Liftshare Spring Newsletter 2014

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This Issue Inside our Spring edition, find out why Jaguar Land Rover’s launch was such a success, learn a little about the Liftshare team that you didn’t know and find out how we can help you with your communications if you need it and much more. Enjoy!

Tim, and Ali with our new trophy for Outstanding IT Initiative.

What a year it’s been! T

Welcome to the Liftshare newsletter

ime flies when you’re having fun and it’s certainly been doing that at Liftshare, we’ve had one heck of a year…

On his visit to number 10 Ali shared his thoughts on the emerging economy, which Forbes Magazine cited as one of its top tips for 2014.

Vodafone, Jaguar Land Rover, Sainsbury’s and Wessex Water are just a few of the names who have decided to put their trust in us and implemented Liftshare schemes.

And the year wouldn’t have been complete without a trophy - Liftshare were voted the winners of the EDP’s Business Award for Outstanding IT Initiative - it was great to see the innovative work of our IT team recognised outside the organisation!

Carshare Devon, one of our largest and most successful public schemes, celebrated reaching 10,000 members and we helped deliver some killer launches including Think Money and Oxfam. Liftshare found its name in a variety of media stretching from the Sunday Times to GQ and our own Ali Clabburn, announced as an Everline Future 50 Entrepreneur, was hailed by ministers keen to learn more about the sharing economy.

“Carshare Devon, one of our largest and most successful public schemes, celebrated reaching 10,000 members.”

We’ve updated our client newsletter! You’ll still find it jam packed with what we hope is useful information, but we’ve freshened it up a little and delivered it in a new digital format. Designed to keep you connected with what’s going on and provide you with useful tit bits to learn from and inspire you, we hope this newsletter will serve as an extension of our client services. Any feedback you have on the new format and content would be gratefully received and can be sent to Helen via email Happy reading!

Look out for new Liftshare developments! Liftshare have listened carefully to our clients and have been innovating and developing to ensure that we continue to provide the best service possible. We’re pleased to announce we will be releasing many new features over the coming months - look out for a video news blast landing in your inbox in a few weeks with all the details!

Yay!! A big congratulations to Vicki Knights in our Client Account Management Team on her engagement to Jonny Culling. The wedding is planned for September in Rhodes (jealous) and we wish them both all the best and a happy life togehter!

Keep up-to-date via our blog:

Taking a look inside Liftshare HQ T

here are many sides to Liftshare, we thought it’s about time we opened up to you and shared a few of them…

The crazy side The office has been raided by little green soldiers – all in aid of our bi-monthly book club. The good news is we’re winning the war! With so much hard work, sometimes we get tired and minor life malfunctions happen - our very own Helen provided a brilliant example of this arriving one day for work with non-matching boots on; she’s not even blonde!

The sporty side

The new Liftshare HQ - our reception area so you can hang around!


on the client -

Five of our team took part in the Active Norfolk rounders tournament and we came a respectable second – the only reason we didn’t win was because by the time we reached the final we were

Talking to people “about the benefits and incentives really works.

South Downs National Park

knackered! Perhaps it’s time we stopped using the slide and took the stairs! The girls are still storming ahead on the leader board of the internal table-football competition; the boys need a miracle to catch up! If any men out there would like to visit the office to try and give them a helping hand, feel free.

Perhaps it’s time we stopped using the slide and took the stairs! The charitable side

Vicki, one of our talented Client Account team members, took part in a local half marathon to raise money for a friend’s daughter who suffered from meningitis and lost her legs. Liftshare supported Vicki in this cause, not only sponsoring her for the race, but selling raffle tickets to friends and family. Through Vicki’s hard work and a little help from Liftshare, she raised a total of £1,700. To read more about the cause click here.

What you need to know This year’s Liftshare Week

will take place 6-10 October

so keep any eye out for more details coming soon. If you


an and Hannah, our new Events Co-ordinator, attended an event at South Downs National Park. Dan gave a 15 minute presentation to some of their staff and as a result 65% of them signed up to the scheme. Talking to people about the benefits and incentives really works - we also think that the free chocolate for everyone who signed up helped. Here are some thoughts from Laura Savillewood – Project Officer... “We threw a lot of incentives at this event, but I wonder if we could have provided more information to staff ahead of the event to allow those who like more time to consider it to feel

can’t wait you can always give us a call or send an more comfortable. “Overall I don’t think we could have got a much better result, other than by making registration compulsory, which would be overkill. “I would certainly recommend Liftshare to other organisations, you clearly know your stuff and are always happy to help”

email to

and we can update you!

The Client Account Management Team has a direct phone number:

01603 389323

Please get in touch:

Launch Success

And the winners are... Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to our client survey, your feedback is invaluable to us! The winners of the myPTP travel plans are Travel Luton and GlaxoSmithKline, congratulations!

Travel Luton are building a Travel Hub at the new Luton Station Interchange where buses for the Luton – Dunstable Busway depart. At the Travel Hub they plan on using myPTP as a tool to engage with the public for face-to-face personal journey planning. Vivien Hesten at Travel Luton said “We are very happy to have won myPTP credits which will be very useful for our service”.

The latest from myPTP

Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council’s follow-up survey shows that there has been an 80% increase in car-sharing as a result of using myPTP.

Personalised Travel Plans were delivered to over 1500 people, encouraging people to explore different modes of sustainable travel, resulting in a 10.4% reduction in the amount of Single Occupancy Vehicle journeys. Results also show that 17.4% of individuals had changed to a different mode and now frequently or occasionally use modes such as walking, cycling or public transport.


aguar Land Rover launched their new Liftshare scheme in February to ease congestion at their sites in Gaydon and Whitley. To encourage staff to join the scheme Jaguar Land Rover ran a launch event at each site in a prominent location, offering a free premium tea or coffee to anyone joining on the day. Two members of the Liftshare team were on hand at both events to assist with member registrations and queries. The registration results were spectacular with 212 members of staff registering over the two days. Prior to the events taking place an all-staff email was sent out at both sites, while the event itself featured large boards displaying proposed car park changes and the car-share scheme URL and contact details.

5 top tips for a launch 1. Preparation - is key to a successful launch, ensure you have enough time in order to create maximum pre-event exposure. 2. Communication - utilise a range of channels to promote your upcoming event! Emails, pay slips, posters, intranet, leaflets. 3. Co-ordination - get other departments to help you. The more support you have the better; get comms, HR and facilities involved too.

The registration results were spectacular with 212 members of staff registering over two days.

4. Incentivisation - run a launch competition offering a prize or vouchers. Even giving away a chocolate bar to everyone who registers gives instant gratification.

Louisa, the Liftshare Scheme Manager, said: “The event was a huge success for promoting travel initiatives to our commuters and getting people signed up to Liftshare. Hannah, Daniel and Jess were able to respond quickly to queries and helped over 200 people to register their details.”

5. Participation - get existing car-sharers to talk to potential members about their experiences or get people involved in an activity such as a video game carthemed competition.

Plans were also delivered to residential areas to help overcome barriers to employment and it is hoped the project will have success within Job Centres.

To find out more about this project and how myPTP can help your scheme, please click here.

Make the most of Liftshare’s Communications Whether you’re running a launch, a new competition or simply wish to shout about your Liftshare scheme to the press we’re here to offer a hand. Our communications team are on hand to discuss your needs and help you write and distribute articles/ information to the local or wider media. For more information contact your Client Account Manager.

The event “ was a huge

success for promoting travel initiatives to our commuters and getting people signed up to Louisa - Liftshare Scheme Liftshare Manager - Jaguar Land Rover

35% rise in dedicated car parking for car-sharers at White Rose Office Park. L

eeds-based White Rose Office Park have teamed up with Leeds City Council to show their support in promoting sustainable methods of travel which has resulted in a 35% increase in liftshare car parking spaces. The park, which is home to 5,500 members of staff and businesses including HSBC, O2 and DePuy, launched their personal travel planning service at their ‘Driving in Adverse Weather Conditions’ event. A devoted on-site team discussed different travel options and offered a personal travel plan - a bespoke consultation demonstrating the various options the commuters have when travelling to work. Travel Co-ordinator for the team Christine Hamshere said that “Over the last few years the White Rose Office Park have been working hard to encourage staff to travel to work sustainably - by cycling, walking, catching public transport, and car-sharing. This benefits the individual employees, the businesses and the local community.” Environmental benefits include cutting carbon emissions, improving local air quality, reducing noise pollution and traffic congestion. Two eco-driving simulators and instructors allowed staff to practise driving in adverse weather conditions at the event. In addition, free screen wash and an allocated parking space was given to everyone who signed up to the liftshare scheme. White Rose Office Park is excellently located close to Cottingley Train Station and next door to a regional bus station in the White Rose Shopping Centre. They are dedicated to promoting sustainable means of travel, with regular bike and car checks free of charge to all staff at the park as well as an on-site running and bike club. As a result, the park have doubled the number of covered bike racks on-site, making a total of 120.

IKEA lined up for Green 15 As the leading furniture retailer in the world it’s no surprise IKEA are putting sustainability at the heart of their business. With a goal of complete energy independence by 2020, we will be talking to Joanna Yarrow - Country Sustainability Manager for UK and Ireland to understand what they’re up to and the initiatives in place to try and achieve it!

Our TED talk of choice This comes after Leeds City Council announced its ‘go:cycling’ project, funded with the £450,000 given from the Local Sustainable Transport Fund, to encourage adults to take up cycling through investing in new cycling routes and the development of cycle training through the Bike BUDi scheme. The three year project will allow the Council to work closely with Metro in developing further travel routes as well as helping them work effectively when promoting sustainable travel to schools and colleges in the area.

‘The happy secret to better work’ - AKA ‘The Happiness Advantage’ is a TED talk we watched recently in the office and thought we’d share with you. We believe that we should work to be happy, but could that be backwards? In this fast-moving and entertaining talk, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that actually happiness inspires productivity. Watch it here.

Time Out Ever considered a bike made from bamboo?

Apparently they’re becoming something of a trend. Some of the main features of their design include vibration damping, crash tolerance and the natural look of the bike. Check them out here.

And while we’re on two wheels, have you seen the invisible bicycle helmet that works like an airbag - pretty impressive if you ask us, but no need to take our word for it, watch the video here.

Our latest edition of Exhausted Liftshare’s latest edition of our sustainable business magazine is now live online here.

Whether you want to learn about taking a ‘digital detox’, find out more about the approach to the circular economy or find out how to increase an ‘opt-in’ rate by 400% - this issue is packed full of great takeaways on the pathway to sustainability. Enjoy!

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