Journey Magazine January 2016

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January 2016

an alumni publication of Lifeline Children’s Services

Foster Care & Family Education David McConnell

A Lifeline Dad Engages in Foster Care through Equipping the Church

Birth Parent Ministry The Burns Family Love is a Multiplier

Get Creative

Red Velvet Cake Have Fun in the Kitchen with this Favorite Family Recipe

Mission Trip to Uganda Dasha Grace From Ukraine to Uganda

A letter from Herbie... Executive Director


remember my first day at Lifeline. I sat across the table from a staff of nine, and we would meet the challenges of the day. I knew the Lord had brought me here, but honestly I had no idea the treasures I would find over the years nor how much my heavenly Father would teach me about the picture of the gospel through this ministry. At that time, those challenges were walking with families through domestic adoption, with birthmothers through dark and challenging trials, and with families navigating our international programs of China, Ukraine, and Guatemala. Today these challenges span the globe through many countries and various paths the Lord has led us down in order to manifest the gospel to vulnerable children. Through Journey, Lifeline’s alumni publication, we aim to give you a glimpse of what we are privileged to be a part of each day. We have the astounding opportunity of watching the Lord call families across the ocean to bring a son or daughter to join their family, around the corner to mentor a mom or dad in crisis, across the city to care for a child in foster care, or across the globe to build a sewing center to help a teenage girl learn a trade. We watch those famililes not only be called to these things, but answer and follow through. These are life-changing journeys, with hills and valleys and mountains and deserts and springs along the way. We hear from many families that there is so much encouragment to be found in engaging with other families along the way and then keeping in touch with those families as their story continues to blossom. We also hear from families that desire to know how they can help children and families beyond their own. As a family that has allowed us to walk your journey with you, we pray this magazine will serve those purposes. We ask that you consider the ways you can give, serve and pray with us as we fulfill our mission as a ministry. We hope you will find this encouraging and informative, and that it reminds you that your journey is one shared with many others in the Lifeline Family. Welcome to the Journey! In Him,

Herbert M. Newell, IV President & Executive Director

What is Journey? Journey is an alumni publication dedicated to our families who have been through the adoption or foster care process. This is a way to stay in touch with Lifeline’s ministry, to celebrate along with other families as we include milestones and stories, and to encourage your walk with Christ and the well-being of your family in the days ahead!

What does it mean to be a Lifeline Alumni? We consider our families that have completed their home study in the midst of their adoption process or have been through the licensing process as a foster family, to be our alumni. As of January of 2016, you are one of more than 2,400 families that have walked through your process with us!

-------------------Meet our cover family! The Rhoades Family Adam, Heather, Julia, Sebastian, Elizabeth, Nikita, &Christian photography by: EB photography and artistry


Since 1981

In this Issue... Milestones progress & accomplishments From Lifeline families just like you!


Devotion by Jenny Riddle, Your community starts with the One who knows your heart and the heart of your child.


Adoption & Birth Parent Ministry The Burns Family shares the connnection with their daughters birth parents.


Foster Care & Family Education by David McConnell A Father educates and reaches birth parents with the gospel.


Highlight Story Dasha Grace From being adopted from Ukraine to caring for orphans in Uganda. Country Reunions


Snapshots from Hungary, China, & Costa Rica Reunions.


Giving Back: Alumni Family Spotlight The Stanley family tells How adoption has become a part of their journey.


Ashley Mac’s Red Vevlet Cake Recipe An adoptive mom shares her favorite family recipe.




Milestones Hudson Wood “This past weekend, we celebrated our son Hudson’s 2nd birthday. We adopted him 4 months ago from China. He is truly one of the most treasured gifts in our lives. We are so thankful for Lifeline and the incredible way you bring families together! Thank you for helping us bring our Hudson home! For his birthday, instead of gifts, people donated money towards Lifeline’s Foster Center in China.” Birmingham, Alabama

Akers Family Ryan and Kelly with their children Hudson, Rowan, and Hannah Ryan, celebrating Hudson and Rowan’s 10th Adoption Day since coming home from Ukraine!

New at Lifeline! • Child Sponsorship of children through our (un)adopted programs. To learn more, contact us at: • Launch of Guatemala (un)adopted program • Stand for Orphans-children creating stands to make a difference in the lives of other children. • Kids Camp in March • Opening offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee and New Mexico

Birmingham, Alabama

Letters to Lifeline

Lillian Firth This is Lillian Firth, adopted from Uganda, showing off her beautiful smile on her 18th birthday when she got her braces off!

We love hearing from you! Email your stories to:


LaGrange, Georgia

for a chance to be featured in our quarterly publication of Journey!




The Curtis Brothers

Justin Curtis, 9 years old

Dominic Curtis, 7 years old

These boys have been home 18 months from Costa Rica, and they are reading ABOVE grade level. They are also ABOVE grade level in math! They are fluent in English! Bogart, Georgia

James Merida “James Merida, adopted from Ukraine in 2009, began his freshman year of high school this fall. In September, he was commissioned in the JROTC where he is learning about responsibility, leadership, organization, listening skills, and other qualities that a leader needs to be effective in school and the work place. He tried out for and made the Raider team which competes regionally in physical exercises with other JROTC chapters. James has really enjoyed his transition into high school.� Raleigh, North Carolina

Journey January 2016




Two are Better than One by Jenny Riddle

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:7-12


s a wisdom writer, Solomon’s approach to Ecclesiastes is much different than other wisdom literature.

For example, Proverbs is a book that explains biblical principles as well as life principles that are generally true in life. In Ecclesiastes, however, Solomon admits that even when we follow the Lord, sometimes life seems like an exercise in vanity. At times, we may even bring that vanity upon ourselves. The verses immediately preceding this passage (4:7-8) describe one such instance. A man is working alone, acquiring riches for himself, and is never satisfied. The author then contrasts the man’s vain isolation with an illustration of why working and living with others is beneficial. Not only do people work better in community, they live better in community. In fact, the author implies, community helps to ensure survival. This principle is even continued in the New Testament teaching about the Body of Christ. Paul explained that each member of the local body of Christ has been gifted and skilled so that they can work together for God’s glory (1 Cor. 12). No member is less or more needed than another; their unified community rejoices, suffers, encourages, mourns, and works together. The need for community is true for all of us as we walk on this journey of adoption. Adoption is not a task that we can possibly do alone in a healthy way. When we attempt to travel this journey alone, our efforts can become exercises in vanity and jeopardize our sanity. We need community. Admittedly, adopting children requires that we do parenting differently—that we don’t allow others into our inner circle quickly or as easily. However, recruiting our community and allowing others to help us along the journey can look as simple as mowing the lawn or as vulnerable as seeking counseling. Allow others to help. Ask for help. When we walk together, we open the door for a more healthy family (and sanity). In his quest to consider God and human existence throughout Ecclesiastes, Solomon presented deep reflection upon what it means to live in a fallen world and the complexities of trusting God in a world in which we can neither predict our circumstances nor predict our God. But, we are not God, so we trust in Him because His wisdom and goodness exceeds ours beyond imagination. Adoption is a difficult journey. It exists because we live in a fallen world, and God has given us a way to care for those who are vulnerable. When we are building our community around us, sometimes the One who isn’t standing in our living room can be easy to forget. The book of Ecclesiastes is summarized by encouraging the reader to “Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecc. 12:13). In this journey of unknowns, difficulties, joys, and celebrations, dig into God and don’t let go, even when the only thing you know to do is trust Him; your community starts with the One who knows your heart and the heart of your child. Whether you are waiting or have been home for fifteen years, Lifeline is part of your community. Whether your focus is adopting or caring for orphans who are waiting for families, let us work together as we glorify the Lord in caring for the fatherless.


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The Burns family with Madison and Booker

Love is a Multiplier: Madison, Booker, Arabella, & The Burns Family From Christopher and Meredith Burns: Norcross, Georgia


e had discussed open adoption but certainly weren’t convinced that that was the path we wanted to take. What changed our minds and hearts was relationship-- we met Madison and Booker, Arabella’s birth parents, and we fell in love. We couldn’t imagine life for us or for our little girl without them. We certainly had fears, though! Fears play on insecurities, and I think the core of our fear was that Arabella would be “less” our daughter if her birthparents were still an integral part of her life. We feared that she would have less love to give us, because part of her affection would be directed to them. This is nonsense.”

Love is not a finite quantity-- it’s not a pizza, where the more pieces you cut the smaller your slice gets. Love is the opposite. It is a multiplier. The more

people who love and cherish Arabella, the more love there is for everyone. Of course, Madison and Booker will always have a cherished place in Arabella’s heart! They will regardless of whether we embrace that or try to repress it. By embracing it, we make the best choice for Arabella. But we are also blessed because now we have these dear friends. Now our family has expanded.

Journey January 2016



Adoption & Birth Parent Ministry

Again, intellectually we could have talked for hours about the pros and cons of open adoption, but our choice was actually made because of relationship. We are grateful that Madison and Booker had a constant advocate and support through their relationship with Tessa, their Lifeline counselor. We had been attracted to Lifeline early on because they talked about their focus on birth parents, but watching Tessa we saw how powerful this really is. She liked us, but she was not there for us. She truly had their best interests in mind throughout the process, and I know if they had felt they needed to make a different decision or move in a different direction she would have supported and backed them no matter what. It sounds strange to say, but we felt a lot of peace knowing that our interests and our desires weren’t Tessa’s main concern, that she could give all of her attention to Madison and Booker and what was best for them. We want Arabella to know about her birth parents’ incredible courage, sacrifice, and love. Every decision they have made has been selfless-- they have always asked what is best for Arabella and

acted based on that. They are two of the most remarkable people we know, and they love her fiercely. We will also talk about their love for music, their sense of humor, and how important it was to them that there would be a dog in the house. We’ll tell her how they love her brothers, too, and would FaceTime with them even when Arabella was taking a nap and couldn’t be there. But the amazing thing about our relationship with them is that we won’t just be telling Arabella this-- she’ll see it. She’ll experience it. She will sit with all four of us and know she is loved. And that will get messy, and there will be challenges…and that’s okay. That’s just the nature of relationship. We love Madison and Booker. We miss them when we haven’t seen them for a while. We text each other all the time just to stay in touch. They are family now, and we wouldn’t trade it. I think all four of us started this process asking what was best for this little girl, and that question has driven every decision we’ve made. And because we all have stayed focused on that, we’ve developed a layer of trust that is stronger than the doubts and fears that were so prevalent when we started this process.

“Love is not a finite quantity-- it’s not a pizza, where the more pieces you cut the smaller your slice gets. Love is the opposite. It is a multiplier. The more people who love and cherish Arabella, the more love there is for everyone.”


-Christopher & Meredith Burns

Foster Care & Family Education

In my office is a

Teaching Parents to Fight for Healing by David McConnell, Lifeline Dad & Families Count Volunteer Leader

picture of my dad holding the Father’s Day gift I presented him with when I was 12 years old-- a gold record that said “World’s Best Dad”. That is exactly how I felt about my father. To me, he was larger than life—my hero and my best friend. Even though I can only celebrate him in my memories today, there is still no one man who has ever influenced my life the way my dad did. His investment in me was so profound that


I am still learning from him today—through all he taught me and showed me including his achievements and his failures. And, I still consider him to be “the best”. I am a dad myself now – 5 times over – through birth and adoption, and now it is my turn to invest in my kids—to influence and teach them—by words and actions. It is I who will help shape their life and place my stamp on the people they are becoming. They learn

“We are reminded that the best dads are the ones who make it their goal to continually point to the Greatest Dad who is worthy of all of our praise.”

Red Border Magazine • Issue 285

Footer message Journey January 2016




Foster Care & Family Education

from me. They see how I handle peace and adversity, surplus and lack, accomplishments and failures. They experience my sin and watch to see how I will respond. I have never received my own gold record, but I pray I am working on one. In my pastoral ministry, I have counseled many young men and women through a variety of life trials. One thing that I have seen over and over is the unfathomable influence of a father, both good and bad. Without fail, those who struggle the most are the kids—now all grown up—who never had a dad or dad-figure to help mold and shape them in a positive direction. There is space in a child’s heart that can only be filled by the presence


of a father. When that figure is missing, the heart suffers along with all of the actions that flow from it. Last year my wife and I became a part of a new ministry of Lifeline known as Families Count. God has granted Lifeline the opportunity to share gospel-based parental training to families that are struggling to navigate the choppy waters of this fallen world.


For many, that has resulted in their children being in foster care, and they are taking steps to reunite with their children. For six weeks, we are given the opportunity to teach the core value of a family, to mentor these parents, and to lift high the name of Jesus. This is not a ministry of the perfect sharing wisdom with the imperfect. Rather, it is an opportunity for those who have experienced the transforming grace

David and Alyson with Jack, Anna, Addie Beth, Will and Josey

of God to shine the light of His majesty to those who are in the depths of darkness. I rejoice each time a parent walks into our class and sets their mind on the goal of bettering themselves for the sake of their children. I am so thankful that God is in the process of growing this ministry to teach parents to fight for the healing of their own hearts so that they may rightly shape the hearts of the ones in their care. Week by week, teaching practical wisdom and diving deep into the Word, we are reminded that the best dads are the ones who make it their goal to point continually to the Greatest Dad, who is worthy of all of our praise.



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Ud exeraessisi. MetueraNulla commy nim Story alit Highlight



Dasha Grace From orphan to caregiver


was born in Ukraine 21 years ago. When I was 4 years old, I was placed in an orphanage because my biological parents were not able to take care of me. I never felt hated or neglected by them. I just knew that when I was taken away it was for my good. At the orphanage my life wasn’t bad at all and I had great friends and good teachers who actually loved us. In 2005 I had the opportunity to go to America for the first time through the Hope for Orphans hosting program. We were all so amazed by everything here, especially how nice the people were. It was during this trip that I met my sweet mom, and all I

The Grace Family. Chris, Tina, Dasha, Austin, & Kirby

remember about that is that she gave me highlights in my hair! After a couple weeks of being here we had to go back. I remember crying and not wanting to go because I had so much fun and thought I would never have the opportunity to come back. After a few months of being back in Ukraine, I learned there was a family who was interested in adopting me. Although I didn’t remember meeting them, I was so excited to be a part of a family and have siblings! That is when Lifeline became involved in helping my family work through the

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Journey January 2016




Highlight Story

process of adoption from Ukraine. Jana Lombardo, Eastern Europe & Kyrgyzstan Program Coordinator, came alongside my parents and siblings and walked them through that process. She helped my family prepare for me coming home! While I was waiting for my family to come, they sent me many letters, pictures, snacks, and occasionally we got to speak on the phone. I got to know them while they were many many miles away from me and I was so excited to meet them. The whole process took so long and there were so many complications, but finally my new family got to come visit me. I was excited, but for the first time very scared because that meant I had to leave my friends and my “home” and move to a different country. I was 12 when I came to the United States. When I got here it was nothing like I expected; there were so many rules and regulations, and I didn’t like it. I fought and fought with my family, and I was very cruel and mean to them. I still have no idea why they didn’t throw me out, but they stuck with me and loved me no matter what. My family taught me what it truly meant to be a part of a family, how to trust and how to love and be loved. It wasn’t easy, but all of it was worth it. Many years later when I was 20 years old, my mom and I went on a mother-daughter trip with (un)adopted. Our church, The Church at Brook Hills partnered with Lifeline to go to Africa to share the gospel. When we got there, we quickly learned that these people knew more about the gospel than we did. Our purpose of the trip was to love on these precious people. We went to orphanages and told the kids that they are loved by their true Father and it was so great to see how happy they were. As a previous orphan I knew exactly how they felt and I knew that God chose me to go on this trip to love these kids


Dasha Grace in Uganda

extra hard and to show them that God loves them even more than I ever could. This trip was special for me and my mom because it brought us closer, and it showed me her serving side. I am currently a sophomore in college at The University of Alabama at Birmingham, and I had been struggling with figuring out the right career path for me. I knew that Lifeline was part of my adoption process and that Lifeline helped my mom and dad get me home. I decided to come to Lifeline to talk with Jana to gain a better understanding of what a social worker actually does. I came to realize this was a great direction for me as I also wanted to be involved in counseling, and I learned I could do many things with a social work degree. I volunteer once a week in the Eurasia department with Jana and do whatever they ask me to do! I am learning what social work is like and I have the privilege of learning about many children who are waiting for adoption. I am also learning how much a family has to go through in order to adopt a child and I am so thankful my family did this for me.



Country Reunions Many of our families who have adopted from the same country share a close bond with one another. We have seen this displayed through various reunions throughout the year!

Costa Rica Reunion Summer 2015

We had the most wonderful opportunity to have our Costa Rica team join us here in Birmingham this past September! Lifeline began this program in 2011 and has had the most amazing privilege to see our first 10 families come home with their children. Our Costa Rica team was able to come celebrate God’s provision with us and our sweet families. Some of our current Costa Rica Lifeline families were able to join us in the celebrations and to meet Yolanda, Rebeca, and Mirta too! We were so grateful to have our families and our team all come to celebrate how God is working in the lives of our families and these beautiful children.

Georgia Chinese New Year February 2015

We celebrated Chinese New Year with Lifeline families in 4 different cities: Birmingham, AL; Huntsville, AL; Atlanta, GA; and Topeka, KS. Each celebration was such a special time. At the Georgia Chinese New Year Celebration, it was truly amazing to look around and see the precious children that the Lord had placed into forever families. It was a wonderful time of fellowship with these incredible families that had each gone through the beautiful adoption journey.

Journey January 2016



Reunions & Resources


Check out these great resources we suggest to help you and your family through your adoption journey.

Hungary Reunion

September 2015

Our Hungary facilitator, George, and the children who were at our Hungary Reunion are pictured above. It was a really sweet night watching George interact with the children. He truly has a heart for them and everyone enjoyed spending time together!


This website is filled with many great resources (articles, videos, theory and research based information, as well as practical strategies) for parenting “children from hard places.� It is also based on the same work as the book The Connected Child, which is now required for all Lifeline adoptive families.

BOOKS The Out Of Sync Child

Birmingham Chinese New Year February 2015

At our Birmingham celebration, Lifeline moms and our China staff gathered. We were able to develop a relationship with the local Chinese Christian Church. This was such a blessing, as they decided to partner with us during our Lifeline Kids Camp! 13

by Carol Stock Kranowitz. This book includes many great activities for children with sensory processing disorder or who have sensory challenges. Wounded Children Healing Homes by Jayne Schooler, Betsy Keefer Smalley, and Timothy Callahan. This book addresses how children are impacted by trauma.

Giving Back

Giving Back:


Alumni Family Spotlight

The Stanley Family Collierville, Tennessee


doption has always been one of the ways we wanted to grow our family. We wondered in the beginning whether to adopt first or try to get pregnant. By God’s grace our family started biologically with a beautiful baby girl, Noah.

Hong Kong program.

We have a heart for Latin America (which is why we are currently pursuing adoption from the Dominican Republic), but we wanted to adopt a child younger than Noah, who at the time was only one. For this reason among Six months after Noah was born, others, it was beginning to look we began the adoption process like our adoption was going and we met our awesome social to take a lot longer than even worker Beth Stanley. Our the normal lengthy process. adoption journey is a little Hong Kong was a new program different than some because we at Lifeline with only about 12 ended up switching countries two children on the waiting child list. times. We went from Colombia, From those, several on the list to Peru, and finally landed in the fit the age range we desired.

That information led us to the Hong Kong program, and despite our own parameters, God had different plans for us there too. In July of 2013 we were presented with Esther’s file. We fell in love with her instantly and couldn’t say no to her simply because she was 8 months older than Noah. In February of 2014, we traveled to Hong Kong to welcome her into our family. God has taught us more than we could have ever imagined through the adoption process. He has taught us patience and how to have a heart for His

Footer message Journey January 2016



Giving Back

previous page: the Stanley family supporting their Mississippi State Bulldogs at a football game this fall.

“We love knowing that when we support Lifeline, we are helping other families just like us, as well as taking part in all that Lifeline is doing in so many countries through (un)adopted.”

children. And similar to biological parenting, He continues to reveal to us how sinful we are and how much we desperately need a Savior. We love Lifeline. We love the support they offered us before, during, and after our adoption process. For our sake and for Esther’s, we knew we wanted to stay involved in the adoption community, and Lifeline has made that easy. We had already made so many friends there and knew about the resources available in the post-adoption

department; it just made sense to stay plugged in. For us, visiting Lifeline is like visiting family. It is our joy to partner with Lifeline as they seek to find forever homes for the fatherless and minister to orphans. Our family could not have done this without the love and support of those closest to us. We love knowing that when we support Lifeline, we are helping other families just like us, as well as taking part in all that Lifeline is doing in so many countries through (un)adopted.

------------How can we plug in? Over the years, you’ve told us you want to help but sometimes wonder how you can! Here are some specific ways you can help over the next few months, and a heads-up on some things happening later this year:




Church Ambassadors: Our ministry works through churches to serve orphans and vulnerable children. One much needed way you can plug-in and serve is by reaching out to churches in your community! Our Church Ambassadors work with our staff to promote opportunities like VBS missions curriculum, Stand for Orphans, and Orphan Sunday. These efforts raise awareness of the need and call the body of Christ to reach orphans and vulnerable children. For more information on becoming a Church Ambassador, email Josh Caldwell at Family Connections: Our Lifeline family spans more than 30 years of adoption experience and with that comes wisdom from having walked this road! To know that a community of families that have faced similar challenges and are now on the other side can be so encouraging. If you are willing to support families that are newly home or who may be going through a challenging time we would love to connect you! You can help by emailing, being a listening ear, and praying. Please contact Regina Maiden on our post-adoption team at


How to Plug In






Kids Camp: In March 2016 we will welcome 14 children from Kunming and Yinchuan, China, through our orphanage partnerships. Help us show hospitality and be the hands and feet of Jesus to these precious children! The children will stay together in a home with translators and orphanage representatives. Volunteer, get your church connected, or help sponsor a child to come to camp! We will also host a camp in July 2016. For more information, email Sarah Temple at Stand for Orphans: We are thrilled that during our first summer, Stand for Orphans raised more than $40,000 through children and families that held lemonade and cookie stands and got creative to raise money for our ministry! Save the Date for summer 2016, as we take Stand for Orphans into our second year! For more information email Sarah Temple at Serve as a Family Mentor: Mentorship through our program called Families Count is a wonderful way to connect with a mom or dad who is searching for Hope in the midst of separation from their child(ren) or difficulty in their family. Our mentors share the love of Christ by being a listening ear and a source of encouragement to birth parents working toward preserving their families or reunifying with the children from whom they have been seperated. This program is currently in Birmingham and Kansas. Please contact Traci Newell on our fostering team at

Planned Giving: There are many ways to give continuing and sustainable gifts to Lifeline! If your family would like to explore the ways to give a planned gift, contact Kristin Whitehurst at Kristin.Whitehurst@, or at (205) 940-4717.

Journey January 2016


Red Velvet Cake Yield: 1 (9-inch) 2- or 3-layer cake

1 ½ cups sugar 1 ½ cups vegetable oil 2 large eggs 3 (1 oz) containers red gel icing color, such as Wilton 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 ½ cups all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons natural unsweetened cocoa powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup whole buttermilk 2 teaspoons distilled white vinegar 1 ½ teaspoons baking soda 1 recipe Cream Cheese Frosting (recipe follows)

The McMakin Family, an adoptive family through Lifeline & owner of Ashley Mac’s Cafe

1. Preheat oven to 350°. Spray 2 or 3 (9-inch) round cake pans with nonstick baking spray with flour. Line with parchment paper, and spray again. Set aside. 2. In a large bowl, combine sugar and oil, beating at medium speed with an electric mixer until well blended. Scrape down sides of bowl. Add eggs, beating on low speed. Add gel icing color and vanilla, beating until well blended. 3. In another bowl, sift together flour, cocoa, and salt. Add to oil mixture in 3 batches, alternately with buttermilk, beginning and ending with flour mixture. 4. In a small bowl, combine vinegar and baking soda, stirring to blend. Immediately add mixture to cake batter, beating at low speed to combine. (Caution: Do not combine vinegar and baking soda until just before you add to batter.) Divide batter evenly among prepared pans. 5. Bake until a wooden pick inserted in the center comes out clean, approximately 25 minutes. Let cool in pans for 10 minutes. Remove from pans, and let cool completely on a wire rack. 6. Spread Cream Cheese Frosting between layers and on top and sides of cake.

Cream Cheese Frosting

Yield: approximately 3 cups 2 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 1 cup unsalted butter, softened 3 cups confectioners’ sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1. In a large bowl, beat cream cheese at medium speed with an electric mixer until smooth. Add butter and beat until smooth. Slowly add confectioners’ sugar. Stir in vanilla

For more information, be sure to check out Ashley’s three Cafe’s, Catering, or Gourmet To Go on her website or call (205) 822-4142. Locations are in Birmingham, Alabama.


Donor Listings

Donor Listings September-November 2015 Alan and Dina Long Aliant Bank Amy Buckley Amy Springfield Andrew and Ashley McMakin Andrew and Samantha Byars Angie Rylands Barry and Lea Anne Parker B & H Contracting, Inc. Becky Snell Ben and Mary Rogers Ben and Shirley Bingham Benjamin Campbell BHD Interiors Bill and Kim Christenberry Bob and Laura Katherine Ashburner Brent and Renee Griffin Brian and Katy Morgan Brian and Lynn Beckett Brian and Marie Calhoun Briarwood Presbyterian Church Byars-Wright & Associates C.N. Bailey Calvary Baptist Republic Calvin Turipseed Cameron and Jamie Clayton Carlton Nell Carlton and Aimee Weathers Chad and Evie Stubbs Charles Jenkins Charlie and Susie Stewart Charlsie Hendon Chipper and Marsha Washburn Chris Cooper Chris and Janice Peterson Christian Alliance for Orphans Christin Zerega Church of the Highlands Cooper Farm Rodeo Covenant Classical School Craig and Connie Reeves Craig Stewart Cropwell Baptist Church, CrossPointe Church Curtis and Katie Wallace Dan Logan Daniel Brock Daniel Seale Dave and Johnna Wood David and Julie Clark David and Kelly Roy David and Leigh Ann Pruiksma David and Paula Stewart David Balik David Rainer Denny and Susan Ragland Denver Nolin Don and Ginny Harrison Don and Stephanie Battle Don Moore Donald Brent Dustin Jowers East Cooper Baptist Church Elizabeth Hicks EMEALS, Inc. Eric Fillebaum Eric Mann First Bible Church First Church of the Nazarene First Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church, Meridian, MS First United Methodist Frank Resso Franklin Eaton Gabby LLC Georga Thornley

George and Jennifer Files Glenn Lister Harvest Baptist Church Hawley and Associates, LLC Heath and Aimee Comer Herbie and Ashley Newell Hilton Logan Hoover Tactical Fire Arms Hugh and Morgan Cheek Jack Martin James and Aimee Weaver James and Beth Lloyd James and Sherri Foyt Jim and Betty Warren James and Kasie Caldwell James Culpepper James Likens James and Liz Wessel James Wohlers Jamie and Karla Thrasher Jeff and Susan Terch Jeffrey and Annette Martin Jennifer Wilson Jerod and Allison Sinclair Jim and Amy Watkins Joan Brothers Jody MacCaughelty Joe and Mikki Powell Joel and Robin Brown Joey and Kristin Whitehurst John and Donna Gaskins John and Hillary Patton John Crisp John Hamn Johnson Kreis Construction Jonathan Huff Jordan and Katherine Vaughn Josh and Whitney Reidinger Josh Huff Julie Jurotich Katelyns Fund Orphan Ministry Inc Katie Traylor Keith Krininger Ken and Kim Nolen Kerry Prickett Krisha Yanko Lake Murray Baptist Church Lakeside Baptist Church, Les and Kelli Wright LifeSong for Orphans Lisa Kelly M & R LLC Maddi Vaughn Margaret Rogers Mark’s Outdoors, Inc. Marty and Stephanie Vandernoot Mark and Mary Kay Pickering Mark and Lisa Bond Martin and Kelley Beavers Matt and Kathy Davis Matt and Mallory Carrington Matt and Shay Reed Matt Mason Matthew Hamlin Meadow Brook Baptist Church Melissa Jarrett Melissa Wise Merrill Lynch Merritt E. Cullum Micah and Jamie Steele Michael and Krystle Stanley Michael and Rita Barrett Michael and Lois Temple Mike and Sandy Whitten Mike Kolen Mitchell and Maggie Lewis MountainTop Community Church Nathan and Cheryl Ross Nathan and Stacie Berck



Nathan Herren Nathan Troost National Council for Adoption Neil’s Pharmacy, Inc. Network Data Solutions Northland Christian Church Patrick and Donna Davis Paul and Lea Anne Rogers Paul Barber Peter and Anna Barber Phillip Cunningham Positively Java, LLC Precision Grinding, Inc. Prier Construction, Inc. Publix Alabama, LLC Pure Barre Riverchase Quinn L. Stewart, III Rachel Shugart Rachel Steed Randy Uzzell Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. Richard and Connie Kinney Richard D. Spurlin Rick and Denise Morton Riverchase Baptist Church Riverchase United Methodist Riverlawn Christian Church Robert Gross Robert Grubb Robert H. Drum Robert Oguin Robins & Morton Rodney and Letty Algren Roger Gibson Roger Yanko Roy and Judy Gilbert Royal Automotive, Inc. Ryan Bixler Sarah Temple S.S. Nesbitt & Co. Sam and Mary Beth McClure Seacoast Christian Community Church, Inc. Sherry Starling Skin Diagnostics Group, P.C. Southern Dental, LLC Stacey Sprayberry Steve Adams Steve and Kim Miller Steven and Caroline Bobo T & G Professional Computing, Inc. Tal Askins Taylor Robinson The Church at Brook Hills The Church at Shelby Crossings The Summit Church Tim and Deanna Crist Tim and Emily Pennington Tim and Linda Flowers Timothy Gillespie Timothy Gochnauer Tracey Scholl Travis Van Vlack Trinity Presbyterian Church Turpin & Associates Virginia Mills Wesley James William and Christy Harmon William and Phyllis Hamm William J. Farrar William J. Slappey Zac Smith Zachary and Nichole Chryst

Lifeline Children’s Services, Inc., is an accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountablity. Journey January 2016


Lifeline Children’s Services 2104 Rocky Ridge Road Birmingham, Alabama 35216

We exist to equip the body of Christ

to manifest the gospel to vulnerable children.


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