:
Wellness Pass, Group Ex Pass and Fast Pass classes are drop-in, group exercise classes on a first-come, first-served basis in our Aerobics Rooms (KS and OC) as well as the Sports Plaza and OC pools. You may arrive and sign in up to one hour before the start time of the class. Good for one session each.
*Group Ex Passes are $5.50 for 55 minutes.
*Wellness Passes are $15 for 60 minutes.
*Fast Pass Classes are $3.50 and can only be used in our 30-minute classes.
Group Ex Passes and Fast Passes are not interchangeable. Purchase these passes through online enrollment on the Resident Website or at the fitness center front desks. There are no refunds for class passes; all passes expire one year after the purchase date. For a list of class descriptions, please refer to the Resident Website under WellFit. Guests must pay $7 per Group Ex Pass and $4.50 per Fast Pass and check in no more than ten minutes before the start of the class. Classes are subject to availability.
*All passes and sessions are non-refundable.
*Group Ex, Fast, and Wellness Passes expire one year after the purchase date.
NOTE: Group Ex Passes purchased before December 1, 2019, will never expire.
Premium Group Ex Pass Deal. Buy a package of 25 Group Ex Passes and receive a 10% discount. Normally, it costs $137.50 but with the discount, you will pay only $123.75. Reminder: these passes expire after one year.
**For all class schedules, please refer to the WellFit section of sclhresidents.com/WellFit/ Group Ex Pass Classes, pick up a class schedule at our front desks, or scan our QR code with your smartphone camera.
Orchard Creek Lodge ............................... 965 Orchard Creek Lane
Main Phone: 916-625-4000
Kilaga Springs Lodge .............................. 1167 Sun City Boulevard
Main Phone: 916-408-4013
Resident Website ............................................ SCLHResidents.com
Public Website .......................................... SunCity-LincolnHills.org
Help Desk .................................................. Help.Desk@sclhca.com
Orchard Creek Lodge & Kilaga Springs Lodge
MON–SAT: 8:00 AM–9:00 PM
SUNDAY: 8:00 AM–5:00 PM
Membership Desk
MON–FRI: 9:00 AM–5:00 PM
Lifestyle Desks (OC/KS)
MON–SAT: 8:00 AM–8:00 PM
SUNDAY: 8:00–4:00 PM
WellFit (OC/KS)
MON–FRI: 5:30 AM–8:30 PM
SAT–SUN (OC): 7:00 AM–8:00 PM
SAT–SUN (KS): 5:30 AM–6:00 PM
Executive Director
The Spa at Kilaga Springs
MON–FRI: 9:00 AM–6:00 PM
SATURDAY: 9:00 AM–5:00 PM
Meridians Restaurant
DAILY: 7:00 AM–8:00 PM
SUN–THU: 7:00 AM–8:00 PM
FRI–SAT: 7:00 AM–9:00 PM
Curbside: 11:00 AM–7:45 PM
Delivery: 4:00 PM–7:00 PM
Kilaga Cafe
MON–FRI: 8:00 AM–3:00 PM
Kyle Bodyfelt ........... 916-625-4060 .........
Executive Assistant/Ofce Manager
Michelle Griswold ... 916-625-4062 .
Communications & IT Manager
Jef Caponera 916-625-4057
Compass Editor
Lifestyle Desks
Orchard Creek: 916-625-4022 .......... Kilaga Springs: 916-408-4013
Lifestyle Manager
Allison Sertic 916-625-4073
Lifestyle Assistant Manager
Suzanne Hughes .... 916-408-4609 ..
Lifestyle Class Coordinator
Theresa Renken ...... 916-625-4014 ....
Community Standards Manager
Kelly Berto .............. 916-625-4006 ............
Director of Finance
Jared Avis 916-625-4045
Director of Human Resources
Christina McClung .. 916-460-9896.. Christina.McClung@sclhca.com
Lisa Hammons ........ 916-625-4068 .......... Membership@sclhca.com
Meridians Restaurant .............................
Reservations & Info: 916-625-4040................ To-Go: 916-625-4044
Kilaga Cafe .............................. To-Go Orders & Info: 916-408-1682
Director of Food & Beverage
Jim Trondsen .......... 916-625-4049 ........
Catering Sales .........................................
Don Giles 916-625-4043
Tom Dunipace President Tom.Dunipace@sclhca.com
Marie Barnes Vice President Marie.Barnes@sclhca.com
Denny Valentine Secretary Denny.Valentine@sclhca.com
Don Bowden ...............Treasurer .............. Don.Bowden@sclhca.com
Robert Copp ...............Director................. Robert.Copp@sclhca.com
Chuck Cunningham ....Director...... Chuck.Cunningham@sclhca.com
Jack Harris Director Jack.Harris@sclhca.com
Donna Hartigan ...... 916-408-7859 .... Donna.Hartigan@sclhca.com
Lifestyle Entertainment Coordinator
Cody Meikle 916-408-4310 Cody.Meikle@sclhca.com
Lifestyle Trip Coordinator
Scott Cason 916-625-4002 Scott.Cason@sclhca.com
Room Booking & Club Coordinator
Elaine Allen ............. 916-625-4021 ........... Elaine.Allen@sclhca.com
WellFit Desks
Orchard Creek: 916-625-4030 Kilaga Springs: 916-408-4683
Director of Lifestyle, WellFit & Spa
Deborah McIlvain ... 916-625-4031 . Deborah.Mcilvain@sclhca.com
Assistant Director of Lifestyle, WellFit & Spa
Jonathan Leung ...... 916-258-8289 .... Jonathan.Leung@sclhca.com
WellFit Program Manager
Danielle Merrill 916-625-4032 Danielle.Merrill@sclhca.com
WellFit Fitness Supervisor
Rex Owens .............. 916-408-4825 ............
Spa Concierge............................................. KilagaSpringsSpa.com
Appointments & Info: 916-408-4290
Spa Manager
KarriLynn Keith 916-408-4071 KarriLynn.Keith@sclhca.com
Facilities Director
Erik Rosales ............ 916-645-4500 .......... Erik.Rosales@sclhca.com
Landscape Supervisor
Willie Mayberry 916-645-4501 Willie.Mayberry@sclhca.com
VForce Security
LH Golf Club ...................... 916-543-9200 .... lincolnhillsgolfclub.com
Lincoln Police & Fire ...................................................... 916-645-4040
Neighborhood Watch .................................................. SCLHWatch.org
Linda Minor: 707-235-0778
Neighbors InDeed 916-223-2763 neighborsindeed.org
Lincoln Hills Foundation 916-434-0749 lincolnhillsfoundation.org
Lodge Library Contact .............................
Architectural Review
Sarah Kevin: 408-858-0880
Clubs & Community Organizations CCOC@sclhca.com
Communications & Community Relations CCRC@sclhca.com
Compliance.............................. Compliance.Committee@sclhca.com
Elections ........................................ Elections.Commitee@sclhca.com
Finance .......................................... Finance.Committee@sclhca.com
Properties Properties.Committee@sclhca.com
Associaton provides this publicaton for informatonal purposes only. Sun City Lincoln Hills does not guarantee, endorse or promote any of the products or services advertsed herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publicaton. Submited artcles may be edited and republished in any format. All artcles submited become the property of Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Associaton. The Associaton reserves the right to make an Editor’s response or to comment on submited artcles. Copyright @ 2024 by Sun City Lincoln Hills. All rights reserved. No part of this publicaton may be reproduced or transmited in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any informaton storage and retrieval system without express permission in writng from the publisher. COMPASS — A monthly magazine established August 1999 COMPASS Editor: Theresa Renken 916-625-4014 Resident Writers: Linda Lucchetti, Shirley Schultz, Teresa Tanin, David Wright Layout/Design and Printing: Sierra Office Supplies & Printing AD DIRECTORY Please thank your advertisers and tell them you saw their ad in the Compass L&D Handyman 51 Wayne’s Fix-all Service 29 HEATING AND AIR Accu Air & Electrical 59 Good Value Heating & Air 36 Peck Heating & Air 31 HOME IMPROVEMENT 1A Advanced Garage Doors 29 GVD Renovations, Inc. 24 Homesite Services 16 JL Property Solutions 40 Loveland Roofing ..................... 60 MasterMax Builders ................. 50 Nor-Cal Concrete Cleaning ...... 80 One Of Wood Designs 58 O.Tile 63 Overhead Door 32 Quality Roofing 32 Screenmobile 43 Screens For Less 56 The Closet Doctor 44 Thorco Steel .............................. 71 Urban Shades........................... 34 IN HOME CARE Welcome Home Care ............... 65 JUNK HAULING AND REMOVAL Junk Co. 79 Sanchez Home & Yard Service 74 LANDSCAPING Bella Vista Artificial Grass & Landscaping 22 Boulder Creek Synthetic Grass 54 CM Ponds & Stuf ..................... 65 Complete Ponds....................... 58 Duran Landscaping ................... 91 Hernandez Landscaping 47 Rick Myers Landscape Design 38 Spartan Landscaping 50 Terrazas Landscape 80 Valley Oak Landscaping 28 LEGAL Gibson & Tuttle, Inc. 76 Robertson Law Group 85 Rumley Law .............................. 74 Seasons Law ............................ 44 MEDICAL Clinical Trials Research 20 MISCELLANEOUS Green Canary 44 Sotherton Tea Room 90 MORTUARY SERVICES Cochrane Wagemann 30 Cremation Society of Placer County 81 Morgan Oaks ............................ 72 PAINTING Dynamic Painting 90 Preferred Painting 87 Sorin’s Painting ........................ 73 VB Paint ..................................... 41 PEST CONTROL Noble Way Pest Control ........... 80 PLUMBING BZ Plumbing Co. Inc. 84 Castello Plumbing 51 Newwrx Plumbing .................... 37 Ronald T. Curtis Plumbing ........ 78 U.S. Plumbing Marshall ............ 88 PODIATRY Lincoln Podiatry Center ........... 60 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Gold Properties of Lincoln 82 Carolan Properties ................... 86 REAL ESTATE Bill Davidson 44 Carolan Properties 86 Century 21 - Mary Olsen .............................. 31 Coldwell Banker/Sun Ridge 20 - Donna Judah 88 - Michelle Cowles 35 - Tony Williams ......................... 57 - Yvonne Holm .......................... 60 HomeSmart Realty - Gail Cirata............................... 74 - Team McGrail 52 Shelley Weisman 50 Pamela Welch 28 SENIOR LIVING Ansel Park - Assisted Living 52 - Independent Living 24 Eskaton Village 95 Oakmont of Roseville 42 Summerset 76 SENIOR TRANSITIONS New Leaf 43 Senior Care Authority 55 SHREDDING RedDog Shredz 76 SPRINKLER SERVICES Gary’s Sprinkler Repair 33 Sprinkler Medic 36 TRANSPORTATION Charles Airport Rides 60 Diamond Van Transports 38 Placer County Transportation Planning Agency 68 Prompti Transportation Services .................................... 63 Roseville Cab............................ 84 TRAVEL Club Cruise 96 Saltwater Travel Company ....... 27 AUTOMOBILE About New Auto Sales 58 CASINO Hard Rock Hotel & Casino 2 CHURCH Valley View Church 90 CLEANING SERVICES Dana’s Housecleaning ............. 27 Gold Coast Carpet, Upholstery Tile & Grout Cleaning 88 Joe’s Carpet Cleaning 74 Laura Lynn’s Cleaning Service 64 V & O Cleaning Service 61 COMPUTER SERVICES Comp-Solve Computers 33 Jim Puthuf & Associates 65 Porchswing Technology 56 DENTAL Denzler Family Dentistry 56 Victoria Mosur, DDS 58 ELECTRICAL SERVICES Brown’s Quality Electric 41 Judeen Electric 35 ENERGY SERVICES Pioneer Community Energy 22 FINANCIAL SERVICES Concierge Fiduciary Services 39 Estate Planning 40 Renaissance Society, Sacramento State 56 TAD Executive Fiduciary Services 88 GOLF Electrick Motorsports Inc. 90 HANDYMAN SERVICES A-R Smit & Associates 34 Bartley Properties 30 Home Details 39 Home Handyman Services 69
Core & Strength & Stretch L2/L3 - Beth 30-Minute Balance
Exercises L1-L2 - Renae
Zumba Toning L2
Step L2/L3 Kim
20/20/20 L2/L3 Gretchen
Core-N-Strength L2/L3 - Kim
Yoga Foam Roll L1/L2 Gretchen
Yoga Flow L2 Amy
OC WellFit Class Schedule March/April 2024
Stretch 101 L1/L2
Core-N-Strength L2/L3
Strictly Strength L2/3
Yin Yoga L1-L3 - Katie
Step L2/L3 Kim
Core-N-Strength L2/3 - Kim
Restore, Balance & Flow Yoga L1/L2 + Chair Yoga - Jennifer
Strength & Athletic Stretch L2 - Helena
Yoga Basics & Flow L2 - Amy
Yoga Foam Roll L1/L2 Gretchen
Zumba Gold Seated L1 Joanie Stand & Sit Strength L1 Joanie Seated Cardio & Toning L1 - Joanie
New! Starts Feb 26
Cardio Dance & Stretch L2 - Beth
New! Starts Feb 26
Basic Step L1 - Beth
*How to Safely Get Up and Down Off the Floor Danielle
* Tai Chi / Qigong L1 Anney - resume in April
Chair Yoga L1 Amy Full Body Mobility L1 John
Monday Meditation
Yin Yoga L1-L3 Nina
Wai Dan Gong L1 Joan
Sit & Be Fit L1 Lisa Staying Active with Arthritis L1 - Joanie
* Athletic Conditioning & Agility L2/L3 - Lisa
* Tai Chi 24 Form L1-L3 - Anney - Resume in April
* Tai Chi / Qigong L1 Anney - Resume in April
Full Body Mobility L1 John/Anney
* Tai Chi / Qigong L2/L3Anney
SCLH Booking 4:10 to 7:00 pm
10:20 - 11:15am
Low Impact Cardio Aerobics & Stretch L1L3 - Shirley
Outdoor Classes!
Stretch 101 - Lisa
Upper Patio OC
Every Monday rain or shine 8:30 to 9:25 AM
SCLH Booking
11:30 to 4:00 PM
* Tai Chi L1-L3 - Anney Amphitheater/ OC Aerobics Room Thursdays
Wellness Classes - session based, sign-up ahead each month, * for $15 drop-in price available Group Ex Pass - 55 minute (drop-in) $5.50 ea
Fast Pass - 30 min Group Exercise Class (drop-in) $3.50
SGT - Small Group Training (55-60 min.) session based, sign-up ahead. * for $25 drop-in available
Wellness Pass - 60 minutes (drop-in) $15 each (*good for any Tai Chi Class, single sessions)
Pop-Up Classes - once a month - price, instructor, location, time varies. Please sign up in advance at Fitness front desk or online enrollment - sclhresidents.com
L1 - beginner L2 - intermediate L3 - advanced *More information about class descriptions in WellFit section of website: sclhresidents.com
CLASS CANCELATIONS: For your safety and the safety of others, our instructors are encouraged to stay home if they exhibit any cold/flu related symptoms. This may cause classes to be cancelled last minute without notice. Additionally, class may be cancelled due to insuffient registration. We will not be offering free class passes at that time. Thank you for understanding.
Scan QR code to download schedule onto your phone
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday OC OC OC OC OC OC OC
Strength Barre Fusion L2/L3 - Katie
8:00 - 8:30am
30-Minute All Cycle L1 Helena
Strength & Athletic Stretch L2 - Helena
Zumba L2
Yin Yoga L1-L3 Katie Posture, Core & Balance L1/L2 - MaryAnn
Yoga Flow L1/L2
Core Strength L2
8:00 - 8:30am
30-Minute TRX Cardio Circuit L1/L2 - Ruby
Zumba & Toning L2 Ruby
Piloga & Props L1
7:15 - 8:10 AM
All Cycle L1-L3
Cardio Dance & Stretch L2 - Beth
Strength & Athletic Stretch L2 - Beth
Zumba L2 - Joanie Posture, Core & Balance L1/L2 - MaryAnn New! Chair Yoga L1 - Lewy
All Cycle L1-L3
Cardio Strength L2/L3
Yin Yoga L1-3
Traditional Shotokan
Karate L1/L2
Part A (first half) - Al
TRX Strength & Stretch Gina * 'Fun'ctional Fit L3 Deanne
TRX Strength & Stretch Gina * 'Fun'ctional Fit L3 Deanne
March Rock Steady Boxing Gina
Traditional Shotokan
Karate L1/L2
Part B (second half) - Al
Posture, Core & Balance L1/L2- Renae
* TRX Circuit L2 MaryAnn
Posture, Core & Balance L1/L2- Renae
* TRX Circuit L2 MaryAnn
Rock Steady Boxing
Balance and Fall Prevention - Gilmer
Rock Steady Boxing Gilmer
* Progressive Bootcamp L2/L3 - John
* Tai Chi / Qigong L3
* Progressive Bootcamp L2/L3 - John
ParkinsonStrong Combo L1 - Valerie TRX Circuit L2 - John
Karate 4:45 to 6:00 PM
New! 20/20/20
5:30 Water
Cardio-Strength-Stretch L2
Group Ex Pass - 55 minute (drop-in) $5.50
Balance & Posture L1/L2 MaryAnn
ParkinsonStrong Combo L1Valerie Progressive Bootcamp L2/L3 - John
Sound Bath Experience
First Thursday every month
March 7
Wellness Pass - $15 drop-in 4:30 to 5:30 PM
Nina and Renae
Wellness Classes - session based, sign-up ahead each month, * for $15 drop-in price available
Wellness Pass - 60 minutes (Drop-in) $15 *good for any Tai Chi class, single session*
Pop Up Classes - Once a month - price, instructor, location, time varies. Please sign up in advance at Fitness front desks or online enrollment
L1 - beginner L2 - intermediate L3 - advanced *More information about class descriptions in WellFit section of website: sclhresidents.com
CLASS CANCELATIONS: For your safety and the safety of others, our instructors are encouraged to stay home if they exhibit any cold/flu related symptoms. This may cause classes to be cancelled last minute without notice. Additionally, class may be cancelled due to insuffient registration. We will not be offering free class passes at that time. Thank you for understanding.
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday KS KS KS KS KS KS KS
Monday Tuesday
Volleyball 6:00
SCLH Booking 6:00 to
Pass - 30 min Group Exercise Class (drop-in) $3.50 SGT - Small Group Training (55-60 min.) session based, sign-up ahead. * for $25 drop-in available SCHEDULE ONTO YOUR PHONE
to 6:30 PM
8:00 PM
WellFit Class Schedule March/April 2024
and Fall Prevention
7:30 KS
- Gilmer
Cardio Strength L2/L3
All Cycle L1-L3
All Cycle L1-L3
Water Walking drop-in
Water Walking drop-in
Water Walking drop-in
Water Walking drop-in
Water Walking drop-in
Water Walking drop-in
Shared with Water Walking Drop In
Water Walking drop-in
Water Walking drop-in
Water Walking drop-in
Shared with Water Walking Drop In
Water Walking drop-in
Shared with Water Walking Drop In Water
Water Walking drop-in
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday OC OC OC OC OC OC OC 5:30 7:30 Aqua Surge L2/L3 Joshua Aqua Surge L2/L3 Jeannette Aqua Surge L2/L3 Julie 8:35 Power Waves L3 Jennifer 8:45am Aqua Intervals L2/L3 Beth Power Waves L3 Hannah 8:45am Aqua Intervals L2/L3 Lisa Power Waves L3 Hannah
SGT - Therapeutic Water Exercise - Lisa Shared with Water Walking Drop-In Fluid Moves/Splash L1/L2 - Nina Splash L2 Lisa 10:45 Fluid Moves L1 Lisa SGT - Therapeutic Water Exercise - Nina SGT - Therapeutic Water Exercise - Lisa 11:50 SGT - Therapeutic Water Exercise - Nina 2:00 Kids Swim 2-4pm Kids Swim 2-4pm Kids Swim 2-4pm Kids Swim 2-4pm Kids Swim 2-4pm Kids Swim 2-4pm Kids Swim 2-4pm 4:05 8:30 SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD SCHEDULE ONTO YOUR PHONE Group Ex Pass - 55 minutes (drop-in) $5.50 Small Group Training - SGT - 55-60 minutes (session based, sign up ahead) L1 - beginner L2 - intermediate L3 - advanced *More information about class descriptions in WellFit section of website: sclhresidents.com Water Volleyball 5:20 to 8:15pm Water Walking drop-in until
8pm Water Walking drop-in until
Water Walking drop-in until 8:30pm
Water Walking drop-in
Water Walking drop-in until 8pm
Walking drop-in
Power Waves L2/L3 Julie Aqua Pilates L2 Jennifer
OC Aqua WellFit Water Walking/Volleyball/Class Schedule March/April 2024
CANCELATIONS: For your safety and the safety of others, our instructors are encouraged to stay home if they exhibit any cold/flu related symptoms. This may cause classes to be cancelled last minute without notice. Additionally, class may be cancelled due to insuffient registration. We will not be offering free class passes at that time. Thank you for understanding.
9:50am Aqua Intervals L2/L3
Deep Water -
9:50am Aqua Intervals
L2/L3 + Deep Water - Lisa
Water Volleyball
Volleyball schedule for the Kilaga Springs pool available on WellFit's online reservation page
Pilates Reformer WellFit Class Schedule March/April 2024
- Nina
Balance & Core L1 Renae
Reformer L1-L2
Reformer Basics L1
Therapeutic Reformer L1- Nina
Reformer Basics + L1-L2
Reformer L1-L2 Andee
Reformer Basics + L1-L2
Reformer L1/L2
Reformer Basics + L1-L2
Cardio Jump & Core L2
Cardio Jump & Core L2
Reformer Basics + L1-L2
Balance & Core L1 Renae
New! 3:00PM
Reformer L1/L2 - Andee
Reformer L1-L2
New! Starts March 7
Injury Prevention L1-L2
New! Reformer Golf Conditioning L2-Valerie
Reformer Basics L1 Sarah
Reformer L1-L2
Reformer L1-L2
Cardio Jump & Core L2
Introduction to Movement on the Pilates Reformer Sarah
Reformer L1-L2
Sarah 12:45
Cardio Jump & Core L2
Class schedules in the Compass may not reflect recent changes. For the most upto-date class schedules visit the WellFit page on sclhresidents.com
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday OC OC OC OC OC OC OC
Reformer + Mixed Equipment L1-L2 Gretchen Reformer Therapeutic Stretch L1-L2 - Nina Reformer Basics + L1-L2 Cynthia Reformer Therapeutic Stretch L1-L2 - Nina Reformer Basics + L1-L2 Valerie
10:30 Restorative Reformer L1 - Nina Reformer Basics + L1-L2 Cynthia Reformer Basics + L1-L2 Andee Reformer Basics + L1-L2 Valerie 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:00 3:00 4:15 SCAN QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD SCHEDULE ONTO YOUR PHONE Wellness Classes - session-based classes, please purchase ahead at Fitness Front Desk or online enrollment: sclhresidents.com
classes are subject to last minute cancellation for insufficient registration or Instructor illness. All classes are 55 minutes unless otherwise noted and are subject to change without notice.
L1 -Intermediate L2-Advanced *Class descriptions on MindBody when signing up class 4:15pm Reformer Basics L1 Andee 4:15pm Reformer L1-L2 Valerie
Tower Basics L1 - Tamaho
New! 3:30PM Reformer L1-L2
Therapeutic Stretch L1-L2
Reformer L1-L2 Gretchen Reformer