Liliana Viveros Portfolio 2012

Page 9

Research 2011

3. Go to the Diva Vector group and type the Latitude and the Longitude where your project is located. Also you have to set the day, month and specific hour in which you want to have the amount of radiation. 4. To proceed, you should go to the Turn on Ecotect group and set the Toggle into True with a double click. 5. In order to load the mesh into Ecotect you have to go to the Export Mesh to Ecotect icon and set the toggle into True. 6. Go to the Weather File icon and set the Weather file of the country in which your project is located. 7. If you have a different amount of Photovoltaic solar panel efficiency, you can change it and your total calculation of KwH produced by mesh/day will change. 8. Once you have run the Ecotect, all the calculations should appear on the top of the Rhino mesh, and the total amount of KwH produce by mesh/ day and compare it with the amount of energy consumed by the iaac existing buildings.


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