Journey Spring 2023

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an alumni publication of Lifeline Children’s Services

issue no. 17 Spring 2023

Where Your Beginning Began

This adorable children’s book was written by the author before her adopted daughter came home. Join Kaynay the elephant as she explores where her beginning began!

Brave Love

Brave Love is a pro-adoption movement dedicated to changing the perception of adoption by acknowledging birth mothers for their brave decision.

Discipline That Connects With Your Child’s Heart

This book will help empower parents to confidently lead your child and connect with them in a more meaningful way.

Raising Worry Free Girls

This book teaches how parents can instill bravery and strength in their daughters.

Lifeline’s Online Learning Portal

Through Lifeline’s online courses, parents, caregivers, and churches will be empowered. For more information visit online-learning-experience.

Lifeline’s Continuing Education Units

Lifeline’s Continuing Education Units provide practical and biblically-based resources for support, respite, and continued encouragement. For more information, visit

Connected Families

A ministry that cares for, inspires, and equips parents to receive and pass on God’s grace and truth by imparting a biblical, memorable, and transformational framework for parenting. For more information, visit

Stand for Orphans Prayer Cards

These cards guide children to pray for vulnerable children and families in a practical way. You can purchase a set of prayer cards at

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A Letter from Herbie

Ministry to vulnerable women has been at the core of Lifeline’s ministry since our founding over 40 years ago in 1981. Serving, empowering, loving, and sharing the gospel with women mark the reason for Lifeline’s existence – you cannot effectively care for children without first addressing the needs of their moms. Although the scope of ministry has increased and expanded, our respect and care for women has never wavered. We serve women in various stages and circumstances of life, and we believe that each of them has been uniquely created by God for His good works.

Birth mothers, adoptive moms, foster moms, and women who guide and lead vulnerable children to the gospel— these women are all gifts of God. In the midst of societies that obscure the beauty of womanhood, we champion their God-given value. In cultures that belittle the dignity and purpose of womanhood, we affirm their God-given giftedness. All around us, we see how God is using women for His glory, and we celebrate them.

In this issue of Journey, please read about several women who are engaged in various Lifeline ministries and how God is using them for His purposes. You also will read about honoring children’s birth mothers, which is especially poignant around Mother’s Day.

We hope you enjoy this issue as a celebration of God’s creativity, beauty, goodness, and purpose through the women in your life. Pray with us as we continue to minister to vulnerable women and children daily so that they may hear the good news of God’s amazing love for them.

In Him,

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200 Missionary Ridge Birmingham, Alabama 35242 Phone: 205.967.0811



Jenny Riddle, Rachel Biddy, Ashley Newell


Memory Smith, Anna Conn, and Neisha Roberts


Journey is an alumni publication dedicated to our families who have been through the adoption or foster care process. This is a way to stay in touch with Lifeline’s ministry, to celebrate along with other families through milestones and stories, and to encourage your walk with Christ and the well-being of your family in the days ahead!


We love hearing from you! Send us what you would love to read about in the next issue of Journey to


This issue is dedicated to Lifeline’s alumni mothers, with the intention of highlighting the incredible value of women and mothers, the amazing way God has uniquely created them, and the way He uses them in moments big and small.


Katherine Wates is pictured on the cover with her daughter Birdie. Katherine is a teacher and a foster mother who is a determined and bold advocate. Jessica Gray Roberts is an international adoptive mother and the director of an ESL ministry. She is a grateful and adventurous person. Brennan Warren is a domestic adoptive mother who ministers through her musical talents. She is confident and joyful.

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Welcome Home BATTISE
Hong Kong


NAVEE WALKER In March, we celebrated her one-year anniversary of hearing with cochlear implants. She was born profoundly deaf. We also were able to transition her from Alabama School for the Deaf to public school this month. She is doing phenomenally well. All her friends have sign names and are learning to sign in the classroom. We are so pleased to see her progress.

FAITH PATTILLO We’re Jack, Cassie, Hunter, Issac, and Faith Pattillo. We brought Faith home from India in July 2022. On March 19, we finally got to celebrate a milestone we had been waiting on - we were not able to celebrate Faith’s birthdays as a whole family while we were matched, so it was an extra joyful celebration as we were all finally able to celebrate her turning 4 together.

ELIJAH VANOVERLOOP It has been a life-changing year for our Elijah. After sudden changes in his heart condition, Elijah submitted to major open-heart surgery with extensive repairs this last year. He was recently cleared of all post-operative limitations and given a clean bill of health. In his development, we will see him graduate from physical therapy after three and a half years this spring!

PRIYA LOWERY In October, we celebrated Priya being home for two years. We also recently celebrated the milestone of her being with us longer than she was without us, and in April we will celebrate her 2nd “hearing birthday” since receiving her cochlear implants.

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Lemonade stands are a rite of passage for kids. Suburban moms have been begged, at least a handful of times, by their kids to PLEASE let them do a lemonade stand. One hot summer day in May 2015, my three kids, ages 11, 9, and 6, at the time, implored me to allow them to conduct a lemonade stand. Reluctantly, I helped them gather the supplies to host our first lemonade stand. While at the local dog park selling lemonade and dog treats that day, the vision for Stand for Orphans came to life. Stand could be a way for kids to become involved in orphan care instead of leaving that work to adults. What started as three kids convincing their mom to sell lemonade on a hot summer day has turned into a movement of youth all over the country, taking a stand for orphans.

When we involve kids in ministry from a young age, it becomes part of their spiritual DNA, which will continue to grow and develop as they mature in their faith. In a social media crazed world, we must help our children fight back against a self-consumed society. What better way to help kids stop focusing on themselves than by serving others. Lemonade stands are usually conducted for the kids to make a little money for themselves. While there is nothing wrong with this, we put a spin on a simple idea to help kids embrace the idea of hosting a stand for the benefit of others.

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Serving others can also help kids find purpose. Sissy Goff, author of Raising Worry Free Girls, states that “brain activity from having a sense of purpose can help kids combat anxiety and stress, regulate anger, and ward off depression.” On their podcast titled Raising Boys and Girls, Sissy Goff and Dave Thomas comment, “We can share a sense of purpose as a family, doing something together to benefit someone else.” Yes! It’s as if they are describing Stand for Orphans.

The number of orphans in the world is vast and hard to comprehend. No one can do it all, but everyone can do something. Encouraging your kids to host their own lemonade stand is a great way to serve others because every dollar raised is used to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental needs of orphans. Use the time hosting a stand to discuss the orphan crisis and how we can all do our part to bring hope to the fatherless.

We’ve added options to increase the reach of this fundraiser including two varieties of T-shirts available for purchase. Additionally, we have several corporate sponsors including a local Chick-fil-A, Pelican’s SnoBalls, The Sweetest Booth cookie company, Lolly’s Crayons, and others. Please contact us to discuss ways your business can partner with us.

Many churches partner with us by including Stand as part of their VBS. It’s a fantastic way for kids to learn how they can become a part of the solution to the orphan crisis. Churches can show our Stand video to encourage kids to participate by selling baked goods, crafts, and lemonade. Last year our home church raised $5,000 for Stand during VBS! We need your church to partner with Stand!

Host a stand this summer at your home, church, or neighborhood park and, in the process, be a blessing to others.

Go to to download your free kit! Will you join us in taking a Stand for Orphans?


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Caleb, Emily, and Adelynn Newell hosting a stand at their home church in 2022.
The founding family, Caleb, Adelynn, and Emily Newell hosting their first stand in 2015.

Women don many hats throughout their daily lives, and the sheer overwhelming nature of trying to balance them all can often leave women feeling more like functional gears in a machine than the unique and purposefully created image-bearers they are. Women are more than the hats they wear; they are daughters of God, made purposefully and uniquely for His delight and His good work. No two are alike, nor did God intend for them to be. There is no set of ideals that can capture the fascinating personalities, characteristics, quirks, unique beauty, and purpose God has created in each woman. In celebration of this truth, read the following stories of three women God created and called.

Jessica Gray Roberts

Delighted, Grateful, Adventurous

Jessica Gray Roberts, who goes by Jess with her friends, has an easy, full smile and a contagious spirit of wonder when she talks about people. Jessica’s eyes and voice fill with marvel when she considers how God has created people who overcome; people who try, fail, and try again; and people who have been wounded but still smile. She explains that when she looks at people, “I try to see the spirit of what makes them do what they do.”

One may think that Jessica’s view of people would be founded on a life emphasized by overwhelmingly positive relationships and unfettered

happiness. On the contrary, her story is full of trauma and pain. But it is also a story of God’s intervention to use her unique personality and her experiences for His purpose.

As a child, Jessica always wanted to live overseas. God created her with a love for and fascination with the international world. She was always up for an adventure. After a childhood involving the trauma of abuse and neglect, Jessica would find her way into international adventures by marrying Yance Tell Gray, a soldier in the U.S. Army. With an impending deployment, the couple eloped in December 2003. Despite the challenges of

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military life, Jessica wanted to be an Army wife forever. She soaked up her identity as a soldier’s wife and allowed it to become the essence of who she was as a woman.

Jessica and Tell celebrated the birth of their daughter, Ava, in April 2007, while Tell cheered on Jessica via telephone from another deployment within Operation Iraqi Freedom. Five months later, on September 10, 2007, Tell was killed in a rollover accident following a mission in Baghdad, Iraq. Jessica was now alone, with her self-proclaimed identity “shattered.”

God pursued her in that grieving space. Jessica had grown up knowing about God and Christian ideas, but she describes her spiritual life prior to Tell’s death as “apatheist.” She knew some things about God but did not care enough to develop an ideology or to allow Jesus to impact her worldview. When faced with the intense pain and reality of death; however, Jessica’s mind exploded with questions, and her heart became receptive to God’s pursuit. She found a Bible in her house and awkwardly began looking up verses from sympathy cards, despite not knowing how.

During this time of searching, Jessica became acquainted with another soldier, Rhodes Roberts. Rhodes had known Tell and was in the same Army division in Iraq at the time of his death. Rhodes displayed incredible kindness in the way he lived his life. His character and strong faith in Christ made him a soft place to land throughout Jessica’s spiritual questions and struggles. Through his patient answers and the Spirit’s moving, her “eyes were opened to the reality of God,” and the process of her salvation took root and grew.

Jessica and Rhodes recognized a kindred spirit with one another and were married in 2009. Four years later, their daughter Elloree was born, and the family moved to Haiti a year later as part of their work with Vapor Ministries. Jessica was finally living internationally as she had dreamed, but circumstances brought them to Birmingham in 2015. With a desire to return to international ministry, Jessica sought out opportunities to serve others through the ESL program at The Church at Brook Hills. She volunteered her time in evening classes and was a constant gospel presence.

Early in 2018, Jessica entered international waters again as she and Rhodes brought home

a daughter, Leeona, from China. Jessica’s experience as an adoptive mom threw her ideas of motherhood into disarray. She remembers, “As a mom, before Leeona, I really thought I was winning at parenthood . . . Adoption has been the greatest reminder that if there is anything good in my children, it’s because of the grace of God.” Adoption opened Jessica’s eyes to the difficult realities of trauma, not only in addressing Leeona’s needs but in the need to address her own past. God led her to reach back and deal with the trauma of her childhood and the grief of loss. She is grateful because “God has not turned His face from me. I wouldn’t have been able to experience God yanking me back if we had the cookie-cutter experience” as a family and never experienced the need for utter dependence on Him.

Even while doing the hard work of addressing trauma and attaching to her new daughter, Jessica remained a faithful volunteer in the ESL ministry. Her desire for international service never wavered. In 2021, she was offered the Director position of the ESL ministry, which she humbly accepted. With two ministry locations in Birmingham now, approximately 170 students representing around 30 countries attend ESL classes. Jessica’s face lights up as she explains that internationals are her “favorite human beings on earth.” She is delighted by their cultures, journeys to different places, food, dress, music, and celebrations. But what fascinates her most is how Christ unifies everyone.

Although she still desires to live overseas one day, Jessica finds contentment in knowing that God knows her needs, loves her, and has purpose for her wherever He leads. God has created Jessica uniquely, with a heart that wants to serve others and to know them. She has a distinct gift for seeing others through a lens of amazement at God’s creativity, beauty, and delight. He is using all of Jessica’s life—her personality, her character, her experiences, her hardships, her desires, and her dependence on Him—for His purposes.

Although she often feels ill-equipped to do what God has called her to, Jessica is grateful for “what God has done in her life and how He has loved her.” He rescued her and filled her with a heart of thankfulness and delight. She delights in God, she delights in people, she delights in her family, she delights in running and exercising, and she delights in being used by God. She is a woman God uses.

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Brennan Warren

Confident, Fun, Energetic, Joyful

Working as a nurse in the intensive care unit during COVID, Brennan Warren became acquainted with the stark and lonely realities of death. Her experiences grew a desire in her heart to help people face the end of their lives in a “better” way. She wanted to help people die with dignity, comfort, and grace. So, Brennan left the ICU and became a hospice nurse.

As a result of her daily interactions with end-of-life and dying, one will not find Brennan watching dramas on television. Instead, she gravitates toward anything that will make her laugh. She seeks fun and enjoyment in the everyday aspects of life, as she leaves a trail of laughter and smiles wherever she goes. As she explains, “There’s not enough time to be all mad and serious. I like to try and have as much fun and light as I can.” Brennan lives in a way that not only assists people in dying better but in living better. She helps people see the beauty in being joyful, even in a world full of brokenness and death.

Brennan fits a lot of life in the hours she is given. In addition to being a nurse, she also teaches cycling and weight training classes at her gym. No doubt, her class attendees leave feeling healthier physically and emotionally through exercise and laughing.

Between caring for others, exercising, and being a mom, Brennan has no time for trendy fashion. She most often wears gym clothes or scrubs and goes makeup free. There are occasions when she accessorizes heavily—with her cello, which she has been playing since seventh grade. (In sixth grade, she chose the viola because she felt compassion for the instrument no one was choosing. She could not argue with her instant love of the cello, however, and switched the next year.) Brennan describes music as something that “takes me out of the heaviness of life.” She embraces contract opportunities to play formally for special occasions and churches. Through this avenue, she spreads joy through music to others

who are wearied by the noise of everyday life. Brennan especially delights in playing her cello outdoors, where her love for music and God’s creation intersect in a beautiful display of His creative nature.

Whether she is holding the hand of someone who is dying, sweating on a bike, or playing her cello at a wedding, Brennan is unafraid to be the lighthearted, on-the-go woman God created her to be. But no matter what adventures Brennan finds, she finds being a mom as “the most profound experience.” Brennan and her husband, Daniel, have two daughters: Afton, 6, and Ava, 2. In 2020, Brennan and Daniel were in the process of international adoption. As a result of changing circumstances, they decided to switch to the domestic program. Brennan dove into the new journey as she had with the rest of her life –with passion and fun. Brennan set a challenge of raising $10,000 for their adoption. If others helped her meet that goal, she promised to shave

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her head completely and donate it all to Wigs for Kids. Although a frequent donator of her hair, she had never shaved it fully, but donations reached beyond her goal. Brennan stuck to her promise and confidently sported her shaved head, appreciating the utmost ease of hair styling, or lack thereof.

Her hair would still be quite short when the Warrens met Ava in April 2021, eight days after her birth. Ava was born addicted to methamphetamines, and Brennan fought tenaciously to give her the best possible start in life. She explains that even though they don’t know what the future will look like for Ava, “God is going to help us through any issues related to that prenatal trauma.” Brennan is confident in who God is and His faithful presence through the mountains and valleys of life.

She is also confident in who God created her to be, and she is not too shy to say, “I’m awesome because I was created just how the Lord wanted me to be.” Though she doesn’t always feel like she fits in, and she wonders how she could possibly be responsible for raising children when she’s “disorganized and frazzled,” her family always encouraged her to be herself, and she is comfortable with who she is. One should not mistake Brennan’s confidence for pride or fun for

apathy. Quite the opposite, her confidence is rooted in believing God created her in His image, and she wants her daughters to hear the truth of their value in Him. In having fun and spreading joy, Brennan reflects God’s light to show creativity, beauty, and peace in a world marred by the heavy weight of sin.

God did, indeed, create Brennan in His image. And He created her uniquely to display His character, His beauty, and His unwavering faithfulness to a world that needs confidence in an unchanging God. She is a woman God uses.

Katherine Wates

Determined, Persistent, Advocate, Bold

When Katherine Wates sees a need, she describes herself as having “the can’t help its.” She explains, “I just have to do something.” A doer by nature, she is always willing to put her hands and feet to work. These personality traits developed even further when she spent time in Africa throughout her life. The church where she grew up was steeped in global missions. Katherine was able to spend summers in places like Kenya and Zimbabwe, where she experienced what life was like without running water, power, or motor transportation. She learned that “people’s lives are different, but they are not less or better.” She was entrenched in what it meant to serve others, even when their lives may look very different from her own. Through these journeys, her ability to empathize and love others was rooted deeply.

With a heart for missions and service in her community, Katherine pursued an education degree and desired to teach in a Title 1 school. Katherine delayed her formal teaching career after college, however, to spend a year in Uganda. There, she taught preschool and worked with single women within a family preservation ministry. The work there inspired her to consider how she could “transfer that ministry back home.” Foster care was the direction she felt God calling and equipping her, and she was “determined to do what God called.” Her decision to get involved with foster care influenced how she made life decisions, including whom she would marry. When she met Garrett, the man who would become her husband, they realized they had a heart for foster care together. After marrying in 2020, they completed their licensure and became foster parents in 2022.

The Wates have experienced four foster placements to date. Since becoming a foster mom, Katherine has recognized the unique way God has created her.

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Unafraid to speak up, “God has made me with the ability to advocate for others,” she explains. She loves to support and champion the parents of the kids in her care. Katherine admits that circumstances can be difficult, but her personality and life experiences encouraged her to never “give up but keep advocating for these babies” and their parents whenever possible and safe. She commits to loving them with everything she has for as long as she has the opportunity.

As a result of teaching at a Title 1 school and being a foster parent, Katherine has many opportunities to love people in a variety of ways. She recently saw a picture from a visitation between a child in her care and his mom. The visitation room was lacking in supplies, comfortable arrangements, and a calming aesthetic. With her determined personality, Katherine contacted her case worker and asked to help redo the visitation rooms. She is working with the social workers to complete the rooms and started an Amazon wish list so that others can join in serving foster families too.

In her classroom at school, Katherine recognizes that many of her young students need to know they are “loved, seen, and safe” with her. Through her life experiences, God has grown her heart for grace and empathy as well as a determination to love others, even when doing so isn’t easy.

Although Katherine claims that she is a “perfectly flawed and very, very average person living on a lot of grace,” she also admits that she is “not a run-of-the-mill person.” She takes unique paths in life, is quirky, is often outspoken, and is not afraid to say yes to what is difficult. People often describe her as “super” or “a saint,” but Katherine maintains, “There’s nothing super about me except that I was bold enough to say yes.”

As a foster mom and mom to a new biological daughter, Birdie, God allowed Katherine to develop confidence and truly understand

that although she may be flawed and in need of grace every day, “I’m exactly who God created me to be.” She knows that God has molded her into someone who sees needs around her and asks, “If not me, then who?” He has made her into an outspoken advocate who is not easily deterred from her goals. He has grown her into a woman who sees challenges as opportunities for God to work through her. He has created her to love tenaciously and empathize gracefully. He has created her for the work to which He has called her. She is a woman God uses.

These three women are a celebration of God’s creativity. He has crafted each one uniquely and placed them where they can flourish in who they are in Him. How has God gifted you? What experiences, characteristics, resources, or skills do you have that could be used for God’s purpose? If you are looking for opportunities to use your passions and unique gifts for God, explore and pray for God’s direction in how He can use you.

Spring 2023

child’s birth mother. Doing this hard work will provide an environment conducive for children to explore their own complex emotions. It’s important to speak with honesty, while also choosing to speak in an encouraging and positive manner towards a child’s birth mother.


The biggest limitation to honoring an adoptive or foster child’s birth mother is that sometimes her identity is unknown. The desires of the birth mother and the child could also limit their interactions. If there is contact, maintaining the level of openness that was agreed upon with the birth mother is vitally important. Even if there is no contact, parents can emphasize to their children that they can still love and honor their birth mother.


At Lifeline, we acknowledge the value of a birth mother’s life intentionally. We continue to be amazed at the opportunities given to our ministry to share the Lord’s love and grace with women who face unplanned pregnancies. We are also thankful for our adoptive and foster parents who partner with us in birth mother ministry and in bringing gospel hope to their lives.

Mother’s Day is a timely opportunity to recognize and thank all the mothers and motherly figures in the lives of children from adoption and foster care. We understand that mothers of children who have been adopted or fostered will always be a part of their children’s hearts and minds. Regardless of how long they have been apart from their children, they will always play a role in their children’s lives.

When considering how to honor birth mothers around Mother’s Day, several factors bear considering. Each relationship and situation is unique, but every adoptive and foster family has a similarly sacred opportunity to minister to a woman who is made in the image of God.


Mother’s Day can evoke complex emotions in birth mothers, adoptive and foster mothers, and children from adoption or foster care. Celebrating and acknowledging each birth mother with sensitivity honors them because it shows your child that you value their birth mother and her contribution to their life. Adoptive and foster parents would be wise to recognize their own feelings or existing biases towards their

Adoptive and foster parents who have a relationship with their child’s birth mother have a unique opportunity to pray specifically for her by name. Parents can include their children in prayer and teach them the magnitude of interceding for others in prayer. Together, families can pray for her safety, for her salvation, and that she continues to grow emotionally and spiritually. Families who do not have a relationship with their child’s birth mother can still engage in these prayers for her.


As Christ followers, we can acknowledge the truth that everyone on earth is a sinner in need of mercy and grace. We can also acknowledge the truth of the gospel and know that we can show birth mothers grace by honoring them because the Lord, in His kindness, has shown us grace first.

To continue to partner with us in our ministry and to reach more women in unexpected pregnancy, visit

Foster and adoptive families can utilize these activities to honor the birth mothers in their lives on Mother’s Day.

• Write a letter to her

• Draw a picture for her

• Make a meal in her honor

• Release a balloon or lantern in her honor

• Plan a special activity for the child and birth mother to go together

• Plant a tree or flowers to remember her

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ne truth has been abundantly evident throughout Allen Kajjubi’s life -- the Lord is a very present help to her. Quoting Psalm 46:1, she reflected on her life experiences, “One thing I can surely say is that God is the Father of the fatherless and a very present help when trouble strikes.”

Allen became a Christ follower at the age of nine years old. Both her mother and father died, and, “in the agony of despair, I cried out to the Lord... I felt an all-encompassing comfort and presence that I cannot describe.” For the first time in her life, the Lord’s presence became evident to her. Since that day, the Lord has been a help to her in every moment.

Evidence of the Lord’s provision over Allen’s life is apparent through her years of fruitful ministry. She is the manager of the sewing center at the Busega School for the Deaf and Blind in Busega, Uganda, and she leads a women’s group at King Jesus Church. She has been married to her husband, Pastor Raphael Kajjubi, for 19 years. Pastor Raphael is the Head Pastor of King Jesus Church. Together, they are “blessed with four daughters,” - Charity - 17, Tabitha - 16, Delight - 12, and Selah - 10.

Lifeline’s longstanding relationship with King Jesus Church led to opening the Busega School for the Deaf and Blind together in 2009. The sewing center opened in 2015, which helps support the Busega School and provides employment for women in the community. Later in 2023, King Jesus Church anticipates building a new physical location for the Busega School on the church property. This is a significant accomplishment for Lifeline’s friends and partners and a clear representation of how the Lord has been a constant help to the Kajjubi family.

In Uganda, children who are born with disabilities like deafness or blindness are often considered to be a curse. As a result, they live as outcasts from society. The Busega School for the Deaf and Blind goes against societal norms to welcome these children and provide them with an education, love, food, and care. Children who are deaf at the school learn to communicate through sign language, leading to some of them learning their own names for the first time.

The most impactful aspect of the Busega School is that children learn about the gospel and their value in Christ. They are shown their worth and identity in light of the gospel. Alongside the school, the local church plays an integral role in discipling believers. Lifeline’s partnership with King Jesus Church truly facilitates the

transformation of local communities in Uganda. Allen and Pastor Raphael maintain relationships with pastors throughout rural Uganda who share their desire to spread the gospel. (un)adopted partners with these local pastors to build relationships in their communities. Members of these churches are often learning sign language as a way to further break the stigma on people who are deaf and communicate with children. They are also forming relationships and leading women to the sewing center.

Allen starts her day getting her four girls ready for school, spending the early morning at the sewing center, and then joining the staff at the Busega School for morning devotion. Her role as Manager of the sewing center includes maintenance of the sewing machines, supervising the women who work there, maintaining a clean and safe work environment, and fellowshipping with the women in the Word and prayer.

Through the years, Allen’s ministry at the sewing center has impacted lives throughout the community. Over a decade ago, Diana, a single and “desperate” mother of two, came to the sewing center. Because of her work there, she is now able to pay for food for her children and take them to school. Diana also became a Christian, and, along with her children, she is a member of King Jesus Church. Stories like Diana’s are just one of many instances of people who were searching, and who now know the help of the Lord because of the impact of the local church on the community.

Allen and her family look forward to many more fruitful years of ministry because the Lord has continued to sustain their ministry. Her goal is to “grow this work to a place of sustainability.” The ministry appreciates donations because “we are predominantly sewing for impoverished schools in Busega... any help towards material garments for uniforms for many kids will be appreciated.”

Lifeline families can continue to pray that more women would come to the sewing center for employment and to learn their value through the gospel. They can pray that the Lord will continue to provide resources for building a permanent location for the sewing center and the Busega School for the Deaf and Blind on the campus of King Jesus Church.

Allen asked the Lord, “if He could become my Father,” after she was left alone and without earthly parents. Since that moment, He has shepherded her through this life on earth. Because she deeply knows the truth that God is her Father, she can spread it with assurance to others.

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Lifeline families can partner with the Kajjubi family in their ministry by financially supporting women who work at the center. Scan the QR code to designate a specific amount to the Sewing School:

• $20: A Bolt of Cloth

• $130: A Sewing Machine

• $150: Sponsor a Child for One Month

• $300: One Term of Training for a Deaf Student


(un)adopted’s Child Sponsorship Program is another opportunity to come along side Lifeline ministry partners who, like Allen and Raphael, are effectively taking the gospel to vulnerable children. A child sponsorship for the Busega School helps provide for the students’ food, education, textbooks, school supplies, and helps pay the salaries of the teachers and administration. Lifeline gratefully partners with three other ministries in two other countries through child sponsorship -- Developing Hope in Pakistan, STEPS Home in Chennai, India, and Hannah Krupa Ministries in Bangalore, India. Lifeline’s child sponsorship program is unique because every dollar goes directly to the ministry where each child lives. Scan the QR code to learn more.

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• Being outside

• Going to the park or playing

• Having one-on-one time with each daughter to talk without interruption or distraction


• Playing outside

• Chasing, crawling, and playing on floor

• Coloring

• Doing activities in which children know they are seen and loved


• Cooking together while conversing

• Dancing together

• Swimming


• Going on nature hikes

• Throwing rocks in the water

• Observing nature such as looking at caterpillars

• Going to a dog park


• Exploring new places serving together with Lifeline’s strategic partners around the world

• Playing card games and board games

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Stand for Orphans Kickoff

Summer 2023

Family Night at the Barons Regions Field

July 21, 2023

R(un) for One Dawson Memorial Baptist Church

September 09, 2023

Share the Story Banquet The Club

October 19, 2023






MAY 31

Families who apply for a full international adoption program are eligible for a Hope Adoption Fund Scholarship, starting at $1,000. Additional scholarships may also be available through the Hope Adoption Fund.


We want to hear your stories of recent international adoption! Send us your stories and celebrations using the QR code, and we will highlight some of them as an encouragement to others who are starting their adoption journey.


Abigail Stuart

Adam and Stephanie Lynn

Alberto Dopico

Alec Rogers

Alexander Grimes

Allison and Nathan EuDaly

Allison Christopher

Amanda Reyes

Amelia Echols Strauss

Amy and Alan Botkin

Amy and Jeremy Bettis

Amy Kellogg

Amy Platt

Amy Spear

Andy Blanks

Anthony and Cristy Humphries

Anton Korotchuk

Barry and Lea Anne Parker

Beau Burton

Becki Stacks

Ben and Michelle Botos

Benjamin and Cherie Salisbury

Benjamin Grifenhagen

Bill and Theresa Hamilton

Brad Frizzell

Brad Steele

Bradley and Vicki Wilson

Brandon & Amanda Hunt

Brandon Pehrson

Brent Griffin

Brittany Tuggle

Bryan and Ashley Johnson

Bryan Guenther

Cagney and Ellie Butler

Cailyn Thompson

Caleb and Jackie Shives

Calley Carson

Calvin and Kim Turnipseed

Cameron and Jamie Clayton

Carlton and Brenda Nell

Catherine Ratcliffe

Catherine Roy

Chad and Lauren Haun

Charles and Dana Rossi

Charlie and Holly Taylor

Charlotte Bland

Chelsea MacCaughelty

Christa and Patrick Webb

Christian Poynter

Christopher and Heidi Tuggy

Clay & Jessica Harbin

Clayton and Arrington Collie

Cleon and Damaris Rogers

Clifton & Catharine Willms

Clifton Springs

Clyde Eddie Powers

Colin LeCroy

Collin and Lauren Hansen

Connie Minish

Corey and Ruthie Braun

Courtney Kendrick

Thank You to Our Vessels of Hope

Craig and Debra Hoosier

Curtis and Kati Wallace

Daniel and Christy Jacobsen

Daniel and Tahlia Norton

Danny Michael

Darren Gore

David and Allie Elkin

David and Karen Manner

David and Lee Ann Poland

David and Shirley Larson

David Nelson

David Poole

David Zomeren

Davis and Lynn Thomason

Dawn Sawyer

Deanna Newman

Deborah and Tyrieke Nelson Morton

Debra Tjeerdsma

Deede Gable

Derek and Heather Melson

Derek and Leslie Irons

Dianne Davis

Dixie DeRosia

Donald Steedman

Donnie Edwards

Donny and Sharon Donald

Dovie and Othel Davis

Dr Martin vanCleeff

Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Johnson

Dr. Luther Wolff III

Dr. Michael and Lois Temple

Dr. Samuel and Beth Chang

Dr. Stacy and Andrea Thaggard

Dustin and Carrie Jennings

Dustin Reynolds

Ed Dunnington

Ellison and Carter Glenn

Emily Foshee

Emily Revette

Emily Stuck

Eric and Kim Ward

Erin Hanley

Evan Yun

Faith Holtz

Fay Long

Frank and Amanda Brocato

Frank and Debbie Reilly

Fred and Michelle Ymker

Gary and Colleen Edwards

Gerald and Sally Friesen

Glen and Casey Elder

Greg and Mary Grace Heston

Greg and Rene Armbruster

Gregory and Sarah VanderWal

Gregory Franks

Hardy Air

Harry & Deborah Brown

Harry and Sarah Knight

Herbert and Susan Newell

Jacob Allen

James Helton

Jan Dicesare

Jason and Sol Greene

Jason Davis

Jason Eck

Jason Farley

Jayme Yates

Jeanne Spradling

Jeffrey and Lacramioara Evans

Jennifer and Ryan Kelly

Jenny and Justin Green

Jenny Wilson

Jeremiah and Ashley Bell

Jeremiah Coleman

Jeremy and Tinyke Cooper

Jeremy Koziol

Jerry C. Smith Sr.

Jessica Dean

Jillian Jernigan

Jim and Anne Davis

Jo Ann Mains

Joann King

Joanne Braum

Joby and Sommer Blackburn

Jody Brannon

Jody MacCaughelty

John and Lori Pitner

John C. Martin

John Francis Lawler

John Jones

John R Helton

John Steakley

Jon and Natalie Gresh

Jonathan and Amy Griffith

Jonathan Arnold

Jonathan Garrett

Jonathan Henderson

Jonathan Pederson

Jordan Huffstetler

Josh and Amy Preskitt

Josh and Staci Caldwell

Judith Williamson

Justin Corbett

Justin and Emily Anne Dean

Kasey Belva

Kathryn and Chris Johnson

Kathryn and Thomas Petersen

Katie LeFriec

Katrina Urbano

Keithann Short

Kelly and Graham Thurber

Ken and Laura Difatta

Kendra Duran

Kendra Johnston

Kevin and Ansley Gwyn

Kevin Bismack

Kirsten and Teagan Nusser

Kyle and Katie McCorison

Kyle Clifton

Kyle Robert Beshears

Laken McCurdy

Lanny Norris

Larry Taunton

Laura Lynn and Andrew Stubbs

Laura Pryor

Lawrence and Madelyn Vaughan

Leesa Zimmermann

Les and Kelli Wright

Leslie Graham

Lilya Santora

Lindsey Gerke

Lindsey Nelson

Lloyd and Linda Harder

Louis Dugas

Lynsey Tibbs

Madison and Isaac Butler

Maggie Whitaker

Makyna Hart

Malena Smotherman

Mallie and Will Plonk

Mark and Cathy Limmer

Mark and Lisa Bond

Mark and Terri Brashier

Mark Downing

Martha Copley

Matt and Kara Wolthuizen

Matthew & Brenda Reed

Matthew and Emily Hinshaw

Matthew and Rebecca Stalnaker

McKenna Stewart

Megan Carson

Mel Mathisen

Michael and Amy Catania

Michael and Carolyn Krisko

Michael and Mia Abrams

Michael and Stephanie Mann

Michael Coady

Michael Lamphear

Michael Roth

Michelle Hardin

Mike and Brooke Gibson

Mike and Lindsay Murphy

Mitzi Thomas

Mona and Gurmeet Guraya

Mona Silvey

Mycah and Kyle Rhodes

Nanette and Scott Bickel

Nathan Winter

Padmarani Varadarajan

Parker and Mary Ellison

Pat Harris

Paul Cywinski

Paul and Leanne Rogers

Paul Dvorak

Philip Brown

Rachel Koether

Rachel and Steven Smith

Randy and Mary Catherine Toburen

Rebecca and Matthew Iveson

Rebecca and Michael Carpenter

Rebecca Evans

Rev. Matt Dye

Rhett and Martha Ann Sanders

Rhodes and Jessica Roberts

Rhonda Walters

Richard and Connie Kinney

Rita and Jeffrey Meyers

Rob Brock

Robert and Tatum Croft

Rodger H. Peterson

Ron and Constance Gates

Ronald Campbell

Roy and Patricia Williamson

Ryan and Hannah Grace Thorn

Ryan Farlow

Ryan Hunter Evans

Samuel and Maria Lopez

Samuel Luke Burleson

Scott and Dena Green

Scott and Shana Frame

Scott and Stephanie Underwood

Scott and Tara Watkins

Shane and Jessi Copeland

Shaun and Jennifer Morgan

Shauna Moore

Shelby Day

Stacy and Franklin Eaton

Stan Rainbolt

Stephanie Jones

Stephen and Morgan Taylor

Stephen and Sabrina Johnson

Stephen Littlejohn

Steve and Kim Miller

Steven King

Susan Brisendine

Suzy Phillips

Taylor and Lindsay Powell

Teresa Teasley

Terry and Lauren Marsh

Thomas and Amy Bosch

Tim Davis

Timothy Wickstrom

Tina and Tim Smith

Todd McFall

Todd Perkins

Tom and Laurie Chaplin

Tommy Turpin

Tonya Baker Nelson

Tracey Stuart

Trent Brown

Tucker and Morgan Burke

Vanessa Dollar

Vanessa Kynes

Wade Prunty

Wanda Barrett

Wayne Hutchinson

Wesley and Leslie Turner

Will Slappey IV

William and Dawn Azok

William and Kim Christenberry

William J. Farrar

William Mark & Kimberly Meadows

Zachary and Nicole Chryst

Zachary Sheehan

Lifeline Children’s Services, Inc., is an accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

200 Missionary Ridge

Birmingham, AL 35242


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