Light on Light Magazine - Issue 1

Page 51

only go on with my own healing and transformation but could share that journey with so many others, especially others who were living lives that demanded the best of them both spiritually and physically. I begin teaching Yoga, for actors and especially member of the Bristol Old Vic Theatre community. This, with dear friends, became The Life Centre of London. If you search for it today on Google you’ll find it says: “The Life Centre: Yoga London—London’s original trusted source for yoga and wellbeing.” My dear friends who joined in starting the London Life Centre gave me an interesting assignment—to meet all the greatest Yoga teachers and invite them to join us for programs at the Centre. So now I was in the company of bright souls, saints, loving people who shared new ways of living, being a woman, a mother, raising my children vegan, homeopathically, holistically. Although I was living a pretty devoted and disciplined yogic life, I originally never thought about becoming a full-time teacher. But then, one day, I met my Teacher. Confirmation came through a dream that she was the Mentor for me— “the One.” Everything she told me to do, I did. Without hesitation. I trusted her, followed her to India seven times, and studied the Art of “Letting Go letting God!”

Through Kundalini Yoga and the Sikhs I learned how to be humble, how to forgive myself, first and foremost, so I would not blame, criticize or judge. I had to look into the mirror, as if a widow, and see the real me. My damaged ego was put to the ground to taste the dirt

in a sweat lodge to be given the Lokota Name “Chante Eton Wo Wa Gla Ka Win”: woman that speaks with her heart, and then “Karuna” (Compassion). And I have to live up to these names, I did not ask for them.

Even my Sikh name—Liv Preet Kaur—required the same dedication, meaning “One pointed to God.” I took the leap, I did twelve Level One teacher trainings and raised my kids as a single mother. I stayed in the Log Cabin House on 150 acres in the forest and I bowed down to the Mother day after day to give me the courage and strength to beat the odds that were placed against me. I had to get rid of fear, because I was brought up with fear. In every relationship I took fear with me. How could I trust when no one had taught me? It is a predicament so many of us have found ourselves in and this is why our pursuit of the spiritual path together is so important. There are Gods and Goddesses and Wisdom and Grace, Energy and Light! These Teachers are real and we can find them, and share them. We owe this pursuit to our own Nature, our own Birthright, as my Teacher Yogi Bhajan always reminds us. Every day I climb the mountain to my home on a switch-back road some 3500 ft above a valley floor. Nature always welcomes me, whether it is in snow in winter or the sweet warmth of summer, reminding me that I am not alone. There I find my home awaiting me, my nourishment nurturing me, and my humble heart grateful for all the awakenings of the day. 50

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