Limmud FSU Official Newsletter - March 2018

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NewsLetter Getting ready for Minsk


The volunteers seminar for Limmud FSU Belarus was held in Minsk with 60 pariticpants!





Limmud FSU at UK


A special delegations and our leaders attended the annual event in Birmihgham

I S S U E 4 , Ma r ch 2 0 1 9

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Find out all about the upcoming Limmud FSU events worldwide in 2019!








LIMMUD FSU IS BACK AT LVIV! 650 members of the Jewish community of Ukraine gathered for the 11th annual volunteerdriven festival of Jewish learning


he four-day conference, dedicated to Israel’s 70th anniversary, took place in the cultural capital of Ukraine for the fourth time, and included more than 120 seminars, lectures, presentations, excursions and workshops, given by an array of international and local speakers, as well as a special program for children. Among keynote speakers were Joel Lion, Israel’s Ambassador to Ukraine; the Mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadovyi; Dorit Golender, Genesis Philanthropy Group and former Israeli Ambassador to Russia; Dr. Zeev Khanin, Chief Scientist of the Israel Ministry of Immigration and Absorption; the famous Russian-Jewish actor, Immanuil Vitorgan from Moscow; Alex Mershon, Director of the Department of Culture and Education at Nativ; Dr. Igor Shchupak, Director of “Tkuma” - the Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies; Rabbi Grigoriy Abramovich from Belarus and many others. Ambassador Lion told the participants during the opening event on Thursday night; “I am very happy to be here together with so many members of the proud Jewish community of Ukraine, which was also the homeland of such Zionist leaders as Zeev Jabotinsky, Moshe Sharett and Golda Meir. Be proud to be a Jew, and always know that you have a homeland in the State of Israel.”note Editor’s Chaim Chesler, founder of Limmud FSU, said; “We are proud to celebrate our 11th event in Ukraine, home to one of the most thriving Jewish communities in the world and a city rich in Jewish history and culture”. Osik Akselrod Limmud FSU Ukraine Chair added; “The key to Limmud’s success lies in its unique combination of learning, recreation and communication, which harmoniously unite in creating the unique Limmud” atmosphere.” Limmud FSU Ukraine was made possible thanks to the team of local leaders and volunteers, led by Project Manager Galina Rybnikova and Limmud FSU executive director Roman Kogan, together with Osik Akselrod - chair of the organizing committee, the volunteers’ committee chair, Dasha Yefimenko from Rovno; program committee chair, Valeria Ogorodnik from Uzhgorod, public relations and marketing committee chair, Zhenya Khorzhevskiy, from Odessa, and the participants’ experience committee chair, Olena Kolpakova, from Dnepr and others. The festival enjoyed the generous support of the Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund (JHF), Genesis Philanthropy Group, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, the Conference for Material Claims against Germany, Israeli Foreign Ministry, Nativ – Israel Prime-minister’s office, All-Ukrainian Jewish congress headed by Vadim Rabinovich and Ukrainian Jewish Encounter (UJE).



Limmud FSU Ukraine team of volunteers, credit - Boris Bukhman.

Participants at the event, credit - Boris Bukhman.

Havdala dances, credit -Boris Bukhman

LIMMUD FSU CANADA TORONTO 2018 Limmud FSU Canada closing event, credit - Alexei N. Malakhov


50 people gathered this weekend for Limmud FSU Canada, the biggest event geared towards the Russian-speaking community in the country. It took place at the Blue Mountain Resort, and featured an array of world-class programs and speakers from around the world. The dynamic and pluralistic Jewish festival of culture, creativity and learning featured inspiring speakers and different panels, workshops and discussions on subjects ranging from art, to Jewish culture and tradition, history, politics, academics, business and lifestyles. Among the featured presenters at the event: President and CEO of UJA Federation of Greater Toronto Adam Minsky, entrepreneur and Limmud FSU’s Chairman of the Steering Committee Matthew Bronfman, Consul General of Israel to Toronto and Western Canada Galit Baram, Limmud FSU Canada Honorary Chair and the main sponsor Harry Rosenbaum, IDF Commando Officer and team member of Operation Entebbe Rami Sherman, Chief Executive of Limmud organization (UK) Eli Ovits, Hebron Community Spokesperson Yishai Fleisher, writer and blogger Rachel Danziger - Sharansky, Raphael Hofstein,

Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch and many more. “We’re always excited for our events in Canada, where the Russian-Jewish community is experiencing a remarkable renaissance”, said Chaim Chesler, Limmud FSU founder, “We are proud of this inspiring gathering that will contribute to the tremendous vitality of Russian-Jewish life in Canada”. Limmud FSU Co-Founder Sandra Cahn added: “Our team of Canadian volunteers has consistently grown the gathering year after year, we are so proud that Limmud FSU is now a permanent fixture on the Canadian-Jewish landscape.” “Limmud FSU is a prime facilitator of rebuilding the world of Jewish involvement in your own community”, said Harry Rosenbaum, “It is a source of the expression and strengthening the connection to Jewish people and Jewish tradition, it is a model for finding paths to the hearts and souls of the participants.” “Limmud FSU Canada is a group of young, smart, energetic people, who love Israel,” said Galit Baram, “I believe the next generation should become more involved in the Jewish life here in Canada, so it was great to see many young people in the audience.” ”UJA Federation is so proud to

Limmud FSU Canada organizing committee, credit - Alexei N. Malakhov

be a partner in what has become one of the most successful Limmud events anywhere in the world”, said Adam Minsky, “Limmud FSU genuinely helps strengthen Jewish identity and ensures that our heritage and our values are passed down from generation to generation.” The festival enjoyed the generous support of Genesis Philanthropy Group (GPG), UJA - Federation of Greater Toronto, Claims Conference, UJE, BMO Wealth Management, Great Gulf Charitable Foundation –Harry and Malka Rosenbaum, The Binah Charitable Foundation – Julia and Henry Koschitzky, Nathan and Lily Silver Charitable Foundation - Shoel Silver, Miriam and Larry Robbins Foundation and others. Limmud FSU Canada was made possible thanks to the team of local leaders and volunteers, led by Country Director Mila Voihanski and Limmud FSU executive director Roman Kogan, together with Conference Chair Eitan Dudnick, Chair of Program committee Alexander Kutman, Chair of Fundraising committee Alex Plotkin, Chair of Marketing committee Ella Petrenko, Co-chairs of Logistics committee Ilia Dobkin and Irina Levit, Chair of Finance Julia Raudanskis and many more.

Closing ceremony, credit - Alexei N. Malakhov




000 young Russian-speaking Israelis gathered at Limmud FSU Israel Jerusalem, with a program that encompassed more than 180 lectures, workshops, master classes and presentations given by 100 expert speakers, each in their own field, on a vast range of subjects, complemented by a special age-appropriate program for children. The festival hosted a range of leading public figures and political leaders, including the President of the Supreme Court, Justice Esther Hayut, former Deputy President of the Supreme Court, Elyakim Rubinstein, State Comptroller, Yosef Chaim Shapira, Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Immigration, Prof. Zeev Hanin, two former defense ministers, Avigdor Lieberman and Lieut. Gen. Moshe Ya’alon, former minister Gideon Sa’ar, Minister for the Environment and Jerusalem Affairs, Zeev Elkin, Vice President for Community Relations Dorit Golender, head of the opposition in the Knesset, MK Tsipi Livni, Chair of the Jewish Agency Executive, Isaac Herzog, the co-founder of Mobileye, Ziv Aviram, President of the Sha’arei Hamishpat College, Prof. Aviad HaCohen, Former Minister Rabbi Michael Melchior and Rabbi Benny Lau. The festive opening ceremony featured the popular singer, David Da’Or. The President of Limmud FSU, Aaron G. Frenkel said: “Our decision to return this year to the eternal capital of Israel was based on the feeling that there was nothing more suitable than the holy city of the Jewish people to hold the opening festival of a new decade, with a bold look at the future and with complete faith in our proven success.” Founder of Limmud FSU, Chaim Chesler, added: “We are delighted to be holding the festival once again in Jerusalem, and to continue the successful Limmud model, together with over 1,000 young people, our indefatigable body of volunteers, leading public figures and entrepreneurs, and with respected lecturers and teachers on a wide variety of topics of Jewish interest.” A panel discussion devoted to the 90th birthday of the late Elie Wiesel, took place with the participation of Justice Hayut who said, “The State of Israel is a source of strength, pride and hope for us all and we have the obligation to guard and protect it and its democratic values determined by our forefathers when the state was created.” Michael Mirashvilli, President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, said, “Every Jew throughout his lifetime encounters many different aspects of science with different theories that, at some point in human development, are overturned, although at the time when they first evolve, they were thought to be true. Our people has a unique and eternal knowledge, the Torah, which contrary to other forms of knowledge has remained true for hundreds of years. The Torah is the basis for our existence and is the essence of our life.” The Limmud FSU Festival was supported by the Immigration and Absorption Department of the Municipality of Jerusalem, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Genesis Philanthropy Group, Conference for Jewish Material Claims against Germany, Ukrainian Jewish Encounter, Ministry for Jerusalem Affairs, Joel Passick, and March of the Living.



Limmud FSU Israel team of volunteers, credit - Artiom Svirshchik

Event in memory of Elie Wiesel, L-R : Prof. Aviad Hacohen, Rabbi Michael Melchior, Rabbi Menachem Hacohen, Aaron G. Frenkel, Justice Esther Hayut and Chaim Chesler. credit - Natasha Chechik

Participants and volunteers at Limmud FSU Israel, credit - Dmitry Melnichansky

The festival was mounted by a devoted group of volunteers under the direction of Limmud FSU Executive Director, Roman Kogan, project director, Tanya Pashaeva, chair of the Program Committee, Rina Zaslavsky, Alex Agranov, chair of the Participant Recruitment Committee, Pavel Pivavarov, chair of the Marketing Committee, Max Rusinov, chair of the Logistics Committee and others.



pecial reunion at the annual Limmud UK: From left to right - Shoshana Bloom, next Limmud Chair, Limmud FSU founder Chaim Chesler, Limmud Chair David Hoffman, Limmud FSU Executive Director Roman Kogan and Chief Executive of Limmud Eli Ovits. At the annual Limmud taking place in UK in December, Limmud FSU leaders were joined by members of our delegation to the conference - Vladimir Kropatchev from Limmud Moscow, Dima Mevzos from Limmud FSU Europe and Alex Katz from Limmud FSU Canada. Moreover, Chesler and Kogan had given a special session during the annual event, “The continuing journey of Russian speaking Jewry”, during which they revealed some exciting findings from the latest survey from an anticipated Limmud FSU strategic plan.


e’re happy to announce the appointment of Elena Zakharova as the new Project Manager for Limmud FSU Moscow ! Elena has taken the place of Galina Murakhovskaya, who filled this position during the last year. Roman Kogan, Executive Director of Limmud FSU, “On behalf of Limmud FSU leadership, volunteers and participants of Limmud FSU Moscow I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Galina for all her hard work and her devotion to Limmud FSU Moscow in fulfilling role of Project Manager since November 2017 and to wish the best of luck to Elena, who is an amazing professional and very experienced Limmudnik. I’m absolutely sure that thanks to her energy, skills and devotion the upcoming Limmud FSU Moscow 2019 will be a great success”. Elena is the Director general of “Zebra” event agency. Organizes “J-Camp” edutainment jewish camp. Graduated from Moscow State University (mechanics and mathematics faculty). During last 20 years Elena has successfully developed and implemented the principles of informal education in different international projects.







Limmud FSU Moscow

Limmud FSU Belarus

Limmud FSU New York

Limmud FSU Moldova

Limmud FSU Ukraine






immud FSU’s flagship event will be returning once again, with the best lecturers, activities and exceptional atmosphere! April 11-14 , 2019

oin us this year for or these three days another exciting we have been waiting conference right in the 3 years - next Limmud heart of New York City! FSU Belarus will take June 16, 2019 place in the center of the capital at the Hotel “Victoria & SPA”! 3-5 May, 2019

his summer - we’re coming back to Chisinau, the vibrant capital of Moldova! August 26 - 27!

nd - Limmud FSU is back to one of the most exciting and rich with Jewish history, the city of Odessa! Save the date : 31.10 - 3.11!





Survivors and several senior officials took part in the ceremony, among them Chairwoman of the association of Jews from Vilnius. Mickey Cantor and Japanese Ambassador to the State of Israel Mr. Koichi Aiboshi that said: “In 1940 Mr. Sugihara made a really faithful decision, without consulting anybody, but on his own conscious. This decision saved thousands of lives. For diplomat whose home country was a practical ally of Nazis Germany, this was extremely courage action.” Avram Cimerring, son of Israel Yoel Cimerring who was saved by Sugihara declared: “My father R.I.P. came to Israel in 1941 after he was saved by Sugihara. Now our family, with children and grandchildren is 60 people. With the help of Sugihara, this is our victory over the Nazis.”

o mark the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a special event took place today in the Chamber of the Holocaust on Jerusalem’s Mount Zion, during which a plaque was unveiled in honor of Chiune Sempo Sugihara, who was responsible for saving thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. The Chamber was the first museum devoted to the Holocaust in Israel and was established in 1949. The event Limmud FSU Sukkot event in New York. was initiated by Limmud FSU, the Claims Conference, March of the Living and World Zionist Organization. Japanese diplomat Chiune Sempo Sugihara, who helped to save more than six thousand Jews during the Second World War, by supplying to them transit visas to escape from Nazi-occupied territories and travel through to Japanese territory. SIguhara son, Nobuki, said during the event that he would like to thank the organizators, “for this event to honour my father today at the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. I was informed by Japanese tourist guides in Jerusalem that Tourists from Japan stopped coming to Jerusalem since Yad Vashem did not exhibit any information about Chiune Sugihara except a tree with a plate of his name which is Credit - Roland Dorje Novitsky hard to find. Now I can tell them that the Chamber of the Holocaust honoured him with a plaque, so that they can start visiting.” Chaim Chesler, Limmud FSU founder and the initiator of Jewish tour with Yigal Kotler in New York, August 2018. the event, said that “Chiune Sugihara saved thousands of Jews at great personal risk and while endangering not only himself but also his family. Our main aim in mounting this event is to honor his memory formally, in the first Holocaust museum in Israel, and to bring his story of great heroism and self-sacrifice to the wider public.” Shlomo Gur, the Vice President for Israel, Claims Conference said: “The mention of the deeds of Sugihara and other Righteous Among the Nations is meaningful especially in the current period when there is an awakening of antiSemitism around the world. We in the Claims Conference see great importance in teaching the history of the Holocaust, which includes, of course, the heroic actions by the Righteous Among the Nations, who saved Jews while endangering their own lives and their own future.” Following the ceremony, a plaque honoring Sugihara was L - R : Mickey Cantor, Chaim Chesler, Ambassador Mr. Koichi Aiboshi, Shlomo Gur. unveiled in the Chamber of the Holocaust, and a special song, Credit - Roland Dorje Novitsky “Way of the Samurai” honored Sugihara’s memory, performed by the singer Avner Budagov. Rabbi Yitzhak Goldstein, chairman of the Chamber of the Limmud FSU Sukkot event in New York. Holocaust, said after a prayer in Sugihara’s memory: “The ceremony in honor of Sugihara has profound significance beyond the rescue of thousands of Jews during the terrible Holocaust years. The consul was a partner in saving a meaningful part of the soul of the Jewish people because the survivors were the main avenue of the talmidei hakhamim who restored the world of Torah and yeshivas after the war.” Rabbi of the March of the Living, Yochanan Fried: “In the vast darkness of the Holocaust, there were also a few points of light. One of them was Mr. Sugihara, a Righteous among the Nations. We thank him for saving so many people, and for saving the dignity of humanity.” Eli Cohen, CEO of the World Zionist Organization: “Holocaust Remembrance and the struggle against antiSemitism is more important today than ever. It must be part R-L : Shlomo Gur, Mrs. Sugihara, Mr. Nobuki Sugihara, Chaim Chesler. of every person in order to ensure that no other human Credit - Roland Dorje Novitsky being will experience it ever again.”’


LIMMUD FSU SAINT PETERSBURG Limmud FSU Saint Petersubrg team, credit - Oleg Lubarsky


he three-day Jewish festival of learning and culture Limmud FSU St. Petersburg took place this December in Crowne Plaza hotel in the city. The dynamic, volunteersdriver and pluralistic event gathered 600 participants and ran from Friday through Sunday noon. Saint Petersburg today it is one of the most vibrant, flourishing Jewish communities in the former Soviet Union, with roughly 100,000 Jews, making it the second-largest Jewish community in Russia. Annual conferences, started in 2011, reflect high intellectual caliber and culturaloriented programming, as one would expect from a Jewish learning festival held in Russia’s cultural capital. “We take pride in playing a central role in one of the most dynamic Jewish communities in Russia” said Chaim Chesler, founder of Limmud FSU, during the festival. “This project truly has it all – a wonderful atmosphere, high quality program and presenters, enthusiastic spirit and a very engaged audience hungry for a Jewish learning experience. This is our seventh event in St. Petersburg, and we look

Havdala ceremony, credit - Masha Lvova



forward to continue the tradition for many years to come.” Limmud FSU St. Petersburg featured over the long weekend more than 100 lectures, workshops, and discussions in the pluralistic spirit of Limmud. The top presenters this year included the economist Evgeny Kogan, the acclaimed animation director Garry Bardin, famous educator Dima Zicer, Director of the Religious Community of Saint Petersburg Rabbi Shaul Brook, Russian-Israeli Jewishreligious philosopher Pinchas Polonsky, Former Israeli Member of Knesset and head of Jewish Agency’s representative office in St Petersburg and North-west Russia Orit Zuaretz and many more. Alex Mershon, the Director of the Department of Culture and Education of Nativ in the Israel Prime-Minister’s office said: “We have supported Limmud FSU’s activity for many years. This wonderful platform enables young adults to conduct discussions and take part in lectures and sessions relating to the State of Israel, the Jewish world, education, culture and more in a great atmosphere.

Nativ recommends Limmud FSU, because of the great importance and impact it has on the community.” “This is my second time at Limmud,” said Masha Kagan (25) from St. Petersburg, “I was so excited after my first one in 2017 that this time I brought along my parents, and my best friend. It is such an amazing and unique experience; every member of the Jewish community here should experience it at least once. Next year I also plan to be a volunteer.” Limmud FSU St. Petersburg was made possible thanks to a devoted team of volunteers, led by Executive Director Roman Kogan, together with Iulia Anokhina, Yulia Karasik, Faina Rokhlina, Irina Fatyanova, Regina Pritula and Alla Lemlekh among others. The conference was made possible through the support of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, the Genesis Philanthropy Group, JDC, the St. Petersburg Jewish Religious Community, Nativ - Israel PrimeMinister’s office, Jewish Culture House ESOD, the Russian Jewish Congress, the Jewish Agency, Joel Passick and others.

Dima Zicer session, credit - Masha Lvova



olunteers seminar for the upcoming Limmud FSU Belarus was held this March, where more than 60 volunteers were able to form a great and initiative team who are ready to create for you an unforgettable atmosphere! The seminar was made possible thanks to Pincus Fund for Jewish Educatioor, as well as to our partners, the Nattiv-Israel Cultural Center in the Republic of Belarus and the Jewish Agency for Israel in the Republic of Belarus . Also, in the framework of the preparations, our founder Chaim Chesler, executive director Roman Kogan and project manager Galina Rybnikova conducted meetings with Deputy Mayor of Minsk Artyom Tsuran, Japanese Ambassador to Belarus Tokunaga Hiroku, heads of the Jewish Community, heads of major partner organizations and the Israeli Ambassador to Belarus Alon Shoham. Morevoer, the Historical Museum of Belarus, Limmud FSU and Begin Center are preparing for a new exhibition on life of Yitzhak Shamir, a former Israeli Prime Minister (who was born in Belarus). Also, the leadership visited the historic building of the Mir Yeshiva, in order to prepare an memorial event in honor of Chiune Sugihara, who saved Mir students during the Holocaust.

With Ruslan Abramchik, Deputy Chairman, Korelichi District Executive Committee

“Yiskor� ceremony in memory of the 5000 Jews murdered in the Minsk ghetto

Volunteers team, credit - Alexey Kaplan

With Israel Ambassador to Belarus, Alon Shoham

With Japanese Ambassador to Belarus Tokunaga Hiroku

At the seminar, credit - Alexey Kaplan




preparatory seminar of Limmud FSU Moscow volunteers took place on January 20, in order to get ready for the upcoming, the 13th conference in April. Check out some photos from the event!



special launch in Nazareth Illit: LImmud FSU founder Chaim Chesler and Executive Director Roman Kogan opened a special exhibition about the life and legacy of Nobel prize laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel with cooperation of the Mayor Ronen Plot and his staff.





erk #18 of being a volunteer: you get invited to events exclusive to the Limmud community! The Art of Gathering brought together Limmud FSU West Coast and Limmud Bay Area volunteers for a day of collaborative learning and skill-sharing. The workshop, taking place on March 3, was co-led by Irina Klay from the San Francisco based Jewish Community Federation, and featured a terrific presenter, Jason Harris (Lehrhaus Judaica).


everal seminars and day studies took place in the past few months with the generous support of the Covenant Foundation in New York and West Coast : -November 4: West Coast Study Sunday in cooperation with the Contra Costa Jewish Day School, attracted 40 volunteers and activists. The study program focused on a talk by Ruta Vanagaite. - November 20: Mini Seminar for New York Limmud FSU volunteers with Vadim Blumin from Israel on the transformation of Israeli art from the Torah to the 21st century. The session, was attended by some 30. - December 5: Hanuka was celebrated by San Francisco. The event was attended by some 30 members of the Limmud FSU West Coast organizing committee and volunteers, together with many members of the wider Jewish community. Following a sports game by the club, there was a communal candle lighting. - December 6: Limmud FSU Hanuka party, New York. This extremely successful event, co-sponsored with the World Zionist Organization, UJA Federation of New York and Hillel, attracted some 100 and included 2 speakers from Israel- Dafna Sharon and Michael Kipnis, Candle lighting with Rabbi Reuven Haskin and performance by Gera and Ronit Sendler.



• Fooksman Family Charitable Fund

• Aaron G. Frenkel


• Ronald Lauder

• International March of the Living

• Michal Grayevsky

• Jim Joseph Foundation

• Conference for Jewish Material

• Joel Passick

Claims Against Germany • American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) • Diane Wohl

• LA Pincus Fund • Legacy Heritage Fund • Limmud North America - Something for everyone grant

• Euro-Asian Jewish Congress

• Merill Kraines

• Jewish National Fund (KKL)

• Michael Zurakhinsky

• Genesis Philanthropy Group (GPG)

• Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel

• Nativ - Israel Prime - Ministers Office

• Rabbi Leonid Feldman

• Koret Fund

• Ruben Landsberger

• Blavatnik Family Foundation

• Sandra and Stewart Cahn

• Jewish Agency for Israel

• Salarc Fund

• Benevity Fund

• Shulem Fisher

• Chester Foundation

• Tom Blumberg

• Covenant Fund

• Wilf Family Foundations

• Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund

• World Zionist Organization

• Edward Mermelstein

• World Jewish Congress

• Eugene Grant

• UJA Jewish Federation of New York

• Eva & Louis Galpern Foundation

• UJA Jewish Federation of Greater Toronto



Limmud FSU International Foundation EIN 26-1870256 80 Central Park West, Suite 2D, New York NY 10023, USA


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