Saving Lives through Organ Donation

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Exercise and Diversion Exercise is very important. Walk aerobically for 30 minutes each day with friends, if possible. It may help to have a “cause� to work for or to help others – this may give you a way to live this new life.

Reflection Take time for meditation, prayer, or reflection. Grief is an exhausting process emotionally and you will need to replenish yourself. Ask others what helped them in their time of grief. Do what feels healing to you and what connects you to the people and things you love.

Security Try to reduce or find help for financial or other stresses in your life. Allow yourself to be close to those you trust. Getting into routines helps. You may need to allow yourself to do things at your own pace. Make lists and set priorities. Many life insurance companies have a 90 day filing deadline, so you will want to start processes that are time sensitive.

Hope You may find hope and comfort from those who have experienced a similar loss. Knowing things that helped others and realizing that they have recovered with time will give you hope that sometime in the future your grief will be less raw and overwhelming

Caring Try to allow yourself to accept the expressions of caring from others even though they may be uneasy and awkward. Others are comforted when you allow them to help you. You may be surprised by the number of people who have experienced something similar. You are not as alone as you may think. Helping someone else who is also experiencing a loss may bring comfort to you both.


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