Bloomfield Essex Business Magazine - Sample

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A Message from the Publisher and Editor Hi Everyone, Debra Dixon-Anderson here from Light of Gold PR and The Gold Zone Co-Working Space! I’m excited to share with you info about the Bloomfield-Essex Business Connection Magazine! The Bloomfield-Essex Business Connection Magazine will be a quarterly Magazine featuring wonderful news, information and advertising about the businesses in the Bloomfield, NJ area as well as other surrounding areas. Besides the Printed version, we will also have a Digital Edition of the Magazine that will help secure great SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for our Advertisers and area businesses. There have been lots of changes and growth in the Bloomfield area with new restaurants, apartment buildings, and area businesses moving in. Our Magazine wants to feature the new resources, area businesses as well as news that can be informative to our Community and Residents. Additionally, we are also proud to be garnering support from the Bloomfield Center Alliance (BCA) in the promotion of the Magazine. For more information about how to advertise, feel free to reach out to us at as well as visit our website at or go to and click on the Bloomfield Magazine Link. Also, feel free to check the Website often as we will be posting changes there. Also, feel free to e-mail us at or call us at 646-397-7841 or 862-8888867. We look forward to working and partnering with you!

Debra Dixon-Anderson 4

In This Issue Article 1


Community Events


Article 2


Investing In Rental Properties By: Nick P. There are many ways in which a person can make a living when it comes to real estate investing some of them carry more risks than others. It goes without saying that those that carry the greatest risks are often the very real estate investment methods with the highest potential profit but slow and steady, in many cases, wins the race. Flipping houses is in the news a lot because so many fortunes have been made doing this—more than a few have been lost in this venture as well but those don’t make the news nearly as often. Working with rental properties isn’t nearly as glamorous and doesn’t provide the almost instant profits that flipping houses might but it is also a great and very valid method of real estate investing that will build a steady profit over time if you plan properly. Rental properties are in demand now more than ever with so many people going into foreclosure and losing the homes they’ve worked hard to build for their families. For this reason rental properties are a good thing to own at the moment, especially those that are family homes. 8

There are many reasons that people rent and while there are some risks involved when renting properties, the risks are much lower than the risks involved in flipping or pre-construction investment endeavors. There are a few things you should consider when purchasing a property for the sake of renting however in order to make a wise and long lasting decision for your real estate investment. First, only invest in rental properties in areas that people want to live in. It may be true that you can buy property cheap in a few very run down sections of town but it is doubtful that you will turn those properties into profitable rental units. It is best to pay a little more for a more attractive address for renters. You will find that your properties are inhabited more often, which will make you more money in the long run. Second, pay attention to the types of people in the area and buy rentals accordingly. It is quite possible to turn large homes into multiple smaller apartment units (according to local zoning laws) that are ideal for college students. You do not want to do this however in an area that is geared towards family homes and won’t be friendly or tolerant of college students. Design the rentals according to the market you are attempting to attract. Third, don’t be greedy. The goal of owning rental properties is of course, to make money. At the same time if your price your properties too high you will find that they sit empty more often than not. Every month that your property is empty is a month that you aren’t making money on that property at best and a month that you are losing money at worst. Fourth, know the market. Study the local market for buying real estate and renting real estate. This will help with many things, not the least of which is determining whether or not any given property will make an attractive rental unit. Another thing it will help you determine is how much rent the units you are considering can bring in month after month. Finally, when renting properties you need to keep your eye on the long-term goals rather than shortsighted goals. Property rental is a marathon rather than a sprint with the greatest profits coming at the end. You will want to pay as little interest on the property 9

as possible and pay the property off as quickly as possible in order to realize the maximum profit potential and acquire new properties. The real money when renting properties as a real estate investment isn’t in renting out one or two units but twenty or thirty. The more rental properties you own the more money you stand to make from owning them.





An Experience to Remember

Excitement to the Very End

A Style to Embrace

Bloomfield-Essex Event Description




Community Events Event Description






Popping the Question Over the Holidays? What Every Person Should Know Congratulations on being so in love that you can save yourself at least one big headache this holiday season. Yes, for those wondering, if you're planning on popping The Big Question -- marriage, that is -- a diamond engagement ring can also count as their Christmas or Hanukkah present. "If a guy's gonna pop the question eventually, he might as well use the opportunity to avoid shopping for a holiday gift and kill two birds with -- ahem -- one stone," the Washington Post declared. And you won't be alone: While 39 percent of all marriage proposals occur between Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day, what sanethinking person wants to be the one who waited till February to givetheir significant other a ring they were expecting in December? Ergo, to help you out, it's time to separate some myths from facts when it comes to the whole engagement ring-buying process. (Alternate Plan Alert: For those not quite ready to propose -- or, for that matter, who have other diamond jewelry lovers on their holiday lists to shop for -- we've also got some tips for you.) MYTH: You need to be prepared to spend two months' salary on a ring. FACT: That's just a guideline. Your financial circumstances -and your significant other’s taste -- ultimately rule. MYTH: There's no way of telling whether a diamond has been produced "ethically" or not.


FACT: This is a big issue for some couples, so know that the Diavik mine in Canada's North West Territories, for one, has gone to great lengths to provide buyers with proof that it's adhering to international standards of labor, health, safety and environmental practices in producing the nicely sized diamonds of good color and gem quality it's famed for. "Each certified gem is laser-etched with a unique number that indicates the date mined, and each gem's unique optical fingerprint is recorded in an international database so that it can be positively identified," says an expert in the field, noting that many insurance companies offer discounted rates in such cases. MYTH: Most want a pear-shaped diamond engagement ring. FACT: Round diamonds are the most popular. MYTH: You must pick the ring out yourself in order to maximize the effect. FACT: Thankfully, no, so you've dodged a bullet there. But if you prefer shopping stag, at least have your significant other's hints in mind. Finally, about those other diamond jewelry gift-gifting tips we promised. "Classic diamond stud earrings will never go out of fashion," says jewelry and style expert Michael O'Connor, "and diamond line bracelets can be worn with any outfit."



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