3 minute read

Estate Manager: Merry Christmas

News from the RCE Office

Sharon Palos - Estate Manager


Dear Residents, So, the end of 2021 is not far away. This has been an extremely trying year for each and everyone of us. We can only but hope that going forward the year ahead will be 1000% times better for all. We have lost loved ones, and we would like to take this opportunity to send our deepest heartfelt condolences to those families. People have lost businesses; people have lost jobs and all we can hope for going forward for all our residents that the New Year will be bright and prosperous for all. We once again thank our residents for all their patience and co-operation during this time with all the rules and regulations that needed to be implemented.


We had another successful Halloween this year. Our prize winners were Thing 1 and 2. We will continue with this annually as the kids seems to have a lot of fun.

And we not stopping there…………

Keeping within the Christmas spirit we are doing the following:

Ruimsig Country Estate HO-HO-HOME

This year we ask residents (who celebrate Christmas) to decorate their homes to create a festive feel all around the estate.

A Santa, a reindeer or even a string of lights on your outside tree/garden fu us to see from the street! How else will Santa find our homes if we aren’t Merry and Bright?

Our main entrance lights will be going up soon! We are looking forward to the display!

News from the RCE Office

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The Estate has also added some additional lights for the Estate. More pictures to follow.

Bunny Project

Recently a group of ladies got together to go on a mission with saving our bunnies. A bit of background, there are a lot of bunnies inside the estate and unfortunately, they are being run over, being injured, and left to suffer and are breeding rapidly. It’s a few of us left to see this suffering ad fit the vet bills, even if it’s for euthanasia. Their current home on plot 42 is about to be excavated and made ready for a development. Our aim is to catch and sterilise as many of these little bunnies as possible and re-release them into our park 300. Not only will they be able to continue living freely but they will be looked after, fed, and given adequate natural shelter from predators. We have got assistance from Berario Bunnies who have assisted us in this project. Our first catching session happened on Sunday and we were able to catch 10 bunnies, two of which were injured. Yesterday we re-released the lactating mommies who were sterilised. Berario Bunnies charges R400 for each male sterilisation and R510 for females. Our aim is to help as many bunnies as possible. Park 300 will be a park where you and your children can enjoy the bunnies in their natural environment. What we need from you is any donations towards the sterilisation and your help during the catching process and donations of fencing, poles and or items for them to hide from predators. Please get involved, get some fresh air, and meet the bunnies and great people too. We will send out a notification as to when the next bunny catching session is taking place.


From a security aspect we are glad to report that we have had no incidents during this time and APCAN has been awesome in making sure that we are all kept safe. The New Year is bringing along some very exciting changes in security. We will be moving forward with technology. This will be including cameras inside the Estate, RIFD entrance control, LPR cameras and much more. Updates to follow. With the festive season approaching we also ask that people remain vigilant, test your alarms, and make sure it is in working order if you are going away. If you are away over this period, please make sure that your pets are also taken care of. It is important to remember that even though you are in an Estate do not have a false sense of security. Crime can happen ANYWHERE.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. If you are travelling, please travel safely and remain safe. Wishes from the Board of Directors and your Estate Manager,

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